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Bible Speaks

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  1. With the excuse of meeting to eat or take the tea, the Russian brothers talk about Biblical Affairs.They love to talk about the organization's history, especially when Eleanor Roosevelt, mother of the American President, stood up in defense of witnesses when they were persecuted in North America. They are hopeful that on Monday 17, the court will speak in favour of them.
  2. Interior image of the largest chamber of the Moscow Kingdom Hall in Russia, closed by order of the government.The Hall will pass to the Russian state if the appeal filed by the witnesses on the 17th, fails against us.Seated, the brothers Eugene and Dmitry.
  3. The Eugene and Daniel Brothers, they embrace before going out to preach waiting to count on the protection of the Lord.The brother says that in Russia the image of witnesses has always been demonized. They used to be enemies of the people, sectarian, spies, and now the word of fashion is extremists.
  4. Our Russian brothers don't stop practicing the truth in their private lives.From left to right, Yuri, witness since 2007, his wife Alexandra, since 2006 and Irina, Alexandra's mother, since 2006, they make the prayer before eating.
  5. Our Russian sister, Veronica, witness since 2010 has already suffered an assault on religious grounds. The sister was preaching offering invitations.. I was with her husband. (Jose AG) While she was talking to a young boy at the door of her house, there came a drunk woman who started swearing in the name of God. The brothers immediately tried to leave, but the drunk kicked him in the butt and the sister flew down the stairs. The drunk ran down screaming "I caught one of the cult" and grabbed the sister's hair on the floor. The sister and her husband were working all the apartments but no one was helping them. The police arrived, the violent woman said that the sister had tried to break into her house to rob her. The sister thinks of leaving Russia because it's already seen that honest people, suddenly become violent against them. Many witnesses are asking for tourist visas to go to the assemblies of another country and they are being denied.
  6. Our Brave Russian brother Eugene is ready to touch the intercom and start his forbidden preaching. The brother laughs by telling us that when he started he was not willing to preach and now no one stops him in full pursuit. He never knows, when he gets out, if he comes home. May the Lord bless and protect these examples of modern faith. ??????
  7. Toque macaque Toque macaques are so named because of the whorl of hair on their head that resembles a type of hat. These Old World monkeys are unique to the island of Sri Lanka, where troops can be a common sight in some of the ancient temples. These troops have a strict social hierarchy. Inhabiting all types of forest, toque macaques can be as happy on the ground as they are in the trees and when foraging they stuff fruit and leaves into special cheek pouches to eat later. Although they are the smallest macaque species, their tails are one of the longest compared with body size. Did you know?Toque macaques are viewed as pests in Sri Lanka because they raid crops and rubbish dumps.
  8. WHAT DO ELEPHANTS DO FOR FUN? ??????? Elephants are the largest animals on Earth, and they love to engage in big fun. Elephants can live 60 to 70 years, and they develop deep and remarkably close bonds with their families. With a lifespan that long and close social ties, this means lots of time for fun and closeness. Just like people, elephants love to engage in good old-fashioned play. Mud Baths ????? Mud baths are an all-time favorite of elephants. They not only romp and play with their friends in mud baths, they also enjoy the cooling sensation and relief that mud provides from the very hot temperatures of Africa and Asia, their native homelands. Elephants in captivity also enjoy mud baths and can be seen giving their friends a helpful shove and rolling around to play in the mud. Socializing??? Elephants enjoy socializing with one another, as they are highly intelligent and social animals. Elephants are often seen caressing one another. They enjoy entwining trunks as if to say hello or offer a tender hug. Biologists believe that trunks may be used to greet other elephants because, through them, they can also smell the other elephant and find out more about them. Water Games????? Elephants appreciate cooling off in bodies of water and may enjoy a good romp in the water with their pals. Elephants are strong swimmers, so being in the water is not unfamiliar to them. In the water, they can enjoy cooling down while "wrestling" with their friends and members of their herd. An elephant's ears also work to cool their bodies down in the heat. Elephants can be seen flapping their ears -- this works as a built-in cooling mechanism. Football and Fun with Friends ??⚽️?? Elephants in captivity have often been seen playing with toys that are provided to them, such as soccer balls and large beach balls. They enjoy batting the ball around with their trunks. This can prove to be hours of fun. From a young age, elephant calves enjoy running around with their friends. Literally from their calfhoods, they start down the path of forming deep bonds that will last a lifetime. A baby elephant takes a splash in the cooling mud at Reteti Elephant Sanctuary (@r.e.s.c.u.e) in Northern Kenya. Elephants cover themselves in mud as a shield against the harsh sun and the rescued elephants being cared for at Reteti are instinctively teaching each other many of these useful skills Video by @amivitale Tap on Video link to watch! Enjoyable!! Thank you Jehovah God your Creation and Animals are Amazing! IMG_0289.MP4
  9. A female Toque Macaque and her baby share an intimate moment during the heat of the day in Yala National Park, Sri Lanka. ????? This species of macaque is endemic to Sri Lanka meaning it is found nowhere else. Despite being the smallest species of macaque, they have one of the longest tails compared to their body size! ????? Shot during a leopard assignment for @natgeo, @natgeowild and @stevewinterphoto. Video from Yala National Park! Tap on link for Video Enjoy! ??? IMG_0291.MP4
  10. Bermuda The organization publicly responds to the press The Christian name hopes that those who feel discouraged or lost will attend the free event and go with the hope of a brighter future. The theme of our 2017 convention is " do not give up ". it is based on the words of encouragement of the Apostle Paul, which are found in Galatians 6: 9. The Bible says: " let us not get tired of doing Good, because at the right time we shall reap if we do not surrender ". Attendees can expect three full days of practical instruction from the bible presented through talks, symposia, interviews [and] video segments, as well as a three-part drama. This varied form of presentation has a wide attraction, especially for those with children or who find it difficult to sit for long periods of time, as each individual part is not long-term. As a result, many attendees have commented that the sessions appear to be " flying " and that they felt " renewed " after. Since 2014, our conventions have made an increasing use of visual media as an educational tool, and this year is no exception. More video segments have been added and this will undoubtedly strengthen the spoken word and serve as memory help The objective of the convention do not give up is to convey the biblical message of hope in a better world under the government of the promised agreement of God, which will bring relief and true justice for all lovers of righteousness. I hope that everyone who attends will see why the quality of resistance is essential to meet the complex challenges of the world in which we live and how to preserve and maintain it daily. We trust that everyone will come out of our convention with a renewed sense of trust in the future. http://www.royalgazette.com/religion/article/20170715/message-of-hope http://mobile.royalgazette.com/religion/article/20170715/message-of-hope&template=mobileart
  11. 1. One of our Russian sisters who feeds spiritually with their tablet by not being able to go to meetings and not be able to have posts in their house. 2. Russian witnesses gather by families to take the tea.On the left brother Eugene, witness since 1994.To the right sister Marina (since 1994) and her daughter Kate (since 2003) Marina tells us that she remembers her mother painting Easter eggs. I'm looking for information in the Bible and he didn't see anything about Easter. Then came the witnesses preaching and taught us the truth about Easter. Learned the Truth! 3. A Russian sister continues to read the bible daily privately. ??????
  12. Do You LIve in Fear? - What Can Your Do About it? - Why is there Fear? - Does God Care? ~ YOU ARE NOT ALONE! ~ (Long but we need to Cope!) I am a Survivor! ???? (1 Peter 3:13-15) . . .Indeed, who is the man that will harm YOU if YOU become zealous for what is good? 14 But even if YOU should suffer for the sake of righteousness, YOU are happy. However, the object of their fear do not YOU fear, neither become agitated. 15 But sanctify the Christ as Lord in YOUR hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of YOU a reason for the hope in YOU, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect." ???? Why Do So Many Live in Fear? A CLIMATE of fear envelops mankind. It is an invisible but discernible mood, an atmosphere that affects nearly everyone, even though it often goes unnoticed. What has produced this atmosphere? What makes some people feel frightened when they leave the house? Why do many feel unsafe at work? Why do many fear for the safety of their children? What dangers make people fearful in their own home? Of course, there are numerous causes of fear, but we will consider four dangers that can affect people constantly—urban violence, sexual harassment, rape, and domestic violence. First, let us examine violence in cities. The subject is especially timely now because almost half of mankind live in urban areas. ???? You have Dangers in Cities The first cities were probably built for protection, but many people now see cities as danger zones. What was once seen as sheltering has become frightening. Crowded city centers provide ideal conditions for muggers, and in some cities, poor neighborhoods with few streetlights and few policemen are dangerous to enter.In many countries a vast gulf has developed between the living standards of the rich and the poor, resulting in simmering resentment. Hordes of people who feel deprived of basic needs have ransacked the exclusive neighborhoods of the elite. That hasn’t happened yet in some cities, but the situation seems like a ticking time bomb that is bound to explode—no one knows when. The threat of thieves and revolutionaries would seem enough, but there are other causes of anxiety adding to the climate of fear. ???? The Horror of Sexual Harassment For millions of women, whistles, obscene gestures, and lecherous stares are a daily nightmare. Says Asia Week: “Surveys reveal that one Japanese woman in four has been sexually assaulted in public, with 90% of the incidents taking place in trains. . . . Only 2% of victims take any action when mauled. Most cited fear of their molesters’ response as the main reason for their silence.” ???? Fear of Rape Women have more to fear than just the loss of their dignity. Sexual harassment sometimes implies a threat of rape. Understandably, rape is a crime that many women fear even more than murder. A woman may suddenly find herself alone in a place where she fears she may be raped. She may see a man she doesn’t know or doesn’t trust. Her heart races as she frantically tries to assess the situation. ‘What will he do? Where can I run? Should I scream?’ Frequent experiences like that exact a cumulative toll on women’s health. Many people choose not to live in an urban area or prefer not to visit cities because of such fears. ???? “The fear, the anxiety, the distress are all a daily part of urban life for many women,” says the book The Female Fear. “Women’s fear of rape is a sense that one must always be on guard, vigilant and alert, a feeling that causes a woman to tighten with anxiety if someone is walking too closely behind her, especially at night. It is . . . a feeling women are never totally free of.” ???? Fear of Violence at Home The private practice of beating wives into submission is a gross injustice carried out worldwide—and only recently recognized as a crime in many places. In India one report claimed that “at least 45 per cent of Indian women are slapped, kicked or beaten by their husbands.” ???? Spousal abuse is a serious global health hazard. Concerning women between the ages of 15 and 44 in the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation reports that more are injured by domestic violence than by car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. ???? Domestic violence is therefore much more serious than an occasional argument that develops into an exchange of slaps. Many women live in fear of injury and death at home. A national survey in Canada showed that a third of women who had suffered domestic violence had at some time feared for their lives. In the United States, two researchers concluded: “Home is the most dangerous place for women and frequently the site of cruelty and torture.” ???? Does Fear Affect the Way You Act? Living as we do with fear all around us, we may be unaware of how many of our daily decisions are governed by fear. How often does fear affect the way you act? ???? Has fear of violence led you or your family to avoid arriving home at night alone? Does fear affect your use of public transportation? Have the dangers of commuting affected what employment you take? Or has fear of fellow workers or fear of people you would have to deal with affected your choice of work? Has fear affected your social life or the entertainment you can enjoy? Perhaps fear of meeting unruly drunks and crowds has dissuaded you from going to certain sports events and concerts? Has fear affected what you do at school? For many parents, fear of their children becoming delinquents is a factor influencing their choice of schools, and fear certainly explains why many of them choose to pick up their children who could walk home or use public transportation. ???? Indeed, mankind lives in a climate of fear. But fear of violence has been with us for most of mankind’s history. Can we really expect anything different? Is freedom from fear just a dream? Or is there solid reason to expect a future in which no one will fear anything bad? ???? Common Now but Not Forever! ***? Will It Get Worse or Better? What does the near future hold as respects fear? Will fear keep on increasing, or will it be overcome? Let us again note what Jesus told his apostles. ??? He pointed to something that lies in the near future—great tribulation. Here are his words: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”—Matthew 24:29, 30. ??? (Matthew 24:29-30) 29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see the Son of man . . ." ??? So we can expect that the great tribulation will soon begin. Other Bible prophecies indicate that its first part will be a reprisal on false religion around the globe. Then will come the shocking developments just quoted, including celestial phenomena of some sort. What will be the effect on millions of people? ??? Well, consider a parallel account of Jesus’ reply, where we find amplified prophetic comments: “There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and its agitation, while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”—Luke 21:25, 26. ??? (Luke 21:25-26) 25 “Also, there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and [its] agitation, 26 while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken." ??? That lies ahead of us. But not all humans will then be in such fear as to make them become faint. On the contrary, Jesus said: “As these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near.”—Luke 21:28. ??? ** w95 10/15 pp. 7-8 Fear— ** g05 8/8 p. 4 Why Do So Many Live in Fear? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102005562?q=fear&p=parACCEPT ACCEPT A FREE BIBLE STUDY FROM JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES AND LEARN WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP YOUR FEARS TODAY! IT IS FREE AND YOU WILL BE HAPPIER! https://www.jw.org/en/free-bible-study/
  13. @TrueTomHarley I think if we get the gist of it, they "took no note!" Yes, we must "open our hearts and minds" to get the meanings. However we know those illustrations meant opening our hearts and our minds. The world was destroyed in Noah's day because Jehovah judged them by their wickedness. He reads hearts we don't. Today people are happy mostly with this wicked world ? but we know Jehovah will not destroy the wicked without searching all hearts. Soon like Noah's day it will be accomplished. May we open our hearts and minds to what Jesus taught. He simplified his words by illustrating just like the days of Noah. We must pray for strength and obedience to conquer this world like Our Lord Christ Jesus did. Thank you for your encouragement. ?????
  14. Jehovah's Name On A Vatican Statue - יהוה ??? WHERE IT IS FOUND TODAY BUT NOT TAUGHT TO THE PEOPLE - The Challenge of Knowing God by Name *** יהוה ??? Modern Attempts to Efface God’s Name Today, scholars are aware that Jehovah’s personal name appears some 7,000 times in the Bible. Thus, some widely used translations, such as the Catholic Jerusalem Bible, the Catholic La Biblia Latinoamérica in Spanish, and the popular Reina-Valera version, also in Spanish, freely use God’s personal name. Some translations render God’s name “Yahweh.” יהוה ??? Sadly, many churches that sponsor Bible translations pressure scholars into omitting God’s name from their translations of the Bible. For example, in a letter dated June 29, 2008, to presidents of Catholic bishops’ conferences, the Vatican stated: “In recent years the practice has crept in of pronouncing the God of Israel’s proper name.” The letter gives this pointed direction: “The name of God . . . is neither to be used or pronounced.” Furthermore, “for the translation of the Biblical text in modern languages, . . . the divine tetragrammaton is to be rendered by the equivalent of Adonai/Kyrios: ‘Lord.’” Clearly, this Vatican directive is aimed at eliminating the use of God’s name. יהוה ??? w10 7/1 p. 7 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2010484
  15. Don't Give Up! – 2017 – Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese Regional Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses, California Day One - "Let us not give up in doing what is fine." - Galatians 6:9 Mira Loma Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses California
  16. Pursuing Kindness in a Hostile World ? BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER! ????? “The desirable thing in earthling man is his loving-kindness.”—PROVERBS 19:22 ????? (Ephesians 4:32) . . .But become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave YOU." ????? DO YOU consider yourself to be a kind person? If so, living in today’s world can be trying. True, kindness is identified in the Bible as part of “the fruitage of the spirit,” but why is it so difficult to express kindness even in so-called Christian lands? (Galatians 5:22) ????? As we noted in the preceding article, the answer can in part be found in what the apostle John wrote—the whole world is in the control of an unkind spirit person, Satan the Devil. (1 John 5:19) Jesus Christ identified Satan as “the ruler of the world.” (John 14:30) Thus, this world tends to resemble its rebel ruler, whose attitude is characterized by vicious behavior.—Ephesians 2:2 ????? Our lives are affected adversely when others treat us in an unkind manner. The unkindness could be expressed by spiteful neighbors, unfriendly strangers, even friends and family members who may, at times, act thoughtlessly. The pressure of having contact with people who are rude and who shout and curse at one another often causes much dismay. Such lack of kindness by others could make us feel hostile ourselves, and we may consider returning unkindness for unkindness. That may even lead to spiritual or physical health problems.—Romans 12:17. ????? Stressful world conditions may also make it difficult for us to show kindness. For example, mankind in general feels stress because of threats and acts of terrorism, as well as the possible use of biological or nuclear weapons by various national groups. In addition, millions of people are impoverished, existing with minimal food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. Pursuing kindness becomes a challenge when the situation seems hopeless.—Ecclesiastes 7:7. ????? A person could easily conclude that showing kindness is hardly a priority and may even be a sign of weakness. He could feel exploited, especially when others ride roughshod over him. (Psalm 73:2-9) However, the Bible provides proper direction for us when it says: “An answer, when mild, turns away rage, but a word causing pain makes anger to come up.” (Proverbs 15:1) Mildness and kindness are two aspects of the fruitage of the spirit that are closely related and are effective when dealing with difficult and challenging circumstances. ????? Since displaying the fruitage of God’s holy spirit is so important to us as Christians, we do well to consider how we might show one of those qualities—kindness. Is it possible to pursue kindness in a hostile world? If so, what are some areas in which we can give evidence that we do not allow the influence of Satan to stifle our kindness, especially in stressful situations? Let us consider pursuing kindness in the family, in the workplace, at school, with our neighbors, in our ministry, and among fellow believers. ????? READ THIS VERY GOOD ARTICLE AT"; https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2004284?q=kindness&p=par
  17. “How great and wonderful Jehovah is! Not to long ago I had lost my mother, a year and a half after my father had died. While I was near my mother’s hospital bed I said a prayer to Jehovah asking him to send some brothers or sisters to help me cope with the situation because I was by myself. At this time I was inactive for about 8 years, not sure if Jehovah would hear my prayer. No more than 20 minutes later a group of my mom’s close friends, which were sisters from the Babylon congregation on Long Island, New York, walked in the door. I gave way to tears seeing that Jehovah still heard my prayer and seeing that Jehovah knew what I was going to ask for even before I asked it. My mom was in Mt Sinai hospital in Manhattan which would’ve taken at least an hour to get to. Seeing this brings to mind Ezekiel 34:16 "The stray I will bring back, the injured I will bandage, and the weak I will strengthen.” Jehovah, being the wonderful Shepherd he is, brought this little sheep back home. At my lmitate Jesus convention I was extended the privilege of being an attendant which I happily accepted. Only with Jehovah’s help and guidance am I being extended these beautiful privileges and blessings. - Psalms 106:1" – Contributed
  18. FEAR? - WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR; THE BIG WAVE? - ????? Natural Disasters—Why So Many? DISASTERS seem to be very much in the news. More people than ever before are the victims of one calamity or another. The Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, in Belgium, reports that in 2010 alone there were 373 disasters and that at least 296,000 people died as a result. ????? The number of reported disasters has also climbed noticeably over the past several decades. For example, between 1975 and 1999, well under 300 disasters were recorded each year. However, between 2000 and 2010, the average was close to 400 per year. Perhaps you are among those who wonder, ‘Why are there so many disasters now?’ ????? Although people often label such disasters as “acts of God,” this is really a misnomer. God is not behind the calamities that affect so many people today. Nevertheless, the Bible did foretell that there would be disasters in our time. For example, at Matthew 24:7, 8, we read Jesus’ words: “There will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.” Why did Jesus foretell these events, and what meaning do they have for us? ????? God’s Son, Jesus, was speaking in answer to the question posed to him: “What will be the sign . . . of the conclusion of the system of things?” (Matthew 24:3) He told of various things that would happen, including calamities like those mentioned above. He then went on to make this significant statement: “When you see these things occurring, know that the kingdom of God is near.” (Luke 21:31) Those natural disasters, therefore, have great significance for us. They point to a time of momentous changes just ahead. ????? Forces Contributing to Disasters Nevertheless, many people still ask, If God is not responsible for the disasters, who or what is? We can understand the answer only if we recognize an important truth mentioned in the Bible: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19) This verse reveals that it is not God who is behind the distressing conditions in the world, but in many cases, it is his enemy, “the wicked one”—otherwise referred to in the Bible as “the Devil.”—Revelation 12:9, 12. ????? Guided by his own self-serving objective, this enemy of God views people as disposable. Since he has the whole world under his control, he has promoted that same spirit among mankind. Indeed, the Bible points to this by foretelling that in “the last days,” people will be “lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty.” (2 Timothy 3:1, 2) Hence, it is no surprise that the Devil has created a global system that thrives on those and other ungodly traits. He encourages selfish and greedy exploitation that often puts people in harm’s way. ????? In what way does today’s greedy system promote disasters? A United Nations report on global disasters states: “Populations are too often being concentrated in risky areas such as flood plains. In addition, the destruction of forests and wetlands is harming the capacity of the environment to withstand hazards. Looming above all this is the threat of global climate change and rising sea levels as a result of increased greenhouse gas concentrations . . . caused by human activity.” Though much of this “human activity” is said to be for economic progress, it is in reality the work of the selfish and greedy spirit that permeates the world. ????? Consequently, many experts now recognize that indiscriminate human activity has intensified the devastating effects of the disasters that occur. In reality, humans have played into the Devil’s hands by supporting a system that exacerbates disasters. ????? We see, then, that many disasters are the result of careless human activity. Some disasters would not have been as devastating were it not for where they occurred. In many parts of the world, the effects of natural disasters have been greatly aggravated by the underhanded dealings of unscrupulous individuals or by the fact that masses of people have been forced to live in hazardous areas as a result of the economic or social inequalities inherent in the world today. Of course, some people suffer in disasters, not because of any particular person’s fault or negligence, but because “time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all.”—Ecclesiastes 9:11. ????? Whatever the reason, should you be the victim of a natural disaster, how can you cope? We will now take a look at what can be done to lessen the impact when calamities occur. ????? https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/wp20111201/why-so-many-natural-disasters/
  19. Jehovah loves all his Bears and Creation, only He can save the damages the Earth has come under because of man. He has promised a New Earth were Righteousness is to dwell. ????? (Psalm 36:6-10) . . .Your righteousness is like mountains of God; Your judicial decision is a vast watery deep. Man and beast you save, O Jehovah. 7 How precious your loving-kindness is, O God! And in the shadow of your wings the sons of men themselves take refuge. 8 They drink their fill of the fatness of your house; And of the torrent of your pleasures you cause them to drink. 9 For with you is the source of life; By light from you we can see light. 10 Continue your loving-kindness to those knowing you, And your righteousness to those upright in heart. . ." ????? (Psalm 37:6-7) . . .And he will certainly bring forth your righteousness as the light itself, And your justice as the midday. ד [Da′leth] 7 Keep silent before Jehovah And wait longingly for him. Do not show yourself heated up at anyone making his way successful, At the man carrying out [his] ideas." ????? (Psalm 37:10-11) . . .And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. 11 But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace." ????? Hence, the earth’s future is not hopeless. Plants and animals will be saved. Endangered species lists will be gone. Our air and water will be fresh again. Obedient humans will be there to enjoy it. Would you like to see that? You can. How? The Bible gives details on what to do. Why not make a systematic examination of the Bible to find out for yourself? Ask the publishers of this magazine to put you in touch with someone who can help you get started. Why pass up the opportunity to learn how you and your family could enjoy a pristine environment forever? ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102003843?q=animals+saved&p=par
  20. And by the way, there is no scripture that says that his wife or three sons and their wives were ever even counted as righteous. In fact, the Bible says it was Noah's righteousness that saved them, similar to how children of a Christian parent could be "saved," or unbelieving wives, or sisters whose only "service" at times must be the full-time raising of their family. (1 Timothy 2:15) 15 However, she will be kept safe through childbearing, provided she continues in faith and love and holiness along with soundness of mind. (1 Corinthians 7:14) 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified in relation to his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified in relation to the brother; otherwise, your children would be unclean, but now they are holy. @JW Insider Perhaps then however, when you looked ahead in history they didn't prove righteous. Children can also be raised and once the child rearing years are over they stand on their own. Sadly some go astray in the wrong direction. We are glad Jehovah saved righteous Noah and his children did bring on the earth their offspring. Yet, it was only through the seed that mankind would be released from sin and death forever. To me the many truly faithful ones in the Bible prove that when we prove our faith like many did, it will be counted to Him as Righteousness. We appreciate these accounts and knowledge that Jehovah is a just God and He only can read hearts. To me that is a wonderful God to worship!
  21. Song 88 - "Children Are a Trust From God" - SING TO JEHOVAH SING OUT JOYFULLY SONG 134 ??????????? (Psalm 127:3-5) 1. When a man becomes a father And a woman has a child of her own, They share a trust, they must remember, That is not theirs, not theirs alone. The gift they share is from Jehovah; Of life and love he is the one true Source. To parents he gives sure direction That they may follow the wisest course. (Chorus) 2. All the words God has commanded— They must always prove to be on your heart. These words you’ll speak to sons and daughters; This is your trust, this is your part. To them you’ll speak along your roadway, When you rise up and when you are at rest. In years to come, may they remember, May they be faithful, may they be blessed. (CHORUS) A sacred trust you have been given; A precious life is in your hands. You can bestow the greatest favor; Instruct your child in God’s commands. (See also Deut. 6:6, 7; Eph. 6:4; 1 Tim. 4:16.) ??????????????? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwxVySu7eEc&feature=related
  22. @James Thomas Rook Jr. @bruceq Does a good job! Watch how you see what he des for us! LIVE BLOG IS GOOD! JW NEWS is good! Have Faith.
  23. @JW Insider Is not the "proof in the pudding?" People watch they look, we keep building our way to gain that new world ?, some ask some don't want to know. We preach (as we have Jehovah's complete words) as Noah a "Preacher of Righteousness" had only Jehovah's commission to build and what would happen, he was not gaining souls, he was being obedient and knew Survival was essential. He had FAITH! I'm sure they wondered why he was building that structure as many photos show. He only could say why he was building it. A message Jehovah gave him. He obeyed, listened and did exactly as Jehovah requested. As it said in scripture, only Noah and his family survived the flood. Only 8 survivors that were Righteous in God's eyes. In Lot's case he asked Jehovah to save the Righteous if only they were 40,30,20,10? Well, gladly Jehovah listened though he ALREADY KNEW THERE WASN'T ANY! "Is not a "Just" God going to do what's right?" Of course! Yet, the whole world suffered destruction. So that tells us whatever Noah did we have God's own words. Obey, Listen, Act on Faith, and Be Blessed! Thank you for your encouragement! Jehovah bless, ? ????
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