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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. On 1/9/2017 at 4:48 PM, The Librarian said:

    Jesus was often seen in the company of prostitutes and tax collectors (sinners)

    Isn't he a model for us?



    Yes, however he taught them a NEW WAY OF LIFE! So His ransom had value! 

    Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom?+ Do not be misled.* Those who are sexually immoral,*+idolaters,+ adulterers,+ men who submit to homosexual acts,+ men who practice homosexuality,*+ 10 thieves, greedy people,+drunkards,+ revilers,* and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom.+ 11 And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean;+ you have been sanctified;+ you have been declared righteous+ in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God." (1Cor 6:9-11).

    So be it! 9_9:D:x:x

    • JW.ORG—This website features many study tools, including the feature “Bible Questions Answered.” It also contains instructions for downloading the JW Library app

    • “See the Good Land”—This brochure features maps and photographs of places mentioned in the Bible

    • Insight on the Scriptures—A two-volume Bible encyclopedia that includes explanations of people, places, and terms found in the Bible

    • “All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial”—This scholarly book explains when, where, and why each book of the Bible was written and gives a summary of each book’s contents

    • The Bible—God’s Word or Man’s?—This small, carefully researched book examines the evidence for the Bible’s claim that it is the inspired Word of God

    • The Bible—What Is Its Message?—A 32-page brochure that summarizes the Bible’s overall theme

    • “This Means Everlasting Life”

      “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.”JOHN 17:3

    • 2 Pictures 1 GIF 1 Moving Picture 


  3. “Keep yourselves in God’s love.” (Jude 21) 


    Imagine that! Jehovah, the Creator and Sovereign of the universe, can be our protective refuge. He can keep us safe, for he is far more powerful than anyone or anything that may come against us. Even if we are harmed, Jehovah can undo all the bad effects. How can we make Jehovah our refuge? We need to trust in him.

    www.jw.org ?????


  4. Esther was an orphan. When Esther’s parents died, a kindly, much older cousin (Mordecai) took pity on the child treated her as his own daughter; he taught her about Jehovah. 

    A loving loyal bond grew between these two who lived as Jewish exiles. 

    Esther proved to be humble, obedient, courageous. The bible describes her as “pretty in form beautiful in appearance” (Esther 2:7). Even when she out of his sight of her cousin, she still showed the same wise obedient spirit!


  5. Almighty God Jehovah is the Creator of heaven and earth. He did not create the earth simply for nothing but he wills to have it filled with people who love him and who want to worship him. 

    When he says “I am Jehovah and there is no one else”, he will show himself to be just that when he makes this earth into a symbol of his Universal Sovereignty. 

    The earth and it’s inhabitants will reflect who Jehovah God is and what kind of power his Kingdom has for all time! - Isa 45:18, Hab 2:14


  6. Can You Really “Draw Close to God”? What Qualities Can We Imitate And Why?


    Jehovah invites us to draw near to him. He is ready and willing to receive us into his favor as friends. At the same time, he promises that if we take steps to draw close to him, he will take corresponding action. He will draw close to us. Thus we may enter into something truly precious—“intimacy with Jehovah.”* (Psalm 25:14) “Intimacy” conveys the idea of confidential talk with a special friend.


    Jehovah’s four cardinal attributes: power, justice, wisdom, and love. Each section opens with an overview of the quality. 


    To come into such a relationship, we must get to know Jehovah’s qualities and ways. First, though, let us discuss an aspect of God’s nature that provides a compelling reason for drawing close to him—his holiness.

    Read more at: 



  7. "The Law has become our tutor leading to Christ."

    (Gal. 3:24)


    The Law that God gave to the Israelites was perfect. It fully achieved the purposes for which God established it—to protect his people and to make them aware of his high standards. (Romans 7:7-14) The Law was a good tutor. For some who lived under its protection, however, its requirements might have seemed burdensome. Hence, Paul could write that when God’s appointed time arrived, “Christ by purchase released us from the curse of the Law.” The Law was a “curse” only in the sense that it subjected imperfect Jews to standards they could not completely measure up to. It called for the scrupulous observance of rituals. Once a Jew accepted the superior provision made possible by Jesus’ ransom sacrifice, adherence to the tutor’s restrictions was no longer necessary.Galatians 3:13;4:9, 10.


    Paul’s focus, then, in likening the Law of Moses to a tutor was to emphasize its custodial function and its temporary nature. Jehovah’s favor is gained, not by obedience to that Law, but by recognizing Jesus and exercising faith in him.Galatians 2:16; 3:11.



  8. Who Among These Can You Testify About Their Faith? Please comment? ?

    “So, then, because we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also throw off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 


    By faith Noah, after receiving divine warning of things not yet seen, showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household; and through this faith he condemned the world, and he became an heir of the righteousness that results from faith. (Hebrews 12:1) (Hebrews 11:8)


    "By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place he was to receive as an inheritance; he went out, although not knowing where he was going. 9 By faith he lived as a foreigner in the land of the promise as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the very same promise. 10 For he was awaiting the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is God." (Hebrews 5:13) "For when God made his promise to Abraham, since he could not swear by anyone greater, he swore by himself,14 saying: “I will surely bless you and I will surely multiply you.”15 So after Abraham had shown patience, he obtained this promise."


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