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Bible Speaks

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  1. King David Betrayed by His Son Absalom - David still loved him as his death - Very devoted King and Father - Yet Disasterous results! (Psalm 3:superscription-8) A melody of David when he was running away on account of Ab?sa·lom his son. 3O Jehovah, why have my adversaries become many? Why are many rising up against me? 2 Many are saying of my soul: “There is no salvation for him by God.” Se?lah. 3 And yet you, O Jehovah, are a shield about me, My glory and the One lifting up my head. 4 With my voice I shall call to Jehovah himself, And he will answer me from his holy mountain. Se?lah. 5 As for me, I will lie down that I may sleep; I shall certainly awake, for Jehovah himself keeps supporting me. 6 I shall not be afraid of ten thousands of people Who have set themselves in array against me round about. 7 Do arise, O Jehovah! Save me, O my God! For you will have to strike all my enemies on the jaw. The teeth of wicked ones you will have to break. 8 Salvation belongs to Jehovah. Your blessing is upon your people. Se?lah. (Ab?sa·lom) [Father [that is, God] Is Peace]. The third of six sons born to David at Hebron. Physical beauty ran strong in AbsalomÂ’s family. He was nationally praised for his outstanding beauty; his luxuriant growth of hair, doubtless made heavier by the use of oil or ointments, weighed some 200 shekels (2.3 kg; 5 lb) when annually cut. His sister Tamar was also beautiful, and his daughter, named for her aunt, was “most beautiful in appearance.” (2Sa 14:25-27; 13:1) Rather than being of benefit, however, this beauty contributed to some ugly events that caused immense grief to AbsalomÂ’s father, David, as well as to others, and produced great turmoil for the nation. Any natural or filial affection that Absalom had for David, however, had apparently vanished during the five years of separation from his father. Three years of association with pagan royalty may have cultivated the corroding influence of ambition. Absalom might have viewed himself as destined for the throne because of being descended from royalty on both sides of the family Nevertheless, GodÂ’s promise to David of a future “seed” to inherit the throne was given after AbsalomÂ’s birth, and hence he should have known that he was not JehovahÂ’s choice for the kingship. (2Sa 7:12) At any rate, once restored to royal rank, Absalom began an underhanded political campaign. With consummate skill he feigned great concern for the public welfare and presented himself as a man of the people. He carefully insinuated to the people, particularly those of the tribes outside Judah, that the kingÂ’s court was lacking in interest in their problems and was greatly in need of a warmhearted man like Absalom.—2Sa 15:1-6. Absalom, feeling satisfied that he had built up a strong following throughout the realm, obtained permission from his father by means of a pretext to go to Hebron, the original capital of Judah. From there he quickly organized a full-scale conspiracy for the throne, including a nationwide web of spies to proclaim his kingship. After having invoked GodÂ’s blessing on his rule by offering sacrifices, he obtained the support of his fatherÂ’s most respected counselor, Ahithophel. Many now swung to AbsalomÂ’s side.—2Sa 15:7-12. AbsalomÂ’s newly formed forces were administered a crushing defeat by DavidÂ’s experienced fighters. The battle reached into the forest of Ephraim. Absalom, riding away on his royal mule, passed under the low branches of a large tree and apparently got his head enmeshed in the fork of a branch so that he was left suspended in the air. The man who reported to Joab that he had seen him said he would not have disobeyed DavidÂ’s request by slaying Absalom for “a thousand pieces of silver [if shekels, c. $2,200],” but Joab felt no such restraint and drove three shafts into AbsalomÂ’s heart, after which ten of his men joined their captain in sharing the responsibility for AbsalomÂ’s death. AbsalomÂ’s body was thereafter thrown into a hollow and covered with a mound of stones as unworthy of burial.—2Sa 18:6-17; compare Jos 7:26; 8:29. When messengers reached David in Mahanaim, his first concern was for his son. Learning of AbsalomÂ’s death, David paced the floor of the roof chamber, crying: “My son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! O that I might have died, I myself, instead of you, Absalom my son, my son!” (2Sa 18:24-33) Only JoabÂ’s blunt, straightforward speech and reasoning brought David out of his great grief due to the tragic course and end of this physically attractive and resourceful young man, whose driving ambition led him to fight against GodÂ’s anointed, thus bringing himself to ruin.—2Sa 19:1-8; compare Pr 24:21, 22. Psalm 3 was written by David at the time of AbsalomÂ’s revolt, according to the superscription that heads the psalm.
  2. ITALY A 13-year-old boy hospitalized in Catanzaro, Jehovah's Witnesses explain why the parents rejected the transfusion "The fact that we wanted to wait for the green light from the magistrate suggests that, although the situation was serious, there was no imminent danger to life." Catanzaro - "We would like to point out that, while denying blood transfusions, Jehovah's Witnesses see life as something sacred, they appreciate advances in health care and willingly accept medical care for themselves and for their children." The public information office requires the witnesses of Jehovah Catanzaro, in the news published on April 18 by the Ombudsman for the Minor of the Calabria region, Antonio Marziale, according to which the transfusion was denied to a minor, for To avoid the negative opinion of the parents, the intervention of the Juvenile Court was necessary. "The parents - stated in the note - quickly took their teenage daughter to the hospital to receive treatment. The only request they made to the doctors is that the 13-year-old daughter should not be transfused with whole blood or its four main components, It is also reaffirmed several times and with the conviction of the woman herself.It is important to emphasize, according to Jehovah's Witnesses, that refusing a blood transfusion is very different from refusing treatment. In general, in fact, transfusions are just one of several viable medical treatments in emergency situations and often are not even the best treatment. Reliable scientific studies show that patients undergoing alternative therapies to blood transfusions, including children, usually shoot at the same or even better than patients who accept blood transfusions. "The note notes that" the position of witnesses of Jehovah with respect to blood transfusions does not obligate medical personnel to any delay in the administration of transfusions that save minor lives considered: doctors know that, in the case of underage patients, if they really believe that there is state of necessity 'have the right' to act even without the need for the authorization of the judge (as confirmed on 15/03/2018 last Florence Children's Court, in its judgment No. 1176). The fact that in this case we wanted to wait for the green light by the judge suggests - and 'wrote - that, although the situation was serious, there was no immediate threat to life. " The note also states that "in the field of medical care, decisions made by individual Jehovah's Witnesses are absolutely personal and free: they are not imposed by confession." The Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses - who always reads the statement - always cooperates with the authorities, and in this case 'more' than willing to explain in detail to the interested parties their position on blood transfusions in doctrinal and legal medical plan, it would also be a pleasure to put health professionals in contact with a network of doctors and health centers specialized in the treatment of all patients without blood transfusions. " As was said, finally, "some misunderstandings arise only from the lack of knowledge of the actual location of Jehovah's Witnesses in subject transfusions, situation - it is worth repeating - fully compatible with the Constitution". https://www.quicosenza.it/news/calabria/213987-tredicenne-ricoverata-a-catanzaro-testimoni-di-geova-spiegano-perche-i-genitori-hanno-rifiutato-la-trasfusione
  3. WHY IS GOD’S NAME MISSING FROM MANY BIBLES? – LONG BUT VERY GOOD! THE  REASON  GODÂ’S  NAME IS  MISSING  FROM  MANY  BIBLES “…the distinctive Hebrew name for God – usually transliterated Jehovah, is in this translation represented by “LORD.” – TodayÂ’s English Version (preface) There are many different reasons why GodÂ’s name was removed from the Bible.  I will attempt to briefly discuss them here. First off, it was a MISTAKE to remove GodÂ’s Name from the bible. WHY ? As Author of the Bible, Only God himself has the right to change or alter the Bible.  God himself gave mankind a warning – in his own Word – The Bible; to NOT add to – NOR take away from his Words. “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life.” (Revelation 22:18,19)(NIV)-BibleGateway – A  MISTAKE – “…the suppression of The Name (Jehovah) has entailed upon the reader, and especially upon the hearer, irreparable lossÂ… its suppression was a  MISTAKE…” –Rotherham, 1, Ch. IV, 22-29 “…the most common “ERROR” made by most translators in the last 3500 yearsÂ…is their elimination of heavenÂ’s revealed Name of the Most High, Yahweh (Jehovah)” – A. B. Traina; in the Preface of the Holy Name Bible “The substitution of the word “Lord” is most unhappy; forÂ…it in NO WAY represents the meaning of the sacred name (Jehovah)…” – The 1872 edition of SmithÂ’s Bible Dictionary THE  BASIC  REASONS THAT TRANSLATORS REMOVED  GODÂ’S  NAME  FROM  THE  BIBLE : “In the first two centuries nearly all the various readings of the New Testament came into existence, the majority of them by deliberate alteration of the textÂ…in the interests of (the trinity) dogma…” -the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics;  The Bible in the Church “Codex B (Vaticanus)Â…was altered by a later hand in more than two thousand places. Eusebius, therefore, is not without grounds for accusing the adherents ofÂ….the newly-risen doctrine of the trinity of falsifying the Bible…” -(Fraternal Visitor 1924, p. 148; translated from Christadelphian Monatshefte). “The removal of the Tetragrammaton (Jehovah) from the New Testament and its replacement with the surrogates KYRIOS and THEOS blurred the original distinction between the Lord God and the Lord Christ, and in many passages made it impossible which one was meant.  As time went onÂ…it was often impossible to distinguish between them. Thus it may be that the removal of the Tetragrammaton (Jehovah) contributed significantly to the laterÂ…Trinity “ – George Howard, Bible Scholar ; The Name of God in the New Testament, BAR 4.1 (March 1978), pg 15 ` “It was they who demanded, in effect, that Christianity be “updated” by blurring or even obliterating the long-accepted distinction between the Father and the Son.” – When Jesus Became God by Richard E. Rubenstein, p.74 3. MONEY   Because the God of Christ – The Jewish God, Jehovah,   was not popular with the world of mankind, they   sought to remove him from their Bibles. Bible   translators knew that for their Bibles to be purchased   they would need to appeal to their readers. They   also knew, that if they used GodÂ’s Divine Name Jehovah,   then people would not purchase their Version and thus   they would lose money. GodÂ’s name Jehovah/Yahowah appears in the original hebrew text about 7000 times, but the NIV fails to mention it even once. When asked about this,   Edwin H. Palmer, Th.D., Executive Secretary for the NIVÂ’s committee wrote : “Here is why we did not : You are right – that Jehovah is a distinctive name for God and ideally we should have used it.  But we put 2 1/4 million dollars into this translation and a sure way of throwing that down the drain is to translate, for example, Psalm 23 as, ‘Yahweh (Jehovah) is my shepherd.‘  Immediately, we would have translated for nothing. Nobody would have used it (or purchased it). Oh, maybe you and a handful [of] others.  But a Christian has to be also wise and practical.   We are the victims of 350 years of the King James tradition. It is far better to get two million to read it- that is how many have bought it to date- and to follow the King James, than to have two thousand buy it and have the correct translation of Yahweh(Jehovah) . . . It was a hard decision, and many of our translators agree with you.” – The Reason NIV removed JehovahÂ’s Name       Edwin H. Palmer, Th.D.,    Executive Secretary for the NIV‘s committee “The situation today, where many translationsÂ… exists largely because of the amount of money to be gained…” -(The Preservation of the Bible By Faithful Churches)      –By Charles V. Turner 4. MAN MADE “TRADITION“   It was a tradition of the Jews to avoid using GodÂ’s   name altogether. They stopped all mention of him.   No longer using GodÂ’s Divine Name, they no longer used   it in their prayers, even making it a sin to say his   name out loud. They considered it “blasphemy” to   utter the name of God, Jehovah. Many translators   admit to following this “Jewish Tradition” and have   thus removed JehovahÂ’s name and replaced it with Titles   such as “LORD” and “GOD” – all in capitals – to show   that they have removed GodÂ’s name in those places.   Jesus condemned the man-made tradition of the Jews.   Following their lead in this – would be directly against   JesusÂ’ Teachings on this issue. “…Yahweh (Jehovah), is the proper personal name of the God of IsraelÂ…the term Adonai,  ‘My LordÂ’Â was later used as a SUBSTITUTE. The word  LORD  in the present version represents the TRADITIONAL usage.” – New American Bible (Catholic)   Introduction to the O. T., Page XI. “In this translation we have followed the orthodox Jewish TRADITION and substituted ‘the LordÂ’ for the name ‘YahwehÂ’ (Jehovah)” — Preface – 1935 Bible ;   J. M. Powis Smith and Edgar J. Goodspeed “Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? …Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. “ (Matthew 15:3,6)(NIV)-BibleGateway 5. SUPERSTITION   During the time when Israel was in slavery to Babylon,   she absorbed and adopted many Babylonian customs and   ideas. One of these was the “Superstition” against using   the name of a God – for fear that bad things would   happen to them. As the Babylonians called their Chief   God – Marduk by the title “LORD” so as not to offend   him, so too – the Jews adopted this idea in reference   to Jehovah God. “When the Yisraeli (Israelites) came out of Babylonian captivity, they brought along with themthe Babylonian culture, and along with it Babylonian beliefs and superstitions.  One of these pagan Babylonian practices or beliefs was called “ineffability.” This was the SUPERSTITION  against using the name of a deity for fear of something bad happening to them. The idea was that if you said the name of a deity he or she would notice you. The pagan practice of ineffability was further reinforced by Greek Hellenization.” -(b.Pes. 50a) (b.Kidd. 71a). “The avoidance of the original name of God (Yehowah) both in speech and, to a certain extent, in the BibleÂ….. first aroseÂ…..in Babylonia. According to Dalman (l.c. pp. 66 et seq.),” -The Jewish Encyclopedia TETRAGRAMMATON; by Crawford Howell Toy, and Ludwig Blau “The idea that only the priest could utter The NAME of The HEAVENLY FATHER, and that he was to disguise or hide it from the common people, came from the idea that the NAME was“ineffable” or “unutterable”. However this was a pagan doctrine that they adopted from the Egyptians, Babylonians, and the Greeks…” -THE FINAL REFORMATION; KOSTER P.54, P112 Marduk was, therefore, a very important god of Babylon. In the first millennium BCE, his name was considered so holy, that it was almost never pronounced; instead, people said and wrote Bêl, ‘LORDÂ’. Herodotus correctly calls the supreme god of Babylon Bêl (“lord”), because his real name was not pronounced. -[Herodotus, Histories 1.181-2; tr. Aubrey de Sélincourt] “The ineffability of divine names was on old idea in EgyptÂ… the name of Osiris himself was said to be ineffableÂ…the name Marduk of Babylon was also declared ineffable. The Greeks avoided the names of their deities and preferred to call them by the titles Kurios and Theos.” -The Final Reformation By Dr. Koster; pp. 54 and 112 “…But at least by the third century B.C.E. the pronunciation of the name YHWH (Jehovah) was avoided, and Adonai, “the Lord,” was substituted for it…” – Encyclopedia Judaica (p. 679). “The Hebrews considered The Name of God to be ‘ineffableÂ’Â and substituted in reading Adonai (My Lord).” -Columbia Encyclopedia Vol. 2  under the subject ‘GodÂ’Â 6. “JEHOVAH” IS NOT THE HEBREW WAY TO SAY GODÂ’S NAME   Some Bible Translators say that they have removed   GodÂ’s name from the Bible – because Jehovah is not   the proper way to say GodÂ’s name in Hebrew.   This reasoning is merely an excuse and not a reason   at all. For if this reason was valid, then we   would also have to remove Jesus name from the Bible,   since the name “Jesus” is not the way that it was   written or spoken in Hebrew either. Many Hebrew   names are written in the Bible – which are not as they   were in Hebrew and yet we do not remove them.    Therefore this reasoning is truly invalid. Examples   of Jewish names in the Bible which are translated   into English – much differently than their original   Hebrew couterparts – are : Jesus, Jeremiah, Jonah,   Joel, Jerusalem, Joshua, etc. “… the CommitteeÂ… is, omitting the name of God (because) the word ‘JehovahÂ’ does not accurately represent any form of the Name ever used in Hebrew…” – The Preface of the Revised Standard Version Thus, the Hebrew  “ye-ru-sha-LA-yim” became “Jerusalem“; “ye-ri-HO” became  Jericho; and “yar-DEN” become  “Jordan”. Hebrew personal names such as “yo-NA”  became “Jonah”, “yi-SHAI” became “Jesse” and “ye-SHU-a”  became “Jesus“. Likewise “YHWH, Yahweh, or Yehowah” became “Jehovah” in english. 7. GOD DOESNÂ’T NEED A NAME    God does not need to be distinguished from other gods.   Some translators have made this statement. Who are   we to say that God doesnÂ’t need a name ? God deemed   it necessary to name all the stars in the heavens, and   to place his name upon people that he liked, and upon   places that were important to him. His own word the   Bible – emphasizes the importance of a name. The   translators of the Bible did not remove SatanÂ’s name   from the Bible – nor did they remove the names of   numerous false gods from the Bible.  “the use of any proper name for the one and only GodÂ…Â is entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church.” -the preface of the Revised Standard Version;  Under reasons (excuses) for the removal of  GodÂ’s personal name – Jehovah “He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name.” (Psalms 147:4)(NIV)-BibleGateway “Lift up your eyes on high, and see who hath created these, that bringeth out their host by number; he calleth them all by nameÂ… The everlasting God, Jehovah, the Creator of the ends of the earth…” (Isaiah 40:26,28)(ASV)-BibleGateway “A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” (Proverbs 22:1)(NIV)-BibleGateway “A good name is better than oil of much worth…” (Ecclesiastes 7:1)(NLV)-BibleGateway    “…The Sacred Name Yahovah was revealed to man by Yahovah Himself and is not a man-given name” -(see II Apol., 10, 13; Trypho, 126, 127). In the Bible, refusing to mention the name of a god means refusing to worship this god (Ex 23:13) and that is why Satan incited the Israelites, by means of the prophets of Baal, not to use the Name of Jehovah (Jr 23:27). “Yahweh (Jehovah) is the name that indicates the God of the Hebrews. Where the Philistines worshipped Dagon, the Egyptians, Amon, and the Ammonites, Milcom, the Hebrews worshipped YAHWEH (Jehovah). The title ‘godÂ’ (elohim) is ALSO applied to false deities in the Scriptures as well as Yahweh (Jehovah), hence is NOT a term by which one can be distinguished from the others. When the voice said, ‘I am Yahweh (Jehovah),Â’Â there was no doubt in any listenerÂ’s mind as to the identity of the speaker. He was the God of the Hebrews. So far as is known, no other peoples called their god by this name.” – Review and Herald, December 16, 1971 “In the Scriptures there is the closest possible relationship between a person and his name, the two being practically equivalent, so that to remove the name is to extinguish the person. (Num. 27:4; Deut. 7:24) To forget GodÂ’s name is to depart from Him.” –Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, p. 571 (1964) JEWISH BIBLES  FAVOR  THE NAME “JEHOVAH” Non-superstitious Jewish translators always favored the name “Jehovah” in their translations of the Bible. On the other hand one can note that there is no Jewish translation of the Bible with “Yahweh”. non-superstitious Jewish translators always favored the name Jehovah in their translations of the Bible. On the other hand one can note that there is NO Jewish translation of the Bible with Yahweh.” —M. Gérard GERTOUX; a Hebrew scholar,  specialist of the Tetragram;  president of the Association Biblique  de Recherche dÂ’Anciens Manuscrits THE EARLY CHRISTIANS USED THE NAME – “JEHOVAH” “As a follower of Christ, Peter used Gods name, Jehovah. When Peters speech was put on record the Tetragrammaton (YHWH / Jehovah) was here used according to the practice during the first century B.C.E. and the first century C.E.” – Paul Kahle; Studia Evangelica, edited by Kurt Aland, F. L. Cross, Jean Danielou, Harald Riesenfeld and W. C. van Unnik, Berlin, 1959, p. 614 (See App 1C §1.) “The early Christian scholars therefore easily learnt the true pronunciation.” –The 15th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica,  volume 12, p. 995, under the heading “Jehovah” REMOVING “JEHOVAH” ALMOST SEVEN THOUSAND TIMES “The ASV (American Standard Version) has “Jehovah”  in it about 6,823 times, just like the original Hebrew, but the NASB removed it every time. This makes for some awkward situations like Psalms 110:1, “The LORD said to my lord.” “ -Jason Beduhn  Northern Arizona University  Department of Humanities Arts and Religion JesusÂ’ name appears only 500 some times in the Bible; whereas JehovahÂ’s Name appears almost 7,000 times. Obviously Jehovah is proud of his name. So how does he feel about mankind removing HIS Name from the Bible ? HOW DOES JEHOVAH FEEL ? “Remember this, that the enemy hath reproached,  O Jehovah, And that a foolish people hath blasphemed thy name.” (Isaiah 74:18)(ASV)-BibleGateway “And now this admonition is for you, O priests. If you do not listen, and if you do not set your heart to honor my name,” says Jehovah Almighty, “I will send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings.” (Malachi 2:1) (ASV) “How long, O God, will you allow our enemies to mock you? Will you let them dishonor your name forever?” (Psalm 74:10) (NLT) -BibleGateway “And all day long my name is constantly blasphemed. Therefore my people will know my name; therefore in that day they will know that it is I who foretold it. “ (Isaiah 52:5,6) (NIV) -BibleGateway “Therefore, behold, I will cause them to know, this once will I cause them to know my hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is Jehovah.” (Jeremiah 16:21) (ASV) -BibleGateway “And I will sanctify my great name, which hath been profaned among the nations, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the nations shall know that I am Jehovah.” (Ezekiel 36:23) (ASV) -BibleGateway “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of Jehovah shall be delivered…” (Joel 2:32)(ASV)-BibleGateway “…this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘In the ‘last daysÂ’Â….. everyone who calls on the name of the Lord (Jehovah) will be saved.'” (Acts 2:16,17,32)(NIV)-BibleGateway FOLLOW CHRISTÂ’S EXAMPLE So rather than follow the Jewish Traditions – that Jesus Condemned – We should follow ChristÂ’s example in making his FatherÂ’s name known. “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.” (Matthew 6:9) – BibleGateway Jesus used his fatherÂ’s name –  and told us to do the same. In prayer to his father, Jesus said: “O righteous Father, even though the world does not know you, I know you, and these know that you have sent me. I made known to them YOUR NAME and I will continue to make it knownÂ… “I have manifested Your name to the men whom You gave Me out of the world.” (John 17:25,26,6)(ESV)-BibleGateway “I will praise thy name for ever and ever.. Great is Jehovah, and greatly to be praised; And his greatness is unsearchable.” (Psalm 145:2,3)(ASV)-BibleGateway “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.” (Psalm 83:18) (King James Version) -BibleGateway Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ? https://researchsupportsthetruth.wordpress.com/2013/07/08/why-is-gods-name-missing-from-many-bibles/  617CD7E5-2E8B-48D4-AE88-2DCC04697303.mp4
  4. Human Life Outside Paradise Until the Deluge Methuselah lived long enough to hear the warnings proclaimed about the coming global deluge, and he almost saw the completion of the preparations made for some of humankind to survive that world catastrophe. He was able to see his grandson Noah preaching righteousness and preparing the means for human survival. Of all of Methuselah’s sons, Lamech was the one who became the father of Noah. It was at the birth of Noah that Lamech was inspired to utter a prophecy concerning him. That disclosed that God purposed to use LamechÂ’s son Noah. On this we read: “And Lamech lived on for a hundred and eighty-two years. Then he became father to a son. And he proceeded to call his name Noah, saying: ‘This one will bring us comfort from our work and from the pain of our hands resulting from the ground which Jehovah has cursed.’” Lamech lived on to within five years of the Deluge. (Genesis 5:27-31) The name Noah was in harmony with LamechÂ’s prophecy, for it means “Rest” and implies consolation from rest. GodÂ’s curse was to be lifted from the ground that He had cursed on account of AdamÂ’s transgression.—Genesis 3:17. When, in NoahÂ’s life, did the deluge start, and thereafter end? The deluge came within the sixth hundredth year of NoahÂ’s life and continued into his six hundred and first year of life. (Genesis 7:11; 8:13; 7:6) The world catastrophe that occurred in NoahÂ’s day foreshadowed the larger world catastrophe that is shortly to occur within our generation, and for this reason it deserves our consideration.—Proverbs 22:3. Â
  5. I no LONGER WORRY OR AM ANXIOUS I DO WHAT JEHOVAH, TELLS US TO DO Made me happier and healthier and i'm always at peace I have HIGH HOPE , never DISCOURAGED,  i have a  POWERFUL  STRENGTH Jesus’ wise counsel on how to deal with anxiety about material things, as stated in Matthew chapter 6. “Stop being anxious about your souls as to what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your bodies as to what you will wear,” Jesus advises us. (Verse 25) Food and clothing are basic necessities, and it is only natural to be concerned about obtaining these .((((( But Jesus tells us to “stop being anxious” about such things.)))))) Why?  Listen as Jesus reasons convincingly. Since Jehovah has given us life and a body, can he not provide food to sustain that life and raiment to clothe that body? (Verse 25) If God provides birds with food and he clothes flowers with beauty, how much more will he care for his human worshipers! (Verses 26, 28-30) ((((((Really, undue anxiety is pointless anyway.)))))  It cannot extend our life even by a fraction. (Verse 27) How can we avoid anxiety? Jesus counsels us: Continue giving worship of God priority in life. Those who do so can be confident that all their daily needs “will be added” to them by their heavenly Father. (Verse 33) Finally, Jesus gives a most practical suggestion—take one day at a time. Why add tomorrow’s anxieties to those of today? (Verse 34) Besides, why worry unduly about things that may never happen? Applying such wise counsel can spare us much heartache in this stressful world.  Clearly, the counsel Jesus provided is as practical today as it was when it was given nearly 2,000 years ago. Is that not evidence of wisdom from above? Even the best advice from human counselors tends to become outdated and is soon revised or replaced. The teachings of Jesus, however, have stood the test of time. But that should not surprise us, for this Wonderful Counselor spoke “the sayings of God.”—John 3:34. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: “Stop being anxious about your lives.” (Mt 6:25) While it is only natural for imperfect humans living in Satan’s world to be anxious on occasion, Jesus was teaching his followers to avoid extreme anxiety. (Ps 13:2) Why? Because undue anxiety, even about daily needs, can distract us, making it more difficult for us to seek first the Kingdom. (Mt 6:33) Jesus’ further comments will help us to stop needless worrying.
  6. Jehovah's Witnesses: justice in Brazil orders the transfusion of blood in the newborn baby The Judge of São José do Rio Preto (State of São Paulo, Brazil) ordered a blood transfusion in a newborn on Tuesday (24). The baby's parents are members of Jehovah's Witnesses and they rejected the case. Jehovah's Witnesses reject any type of "blood use" as a dietary or pharmacological supplement and since 1944 as a blood transfusion. The use of the main components of the blood (blood plasma, platelets, red and white blood cells) is rejected, as well as blood donation and the donation of autologous preoperative blood.  According to the doctors at the Santa Casa Hospital, the baby was diagnosed with gastric bleeding and severe anemia. The doctors were clear that the baby would die without blood transfusion. The child's mother was informed and rejected the project in writing. "Although I know all the risks and severity, I do not allow transfusions," the boy's mother wrote.  The hospital administration appealed to the judiciary and a judge accepted the request, stating that delaying the treatment could cause irreversible damage or death. "The right to life is guaranteed constitutionally and should be protected first and foremost by the state," said the judge's statement, among other things. The hospital carried out the blood transfusion and described the baby's condition as stable. http://latina-press.com/news/249088-zeugen-jehovas-justiz-in-brasilien-ordnet-bluttransfusion-bei-neugeborenem-an/
  7. A Samaritan woman comes to draw water. Jesus says to her: “Give me a drink.”—John 4:7. Jews and Samaritans generally have no dealings with one another because of deep-seated prejudices. So the woman is astonished and asks: “How is it that you, despite being a Jew, ask me for a drink even though I am a Samaritan woman?” Jesus answers: “If you had known of the free gift of God and who it is who says to you, ‘Give me a drink,Â’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.” “Sir,” she replies, “you do not even have a bucket for drawing water, and the well is deep. From what source, then, do you have this living water? You are not greater than our forefather Jacob, who gave us the well and who together with his sons and his cattle drank out of it, are you?”—John 4:9-12. “Everyone drinking from this water will get thirsty again,” Jesus declares. “Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty at all, but the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life.” (John 4:13, 14) Then Jesus reveals an important truth: “I am he, the one speaking to you.” (John 4:26) . Think of that! Here is a woman who comes at midday to draw water. Yet, Jesus favors her in a wonderful way. He tells her pointedly what he has apparently not yet confessed openly to others—that he is the Messiah.
  8. RUSSIA: A SECOND WITNESS OF JEHOVAH AFTER LAS REJAS On April 10, 2018, police arrived at the home of Anatoliy Vilitkevich, 32, and placed him in custody, accusing him of organizing the activity of an extremist organization. Vilitkevich was simply considering Bible-based publications with a small group of others who were also subjected to searches. Two days later, the Leninskiy District Court in Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia) decided to keep Anatoliy in preventive detention for 1 month and 22 days, that is, until June 2, 2018. Anatoliy faces up to 10 years of prison Anatoliy is the first Russian Jehovah's Witness to remain in custody since the Supreme Court's prohibition decision of April 20, 2017. It is unclear why Jehovah's Witnesses in Ufa are being attacked suddenly, but authorities claim to have "volumes" of information against local Witnesses. Anatoliy's legal team filed an appeal on his arrest on April 16, but was denied three days later. Dennis Christensen in prison since May 2017 On May 25, 2017, heavily armed police officers and agents of the Federal Security Service (FSB) interrupted a peaceful weekly religious service of Jehovah's Witnesses in Oryol, Russia. Since the authorities there had liquidated the Local Religious Organization Oryol (LRO) in June 2016 on charges of extremism, they alleged that the religious services of the congregation continued the activity of an extremist organization. The prosecutor initiated criminal charges against Dennis Christensen, one of the elders of the Oryol Congregation, for his role in the religious services of the congregation. The Sovietskiy District Court ordered that Mr. Christensen be kept in preventive detention. His trial is currently in progress. 250 violations of JW's rights in 1 year Since the Russian Supreme Court ruled that prohibiting the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses a year ago (April 20, 2017), there have been at least 250 violations of the rights of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, including attacks, vandalism and other types of discrimination. Seventeen of its properties have been confiscated, and lawsuits have been initiated to seize 52 other properties. These more recent raids represent a serious escalation of state-sponsored human rights abuses reminiscent of Soviet repression and Nazi persecution experienced by minority groups in the early days of these previous regimes. Without international awareness, it can be expected that this situation will increase both in severity and frequency in the coming days. http://hrwf.eu/russia-a-second-jehovahs-witness-behind-bars/
  9. Why would God say "he would make all things NEW? A new EARTH?" What's wrong with the old earth? If you had a rental and the people were bad, would you BURN the house down? No you would have rules/laws to evict them. That's what God is going to do at Armageddon. What is Armageddon? Let's read and see many will live through, will you? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2005881
  10. Blessed are the Children! ??? This is protected area, reservations were established for the Ticuna indian. Still spreading the good news to the ENDS OF THE EARTH ? -------------- Repost @jw_witnesses_0 .Tap on Video Link mp4 _______ ?? . . B23612F2-0C6E-4702-9041-A9A7C138CC16.MP4
  11. I have a Plan! You Trust Me? Jehovah God! ? Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ? 9CF94896-F1A5-4BD4-AE9E-264BB296D36B.MP4
  12. GOD’S KINGDOM THE SOLUTION TO MANÂ’S WARS AND DEATH WILL BE NO MORE!  Revelation 21:3,4. .. The refugee crisis in Syria, in a single photo  Refugees queue for food parcels in Yarmouk. Photograph: Handout/Reuters
  13. See the “Light” Jehovah is Sending? See the “Light” at JW.Org Song 77 “Light in a Darkened World” SONG 77 Light in a Darkened World  Alternate presentation available (2 Corinthians 4:6) 1. In these days, dark and lawless days, Shines a light we can see. Like the dawn of another day That will soon come to be. (CHORUS) Shining through the darkness, Ours is a message so bright. It offers hope and light— Sparkling like the daylight, Bringing tomorrow in sight— So ends the night. 2. Those who sleep need awakening As the time ebbs away. We give hope and encouragement. For their future weÂ’ll pray. (CHORUS) Shining through the darkness, Ours is a message so bright. It offers hope and light— Sparkling like the daylight, Bringing tomorrow in sight— So ends the night. (See also John 3:19; 8:12; Rom. 13:11, 12; 1 Pet. 2:9.) Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ? AD08C98D-806C-449E-9082-3ECA9E8E1677.MP4
  14. TESTIMONY OF A SISTER, WIFE OF ANCIENT IN VENEZUELA, WHO RECEIVES PACKAGES OF HELP AND DELIVERIES TO ELDERS FOR HIS CAST: "Amen, my brother and thank you also for the support you give that Jehovah blesses you. Thank you in advance for all your input. I read the note and I began to think about the great responsibility that you made for us and is very commendable, thank you and do not pay attention to those who criticize your great work, remember that what interests us most is the opinion of Jehovah and give him Thanks to all those brothers who today understand what it is to be a true Christian. I know that for many people the worm of mistrust gets in, but I give FAITH THAT HELP IS ARRIVING in granite but it comes and lives have been saved thanks to those noble hearts. May JEHOVA give him endurance, wisdom, love that he already has, endurance and a lot of tolerance. His sister from VENEZUELA is wanted. Amen. PHOTOGRAPHY: A sister from Mexico sent this and arrives next week. This is your fight my brother please do not faint we need it strong
  15. LOVE CONQUERS IMPROPER JEALOUSY Love Conquers Improper Jealousy ... 2 When Paul wrote those words, he was referring to improper jealousy. JEALOUS, JEALOUSY ... According to Biblical usage, “jealousy” may be a positive or a negative quality or emotion. (Pr 14:30; Zec 1:14)    Never do we want to be like King Saul in Brooding over others Spiritual assignment, no, we want to be happy ? for them because JEHOVAH'S the one that assigned them.
  16. Ready to Go? The Preaching Work is Being Done ✅ Love this Video!  @Queen Esther Please note! The Title says the work is being done NOT IT IS DONE ✅ Perhaps it is your translation? The Good News is preached until Jehovah says it’s done ✅ Let us speak out LOUD till that time! Thank you, ???
  17. ?????????? ?????? ?????????????, ??? ??????? ? ???????????? ??????. ? ??????, ?????? ??? ????? ??????? «?????????? ??????», ??? ?????????????? ??????????? ??????? ? ?????????? ? ????????? ? ????????? ??? ?????? ? ??????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ? ??????????? ? ??????????? ???????????? ???? ?????????? ??????, ???????? Newsweek. «? ??????, ?? ?????? ?????? ??????, ? ?? ????? ???? ???????? ?? ????? ???? ???, ? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ? ??????», - ???????? ??????????? ???????? ????. «??? ????? ????? ?????????????. ?? ?? ?????, ??? ??????????», - ?????? Newsweek ??????? ??????????, ????????????? «?????????? ??????» ? ??????, ??????? ?????? ????? ? ??????. ????? ????? «?????????? ??????», ?????? ??? ??? ?????: «????????? ??????» ??????? ???? ? ?? ????? ?????. " «??????????? ???????? ??? 20 ?????? ?????????« ?????????? ?????? », ? ??? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????????? ??????????? ? ???????, ????? ??????? ??? ????????? ? ??????????? ??????? ????? ???????? ??????????, ?? ??? ???? ????????? ???????? ??????? ..», ?????? ????????????? ?????????????? ??????? ??????? ????-???????? «?????????? ??????» ?????? ??????. «19 ?????? ?? ????????????, ? ??????, ??????? ????????? ???? ?? ????? ??????, ? ??????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ? ???? ??????? ??????, ??????? ???? ?????????? ? ??????????? ??????? ? ?????????, ???????? ???????? ??? ???????, ??? ???? ??????????? ????????? ? ???????????? ?? ??????? 282.1 ????????? ?????? «??????????? ?????????????? ???????????» (????????, ????????? ? ?????? 282.2 - ???.) ??????? ?????? ? ???????????? ?????????? ?? 20 ???? 2018 ???? », - ??????? ?????. ?? ???????, ??? ??? ??????? ?????????????? ???????????? ??????????? ? ????????, ????????, ?????????, ???????????? ? ??????????? ???????. ?????? ????? ?????????? ????????? ? ??????????? ?????? 46-??????? ????????? ??????? ???????????. ?? ????? ???? ???????? ? ?????? ?? 10 ???, ????? Newsweek. «?????????? ????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????????????», «????????? ??????» ???????? ???????, - ?????? ??????????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ????? ???? ? ??????????? ???? ?????? ?????? - ????? ?? ???? ?????? ??????????? - ??????? ?????? ???, ????? ???????? ????? ?????? ? ?????? ????????? ???? ?????? ?????, ??????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ???? ». https://www.inopressa.ru/pwa/article/27Apr2018/newsweek/jehovah.html
  18. RUSSIAN PRESS ALARMED BY WHAT IS BEING DONE WITH JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. In Russia, one year after the banning of "Jehovah's Witnesses", his followers are interrogated by police in balaclaws and machine guns In the last two weeks, in four Russian cities, police with balaclavas and pistols strafed the houses of Jehovah's Witnesses, Newsweek reports. "Since January, according to the members of the group, in their homes, at least seven times were searched, including four times in April," reports journalist Christina Maza. "It's a new wave of persecution We do not know what's going on," Jaroslav Sivulskii, a follower of "Jehovah's Witnesses" in Russia, who now lives in Latvia, told Newsweek. any number of "Jehovah's Witnesses" because they know: "Jehovah's Witnesses" pray at home and are easy to find. " "Police officers searched the house on April 20 several" Jehovah's Witnesses "including three former members of the local religious organization in Ivanovo Igor Morozov was taken to the police station later Morozova was released, but was forbidden to leave of Ivanovo .. ", - said the representative of the international edition of the headquarters apartments of" Jehovah's Witnesses "Jarrod Lopez. "On April 19 in Vladivostok, Russia, police raided during the service, which was attended by Valentin Osadchuk and three elderly women, the four were taken to the police station and interrogated, Valentin remains in custody, was charged in under Article 282.1 of the Criminal Code on "organization of an extremist organization" (probably refers to article 282.2 - Ed ..) Osadchuk held in preventive detention until June 20, 2018. " - Lopez added. He noted that these events followed similar incidents in Polar, Ufa, Orel, Belgorod and Kemerovo. Russia has also brought accusations of extremism against 46-year-old Dane Dennis Christensen. He can be imprisoned for 10 years, writes Newsweek. "Incessant search of the Russian followers authorities," Jehovah's Witnesses "is gaining momentum, - said the deputy director of Europe of Human Rights Watch and Central Asia Rachel Denber - Renunciation of the case against Christensen would be a good first step to end the raids and other criminal cases against people who simply practice their faith. " https://www.inopressa.ru/pwa/article/27Apr2018/newsweek/jehovah.html
  19. THE PRESTIGIOUS NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE INFORMS PERSECUTION TO WITNESSES IN RUSSIA. WITNESSES OF JEHOVAH IN RUSSIA INTERROGATED BY THE POLICE MASKED WITH AMETRALADORAS 1 YEAR AFTER THE PROHIBITION With their balaclavas and their machine guns, the police of four Russian cities have assaulted the houses of Jehovah's Witnesses for the past two weeks and have brought members of the religious group to interrogate them, sources related to the group told Newsweek. In Russia, where the Orthodox Christian Church has deep ties to the highest levels of the Kremlin, the government has labeled Jehovah's Witnesses an "extremist" sect. The decision was made exactly one year ago, in April 2017, and came into effect only a few months later when the Supreme Court of Russia dismissed an appeal. The administrative center of the group in St. Petersburg, Russia, was dissolved accordingly, and Jehovah's Witnesses were forced to begin secretly worshiping in their homes after nearly 400 local closed chapters. Meanwhile, many say they have faced systematic harassment by security forces. Since January, group members say they have had their homes raided on at least seven separate occasions, four of which took place in April. "It's a new wave of persecution, we do not know what's going on," Yaroslav Sivulsky, a Jehovah's Witness of Russia who now lives in exile in Latvia, told Newsweek. "If they wanted, they could put several Jehovah's Witnesses in jail because they know that Jehovah's Witnesses are worshiping in their house and can easily find them." http://www.newsweek.com/jehovahs-witnesses-russia-ban-police-903021
  20. One Day We Will Have One Language! Until then Learn a New One? Adriano - The first Ticuna Witness. ---------- Do you understand? .... Neither can we... ...... I confessed that I had not understood much of that talk either.... But.... We're learning Ticuna, an indigenous language (jw.org/tca). ????. The indigenous language field is truly white for harvesting. Without a doubt all of us can!! ??????. You can help. ?? Tap on Video Link mp4 _______ ??? AB572AC0-B5D2-48D2-AB00-3C074E6BB3E8.mp4
  21. Preaching in the Amazon Jungle ????? .Preaching in the rural area the Amazon's jungle. The only means of transportation in the Amazon are small boats and ? canoes,..? So we go to the ends of the earth...! Tap on Video Link mp4 ____ ??? Â D2E92B02-5841-4B33-B36F-BA5A96065F1F.MP4
  22. Ready to Go? The Preaching Work is Being Done ? Love this Video! Â VIDEO 1/3 ------------ In the preaching activity this morning! No rain no sun. Perfect! Would you like to come along? You'll be safe here. LOL No Snakes ? Just Alligators ? Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ Your Safe! ? 41D6F762-0E07-4200-B9E9-3F7BBC179AB0.MP4
  23. JUDGMENT TO OUR BROTHER CHRISTENSEN IN RUSSIA "Did he say anything about Satan?" The court questioned the first witnesses in the Dennis Christensen case In the District Court of Eagle Train continued the trial of a Danish citizen Dennis Christensen, who is accused of organizing the activities of the prohibited in the Russian association "Jehovah's Witnesses - Eagle". On April 24, the court had questioned two witnesses in the case - FSB agent and a former parishioner "Kingdom Hall", who said about the search for truth, television and Satan. The meeting was seen by the correspondent of MBH Media. The hearings on the Dennis Christensen case bring together a full courtroom. Support the Dane comes its supporters, the Russian spouse and, already in a professional line, three lawyers. Dennis himself communicates with the parties in the case through an interpreter, sometimes speaking in Danish, flirting with the audience. Christensen is taken to court "in full preparation for combat": wear a jacket, shirt and tie. He listens carefully to all the signals and takes notes in a large notebook. A smile on his face appears only when he sees familiar faces. A subject from the Kingdom of Denmark has been locked up in the Russian detention center for almost a year, eating a net and washing himself, in his own words, with a plastic bottle. However, with the harsh realities of insulation, it seems that he has already resigned himself. I did not accept only that he was an extremist. On the eve of the trial, the prosecutor's office announced the charges against Christensen. It must be remembered that he was arrested in May 2017, after searches were conducted on the house on Zheleznodorozhnaya Street in Orel. As the FSB then reported, 1,500 copies of the literature were confiscated from the facilities, some of which, according to the ministry, were recognized as extremists. Among other things, the researchers took forms to reject blood transfusions, which, according to the religion of the Jehovah's Witnesses, their followers are prohibited. Christensen was charged under article 282.2 of the Criminal Code. The investigation and the prosecution are confident that, after the organization "Jehovah's Witnesses-Orel" in Orel in 2016, Christensen continued its activities. In particular, he conducted divine services, collected donations with the subsequent transfer of money to the account of the central office of the Jehovah's Witnesses, distributed literature and, in general, actively participated in the development of the association and the participation of the neophytes. The defenders of Christensen, expressing their position on the charges brought against him, on the eve of the day compared him to the genocide on religious grounds and asked the court to return the case to the prosecutor's office. However, Judge Alexei Rudnev found no reason to satisfy this request. On April 24, the witnesses were summoned to the court. The first in the rostrum was an operations officer of the Oryol administration of the FSB. A young man in a gray suit, similar to Russian President Vladimir Putin, said he carried out operational search activities in February and March 2017. In particular, he was on duty at 50 Zheleznodorozhnaya Street, where, according to operational information , was the so-called "Kingdom Hall". "Then, do not press the witness!" - Judge Alexey Rudnev strictly interrupted. In the questions of the lawyers, the witness could not always answer clearly either, often leaving aside the memory. - Did you go through the process of baptism in the Orthodox Church when you were a child? - Attorney Anton Bogdanov suddenly asked the Eschebeshnik. Judge Alexei Rudnev reacted with lightning speed: "The issue is being eliminated". However, he allowed the defender to explain why he needed such intimate information. Bogdanov explained that he wanted to establish whether the witness had any basis for stipulating Jehovah's Witnesses because they were of different denominations with him. - You, - Bogdanov asked, - have the services of other religions been in general? "No," replied the FSB official. - And why did you remove the literature, which was not on the forbidden list? The lawyer asked again. "I do not remember all the names," the official began, but the president interrupted him. "That's not the question," judge Alexei Rudnev explained. - The question is, on what was the literature that is not on the list based? "Ah, that's the question ..." the FSB official shook his head. - No, I can not say this, since I did not make a decision about the attack. - And how did you establish that the people who participated in the cult were members of the legal entity "Jehovah's Witnesses - Eagle"? - asked lawyer Irina Krasnikova. "We received immediate information that the services of the forbidden religious organization are in the territory of this home," the operation told the court. - It was established that the followers and officials of the organization arrived there. This was recorded with the help of photos and videos. According to the witness, the congregation was received by Christensen himself. The number of contingents did not exceed 20 people. The operator himself recorded the events of his arrival and departure, observing in part what was happening inside. In addition, explained the FSB official, he participated in the ORM, which consisted in capturing the conversation between the Danish and his acquaintance at a café on Oktyabrskaya Street. But with exactly who Dennis Kristensen spoke, the operative could not remember. Another witness said that he participated in the search of the apartment of Vladimir Melnik, also a representative of the Jehovah's Witnesses. The department was confiscated literature, even extremist. The fact that books and pamphlets are prohibited, the employee knew, since during the search he had a printed list with him. But the question about who gave him this list answered briefly: "Colleague". When the lawyer asked if the colleague had a surname, the witness said he did not remember the name, but stressed that "I had no reason to distrust my colleague." - And how was the literature kept? - asked the clarifying question of the prosecutor. - She was in the cupboards and drawers in three rooms. It was stored carefully, - said the operative. "Where did he get it?" - Miller explained: something was given by acquaintances, something - Christensen. For reference. When the second state prosecutor tried to obtain information from the witness about the person Christensen had met in the cafe, the FSB official said several times that he did not remember, as it was a long time ago. "Well, remember, remember," said the employee of the prosecutor's office aggressively. After questioning by the state prosecution, the witness began to answer protection questions. It soon became clear that everything the woman was telling (meetings, songs, literature and home visits) took place before the organization was recognized as extremist and forbidden. To go to his meetings, he stopped already in December 2015. And if he worked after this time, he does not know anything. - When you attended worship services, did you become a member of an organization? - Asked the last question to lawyer Anton Bogdanov. "No," replied the witness directly. After the interrogation, President Alexei Rudnev also asked the woman what she thought the words meant about the need to fight against the state, did she explain how to do it? "No," replied the witness. - I asked Irina. I do not know. And then, turn on the television, wherever they say: the state of Satan, "added the woman. When his interrogation was completed, the court declared a break in the hearing until April 25. At the next meeting, two other witnesses should be questioned. https://mbk.sobchakprotivvseh.ru/region/vy-chto-to-o-satane-govo/ Â
  24. “O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.” (Isaiah 48:18)
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