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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks


    The Four Horsemen—Who Are They?

    The four horsemen may seem mysterious and terrifying, but that does not have to be the case. Why not? Because the Bible and the events of modern history help us to identify clearly what each horseman pictures. And although their ride has signaled calamity on earth, it can also mean good news for you and your family. How so? First, let us determine the identity of each horseman.





    Our love, then, must not be limited to doing only what comes easily or be restricted to a select few. Christian love requires “stretching” our heart, extending love even when it may be challenging to do so. (2 Corinthians 6:11-13


    Clearly, this kind of love is something we need to cultivate and work at, just as an athlete must train and work to hone his skills. It is vital that we have such love for one another. 


    Showing love must begin at home. Jesus said that his genuine followers would be identified by the love they have for one another. (John 13:34, 35)

    2 photos 1 GIF 1 moving 




    How large a part should Christian hope play in our life? 


    At Romans 15:13, we read: “May the God who gives hope fill you with all joy and peace by your believing, that you may abound in hope with power of holy spirit.” 


    Yes, hope can be likened, not to a candle in the darkness, but to the brilliant rays of the morning sun, filling one’s life with peace, happiness, purpose, and courage. 


    Note that we “abound in hope” when we believe God’s written Word and receive his holy spirit. Says Romans 15:4: “All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.” 


    So ask yourself: ‘Do I keep my hope bright by being a good student of the Bible, reading it daily? Do I pray often for God’s spirit?’—Luke 11:13.


    To keep our hope bright, what must we guard against?


    Jesus, our Exemplar, thrived on God’s Word. By considering him closely, we avoid ‘getting tired and giving out in our souls.’ (Hebrews 12:3) True hope strengthens our faith.


    2 pictures 1 GIF 1 moving 



  4. @Martha Braun Amistadi Does this not touch your heart? I cried too. Some other good points I noted:

    “You are worth more than many sparrows”


    We may wonder why anyone would buy a sparrow. Well, in Jesus’ day the sparrow was the cheapest of the birds sold as food. Notice that for one coin of small value, a purchaser got two sparrows. But Jesus later stated that if a person was prepared to spend two coins, he got, not four sparrows, but five. The extra bird was added as though it had no value at all. Perhaps such creatures were worthless in the eyes of men, but how did the Creator view them? Said Jesus: “Not one of them [not even the one added in] goes forgotten before God.” (Luke 12:6, 7) Now we may begin to see Jesus’ point. If Jehovah places such value on a single sparrow, of how much greater worth is a human! 


    As Jesus explained, Jehovah knows every detail about us. Why, the very hairs of our head are numbered!


    Why are we certain that Jesus was being realistic when he spoke of the hairs of our head being numbered?


    Our hairs numbered? Some might assume that Jesus was being unrealistic here. Just think, though, about the hope of the resurrection. How intimately Jehovah must know us in order to re-create us! He values us so much that he remembers every detail, including our genetic code and all our years of memories and experiences. Numbering our hairs—of which the average head grows about 100,000—would be a simple feat by comparison.


    Perhaps it is through the privilege of prayer that we experience Jehovah’s love in the most intimate way. The Bible invites each of us to “pray incessantly” to God. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) He listens. He is even called the “Hearer of prayer.” (Psalm 65:2) He has not delegated this office to anyone else, not even to his own Son. 


    Just think: The Creator of the universe urges us to approach him in prayer, with freeness of speech. And what kind of listener is he? Cold, impassive, uncaring? Not at all.


    Jehovah is empathetic. What is empathy? One faithful elderly Christian said: “Empathy is your pain in my heart.” Is Jehovah really affected by our pain? We read regarding the sufferings of his people Israel: “During all their distress it was distressing to him.” (Isaiah 63:9


    Not only did Jehovah see their troubles; he felt for the people. Just how intensely he feels is illustrated by Jehovah’s own words to his servants: “He that is touching you is touching my eyeball.”*(Zechariah 2:8) How painful that would be! Yes, Jehovah feels for us. When we hurt, he hurts.

    Who is like Jehovah? No God 
    He shows us so much Loyal Love even though we are mere humans. We should appreciate Him all the more so, the Love also of Our Lord Christ and their Love extends beyond our imagination! 
    Thank you for your comment, you help others here too! Agape, ?????
  5.  From far away Jehovah appeared to me and said: “I have loved you with an everlasting love. That is why I have drawn  you to me with loyal love." (Jeremiah 31:3)


    Jehovah also values our endurance. (Matthew 24:13) Remember, Satan wants you to turn your back on Jehovah. Each day that you remain loyal to Jehovah is another day that you have helped to furnish a reply to Satan’s taunts. (Proverbs 27:11)


    Sometimes endurance is no easy matter. Health problems, financial woes, emotional distress, and other obstacles can make each passing day a trial. Postponed expectations can prove discouraging too. (Proverbs 13:12)


    Endurance in the face of such challenges is all the more precious to Jehovah. That is why King David asked Jehovah to store up his tears in a “skin bottle,” adding confidently: “Are they not in your book?” (Psalm 56:8)


    Yes, Jehovah treasures up and remembers all the tears and suffering we endure while maintaining our loyalty to him. They too are precious in his eyes.






    Jesus explained that not a single sparrow “goes forgotten before God” or falls “to the ground without” the Father’s knowledge. (Matthew 10:29) Jehovah notices each time a sparrow falls to the earth perhaps because it is injured or alights on the ground in search of food. The seemingly insignificant birds that were not too little for Jehovah to create are not too little for him to remember. In fact, he values them, for they are precious living things. Do you see the point of Jesus’ illustration?


    In his teaching, Jesus often used contrasts, reasoning from the lesser to the greater. For example, Jesus also said: “Ravens neither sow seed nor reap, and they have neither barn nor storehouse, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more worth are you than birds?” (Luke 12:24) Now the point of Jesus’ words about the sparrows becomes clear: If Jehovah cares for these tiny birds, how much more will he care for humans who love and worship him!

    1 Moving Picture, Very Nice! ???


  7. 105 Your word is a lamp to my foot, And a light for my path." (Psalms 119:105)


    JEHOVAH’S word will light our roadway if we allow that to happen. To enjoy such spiritual light, we must be diligent students of God’s written Word and apply its counsel. Only then can we share the psalmist’s sentiments: “Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light to my roadway.”—Psalm 119:105.


    Why Be Fond of God’s Word?


    Fondness for Jehovah’s word results in spiritual stability. (Psalm 119:89-96) The psalmist sang: “To time indefinite, O Jehovah, your word is stationed in the heavens. . . . You have solidly fixed the earth, that it may keep standing.” (Psalm 119:89, 90


    By God’s word—his “statutes of the heavens”—the celestial bodies move flawlessly in their orbits and the earth is solidly fixed forever. (Job 38:31-33; Psalm 104:5


    We can depend on every word going forth from Jehovah’s mouth; what God says will have “certain success” in the fulfillment of his purpose.—Isaiah 55:8-11.

    2 pictures 1 GIF 1 moving 



  8. "For God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad.” ???

    (Genesis 3:5)

    Satan the Devil used a serpent to fool Eve into disobeying her Father, Jehovah. Satan made an issue of the fact that God’s human children were not allowed to eat “from every tree of the garden.” It was as if he were saying: ‘You mean you cannot do what you want?’ Next, he told her: “You certainly will not die.” That was a lie. Then he tried to convince Eve that she did not need to listen to God. Satan said: “God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened.” Satan was saying that Jehovah did not want them to eat the fruit because this would give them some special knowledge. Finally, he made this false promise: “You will be like God, knowing good and bad.”



  9. http://www.neonnettle.com/features/891-pedophile-priest-with-hiv-who-raped-30-children-forgiven-by-church


    Pedophile Priest With HIV who Raped 30 Children Forgiven by Church

    Catholic Church absolved priest after who faces no criminal charges for raping young girls under 10

    A Catholic Priest has been acquitted by the church after he admitted to raping almost 30 young girls aged between 5 and 10-years-old.

    The priest, Jose Garcia Ataulfo, was cleared of any wrong-doing and won't face any criminal charges, despite the fact that he knew he was infected with HIV when he sexually abused all the children he admitted to raping.

    The mother of one of the priest's victims wrote a letter to The Pope asking to meet with him in Rome to discuss the case, but was shunned by the Vatican who declared that "the matter is closed".

    Ataulfo admitted to sexually assaulting well over two dozen children, many of whom were indigenous young girls from Oaxaca, a state in southern Mexico known for its large indigenous population.

    Due to the significant influence that the Catholic Church wields in Mexico, the priest won't face any criminal charges, particularly for his crimes in areas populated by indigenous ethnic groups.

    The report which first appeared on the Spanish-language news site Urgente24.com, says the priest, was absolved of any wrongdoing by the Archdiocese of Mexico.

    According to Urgente24.com, only two out of the thirty rape victims have come forward to denounce the acquittal.


  10. “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” Rev. 21:4


    Your Mysterious Tears


    CRYING accompanies us from the day we are born. One expert explains that as babies, crying became our “acoustic umbilical cord,” because we cry to have our emotional and physical needs cared for. 


    But why do we shed tears as we grow older, when we can communicate in other ways?


    Whatever the reason, crying is a powerful nonverbal language. “There are few other ways to say so much in such a brief interval,” explains the book Adult Crying. Tears provoke reactions. 


    For example, most of us find tears of sadness difficult to ignore because they alert us that someone is suffering. In response, we may try to comfort or help the one who weeps.


    Some experts believe that crying provides a useful outlet for our emotions and that systematically holding back tears may damage our health. Others argue that the physical or psychological benefits of crying have not been scientifically verified. 


    Nevertheless, surveys estimate that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men reported feeling better after crying. “Sometimes, I know I need to cry,” explains Noemí. “Afterward, I can take a deep breath and see things more clearly, in their true perspective.”


    But this feeling of relief may depend not only on tears. The way others respond to our crying also plays an important role. 


    For instance, when our tears move others to comfort us or to help us, we feel relieved. But if the response to our tears is not good, we may feel ashamed or rejected.


    Clearly, mysteries about crying remain. What we do know is that shedding tears is one of the intriguing emotional responses God has given us.


  11. How Can We Make Our Days Count Before Jehovah?  


    “Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever!”—Lydia H. Sigourney, American author (1791-1865). Wise use of our time comes only after we are keenly aware of its value. Aptly, Ephesians 5:16 urges us to ‘buy out the opportune time for ourselves,’ and this implies “purchasing” it, forgoing less important things. 


    It means reducing time-wasting pursuits. Too much television viewing or surfing of the Internet, reading of unprofitable secular material, or the excessive pursuit of recreation and entertainment can leave us exhausted. 


    Additionally, an inordinate accumulation of material possessions can consume the time needed to acquire a heart of wisdom.


    We delight to obey Jehovah’s commandments, for doing so is not a burden. (1 John 5:3) 


    As we make each day count before Jehovah, we strengthen our relationship with him. We also become a true spiritual support to our fellow Christians. Such actions make Jehovah God glad. (Proverbs 27:11) 


    There is no greater reward than to enjoy Jehovah’s approval now and forever!



  12. 15 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

    I posted 2 times a detailed report in the past of our loyal Brother from Austria. Yes, he was a very especially JW.  I was a time in the FB group from Leopold Engleitner's friend and Manager B. Rammerstorfer and learned alot of L. E.'s life and different doings around his belief with Jehovah❤️   Very interesting!   Now we all can read that in his books and our literature :)  Now he is working near Jehovah & Jesus ;-)  bec. his heavenly hope on Earth !  A wonderful faithful Brother,  our Leopold Engleitner ???

    @Queen Esther This is the Anniversary Date of his death. We will see him in Paradise! We can not say enough! His book is a National Best Seller. May you also find peace and joy as he did proving faithful to his God and Father Jehovah. Agape, Bible Speaks ?????


  13. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has taken control of six churches in the war-torn southeastern city of Diyarbakir in his latest move to squash freedom of speech and religious movement. 

    The state-sanctioned seizure is just the latest in a number of worrying developments to come out of increasingly hardline Turkey, which is in advanced talks with the EU over visa-free travel for its 80 million citizens.

    Included in the seizures are Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox churches, one of which is over 1,700 years old.

     They have now effectively become state property - meaning they are run by the government - in a country with a dire human rights record where about 98 percent of the population is Muslim.

    The order to seize the churches was made on March 25 by Erdogan's council of ministers, according to the website World Watch Monitor. 

    They claim it was made on the grounds that authorities intend to rebuild and restore the historical centre of the city, which has been partially destroyed by 10 months of urban conflict between government forces and militants from the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK). 

    But the seizures have outraged worshippers at the churches, who fear a government coup against their religion are now threatening to take legal action against the decision. 

    Ahmet Guvener, pastor of Diyarbakir Protestant Church, said: "The government didn't take over these pieces of property in order to protect them. They did so to acquire them."

    And the Diyarbakir Bar Association - which represents Christians worshipping at one of the churches, has now officially filed an appeal the government's action.

    In a statement the group said: "Among the expropriated plots, there are structures belonging to public institutions ... and places of worship and residences considered as historical and cultural heritage. 

    "This decision, which seems to be made by the request of the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning without any reason or justification, is unacceptable within the limits of constitutional order."

    The government didn't take over these pieces of property in order to protect them. They did so to acquire them 

    Ahmet Guvener, pastor of Diyarbakir Protestant Church

    Local government officials are also thought to be critical of the decision, claiming that the seizures lack legal justification and will cause cultural damage to the town. 

    In response ministers have insisted the order to take control of the churches was not religiously motivated, pointing out that they have also occupied a number of historic mosques in the city. 

    But, unlike Christian churches which are maintained by the generosity of their congregations, all mosques in Turkey are state-backed and funded, meaning their futures are secure. 

    Reacting to the seizure Victoria Coates, who is foreign policy advisor to US Presidential hopeful Ted Cruz, said the seizure fits into a pattern in the Middle East, where Christians are systematically displaced and persecuted.

    She told PJ Media: "What's happening in southern Turkey is all too typical in the Middle East today, as ancient Christian communities are displaced and persecuted by sectarian violence. 

    "The government of Turkey should move swiftly to return these churches to their rightful owners, and not take advantage of the situation to seize them permanently."

    Erdogan has courted open controversy in recent months with the seizure of opposition newspaper Zaman, which has unsurprisingly since toed a sycophantic pro-government line. 

    His apparently anti-democratic moves have provoked outrage in Europe, where politicians have been left bowing and scraping at his feet in a desperate bid to resolve the migrant chaos. 

    As part of a deal designed to stem the flow of people entering the continent EU leaders have promised to open up Europe to 80 million Turks and to accelerate talks on the country joining the 28-nation bloc. 






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