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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. From This World's DREAD------TO Jehovah FULL SPEED AHEAD


    We Got TIRED

    Of This World's LYING Mouths MISLEADING



    ALL Their WRONG Answers



    To Satan The Devil And his World Of Wickedness



    NOT after We SAW

    What ALMIGHTY GOD Will Do

    And HEARD What Jesus Has SAID



    We Have Gone From

    This World's FEW SOLUTIONS and DREAD




    Tap on Video Link mp4 _______ ?


  2. •Psalms 94:14 —"For Jehovah will not forsake his people, Nor will he abandon his inheritance.” •

    2 Samuel 22:2-4 —"Jehovah is my crag and my stronghold and the One who rescues me. My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, My shield and my horn of salvation, my secure refuge And my place to flee, my savior; you who save me from violence. I call on Jehovah, who is worthy of praise, And I will be saved from my enemies." .

    •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org TheMostTranslatedWebsite


  3. Daniil Islamov Released After Serving Unjust Imprisonment in Tajikistan

    On April 13, 2018, Daniil Islamov, a conscientious objector and one of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, was released from Yavan Prison after unjustly serving a six-month prison sentence under the charge of evading military service. Mr. Islamov was imprisoned for nearly a year, since he had been in pretrial detention for six months before sentencing.



  4. https://www.jw.org/en/news/legal/by-region/eritrea/elderly-jehovahs-witnesses-die-eritrean-prison/

    Two Elderly Witnesses Die in Eritrean Prison

    Two of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Habtemichael Tesfamariam and Habtemichael Mekonen, died in the Mai Serwa Prison near Asmara in early 2018. Both had been arrested and imprisoned in the summer of 2008 for their religious beliefs and suffered through nearly a decade of harsh prison conditions.

    Mr. Tesfamariam died suddenly at the age of 76 in the Mai Serwa Prison on January 3, 2018. His fellow prisoners believe that he suffered a stroke. Mr. Tesfamariam was born in 1942 in Adi Yakulu, Mendefera, Eritrea. He became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1970 and refused to compromise his faith, despite unjust imprisonment and maltreatment. He is survived by his wife, Leterberhan Bezabih; four sons; and three daughters.

    Mr. Mekonen died at the age of 77 in the Mai Serwa Prison on March 6, 2018. His fellow prisoners believe that he died of kidney failure. Mr. Mekonen was born in 1940 in the village of Kudo Felasi in southern Eritrea. He became a Witness well over 55 years ago and, like Mr. Tesfamariam, refused to compromise his faith, even though he was imprisoned without cause and mistreated. He is survived by his wife, Mihret Ellias, as well as a son and a daughter.

    Unjust Arrest and Abuse

    Mr. Mekonen was at home when authorities arrested him without charges in July 2008, and Mr. Tesfamariam was also at home when he was arrested in August 2008. Both were soon placed in the notorious Meitir Prison Camp, in the desert north of Asmara, where they endured harsh and inhumane conditions. For special punishment, authorities held Witness prisoners from October 2011 through August 2012 in a half-buried building described as the “underground.” There the prisoners suffered through the brutal summer heat without adequate food or water. Some experienced long-term health problems as a result.

    In 2017, authorities transferred the Witnesses who were imprisoned at the Meitir Camp to the Mai Serwa Prison, where they are allowed to receive food packages from relatives and to obtain medical treatment when critically ill. The prisoners welcomed the transfer to a less severe prison environment, but Mr. Tesfamariam and Mr. Mekonen never fully recovered from their earlier mistreatment.


  5. Stuck With The Truth------And DIDN'T RUN

    That IS So SOON To COME

    We Will Be Jehovah Instructed
    Taught By Jesus HIS Wonderful SON

    Our Everyday COUNT

    OH How We Will Appreciate

    How THANKFUL We Will BE
    That We STUCK With The Truth
    And DIDN'T RUN!


  6. The Great Evening Meal of God

    How does John describe “the great evening meal of God,” bringing to mind what earlier, but similar, prophecy?

    In Ezekiel’s vision, after the destruction of Gog’s crowd, the birds and the wild animals are invited to a feast! They rid the landscape of carcasses by eating the dead bodies of Jehovah’s enemies. (Ezekiel 39:11, 17-20) John’s next words bring that earlier prophecy vividly to mind: “I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly in midheaven: ‘Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, that you may eat the fleshy parts of kings and the fleshy parts of military commanders and the fleshy parts of strong men and the fleshy parts of horses and of those seated upon them, and the fleshy parts of all, of freemen as well as of slaves and of small ones and great.’”—Revelation 19:17, 18.


  7. Sanitary Inspectors of the Skies × 

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Sanitary Inspectors of the Skies

    If asked to name the bird they would least like to meet, many would say the vulture.

    Few birds have been so vilified as the vulture. It is the accursed bird whose sinister silhouette wheels over the dead and the dying. Its appearance is said to herald carnage, desolation, and despair. But such is the stuff of fiction.

    As for the facts: Many have been enthralled by the vulture’s grace in flight and the tender way it cares for its young. They have also discerned its important ecological role. To such ones the vulture is both magnificent and indispensable.

    Admittedly, vultures have a few things against them, apart from their unsavory feeding habits. They would certainly not win any beauty contests, and their calls have been variously described as squeals, cackles, grunts, croaks, and hisses. They do, however, have some endearing qualities.

    The vulture is a bird that takes parenthood very seriously. Every year an “only child” receives the undivided attention of both parents until it can fend for itself. A young vulture chick perched helplessly for several months on an inaccessible ledge certainly needs the compassionate care of both parents. In fact, a young Andean condor has to be fed for six months before it can leave the nest, by which time the “chick” is nearly full-grown.

    And vultures have the virtue of being eminently useful. Although many birds benefit mankind in one way or another, vultures perform a unique service. They are sanitary inspectors of the skies.

    Sanitary Inspection

    Cleaning up carcasses is not everybodyÂ’s idea of a favorite daily chore, but it is an important job. Proper sanitation requires the prompt removal of dead bodies, which can be dangerous sources of infectious diseases for both man and beast.

    Here the vultures come into their own. Even meat contaminated with anthrax or botulin is gobbled up with impunity, until nothing remains but the bones.

    Some vultures even specialize in eating bones. The lammergeier vulture of Eurasia and Africa drops bones from a height onto a rocky surface. When the bones split open, the lammergeier eats the marrow and the smaller pieces of bone.

    Fortunately, unlike their human counterparts, these sanitary inspectors have never gone on strike. If the vulturesÂ’ work was left undone, tropical plains littered with disease-ridden carcasses would be a familiar sight.

    But let us follow a team of vultures on a typical workday.

    Skyway Patrol

    Soon after sunrise, they take to the skies, each one to cover a certain area. Throughout the day our squadron of vultures tirelessly patrols the skies in search of dead animals. When a carcass is finally spotted by one of their number, he goes into a steep dive. This attracts the attention of the other birds, who also hasten to the spoil. Within minutes, dozens of birds arrive at the scene.

    Before eating, the birds hop around the carcass hesitantly. Despite their reputation, they are extremely shy creatures. Finally, one of them starts tearing at the carcass, and this is the signal for the whole group to attack the meal. There is a lot of squabbling and hissing, pushing and pulling, which looks uncannily like a rugby football scrum. The hungriest, who protest the most energetically, usually get fed first. If it is a large carcass, there will be enough food for all.

    In a matter of minutes, the meal is over, and leaving only the bones, the flock takes to the sky to continue the search. A vultureÂ’s life is not an easy one. It may be two or three days before they have another meal.

    Eyesight and Teamwork

    Vultures are admirably equipped for aerial surveillance. Their massive wings are perfectly designed for gliding and soaring, enabling them to fly for hours with barely a wing beat. They are adept at taking advantage of thermals, or rising hot-air currents, which serve to keep them aloft with minimal effort. Dean Amadon, prominent American ornithologist, described them as one of “nature’s most eloquent expressions of flight.”


    #Repost @jeffmauritzen


    I probably wouldnÂ’t use the word beautiful to describe this bird but in the vulture category, the King vulture just might win most handsome. Photo taken today during our #CostaRica #photoworkshop.



          MANY religious organizations claim to have the truth, and they offer it eagerly to others. However, between them they offer a dizzying profusion of “truths.” Is this just another evidence that all truths are relative, that there are no absolute truths ? No.
           In fact, no one really believes that there is no truth. When it comes to physical realities, such as medicine, mathematics, or the laws of physics, even the staunchest relativist will believe that some things are true. Who of us would dare to ride in an airplane if we did not think that the laws of aerodynamics were absolute truths ? Verifiable truths do exist; they surround us, and we stake our lives on them.
          So let us leave the murky waters of relativism and examine briefly what the Bible describes as the pure waters of truth. (John 4:14; Revelation 22:17) In the Bible, “truth” is not at all like the abstract, intangible concept over which philosophers debate.
         When JESUS said that his whole purpose in life was to talk about the truth, he was speaking of something that faithful Jews had valued for centuries. In their sacred writings, the Jews had long read of “truth” as something concrete, not theoretical. In the Bible, “truth” translates the Hebrew word “?emeth?,” which signifies that which is firm, solid, and, perhaps most of all, reliable.
        The Jews had good reason for viewing truth in that way. They called their GOD, JEHOVAH, “the GOD of truth.” (Psalm 31:5)


  9. The great tribulation is coming!!!
    Speech made by a German brother in an assembly translated into Spanish.
    Have we ever imagined the 4 events that will occur in the great tribulation?
    -- > Imagine, let us put ourselves in the place, mentally of the next scene, which could begin as follows:
    -- it's December 28th, it's 5:58 in the morning, it sounds the alarm clock, it's time to go to work or study but we still have 2 MINUTES LEFT BY 6, we We can take one more ride. It'S 6 hours, the alarm clock starts and you hear the following:
    --" it'S 6, in New York, 3 hours ago has announced the United Nations Security Committee, which at a secret meeting of 3 days ago, has been determined to dissolve all Religious organizations. In order to make this decree effective, military units have been sent to the Vatican, to the Protestant headquarters and to the Muslims. The properties of these organizations have been confiscated. The President and Director-General of the United Nations, says that this very radical measure is the only way out to ensure global peace."
    This news wakes you up in the act. You're in bed sitting, stiff, you knew this would have to happen, but today? Now? You're being sedated, you get up and you manage to follow your routine, go to work, to school, but then you're assimilating what's really just started, the beginning of the destruction of Babylon the great. You pray to the Lord inside, ask for advice and guide you to face the situation.
    It'S 7 hours, leaving home, you are aware that other people have also heard this news, you walk and walk by a church, you see a group of young people, having fun throwing stones, breaking the windows of the church . You get to your office and there's some stir, too. The companions have heard it and they're headed to you, telling you your Jehovah's witness. Because of what happened, the radio is allowed to be heard at the workplace today. The events take place throughout Europe and expand to the rest of the world, violent protests between those who are in favour of such a decree, to the point where the police and the military must intervene.
    -- it's January 4th, it's been a week, the overall situation is more confusing than before. More troops have been incorporated in order to enforce the decree on the prohibition of religions. The Elders, by order of the ruling body, have announced "daily" meetings in the kingdom hall. The program that is going to be given is thinking to strengthen our faith, read tales of the Bible, of the strength that Noah Jeremiah and Jesus Christ showed, and also strengthen the chants and prayers that are made. Unfortunately, not all brothers attend these meetings regularly.
    -- is the 11th of January, another week has passed. The mood of people is still stirred. A consignment of 5.000 treaties arrives in the hall. Number 39 (the previous one was 38). Within 4 days, they must be delivered at each home, where they explain how these events have ended. They must simply be left using a brief introduction. Not all brothers find the courage to perform this play. But you do, you go and you have experiences. To your surprise, they open you in every door. Despite the violence on the street, you don't get hurt, when you get back to the hall you hear that no brother has ever happened to you. Notes clearly in this situation, as angels accompany you.
    -- it is January 18th, it's been 3 weeks, on radio and Television, refers to the daily performance of Jehovah's witnesses. The people are called upon and in particular to the neighbours to denounce Jehovah's witnesses.
    The third event is beginning, the attack of Satan on the people of the Lord. In spite of everything, you meet your brothers daily. The crowds seem to have been " blind ", not " come " The Kingdom Hall since they don't touch it or come close to it. The way to the hall is dangerous. In spite of all you are going, like every day to the kingdom hall. Armed Soldiers, they're pointing at you and trying to stop you but.... you can hardly believe it, they collapse in front of you. You see clearly in front of you "the hand of Jehovah".
    You remember the words quoted: "whoever touches my people is like poking my finger in my eye". suddenly there are supernatural signs in the sky. People see clearly that they do not come from nature, understand that it is God who is doing everything, they know that for them it is too late. Panic is unleashed and as EZEKIEL 38, stands up against others, also sparks natural disasters, earthquakes, hailstorms, floods, fire..... raging with all those who had decided not to serve the Lord, this is the fourth compliance Of the prophecy, it has to be, Armageddon.
    Together, with the brothers, you are in the living room, singing and praying but...... not everyone you expected to see in the living room are present...... the noises the scandal outside the hall starts to dissipate little to poco.......de suddenly there is only A total silence... Armageddon has passed, the Armageddon that many thought would not arrive, which was far, of which many said will not happen during my life had arrived... must be ready for what comes brothers and always stand firm And faithful to the Lord... the end is very close... it's just around the corner.

     Thank you EB 


  10. 10 hours ago, william Angisiramo said:

    I pray Jehovah Our God please help them for they are standing for the truth  (John 17:17), for there is no truth in this world.

    @william Angisiramo

    Our support is vital around the Earth! We are a United People under one God Jehovah and will stand up for Righteousness and Dignity through Our God Jehovah and His King Our Lord Christ Jesus! We will shout forever till Jehovah’s Name is Vindicated throughout the Earth!

     Thank you for your support and prayers! Jehovah Bless! 

  11. News ----------------------Pray for South Korea 

    South Korea: after several decades of religious persecution to the young Jehovah's witnesses, conscientious objectors in South Korea. 

    It is very regrettable that the legislative system of his country is so overdue for several decades (almost a century), and He has not reviewed his cases to update this situation and to refuse and completely ignore the international human rights.

    Authoritative bodies that order the end of this political injustice and desist from continuing to force the young religious ministers to do military service.

    Even though many countries have reviewed the conduct Exemplary of these  young people of this faith and they have been exonerated of military service because they find that they are obedient and exemplary in practically all things, obey the laws of the government and pay their taxes on time, do not riot or political demonstrations and are very peaceful.

    In the picture we see some young South Korean Jehovah's witnesses who bear this persecution and tell us with the number of their fingers what they have faced or are facing in their country:

    • One Finger: they have an appointment at the high court of Korea to be convicted. •

    Two fingers: they have an appeal in the high court.

    • Three Fingers: their situation is already in process in the superior court.

    • Five Fingers: they have already been able to finish their sentence in prison. • the others have been in the army before their baptism as Jehovah's witnesses.

    Surely our prayers to Jehovah for them will be of great value as they are being exemplary "by obeying God rather than men" and being neutral to the imminent adversity they face...


  12. ... ”Men Will Be Fierce”....
    •••••••••••• (2 Timothy 3:1-5) •••••••••••

    As long as we yearn for a world free of evil, where other human beings, or other living beings are not mistreated, where they do not mistreat anyone, or where they do not steal their organs from other human beings, where there are no kidnappers or mafias or Nor drug traffickers and do not abuse, abuse or kill human beings or animals.
    We pray for a world without promoters of wars that cruelly kill children and other innocent beings with chemical weapons. Very soon this prophecy being fulfilled today, about "fierce men, and no love of good" (2 Timothy 3:1-5), wicked and wicked, fierce who act like beasts, (Psalm 37: 9-11) It will trigger the fulfillment of another wonderful prophecy about " a new earth " (2 Timothy 3:13). and the worst predator of nature, the evil man, will cease to exist on our planet, why God, " cause ruin Of those who are ruining the earth " (Revelation 11:18).
    That Happiness!. There will be no more tears of suffering (Revelation 21:3,4). and the inhabitants of the earth will be people who worship the one true God Jehovah, and amen justice and peace (Psalms 37:9 B, 11 Even the animals will cease to suffer and will not again be hunted by sport by other unscrupulous people, and selfish to those who do not care to cause pain and suffering to other living beings.
    That is why we ask God: "come your kingdom", we ask for a fair government that will bring peace and happiness to those who love and learn from now to be meek, humble, peaceful and obedient to God, and take a free Bible course with the Jehovah's witnesses to learn with their own copy of the bible as it will be possible and how to dress also of the new personality of Christ, and may become the future citizens of a new world in which they will live forever on earth converted into A Paradise and enjoy many more blessings (Luke 23:43). Idea of: Richard Cabosq.

    (writing: Abel Romero Novella).


  13. Jehovah is glorified as the Grand Designer and Maker of this Wealth.

    Nehemiah was moved to praise him in the following words: “You are Jehovah alone; you yourself have made the heavens, . . . the seas and all that is in them; and you are preserving all of them alive.”—Nehemiah 9:6.

    Water, Wind, and Waves

    Water and wind create huge wavesthat crash with a deafening roar on rocky cliffs, like these in California, in the United States. Waves have always been a marvelous feature of the ocean, demonstrating its awesome might. 

    They are also an astonishing reminder of the Creator’s magnificent power. Jehovah is the one “treading upon the high waves of the sea.” “By his power he has stirred up the sea, and by his understanding he has broken the stormer to pieces.” (Job 9:8; 26:12) 

    Indeed, “above the sounds of vast waters, the majestic breaking waves of the sea, Jehovah is majestic in the height.”—Psalm 93:4.

    photos by giovanni allievi in savona, italy..









  14. Can We See 47 Reason Why We Want to Live Forever? 

    Let's  look up the scriptures in your BIBLE Please.  

    A World Without Tears  Think of a world, a world without tears- Rev. 7:14 

    Where a man can live for a thousand years- Isa.33:34  

    With never a grief, an ache or a pain- Rev. 21:4  

    And never a thought of dying again -Isa. 25:8  

    Think of a world where a man plants a vine- Ps. 107:37

     He can sit in it's shade and say 'This is mine'- Isa. 22:25  

    He will dwell in the house his own hands have made- Isa. 65:21

     And none shall molest him, or make him afraid- Mic. 4:4  

    Think of world without bloodshed and strife- Ps. 46:9  

    Where no man can take another man's wife- Prov. 12:28  

    Where man everywhere will unite in peace- Ps. 37:11  

    And malice and hatred forever will cease- John 13:35  

    Think of a world as a green paradise- Isa. 36:12  

    Where mountains and desserts will dazzle your eyes- Isa. 53:12  

    With bountiful flowers, trees and skies- Isa. 3: 1, 2

     With animals, birds and gay butterflies- Ps. 10:24  

    Think, just as sure, as God's word is truth- John17:17 

    A man will go back to the days of his youth- Job 33:25  His flesh will become as the flesh of a child- 

    And the words that he speaks will be gentle and mild- Matt. 5:5  

    Think of a world where a lame man will leap- Isa. 35:6  

    Bounding for joy, like a deer or a sheep- Where none will be deaf and the blind ones will see ... And dumb ones will speak and sing joyfully-Isa. 35:6  

    Think of a world where men are all Brothers- Matt.23:8

     Esteeming themselves not above any others- Phil. 2:3

     Where a man greets a man as a friend to a friend- John 15:13-19

     In a world without tears that will never end- Jo.10:28  Think of a world where the dead will arise- Jer. 31:17

     From their silent tombs to a dream paradise- John 11:23-26

     To live forever in true peace and Love- 1Cor. 16:14  

    And all will be cared for by the Great One above- 1Pet. 5:6,7  

    Now a world without tears is not just a dream- Heb 6:10

     To some, too good to be true it may seem- Tit. 1:2  

    But just as sure, as God's word is true- John 17:17 

    A world without tears now lies before you- 2Pet. 3:13  

    So if these words have opened your eyes- Luke 21:28

    Would you like to live in Earth's Paradise- Luke 23:43

    To share all the blessings that God has in store- 1Cor. 2:9

    For all who would do His Will evermore- Ps. 37:4 

     'Good News' of this Kingdom is still being sung- Rev. 14:6 

     Through out every nation and people and tongue- Matt. 24:14 

     And all who are thirsting for Truth are invited- Rev. 7:16,17 

    To accept this Good news, be warmly united- Rev.7:9 

     In Praising our God, our Savior and King- Jer. 10:10 
    Who gives to us all, our life, everything- Ps. 36:9 

     So that we might live through endless years- John 6:51 

     In a world without sorrow. A world without tears- Rev. 21:3, 4


  15. 1 hour ago, D.S.Weeleemee said:

    Einstein reportedly said: "I do not know what world war 3 will be fought with, but world war 4 will be fought with sticks and stones." 

    Even if this statement were just one of many myths about Einstein circulating, those words are quite poignant ;) 


    Yes! Jehovah Knows, the End Will Come! Matthew 6:10. Thank you for your comment. 

  16. 3 hours ago, tromboneck said:

    Very interesting and seemingly appropriate comment. Will most certainly occur! Thanks for the referenced scripture. 


    Thank you for your comment. We watch, look and listen. Jehovah has perfect timing! 

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