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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. The images of the us-LED attack against Syria operation in response to the alleged use of chemical weapons by bashar al-Assad's regime counted more than 100 missiles.

    The United States carried out missile attacks in the Syrian cities of Damascus and homs during the night of Friday and dawn of this Saturday (14). The operation was a retaliation to an action last week in which chemical weapons would have been used against opponents Bashar Al-Assad regime





    Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•• (Mark 13:10) •••••••••••••

        Right now, the most important humanitarian work is being carried out throughout the planet and it generates the greatest benefits.

    Jesus himself sent it to all those who would like to follow his steps with great care and attention. That monumental work is: The preaching of the Good News of the Kingdom and has the approval of God, his holy spirit and his blessing, changes hearts, personalities, unites divided families, saves lives, gives us hope to see better things very soon in the God's Kingdom. And all the evangelizers who made it we are proud and happy to represent Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ in doing so, including children, youth and adults.

    Right now all the members of the Governing Body, humbly obey the direction of Jesus Christ, and set an example by participating in this monumental world work ... How are you? Are you striving to be part and support this wonderful life-saving work ?, The greatest humanitarian work! ...

    (Editing by: Abel Romero Novella).


  3. THEY PRAISE PEACE BUT GLORIFYING WAR. (WORLD WAR II) Some History for you to know about.....

    FRANKFURT on MAIN, Germany, September 24. The German PROTESTANT and Catholic churches now publish in their magazines extensive exhortations which explains the duties of the soldier who fights in defense of their country and warn the German soldier to fight with the same resolution of San Miguel for a German victory and a just peace.

    In Catholic newspapers front-page appears the figure of the Archangel brandishing a sword of war and shifting a dragon with a sacred spear.
    In the Catholic dioceses in the West and to the South of Germany, the clergy, headed by bishops and archbishops, is actively busy working for the refugees who have been evacuated from districts that remain on the western border. Many convents have been transformed into hospitals and both monks and nuns are working under the direction of the Red Cross.

    The Catholic Bishops of Germany have issued a pastoral letter that says:
    "At this crucial hour, we urge our Catholic troops to fulfill their obligation in obedience to the Führer and be willing to sacrifice all personal interest.
    "We call to all the faithful so that you join in ardent prayer, so that Divine Providence of the Almighty God leads this war to a blessed success and peace to our fatherland and nation."

    In addition, all bishops have sent a special message to their respective dioceses, including the Bishop of Rottenburg in Württemberg, who had been expelled last year from his diocese for having refused to vote in a national election call socialist.

    Cardinal Archbishop Bertram, head of the German episcopal congregation, issued a patriotic message similar to his faithful, urging them to "everyone who trusts in God Almighty is strong heart". Awake 1985, Dec. 22, Page 5.


  4. A valuable commodity in JEHOVAH'S eyes. 

    IT-1 pp. 1209-1212


    Moral soundness, completeness, oneÂ’s being blameless and faultless.

    The Hebrew terms relating to integrity (tom, tum·mah?, tam, ta·mim?) have the root meaning of that which is “complete” or “whole.” (Compare Le 25:30; Jos 10:13; Pr 1:12.) Ta·mim? is used several times to refer to physical completeness, or soundness, and freedom from impairment, for example, regarding sacrificial animals. (Ex 12:5; 29:1; Le 3:6) But more frequently these terms describe moral soundness or blamelessness.

    When applied to God, ta·mim? may properly be translated “perfect,” as in describing Jehovah’s activity and works, his way, knowledge, and law. (De 32:4; Job 36:4; 37:16; Ps 18:30; 19:7) All these divine qualities and expressions manifest such unmatchable completeness and fullness, are so sound and free from defect, or fault, that they clearly identify their Source as the one true God.—Ro 1:20; see PERFECTION.

    Significance of Human Integrity. In a few cases the Hebrew tom conveys simply the idea of honest motive, innocence as to wrong intention. (Compare Ge 20:5, 6; 2Sa 15:11.) But mainly these related Hebrew terms describe unswerving devotion to righteousness. Biblical usage and examples emphasize unbreakable devotion to a person, Jehovah God, and to his expressed will and purpose as the course of vital importance.

    Involved in the supreme issue. The first human pair were given the opportunity to manifest integrity in Eden. The restriction regarding the tree of knowledge put to the test their devotion to their Creator. Under the pressure of outside influence from God’s Adversary and his appeal to selfishness, they gave way to disobedience. Their shame, their reluctance to face their Creator, and their lack of candor in responding to his questions all gave evidence of their lack of integrity. (Compare Ps 119:1, 80.) Obviously, however, they were not the first to break integrity, since the spirit creature who led them into a rebellious course had already done so.—Ge 3:1-19; compare his course with the dirge pronounced against the king of Tyre at Eze 28:12-15; see SATAN.

    Satan’s rebellion, visibly initiated in Eden, produced an issue of universal importance—that of the rightfulness of God’s sovereignty over all his creatures, his right to require full obedience of them. Since the issue was not one of superiority of power but, rather, was a moral issue, it could not be settled merely by the exercise of power, as by God’s immediately crushing Satan and the human pair out of existence. This fact is an aid in understanding why wickedness and its author, Satan, have been allowed to continue so long. (See WICKEDNESS.) Since God’s Adversary first drew upon humans for support and endorsement of his rebel course (the earliest evidence for any siding with Satan on the part of spirit sons of God not appearing until sometime prior to the Flood; Ge 6:1-5; compare 2Pe 2:4, 5), this made the question of man’s integrity to God’s sovereign will an essential part of the overall issue (though Jehovah’s sovereignty is not itself dependent on the integrity of his creatures). Proof of this is seen in the case of Job.


    Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•• (Michael Jackson) •••••••••••••

       The American magazine TV Guide, again published in its issue of November 2001 page 20, the historical interview conducted years ago to Michael Jacksón, where still the famous singer claimed to be a Jehovah's Witness. Unfortunately when he received several Grammy awards for his album "Thriller", he was given loving advice in the congregation and he was helped to reason as to what was he most looking for? His fame or being a Jehovah's Witness? since both things could not be compatible with their faith.
         Jehovah's Witnesses are not bothered by our relationship with someone as famous as him. And in fact Michael admitted several times in interviews that he had been raised by his mother as a Jehovah's Witness, and that as a child he used to go to meetings, and also that he sometimes preached with his mother from house to house, in fact when I record his album, "Thriller", used to refuse to be convinced and proud to participate in some false popular celebrations, because of his faith, and he referred to the Bible with respect. Although he was never baptized as a Jehovah's Witness.
       However, when reflecting on the cost of seeking fame so hard. His sister La Toya Jacksón, older than him and also once famous, wrote in his autobiographical book that once his brother Michael realized that his fame would not be compatible with his faith, he voluntarily signed a letter of resignation to the organization of the Jehovah's Witnesses, because he did not want to lose his fame or give up his artistic career, and he was never seen again in a meeting for the rest of his life.
      He was never forced into anything in that organization, only that he considered his personal interests related to his artistic career more important than serving God.
        Something remarkable in: Michael Joseph Jackson (Real name) is that his own brothers and their mother affirm that he was generous with some donations for the world work. And I never speak badly or with disdain of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Apparently he never completely lost his hope because some of his successes, and what they had his authorship in lyrics and music, such as "The Earth Song" or The Song of the Earth, in that video initially appreciates the destruction of the earth by the selfishness of man and ends up being restored, and some resurections as seen in spectacular images. And it is not the only song that touches the theme of a different world, without wars, hatreds or evil.
        On the other hand the young man who once denounced him for sexual abuse, and took him to court, shortly after the death of Michael Jackson revealed to the media that everything had been a fraud orchestrated by his family, to take advantage of his money and that the artist never abuse him.
       In the documentary that recorded the rehearsals of his last tour, "That is it", "That's it", he did not get to perform, he wears a dark shirt with a huge crucifix on his back, which indicates that he never defined his faith. Although he had a spiritual inclination ...

    (Editing by: Abel Romero Novella).


  6. What a joy! When I was a little girl I 

    had a Brother and Sister come every Summer to the lake. They would play Kingdom songs. She played the piano and he played the violin.

    The music sounded like this. Memories! Of course I was born in 1954 so that was in the 60's they would come. They also drove a Model - T Ford.  Thank you for sharing Stamatis Kioutsoukis!



  7. •Philippians 3:13b
       —"Forgetting the things behind and stretching forward to the things ahead, •1 Peter 4:7 —"But the end of all things has drawn close. Therefore, be sound in mind, and be vigilant with a view to prayers."

    •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org.
    •Learn More About The Bible & its Teachings FROM The BIBLE itself By Visiting JW.org



    Jehovah's Witnesses have long understood the facets of the sign of the presence of Christ as a description of the conditions that would precede the great tribulation.
    There is an initial sequence of events that leads to tribulation, but we should not assume that it extends for more than a century, or even for a few years. This fact is confirmed in Revelation with the opening of the symbolic parchment with the seven seals.

    The opening of the second, third and fourth seals releases the riders from war, hunger and pestilence, in that order. That is the same ordering of the events Jesus talked about when he predicted:
    Luke 21: 10-11 - "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; 11 and there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another pestilences and shortages of food; and there will be dreadful scenes, and great signs from heaven. "

    Coincidentally, when God brought judgment against Jerusalem through Babylon, the same sequence of events is enumerated. The sword of war, the famine and the disease that Jehovah brought on Jerusalem and the surrounding nations obviously induced a tribulation, a time of great anguish .

    Since 1930, the slave has taught that all seals were revealed in the period of 1914. In fact, until about 1970, the slave even taught that the great tribulation began during the First World War, but that God shortened it.

    In the publication REVELATION, which was published in 1988, he continued to teach that the seven seals were opened consecutively around 1914. That includes the sixth seal, which announces catastrophic events, such as the sun and the moon darken and the stars fall from the sky and every mountain and island swings from its base.
    The opening of the symbolic seals of the scroll of Jehovah's inspiring judgments is anticlimactic.

    In this year, 2018, the Watchtower continues proclaiming that Christ came in 1914 and that the First World War and the Spanish Influenza were the visible result of his great coming.

    The Great Tribulation is our immediate future. But the signs of Jesus PREVIOUS to the Great Tribulation are acquiring an unforeseen meaning to date.

    Take, for example, the verse quoted above where Jesus declared: "There will be dreadful signs and great signs from heaven".

    Vladimir Putin revealed on March 1 the hypersonic missile of Russia, which can cross the skies at more than 5,000 miles per hour and approach its goal at the level of treetops, evading all missile defense systems. We are not talking about science fiction. This is real. In addition, Russia and China are developing weapons that can launch satellites from the sky.

    Consider also, killer robots that are already in production. Do you think it could be a fearful vision to see a machine killing people indiscriminately? The most sinister, the USA UU., Russia and China are all running to place nuclear weapons in the skies, in space.

    With regard to food shortages, typically food shortages and famines occur as a result of poor harvests and, to a lesser extent, of the disturbances caused by the war; But in the modern world of just-in-time delivery, food shortages could occur in a time of plenty if a single link in the distribution chain breaks. For example, a war in the Middle East could close the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic strangler through which pass tanks loaded with oil that supply half the world's oil. No oil, no fuel for delivery trucks and agricultural equipment or raw material for fertilizers.

    A global pandemic seems inevitable. Not only because more and more microbes are developing resistance to antibiotics, creating so-called "superbugs", but diabolical men have developed biological weapons that could be easily released in populated areas.
    Fortunately, although we face world war, death and destruction on a scale never before experienced, and unprecedented persecution, Jesus exhorted us to rise and cheer when we see that all these things begin to unfold. And the most reassuring thing, no matter how severe the world's greatest time of trouble, God will cut it because of the elect.

    Our slave teaches us that all these signs will be seen BEFORE THE GREAT TRIBULATION, because it will be unleashed only when Jehovah motivates the eighth king to act against Babylon in a period of supposed world peace. So we still have to see horrendous things, before the Great Tribulation.



    In What Seat Would You Like To Go ???

    In a speech a Brother put the following illustration:
    A man who is going to travel when he buys his ticket asks him ..
    In what seat would you like to go First Class;
    Second class;
    Third class.?.
    He thinking about the difference decides to go in the 1st Class seats ...
    Already on the road the bus is broken down, so it is required to push it.
    The driver announces through the microphone.
    Passengers of the 3rd Class ... Lower and push the truck .. So they obey and get off the bus and push with all their might, perspiring and with a view that the Micro start.
    Again the voice of the driver is heard announcing: Passengers of the 2nd Class: Go down and see how the others push the bus, they do it immediately.
    The driver now says Passengers of the 1st Class: Stay where they are and do not become Problems ... That man was happy to have chosen to go in the 1st Class.

    Now the Speaker said to the audience:
    You In What Seat Would We Like To Go?
    The majority answered that in the 1st Class ..
    Next Brother said: The trip of these passengers is similar to our life as Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Who are those of the 3rd Class?
    Those Bros Who Give Everything in Service to Jehovah, Who Work Hard Day after Day to Give the Best of Himself, Never Minding Nothing Heat, Perspiration Just Obey the Driver Son of the owner of the Micro Jesus Christ "Go preach these Good News and make Disciples

    Who are the 2nd Class?
    Those Who Only Criticize the Effort of others Speaking Out of Them, Complain and even mock Even accusing faults, Judging habits and behaviors and condemning under the facade of Councils, Caring for the Cleanliness of the Congregation.

    Who are those of the 1st Class?
    Those who are in comfort, who expect others to do all the work for them, without having to fatigue or move a finger.

    The Speaker asks now:
    In What Seat Are We,





    An eternity of happiness lies before those who love JEHOVAH GOD.There will be nothing boring about everlasting life in paradise.In fact, life will get more interesting with the passing time,for there is no limit to the knowledge od JEHOVAH GOD.– (Romans 11:33)

    We will always have something new to learn, and have plenty of time to take in knowledge.Why? Because we will live not just 70 or 80 years, but for eternity.Such a wonderful hope for us!

     ~Psalm 22:26, Ecclesiastes 3:11~

    Greetings and Warm Christian Love 

    ?? ??????


  11. Focus on the Beauty of the Earth ? and Jehovah God it’s Creator! He didnÂ’t form it for Nothing! We Enjoy this and Appreciate His Blessings do we not?


    . “This is what Jehovah has said, the Creator of the heavens, He the true God, the Former of the earth and the Maker of it, He the One who firmly established it, who did not create it simply for nothing, who formed it even to be inhabited: ‘I am Jehovah, and there is no one else. In a place of concealment I spoke not, in a dark place of the earth; nor said I to the seed of Jacob, “Seek me simply for nothing, you people.” I am Jehovah, speaking what is righteous, telling what is upright.’” (Isaiah 45:18, 19) .


    Rainbow Mountain, Peru

    ? by @maluveltze ??

    Tap Video Link mp4 ________ ??



  12. Imagine running 50 mph?

    Amazing Creatures Jehovah God Made! Powerful and with Wisdom!.

    #Summer update from #CareforWildRhinoSanctuary:

    Little Summer went out for some grazing and exercise earlier today and clearly she was pleased about it! She ran up and down as fast as she could to show just how happy she was. 

    White rhinos can reach speeds of up to 50km per hour, and although Summer probably isnÂ’t quite that fast yet, she certainly does her best!

    Tap on Video Link mp4 _____ ?




  13. Who Will Clean the Earth ? as Man Keeps Destroying it? - Any Hope? 

    ? “Over 46,000 pieces of plastic litter are floating on every square mile of ocean today.”—UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME.

    Sea Creatures Poisoned by Plastic Pellets

    “Sea creatures across the globe are being poisoned by tiny plastic pellets floating in the ocean,” reports New Scientist magazine. Chemical companies ship polymers in the shape of small pellets to manufacturers around the world that melt them and then mold them into plastic products. However, thousands of tons of these pellets pass into the sea from factory or city waste as well as from cargo that ships lose or jettison. Researchers from the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in Japan found that the pellets contain high concentrations of toxic chemicals that they absorb from the seawater—chemicals that damage animals’ immunity, fertility, and hormonal systems. Birds, fish, and turtles eat the pellets, mistaking them for fish eggs or other food, so there are worrisome repercussions for the extended food chain.

    ? “Trade winds, the dominant winds in the Pacific, have over the years gathered a huge mass of drifting garbage.” The area covered by this garbage has now reached the size of Australia.—LA DÉPÊCHE DE TAHITI, TAHITI.

    The day of accounting with God will come. At that time he will punish the wicked, destroying them forever. Proverbs 2:21, 22 says: “The upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it.” Then the upright ones, many of whom have suffered adversity, will enjoy perfect health and a generous share of earth’s abundant produce.

    If Someone Says—

    ‘Why does God permit all this suffering?’

    You might reply: ‘That is a matter that deeply concerns all of us. May I ask, What makes you bring it up today?’ Then perhaps add: (1) ‘(Use material from pages 393-396.)’ (2) ‘(Bring in other scriptures that hold out relief from the specific kind of situation that has brought suffering to the individual personally.) 

    Or you could say (if their concern is because of the injustices of the world): ‘The Bible shows why these conditions exist today. (Eccl. 4:1; 8:9) Did you know that it also shows what God is going to do to bring us relief? (Ps. 72:12, 14; Dan. 2:44)’


  14. Peace and Security? Not God’s Way! .


    Read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3. Soon, the nations will say “Peace and security!” If we do not want to be deceived by this, we need to “stay awake and keep our senses.” (1 Thessalonians 5:6)


    After each of the two world wars, the nations desperately wanted peace. After the first world war, the League of Nations was formed to bring peace. Later, after the second world war, people hoped that the United Nations could bring peace. Government and religious leaders have trusted in those two organizations. For example, the United Nations declared 1986 as an International Year of Peace. That year, many political and religious leaders met with the head of the Catholic Church to pray for peace.


    However, that announcement and others like it did not fulfill the prophecy at 1 Thessalonians 5:3 about “peace and security.” Why not? Because “sudden destruction” has not yet happened.

    What do we know about the announcement of “Peace and security”?


    Who will make this significant future announcement of “Peace and security”? What role will the leaders of Christendom and of other religions have in this? How will the governments be involved? The Bible does not tell us. What we do know is that no matter how this announcement is made and how convincing it sounds, there will not be true “peace and security.” Satan will still be in control of this system. It is completely rotten and will not change. It would be very sad if we believed this satanic propaganda and did not stay neutral!

    Read more at JW.Org


  15. •Joshua 1:8
     —"This book of the Law should not depart from your mouth, and you must read it in an undertone day and night, in order to observe carefully all that is written in it; for then your way will be successful and then you will act wisely.”

    ”•Colossians 1:9–11—"That is also why from the day we heard of it, we have never stopped praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the accurate knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension, so as to walk worthily of Jehovah in order to please him fully as you go on bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the accurate knowledge of God; and may you be strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may endure fully with patience and joy,"

    •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org.
    •Learn More About The Bible & its Teachings FROM The BIBLE itself By Visiting JW.org

    Tap on Video Link mp4 ________ ?


  16. •Psalms 31:24 —"Be courageous, and may your heart be strong, All you who are waiting for Jehovah.”

    •Isaiah 25:9 —"In that day they will say: “Look! This is our God! We have hoped in him, And he will save us. This is Jehovah! We have hoped in him. Let us be joyful and rejoice in the salvation by him.”

     •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org.

    •Learn More About The Bible & its Teachings FROM The BIBLE itself By Visiting JW.org


  17. My parents were able to meet brother Burt Mann! His story on the October (Archives) broadcast is very inspiring! He is now 92 years old and still pioneering! He told my 79 year old parents that they are just babies compared to him.”

    #BurtMann #pioneers #olderones #92yearsold

    shebot123 shares with us:


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