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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. My Friends and Brothers, she's already burning! Just be amazed we are down to the last minutes! Jehovah's got the power, it will never fail. Let Satan and his hordes try to stop it? No, it's been 1,000's of years he's done. Are we not glad to have a King ? Christ Jesus already mounted on his horse? Keep the Faith, it will never fail! Thank you Jehovah you have done well!


  2.  "One thing I have asked from   Jehovah—It is what I will look for—That I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life, To gaze upon the pleasantness of Jehovah, And to look with  appreciation upon his temple." (Psalms 27:4) 

    In David’s day, “the house of Jehovah” was the tabernacle. It was David himself who made arrangements for the elaborate temple structure that was to be built by his son Solomon.

    Centuries later, Jesus revealed that rendering acceptable worship to Jehovah would no longer be contingent on having one grand structure that was blessed by God. 

    To remain courageous, we need ongoing instruction in God’s way. This is evident from David’s plea: “Instruct me, O Jehovah, in your way, and lead me in the path of uprightness on account of my foes.” (Ps. 27:11

    By allowing Jehovah to instruct us and lead us in the path of uprightness, we will have no cause for fear.

    David next underscores the necessity of faith and hope by saying: “If I had not had faith in seeing the goodness of Jehovah in the land of those alive—!” (Ps. 27:13

    Indeed, where would we be without our God-given hope and our appreciation for the things discussed in Psalm 27

    May we, then, continue to pray confidently for strength and deliverance as we face the events leading up to Armageddon.

    David drew strength from his memories of Jehovah’s acts of deliverance.

    Read Psalm 27:14.




  3. “Take Courage! I Have Conquered the World”

    “I still have many things to say to you,” Jesus continues, “but you are not able to bear them now.” When he pours out the holy spirit, it will guide them to an understanding of “all the truth,” and they will be able to live by that truth.—John 16:12, 13.

    Then Jesus explains: “It is for your benefit that I am going away. For if I do not go away, the helper will not come to you; but if I do go, I will send him to you.” (John 16:7) Only by Jesus’ dying and going to heaven can his disciples receive the holy spirit, which he can send as a helper to his people anywhere on earth.

    The holy spirit “will give the world convincing evidence concerning sin and concerning righteousness and concerning judgment.” (John 16:8

    Yes, the world’s failure to exercise faith in God’s Son will be exposed. Jesus’ ascension to heaven will provide convincing evidence of his righteousness and will demonstrate why Satan, “the ruler of this world,” merits adverse judgment.—John 16:11.

    Jesus’ encouraging words to the apostles may have emboldened them to affirm: “By this we believe that you came from God.” That conviction will soon be tested. 

    In fact, Jesus describes what is just ahead: “Look! The hour is coming, indeed, it has come, when each one of you will be scattered to his own house and you will leave me alone.” Yet he assures them: “I have said these things to you so that by means of me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage! I have conquered the world.” (John 16:30-33

    No, Jesus is not abandoning them. He is sure that they too can be world conquerors, just as he is, by their faithfully accomplishing God’s will despite the attempts of Satan and his world to break their integrity.

    "And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matthew 28:20b).




  4.  "Not one word out of all the good promises that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. They have all come true for you. Not one word of them has failed.".    (Joshua 23:14)

    Draw Close to God A Fulfiller of Promises

    IS IT hard for you to trust others? Sadly, we live in a world where trust is routinely destroyed. If you were hurt by someone you believed in—perhaps because of lies or broken promises—your trust may have been shattered. There is, however, someone you can trust without ever being disappointed. “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart,” Proverbs 3:5 urges us. Why is Jehovah deserving of such trust? To answer that, let us examine the words of Joshua—a man who put his complete trust in Jehovah—recorded at Joshua 23:14.

    Looking back on all that he has seen, Joshua has come to know that Jehovah fulfills His promises—always.* The implication is clear: Joshua wants his fellow Israelites to have absolute faith that all of Jehovah’s promises for their future will also come true.

    The Bible contains a record of God’s promises that have been fulfilled, including some that are being fulfilled before our very eyes. It also contains Jehovah’s wonderful promises for our future.

    Why not examine that record for yourself? A study of the Bible may convince you that the Fulfiller of promises is worthy of your trust.

    Here are a few of the promises, or assurances, that Joshua saw fulfilled. Jehovah would give Israel a land of their own. (Compare Genesis 12:7 with Joshua 11:23.) Jehovah would deliver Israel out of Egypt. (Compare Exodus 3:8 with Exodus 12:29-32.) Jehovah would sustain his people.—Compare Exodus 16:4, 13-15 with Deuteronomy 8:3, 4.



  5.   21 "The creation itself will also be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God." (Romans 8:21) 

    ‘Setting Your Mind on the Spirit Means Life and Peace’

    “Those who live according to the spirit, [set their minds] on the things of the spirit.”—ROM. 8:5.

    Let us reflect on the assurance that “setting the mind on the spirit means ; peace.” Many people struggle to find peace of mind. While they desperately search for inner peace, we already enjoy it. 

    One aspect of having such peace is that we strive to be at peace with those in our family and those in the congregation. We have the good sense to realize that both we and our brothers and sisters are imperfect. Because of this, problems may occasionally arise, and if that happens, we have been taught to follow Jesus’ advice: “Make your peace with your brother.” (Matt. 5:24)

    This is made easier when we recall that the other brother or sister is also serving “the God who gives peace.”—Rom. 15:33; 16:20.

    Depending on what we set our mind on, what special peace can we enjoy?

    And there is another peace that is of incalculable value. By our “setting the mind on the spirit,” we enjoy peace with our Maker. Isaiah recorded words that applied in his day but have an even greater fulfillment now: “You [Jehovah] will safeguard those who fully lean on you; you will give them continuous peace, because it is in you that they trust.”—Isa. 26:3; read Romans 5:1.

    How grateful we can be for the encouragement not to let “the flesh” become the principal thing in our life! 

    Instead, we see the wisdom of living in line with the inspired assurance: “Setting the mind on the spirit means life and peace.” The reward of doing so will be everlasting, for Paul wrote: “The wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.”—Rom. 6:23.



  6. Each person whom Jehovah draws becomes part of a worldwide congregation of genuine Friends who love what is right. Our loving God helps such Ones to gain his approval, 


    "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him." (John 6:44)

    "Does Jehovah Really Care About You?“

    Feelings of worthlessness are probably the biggest roadblock that I am trying to overcome.” So said one woman who found it hard to believe that Jehovah could ever find a reason to care about her. Can you identify with her feelings? If so, you may wonder, ‘Does Jehovah really care about his worshippers as individuals?’ The answer is yes! We find proof of Jehovah’s personal care in the words of Jesus.

    What does it mean that Jehovah draws us? The Greek verb rendered “draws” is also used in reference to hauling in a net of fishes. (John 21:6, 11

    Does Jehovah drag us against our will, forcing us to serve him? No. Jehovah gave us free will, so he does not force our heart open. (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20

    One scholar puts it this way: “There is no handle on the outside of the door of the human heart. It must be opened from within.” Jehovah searches through the billions of hearts in this world, looking for individuals who are inclined toward him. (1 Chronicles 28:9

    When he finds such a person, he responds         in a touching way. How so?

    Jehovah gently attracts, or tugs at, the heart of an individual who is “rightly disposed.” (Acts 13:48

    Jehovah does so in two ways—through the Bible’s message of good news, which reaches us as individuals, and through his holy spirit. When Jehovah sees a heart that is responsive to Bible truth, he uses his spirit to help the individual to grasp and apply that truth in his life. (1 Corinthians 2:11, 12

    Without divine help, we could never become genuine followers of Jesus and devoted worshippers of Jehovah. Does knowing that Jehovah cares about his worshippers as individuals move you to want to open the door of your heart?





    9  “And you, Solʹo·mon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul, for Jehovah searches through all hearts, and he discerns every inclination of the thoughts. If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you, but if you leave him, he will reject you forever." (1 Chron. 28:9)

    Serve Jehovah With a "Complete Heart!"

    “O Jehovah, remember, please, how I have walked before you faithfully and with a "complete heart.”—2 KINGS 20:3.

    To help us, we can compare the life of King Asa with that of King Amaziah. Both kings did good things, but they also made mistakes because they were imperfect. Yet the Bible says that “Asa’s heart was complete all his life.” (2 Chronicles 15:16, 17; 25:1, 2; Proverbs 17:3) 

    He always tried to please Jehovah and was “completely devoted” to him. (1 Chronicles 28:9, footnote) Amaziah, though, did not serve Jehovah with “a complete heart.” After he defeated God’s enemies, he brought their idols back and began worshipping them.—2 Chronicles 25:11-16.

    A person who serves God with “a complete heart” deeply loves Jehovah and wants to worship him forever. 

    In the Bible, the word “heart” usually refers to who we are on the inside. It includes the way we think, what we love, what we would like to do with our life, and why we do the things we do. 

    Even though we are imperfect, we can worship Jehovah with a "complete heart." We serve him because we truly want to, not because we have to or because it is just a habit.—2 Chronicles 19:9.

    Jehovah will be pleased with us when he sees that we are serving him with a "complete heart."



  8. What Is the Battle of Armageddon?

    The Bible’s answer

    The battle of Armageddon refers to the final war between human governments and God. These governments and their supporters oppose God even now by refusing to submit to his rulership. (Psalm 2:2) The battle of Armageddon will bring human rulership to an end. Daniel 2:44.

    The word “Armageddon” occurs only once in the Bible, at Revelation 16:16. Prophetically, Revelation shows that at “the place that is called in Hebrew Armageddon,” “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” will be gathered “together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.”

    Revelation 16:14.

    Who will fight at Armageddon? Jesus Christ will lead a heavenly army to victory over God’s enemies. (Revelation 19:11-16,19-21) These enemies include those who oppose God’s authority and who treat God with contempt.

    Ezekiel 39:7.

    Will Armageddon literally be fought in the Middle East? No. Rather than being restricted to one area, the battle of Armageddon will encompass the whole earth.—Jeremiah 25:32-34; Ezekiel 39:17-20.

    Armageddon, sometimes rendered “Har–Magedon” (Hebrew Har Meghiddohnʹ), means “Mountain of Megiddo.” Megiddo was once a city in the territory of ancient Israel. History tells of decisive battles that were fought in its vicinity, including some that are recorded in the Bible. (Judges 5:19, 20; 2 Kings 9:27; 23:29

    However, Armageddon cannot refer to the literal area near ancient Megiddo. There is no large mountain there, and even the entire adjoining Low Plain of Jezreel could not contain all those who will fight against God. Instead, Armageddon is the worldwide situation in which the nations assemble in their last stand against rule by God.

    What will conditions be like during the battle of Armageddon? While we do not know how God will use his power, he will have at his disposal weapons such as those he has used in the past—hail, earthquake, flooding downpour, fire and sulfur, lightning, and disease. (Job 38:22, 23; Ezekiel 38:19, 22; Habakkuk 3:10, 11;Zechariah 14:12

    In confusion, at least some of God’s enemies will kill each other, yet they will ultimately realize that it is God who is fighting against them.—Ezekiel 38:21, 23; Zechariah 14:13.

    Will Armageddon be the end of the world? It will not be the end of our planet, since the earth is mankind’s eternal home. (Psalm 37:29; 96:10; Ecclesiastes 1:4

    Rather than destroying humanity, Armageddon actually saves it, because “a great crowd” of God’s servants will survive.—Revelation 7:9, 14; Psalm 37:34.

    Besides referring to the earth, though, the word “world” in the Bible sometimes refers to wicked human society opposed to God. (1 John 2:15-17) In this sense, Armageddon will bring “the end of the world.”—Matthew 24:3, King James Version.

    When will Armageddon take place? When discussing the “great tribulation” that culminates in the battle of Armageddon, Jesus said: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew 24:21, 36

    Nevertheless, the Bible does show that Armageddon takes place during Jesus’ invisible presence, which began in 1914.—Matthew 24:37-39.

    Learn more at:





    2 pictures, 1 moving, 1 GIF


    @Micah Ong Thank you for your comment. Just a whisper (I'm a woman) but no problem! Yes, Jehovah we must stay close to, for harder times coming. Keep reading and doing your best to help others. The world will "know Jehovah" before Armageddon comes. This scripture below shows us many things and how the end is close. Keep praying for many need love and support right now. Jehovah always gives back His Loyal Love. 

    But the end of all things has drawn close. Therefore, be sound in mind,+ and be vigilant* with a view to prayers.+Above all things, have intense love for one another,+ because love covers a multitude of sins.+ Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.+ 10 To the extent that each one has received a gift, use it in ministering to one another as fine stewards of God’s undeserved kindness that is expressed in various ways.+ 11 If anyone speaks, let him do so as speaking pronouncements from God; if anyone ministers, let him do so as depending on the strength that God supplies;+ so that in all things God may be glorified+ through Jesus Christ. The glory and the might are his forever and ever. Amen.

    12 Beloved ones, do not be surprised about the fiery trials that you are experiencing,+ as though something strange were happening to you. 13 On the contrary, go on rejoicing+ over the extent to which you are sharers in the sufferings of the Christ,+ so that you may rejoice and be overjoyed also during the revelation of his glory.+ 14 If you are being reproached*for the name of Christ, you are happy,+because the spirit of glory, yes, the spirit of God, is resting upon you.

    15 However, let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or a wrongdoer or a busybody in other people’s matters.+16 But if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not feel ashamed,+ but let him keep on glorifying God while bearing this name. 17 For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God.+Now if it starts first with us,+ what will the outcome be for those who are not obedient to the good news of God?+ 18 “And if the righteous man is being saved with difficulty, what will happen to the ungodly man and the sinner?”+ 19 So, then, let those who are suffering in harmony with the will of God keep on entrusting*themselves* to a faithful Creator while they are doing good."(1Peter 4:7-19).

    Bible Speaks  


  10. @Arauna Thank you for your thoughts! We are so glad that Jehovah reads hearts. It isn't Jehovah that causes our problems, it's either weak faith or not accepting counsel if we do make a mistake. It always reminded me of how Jehovah felt when the nation of Israelites pained him in the desert and how many times did he "beg them" "come back,come back." One of my close friends left Jehovah for rebelliousness. Sad, he was an elder and pioneer many years. Perhaps he will change his attitude before it's too late. We must just move on, love those that love us and Jehovah. It will take great faith to go through these times as they get worse. It will much lighter as we listen, obey to be Blessed! Thank Jehovah I am alive! May Jehovah protect the Brotherhood worldwide. You can feel their stress. They just need encouragement and love for now. Jehovah will bless all their efforts. We will see many things, may we keep strong alert and focused on God's Kingdom. ?????????

  11. 14 "And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." Matthew 24:14.

    #GodsKingdom #JesusChrist #KingofGod'sKingdom

    Is the End of the World Near?

    Where can we learn about the future?

    HAVE you ever watched the news and thought, ‘Can things get any worse?’ There is so much tragedy and cruelty that some people believe we must be close to the end of the world. Is that true? Is there a way to know what will happen in the future? Yes. Although humans cannot predict what will happen, Jehovah God can. He tells us in the Bible about our future and the earth’s future.—Isaiah 46:10; James 4:14.

    When we read in the Bible about the end of the world, it means, not the end of planet Earth, but the end of wickedness. Jesus taught people that the Kingdom of God would rule over the earth. (Luke 4:43

    His disciples wanted to know when God’s Kingdom would come, and they asked Jesus: “When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?” (Matthew 24:3

    Jesus did not give them the exact date, but he told them what would happen just before the end of this world. What Jesus said would happen is happening right now.

    The Bible foretold that during the last days, the world would be full of pain and suffering. But the Bible also says that good things will happen.

    Do you believe that we are living in the last days? Many Bible prophecies about the last days are coming true. Soon Jehovah will decide to stop the preaching of the good news and “the end” will come. (Matthew 24:14

    What is the end? It is Armageddon, when God will remove all wickedness. Jehovah will use Jesus and his powerful angels to destroy anyone who refuses to obey Him and his Son. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-9

    After that, Satan and his demons will not mislead people. And all those who want to obey God and accept his Kingdom will see every promise of God come true.—Revelation 20:1-3; 21:3-5.

    At 2 Timothy 3:1-5, the Bible says: “In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.” The apostle Paul described how many people would behave during the last days. He said people would

    • be selfish
    • love money
    • disobey their parents
    • not be loyal
    • lack affection for their family
    • have no self-control
    • be violent and aggressive
    • love pleasures more than God
    • pretend to love God but refuse to obey him


     The Bible foretold that during the last days, the world would be full of pain and suffering. But the Bible also says that good things will happen.

    “This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth.”—Matthew 24:14

    800 languages. Yes, all over the earth, Jehovah’s Witnesses from “all nations and tribes” are helping people to understand what the Kingdom is and what it will do for mankind. (Revelation 7:9) And they do this free of charge. Although they are hated and persecuted by many, nothing can stop the preaching work, just as Jesus prophesied.—Luke 21:17.


    Do you believe that we are living in the last days? Many Bible prophecies about the last days are coming true. Soon Jehovah will decide to stop the preaching of the good news and “the end” will come. (Matthew 24:14

    What is the end? It is Armageddon, when God will remove all wickedness. Jehovah will use Jesus and his powerful angels to destroy anyone who refuses to obey Him and his Son. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-9

    After that, Satan and his demons will not mislead people. And all those who want to obey God and accept his Kingdom will see every promise of God come true.—Revelation 20:1-3; 21:3-5.

    This world ruled by Satan will soon come to its end. So it is very important that we ask ourselves, ‘What do I need to do?’ 

    Jehovah wants you to learn as much as you can from the Bible. You need to take your study seriously. (John 17:3) Jehovah’s Witnesses have meetings every week to help people understand the Bible. Try to attend those meetings regularly. (Read Hebrews 10:24, 25.) 

    If you learn that you need to make changes, don’t be afraid to make them. As you make them, your friendship with Jehovah will become stronger.—James 4:8.

    The apostle Paul explained that the destruction of the wicked will come when most people don’t expect it, “as a thief in the night.” (1 Thessalonians 5:2

    Jesus prophesied that many would choose to ignore the evidence that we’re living in the last days. He said: “Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man [or, the last days] will be. For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.”—Matthew 24:37-39.

    Jesus warned that we should not become distracted “with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life.” He said that the end will come suddenly, “as a snare.” He also said that it “will come upon all those dwelling on the face of the whole earth.” Then he added: “Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication [or, praying very sincerely] that you may succeed in escaping all these things that must occur and in standing before the Son of man.” (Luke 21:34-36

    Why is it so important to listen to Jesus’ warning? Because very soon Satan’s wicked world will be destroyed. Only those who are approved by Jehovah and Jesus will survive the end and live forever in the new world.—John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:13.



    “From the beginning I foretell the outcome, and from long ago the things that have not yet been done.”—Isaiah 46:10

    What do we know about the time of the end?

    • Daniel 7:13, 14
      Jesus became King in heaven in 1914.
    • Matthew 24:3-14
      Jesus foretold critical times for humans.
    • Revelation 12:7-9, 12
      Shortly after Jesus became King, he threw Satan out of the heavens to the earth. Satan is furious because he has “a short period of time” left before God removes him.


    “What will be the sign . . . of the conclusion of the system of things?”—Matthew 24:3

    Have you seen the fulfillment of Bible prophecies?

    • Matthew 24:7; Luke 21:11
      More than ever before, we see wars, hunger, earthquakes, and disease.
    • 2 Timothy 3:1-5
      The apostle Paul described how people would behave during the last days.
    • Daniel 12:4
      God is helping his people to understand the Bible more clearly than ever before.
    • Matthew 24:14
      The good news of the Kingdom is being preached all over the earth.


    “Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night.”—1 Thessalonians 5:2

    Since the end is so close, what do you need to do?



  12. North Korea has confirmed it is now fully prepared for WAR with the US with "powerful arms" ready to strike any minute. © press North Korea has finalized its preparations for War as it responded with a warning North Korea has finalized its preparations for war as it responded with a warning of “catastrophic consequences” to any further provocations by the US following the US Navy strike group positioning on the North Korean peninsula.

    The USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier was diverted to western Pacific from its visit to Australia after tensions mounted over military drills involving American and South Korean forces, something which Pyongyang has interpreted as preparation for invasion.“We will hold the US wholly accountable for the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by its outrageous actions,”

    North Korea’s state-run Korean Central News Agency quoted a foreign ministry spokesman said. “(North Korea) is ready to react to any mode of war desired by the US.”The guardian reports: The spokesman cited Washington’s refusal to rule out a pre-emptive strike against North Korean missile sites as justification for its nuclear program.“The prevailing grave situation proves once again that (North Korea) was entirely just when it increased in every way its military capabilities for self-defense and pre-emptive attack with a nuclear force as a pivot,” the spokesman said, according to KCNA.“We will take the toughest counteraction against the provocateurs in order to defend ourselves by the powerful force of arms.”

    Last week’s US strike against a Syrian base is also being seen as a warning to North Korea after Donald Trump said Washington was prepared to act alone if China failed to exert more pressure on its neighbor to halt its missile and nuclear weapons programmes.

    North Korea again defied UN resolutions banning it from developing ballistic missile technology with another test-launch on the eve of Trump’s summit with the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, in Florida last week.White House officials have signalled that all options – including pre-emptive strikes – remain on the table in addressing North Korea’s steady advance towards developing long-range missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead as far as the US mainland.The nuclear-powered Carl Vinson’s presence in the area coincides with speculation that North Korea could be preparing to conduct its sixth nuclear test to coincide with key dates in the country’s history, including the 105th anniversary of the birth of its founder, Kim Il-sung, on Saturday.China’s foreign ministry, meanwhile, has played down reports that Beijing has deployed 150,000 troops to its border with North Korea.Hua Chunying, a foreign ministry spokesperson, told reporters she was “not aware” of such a mobilisation by the People’s Liberation Army along the 880-mile border. In the past, similar reports had been proven “groundless and false,” Hua claimed.However, with regional tensions building ahead of Saturday’s Kim Il-sung commemorations, Hua said China was “closely following” developments on the Korean peninsula.“We believe that, given the current situation, all relevant parties should exercise restraint and avoid activities that may escalate the tension.”


    Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2058-north-korea-confirms-preparation-for-war-with-us-is-complete

    © Neon Nettle


  13. North Korea has confirmed it is now fully prepared for WAR with the US with "powerful arms" ready to strike any minute. © press North Korea has finalized its preparations for War as it responded with a warning North Korea has finalized its preparations for war as it responded with a warning of “catastrophic consequences” to any further provocations by the US following the US Navy strike group positioning on the North Korean peninsula.The USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier was diverted to western Pacific from its visit to Australia after tensions mounted over military drills involving American and South Korean forces, something which Pyongyang has interpreted as preparation for invasion.“We will hold the US wholly accountable for the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by its outrageous actions,” North Korea’s state-run Korean Central News Agency quoted a foreign ministry spokesman said. “(North Korea) is ready to react to any mode of war desired by the US.”The guardian reports: The spokesman cited Washington’s refusal to rule out a pre-emptive strike against North Korean missile sites as justification for its nuclear program.“The prevailing grave situation proves once again that (North Korea) was entirely just when it increased in every way its military capabilities for self-defense and pre-emptive attack with a nuclear force as a pivot,” the spokesman said, according to KCNA.“We will take the toughest counteraction against the provocateurs in order to defend ourselves by the powerful force of arms.”Last week’s US strike against a Syrian base is also being seen as a warning to North Korea after Donald Trump said Washington was prepared to act alone if China failed to exert more pressure on its neighbor to halt its missile and nuclear weapons programmes.

    North Korea again defied UN resolutions banning it from developing ballistic missile technology with another test-launch on the eve of Trump’s summit with the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, in Florida last week.White House officials have signalled that all options – including pre-emptive strikes – remain on the table in addressing North Korea’s steady advance towards developing long-range missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead as far as the US mainland.The nuclear-powered Carl Vinson’s presence in the area coincides with speculation that North Korea could be preparing to conduct its sixth nuclear test to coincide with key dates in the country’s history, including the 105th anniversary of the birth of its founder, Kim Il-sung, on Saturday.China’s foreign ministry, meanwhile, has played down reports that Beijing has deployed 150,000 troops to its border with North Korea.Hua Chunying, a foreign ministry spokesperson, told reporters she was “not aware” of such a mobilisation by the People’s Liberation Army along the 880-mile border. In the past, similar reports had been proven “groundless and false,” Hua claimed.However, with regional tensions building ahead of Saturday’s Kim Il-sung commemorations, Hua said China was “closely following” developments on the Korean peninsula.“We believe that, given the current situation, all relevant parties should exercise restraint and avoid activities that may escalate the tension.”


    Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2058-north-korea-confirms-preparation-for-war-with-us-is-complete

    © Neon Nettle


  14. @bruceq Any Link? Just in case they doubt it? ?‍?



    A US Ambassador and former presidential advisor has claimed that the power outages across the US yesterday were caused by an attack by North Korea and has warned that this first wave was merely a test, and they have the capability to "shut down North America for years", adding that the United States has "no defence against such an attack". 

  15. "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work."—Heb. 6:10.

    Jehovah Is an Appreciative God

    Jehovah would consider it unrighteous on his part if he were to show a lack of appreciation.  Says Hebrews 6:10: “God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name, in that you have ministered to the holy ones and continue ministering.” What makes this statement remarkable is that God shows appreciation for devoted people even though they are sinners and fall short of his glory.—Romans 3:23.

    Because of our imperfection, we may feel that our deeds of godly devotion are insignificant and unworthy of God’s blessing.

    Jehovah, though, fully understands our motives and circumstances, and he truly values our whole-souled service. (Matthew 22:37

    Being fully aware of our motives and limitations, Jehovah appreciates it when we give him our best, whether that is a little or a lot. In this regard, Jesus was a perfect reflection of his Father. 


    How did Jehovah reward Joseph?

    The Bible was written for our benefit. In it we find many examples of how God rewarded his faithful servants in the past. (Romans 15:4

    Joseph was an excellent example of this. First, his brothers sold him as a slave. Later, his master’s wife falsely accused him and he was sent to an Egyptian prison. When Joseph was in prison, was he separated from Jehovah? Not at all! The Bible says: “Jehovah continued with Joseph and kept showing loyal love to him,” and “Jehovah was with Joseph and Jehovah made whatever he did successful.” (Genesis 39:21, 23) Even through those difficult times, Joseph waited patiently on his God.

    Years later, Pharaoh released Joseph from prison, and this humble slave became the second most powerful ruler in Egypt. (Genesis 41:1, 37-43) When Joseph and his wife had two sons, “Joseph named the firstborn Manasseh, for he said, ‘God has made me forget all my trouble and all the house of my father.’ And he named the second one Ephraim, for he said, ‘God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction.’” (Genesis 41:51, 52)

    Jehovah rewarded Joseph’s loyalty, and he was able to save both the Israelites and the Egyptians from famine. And Joseph knew that it was Jehovah who had rewarded him and blessed him.—Genesis 45:5-9.




    "Dios no es injusto para olvidar tu trabajo." - Heb. 6:10.

    Jehová es un Dios Apreciador

    Jehová la consideraría injusta si mostraba una falta de aprecio. Dice Hebreos 6:10: "Dios no es injusto para olvidar tu trabajo y el amor que has mostrado por su nombre, en que has ministrado a los santos y continuas ministrando". Lo que hace esta declaración notable es que Dios muestra aprecio Para los devotos, aunque sean pecadores y estén destituidos de su gloria. (Romanos 3:23).

    Debido a nuestra imperfección, podemos sentir que nuestros actos de devoción piadosa son insignificantes e indignos de la bendición de Dios.

    Jehová, sin embargo, entiende completamente nuestros motivos y circunstancias, y él realmente valora nuestro servicio de toda la alma. (Mateo 22:37)

    Siendo plenamente conscientes de nuestros motivos y limitaciones, Jehová lo aprecia cuando le damos lo mejor de nosotros, ya sea un poco o mucho. En este sentido, Jesús fue un perfecto reflejo de su Padre.


    ¿Cómo recompensó Jehová a José?

    La Biblia fue escrita para nuestro beneficio. En ella encontramos muchos ejemplos de cómo Dios recompensó a sus siervos fieles en el pasado. (Romanos 15: 4)

    José fue un excelente ejemplo de esto. Primero, sus hermanos lo vendieron como esclavo. Más tarde, la esposa de su amo lo acusó falsamente y fue enviado a una prisión egipcia. Cuando José estaba en la cárcel, ¿estaba separado de Jehová? ¡De ningún modo! La Biblia dice: "Jehová continuó con José y le mostró amor leal", y "Jehová estaba con José y Jehová hizo todo lo que hizo exitoso" (Génesis 39:21, 23). A pesar de esos tiempos difíciles, José esperó pacientemente En su Dios.

    Años más tarde, Faraón liberó a José de la prisión, y este humilde esclavo se convirtió en el segundo gobernante más poderoso de Egipto. (Génesis 41: 1, 37-43) Cuando José y su esposa tuvieron dos hijos, "José llamó al primogénito Manasés, porque dijo: 'Dios me ha hecho olvidar todo mi trabajo y toda la casa de mi padre'. Nombró al segundo Efraín, porque dijo: "Dios me ha hecho fructífero en la tierra de mi aflicción." (Génesis 41:51, 52)

    Jehová recompensó la lealtad de José, y pudo salvar tanto a los israelitas como a los egipcios del hambre. Y José sabía que Jehová lo había recompensado y lo había bendecido. (Génesis 45: 5-9.


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