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  1. Philippines May Get New Law: Sing National Anthem With Spirit or Face Prison Time Filipinos on Pag-asa — also known as Thitu Island, in the South China Sea — sang the Philippine national anthem in April. ERIK DE CASTRO / REUTERS By DANIEL VICTOR JUNE 27, 2017 Filipinos would be required to sing the national anthem when it is played in public — and to do so with enthusiasm — under a bill that the House of Representatives of the Philippines approved on Monday. If the bill, which will be considered by the Senate, is approved and signed into law, a failure to sing the anthem, “Lupang Hinirang,” with sufficient energy would be punishable by up to year in prison and a fine of 50,000 to 100,000 pesos, or about $1,000 to $2,000. A second offense would include both a fine and prison time, and violators would be penalized by “public censure” in a newspaper. “The singing shall be mandatory and must be done with fervor,” the bill states. The law would also mandate the tempo of any public performance of the anthem — it must fall between 100 and 120 beats per minute. Schools would be required to ensure all students have memorized the song. It’s not unusual for a nation to value its national anthem — see the uproar over Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand during the anthem before N.F.L. games — but it is rare for respect to be legally required. The Supreme Court in India ruled in November that movie theaters would be required to play the national anthem before screenings, and that moviegoers would be required to stand. Nineteen people were arrested in December after failing to stand in two separate incidents, according to The Los Angeles Times. The court specified in February it was unnecessary to stand if the anthem was played as part of a film, an issue that arose after reports that people were assaulted for not rising, according to The Times of India. In Thailand, the national anthem is played at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. each day on loudspeakers in places like schools, offices buildings, parks and train stations. People are expected to stand still and be silent. In 2007, Thai lawmakers considered a bill that would require motorists to stop their cars when the national anthem was played, but it was not passed. The royal anthem — which is a separate song considered a tribute to the monarchy — is played before entertainment events like movies and concerts, and failing to pay respects can have greater consequences. A Thai man and woman were charged with lèse-majesté — offending the dignity of the monarch — after not standing as the anthem was played in a movie theater in September 2007, according to the United States State Department. The charges, which are punishable by up to 15 years in prison, were dropped in 2012. Another moviegoer was sentenced to three years in prison under the same law for not standing during the royal anthem in 2008, according to Prachatai English. Her jail term was cut in half and suspended for two years after she pleaded guilty. Last week, Chinese lawmakers drafted laws to restrict where the national anthem can be played and crack down on malicious revisions or derogatory performances, according to The South China Morning Post. Violations would be punishable by up to 15 days in detention. While there are no binding laws in the United States related to the national anthem, the flag code says people should “stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart” during the national anthem. If a flag is not present, people “should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed there.” But in 1942, a man and a woman in Chicago were charged with disorderly conduct and fined $200 each for failing to stand during the anthem at a theater. They said a picture shown just before the anthem related to war efforts “did not put them in the right mood,” The New York Times reported. Correction: June 28, 2017 An earlier version of this article misstated the anthem that is often played before entertainment events in the Philippines. It is the royal anthem, not the national anthem, that precedes such events. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/06/27/world/asia/philippines-may-get-new-law-sing-national-anthem-with-spirit-or-face-prison-time.html
  2. Our brothers in the Philippines need our prayers... they are under a lot of pressure... May Jehovah give them faith and courage to endure ? ??????????????‍♀️??‍♀️ Philippines to make enthusiastic singing of national anthem mandatory 27 June 2017 From the section Asia The Philippine House of Representatives has approved a bill making enthusiastic singing of the national anthem compulsory. "The singing shall be mandatory and must be done with fervour," the bill states. The word "mandatory" is not in the existing legislation. It also provides official music for the tune, which must be adhered to. Punishment for breaking the rules could include a fine of 50,000-100,000 pesos (£780-£1,560; $2,800-$5,590). That fine is substantially more than the current minimum and maximum of 5,000-20,000 pesos (£78-£312). http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-40415778
  3. First death of a Russian Brother ????? Dzhanskoy Vitaly Arsenyuk, 67, who was accused of illegal missionary activity, died of a heart attack after an audience at the local court, carried out by the peace commissioner alkhaz tulpar against him. The man was charged with the offence in part 4 of article 5.26 of the Russian code of administrative offences (the conduct of missionary activity in violation of the requirements of the law). ????? According to the publication, arsenyuk led the local committee of Jehovah's witnesses until the organization was banned in Russia and Crimea-Russia Deputy. ????? Along with all the believers, who carried out religious services, prayed, sang, read and discussed the Bible. In May, he was called several times to the Russian prosecutor's office; the first hearing was held on June 27, which had been postponed for the following month. ????? http://uawire.org/news/jehovah-s-witness-follower-in-the-crimea-dies-after-his-trial
  4. "Anything in which there is a defect you must not present."—Lev. 22:20 ????? A fundamental standard concerning any animal that was to be sacrificed to Jehovah was that it be “sound” in all respects—not blind, injured, deformed, or sick. (Lev. 22:21, 22) ????? When the Israelites offered fruits or grains to Jehovah, they needed to be “the very best” of their harvests. (Num. 18:12, 29) A second-rate offering was not acceptable to Jehovah. ????? The important requirement regarding animal sacrifices pictured that Jesus’ sacrifice would be spotless and unblemished and that Jehovah would sacrifice what was best and dearest to him in order to redeem mankind. (1 Pet. 1:18, 19) ????? The person making a sacrifice knew that God would not be pleased with a defective offering because that would indicate that the man considered the sacrifice a mere formality, even a burden. (Mal. 1:6-8, 13) ????? This should make us reflect on our service to God: ‘Might it be appropriate for me to review the quality of my service and my motives for serving him?’ ????? Use of sacrifices in maintaining an approved relationship with God Laws are given regarding animals acceptable as burnt offerings and how they should be prepared for presentation (1:1-17; 6:8-13; 7:8) Kinds of grain offerings are stipulated as well as how they are to be presented to Jehovah (2:1-16; 6:14-18; 7:9, 10) ????? Procedure is laid down for handling communion sacrifices; the eating of blood and fat is forbidden (3:1-17; 7:11-36) Animals are specified for sin offering in the case of a priest, the assembly of Israel, a chieftain, or one of the people; procedure for handling this offering is outlined (4:1-35; 6:24-30) ????? Laws are given on situations requiring guilt offerings (5:1–6:7; 7:1-7) Instructions are handed down regarding the offering to be made on the day of the priest’s being anointed (6:19-23) ????? All offerings must be sound; defects making an animal unfit for sacrifice are listed (22:17-33) Atonement Day procedures are outlined involving the sacrifice of a bull and two goats—one goat for Jehovah and the other for Azazel (16:2-34) ????? ✅ Detailed regulations to safeguard against uncleanness and to maintain holiness ✅ Certain animals are acceptable as clean for food and others are prohibited as unclean; uncleanness results from contact with dead bodies (11:1-47) ????? ✅ A woman should be purified from her uncleanness after giving birth (12:1-8) ✅ Procedures for handling cases of leprosy are detailed (13:1–14:57) ✅ Uncleanness results from sexual discharges, and purification is required (15:1-33) ✅ Holiness must be maintained by respecting sanctity of blood and by shunning incest, sodomy, bestiality, slander, spiritism, and other detestable practices (17:1–20:27) ????? ✅ Blessings for obedience, maledictions for disobedience ✅ Blessings for obedience will include bountiful harvests, peace, and security (26:3-13) ✅ Maledictions because of disobedience will include disease, defeat by enemies, famine, destruction of cities, desolation of land, and exile (26:14-45) https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200002732?q=lev+22%3A20&p=par
  5. I want a Bear to Cuddle with in the New System! Love is even between the animals! ? #OurCreatorJehovahGod? #UniveralSovereign? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After four thousand years in canada’s arctic, the quimmiq - inuktituk for the canadian eskimo dog (canis familiaris borealis) - face imminent extinction, due in large part to a policy of eradication by the royal canadian mounted police meant to force the inuit into government settlement. Brian Ladoon, whose dogs we see here near Churchill, Manitoba, has been breeding Quimmiq for over forty years and is largely responsible for maintaining the species. So it was with much trepidation that Brian noticed a group of polar bears, who eat Quimmiq, approaching his dogs one day, though most of his dogs became quite defensive, one of them playfully ventured up to a polar bear and the two got on like old firends. Every year since, the polar bears will stop by Ladoon’s place to play with the dogs on their way to the newly iced over Hudson Bay. These photos were taken by famed arctic photographer Norbert Rosing, who just happened to be with brian on that day. “the last dogs of winter” is a documentary on Brian Ladoon’s efforts.
  6. "Their letters of God" ???? Violet is a crippled sister of 82 years who lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. She regularly sends out letters and publications to nursing homes and palliative care units of his region. The nurses at home who keep the facilities tell that residents aged feverishly awaiting what they call "Their letters of God". ???? Some people read their letters and their publications and trade them in there, or do the reading out loud to those who see evil. The nurses are also saying that the residents who read these letters and these publications are more calm, more positive and more peaceful than the others. Violet explains his initiative: " I have the feeling that Jehovah uses me always to help my next. It's really challenging to make known the truth in this way." "Extract Yearbook 2014
  7. How did you know Jehovah? 1-it's a family heirloom 2-house to house preaching 3-public or informal testimony 4-by a working colleague or a classmate 5-out of curiosity 6-by a spouse 7-observing Jehovah's creation 8-others (specify) Share yours so others can benefit
  8. Can be seen at The New Yankee Stadium New York. USA — WHERE YOU THERE? LETS SEE HOW MANY WHERE? I WAS THERE BUT FOUR YEARS OLD!
  9. "The weight of the gold that came to Solomon in one year amounted to six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold."— (2 Chron. 9:13) Long but a Warning example we need to know! ?? ??????? SOLOMON (Solʹo·mon) [from a root meaning “peace”]. ??????? His Riches and Glory. Solomon engaged extensively in trade. His fleet, in cooperation with Hiram’s, brought in great quantities of gold from Ophir, as well as “algum” timbers and precious stones. (1Ki 9:26-28; 10:11; 2Ch 8:17, 18; 9:10, 11) ??????? Horses and chariots were imported from Egypt, and traders from all over the world of that time brought their goods in abundance. Solomon’s annual revenue of gold came to be 666 talents (c. $256,643,000), aside from silver and gold and other items brought in by merchants. (1Ki 10:14, 15; 2Ch 9:13, 14) ??????? Additionally, “all the kings of the earth” brought gifts yearly from their lands: gold and silver articles, balsam oil, armor, horses, mules, and other riches. (1Ki 10:24, 25, 28, 29; 2Ch 9:23-28) ??????? Even apes and peacocks were imported in ships of Tarshish. (1Ki 10:22; 2Ch 9:21) Solomon came to have 4,000 stalls of horses and chariots (1Ki 10:26 says 1,400 chariots) and 12,000 steeds (or, possibly, horsemen).—2Ch 9:25. ??????? There was no king in all the earth who possessed the riches of Solomon. (1Ki 10:23; 2Ch 9:22) The approach to his throne exceeded in magnificence anything in other kingdoms. The throne itself was of ivory overlaid with fine gold. It had a round canopy behind it; six steps led up to it, with six lions on each side, and two lions stood beside the throne’s armrests. (1Ki 10:18-20; 2Ch 9:17-19) ??????? For his drinking vessels only gold was used; it is specifically stated that “there was nothing of silver; it was considered as nothing at all in the days of Solomon.” (2Ch 9:20) There were harps and stringed instruments in Solomon’s house and in the temple that were made from algum timbers such as had never been seen before in Judah.—1Ki 10:12; 2Ch 9:11. ??????? Prosperity of his rule. Jehovah blessed Solomon with wisdom, glory, and riches as long as he remained firm for true worship, and the nation of Israel likewise enjoyed God’s favor. David had been used to subdue Israel’s enemies and to establish the kingdom firmly to its outer boundaries. The account reports: “As for Solomon, he proved to be ruler over all the kingdoms from the River [Euphrates] to the land of the Philistines and to the boundary of Egypt. They were bringing gifts and serving Solomon all the days of his life.” (1Ki 4:21) ??????? During Solomon’s reign there was peace, and “Judah and Israel were many, like the grains of sand that are by the sea for multitude, eating and drinking and rejoicing.” “And Judah and Israel continued to dwell in security, everyone under his own vine and under his own fig tree, from Dan to Beer-sheba, all the days of Solomon.”—1Ki 4:20, 25; MAP, Vol. 1, p. 748. ??????? Solomon’s Wisdom. “And God continued giving Solomon wisdom and understanding in very great measure and a broadness of heart, like the sand that is upon the seashore. And Solomon’s wisdom was vaster than the wisdom of all the Orientals and than all the wisdom of Egypt.” Then other men of unusual wisdom are named: Ethan the Ezrahite (apparently a singer of David’s time and the writer of Psalm 89) and three other wise men of Israel. ??????? Solomon was wiser than these; in fact, “his fame came to be in all the nations all around. And he could speak three thousand proverbs, and his songs came to be a thousand and five.” The range of his knowledge covered the plants and animals of earth, and his proverbs, along with his writings in the books of Ecclesiastes and The Song of Solomon, reveal that he had a deep knowledge of human nature. (1Ki 4:29-34) ??????? From Ecclesiastes we learn that he did much meditation in order to find “the delightful words and the writing of correct words of truth.” (Ec 12:10) He experienced many things, going out among the lowly and the high ones, keenly observant of their life, their work, their hopes and aims, and the vicissitudes of mankind. He exalted the knowledge of God and his law, and he emphasized above all things that ‘the fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom’ and that the whole obligation of man is to “fear the true God and keep his commandments.”—Pr 1:7; 9:10; Ec 12:13 ??????? His Deviation From Righteousness. As long as Solomon remained true to the worship of Jehovah, he prospered. Evidently his proverbs were uttered, and the books of Ecclesiastes and The Song of Solomon, as well as at least one of the Psalms (Ps 127), were written during his period of faithful service to God. ??????? However, Solomon began to disregard God’s law. We read: “And King Solomon himself loved many foreign wives along with the daughter of Pharaoh, Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian and Hittite women, from the nations of whom Jehovah had said to the sons of Israel: ‘You must not go in among them, and they themselves should not come in among you; truly they will incline your heart to follow their gods.’ ??????? It was to them that Solomon clung to love them. And he came to have seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives gradually inclined his heart. And it came about in the time of Solomon’s growing old that his wives themselves had inclined his heart to follow other gods; and his heart did not prove to be complete with Jehovah his God like the heart of David his father. And Solomon began going after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians and after Milcom the disgusting thing of the Ammonites. And Solomon began to do what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, and he did not follow Jehovah fully like David his father. It was then that Solomon proceeded to build a high place to Chemosh the disgusting thing of Moab on the mountain that was in front of Jerusalem, and to Molech the disgusting thing of the sons of Ammon. And that was the way he did for all his foreign wives who were making sacrificial smoke and sacrificing to their gods.”—1Ki 11:1-8. ??????? While this took place “in the time of Solomon’s growing old,” we need not assume that his deviation was because of senility, for Solomon was relatively young when taking the throne, and the length of his reign was 40 years. (1Ch 29:1; 2Ch 9:30) The account does not say that Solomon completely forsook the worship at the temple and the offering of sacrifices there. He apparently attempted to practice a sort of interfaith, in order to please his foreign wives. ??????? For this, “Jehovah came to be incensed at Solomon, because his heart had inclined away from Jehovah the God of Israel, the one appearing to him twice.” Jehovah informed Solomon that, as a consequence, He would rip part of the kingdom away from him, but not in Solomon’s day, out of respect for David and for the sake of Jerusalem. But he would do it in the days of Solomon’s son, leaving that son with only one tribe (besides Judah), which tribe proved to be Benjamin.—1Ki 11:9-13. ??????? Though Solomon had inclined his heart away from Jehovah, he “lay down with his forefathers, and was buried in the City of David his father.”—1Ki 11:43; 2Ch 9:31. ??????? Messianic Prophecies. There are many similarities between the reign of Solomon and that of the great King Jesus Christ, as prophesied in the Scriptures. In many respects Solomon’s rule, as long as he was obedient to Jehovah, is a small-scale pattern of the Messianic Kingdom. Jesus Christ, “something more than Solomon,” came as a man of peace, and he appears to have carried out a spiritual building work especially related to the restoration of true worship among his anointed followers in Jehovah’s great spiritual temple. (Mt 12:42; 2Co 6:16;Joh 14:27; 16:33; Ro 14:17; Jas 3:18) ??????? Solomon was of the line of David, as was Jesus. Solomon’s name (from a root meaning “peace”) fits the glorified Jesus Christ as the “Prince of Peace.” (Isa 9:6) ??????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200004178?q=2+chron+9%3A13&p=par
  10. My Lord Christ Jesus will take of him very soon and his hordes Babylon the Great! Two videos Enjoy! ⚔️?????⚔️ IMG_9984.mp4 IMG_3281.MP4
  11. MANSUR MASHARIPOV SET FREE FROM TURKMENISTAN PRISON "On May 12, 2017, authorities in Turkmenistan released Mansur Masharipov from prison. He is grateful to be back with his family after this latest incarceration of nearly a year in prison".... Meanwhile we still hope for the release of our brother, BAHRAM HEMDEMOV ,53 years old, who is married and the father of four sons. At the time of his arrest, he served his congregation as an elder and was a well-respected member of the community... In May 2015 a court sentenced him to four years of hard labor in prison for holding an “illegal” religious meeting in his home... Always remember “Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial.”(2 peter 2:9) https://www.jw.org/en/news/legal/by-region/turkmenistan/mansur-masharipov-released-20170516/ https://www.jw.org/en/news/legal/by-region/turkmenistan/no-religious-freedom-bahram/
  12. “....I Was Raised an Atheist but now instead of unfairly attributing the amazing designs manifest in creation to blind chance, I and not a few other scientists ask ourselves, ‘How did God design this?’....... READ HOW THE BIBLE AND JEHOVAH'S CREATIONS CHANGED THE LIFE OF PROFESSOR FRANTISEK VYSKOCIL ,A FORMER ATHIEST TO SOMEONE WHO NOW BELIEVE STRONGLY IN JEHOVAH ??????? František Vyskočil is a Czech neuroscientist and a Professor of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neurobiology at Charles University . ??????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102010404 ??????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2009724
  13. “Jehovah is my Shepherd”—is that not a fitting description of our heavenly Father?“Jehovah is my Shepherd. I shall lack nothing.”— (PSALM 23:1) ????? Jehovah leads his people. David writes: “In grassy pastures he makes me lie down; by well-watered resting-places he conducts me. My soul he refreshes. He leads me in the tracks of righteousness for his name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:2, 3) ????? “I Fear Nothing Bad, for You Are With Me”David gives a second reason for his confidence: Jehovah protects his sheep. We read: “Even though I walk in the valley of deep shadow, I fear nothing bad, for you are with me; your rod and your staff are the things that comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4) ????? There are times when we may, so to speak, “walk in the valley of deep shadow.” For example, we may come close to death as a result of persecution or some health crisis. Or it may be that someone dear to us comes close to or even succumbs to death. During what seem to be the darkest moments, our Shepherd is with us, and he will safeguard us. How? ????? Jehovah does not promise miraculous intervention.* But of this we can be sure: Jehovah will help us to get through whatever obstacles we may face. He can grant us the wisdom to cope “with various trials.” (James 1:2-5) A shepherd uses his rod or staff not only to ward off predators but also to nudge his sheep in the right direction. ????? Jehovah can “nudge” us, perhaps by means of a fellow worshipper, to apply Bible-based counsel that may make a big difference in our situation. In addition, Jehovah can give us the strength to endure. (Philippians 4:13) ????? By means of his holy spirit, he can equip us with “power beyond what is normal.” (2 Corinthians 4:7) God’s spirit can enable us to endure any test that Satan might bring upon us. (1 Corinthians 10:13) Is it not comforting to know that Jehovah is ever ready to help us? ????? Yes, no matter what dark valley we may find ourselves in, we do not have to walk through it alone. Our Shepherd is with us, helping us in ways that we may not fully perceive at first. ?????
  14. PLEASE RETURN TO JEHOVAH ????????? "CAN WE SPOT THE LOST SHEEP" (Isa. 40:11) 1) She only comes on Sunday, and usually she's late, Is she baptized, or inactive? That's the question for debate! Few brothers try to know her, some criticize and stare. BUT WHO WILL TRY TO DIG DOWN DEEP, AND SEE WHO'S REALLY THERE? A funeral program is in her purse, it's ragged 'round the ears It's yellow, torn and wrinkled ... it's been soaked with many tears. She's looked at it quite often - knows the resurrection hope But she mourns her precious daughter; sometimes she just can't cope. Many people wonder, but no one made a call She's just one of the lost sheep sitting in your Kingdom Hall. 2) Her mate's an unbeliever, and he just wants to fight her She knows what she's in for, when she goes home at night; Keeps to herself at meetings, tells no one out of fear, She's scared and isolated, like a wounded baby deer. She trusts her God Jehovah, she knows he'll help her cope, Eternal life in paradise: that is her precious hope. HAVE YOU REACHED OUT TO KNOW HER? She really needs a call Yes, she, too, is Jehovah's sheep right in your Kingdom Hall. 3) She comes to all the meetings, shares in preaching with the friends, But once she goes back home each day, the heartache soon begins; She grew up in the truth, you see; been faithful all her life, But what she always dreamed of was to be a Christian wife. Now she's past the bloom of youth, her dreams have not come true, She's tempted and frustrated; what can this sister do? You likely think she's firm and strong, that she doesn't need a call; But is she a lost sheep sitting there right in your Kingdom Hall? 4) He used to be an elder; his talks were strong and warm, He worked hard on the spirit's fruits, he'd never do you harm; He hasn't served for years now, since his children left the fold, He now feels old and useless, but his love has not grown cold. Through disuse he's lost much talent, for speaking from the heart, And sitting there unnoticed, he just feels worlds apart. He comments and he preaches, and smiles his "Kingdom smile"; Who'd ever guess his loyal heart is breaking all the while? You'd never stop to wonder, if he would ever fall But like the rest, he's lost his way right in your Kingdom Hall. When working hard from door to door, and bringing more sheep in Please don't forget the sheep already in the pen; Yes, these are all true stories, of people at the Hall So please take time, look closely, and see who needs a call; We do remember sick ones, single parents, and the old, But can we endeavor to include still others in the fold? Remember that Jehovah doesn't want one sheep to fall But there may be more than one lost sheep There in YOUR Kingdom Hall. ????????? https://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/return-to-jehovah/lost-one-i-search-for/
  15. Good News! The End is Not Yet! More to Save! ???????
  16. DUE TO THE BAN IN RUSSIA ,MORE THAN 4,500 JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES AND FRIENDS TRAVELLED TO HELSINKI,FINLAND TO ATTEND THE 3-DAY REGIONAL CONVENTION This convention was organised just for our Russian brothers and sisters and some of them had travelled 10,000 kilometres to get there.The Finnish brothers opened their homes to the Russian brothers whomthey didn't know personally, providing over 4,500 delegates with accomodation, food and transport to the Convention for all three days.Despite the fact that most Finns don't speak a word of Russian, love helped to overcome the linguistic barriers (John 13:35).Brother Mark Sanderson, of the Governing Body, was amongst those present, having come specifically to strengthen our persecuted brothers in russia.Can you hear the love and joy from their singing to Jehovah?Psalms 118:6: "Jehovah is on my side; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"The baptized delegates are also included in the video... (Hope links work! Sorry all I have) Enjoy! Jehovah takes care of His People! ?????
  17. "Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth."—Matt. 6:10.
  18. "Suppose . . . they do say to me, “What is his name?” What shall I say to them?"—Ex. 3:13.
  19. Are You Not Humbled? ?????????? We Must Show Our Humility to All and of course to Jehovah! ?????????? (Luke 18:16)“Let the young children come to me, and do not try to stop them. For the kingdom of God belongs to suchlike ones." Please leave comments? ?? ??????
  20. "The city [Jerusalem] will actually be captured."—Zech. 14:2. ?⏰???⏰? More attacks by the nations were yet to come against the anointed remnant and their loyal companions with an earthly hope. (Rev. 12:17) ?⏰???⏰ God’s faithful anointed Witnesses spurs on God’s servants today to endure whatever trials come their way. ????? ?⏰???⏰ 2014/11/29
  21. Everlasting Life on Earth! - God-Given Hope! - Don't Give up Hope! ~ ??????? “The creation was subjected to futility . . . on the basis of hope.”—ROM. 8:20 ??????? For the most part, the religions of Christendom have ignored the hope of everlasting life on earth. Whereas the Bible teaches that the soul dies, the majority of churches teach the unscriptural doctrine that man has an immortal soul that survives death and lives on in the spirit realm. ??????? (Ezekiel 18:20) The soul that is sinning—it itself will die. A son himself will bear nothing because of the error of the father, and a father himself will bear nothing because of the error of the son. Upon his own self the very righteousness of the righteous one will come to be, and upon his own self the very wickedness of a wicked one will come to be." ??????? Like a suffocating “envelopment”—a blanket—sin and death have weighed heavily on mankind. Jehovah assures his people that sin and death will be swallowed up, or removed, “from all the earth.” ??????? jw.org
  22. @ARchiv@L Was there an announcement I missed?
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