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Bible Speaks

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Everything posted by Bible Speaks

  1. How important is a Greeting? ???????? It tells a story that a man working at a meatpacking plant in Norway. One day, finishing your work schedule, was one of the refrigerators to inspect something, shut the door to the safe and got stuck in the refrigerator. He knocked hard on the door and started screaming, but no one listened. ???????? Most workers had already retired to their homes, and it was almost impossible to hear it for the thickness I had that door. ???????? He had five hours in the refrigerator on the verge of death. Suddenly the door opened. The security guard came and rescued him. After that, the guard asked: "Why is it that came open that door, being that is not part of your work routine?". He explained: "I've been in this business 35 years, hundreds of workers entering the plant each day, but he is the one who greets me in the morning and said goodbye to me in the evenings. The remaining workers treat me as if I was invisible. " "Today I said Hello! at the entrance, but never heard: you say; See you tomorrow!" So I was worried and came to look for you! ???????? Jesus asked, "If you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing do? Do not do the same thing also the people of the nations "(Matt. 5:47). ???????? Regarding the importance of greeting, the consultant Donald Weiss wrote: "Nobody likes him that others pass by without even looking at it. There really is no excuse to appease those who have achieved overlooked. The solution is simple: greet each other and talk to them. "Indeed, if we are careful not cold shoulder or indifference to those around us, we will get good results. – Contributed ?
  2. @Arauna Yes are we not thankful? Yet, we see the earth ? ready to be destroyed and the wickedness beyond imagination! As Michael ousted them from Heaven it says "woe for the earth"! Soon Gods King Our Lord Christ Jesus will bring to nothing all government power and authority. Revelation 12 tells us about that war in Heaven. At least it also tells us he has a "short period of time." Thank you for your encouragement. ?????????
  3. A banner from the Korean brothers at the Seattle Convention. The bottom of the banner reads “Don’t Give Up” in Korean. Notice it says "Love from our Brothers in Prison." They pray for us! How touching as we pray for them! ???????
  4. Charles Taze Russell (February 16, 1852 – October 31, 1916), or Pastor Russell, was a prominent early 20th century Christian restorationist minister from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, and founder of what is now known as the Bible Student movement, Jehovah's Witnesses are known. ?????????
  5. #Jw sermon in a public place in Switzerland Public witnessing in Switzerland No "thorns in the flesh" here! Are we not "Happy to talk about Jehovah?" ???
  6. “Of Whom Shall I Be in Dread?” “Though against me war should rise, even then I shall be trusting.”—PS. 27:3. ????? David begins this psalm with the words: “Jehovah is my light and my salvation. Of whom shall I be in fear? Jehovah is the stronghold of my life. Of whom shall I be in dread?” (Ps. 27:1) ????? While fear can exert a weakening influence, the feeling of dread is even more severe. But no underlying dread should agitate one who fears Jehovah. (1 Pet. 3:14) ????? When we make Jehovah our stronghold, we “will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity.” (Prov. 1:33; 3:25) Why so? ????? “JEHOVAH IS MY LIGHT AND MY SALVATION” David forcefully articulates his trust in Jehovah’s help by saying: “In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, even Jehovah himself would take me up.” (Ps. 27:10) ????? We may conclude from the events mentioned in 1 Samuel chapter 22 that David’s parents did not abandon him. However, many today have had to endure extreme rejection by their family. Yet, many thus forsaken have found help and protection in the warmth of the Christian congregation. ????? Jehovah has promised to help, protect, and deliver his people, as a group, physically and spiritually, and we trust in him. (Ps. 37:28; 91:1-3) The crowd that survive “the great tribulation” must indeed be great. (Rev. 7:9, 14) ????? Thus that crowd, as a group, will be shielded from extinction throughout the remainder of the last days. They will be supplied with everything they need to endure trials and to safeguard their relationship with Jehovah. And throughout the final phase of the great tribulation, Jehovah will protect his people. ????? “INSTRUCT ME, O JEHOVAH, IN YOUR WAY” Indeed, where would we be without our God-given hope and our appreciation for the things discussed in Psalm 27! May we, then, continue to pray confidently for strength and deliverance as we face the events leading up to Armageddon.—Read Psalm 27:14. ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2012524?q=ps+27%3A10&p=par
  7. The United States government publishes on its page his protest for the treatment of Jehovah's witnesses. Press ReleaseSpokesperson for Heather Nauert's departmentWashington DCJuly 19, 2017 The decision of the Russian Supreme Court this week against Jehovah's witnesses is the last of a disturbing trend of persecution of religious minorities in Russia. We urge the Russian authorities to lift the ban on the activities of Jehovah's witnesses in Russia, to reverse the closure of the administrative centre of Jehovah's witnesses, already releasing members of religious minorities who continue to be unjustly detained by the so-called "activities" Extremists. " In addition, we urge Russia to respect the right of everyone to exercise freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief. All religious minorities must be able to enjoy freedom of religion and assembly without interference, as guaranteed by the constitution of the Russian Federation. https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2017/07/272679.htm
  8. `Within the country of Russia we have exhausted all of the available appeals, but we are going to take the matter to the European court of human rights... Infact,within the next few days we will be applying for interim measures where the European court (if chooses) can attempt to block the the carrying out of the court decision`.... WATCH A SPECIAL SECTION OF JW BROADCASTING WHICH SHOWS HOW 20 BROTHERS FROM 18 DIFFERENT COUNTRIES TRAVELLED TO SUPPORT THE RUSSIAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS DURING THE APPEAL (Psalm 124:2-8) 2 “If Jehovah had not been with usWhen men rose up to attack us, 3 Then they would have swallowed us up aliveWhen their anger was burning against us. 4 Then the waters would have washed us away,The torrent would have swept over us. 5 The raging waters would have overwhelmed us. 6 May Jehovah be praised,For he has not given us as prey to their teeth. 7 We are like a bird that escapedFrom the hunter’s trap;The trap was broken,And we escaped. 8 Our help is in the name of Jehovah,The Maker of heaven and earth.” (if double reporting can't find the other, sorry!) https://tv.jw.org/#en/home
  9. 1914 Yeartext Back then they evidently called it a “Motto-text” Momentous year!
  10. "The great day of Jehovah is near." — Zeph. 1:14. Are You Ready? ??? ?????? A storm that threatens the very existence of the human race is approaching. It is a figurative “day of storm.” This “great day of Jehovah” will affect all mankind. However, we can find the refuge we need. (Zeph. 1:15-18) ????????? The day of Jehovah will break out with the destruction of all false religious systems on earth. As to how to find refuge, we can look for the answer in the history of God’s ancient people. The great day of Jehovah that struck Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E. was an indication of the judgment to come upon apostate Christendom in our time. Furthermore, the rest of “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion, will be destroyed. Thereafter, the remaining parts of Satan’s wicked system of things will be annihilated. Yet, God’s people as a group will survive because they are taking refuge in Jehovah. — Rev. 7:14; 18:2, 8; 19:19-21.
  11. "You must not go about following your hearts and your eyes."—Num. 15:39. ?????? Jehovah has profound insight into human nature. He well knows how easily our heart, or inner self, is seduced by what we take in through our eyes. ?????? The Bible thus warns us: “The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. Who can know it?” (Jer. 17:9) ?????? In our day, it is even easier for our treacherous heart to be seduced by our physical senses. We live in a world that is geared toward appealing to fleshly inclinations. ?????? Consider: If those around you at school, at the workplace, or in your community are dressing more and more provocatively, might you be affected? Might you be tempted to ‘follow your heart and eyes’ and be seduced by what you see? Then might you be tempted to lower your own standards by dressing in a similar manner?—Rom. 12:1, 2. ?????? w11 7/15 1:10, 11
  12. "We also entreat you not to accept the undeserved kindness of God and miss its purpose". — 2 Cor. 6:1. ???????? The purpose of God’s undeserved kindness is to ‘reconcile a world to himself’ by means of Christ. (2 Cor. 5:19) Do we appreciate that this is the time for us to apply ourselves even more zealously to sounding out the entreaty: “Become reconciled to God”? (2 Cor. 5:20) ???????? Our task is not simply to tell people that if they turn to God, he will help them with all their problems and they will feel better. Many are looking merely for thatwhen they go to church, and the churches are eager to cater to this desire. (2 Tim. 4:3, 4) That is not the goal of our ministry. The good news we preach is that Jehovah, out of his love, is willing to forgive trespasses by means of Christ. Thus, individuals can break free from alienation and become reconciled to God. (Rom. 5:10; 8:32) “The especially acceptable time,” however, is fast coming to a close. — 2 Cor. 6:2. Remember YOU ARE A MASTERPIECE HE CHOSE YOU! ????????
  13. Trust in Jehovah! Jehovah is the only True God who can be like him? ????? Whenever you are in need just pray to him. ?He`ll surely help you no matter how big the trouble, ?For he can make strong even the lowest and the feeble. ?No doubt the world in going deep in the evil, ?But people who trust in Jehovah can conquer any hassle. ?Servants of Jehovah have every reason to be joyful, ?Since he made known his people the truth so wonderful. ?So ask to Jehovah he will give you power, As you diligently study the magazine Awake and Watchtower. ?With Jahs holy spirit and help any problem you can cope, ?As his word is truth that gives you Joy strength and hope. ?Thus when Jehovah cares even for the bird in the sky, ?Then faithfully I’ll trust him. Worried why should be I? ?For just a little while longer the wicked one will be no more, ?And yes the meek ones will possess the earth forever. – Contributed S Dalvi.
  14. Beautiful Owl ? Swims to Safety! 15 "All eyes look hopefully to you;You give them their food in its season." 16 You open your hand And satisfy the desire of every living thing." New World Translation – Psalm 145:15, 16. #OurCreatorJehovahGod? #UniveralSovereign? #allcreaturesgreatandsmall? #LoyalLove❤️ #GodsKingdom? This is unbelievable! must Watch this Video ❗️ ? via @natgeo IMG_0646.MP4
  15. TARTARUS abyss, Sheol, and Hades differ from: it-2 1068 angels who sinned: it-2 492, 1068; nwt 1714; w09 1/1 12-13; w08 11/15 22;w91 3/15 31; w90 1/15 13; w90 4/15 14; pe 94-95 discussion: it-2 1068-1069 use in mythology: it-2 1068-1069; w91 3/15 31 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200275693
  16. TARTARUS (Tarʹta·rus). A prisonlike, abased condition into which God cast disobedient angels in Noah’s day. This word is found but once in the inspired Scriptures, at 2 Peter 2:4. The apostle writes: “God did not hold back from punishing the angels that sinned, but, by throwing them into Tartarus, delivered them to pits of dense darkness to be reserved for judgment.” The expression “throwing them into Tartarus” is from the Greek verb tar·ta·roʹo and so includes within itself the word “Tartarus.” A parallel text is found at Jude 6: “And the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day.” Showing when it was that these angels “forsook their own proper dwelling place,” Peter speaks of “the spirits in prison, who had once been disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in Noah’s days, while the ark was being constructed.” (1Pe 3:19, 20) This directly links the matter to the account at Genesis 6:1-4 concerning “the sons of the true God” who abandoned their heavenly abode to cohabit with women in pre-Flood times and produced children by them, such offspring being designated as Nephilim.—See NEPHILIM; SON(S) OF GOD. From these texts it is evident that Tartarus is a condition rather than a particular location, inasmuch as Peter, on the one hand, speaks of these disobedient spirits as being in “pits of dense darkness,” while Paul speaks of them as being in “heavenly places” from which they exercise a rule of darkness as wicked spirit forces. (2Pe 2:4; Eph 6:10-12) The dense darkness similarly is not literally a lack of light but results from their being cut off from illumination by God as renegades and outcasts from his family, with only a dark outlook as to their eternal destiny. Tartarus is, therefore, not the same as the Hebrew Sheol or the Greek Hades, both of which refer to the common earthly grave of mankind. This is evident from the fact that, while the apostle Peter shows that Jesus Christ preached to these “spirits in prison,” he also shows that Jesus did so, not during the three days while buried in Hades (Sheol), but after his resurrection out of Hades.—1Pe 3:18-20. Likewise the abased condition represented by Tartarus should not be confused with “the abyss” into which Satan and his demons are eventually to be cast for the thousand years of Christ’s rule. (Re 20:1-3) Apparently the disobedient angels were cast into Tartarus in “Noah’s days” (1Pe 3:20), but some 2,000 years later we find them entreating Jesus “not to order them to go away into the abyss.”—Lu 8:26-31; see ABYSS. The word “Tartarus” is also used in pre-Christian heathen mythologies. In Homer’s Iliad this mythological Tartarus is represented as an underground prison ‘as far below Hades as earth is below heaven.’ In it were imprisoned the lesser gods, Cronus and the other Titan spirits. As we have seen, the Tartarus of the Bible is not a place but a condition and, therefore, is not the same as this Tartarus of Greek mythology. However, it is worth noting that the mythological Tartarus was presented not as a place for humans but as a place for superhuman creatures. So, in that regard there is a similarity, since the Scriptural Tartarus is clearly not for the detention of human souls (compare Mt 11:23) but is only for wicked superhuman spirits who are rebels against God. The condition of utter debasement represented by Tartarus is a precursor of the abyssing that Satan and his demons are to experience prior to the start of the Thousand Year Reign of Christ. This, in turn, is to be followed after the end of the thousand years by their utter destruction in “the second death.”—Mt 25:41; Re 20:1-3, 7-10, 14. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200004329
  17. Topic Tartarus In the Christian Greek Scriptures, a prisonlike abased condition into which the disobedient angels of Noah’s day were cast. At 2 Peter 2:4, the use of the verb tar·ta·roʹo (to “cast into Tartarus”) does not signify that “the angels who sinned” were cast into the pagan mythological Tartarus (that is, an underground prison and place of darkness for the lesser gods). Rather, it indicates that they were abased by God from their heavenly place and privileges and were delivered over to a condition of deepest mental darkness respecting God’s bright purposes. Darkness also marks their own eventuality, which the Scriptures show is everlasting destruction along with their ruler, Satan the Devil. Therefore, Tartarus denotes the lowest condition of abasement for those rebellious angels. It is not the same as “the abyss” spoken of at Revelation 20:1-3. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/tl/r1/lp-e?q=tartarus
  18. (Revelation 6:1) ???????? 6 "And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures+ say with a voice like thunder: “Come!” Tap on Video Link IMG_0641.mp4
  19. Do You Have Fear Of What's Coming? Look how this young child believes in Jehovah without fear! ??????? A 3 year old Elsie from Bideford, UK is dressed as Joshua saying, “Sun, stand still”, from her favorite Bible story. ??? “Do Not Be Afraid or Be Terrified” ??? “Do not be afraid or be terrified. . . . Jehovah will be with you.”—2 CHRONICLES 20:17. ??⚔️??⚔️? God will back his people just as surely as he supported his typical nation in King Jehoshaphat’s day. We read: “Pay attention, all Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat! Here is what Jehovah has said to you, ‘Do not you be afraid or be terrified because of this large crowd; for the battle is not yours, but God’s. . . . You will not need to fight in this instance. Take your position, stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah in your behalf. O Judah and Jerusalem, do not be afraid or be terrified. Tomorrow go out against them, and Jehovah will be with you.’”—2 Chronicles 20:15-17. ????? The people of Judah were assured that they would have no need to fight. Likewise, when God’s people are attacked by Gog of Magog, they will refrain from taking up arms in self-defense. Rather, they will “stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah” in their behalf. Of course, standing still does not indicate complete inactivity, even as God’s people in the days of Jehoshaphat were not totally inactive. We read: “At once Jehoshaphat bowed low with his face to the earth, and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem themselves fell down before Jehovah to do obeisance to Jehovah. . . . Further, [Jehoshaphat] took counsel with the people and stationed singers to Jehovah and those offering praise in holy adornment as they went out ahead of the armed men, and saying: ‘Give praise to Jehovah, for to time indefinite is his loving-kindness.’” (2 Chronicles 20:18-21) Yes, even in the face of enemy attack, the people continued actively praising Jehovah. This sets the pattern for Jehovah’s Witnesses to follow when Gog launches his attack against them. ????? Until then—and even after Gog’s attack has begun—Jehovah’s Witnesses will continue in their support of God’s Kingdom. ????? As true Christians, we appreciate the need for maintaining Christian neutrality and are determined to do so. We want to hold on to the marvelous prospect of being able to “stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah.” The next article will strengthen our faith by making us aware of present-day events that are progressively giving further insight into the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2003403?q=stand+still&p=par#h=23
  20. Have you heard of Sir Issac Newton? Amazing information for us to see how he knew Truths in the Bible! ?Ⓜ️?Ⓜ️? The famous mathematician Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) also had a keen interest in the Bible. He understood that the holy ones will be raised to heavenly life and will rule invisibly with Christ. (Rev. 5:9, 10) As for the subjects of the Kingdom, he wrote: “The earth shall continue to be inhabited by mortals after the day of judgment and that not only for a 1000 years but even for ever.” ?Ⓜ️?Ⓜ️? Newton considered Christ’s presence to be centuries away. “One reason why Newton saw the Kingdom of God so far in the future was because he was profoundly pessimistic about the deep Trinitarian apostasy he saw around him,” said historian Stephen Snobelen. The good news was still veiled. And Newton saw no Christian movement that could preach it. He wrote: “These prophecies of Daniel and John [the latter recorded in the book of Revelation] should not be understood till the time of the end.” Newton explained: “‘Then,’ saith Daniel, ‘many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.’ For the Gospel must be preached in all nations before the great tribulation, and end of the world. The palm-bearing multitude, which come out of this great tribulation, cannot be innumerable out of all nations, unless they be made so by the preaching of the Gospel before it comes.”—Dan. 12:4; Matt. 24:14; Rev. 7:9, 10. ?Ⓜ️?Ⓜ️? Why did mankind’s hope remain obscure for most people in the days of Milton and Newton? In the days of Milton and Newton, to express ideas contrary to official doctrine of the church was dangerous. Therefore, much of their Bible scholarship remained unpublished until after their deaths. The Reformation of the 16th century failed to reform the teaching about inherent immortality, and mainstream Protestant churches continued to teach Augustine’s idea that the Millennium was past, not future. ?Ⓜ️?Ⓜ️? You may have read about the incident involving Sir Isaac Newton and a model of the solar system. Reportedly, a visiting atheist asked: “Who made it?” When Newton answered, “Nobody!” the atheist replied, “You must think I am a fool!” Newton is then said to have told the atheist that his puny imitation of the much grander solar system proves that there has to be a designer or maker. As appealing as this account may be, historical sources, as well as Newton scholars and biographers, cannot provide evidence that this conversation really occurred. Interestingly, the earliest references to this incident appeared in the early 1800’s using, not Newton’s name, but the name of German scholar Athanasius Kircher. ?Ⓜ️?Ⓜ️? NEWTON, SIR ISAAC account about model of solar system: yb11 12 belief in earthly paradise to come: w09 8/15 14 comments on— Bible: it-1 311; ba 14; g96 2/8 9; pr 13; Lmn 5 blood: it-1 345-346; g86 9/8 25 Christ’s return: g 4/08 8; jv 46 God’s existence: g92 3/22 10; g88 6/8 6 “great crowd” (Re 7:9): jv 160 preaching “good news of the kingdom” (Mt 24:14): w09 8/15 14; jv 160 time for understanding Daniel and Revelation: w09 8/15 14; jv 160 law of gravitation: g89 10/8 16-17 pursuits: w15 6/1 6 relationship with— scholar William Whiston: g 8/14 12; w94 3/15 26-27 scientist Robert Hooke: g 7/06 28 Trinity rejected by: jv 124 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200274091
  21. Do You Accept Jehovah’s Help? “Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid.”—HEBREWS 13:6. ??‍♀️???????‍♀️ IMAGINE that you are hiking along a mountain trail. You are not alone, though, for a guide has offered to accompany you, and he is the best guide there is. He has far more experience and stamina than you do, but he patiently walks near you. He notices that you stumble occasionally. Out of concern for your safety, he extends his hand to help you over a particularly dangerous spot. Would you refuse his help? Of course not! Your safety is at stake. ??‍♀️???????‍♀️ As Christians, we have a challenging path to follow. Must we walk that cramped road alone? (Matthew 7:14) No, the Bible shows that the best Guide we could ever find, Jehovah God, allows humans to walk with him. Does Jehovah help his servants as they walk? He says: “I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, the One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I myself will help you.’” (Isaiah 41:13) ??‍♀️???????‍♀️ Like the guide in our illustration, Jehovah kindly extends his helping hand and his friendship to those who seek to walk with him. Surely none of us would want to refuse his aid! Jehovah’s human servants have always been a source of help to one another. Has Jehovah changed? Not at all. No doubt each of us can think of instances in which we received just the help we needed at the right time from our fellow believers. For instance, can you recall some article in The Watchtower or Awake! that comforted you when you needed it or helped you to solve a problem or face a challenge to your faith? Jehovah brought you that help by means of “the faithful and discreet slave” assigned to provide “food at the proper time.” ??‍♀️???????‍♀️ Jehovah’s human servants have always been a source of help to one another. Has Jehovah changed? Not at all. No doubt each of us can think of instances in which we received just the help we needed at the right time from our fellow believers. For instance, can you recall some article in The Watchtower or Awake! that comforted you when you needed it or helped you to solve a problem or face a challenge to your faith? Jehovah brought you that help by means of “the faithful and discreet slave” assigned to provide “food at the proper time.” Is it not a pleasure to contemplate the ways in which Jehovah helps us? ??‍♀️???????‍♀️ Although we do not live at a time when Jehovah is performing spectacular miracles to carry out his purposes, we need not feel deprived. What truly matters is that Jehovah gives us all the help we need in order for us to remain faithful. And if we endure together in faith, we will live to see Jehovah’s most spectacular and glorious acts in all history! Let us be resolved to accept and make full use of Jehovah’s loving help. . (Heb 13:6) ??‍♀️???????‍♀️ https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2004924?q=accept+help&p=par#h=26
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