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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. "You yourselves will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." Ex. 19:6.


    Was Jehovah’s promise that the Israelites could furnish “a kingdom of priests” an empty one? Not at all. If they sincerely tried to obey, they would have this opportunity—but not under the Law. Why not? (Gal. 3:19-25) 


    For those who faithfully endeavored to observe it, the Law had the effect of preserving pure worship. It made the Jews aware of their transgressions and of the need for a sacrifice greater than their high priest could offer. It was a tutor that would lead them to the Christ, or Messiah, titles that mean “Anointed One.”


    However, when the Messiah arrived, he would introduce the new covenant foretold by Jeremiah. Those who accepted the Christ were invited to become party to the new covenant and would actually become “a kingdom of priests.”

    w12 1/15 5:5, 10



  2. Who Is Your Rock? - Only JEHOVAH IS A ROCK OF SALVATION! - Learn How to Find Him! ~


    (Psalm 89:26) "He himself calls out to me, ‘You are my Father, My God and the Rock of my salvation." If we exercise faith in Jehovah and his inspired Word, we too can regard him as ‘the Rock of our salvation.’ What a heartwarming privilege!


    Jehovah is the Father of spirit-begotten Christians and of their companions with an earthly hope. (Romans 8:15) And faith in our heavenly Father never leads to disappointment. David said: “In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, even Jehovah himself would take me up.” (Psalm 27:10) 


    Moreover, we have this assurance: “Jehovah will not desert his people for the sake of his great name.”—1 Samuel 12:22 


    To enjoy a lasting relationship with Jehovah, of course, we must have faith in the good news and accept the Scriptures for what they truthfully are—the Word of God. (1 Thessalonians 2:13) Indeed, that is why we also thank God incessantly, because when YOU received God’s word, which YOU heard from us, YOU accepted it, not as the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God, which is also at work in YOU believers." We must have implicit faith in Jehovah and let his Word light our roadway. (Psalm 119:105) Your word is a lamp to my foot, And a light to my roadway." (Proverbs 3:5-6) Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. 6 In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight." Our faith will grow as we pray to him with confidence in his compassion, mercy, and support. 


    Faith moved us to make a dedication to God for all eternity. Having strong faith, even if we should die, we are his dedicated servants with a resurrection hope. Yes, “both if we live and if we die, we belong to Jehovah.” (Romans 14:8) 


    Let us keep that comforting thought in our heart as we maintain our confidence in God’s Word and continue to have faith in the good news.



  3. 'All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Rom. 3:23.


    Fear may paralyze us—fear of making the wrong decision, fear of failure, or fear of appearing foolish to others. Even so, love of God and his Word can help us shrink our fears.


    In what ways? Love of God will motivate us always to consult his Word and Bible-based publications before we make important decisions. 


    We will thus minimize the number of mistakes we make. Why? Because the Bible can “give to the inexperienced ones shrewdness, to a young man knowledge and thinking ability.” (Prov. 1:4) 


    Will we always make the right decision? No. All of us make mistakes. King David, for example, was a wise and faithful man. Yet, he at times made poor decisions that caused suffering to himself and others. (2 Samuel 12:9-12) Why did you despise the word of Jehovah by doing what is bad in his eyes? U·ri′ah the Hit′tite you struck down with the sword, and his wife you took as your wife, and him you killed by the sword of the sons of Am′mon. 10 And now a sword will not depart from your own house to time indefinite, as a consequence of the fact that you despised me so that you took the wife of U·ri′ah the Hit′tite to become your wife.’ 11 This is what Jehovah has said, ‘Here I am raising up against you calamity out of your own house; and I will take your wives under your own eyes and give them to your fellowman, and he will certainly lie down with your wives under the eyes of this sun. 12 Whereas you yourself acted in secret, I, for my part, shall do this thing in front of all Israel and in front of the sun.’”


    Nevertheless, David did not let his mistakes undermine his ability to make decisions that had God’s favor. (1 Kings 15:4-5) For, on account of David, Jehovah his God gave him a lamp in Jerusalem by raising his son up after him and keeping Jerusalem in existence, 5 because David did what was right in the eyes of Jehovah, and he did not turn aside from anything that He had commanded him all the days of his life, only in the matter of U·ri′ah the Hit′tite."

    w11 4/15 2:6, 7



  4. "The scepter will not turn aside from Judah, neither the commander’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes."—Gen. 49:10.


    Starting with the rule of Judean King David, the scepter (royal sovereignty) and the commander’s staff (power to command) resided with the tribe of Judah. “Shiloh” signifies “He Whose It Is; He to Whom It Belongs.” The regal line of Judah would end in “Shiloh” as the permanent kingly Heir, for God told Zedekiah, the last Judean king, that rulership would be given to one having the legal right to it. (Ezek. 21:26, 27) 


    After Zedekiah, Jesus was the only descendant of David to whom kingship was promised. Before Jesus’ birth, the angel Gabriel told Mary: “Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule as king over the house of Jacob forever, and there will be no end of his kingdom.” (Luke 1:32, 33) 


    Shiloh must be Jesus Christ, who was a descendant of Judah and David.— Matt. 1:1-3, 6; Luke 3:23, 31-34. 

    w11 8/15 1:6



  5. ??? (James 5:13-16)  Carrying Others’ Burdens. Paul wrote to the Galatians: “Go on carrying the burdens [or, “troublesome things”; literally, “heavy things”] of one another, and thus fulfill the law of the Christ.” (Ga 6:2, ftn) 


    Here for “burdens” the apostle used baʹre, the plural form of baʹros, a Greek word always used to denote something burdensome or heavy. Certainly the sin and hence the burden of a man taking some “false step” (referred to in the preceding verse) would not be light but heavy. However, in verse 5 the apostle states: “For each one will carry his own load,” that is, his load of responsibility. For “load” Paul here used the Greek word phor·tiʹon, signifying something that is to be borne or carried, without any reference to the weight of the thing. 


    So he drew a distinction between “burdens” and “load” in these verses. This would indicate that if a Christian got into spiritual difficulty that was very hard for him to bear, fellow believers would aid him, thus helping to bear another’s burden. Such persons would be displaying love and would thus fulfill the law of Christ. (Joh 13:34, 35) 


    This harmonizes with what Paul had just said, as recorded in Galatians 6:1, about endeavoring to restore a man spiritually, something that may be possible through love, kindness, and prayer. (Compare Jas 5:13-16.) 


    Yet, as the apostle proceeded to show, bearing the burdens of one another does not mean carrying another person’s load of spiritual responsibility to God. In the same context, Paul makes clear that a person is deceiving his own mind if he thinks that he is something when he is nothing, and the apostle urged the Christian to “prove what his own work is,” for “then he will have cause for exultation in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person.” (Ga 6:3, 4; compare 2Co 10:12.) 


    It was then that the apostle observed that “each one will carry his own load” of responsibility before the Supreme Judge, Jehovah God. He knows that the burdens many of us carry—be they emotional or physical—are often not of our own making, and he lovingly takes this into account. 


    In the approaching new earth under the Messianic Kingdom, all faithful humans can expect to be released from the burdens of Satan’s system. What a relief that will be! Then we will see even more evidence of how largehearted Jehovah is. Until that time, let all be assured that “God is greater than our hearts and knows all things.”—1 John 3:20. 



  6. "Look! Jehovah’s slave girl! May it take place with me according to your declaration."—(Luke 1:38).


    In stating matters that way, Mary revealed a heart attitude that God had already noted. Her immediate response to the angel indicates that she was ready to accept God’s will concerning her. She did not raise any question about how people in the community would view her pregnancy or what possible effect it could have on her relationship with her fiancé. By referring to herself as the lowliest of servants, Mary showed that she trusted completely in Jehovah as her Master. 


    Have you at times felt somewhat overwhelmed by challenges or responsibilities in God’s service? Each of us does well to ask himself: ‘Do I completely trust in Jehovah to work matters out in harmony with his will? Am I truly demonstrating a willing spirit?’ Be assured that God gives his spirit to those who trust in him with all their heart and recognize his sovereign will.—Acts 5:32. 


    http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2013/6/29w11 12/15 4:3, 4


  7. Exodus 14:14

    14 Jehovah himself will fight for you, and you will keep silent.”


    Trust in Jehovah, “the God of All Comfort”

    “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort.”—2 COR. 1:3.


    Family members and friends can often give us a degree of comfort. At times, however, conditions that cause us distress are beyond human remedies. Only God can give us comfort regardless of how distressing our situation may be. His Word assures us: “Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him, . . . and their cry for help he will hear.” (Ps. 145:18, 19) Yes, “the eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their cry for help.” (Ps. 34:15


    But if we are to receive God’s support and comfort, we must place our trust in him. The psalmist David made that clear when he sang: “Jehovah will become a secure height for anyone crushed, a secure height in times of distress. And those knowing your name will trust in you, for you will certainly not leave those looking for you, O Jehovah.”—Ps. 9:9, 10.


    At times, we may become so discouraged that we can be in danger of succumbing to the effects of negative emotions. Perhaps we feel unable to care for a certain Scriptural responsibility or privilege of service. Here, too, Jehovah can comfort and help us. To illustrate: When Joshua was commissioned to lead the Israelites against powerful enemy nations, Moses told the people: “Be courageous and strong. Do not be afraid or suffer a shock before them, because Jehovah your God is the one marching with you. He will neither desert you nor leave you entirely.” (Deut. 31:6


    With Jehovah’s backing, Joshua was able to lead God’s people into the Promised Land and to victory over all their enemies. Earlier at the Red Sea, Moses had experienced similar divine support.—Ex. 14:13, 14, 29-31.




  8. "They were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd."—Matt. 9:36.



    One of the principal animals of pastoral life. (Ge 24:35; 26:14) Sheep are ruminants, or cud chewers. As is the case today, the predominant variety of ancient Palestine may have been the broad-tailed sheep, distinguished by its prominent fatty tail, generally weighing about 5 kg (11 lb) or more. (Compare Ex 29:22; Le 3:9.) 


    Generally sheep were white in color (Ca 6:6), though there were also dark-brown and parti-colored ones. (Ge 30:32) In a pastoral society men of great wealth, such as Job, had thousands of sheep. (Job 1:3, 16; 42:12) The Israelites probably kept some lambs as pets.—2Sa 12:3; Jer 11:19.


    Without a shepherd, domestic sheep are helpless and fearful. They get lost and scattered and are at the complete mercy of their enemies. (Nu 27:16, 17; Jer 23:4;Eze 34:5, 6, 8; Mic 5:8) Sheep allow themselves to be led, and they faithfully follow their shepherd. They can learn to recognize his voice and to respond to him alone. (Joh 10:2-5


    Illustrating this is a passage from Researches in Greece and the Levant, by J. Hartley (London, 1831, pp. 321, 322):

    “Having had my attention directed last night to the words [in] John x. 3 . . . I asked my man if it was usual in Greece to give names to the sheep. He informed me that it was, and that the sheep obeyed the shepherd when he called them by their names. This morning I had an opportunity of verifying the truth of this remark. Passing by a flock of sheep, I asked the shepherd the same question which I had put to my servant, and he gave me the same answer. I then bade him to call one of his sheep. He did so, and it instantly left its pasturage and its companions, and ran up to the hand of the shepherd, with signs of pleasure, and with a prompt obedience which I had never before observed in any other animal. It is also true of the sheep in this country, that a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him . . . The shepherd told me, that many of his sheep are still wild; that they had not yet learned their names; but that, by teaching, they would all learn them.”


    Under unfaithful shepherds or leaders, the Israelites as God’s sheep suffered greatly. Through his prophet Ezekiel, Jehovah presents a most pathetic picture of neglect: “The flock itself you do not feed. The sickened ones you have not strengthened, and the ailing one you have not healed, and the broken one you have not bandaged, and the dispersed one you have not brought back, and the lost one you have not sought to find, but with harshness you have had them in subjection, even with tyranny. And they were gradually scattered because of there being no shepherd, so that they became food for every wild beast of the field.” (Eze 34:3-5) By contrast, Jesus’ sheep, both the “little flock” and the “other sheep,” who follow his lead, are well cared for. (Lu 12:32; Joh 10:4, 14,16; Re 7:16, 17


    Jesus compared those doing good toward the least of his brothers to sheep, whereas those refusing to do so he likened to goats.—Mt 25:31-45.



  9. "Jesus said to him: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you men had known me, you would have known my Father also; from this moment on you know him and have seen him.” (John 14:6)


    Jesus—The Way, the Truth, the Life

    JOHN 14:1-31


    Still in the upper room with the apostles after the memorial meal, Jesus encourages them: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Exercise faith in God; exercise faith also in me.”—John 13:36;14:1.


    Evidence of God’s protection will soon be seen. Jesus says: “The ruler of the world is coming, and he has no hold on me.” (John 14:30) The Devil was able to enter into Judas and get a hold on him. But there is no sinful weakness in Jesus that Satan can play on to turn him against God. Nor will the Devil be able to restrain Jesus in death. Why not? Jesus states: “I am doing just as the Father has commanded me to do.” He is certain that his Father will resurrect him.—John 14:31.





  10. "Your Grand Instructor will no longer hide himself, and your eyes must become eyes seeing your Grand Instructor." (Isaiah 30:20)


    Remain Steadfast as Seeing the Invisible One!


    Jehovah is the “Grand Instructor.” He has no equal as a teacher. How, though, can people ‘see’ and “hear” him? Jehovah reveals himself through his prophets, whose words are recorded in the Bible. (Amos 3:6, 7)


    Today, when faithful worshipers read the Bible, it is as if God’s fatherly voice is telling them the way to go and urging them to readjust their course of conduct so as to walk in it. Each Christian should listen carefully as Jehovah speaks through the pages of the Bible and through Bible-based publications provided by “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Matthew 24:45-47) Let each one apply himself to Bible reading, for ‘it means his life.’—Deuteronomy 32:46, 47; Isaiah 48:17.





  11. How Can I Boost My Self-Confidence? - Good Advice!


    Yes No

    ?When you look in the mirror, □ □

    do you like what you see?

    ?Do you feel that you have □ □

    praiseworthy skills?

    ?Are you able to stand up to peer pressure? □ □

    ?Can you accept valid criticism? □ □

    ?Can you handle unfair remarks □ □ others make about you?

    ?Do you feel loved? □ □

    ?Do you take care of your health? □ □

    ?Are you happy for others when they succeed? □ □

    ?Do you generally view yourself as successful? □ □


    If you answered no to several of the above questions, it may be that low self-confidence has blinded you to your strengths. 


    MOST struggle with uncertainties about their appearance and their abilities, as well as how they measure up to others. Do you fall into that category? If so, you have plenty of company!


    “My imperfections cause me to feel down. Usually, I am my own worst critic.”—Leticia.

    “No matter how pretty or handsome you are, you always come across others who are better-looking.”—Haley.

    “I get very self-conscious around others. I’m scared that I’ll look like a loser.”—Rachel.

    If you identify with the above statements, don’t despair. You can get help. Consider three confidence boosters that will enable you to see yourself in a more positive light.


    ?Give of Yourself?

    Key scripture. “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.” (Acts 20:35)


    What it means. When you help others, you help yourself. How? “Generosity will be rewarded,” states a Bible proverb. “Give a cup of water, and you will receive a cup of water in return.” (Proverbs 11:25, Contemporary English Version) There’s no denying it—your sense of well-being soars when you help others!*

    “I think of what I can do for others and try to fill a need for someone in my congregation. Giving love and attention to others makes me feel better.”—Breanna.


    “The Christian ministry is rewarding because it forces you to stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about others.”—Javon.


    Caution: Don’t help others solely for the purpose of getting something in return. (Matthew 6:2-4) Giving with the wrong motive falls flat. It is usually seen for just what it is—a false front!

    (1 Thessalonians 2:5, 6)

    Your turn. Think of someone you have helped in the past. Who was that person, and what did you do for him or her?

    How did you feel afterward?

    Think of someone else you could help, and write down how you can assist that one.

    Make Friends

    Key scripture. “A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress.” (Proverbs 17:17)

    What it means. A good friend can be a tremendous support during times of adversity. (1 Samuel 18:1; 19:2) Even the thought that someone cares can lift your spirits. (1 Corinthians 16:17, 18) 

    So draw close to those who have a positive influence on you.

    ✅“Real friends won’t let you stay down.”—Donnell.

    ✅“Sometimes the most important thing is knowing that someone sincerely cares. That can make you feel valuable.”—Heather.

    Caution: Make sure your friends bring out the real you—not a persona that you create just to fit in. (Proverbs 13:20; 18:24; 1 Corinthians 15:33) Engaging in unwise acts just to impress others will leave you feeling degraded and used. (Romans 6:21)

    Your turn. Below, fill in the name of a friend who might boost your self-confidence in a healthy way.

    Why not make arrangements to spend some time with the person you named above?—Note: The person doesn’t have to be in your age group.


    Bounce Back From Your Mistakes

    Key scripture. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

    (Romans 3:23)


    What it means. There’s no getting around it—you’re imperfect. That means there will be times when you will say or even do the wrong thing. (Romans 7:21-23; James 3:2) While you can’t avoid making mistakes, you can control how you react to them. The Bible says: “Even if good people fall seven times, they will get back up.”

    (Proverbs 24:16, CEV)


    “Sometimes low self-esteem results when we compare our weakness to another person’s strength.”—Kevin.

    “Everyone has good and bad qualities. We should be proud of the good and work on the bad.”—Lauren.

    Caution: Don’t use your imperfection as an excuse to practice sin. (Galatians 5:13) Deliberately engaging in wrongdoing will cut you off from the most important approval you could have—that of Jehovah God!—Hebrews 10:26, 27.

    ?✅Your turn. Below, write a quality that you would like to improve in.

    Write today’s date next to the quality you noted. Do research on how to improve, and check your progress in one month.

    Your True Value

    The Bible says that “God is greater than our hearts.” (1 John 3:20) This means, for one thing, that he can see value in you that you may not see in yourself. But do your imperfections change that? Well, imagine that you had a $100 bill with a small tear in it. Would you throw it away or view it as worthless because of that tear? No way! It’s still worth $100—with or without a tear.

    It’s similar with God’s view of your worth. Your flaws don’t blind him to your value. He notices and treasures your efforts to please him, no matter how insignificant they may seem to you! Indeed, the Bible assures you that “God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name.” (Hebrews 6:10)





    The New York City Office of EmergencyManagement recommends that households plan for evacuation by assembling a “go bag—a durable, accessible, easy-to-transport bagcontaining important emergency items. The following may be included:*

    ▪ Copies of important documents in a waterproof container

    ▪ An extra set of car and house keys

    ▪ Credit or debit cards and cash

    ▪ Bottled water and nonperishable food

    ▪ Flashlight(s), AM/FM radio, cell phone (if you have one), extra batteries

    ▪ Medication for at least one week, a list of dosages, prescription slips, and doctors’ names and phone numbers. (Be sure to replace medications before their expiration date)

    ▪ First-aid kit

    ▪ Sturdy, comfortable shoes and rainwear

    ▪ Contact and meeting place information for your household, as well as a regional map

    ▪ Child-care supplies

    Although based on the official list, the above includes minor changes. Not every item listed may be suitable in your case or in your part of the world, and some items may have to be added. For example, seniors and the disabled have their own special needs.


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