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Bible Speaks

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Everything posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Trust in Jehovah Completely in Times of Distress ????? “God is for us a refuge and strength, a help that is readily to be found during distresses.”—PSALM 46:1 ????? IT IS one thing to claim that we trust in God. It is quite another to show it by our actions. For example, the phrase “In God We Trust” has long appeared on U.S. paper currency and coins.* In 1956, the U.S. Congress passed a law declaring that expression the national motto of the United States. Ironically, many people—not just in that land but throughout the world—put greater trust in money and material wealth than they do in God.—Luke 12:16-21 ????? As true Christians, we must do more than simply say that we trust in Jehovah. Just as “faith without works is dead,” so too any claim that we trust in God is meaningless unless we back it up by our actions. (James 2:26) ????? Let us now consider how we can take those three steps in times of distress. ????? When a Job Is Lost or Income Is Meager When Distressed by Health Problems When a Fleshly Weakness Persists ????? Read the answers here: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2003643?q=anxiety&p=par
  2. @James Thomas Rook Jr. I don't gamble anything! I have Jehovah's direction! I have no fear of the present or the future! Yes, I have no fantasies only a Paradise Earth ? with all the blessings I want! No gamble here! Whether wagering online, purchasing a lottery ticket, placing a sports bet, or gaming in a casino, gamblers often overlook the source of the prize they are vying to win. Gambling differs from a legitimate transaction or purchase in that the player wants to win money that other players lose.* “For every millionaire that is created from lottery winnings,” states Canada’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, “there are millions of others who have lost their money!” What Bible principles can help a Christian to understand God’s feelings about this? The last of the Ten Commandments given to Israel stated: “You must not desire your fellowman’s wife, nor his slave man nor his slave girl nor his bull nor his ass nor anything that belongs to your fellowman.” (Exodus 20:17) Desiring a fellow man’s things—his material possessions, wealth, and money—was a serious sin, listed along with desiring his wife. Centuries later, the apostle Paul repeated this command for Christians: “You must not covet.” (Romans 7:7) Might a Christian who seeks to win what another person loses be guilty of covetousness? “Whether they [most gamblers] admit it or not,” writes columnist J. Phillip Vogel, “before the action gets going they secretly dream of turning whatever stake they have—even if it’s only a few dollars—into a windfall.” Such gamblers dream of making it big or striking it rich in one easy stroke. This obviously is contrary to the Bible’s counsel that a Christian should “do hard work, doing with his hands what is good work, that he may have something to distribute to someone in need.” (Ephesians 4:28) And the apostle Paul specifically stated: “If anyone does not want to work, neither let him eat.” He added: “They should eat food they themselves earn.” (2 Thessalonians 3:10, 12) But might gambling be considered legitimate work? Although gambling can be an intense game, any money awarded has been won, not earned or obtained as a return for work done or services rendered. In gambling, money is wagered against the odds, with the outcome highly dependent on chance, and it is based on the hope that sooner or later things will turn out well. In short, a gambler seeks to get something for nothing. True Christians, on the other hand, are admonished to earn money by honest work. “With a man there is nothing better than that he should eat and indeed drink and cause his soul to see good because of his hard work,” wrote wise King Solomon. Then he added: “This is from the hand of the true God.” (Ecclesiastes 2:24) Yes, servants of God do not build their hope on fantasy or search for shortcuts but look to God for happiness and blessings.
  3. Do you know of any Coins with God's Name on them? I found two will look for more. Ancient Name for Jehovah יהוה i would love coin jewelry in these?
  4. @Daniel Berry Sr. Gambling can be on anything. I've seen gambling even on animals running or fighting each other, sadly!
  5. Complete Trust in Jehovah Inspires Confidence ??? “Jehovah himself will hear when I call to him.”—PS. 4:3. (Psalm 4:6, 7) . . ."Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Jehovah. You will certainly give a rejoicing in my heart." Find Peace Friends! We have so much to rejoice about! ??? David continues: “There are many saying: ‘Who will show us good?’ Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Jehovah.” (Ps. 4:6) ‘The light of Jehovah’s face’ signifies divine favor. (Ps. 89:15) ??? So when David prays: “Lift up the light of your face upon us,” he means ‘show us favor.’ Because we trust in Jehovah, we have his favor and great joy as we confidently do his will. ??? David then sings to Jehovah: “You will certainly give a rejoicing in my heart greater than in the time when their grain and their new wine have abounded.” (Ps. 4:7) ??? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2011368?q=ps+4%3A6%2C7&p=par
  6. "God is Love" ????? "We love, because he first loved us." (1 John 4:19) You will find that the more you learn about Jehovah, the more you can see how much he truly loves you. You will then be motivated to do all you can to show your love for him in return. (1 John 4:8-10, 19) ????? But how can you demonstrate that desire in your daily life? Why is obeying his moral standards in your best interests? And what will help you want to do God’s will along with us? Your Bible teacher will be pleased to explore the answers with you so that you and your family can “keep yourselves in God’s love, . . . with everlasting life in view.”—Jude 21. ????? The apostle John writes: “God is love.” (1Jo 4:8) He is the very personification of love, which is his dominant quality. The converse is not true, however, that ‘love (the abstract quality) is God.’ He reveals himself in the Bible as a Person and figuratively speaks of his “eyes,” “hands,” “heart,” “soul,” and so forth. He also has other attributes, among them justice, power, and wisdom. (De 32:4; Job 36:22; Re 7:12) ????? Moreover, he has the capacity to hate, a quality the very opposite of love. His love of righteousness requires his hatred of wickedness. (De 12:31; Pr 6:16) Love includes the feeling and expression of warm personal affection, which only a person can have, or which can be extended toward a person. ????? Certainly God’s Son Jesus Christ is not an abstract quality; he spoke of being with his Father, working with him, pleasing him, and hearing him, as well as of angels beholding the face of his Father, things impossible with a mere abstract quality.—Mt 10:32; 18:10; Joh 5:17; 6:46; 8:28, 29, 40; 17:5. ????? Evidence of his love. The evidence that Jehovah the Creator and God of the universe is love is abundant. This can be seen in the physical creation itself. With what remarkable care it has been made for the health, pleasure, and welfare of man! Man is made not just to exist but to enjoy eating, to delight in viewing the color and beauty of creation, to enjoy animals as well as the company of his fellowmen, and to find pleasure in the countless other delights of living. (Ps 139:14, 17, 18) ????? But Jehovah has displayed his love even more by making man in his image and likeness (Ge 1:26, 27), with the capacity for love and for spirituality, and by revealing himself to man through his Word and his holy spirit.—1Co 2:12, 13. ????? Jehovah’s love toward mankind is that of a Father toward his children. (Mt 5:45) He spares nothing that is for their good, no matter what it costs him; his love transcends anything that we can feel or express. (Eph 2:4-7; Isa 55:8; Ro 11:33) ????? His greatest manifestation of love, the most loving thing that a parent can do, he did for mankind. That was the giving of the life of his own faithful, only-begotten Son. (Joh 3:16) As the apostle John writes: “As for us, we love, because he first loved us.” (1Jo 4:19) He is, accordingly, the Source of love. John’s fellow apostle, Paul, writes: “For hardly will anyone die for a righteous man; indeed, for the good man, perhaps, someone even dares to die. But God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”—Ro 5:7, 8; 1Jo 4:10. ????? God’s sovereignty based on love. Jehovah glories in the fact that his sovereignty and the support of it by his creatures is based primarily on love. He desires only those who love his sovereignty because of his fine qualities and because it is righteous, who prefer his sovereignty to any other. (1Co 2:9) They choose to serve under his sovereignty rather than try to be independent—this because of their knowledge of him and of his love, justice, and wisdom, which they realize far surpasses their own. (Ps 84:10, 11) ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/sysl/r1/lp-e?url=/en/wol/sydp/r1/lp-e/{rsconf}/{library}/r1/lp-e/1200002781/18
  7. PRAISING GOD’S GLORIOUS NAME – SHARE THIS GLORY WITH THE ANGELS ABOVE! ????????? Prayer was well-prepared, and those Levites were humble and felt that the quality of their words could not fully express the praise Jehovah really deserves. Thus, the prayer starts with this modest appeal respecting God’s people: “Let them bless your glorious name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise.”—Neh. 9:5. ????????? “You are Jehovah alone,” the prayer continues, “you yourself have made the heavens, even the heaven of the heavens, and all their army, the earth and all that is upon it, the seas and all that is in them; and you are preserving all of them alive; and the army of the heavens are bowing down to you.” (Neh. 9:6) ????????? Yes, Jehovah God created the entire universe, made up of countless galaxies of stars. Equally marvelous, he created everything on our beautiful planet with its amazing ability to sustain an astonishing variety of life—life that keeps reproducing according to its kind. Witnessing all of this were the holy angels of God, who can also be described as “the army of the heavens.” (1 Ki. 22:19; Job 38:4, 7) ????????? Moreover, the angels humbly do God’s will by ministering to sinful humans “who are going to inherit salvation.” (Heb. 1:14) What a splendid example the angels set for us as we serve Jehovah unitedly like a well-trained army!—1 Cor. 14:33, 40. ????????? We need discipline from Jehovah in order to be fit to survive into his righteous new world. “What son is he that a father does not discipline?” asked the apostle Paul. (Heb. 12:7) We show that we accept God’s direction in our lives by faithfully enduring in his service and allowing his spirit to refine us. And if we commit a serious sin, we can be sure that Jehovah will forgive us if we are truly repentant and humbly accept discipline. ????????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2013766?q=neh+9%3A6&p=par#h=28
  8. 'O God, Send Out Your Light’ “Send out your light and your truth. May these themselves lead me.”—PSALM 43:3 ⭐️?????⭐️ JEHOVAH is very considerate in the way he makes his purposes known to his servants. Instead of revealing the truth all at once in one blinding flash of light, he enlightens us progressively. ⭐️?????⭐️ Our trek along life’s pathway might be compared to a walk that a hiker takes down a long trail. He starts out early in the morning and sees little. As the sun begins to rise slowly over the horizon, the hiker is able to distinguish a few features of his surroundings. The rest he sees in hazy outline. ⭐️?????⭐️ But as the sun continues its ascent, he can see farther and farther into the distance. So it is with the spiritual light that God provides. He allows us to discern a few things at a time. God’s Son, Jesus Christ, provided spiritual enlightenment in a similar manner. (Joshua 1:9) "Have I not commanded you? Be courageous and strong. Do not suffer shock or be terrified, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go.” ⭐️?????⭐️ Read the Bible at: jw.org
  9. Do Love Money? - Is Money Your Master or Your Servant? ??⚖️?? DO YOU suffer from money sickness syndrome? Reportedly, this condition afflicts a large percentage of the world’s population. What is it? ??⚖️?? “The love of money is the root of all evil.” (1 Timothy 6:10, King James Version) ??⚖️?? Some people have indeed developed a fondness for money and have devoted themselves to the accumulation of riches. Some have become slaves of money and have reaped tragic consequences. When managed properly, however, money can be a useful tool. The Bible acknowledges that “money solves a lot of problems.”—Ecclesiastes 10:19, (Holy Bible—Easy-to-Read Version) ??⚖️?? Although the Bible does not claim to be a financial handbook, it does contain practical advice that can help you to manage money wisely. The following five steps are commonly recommended by financial advisers, and they are consistent with principles recorded in the Bible long ago. ??⚖️?? What is your attitude toward money? How does the volatile nature of the world’s economy affect you? Is money your master or your servant? Perhaps you do not experience the symptoms of the so-called money sickness syndrome. Still, whether wealthy or poor, we are all vulnerable to the ill effects of money worries. Consider how adjustments in the way you handle your finances may bring you more peace of mind and a happier life. ??⚖️?? Money may be your master if . . . □ ?You avoid discussing finances because of the anxiety it causes □ ?Money is often the subject of family squabbles □ ?You spend compulsively □ ?You worry constantly about bills □ ?You are not sure how much you earn □ ?You are not sure how much you spend □ ?You are not sure how much you owe □ ?Your bills are often bigger than what you expect □ ?You often pay your bills late □ ?You are able to make only the minimum payment on credit card bills □ ?You pay your bills with money earmarked for other things □ ?You take on extra work just to pay bills □ ?You have taken out new loans to pay off old ones □ ?You use savings to pay routine bills □ ?You find it nearly impossible to get to the end of the month without running out of money □ ?You feel pressure to accumulate large sums of money □ ?You suffer physical and/or psychological symptoms resulting from money-related stress
  10. Why should you not miss a convention? ??????? Joy is a recurring experience among conventioners. A report on a large convention in 1946 noted: “It was a thrilling sight to observe the many thousands of witnesses comfortably accommodated, and even more joyous to listen as a large orchestra joined with the voices of the multitudes to make the stands ring with gladsome Kingdom songs of praise to Jehovah.” The report added: “The Volunteer Service Department registered workers from among the delegates to man all [the] departments, purely out of the joy of serving their fellow witnesses.” Have you too felt such excitement at district conventions or international conventions?—Ps. 110:3; Isa. 42:10-12. ??????? Certain things have changed in the way conventions are organized. For example, some of God’s people remember when conventions might last eight days! There were morning, afternoon, and evening sessions. Field service was a regular part of the program. A few parts began at nine in the morning, and there were often sessions until nine at night. Volunteers worked long and hard to prepare breakfast, lunch, and supper for attendees. Now the schedule provides for shorter convention days, and food preparation done by families and individuals ahead of time allows them to give more attention to the spiritual feeding program. ??????? Convention features that have long been part of the program are widely anticipated. Spiritual “food at the proper time,” giving us a better understanding of Bible prophecies and teachings, has come not only from discourses but also through new publications released at conventions. (Matt. 24:45) ??????? Such releases are often tools that help sincere individuals appreciate Scriptural truths. Stimulating Bible-based dramas encourage both young and old to examine their motives and guard against the pressures exerted by the world’s ungodly thinking. The baptism talk likewise offers all of us an opportunity to review our priorities in life and to experience the joy of seeing others symbolize their dedication to Jehovah. ??????? Yes, long a part of pure worship, conventions equip Jehovah’s joyful people to serve him appropriately in challenging times. Such gatherings provide spiritual stimulus, offer opportunities to meet new friends, help us to appreciate our worldwide association of brothers, and are a key means by which Jehovah blesses and cares for his people. ??????? Surely, each one of us will want to organize his affairs so as to attend and benefit from every session of each convention.—Prov. 10:22.
  11. Children Love ❤️ Jehovah! Caleb sets a good example! ???? – Visting Warwick Headquarters, Warwick, NY USA
  12. “This past weekend at the regional convention, I was able to fulfill a desire I’ve had since I was a little girl, to volunteer at a contribution box. It was such a fantastic experience and it helped me meet so many dear brothers and sisters I would usually be too shy to approach alone. I am so thankful to be apart of such a wonderful and loving organization.”
  13. @linda.mTells Us: 3rd day of our Don't Give Up Convention in Sheffield UK 8,546 in attendance
  14. Did you get the "Sense" if it? ?⚖️?⚖️? The Bible speaks of a person “lacking good sense” and of one who “acquires understanding.” (Proverbs 7:7) (Amos 5:15) ?⚖️?⚖️? Because of spiritual immaturity and inexperience in God’s service, someone “lacking good sense” may lack discernment and good judgment. However, “whoever acquires good sense” gives serious attention to the inner person by means of regular, prayerful study of God’s Word. And to the extent possible in his imperfect state, he harmonizes his thoughts, desires, emotions, and goals in life with what God approves. Thus he “loves himself,” or blesses himself, and “will find success.” Being imperfect, we all struggle to subdue fleshly desires and do what is right in God’s eyes. (Romans 7:21-25) ?⚖️?⚖️? Jehovah is aware of this, “remembering that we are dust.” (Psalm 103:14) Sometimes, though, a Christian may commit a serious sin. Is his situation hopeless? By no means! Granted, the wrongdoer may reap bitter fruitage, as did King David. Nevertheless, God is always “ready to forgive” those who are contrite and “openly confess” their sins. ?⚖️?⚖️? As Jehovah’s servants, do we personally appreciate what we have in the way of spiritual provisions and blessings? When we study the Bible and Christian publications and attend our meetings, assemblies, and conventions, we do indeed feel like crying out joyfully because of the good condition of the heart. We rejoice in the clear understanding that we have of God’s Word. Prayer and Bible study help us to have greater love for what is good. ?⚖️?⚖️? But it is just as important that we learn to hate what is bad. (Psalm 97:10) We can avoid selfish desires if we think about the problems they can cause us. (James 1:14, 15) ?⚖️?⚖️? We need to learn to hate what is bad and to love what is good. Then the things that Satan uses to try to trap us will not be attractive to us because we will hate them. ?⚖️?⚖️? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102008068?q=hate+what+is+bad&p=par
  15. DO YOU READ GOD'S WORD TO BENEFIT YOURSELF? ????? Regularly reading a portion of God’s Word allows its message to ‘exert power’ on us. (1 Peter 5:8)(Read Hebrews 4:12.) Such reading can mold our inner person and make us more pleasing to Jehovah. ????? Do you have a personal need to schedule more time to read the Bible and meditate on what it says? Becoming acquainted with the Bible involves more than being familiar with what it says. To become acquainted with the Word of God means to know what it says and to put that knowledge into practice. It is a real protection for a Christian to have perceptive powers that are properly trained to distinguish right from wrong in a world that is “past all moral sense.” (Eph. 4:19) ????? Maturity is also beneficial in that it strengthens our figurative heart and keeps us from being “carried away with various and strange teachings.” (Read Hebrews 13:9.) ????? When we strive to make spiritual progress, our mind stays focused on “the more important things.” (Phil. 1:9, 10) ????? We thus grow in our appreciation for God and for all the provisions he has made for our benefit. (Rom. 3:24) ????? A Christian who is “full-grown in powers of understanding” develops such gratitude and enjoys intimacy with Jehovah. Our attaining maturity requires that we train our perceptive powers. We do this by putting forth effort to get better acquainted with God’s Word. ????? To attain maturity, we must become well-acquainted with God’s word, his message to us. Since this message is contained in his Word, the Bible, we should be good students of the Scriptures and the publications of “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Matt. 24:45-47) ????? Absorbing God’s thinking in this way can help us to train our perceptive powers. Consider the example of a Christian named Orchid.* She says: “The reminder that has had the biggest effect on my life is the one about regular Bible reading. It took me about two years to finish the whole Bible, but it seemed that I was meeting my Creator for the first time. I learned about his ways, his likes and his dislikes, the degree of his power, and the depth of his wisdom. Reading the Bible daily has sustained me through some of the darkest moments of my life.” ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2009360?q=bible+a+protection&p=par#h=12
  16. Greetings from Assembly 2017, never give up, Commerzbank Arena Frankfurt, Germany!
  17. “You men are those leaving Jehovah, those forgetting my holy mountain, those setting in order a table for the god of Good Luck and those filling up mixed wine for the god of Destiny.” (Isaiah 65:11) ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️ Does the Bible Condemn Gambling? ??? The Lure of Luck Since gambling involves betting on uncertainties, belief in luck—a mysterious force that supposedly controls random events—plays a large role, especially when money is wagered. For example, auspicious numbers are chosen for lottery tickets; the uttering of certain words is forbidden among superstitious mah-jongg players; and a puff of air is blown over dice before they are thrown. Why? Gamblers often believe that luck will, or at least might, influence the outcome. ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♠️♣️ Is it merely a harmless game to put one’s trust in luck? Some people in ancient Israel felt that way. They believed that luck could bring them prosperity. How did Jehovah God feel about the matter? In God’s eyes, belief in luck is a form of idolatry and is not compatible with true worship. It reflects trust in an imaginary force rather than in the true God. There is no reason to believe that God has changed his view. ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️ There is a much more sinister side to gambling besides winning and losing. “Those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin,” says God’s Word. (1 Timothy 6:9) ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️ A snare is designed to entangle a victim. Countless numbers of people, determined to wager only a small amount of money or to try their hand at gambling just a few times, have become entangled and unable to escape gambling addiction. It has destroyed careers, hurt loved ones, and ruined families. ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️ “Quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Romans 12:2) God’s will, not popular sentiment, should guide a Christian’s life. As “the happy God,” Jehovah wants us to enjoy life, free of the bitter fruitage that results from the snare that gambling is.—1 Timothy 1:11. ♠️♣️♥️♦️?♦️♥️♣️♠️ Servants of God earn money by honest work ???⚖️??? The Excitement of Winning Is gambling habit-forming, easily leading to addiction? Following a study of gamblers’ responses to winning and losing, Dr. Hans Breiter noted that “a monetary reward in a gambling-like experiment produces brain activation very similar to that observed in a cocaine addict receiving an infusion of cocaine.” https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2011167#h=8
  18. "Do not be getting drunk with wine, in which there is debauchery, but keep getting filled with spirit."—Eph. 5:18. ?????? Misuse of alcohol can lead to other serious sins. Thus, the apostle Paul wrote the words found in today’s text. He also admonished the aged women in the congregation not to be “enslaved to a lot of wine.” (Titus 2:3) ?????? If you choose to drink alcoholic beverages, you would do well to ask yourself: ‘Do I share Jesus’ attitude toward heavy drinking? (Luke 21:34) If I need to counsel others on this matter, do I have freeness of speech? Do I drink to escape worries or to ease stress? How much alcohol do I consume each week? How do I react when someone implies that I might be drinking too much? ?????? Do I become defensive or even resentful?’ Allowing ourselves to become enslaved to a lot of wine can affect our ability to reason things out properly and to make wise decisions. Followers of Christ strive to safeguard their thinking ability. (Proverbs 3:21-22) My son, may they not get away from your eyes. Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability, 22 and they will prove to be life to your soul and charm to your throat." ?????? Temperate Use. Moderation in all things is a Bible principle. Even honey is no exception—in moderation it is good; used to excess, it is injurious. (Pr 25:27) ?????? So also with Jehovah’s gifts of wine and strong drink, they must be used as he directs. Overindulgence and disregard for Bible principles in the use of these provisions brings Jehovah’s disapproval and leads to debauchery and death. The Bible is very emphatic on this matter, both in its precepts and its examples.—Pr 23:29-31. ?????? There may be cases where drinking alcohol, even in small quantities, would be ill-advised and detrimental to one’s health. On other occasions one may refrain from drinking intoxicating liquor to avoid stumbling others and out of love and consideration for others.—Ro 14:21. ?????? Jehovah forbade the priests and Levites, when on duty at the tabernacle or temple, to drink alcohol in any form, under penalty of death. (Le 10:8, 9; Eze 44:21) Off duty they were free to drink in moderation. (1Ch 9:29) ?????? So too it was a divine regulation that a Nazirite was not to drink any alcoholic beverage while under this special vow. (Nu 6:2-4, 13-20;Am 2:12) Because Samson was to be a Nazirite from birth, his mother was not allowed to touch wine or liquor during her pregnancy. (Jg 13:4, 5, 7, 14) ?????? When officiating, “it is not for kings to drink wine or for high officials to say: ‘Where is intoxicating liquor?’” lest they “forget what is decreed and pervert the cause of any of the sons of affliction.” (Pr 31:4, 5) ?????? Overseers in the Christian congregation should not be ‘drunken brawlers,’ and ministerial servants “should likewise be serious, . . . not giving themselves to a lot of wine.”—1Ti 3:3, 8. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200004614#h=13:0-15:914
  19. Are you Good? - There is Only One that is GOOD that is Jehovah! - He can Fulfill His Goodness to Everyone that Loves Him! - He is not paid by bribes! See why! ~ ???????? (Mark 10:18) . . .Jesus said to him: “Why do you call me good? Nobody is good, except one, God. (Psalm 145:9) Jehovah is good to all, And his mercies are over all his works." ???????? Jehovah—The Supreme Example of Goodness “Laud Jehovah of armies, for Jehovah is good!”—JEREMIAH 33:11. ???????? JEHOVAH GOD is good in the absolute sense. “O how great his goodness is!” exclaimed the prophet Zechariah. (Zechariah 9:17) ???????? Indeed, goodness is reflected in everything God did to prepare the earth for our enjoyment. (Genesis 1:31) We will never be able to comprehend all the intricate laws that God put into operation when he created the universe. (Ecclesiastes 3:11; 8:17) But the little we do know moves us to praise God for his goodness. ???????? What is goodness? It is moral excellence, or virtue. Yet, it is more than the absence of all badness. Goodness, a part of the fruitage of the spirit, is a positive quality. (Galatians 5:22, 23) We display goodness when we perform good and beneficial acts toward others. In this system of things, what is considered good in some circles may be viewed as bad in others. If we are to enjoy peace and happiness, however, there must be one standard of goodness. Who can rightly establish this standard? ???????? God sets the standard of goodness. At the outset of human history, it was Jehovah who commanded the first man: “From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction. But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.” (Genesis 2:16, 17) ???????? Yes, humans need to look to their Creator for the knowledge of good and bad. ???????? (Psalm 25:8) Good and upright is Jehovah. That is why he instructs sinners in the way." ???????? (Psalm 100:5) For Jehovah is good; His loving-kindness is to time indefinite, And his faithfulness to generation after generation." ???????? (Psalm 104:28) What you give them they pick up. You open your hand—they get satisfied with good things." ???????? (Nahum 1:7) Jehovah is good, a stronghold in the day of distress."
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