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Bible Speaks

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Everything posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Convention in the rain (according to the author of the photo is in Germany). Конгресс под дождём (по словам автора фото – в Германии).
  2. 1942 ENGLAND ? 1. Sister preaching with his bag of magazines and the phonograph to be have people listen to the message at the door. My mother did the same thing in those years. Memories! ? 2. 1942 ENGLAND Brothers with bikes ready to leave the Ministry 1941 ? 3. A brother preaching in London, England 1942 USA ? 4. Brother preacher on street with magazines at 5 cents each
  3. WHAT FRUITS DO YOU SHOW? ???????? "On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law." (Galatians 5:22,23) ???????? We allow the spirit to act in our lives by cultivating its fruits in all we do. After enumerating the works of the flesh and the fruitage of the spirit, Paul added: “If we are living by spirit, let us go on walking orderly also by spirit. Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap; because he who is sowing with a view to his flesh will reap corruption from his flesh, but he who is sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life from the spirit.” (Galatians 5:25; 6:7, 8) ???????? If we are to be successful in cultivating long-suffering, we must also cultivate the rest of the fruitage produced in Christians by holy spirit. ?????
  4. Children have been compared to “arrows in the hand of a mighty man.” ???????????????? An archer has the arrow in his bow for only a relatively short time. To hit the target, he must quickly let it go. ???????????????? Likewise, parents have only a relatively short period of time to develop in their children heartfelt love for Jehovah. ???????????????? After what seems to be just a few short years, the children grow up and leave home. Will they hit the target—that is, will the children continue to love and serve God after they leave home? ???????????????? Numerous factors influence the answer. Much depends upon the skill of the parent, the environment in which the children are raised, and the way the ‘arrow,’ or child, responds to the training he or she receives. - Psalms 127:4. JW.Org 1 GIF TAP ON FOR ACTION — Enjoy!
  5. @Radioman940 Perhaps in only other countries? We will see? In USA we don't use military time. Thank you for your support! Agape, ?????
  6. @Carol Ann Torres Thank you for your support! I thought it was interesting. That part of Israel has floods and it makes sense how Jehovah destroyed Pharoah and his armies quickly! Agape, ?????
  7. Jehovah additionally explains: “I also have given you for a light of the nations, that my salvation may come to be to the extremity of the earth.” (Isaiah 49:6) ????? How does Jesus enlighten peoples “to the extremity of the earth” when his earthly ministry is restricted to Israel? ????? The Bible record shows that God’s “light of the nations” was not extinguished with Jesus’ departure from the earthly scene. ????? About 15 years after Jesus’ death, the missionaries Paul and Barnabas quoted the prophecy of Isaiah 49:6 and applied it to Jesus’ disciples, his spiritual brothers. ????? They explained: “Jehovah has laid commandment upon us in these words, ‘I have appointed you as a light of nations, for you to be a salvation to the extremity of the earth.’” (Acts 13:47) ????? Before his own death, Paul saw the good news of salvation made available to not only the Jews but “all creation that is under heaven.” (Colossians 1:6, 23) Today, the remaining ones of Christ’s anointed brothers continue this work. Supported by “a great crowd” numbering into the millions, they serve as “a light of the nations” in more than 250lands around the world.—Revelation 7:9 ????? Acts 13:47 - *** ip-2 chap. 10 p. 142 pars. 11-12 “A Time of Goodwill” ***
  8. Song 92—“Preach the Word” Join your friends doing the greatest work in the world! https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/family/children/become-jehovahs-friend/songs/67-preach-the-word/
  9. Lesson 6: Please and Thank You Caleb learns some very important words. https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/family/children/become-jehovahs-friend/videos/please-thank-you/
  10. "Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant."—Dan. 12:4. 2014/7/4 Today a nice picture of those taking the lead in helping us gain the knowledge of God's Word. Sadly, one Brother has died in this picture. In Jehovah's memory though,
  11. @Jean-Pierre Jipy Oudot Bientôt, le royaume des dieux arrivera dans un moment parfait! Merci Dieu, Dieu! Merci pour votre commentaire. Bouche bée ?????
  12. DAVID HELD JEHOVAH’S NAME IN HIGH ESTEEM - HOW CAN WE TODAY? - DO YOU HAVE FEAR TO STAND UP TO GIANTS OF OUR DAY? - WHEN PERSECUTION COMES HOW WILL YOU FARE? - WE NEED RELIANCE NOW LIKE DAVID DID! LEARN HOW YOU CAN MAKE JEHOVAH YOUR CONFIDENCE~ ????☄️⚡️? Consider the occasion when David confronted the Philistine champion Goliath. What moved young David to challenge a fully armed giant who was about nine and a half feet (2.9 m) tall? (1 Sam. 17:4, ftn.) ????☄️⚡️? Was it David’s courage? Was it his faith in God? Both qualities played a vital role in his act of valor. However, respect for Jehovah and for his great name especially motivated David to take a stand against that towering giant. Indignantly, David asked: “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he has to taunt the battle lines of the living God?”—1 Sam. 17:26. ????☄️⚡️? Confronting Goliath, young David declared: “You are coming to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I am coming to you with the name of Jehovah of armies, the God of the battle lines of Israel, whom you have taunted.” (1 Sam. 17:45) ????☄️⚡️? Relying on the true God, David brought down the Philistine champion with a single slingstone. Not only on that occasion but throughout his life, David trusted in Jehovah and held the divine name in the highest esteem. Indeed, David urged fellow Israelites to ‘boast in Jehovah’s holy name.’—Read 1 Chronicles 16:8-10. Open your Bible please and read it. ????☄️⚡️? 1.?DAVID WAITED ON JEHOVAH 2.?DAVID APPRECIATED THE PRINCIPLES BEHIND THE LAW 3.?HAVE GOD’S VIEW IN MIND AT ALL TIMES Get all these answers and more at this article at: http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2012842?q=david+and+goliath&p=par ?(Matthew 28:20) teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” ?(1 Samuel 17:47) And all this congregation will know that neither with sword nor with spear does Jehovah save, because to Jehovah belongs the battle, and he must give YOU men into our hand.” ?(Psalm 44:6) For it was not in my bow that I kept trusting And it was not my sword that was saving me." ?(Hosea 1:7) But to the house of Judah I shall show mercy, and I will save them by Jehovah their God; but I shall not save them by a bow or by a sword or by war, by horses or by horsemen.” ?(Zechariah 4:6) Accordingly he answered and said to me: “This is the word of Jehovah to Ze·rub′ba·bel, saying, ‘“Not by a military force, nor by power, but by my spirit,” Jehovah of armies has said." ?(2 Chronicles 20:15) Consequently he said: “Pay attention, all Judah and YOU inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Je·hosh′a·phat! Here is what Jehovah has said to YOU, ‘Do not YOU be afraid or be terrified because of this large crowd; for the battle is not YOURS, but God’s." ?(Psalm 46:11) Jehovah of armies is with us; The God of Jacob is a secure height for us. Se′lah." ?(Proverbs 21:31) The horse is something prepared for the day of battle, but salvation belongs to Jehovah." ?(Deuteronomy 20:4) . . .for Jehovah YOUR God is marching with YOU to fight for YOU against YOUR enemies so as to save YOU." 2 Pictures 1 GIF 1 Moving — Tap on GIF IMG_2931.mov
  13. IF YOU UNDERSTOOD A DREAM TO FORETELL THE DESTRUCTION OF A KING ? WOULD YOU BE AFRAID TO SPEAK IT? - DANIEL WAS SUCH A MAN - ??⛩??? HIS REPUTATION OF HAVING FAITH IN GOD JEHOVAH IS A TESTIMONY TO US TODAY THAT WE TOO CAN BE PROTECTED WITH HIS WORDS OF TRUTH! HAVE NO FEAR FOR JEHOVAH WAS WITH HIM AND WITH US TODAY! ??⛩??? Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams. In Nebuchadnezzar’s second year (probably dating from Jerusalem’s overthrow in 607 B.C.E.), he has a dream that ‘agitates his spirit.’ All the wise men being unable to reveal it, Daniel comes before the king and not only tells him the dream, by divine revelation, but interprets it, thereby saving himself and the other wise men from execution. This prompts Nebuchadnezzar to make Daniel “ruler over all the jurisdictional district of Babylon and the chief prefect over all the wise men.” (Da 2:48) ??⛩??? His three companions receive high positions outside the court, while Daniel serves in the court of the king. Just why Daniel was not also involved in the issue of integrity encountered by his companions, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, when commanded to worship the golden image set up in the Plain of Dura, is not certain. (Da 3) The Bible is silent on the matter. Daniel’s previous course as well as his later loyalty to God even in danger of death, as described in chapter 6, provides full assurance that, if present, and whatever the circumstances, Daniel did not compromise by bowing before the image. Also, Jehovah’s Word expresses his approval of Daniel as wholly devoted, listing him alongside Noah and Job.— ??⛩??? Prophetic dreams and visions point to God’s Kingdom in the hands of his Messiah This Immense image that is crushed by stone cut without hands out of a mountain; the image depicts the succession of world powers starting with Babylon and ending with all of them being crushed and replaced by the Kingdom of God (2:1-49) ??⛩??? Immense tree that is cut down and banded for seven times; initially fulfilled when the king goes insane and lives like a beast for seven years, until he recognizes that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind and that He gives rulership to the one He chooses. ??⛩??? (Daniel 2:1-49) . . .READ THE EXCITING ACCOUNT ONLINE OR IN YOUR BIBLE TODAY! http://www.jw.org/en/publications/bible/
  14. Egypt is referred to over 700 times in the Bible. ??? In the Hebrew Scriptures, Egypt is often designated by the name Mizraim, evidently pointing to the prominence of the descendants of that son of Ham who settled in this region (Ge 10:6) ??? The Egyptians in the days of Joseph were favorably disposed towards the Israelites, but as their numbers increased, they cruelly oppressed them, eventually imposing conditions of slavery. ??? This situation existed for centuries until Jehovah provided deliverance through Moses. ??? After the Exodus, hostilities continued. For example, shortly after Solomon's death, Pharaoh Shishak invaded Judah (993 BCE) with a mighty force of chariots, attacking Jerusalem and stripping the city of its treasures (2 Ch 12 : 1 - 12) ??? During later periods, the Judean Kings forgot about the previous centuries of aggression and hostility, forming unwise alliances with Egypt ... which did nothing to delay Jehovah's judgement upon them. ??? Egypt is mentioned as part of the realm of the symbolic “king of the south.” (Da 11:5, 8, 42, 43) At Revelation 11:8 unfaithful Jerusalem, where the Lord Jesus Christ was impaled, is “in a spiritual sense” called Egypt. This is appropriate when we consider that unfaithful Jerusalem religiously oppressed and enslaved the Jews. Also, the first Passover victims were slain in Egypt, while the antitypical Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ, was killed at Jerusalem. ??? jw.org
  15. What Do YOU Cherish? A New Car, New Home, a Vacation. or Just Having Fun? No Fun? ???? Those that Worship Jehovah with Spirit and Truth have Joy and Happy Serving Him! See Why! ?✈️???? (Proverbs 1:7) . . ."The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge." ?✈️???? When Faced With Fleshly Desires Another type of attack that we may face in trying to maintain “purity of heart” involves fleshly and materialistic desires. (1 John 2:15, 16) The love of money or the desire to amass riches and possess material things can corrupt the heart, leading a Christian to do things that go against God’s will. A few have become dishonest at work, have cheated others, or have even stolen money or objects that do not belong to them.—1 Tim. 6:9, 10 ?✈️???? On the other hand, by cultivating a healthy fear of displeasing Jehovah, loving justice, and being determined to hold a good conscience, we show that we love “purity of heart.” That love moves us to continue to “conduct ourselves honestly in all things.” (Heb. 13:18) ?✈️???? “Purity of Heart” When Under Trial Pressure from opposers, economic hardship, and serious illness have weighed on some of God’s servants. On occasion, their hearts too have been affected negatively. Even King David went through such an experience: “My spirit faints away within me; in the midst of me my heart shows itself numbed.” (Ps. 143:4) What enabled him to overcome such moments? David called to mind God’s dealings with His servants and how he himself had experienced deliverance. He meditated on what Jehovah had done for the sake of His great name. David kept himself concerned with God’s works. (Ps. 143:5) ?✈️???? In a similar manner, meditating on our Creator and all that he has done and continues to do for us will help us even when we are under trial. ?✈️???? When we have, or feel that we have, been wronged, we could become bitter. Constantly thinking about the episode could result in our having negative feelings about our brothers. We might close up, isolating ourselves and showing little interest in others. Would such a reaction, however, be in line with our desire to have “purity of heart”? Clearly, the goal of having such a heart condition involves our dealings with and response to our Christian brothers. ?✈️???? In a world that is ever more corrupt and morally degraded, we as true Christians stand out because we love “purity of heart.” Our life is influenced positively as we experience the inner peace that results from doing God’s will. Above all, we enjoy an intimate friendship with our Creator, Jehovah God, who loves those who are “clean in heart.” (Ps. 73:1) Yes, we can be included among the ones who will be happy because, as Jesus promised, “they will see God,” as He acts in behalf of those who love “purity of heart.”—Matt. 5:8. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2010209#h=9:0-11:875
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