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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed legislation this week that severely restricts freedom of religion by prohibiting any religious speech or evangelization outside of places of worship.

    “This new situation resembles the Soviet Union in 1929. At that time confession of faith was permitted only in church,” said Dr. Hannu Haukka, president of Great Commission Media Ministries, reports National Religious Broadcasters (NRB). “Practically speaking, we are back in the same situation. These anti-terrorist laws are some of the most restrictive laws in post-Soviet history.”

    The new law, which goes into effect July 20, is actually an amendment to a package of laws against terrorism and extremism approved by the Russian Parliament’s upper chamber. As a result of the legislation, faith sharing in homes, in the media, online, or any place other than a government recognized church is prohibited.

    The measure is expected to especially affect evangelical groups and Jehovah’s Witnesses who often share faith in homes rather than traditional churches.

    In a column at the Daily Signal, U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) wrote the new law is “an affront to free people everywhere.”

    We need to begin telling the truth about an increasingly aggressive actor in global affairs,” he said. “This Russian law would be an affront to free people everywhere—at home and abroad—who believe that rights of conscience—the rights to free speech and to freedom of religion—are pre-political.”

    Religious freedom attorneys and human rights groups are already preparing an appeal to Russia’s Constitutional Court, reports Forum 18. The legislation drew widespread protests and religious leaders are uncertain how they can fulfill the law’s obligations.

    “Today is indeed a black day on the calendar,” lawyer Vladimir Ryakhovsky of the Slavic Centre for Law and Justice posted on his Facebook page. “Hope was that Vladimir Putin would not in the end sign this law. A law which openly contradicts the gospel command ‘go and make disciples’ and, in addition, violates the constitutional rights of citizens.”

    Mikhail Fedotov, chairman of the Presidential Council on Civil Society Development and Human Rights, protested the new amendments directly to Putin, asserting that they “create unjustified and excessive restrictions on the freedom of conscience of believers of all religions, and encroach upon the fundamental constitutional principle of non-interference by the state in the internal arrangements of religious associations.”

    Financial penalties for violating the law are reportedly up to 50,000 roubles for individuals and up to one million roubles for organizations.

    “We are distressed by the law and see it as repressive for believers in our country, because the law contradicts the Bible,” said a spokeswoman for the Council of Churches – Baptists. “We must assume there will be repression and persecution.”

    “The United States government and all other nations that profess a commitment to religious freedom should urge Russia to repeal this unjust law, NRB President Dr. Jerry A. Johnson said. “Let’s pray this new iron curtain of Christian persecution in Russia will be lifted quickly and without harm to our brothers and sisters in Christ.”


    Ben Sasse, evangelization, Religious freedom, religious liberty, Russia, Vladimir Putin



  2. 4 "Again I turned my attention to all the acts of oppression that go on under the sun. I saw the tears of the oppressed, and there was no one to comfort them. And their oppressors had the power, and there was no one to comfort them." (Ecc.4:1)

    "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” (Rev.21:4)

    2 pictures 1 moving, 1 GIF 



  3. “Stand Firm and See the Salvation of Jehovah”

    “Jehovah is on my side; I shall not fear. What can earthling man do to me?”—PSALM 118:6.

    TODAY, mankind faces events of a magnitude never previously experienced. Foretelling this about our day, Jesus warned his followers: “There will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.”—Matthew 24:21, 22.

    What is holding back the start of the great tribulation?

    Unseen to human eyes, heavenly forces are now holding back that great tribulation. The apostle John was privileged to see the reason for this restraint in a revelation given to him by Jesus. Here is how the aged apostle described it: “I saw four angels standing upon the fourcorners of the earth, holding tight the fourwinds of the earth . . . And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrising, having a seal of the living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels . . . ‘Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.’”—Revelation 7:1-3.

    All the nations of the earth will have aligned themselves against Jehovah’s people. Will the nations succeed in wiping out those faithful Christians? It may seem as if they could. But look! Heavenly armies following Christ Jesus will see to it that these human forces are destroyed. (Revelation 19:19-21) Finally, the Devil and his angels will be cast into an abyss of inactivity. They will no longer be able to mislead man because they will be bound for a thousand years. Oh, what a relief that will be to the great multitude of survivors!—Revelation 7:9, 10, 14;20:1-3.

    We are about to experience these wonderful and awe-inspiring events. They all have to do with vindicating Jehovah’s right to rule, his universal sovereignty. And think of this: If we remain loyal to Jehovah and if we stand firm for his sovereignty, we shall have the opportunity of sharing in the sanctification of Jehovah’s name and the fulfillment of his purpose. What an inestimable joy that will be!

    Confident in Jehovah’s salvation, Moses replies: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah, which he will perform for you today. . . . Jehovah will himself fight for you, and you yourselves will be silent.”—Exodus 14:5-14.

    Today, we can have confidence that Jehovah is with his people to guide, protect, and deliver them. We can take to heart the promise: “[Jehovah] will not leave his loyal ones. To time indefinite they will certainly be guarded.” (Psalm 37:28) Never let us forget those mighty angelic forces that are backing God’s servants today. With their support, we can “stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah.”—Exodus 14:13.



  4. Are We Living in “the Last Days”?

    Jehovah knows what the future holds. (Isaiah 46:10

    Soon after he received Kingdom power, Jesus took action. “War broke out in heaven,” says the Bible. “Michael [another name for Jesus] and his angels battled with the dragon [Satan the Devil], and the dragon and its angels battled.” Satan and his wicked angels, the demons, lost that war and were cast out of heaven to the earth. 

    God’s faithful spirit sons rejoiced that Satan and his demons were gone. Humans, however, would experience no such joy. Instead, the Bible foretold: “Woe for the earth . . . because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”—Revelation 12:7, 9, 12.

    Please notice what would result from the war in heaven. In his fury, Satan would bring woe, or trouble, upon those on earth. As you will see, we are now living in that time of woe. But it will be relatively brief—only “a short period of time.” 

    Even Satan realizes that. The Bible refers to this period as “the last days.” (2 Timothy 3:1) How glad we can be that God will soon do away with the Devil’s influence over the earth! Let us consider some of the things foretold in the Bible that are happening right now. These prove that we are living in the last days and that God’s Kingdom will soon bring everlasting blessings to those who love Jehovah. First, let us examine four features of the sign that Jesus said would mark the time in which we live.

     •“Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.” (Matthew 24:7)

    •“There will be food shortages.” (Matthew 24:7

    •There will be great earthquakes.” (Luke 21:11

    •“There will be . . . pestilences.” (Luke 21:11

    (Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5.) 

    Paul said that people would be

    • lovers of themselves
    • lovers of money
    • disobedient to parents
    • disloyal
    • having no natural affection
    • without self-control
    • fierce
    • lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God
    • having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power

     • “This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth,” said Jesus Christ in his prophecy about “the conclusion of the system of things.” (Read Matthew 24:3, 14.) 

    • The last days are marked by wars, food shortages, earthquakes, and pestilences.—Matthew 24:7; Luke 21:11.

    • In the last days, many love themselves, money, and pleasures but do not love God.—2 Timothy 3:1-5.

    • During these last days, the good news of the Kingdom is being preached worldwide.—Matthew 24:14.

    Learn how to survive these times.       Ask for a free Bible study today! 




  5. "By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:35)

    Do Not Let Your Love Grow Cold

    “Because of the increasing of lawlessness, the love of the greater number will grow cold.”—MATTHEW 24:12.

    Jesus’ words about love growing cold also apply to our day. People today have less and less love for God. Instead of looking to God to solve the problems in the world, millions of people look to human organizations. Their love continues to grow cold. Even the love of Jehovah’s servants could grow cold, as it did in the congregation in ancient Ephesus. So let us discuss three areas in which we must keep our love strong: (1) love for Jehovah, (2) love for Bible truth, and (3) love for our brothers.


    Jesus said: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment.” (Matthew 22:37, 38

    Our love for God helps us to obey his commandments, to endure, and to hate what is bad. 

    Paul explained one way we can keep our love for God strong when he wrote: “Pray constantly.” Later he also wrote: “Persevere in prayer.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17; Romans 12:12

    Why does prayer bring us closer to God? When we pray, we communicate with Jehovah. This makes it possible for us to have a good relationship with him. (Psalm 86:3) When we tell our heavenly Father about our deepest thoughts and feelings, we draw closer to him. (Psalm 65:2

    Also, our love for Jehovah grows as we see how he answers our prayers. We are confident that “Jehovah is near to all those calling on him.” (Psalm 145:18) Our confidence in Jehovah’s love and support will help us handle any problems we may face now and in the future.



  6. "Every breathing thing—let it praise Jah. Praise Jah!" (Psalms 150:6)

    “Be Vigilant With a View to Prayers”


    What are some types of prayer?

    When Paul wrote to the Ephesians, he mentioned “every form of prayer.” (Ephesians 6:18

    When we pray to Jehovah, we often ask him to give us what we need and to help us solve our problems. The Bible says that he is the “Hearer of prayer,” and because he loves us, he listens when we ask for help. (Psalm 65:2

    But when we pray, we should not only ask for the things we need. We should also praise Jehovah, thank him, and supplicate him.

    Why should we often praise Jehovah in our prayers?

    There are many reasons why we should praise Jehovah in our prayers. For example, we want to praise him when we think of “his works of mightiness” and “the abundance of his greatness.” (Read Psalm 150:1-6.) 

    Just look at Psalm 150. In six verses, it mentions praising Jehovah 13 times. Another writer of the Psalms showed his deep love for Jehovah when he sang: “Seven times in the day I have praised you because of your righteous judicial decisions.” (Psalm 119:164

    Jehovah surely deserves to be praised. So we should praise him in our prayers “seven times in the day,” that is, very often.

    Another type of prayer is thanksgiving. In his letter to the Christians in the city of Philippi, Paul wrote: “Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6

    Because we live in the last days of Satan’s world and are surrounded by people who are “unthankful,” it is important for us to thank Jehovah from our heart for all of his blessings so that we do not become like the world. (2 Timothy 3:1, 2

    Supplication is sincere prayer with intense emotion. What may we supplicate Jehovah for? We can ask Jehovah for his help when we are being persecuted or when we have an illness that threatens our life. At times like these, it is understandable that we would beg Jehovah for help. But should we do this only when we are being persecuted or when we are sick?

    Supplicate God for his name to be sanctified and for his Kingdom to remove Satan’s rule from the earth. This is also the time to pray to Jehovah to have his will done on earth as it is being done in heaven. So we should stay vigilant and use all types of prayer.


    God’s new world is near, and our salvation is closer than we may think. This is not the time to fall asleep spiritually.

    We should never allow this world to take away the time we need to be alone to pray to Jehovah. Instead, we need to “be vigilant with a view to prayers.” If we do that, it will help us to have “holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion” as we wait for the day of Jehovah. (2 Peter 3:11, 12



  7.  "I will say to Jehovah: “You are my refuge and my stronghold,  My God in whom I trust.”

    Remain in the Secret Place of the Most High

    Jehovah’s “secret place” offers spiritual security

    91:1, 2, 

    • Today, dedication and baptism are required for us to dwell in Jehovah’s secret place
    • This place is unknown to those who do not trust in God
    • Those in Jehovah’s secret place are not influenced by anyone and anything that could threaten their faith in God and love for him

    “The birdcatcher” attempts to trap us





  8. "You should no longer go on walking just as the nations [do]."—Eph. 4:17.

    "Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for 
    you from the founding of the world." —
    Matt 25:34


    "No sigan ustedes andando tal como las naciones." Efes. 4:17

    "‘Vengan, ustedes que han sido bendecidos por mi Padre, hereden el reino preparado para ustedes desde la fundación del mundo." Mateo 25:34


  9. Soon the whole earth will see who's in control. God's Words are true. I've done my homework and still studying. Remember, Jehovah doesn't lie only what you read below. One thought, 

    There are other lies from Satan that can fool us if we are not careful. Let us talk about three of these lies. The first lie is: You can do whatever you want; you decide what is right and what is wrong. We often hear this on television, in movies, in magazines, in newspapers, and on the Internet. Because we hear this lie all the time, it is easy for us to start to think that way and follow the immoral ideas of the world. But the truth is that we need God to tell us what is right and what is wrong. (Jeremiah 10:23

    The second lie is: God will never change anything on the earth. This idea makes people think only about today. They do not care about the future or about pleasing God. We might start to think like them and then become “inactive or unfruitful” in our service to God. (2 Peter 1:8) The truth is that Jehovah will soon change things on the earth, and we must show by the way we live that we really believe this. (Matthew 24:44

    The third lie is: God does not care about you. Satan wants us to believe that we are not good enough for God to love us. If Satan makes us believe this lie, we might stop serving Jehovah. The truth is that Jehovah loves each one of his servants, and each one is very important to him.—Matthew 10:29-31.


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