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Bible Speaks

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  1. 3 "Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. 4 But you, brothers, you are not in darkness, so that the day should overtake you as it would thieves, 5 for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We belong neither to night nor to darkness." (1Thess 5:3-5) 1 gif and 1 picture regular
  2. @TrueTomHarley We are living in exciting times! Jehovah is in control. It will not be late! Jehovah Will Not Delay “Even if [the vision] should delay, keep in expectation of it; for it willwithout fail come true. It will not belate.”—HABAKKUK 2:3.
  3. Watching and waiting! "His rulership is an everlasting rulership that will not pass away, and his Kingdom will not be destroyed." . . Daniel 7:14 . . ? IMG_2570.MP4 2 pictures 1 moving, 1 gif
  4. "For then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again." (Matthew 24:21) What happens after the great tribulation is cut short? Jesus explained that several events will happen before Armageddon begins. These events are mentioned at Ezekiel 38:14-16 andMatthew 24:29-31. Then we will see Armageddon. The battle of Armageddon is the climax of the great tribulation, just as the destruction of Jerusalem was the climax of the first fulfillment of the prophecy. (Malachi 4:1) The great tribulation, with Armageddon as its climax, will be an event such as has not happened “since the world’s beginning.” (Matthew 24:21) After it happens, Christ will rule as King for 1,000 years. SOME EXPRESSIONS EXPLAINED Great tribulation: The end of this wicked world. First, false religion will be destroyed. Then, there will be a time when Jesus will judge the sheep and the goats and appoint his faithful slave over all the Master’s belongings. Finally, the rest of this system will be destroyed at Armageddon “Coming”: In Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Jesus is described as “coming,” or “arriving.” This refers to the time when he comes as Judge of all the nations during the great tribulation http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402013530?q=matt+24%3A21&p=par
  5. (2 Cor 1:3, 4) ARE you presently facing a trial in your life? Do you feel at a loss, unable to cope with it? Do you even at times fear that your problem is unique and that there is no solution to it? If so, take heart! Whatever trials we may face, the Bible assures us that God can enable us to deal with them. The Bible acknowledges that God’s servants will “meet with various trials.” (James 1:2) Note the word “various” (Greek poi·kiʹlos). According to ancient usage, the original word means “manifold” or “many-tinted” and emphasizes “the diversity of the trials.” In fact, in everyday speech, that basically means “many-colored.” Thus, “various trials” are trials that come in many colors, so to speak. Nevertheless, Jehovah supports us so that we can cope with each one of them. According to Peter, one way that God’s undeserved kindness is expressed is through the various ones who make up the Christian congregation. Each servant of God has spiritual gifts, or abilities, that may serve as a source of encouragement to those facing trials. For instance, some members of the congregation are outstanding Bible teachers. Their insightful words inspire and motivate others to endure. Others make regular shepherding visits at the homEs of those I n need of support. Such visits are occasions for encouragement, a ‘comforting of hearts. When overseers make such faith-strengthening visits, they impart a spiritual gift. Still others in the congregation are known for warmth, compassion, and tenderness in dealing with fellow believers who are saddened by trials. The empathy and active assistance shown by such loving brothers and sisters is a significant expression, or “color,” of God’s undeserved kindness. Yes, whatever is the “color,” or nature, of our trial, there will always be a “color,” or expression, of God’s undeserved kindness that will match it. (James 1:17) Jehovah’s timely and appropriate support provided for his servants—no matter how diverse their temptations or challenges may be—is but one evidence of “the greatly diversified wisdom of God.” Do you not agree? http://m.wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2005447?q=support+others&p=par#h=3. IMG_9320.mov
  6. (Prov 3:5, 6) Where can we look for guidance when making decisions, even seemingly trivial ones? How wonderful it would be to have a reliable consultant to advise us when we face a difficult decision! You can find such an adviser. An ancient book with a message for today has this to say: “Your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: ‘This is the way. Walk in it, you people,’ in case you people should go to the right or in case you should go to the left.” (Isaiah 30:21) What motivates us to make decisions that will show respect for the conscience of others? Love for our neighbor. Jesus Christ taught that loving our neighbor as ourselves is the commandment second in importance only to that of loving God with our whole soul. However, we are living in a self-centered world, and our sinful tendencies incline us toward being selfish. So if a person is to love his neighbor as himself, he has to make his mind over. Apart from Bible principles and the conscience of others, what may we consider when making decisions? We need to consider how our decisions will affect our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being in the future. Be they major or trivial, your decisions matter. A decision you make today may mean the difference between success and failure, even life and death in the future. You can make wise decisions if you take into consideration Bible principles, the conscience of others, and the long-range effect of your action. Make decisions God’s way. The decision about what course to follow now is yours to make, truly a decision that is a matter of life or death. Would you welcome help in making the right decision, the wise one? http://m.wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2006283?q=decision+making&p=par#h=23
  7. @bruceq can't find my other message? ?‍?????????? Everything is on time! Babylon the Great is soon to totally collapse! Exciting Jehovah has all control no fear! IMG_2531.mov
  8. @bruceq I'm praying and we know Jehovah has full control of this situation! In fact you know what this will say to the world and other religions? Will know Babylon the Great must be exposed so she turned on? Yes! Soon in perfect timing Jehovah will put into the thoughts of these nations to destroy her. Why did we get this attack? Satan knows we are His people and of course it will not stop worship of Jehovah! We are United in the one true God. Other religions you know it will be blow to them for they are protected by Jehovah or united in his worship! So the future soon will expose all religions and then as revelation says God put it in their minds to destroy Babylon the Great then we know, Great Tribulation! Thank you for all your hard work here. Jehovah will Bless His People forever!
  9. @bruceq My research: 14:“The great day of Jehovah is near.It is near, and there is a hurrying [of it] very much. The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter. There a mighty man is letting out a cry. 15 That day is a day of fury, a day of distress and of anguish, a day of storm and of desolation, a day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick gloom, 16 a day of horn and of alarm signal, against the fortified cities and against the high corner towers.17 And I will cause distress to mankind,and they will certainly walk like blind men; because it is against Jehovah that they have sinned. And their blood will actually be poured out like dust, and their bowels like the dung.18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah’s fury; but by the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be devoured, because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth.” (Zeph 1:14-18) "They will have to know that I am Jehovah.’” (Ezekiel 6:14)
  10. @bruceq COURSE THEY HAVE BASIS FOR THEIR CLAIMS AS THEY HAVE SHOWN OUT OF COURT EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE "BASELESS". BUT IN COURT THEY ARE SUDDENLY "SILENT" UNABLE TO DEFEND THERE OWN AGENDA. APOSTATES AND OPPOSERS MUST BE PULLING THERE HAIR OUT TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHY THEY CANT PIN THE WITNESSES DOWN ON THESES SIMPLE THINGS. ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS IF SOMEONE IS CRITICAL OF JEHOVAH'S ORGANIZATION OR PEOPLE THEN YOU BETTER BE ON THE RIGHT SIDE SOON BECAUSE JEHOVAH'S ANGEL IS OBVIOUSLY HERE !!! "EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED" - AND HE WILL DO IT IN "STYLE". {DANIEL 6:22; ACTS 12:3-11;} TWO EXAMPLES OF JEHOVAH PROTECTING HIS PEOPLE! Have more if you need? ??? Czech Republic The ties of international brotherhood took on added meaning for Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Czech Republic in 1998. International conventions featuring the theme “God’s Way of Life” were being held around the globe. However, on more than one occasion, Jehovah blinded the eyes of those who wanted to cause harm to his servants. Brother Mařák, from Plzeň, recalls: “I was then serving as a field overseer. And in a cabinet with glass doors, I had a large envelope containing service reports, donations, and a list of the names of all the elders and ministerial servants. When the men conducting the search approached the cabinet, my wife looked at me and began silently begging Jehovah for help. The men peered through the glass right at the large gray envelope, but it was as if their eyes were blinded and they did not see it. We thanked Jehovah from the bottom of our hearts for this protection.” Romania The Bible foretold that persecution of true Christians would reach a climax during the last days. (Gen. 3:15; Rev. 12:13, 17) Romania is a land where that prophecy has seen striking fulfillment. Yet, as this account will show, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Romania have let nothing extinguish the flame of truth that burns brightly in the hearts of God’s people. (Jer. 20:9) Rather, they have recommended themselves “as God’s ministers, by the endurance of much, by tribulations, by cases of need, by difficulties, by beatings, by prisons.” (2 Cor. 6:4, 5) May their record of integrity encourage all who desire to walk with God during these difficult times. Jehovah Blinded the Enemy Ana Viusencu Born: 1951 Baptized: 1965 Profile: From her early teens, she helped her parents duplicate literature. Later, she shared in translating publications into Ukrainian. One day in 1968, I was hand copying a Watchtower onto paper stencils for duplication. Not thinking, I failed to hide the stencils when I went out to a Christian meeting. As soon as I arrived home at midnight, I heard a car stop. Before I could see who it was, five Securitate agents, armed with a search warrant, entered the house. I was terrified but managed to maintain my composure. At the same time, I implored Jehovah to forgive me for my carelessness, promising that I would never leave work out again. The officer in charge sat down at the table right next to the papers, which I had hastily covered with a cloth when I heard the car stop. He stayed there until the inspection was finished a few hours later. While writing up his report—just inches from the stencils—he tidied up the cloth on a number of occasions. His report stated that the agents had found no banned literature in the house or on any person. Bible Speaks ???
  11. @Reprobus Thank you for your support for our family world wide. We Love because Jehovah teaches us "how" to Love! May Jehovah Bless you all in your efforts to please Him! Joy, Love and Peace, as Jehovah guides us forever! His Son, Our Lord Christ will soon destroy all His enemies. what a Blessing! Pray for God's Kingdom to come! Bible Speaks ?????? Спасибо вам за поддержку нашей семьи во всем мире. Мы любим, потому что Иегова учит нас «как» любить! Пусть Иегова благословит всех вас в ваших усилиях, чтобы угодить Ему! Радость, Любовь и Мир, как Иегова ведет нас вечно! Его Сын, наш Господь Христос скоро уничтожит всех Своих врагов. Какое благословение! Молитесь о том, чтобы Царство Бога было! Библия говорит ??????
  12. It's good to know, Sister ... Jehovah's work can not be stopped! (Psalm 9:10) Those who know your name will trust you; You will never forsake those who seek you, O Jehovah. My Translation almost the same but God to see both. Much love and prayers from all around the earth! Jehovah and Our Lord Christ will march ahead of you! “We pronounce happy those who have endured.”—JAMES 5:11. Consider what God’s inspired Word says about this: “Even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are happy.” “If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy.” (1 Peter 3:14; 4:14) “Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens.” (Matthew 5:11, 12)
  13. Yes! English Much love and prayers from all around the earth! Jehovah and Our Lord Christ will march ahead of you! “We pronounce happy those who have endured.”—JAMES 5:11. Consider what God’s inspired Word says about this: “Even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are happy.” “If you are being reproached for the name of Christ, you are happy.” (1 Peter 3:14; 4:14) “Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens.” (Matthew 5:11, 12)
  14. @Fmadriaga Glad you enjoyed it! I find pictures that are good quality without taking them from copyright sites. Have a wonderful day. Jehovah Bless! Bible Speaks ???
  15. It's good to know, Sister ... Jehovah's work can not be stopped! (Psalm 9:10) Those who know your name will trust you; You will never forsake those who seek you, O Jehovah. @Reprobus Много любви и молитв со всего мира! Иегова и наш Господь Христос пойдут впереди вас! «Мы произносим довольных переживших» (ДЖЕЙМС 5:11). Подумайте, о чем говорит Божье вдохновенное Слово: «Даже если вы должны страдать ради праведности, вы счастливы». «Если вас упрекают за имя Христа, вы счастливы» (1 Петра 3:14; 4:14) «Счастливы вы, когда люди упрекают вас и преследуют вас и лгут, говоря вам все злое против вас за меня. Радуйтесь и веселитесь, ибо велика ваша награда на небесах »(Матфея 5:11, 12).
  16. The Four Horsemen and You They burst forth, hooves thundering! The four mighty horses and their riders make a picture so vivid that it almost seems to leap from the pages of the Bible! The first horse is white—its rider a glorious, newly crowned king. Behind him comes a horse the color of fire, bearing a rider who takes peace away from all the earth. There follows a third horse, black as midnight, carrying a rider who holds aloft a pair of scales as a doleful message is proclaimed about a lack of basic foodstuffs. The fourth horse is a sickly pale color, a harbinger of disease and other lethal threats, ridden by Death itself. And the Grave, the common grave of mankind, follows closely, reaping a terrible harvest of lives!—Revelation 6:1-8. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2017085 2 pictures, 1 moving, 1 GIF IMG_2531.mov
  17. Despite attempts to ban our activities, we are still hard at preaching! Hello from Russia! @steisy.m thank you IMG_0328.mov
  18. SCINTILLATING SIRIUS: Sirius is the brightest star in the sky. It is also, arguably, the most colorful. On any given evening of northern Spring, sky watchers can behold a spray of rainbow colors emanating from the Dog Star as it sets low in the southwestern sky. Tom Wagner of Waterloo, Iowa, has developed a beautiful way to display the star's hue. "Decades ago I discovered that by wiggling my binoculars while looking at Sirius, I could easily see the colors of the rainbow flash by in rapid succession." On April 16th he took this picture through the eyepiece: "This is a 2 second exposure," he says. "The colors were spectacular!" Astronomers call this phenomenon "scintillation." Also known as "twinkling," the phenomenon is caused by thermal irregularities in Earth's atmosphere. As packets of relatively warm and cool air drift in front of a star, the star's light is refracted. The prismatic action of these air packets produce rainbow colors--especially near the horizon where starlight must pass through many turbulent irregularities to reach the observer. All stars scintillate, but Sirius does so most flamboyantly because of its extreme brightness. See for yourself. Step outside this evening after sunset and look southwest for Sirius near the feet or Orion. The lower it gets, the more it twinkles. Enjoy the show! http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200275520#h=77
  19. @bruceq Don't leave us now! "The world will know I am Jehovah!" Can we not see how it may happen? We are privledged people! ?‍?????????
  20. 22 "On the contrary, the members of the body that seem to be weaker are necessary." (1Cor 12:22) We are living in a competitive world where strength and youth are frequently exalted. Many do whatever it takes to get their way, often trampling on the feelings of those who are weaker. We do not condone such behavior, yet we may unconsciously develop a negative view of those who regularly need assistance, even in the congregation. But we can develop a more balanced view, one like God’s. We can gain insight into the way Jehovah views human weakness from an illustration recorded in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. In chapter 12, Paul reminds us that even the least attractive or the weakest part of the human body has a function. (Read 1 Corinthians 12:12, 18, 21-23.) Findings in the study of anatomy show that body parts once considered useless actually do perform essential functions.* For example, some have questioned the usefulness of the little toe; however, it is now recognized to have an impact on the balance of the whole body. We will likely be more empathetic if we remember that some of our dear brothers and sisters have been weakened by adverse circumstances—suffering from poor health, living in a divided household, or coping with depression. We might find ourselves in a similar situation one day. Before entering the Promised Land, the Israelites, who had been poor and weak in the land of Egypt, were reminded that they should not “harden [their] heart” toward their afflicted brothers. Jehovah expected them to consider the poor as being worthy of help.—Deut. 15:7, 11; Lev. 25:35-38. What should be our priority when helping those who face hardships? Illustrate. Rather than being judgmental or suspicious, we should provide spiritual comfort to those facing undesirable circumstances. (Job 33:6, 7;Matt. 7:1) Similarly, if a fellow believer has been weakened by personal problems, our priority should be to provide spiritual assistance.—Read 1 Thessalonians 5:14. If we pause to reflect on our brothers’ circumstances, we may see their seeming frailty in a different light. Think of sisters who have been enduring family opposition for years. Some may be of humble appearance and look fragile, yet do they not demonstrate outstanding faith and inner strength? When you see a single mother regularly coming to meetings with her child or children, are you not impressed by her faith and determination? And what of teenagers who stick to the truth despite the bad influences in school? In all modesty, we recognize that such ones, who may seem to be weaker, may be as “rich in faith” as those among us who have more favorable circumstances.—Jas. 2:5. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2014447?q=1+cor+12%3A22&p=par
  21. Be Compelled by God’s “Indescribable Free Gift” “Thanks be to God for his indescribable free gift.”—2 COR. 9:15. Jehovah has given us through Christ is far greater than the gift described in this example. (1 Pet. 3:18) Consider why. Because of inherited sin, we are all facing the death penalty. (Rom. 5:12) Lovingly, Jehovah arranged for Jesus to come to the earth and “taste death for everyone.” (Heb. 2:9) Not only did Jehovah save our present life but he laid the basis for wiping out the cause of death forever. (Isa. 25:7, 8; 1 Cor. 15:22, 26) All who exercise faith in Jesus will receive everlasting life in peace and happiness as earthly subjects of God’s Kingdom by Christ or, for the anointed, as corulers in that Kingdom. (Rom. 6:23; Rev. 5:9, 10) What other blessings are included in this gift from Jehovah? Jehovah’s gift includes the curing of all our sicknesses, the transformation of our earth into a paradise, and the resurrection of the dead. (Isa. 33:24; 35:5, 6; John 5:28, 29) We surely love Jehovah and his dear Son for giving us what is an “indescribable free gift.” 9 "But we do see Jesus, who was made a little lower than angels, now crowned with glory and honor for having suffered death, so that by God’s undeserved kindness he might taste death for everyone." http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2016043?q=heb+2%3A9&p=par
  22. https://www.jw.org/en/news/ Jehovah tells the truth about Russia https://www.jw.org/en/news/releases/by-region/russia/further-arguments-presented-supreme-court-case/ https://www.jw.org/en/news/releases/by-region/russia/further-arguments-presented-supreme-court-case/ read on jw.org site for news about Russia
  23. Jehovah Congregates His Joyful People! “Congregate the people, the men and the women and the little ones and your alien resident.”—DEUT. 31:12. What efforts did many ancient Israelites have to make to attend the festivals in Jerusalem? Why should you not miss a convention? The assembly at the base of Mount Sinai was the first large gathering of God’s people for spiritual instruction on record. It truly was a landmark event in the history of pure worship. On that thrilling occasion, which participants no doubt never forgot, Jehovah gave the Israelites a demonstration of his power when he gave them his Law. (Ex. 19:2-9, 16-19; read Exodus 20:18; Deuteronomy 4:9, 10.) (Exodus 19:2-9) And they proceeded to pull away from Reph′i·dim and to come into the wilderness of Si′nai and to encamp in the wilderness; and Israel went camping there in front of the mountain. 3 And Moses went up to the [true] God, and Jehovah began to call to him out of the mountain, saying: “This is what you are to say to the house of Jacob and to tell the sons of Israel, 4 ‘YOU yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, that I might carry YOU on wings of eagles and bring YOU to myself. 5 And now if YOU will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant, then YOU will certainly become my special property out of all [other] peoples, because the whole earth belongs to me. 6 And YOU yourselves will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you are to say to the sons of Israel.” 7 So Moses came and called the older men of the people and set before them all these words that Jehovah had commanded him. 8 After that all the people answered unanimously and said: “All that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do.” Immediately Moses took back the words of the people to Jehovah. 9 At this Jehovah said to Moses: “Look! I am coming to you in a dark cloud, in order that the people may hear when I speak with you, and that in you also they may put faith to time indefinite.” Then Moses reported the words of the people to Jehovah." That event was key to God’s subsequent dealings with Israel. YES MUCH "JOY" IN SERVING JEHOVAH! ????????? http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2012685?q=congregates+his+people&p=par
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