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Bible Speaks

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Everything posted by Bible Speaks

  1. @Anna @bruceq We are so grateful for all your hard work! We know propaganda will come. The opposers need to stir up false ideas. We must always think of Bible prophecy it will all come true. Man will try to be like Jesus said, blind guides they are, both will fall in the pit. Jehovah's Word is always true. He never lies. The father, or originator, of lying is Satan the Devil. (Joh 8:44) His lie conveyed by means of a serpent to the first woman Eve ultimately brought death to her and to her husband Adam. (Ge 3:1-5, 16-19) That first lie was rooted in selfishness and wrong desire. It was designed to divert the love and obedience of the first human pair to the liar, who had presented himself as an angel of light, a benefactor. (Compare 2Co 11:14.) All other malicious lies uttered since that time have likewise been a reflection of selfishness and wrong desire. People have told lies to escape deserved punishment, to profit at the expense of others, and to gain or maintain certain advantages, material rewards, or the praise of men. Especially serious have been the religious lies, as they have endangered the future life of persons deceived by them. Said Jesus Christ: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you traverse sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one you make him a subject for Gehenna twice as much so as yourselves.” (Mt 23:15) The exchange of God’s truth for “the lie,” the falsehood of idolatry, can cause a person to become a practicer of what is degrading and vile.—Ro 1:24-32. Jehovah God cannot lie (Nu 23:19; Heb 6:13-18), and he hates “a false tongue.” (Pr 6:16-19) Thank you so much for helping others! The Truth will be known. Agape, Bible Speaks ?????????
  2. Making All Things New—As Foretold “The One seated on the throne said: ‘Look! I am making all things new.’ Also, he says: . . . ‘These words are faithful and true.’”—REVELATION 21:5. Why are many people rightly hesitant to consider what the future holds? HAVE you said or thought, ‘Who knows what tomorrow will bring?’ You can understand why people hesitate to guess what the future will bring or to trust in those who might brashly claim to foretell what lies ahead. Humans simply do not have the ability to predict accurately what will occur in the months or years to come. We read at Isaiah 65:17-19: “Here I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. But exult, you people, and be joyful forever in what I am creating. For here I am creating Jerusalem a cause for joyfulness and her people a cause for exultation. And I will be joyful in Jerusalem and exult in my people; and no more will there be heard in her the sound of weeping or the sound of a plaintive cry.” Certainly, Isaiah described conditions that were far better than those the Jews had lived under in Babylon. He foretold joyfulness and rejoicing. Now look at the expression “new heavens and a new earth.” This is the first of four occurrences of that phrase in the Bible, and these four passages can have a direct bearing on our future, even foretelling it. Revelation 21 verses 4, 5: “He [Jehovah] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former thingshave passed away. And the One seated on the throne said: ‘Look! I am making all thingsnew.’ Also, he says: ‘Write, because these words are faithful and true.’” What an uplifting prophecy! You would no doubt agree that mourning and outcry would decrease with the removal of death, old age, and disease. Yet, what about grinding poverty, child abuse, and oppressive discrimination based on background or skin color? Were such things—common today—to continue, we would not be rid of mourning and outcry. Thus, life under “a new heaven and a new earth” will not be marred by these present causes of sorrow. What a change! We have, though, considered so far only three of the four occurrences in the Bible of the phrase “new heavens and a new earth.” Similarly, those faithful to God as part of the new earth, the society of true worshipers in the new world, will keep standing individually because they will be rendering pure worship to the Creator of all things. That will not be occasional or haphazard worship. God’s Law, provided to Israel through Moses, called for certain acts of worship each month, as marked by the new moon, and each week, as marked by the Sabbath day. (Leviticus 24:5-9; Numbers 10:10; 28:9, 10; 2 Chronicles 2:4) Isaiah 66:24 assures us that the peace and righteousness of the new earth will never be in danger. Wicked people will not ruin it. Recall that 2 Peter 3:7 says that ahead of us is “the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men.” Those coming to their end will be ungodly. No harm will come to innocents, unlike what often happens in human wars, where civilian casualties outnumber military ones. The Great Judge guarantees us that his day will be a destruction of the ungodly. Isaiah 11:9 says: “They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea.” https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2000283 2 pictures, 1 moving and 1 GIF IMG_3140.mov
  3. SONG 150 Seek God for Your Deliverance (Zephaniah 2:3) 1. Nations align as one, Opposing Jehovah’s Son. Their time of human rulership By God’s decree now is done. Rulers have had their day; God’s Kingdom is here to stay. Soon Christ will crush earthly enemies. No more will there be delay. (CHORUS) Seek God for your deliverance, Yes, look to him with confidence. Seek his righteousness, Show your faithfulness, For his sov’reignty, take your stand. Then see our God deliver you By his mighty hand. 2. People on earth now choose, Responding to this good news. We offer to all men the choice To hear or proudly refuse. Trials, although severe, Need not fill our hearts with fear. Jehovah cares for his loyal ones; Our cries for help he will hear. (CHORUS) Seek God for your deliverance, Yes, look to him with confidence. Seek his righteousness, Show your faithfulness, For his sov’reignty, take your stand. Then see our God deliver you By his mighty hand. (See also 1 Sam. 2:9; Ps. 2:2, 3, 9; Prov. 2:8;Matt. 6:33.) SING! SING! SING!
  4. "You will actually drink the milk of nations."—Isa. 60:16. Consider some inventions of the past 200 years that God’s people have used in preaching the good news. We have mentioned trains, cars, and airplanes, but there have also been bicycles, typewriters, Braille devices, the telegraph, telephones, cameras, audio and video recorders, radio, television, motion pictures, computers, and the Internet. In various ways, such things have helped us to accomplish our commission to make disciples. In fulfillment of the prophecy that Jehovah’s people would “drink the milk of nations,” we have made wise use of resources of the nations, such as modern technology, in order to produce the Bible and Bible literature in many languages.—Read Isaiah 60:16. (a) The evidence points to what conclusion? (b) Why does Jehovah allow us to be his “fellow workers”? Clearly, we have strong evidence of God’s blessing. Of course, Jehovah does not rely on our help to accomplish his purposes. Yet, our loving heavenly Father allows us to be his “fellow workers,” thus enabling us to show our love for him and for our neighbor. (1 Cor. 3:9; Mark 12:28-31) May we take advantage of our opportunities to proclaim the Kingdom message, the most important work on earth. By all means, let us show how thankful we are that Jehovah has guided and blessed our global teaching work! https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2015128?q=isa+60%3A16&p=par "En verdad beberéis la leche de las naciones." - Isa. 60:16. Considere algunas invenciones de los últimos 200 años que el pueblo de Dios ha usado para predicar las buenas nuevas. Hemos mencionado los trenes, los automóviles y los aviones, pero también ha habido bicicletas, máquinas de escribir, dispositivos Braille, telégrafo, teléfonos, cámaras, grabadoras de audio y video, radio, televisión, películas, computadoras e Internet. De diversas maneras, tales cosas nos han ayudado a cumplir nuestra comisión de hacer discípulos. En cumplimiento de la profecía de que el pueblo de Jehová "bebería la leche de las naciones", hemos hecho uso sabio de los recursos de las naciones, tales como la tecnología moderna, para producir la Biblia y la literatura bíblica en muchos idiomas. :dieciséis. (A) La evidencia apunta a qué conclusión? (B) ¿Por qué Jehová nos permite ser sus "compañeros de trabajo"? Claramente, tenemos una fuerte evidencia de la bendición de Dios. Por supuesto, Jehová no confía en nuestra ayuda para lograr sus propósitos. Sin embargo, nuestro amoroso Padre celestial nos permite ser sus "compañeros de trabajo", lo que nos permite mostrar nuestro amor por él y por nuestro prójimo. (1 Corintios 3: 9, Marcos 12: 28-31) Podemos aprovechar nuestras oportunidades para proclamar el mensaje del Reino, el trabajo más importante en la tierra. Por todos los medios, demostremos cuán agradecidos estamos de que Jehová haya guiado y bendecido nuestro trabajo de enseñanza global.
  5. "Withdraw from every brother walking disorderly."—2 Thess. 3:6. 10 "Now I exhort YOU, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that YOU should all speak in agreement, and that there should not be divisions among YOU, but that YOU may be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought." (1 Cor.1:10)
  6. "Instruct me, O Jehovah, about your way. I will walk in your truth. Unify my heart to fear your name." (Ps. 86:11) Laws Based on Love The essence of all of Jehovah’s laws and regulations can be summed up in a single word: love. That has always been and will always be an essential part of pure worship. When asked which was the greatest commandment in the Law, Jesus answered: “Love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.” The second was: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” He then said: “On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:35-40) Jesus thus indicated that, not just the Law with the Ten Commandments, but the entire Hebrew Scriptures were based on love. Is love of God and neighbor also central to the law in the hearts of Christians? Absolutely! The law of the Christ involves a heartfelt love of God and includes a new command—Christians are to have self-sacrificing love for one another. They are to love as Jesus did, and he willingly laid down his life in behalf of his friends. He taught his disciples to love God and to love one another, just as he loved them. The outstanding love they show toward one another is the main identifying quality by which true Christians can be recognized. (John 13:34, 35; 15:12, 13) Jesus even instructed them to love their enemies. (Matthew 5:44) www.jw.org
  7. Are you in the "EYE of GOD"? Do you put spiritual things first in your life? What you learn can put you closer to Jehovah God and will make your ways straighter in life. To find favor with God Jehovah you need to be spiritual. What does that mean? How much is Jehovah God in your life? Do you mediate on His Word every day? Do you study, ask questions and search for answers? Jehovah God "sees" your heart, that is good, yet you need to draw close to Him and learn what he is trying to teach you. You need to study the Bible. Jehovah's Witnesses study the Bible and teach it to others so they can learn how to please Jehovah and be spiritual. How can you too learn this? Ask Jehovah's Witnesses for a Bible study to learn how. Jehovah wants you to learn and understand His Words of Truth. Then you too will be close to Him be more spiritual and be happier knowing you are pleasing Him. The Spiritual Man. The apostle contrasts the spiritual man with the physical man. He says: “But a physical [literally, soulical] man does not receive the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him.” (1Co 2:14) This “physical man” does not mean merely one living on earth, one with a fleshly body, for, obviously, Christians on earth have fleshly bodies. The physical man here spoken of means one who has no spiritual side to his life. He is “soulical” in that he follows the desires of the human soul to the exclusion of spiritual things. Paul continues about the “physical man,” that he cannot get to know the things of the spirit of God “because they are examined spiritually.” Then he says: “However, the spiritual man examines indeed all things, but he himself is not examined by any man.” The spiritual man has understanding of the things God reveals; he sees also the wrong position and course of the physical man. But the spiritual man’s position, actions, and course of life cannot be understood by the physical man, neither can any man judge the spiritual man, for God only is his Judge. The apostle says by way of illustration and argument: “For ‘who has come to know the mind of Jehovah, that he may instruct him?’” No one, of course.
  8. Are You Being Refreshed with "Dew and Rain"? Take It In! You Will Find Refreshment Today in a World of Turmoil.... “My instruction will drip as the rain, my saying will trickle as the dew, as gentle rains upon grass and as copious showers upon vegetation. For I shall declare the name of Jehovah.” Yes, attribute greatness to “our God,” “the Rock.” (Deut. 32:2-4) Dew is also gentle and refreshing. It is aptly applied to Moses’ farewell prophetic song. (De 32:2) A king’s goodwill is likened to the refreshing effect of dew on vegetation. (Pr 19:12) The loving unity prevailing among God’s people is refreshing “like the dew of Hermon that is descending upon the mountains of Zion.” Mount Hermon’s forest-covered and perpetually snow-streaked heights caused night vapors to arise that could be carried so far by cold air currents coming down over Hermon from the N that these vapors could condense upon Zion’s mountains many miles to the south. (Ps 133:1-3) Dew is Scripturally associated with blessing, fertility, and abundance. (Ge 27:28; De 33:13, 28; Zec 8:12) A return to Jehovah would result in blessing, God saying: “I shall become like the dew to Israel.” (Ho 14:1, 5) Through Micah, God foretold that “the remaining ones of Jacob” would “become in the midst of many peoples like dew from Jehovah, like copious showers upon vegetation,” foretelling that the remnant of spiritual Jacob (Israel) would be a blessing from God to the people. (Mic 5:) Conversely, lack or the withholding of dew is associated with a disfavored condition. (Ge 27:39; Hag 1:10) When God withheld dew and rain from the land of Israel in the days of King Ahab and Elijah, famine resulted.(1Ki 17:1; Lu 4:25) jw.org
  9. Thank you my Brothers and Sisters you warm my heart. We are all stressed and know the end is in Jehovah's perfect timing! We must be unified and strong to help others. Some live in fear everyday. You are proving yourselves children of your Father in Heaven and letting Christ now lead us. Are we not grateful we can speak so right now? Perhaps soon we might not be able to speak. Prayers around the earth we need for Satan is on a rampage and his "hooks" in his jaw make him angrier so speak the Love of the Christ and Jehovah for this we will prove ourselves children of a just and God of Loyal Love. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  10. I wonder what this means not answers yet? Noted as of 2015 article? We definitely DEEP into these prophecies. Daniel 11: 36 “The king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt himself and magnify himself above every god; and against the God of gods+ he will speak astonishing things. And he will prove successful until the denunciation comes to a finish; because what is determined must take place. 37 He will show no regard for the God of his fathers; nor will he show regard for the desire of women or for any other god, but he will magnify himself over everyone. 38 But instead* he will give glory to the god of fortresses; to a god that his fathers did not know he will give glory by means of gold and silver and precious stones and desirable* things. 39 He will act effectively against the most fortified strongholds, along with* a foreign god. He will give great glory to those who give him recognition,*and he will make them rule among many; and the ground he will apportion out* for a price." As keen students of God’s Word, we wait with eager anticipation to see who in the near future will assume the role of “the king of the north.”But no matter who may take the lead in this coalition of nations, we are certain of two things: (1) Gog of Magog and his armies will be defeated and destroyed; and (2) our reigning King, Jesus Christ, will save God’s people and usher them into a new world of peace and true security.—Rev. 7:14-17. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2015364
  11. @TrueTomHarley How can the Russian Orthodox Church read a Bible and not be extremists but JWs are? Maybe cause they don't read a Bible? I think when the UN gets involved it will all go bang ? Then oh well to bad you Great city Revelation 18 says as they see her smoking they only feel bad on the material things and money they lost! It says in the Bible "shameless luxury." ?????
  12. "A wife is bound as long as her husband is alive.But if her husband should fall asleep in death, she is free to be married to whomever she wants, only in the Lord." (Matthew 7:39) Marry “Only in theLord”—Still Realistic? “I cannot find a mate within the congregation, and I am afraid of growing old alone.” “Some men in the world are kind, lovable, and thoughtful. They are not opposed to my religion, and they seem to be more interesting than some brothers.” WHY SOME HAVE DOUBTS Those who make such comments may feel that there is an imbalance in the number of eligible brothers and sisters. In many countries, that is indeed the case. Consider two examples: In Korea, on average, out of 100 single Witnesses, 57 are sisters and 43 are brothers. Colombia reports that 66 percent of the Witnesses are sisters and 34 percent are brothers. CONFIDENCE IN JEHOVAH ESSENTIAL If you have ever entertained such thoughts, rest assured that Jehovah is aware of your situation. Indeed, he knows how you feel about the matter.—2 Chron. 6:29, 30. Still, Jehovah has set out in his Word the direction to marry only in the Lord. Why? Because he knows what is good for his people. Not only does he want to safeguard his servants from the pain resulting from pursuing an unwise course but he also wants them to be happy. In Nehemiah’s day when many Jews were marrying foreigners who did not worship Jehovah, Nehemiah referred to the bad example of Solomon. Although Solomon “was loved by his God, . . . the foreign wives caused even him to sin.” (Neh. 13:23-26) So for thegood of his servants, God has directed us to marry only true worshippers. (Ps. 19:7-10; Isa. 48:17, 18) True Christians are grateful for God’s loving care and rely on his direction. By thus submitting themselves to him as Ruler, they recognize him as the Universal Sovereign.—Prov. 1:5. You surely want to avoid becoming “unevenly yoked” with someone who could take you away from God. (2 Cor. 6:14) Many Christians today have obeyed God’s time-proven protective directive and have come to realize that they have taken the wise course. But some have chosen to do otherwise. Yes, marrying “only in the Lord” is still realistic. Obeying that direction can help you to honor Jehovah and reap lasting satisfaction. The Bible says: “Happy is the man who fears Jehovah, who takes great pleasure in his commandments. Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness continues forever.” (Ps. 112:1, 3) So be determined to stick to thedivine commandment to marry “only in theLord.” http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2015208?q=marry+only+in+the+lord&p=par
  13. "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.” (John13:34,35) Be courteous to others and show love, we are highly prized by our Father when we prove who we are. We all love the Father and the Son and one another. Display love prove yourselves sons of your Father and the Heaven. Words can have a powerful effect for good. “Pleasant sayings are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and a healing to the bones.” (Proverbs 16:24) ?????
  14. FOCUS ON JESUS TO STRENGTHEN YOUR FAITH - BEWARE OF ANTICHRIST ACTIVITIES STUDY THE BIBLE IN A WAY TO BUILD YOUR FAIRH STRENGTHEN YOUR CONFIDENCE IN THE BIBLE 17 "Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth." (John17:17) 2 "as we look intently at the Chief Agent and Perfecter of our faith, Jesus. For the joy that was set before him he endured a torture stake, despising shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2)
  15. 29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened,and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30"Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." (Matthew 25:30) In Revelation “the vine of the earth” is thrown into a winepress and trodden roughly with the shod feet of horses, the blood coming “as high up as the bridles of the horses, for a distance of a thousand six hundred furlongs [296 km; 184 mi].” (Re 14:18-20) So great a depth of blood covering such a distance represents the tremendous scope of the destruction wrought by the angels and reflects the fact that the winepress is big enough to catch all and allow escape for none who make up the symbolic “vine of the earth” at the time of the fullness of its guiltiness. Jehovah told King Sennacherib of Assyria: “I shall certainly put my hook in your nose and my bridle between your lips, and I shall indeed lead you back by the way by which you have come.” (2Ki 19:28; Isa 37:29) Not willingly, but by Jehovah’s hand, Sennacherib was forced to forgo any siege of Jerusalem and to return to Nineveh, where he was later assassinated by his own sons. (2Ki 19:32-37; Isa 37:33-38) Jehovah’s putting a bridle in the jaws of enemy peoples indicates their coming under the type of complete control gained over animals by means of a bridle.—Isa 30:28. (Modern day Nineveh, Modern day Assyrian, Kings of the North etc.) http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/b/r1/lp-e/nwt/E/2013/12/19 (2Kings 19: Vs 29 you will eat don't worry food will show up. Second year grain will grow again. Jehovah still provides Be faithful to Jehovah don't surrender Jehovah wants to helps us Now is the time trust Him and mediation on these accounts the kingdoms of the earth will know Jehovah!
  16. 29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 "Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." (Matthew 25:30) In Revelation “the vine of the earth” is thrown into a winepress and trodden roughly with the shod feet of horses, the blood coming “as high up as the bridles of the horses, for a distance of a thousand six hundred furlongs [296 km; 184 mi].” (Re 14:18-20) So great a depth of blood covering such a distance represents the tremendous scope of the destruction wrought by the angels and reflects the fact that the winepress is big enough to catch all and allow escape for none who make up the symbolic “vine of the earth” at the time of the fullness of its guiltiness. Jehovah told King Sennacherib of Assyria: “I shall certainly put my hook in your nose and my bridle between your lips, and I shall indeed lead you back by the way by which you have come.” (2Ki 19:28; Isa 37:29) Not willingly, but by Jehovah’s hand, Sennacherib was forced to forgo any siege of Jerusalem and to return to Nineveh, where he was later assassinated by his own sons. (2Ki 19:32-37; Isa 37:33-38) Jehovah’s putting a bridle in the jaws of enemy peoples indicates their coming under the type of complete control gained over animals by means of a bridle.—Isa 30:28. (Modern day Nineveh, Modern day Assyrian, Kings of the North etc.) http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/b/r1/lp-e/nwt/E/2013/12/19 (2Kings 19: Vs 29 you will eat don't worry food will show up. Second year grain will grow again. Jehovah still provides Be faithful to Jehovah don't surrender Jehovah wants to helps us Now is the time trust Him and mediation on these accounts the kingdoms of the earth will know Jehovah! https://youtu.be/2lNVOv4nf3g Where? ???
  17. “Taste and see that Jehovah is good; Happy is the man who takes refuge in him.” (Ps. 34:8)
  18. “God … draws up the drops of water; they filter as rain for his mist, so that the clouds trickle, they drip upon mankind abundantly.” (Job 36:26-28)
  19. “Little children, let us love, neither in word nor with the tongue, but in deed and truth."—1 John 3:18. “The warm smiles and encouraging comments I receive from the elders when I enter the Kingdom Hall endear them to me.”
  20. "Deaden . . . your body members . . . as respects sexual immorality, uncleanness, uncontrolled sexual passion."—Col. 3:5. “abhor what is wicked” “cling to what is good.” "Amortigüen los miembros de su cuerpo en cuanto a fornicación, inmundicia, apetito sexual." (Col. 3:5). "Aborreciendo lo malvados" "Aferrarse a lo que es bueno."
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