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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. JW children are no longer safe in Russia as authorities now equates Jehovah Witnesses in  Russia to the “terrorist group ISIS.”
    "On 23 November 2017, the Ministry of Education issued its recommendations on “resocialisation of adolescents who have been subjected to destructive psychological influence.” The document identifies only two groups of children for State-imposed “resocialising”—children of ISIS members and “tens of thousands of children and adolescents” in families of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    The Ministry of Education directive sets out a program of monitoring families, creating centres for psychological resocialisation and education and using “corrective” measures for “recovery” from “personality deformations”.
    Thousands of Witness parents are shocked by the implications of this move by the Russian government and are vitally concerned for the safety and welfare of their children.
    The Ministry of EducationÂ’s recommendations echo the program of re-educating dissidents during the Soviet era and the Nazi regime. If this program moves forward on a large scale, it will bring great trauma to the families concerned".
    Hundreds of Jw in russia have started to seek asylum in Finland and other countries. 
    Since the jw.org website has been banned in russia, a special(interim) legal report for the Russian brothers and sisters have been released and from which the above information was extracted. It is available for all and can be distributed. 
    The Legal report shows the effect the first six months have had after the prohibitive decision of the Supreme Court.
    Download the Russian version
    Download the English version
    ?? ??????



  2. The Court in Vladivostok arrested a Jehovah's Witness for two months
    A Court in Vladivostok arrested a follower of the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, Valentin Osadchuk, until June 20.

    He is accused of being involved in an extremist organization. This is reported by the European Association of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Osadchuk was arrested on April 19. In his house and two other suspects were searched.




  3. ? HITLER'S EFFORTS TO WIPE OUT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES IN GERMANY FAILED: “Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; because, ... if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them..." —Acts 5:38, 39.

    During 1933, when Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany refused to heil Adolf Hitler as their Führer, Hitler vowed to exterminate them. 
    Hitler launched a campaign to annihilate JehovahÂ’s Witnesses in Germany. By 1935 they were proscribed in the entire nation.
    October 7, 1934, Adolf Hitler with clenched fists declared regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses: “This enemy of Great Germany, This brood  of International Bible Students will be exterminated in Germany!” 
     Widespread arrests occurred. A “special Gestapo Command” was formed to fight against the Witnesses. 
    The Nazis did succeed in rounding up thousands of Witnesses and sending them off to concentration camps. Repeatedly they were promised release from the camps if they would only sign a declaration renouncing their beliefs. 

    The Earthly part of Jehovah's Organization wrote a personal letter to Adolf Hitler warning him regarding the situation. J. F. Rutherford along with the entire worldwide brotherhood went into action. Jehovah’s Witnesses throughout the earth met and, after united prayer to Jehovah, sent a cablegram warning the Hitler government: “Your ill-treatment of Jehovah’s witnesses shocks all good people of earth and dishonors God’s name. Refrain from further persecuting Jehovah’s witnesses; otherwise God will destroy you and your national party.” 

    The Witnesses kept right on preaching that God’s Kingdom is mankind’s only hope. At the end of the war, over a thousand surviving Witnesses came out of the camps, with their faith intact and their love for one another strong. 

    The Nazis failed to break the Witnesses’ resolve to worship God alone, and they failed to eliminate God’s servants as a group. 

    Why was Hitler, with his well-equipped army, highly trained police,  unable to carry out his threat to destroy this relatively small and unarmed group of what the world views as ordinary people? 
    The answer lies in some wise advice given by Gamaliel, a Law teacher, to fellow members of the Jewish Sanhedrin when they were dealing with a similar case involving the apostles of Jesus Christ. He said: “Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; because, if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them; otherwise, you may perhaps be found fighters actually against God.”—Acts 5:38, 39.

    Sixty years later, faithful survivors of Hitler’s concentration camps are still serving Jehovah ‘with their whole heart and soul and mind,’ whereas today Hitler and his Nazi party are wiped off the face of the earth,  nowhere to be found, living only in infamy.

    Jehovah's name and his Kingdom is still being proclaimed in Germany by some total of what went from only a few thousand of Jehovah's servants during Hitler's reign to today numbering far over 165,837 and still rapidly growing. The work is from Jehovah, not man, and the work of Jehovah cannot be overthrown. 

    ?? “They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea.”—Isaiah 2:4; 11:9.

    • jv 552, 553, 659-660, 693, w05 12/15 pp. 19-24 
        Whom Do You Obey—God or Men?





  4. Jehovah Does Not Forget His People - HOPE ON AND BE COURAGEOUS! -
    He is constantly thinking of his loyal ones. He remembers them as if their names were engraved on his hands ~
    (Isaiah 49:16) Look! Upon [my] palms I have engraved you. Your walls are in front of me constantly."

    (Isaiah 49:13-14) . . .Give a glad cry, YOU heavens, and be joyful, you earth. Let the mountains become cheerful with a glad outcry. For Jehovah has comforted his people, and he shows pity upon his own afflicted ones. 14 But Zion kept saying: “Jehovah has left me, and Jehovah himself has forgotten me.” 

    (Song of Solomon 8:6-7) . . .“Place me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; because love is as strong as death is, insistence on exclusive devotion is as unyielding as She?ol is. Its blazings are the blazings of a fire, the flame of Jah. 7 Many waters themselves are not able to extinguish love, nor can rivers themselves wash it away. . ."

    (Isaiah 26:1) In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: “We have a strong city. He sets salvation itself for walls and rampart."

    (Isaiah 60:18) “No more will violence be heard in your land, despoiling or breakdown within your boundaries. And you will certainly call your own walls Salvation and your gates Praise."

    In his letter to the Galatians, the apostle Paul exhorted Christians: “Let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due season we shall reap if we do not tire out.” (Galatians 6:9) To the Hebrews he wrote the encouraging words: “God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name.” (Hebrews 6:10) 

    Never should we feel that Jehovah has forgotten his people. Like ancient Zion, Christians have good reason to rejoice and patiently wait on Jehovah. He holds firm to his covenant terms and promises.

    Now that he has taken us up into his theocratic organization, we must never leave it, never cease meeting with it. He never forgets his faithful organization and so cannot leave and forsake it. If Jehovah never abandons his organization, then for us to abandon it would be equal to abandoning him. If we abide in his unforgettable organization, he will never forget us. For him to forget and leave us would mean our eternal destruction. Never may that happen!

    Tap on Video Link mp4 _______ ??


  5. 12 hours ago, Queen Esther said:


    WE  NOT  HAVE  TO  BE  SAD.  JEHOVAH  IS  THE  WINNER, YES ! 1f64f.png1f601.png

    OH  JEHOVAH  -  OUR  FATHER  -  GOD  AND  FRIEND 1f495.png


    @Queen Esther

    Its only money ? Jehovah owns the whole earth! 

    Psakms 37:9-11!

    Don’t Give Up! 

  6. Do You Fear the Sea? Soon the Sea Will Obey Jehovah’s Command and Bring Peace!

    .From World Distress into a Peaceful “New Earth”

    . “God is for us a refuge and strength, a help that is readily to be found during distresses. That is why we shall not fear, though the earth undergo change and though the mountains totter into the heart of the vast sea; though its waters be boisterous, foam over, though the mountains rock at its uproar. . . . There is a river the streams of which make the city of God rejoice, the holiest grand tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of the city; it will not be made to totter. God will help it at the appearance of morning. The nations became boisterous, the kingdoms tottered; He sounded with his voice, the earth proceeded to melt. Jehovah of armies is with us; the God of Jacob is a secure height for us.”—Psalm 46:1-7 and superscription.

    “Come, you people, behold the activities of Jehovah, how he has set astonishing events on the earth. He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth. The bow he breaks apart and does cut the spear in pieces; the [war] wagons he burns in the fire. ‘Give in [Let be then,], you people, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’ Jehovah of armies is with us; the God of Jacob is a secure height for us.”—Psalm 46:8-11.

    Underneath beauty ?

    ?|| @ryanpernofski

    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ?


    To build a home - Cinematic Orchestra feat. Patrick Watson (@patrickwatsonofficial) ?


  7. Billions of rubles of the Jehovah's Witnesses fell into the hands of the Kremlin. Legally
    ARTICLE OF THE NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE. The translation is not perfect, but you can understand most of it.
    Jehovah's Witnesses "(banned in the Russian organization - Ed ..) In Russia recently made a list of extremist organizations, which are present, for example," Al-Qaeda "and LIH (both organizations banned in Russia - Ed ..) The followers of this religious tendency, which the Bible prohibits killing, looked with amazement at the way the Kremlin takes their property.The other day, the Municipal Court of Saint Petersburg admitted that this procedure was legal.

    The cost of the property confiscated only in St. Petersburg can exceed $ 13.9 million, that is, several billion rubles. City Court confirmed the judgment of first instance, which at the end of last year ruled that the 16 properties (land and buildings) in the elite neighborhood, which belonged to "Watchtower Society" (another name of the organization "Jehovah's Witnesses", prohibited in Russia - ed. Ed.), It will be transferred to state property, specifies the radio station "Ekho Moskvy".

    Judgment: Jehovah's Witnesses are extremists

    Not on the road with the state

    In an interview with The New York Times, Sivak said that, because of his faith, he lost his job (he was a physical education teacher). It is curious that before joining the Witnesses, in 2000 he voted for Putin and then did not participate in any opposition activity, although he stopped going to the polls. "I do not do politics at all," he emphasized.

    "Jehovah's Witnesses exist parallel to the state," explains Geraldine Fagan, author of the book Faith in Russia: a religious policy after communism. "They do not interfere in politics, which in itself seems suspicious," he says in a conversation with The New York Times. As the Russian unit is subordinated to American structures, and its members adopt such a cautious stance, it is more difficult for the Russian Orthodox Church and special services to monitor them. However, around the "Witnesses" there are several rumors that inflame the imagination of the authorities and the FSB.

    In the course of last year's Sivak trial, the prosecutor put it this way: "They show disrespect to the state, destroy public ties and undermine the foundations of national and state security." As a result, Sivak and another convicted member of the "Witnesses" were acquitted, however, it later turned out that they had not been removed from the list of terrorists. It was also clear that the Ministry of Justice has been following Jehovah's Witnesses for many years and believes they are violating the law to counter extremism. As a result, all movement structures, including 400 communities, which linked approximately 175,000 followers, were ordered to suspend their activities. The decisions of the authorities received propaganda support, while the Russians joined in the prosecution of the Witnesses. All this reminds us of the times of Stalin, when the members of the movement were sent to Siberia. They say that now communities across Russia are under pressure and that their property is being stolen. The courts can not help you in any way.

    Why does Putin persecute Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Although "Witnesses" often cause irritation among Russians for going to preach at home, it is difficult to accuse them of inciting the riot. The followers of this movement do not drink alcohol, do not smoke and do not accept the bloodshed to such an extent that they even reject blood transfusions. Social "passivity" makes them an easy target. "They can be used to give a signal to society," says Alexander Verkhovsky, director of the Sova Analytical Center, which studies extremism in Russia.

    The message says: "everyone should support Putin." Anyone who refuses to do so is a saboteur who prevents Russia from getting out of the knee, and any violation of the rules set by the authorities falls under anti-terrorist legislation. Until recently, the concept of "extremism" in Russian legislation was closely related to the use of violence, but they have changed so that the article was found in every is practically any "unfair" disloyal person.

    The foreign organization of the Russian Federation took the complex to the price of 880 million: it was used by the Jehovah's Witnesses updated: 04-05-2018 (13:19)
    St. Petersburg City Court on May 3 confirmed the decision of the District Court, according to which a complex of 14 buildings at the expense of more than 880 million rubles is withdrawn in favor of the state, said the center "Sova" list mail, received Kasparov.Ru.
    The decision was taken Sestroretsk District Court December 7, 2017 at the request of the prosecutor's office of the Resort District of St. Petersburg and the territorial administration of the Federal Property Agency, "the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania . "
    The complex of 33 thousand square meters in the village of Solnechnoye foreign religious organization owned since 2000. This is an old camp of pioneers, purchased by the Company of one of the Russian companies, by which the organization paid all taxes owed to its due time during these years.
    Since 2000, the management center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, which was not the owner of the property, has enjoyed the complex. The court considered the 2000 agreement null and void. The Management Center was declared an extremist in April 2017 and liquidated together with its 360 local organizations with the confiscation of property.
    Keep in mind that this is the second great wave of persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses by the state. On April 1 and 2, 1951, a "North" operation was carried out for the mass relocation to Siberia of supporters of the Jehovah's Witness organization and their families.
    In total, more than 8.5 thousand people were evicted (more than 3 thousand families). The property of the evicted was confiscated and applied to cover the costs of state obligations. Evicted people were given two hours to collect and 150 kg of things per family. Only in 1965, restrictions on the special solution were lifted and released from administrative supervision, the participants of "sects" -. Jehovah's Witnesses, True Orthodox Christians, Adventist-Reformist Innochentism and Their Families "Decree, paragraph 2, states that" the lifting of restrictions on a special settlement for such persons does not entail the return of confiscated property after the eviction "

    And the presumption of innocence? These are empty words in Russia. Sivaku himself had to prove that he was not an extremist, but a citizen respectful of the law. "They call me a terrorist, but I just wanted people to pay close attention to the words of the Bible," he explained.




  8. Good News! Children Love ?? Jehovah!

    MaKenna Loves Jehovah.


    A few weeks ago we shared Makenna's story. She is from Visalia, California. She has multiple serious health issues. But that does not come in the way of her love for Jehovah. She was featured in the local news about how she gets to make a wish for the "Make a Wish Foundation." 


    Makenna chose to visit and tour all three bethel branches in NY since they are the homes of Jehovah. She wants to meet Sophia and Caleb as well. When we shared this story, many of you gave so many encouraging words to Makenna and her family. Here she is showing her gratitude. 


    She appreciates all of your loving kindness! Photo shared by @misterandmrsdaugherty



  9. Fire ? brings new life and cleans out volcanoes ? a live picture! Remember Paradise is not far away!


    The Earth will repair and make itself beautiful again! Thank you Jehovah God for your Earth and Blessings!




    Video by @ChristineEckstrom Hawaii is red hot again with the new eruption of the Kilauea volcano on the Big Island, which started last week and is still intensifying. 


    I covered Kilauea's last major eruption. Here’s a video impression by Chris from   the edge of the active lava lake that formed. 


    What you’re hearing is not the wind, it’s the sound of the volcano. We were out there with permits in the company of volcanologists and we relied on their judgment for our movements as you can hear in the clip. 


    This is not something you should ever do on your own. Volcanoes command respect and in Hawaii nobody takes chances with Pele.

    Tap on Video Link mp4 _____ ?



  10. Russian "Jehovah's Witnesses" seek refuge in Finland

    In 2017, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the Jehovah's Witnesses as an extremist organization and banned their activities in Russia. Many members of the organization left Russia after this and are trying to obtain asylum abroad. In Finland, "Witnesses" is now one of the largest asylum seekers in the Russian Federation




  11. Amazing Animals Created by Jehovah God! 


    Meet the mysterious, elusive, shy, rarely seen, intelligent and vulnerable narwhal. A male narwhal rises from the icy seas of Lancaster sound. 

    The most noticeable characteristic of the narwhal is the long tusk, which is a canine tooth that projects from the left side of the upper jaw, through the lip, and forms a left-handed helix spiral. 

    Narwhals actually do not have any teeth inside of their mouths.  A tusk grows throughout life, reaching a length of 5 to 10 feet.  The one thing you need to remember about narwhals is that they primarily feed on polar cod and the polar cod life cycle is tied to sea ice.  Without ice there will be catastrophic effects on all species. 

    Some scientists say that the narwhal is  just as vulnerable as the polar bear to climate change.  #bethechange #nature #naturelovers #arctic #climatechangeisreal #science #climatechange


  12. •Matthew 26:41 —"Keep on the watch and pray continually, so that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak.”

    •Luke 18:1 —"Then he went on to tell them an illustration about the need for them always to pray and not to give up,"

     •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org TheMostTranslatedWebsite


  13. Congratulations ?.

    @eva.jenny Tells us: Three years ago I was disfellowshipped and addicted to what they call the most dangerous drug.

    Everyday I had to commit a crime to finance my habbit. My children were taking away from me into custody while I was arrested.

    I wanted to go back to Jehovah so bad but I just felt trapped and overwhelmed with the problems in my life.

    So I talked to Jehovah everyday as often as possible and asked him to show me what to do about every decision and every worry. Slowly and piece by piece he gave me what I needed to change my life.

    By living according to his will I gained back what I had lost and recieved more. Today my favorite time is in the ministry and I am happier than ever enjoying a wonderful relationship with ALL of my three children; THANK YOU JEHOVAH ??



  14. •Acts 17:27 —"so that they would seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him, although, in fact, he is not far off from each one of us.”

    •John 14:27 —"I leave you peace; I give you my peace. I do not give it to you the way that the world gives it. Do not let your hearts be troubled nor let them shrink out of fear." •

    •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org TheMostTranslatedWebsite


  15. Happy to be Free!



    Brother Teymur Akhmedov after a year of prison and a month of treatment in Almaty, Kazakhstan. He has been released by presidential pardon on April 2, 2018 and safely returned home to the city of Astana! Now his condition is improving but he is still sick. We will pray for him.

    See also the article on JW.ORG. (PLEASE TAG OUR  BROTHERS AND SISTERS) letÂ’s share this experience ?????

    Thanks for the video 


    Tap on Video Link mp4 ____?


  16. The foreign organization of the Russian Federation took the complex to the price of 880 million: it was used by the Jehovah's Witnesses
    updated: 04-05-2018 (13:19)
    St. Petersburg City Court on May 3 confirmed the decision of the District Court, according to which a complex of 14 buildings at the expense of more than 880 million rubles is withdrawn in favor of the state, said the center "Sova" list mail, received Kasparov.Ru.
    The decision was taken Sestroretsk District Court December 7, 2017 at the request of the prosecutor's office of the Resort District of St. Petersburg and the territorial administration of the Federal Property Agency, "the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania . "
    The complex of 33 thousand square meters in the village of Solnechnoye foreign religious organization owned since 2000. This is an old camp of pioneers, purchased by the Company of one of the Russian companies, by which the organization paid all taxes owed to its due time during these years.
    Since 2000, the management center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, which was not the owner of the property, has enjoyed the complex. The court considered the 2000 agreement null and void. The Management Center was declared an extremist in April 2017 and liquidated together with its 360 local organizations with the confiscation of property.
    Keep in mind that this is the second great wave of persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses by the state. On April 1 and 2, 1951, a "North" operation was carried out for the mass relocation to Siberia of supporters of the Jehovah's Witness organization and their families.
    In total, more than 8.5 thousand people were evicted (more than 3 thousand families). The property of the evicted was confiscated and applied to cover the costs of state obligations. Evicted people were given two hours to collect and 150 kg of things per family. Only in 1965, restrictions on the special solution were lifted and released from administrative supervision, the participants of "sects" -. Jehovah's Witnesses, True Orthodox Christians, Adventist-Reformist Innochentism and Their Families "Decree, paragraph 2, states that" the lifting of restrictions on a special settlement for such persons does not entail the return of confiscated property after the eviction "





  17. •Matthew 15:18,19 —"However, whatever comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and those things defile a man. For example, out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders, adulteries, sexual immorality, thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies.

    •Proverbs 4:23 —"Above all the things that you guard, safeguard your heart, For out of it are the sources of life." 

    •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org TheMostTranslatedWebsite


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