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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. @John Lindsay Barltrop Enjoy your day!

    i have 1,000's more coming non witnesses. They are being drawn! Thank Jehovah more will come. Of course many speak other languages, I must translate but so far so good! ?

    I learned computers on my own and by mistakes! Ha! My Granddaughters taught me some too!

    if we had 20 million last year at Memorial maybe (?) I'm sure more, can't guess not that good ? 

    Are you behind or ahead in time? It's 10:07 am here Monday?

    Take care, don't overdo, my famous words I must live by. 


  2. Just now, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    @Bible Speaks Yes I read that article.........and "..........the Holocaust Museum is concerned about Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia!" ............also very interesting is how several other non- witnesses individuals and organisations are against what is occurring to our Brothers in the Russian Federation. 

    @John Lindsay Barltrop Many more desirable things or people will come out. I have lots of religions following me, ministers, news commentators, it is amazing! Since I went public, they are all curious about us and what we believe. I can send you link it's Instagram. I also do Tumblr but less there. I enjoy photography so that's where I get my pictures. Have a good day! Soon Memorial ????

  3. @JW Insider All nations will learn about God's Kingdom. They will know I am Jehovah, it says throughout the Bible. Psalms 2 answers all questions and reasons. I just read the Bible. Jesus spoke out at the religious leaders of his day and who His God was, Freedom of worship is in most countries, but that remains to be seen, if you believe in the Bible then you walk in the footsteps of Christ Jesus do you not? He said His Kingdom was no part of this world. They said he was a treasonous but he was not, he never claimed to be part of the world. Neither do we if we are truly Christians. 

    7 minutes ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    @Bible Speaks ..............I wholeheartedly agree with you........personally I loved studying the Daniel books "Your Will Be Done on Earth"......that was my first book that I studied in 1969.....the Brother who took my study after first couple of studies made me have a "closed book study"........also the older Revelation Study books "Babylon the Great Has Fallen and "The is Finished the Mystery of God".....these were both done in the book study groups, at least twice that I can remember..........and of course we now have updated versions of both of those prophetic books........I really enjoy them. 

    @John Lindsay Barltrop Perhaps will get another book ? soon on events coming up with the fall of Babylon the Great? Enjoyable learning for sure. The Chariot is on the move! The finished mystery being solved before our eyes. ?

  4. @John Lindsay Barltrop Yes, more blood guilty! Has she not Blessed the wars and guns before battle? Then orders her Armies to kill other Christians in the "name of God"? Has any nation been blessed by prostitution with Babylon the Great?

    Scriptural Questions Answered:

    17:16; 18:9, 10—Why do “the kings of the earth” grieve over the very entity they themselves have devastated? The reason for their grief is strictly selfish. After the destruction of Babylon the Great, the kings of the earth evidently come to realize how useful she was to them. She provided a religious front for their oppressive deeds. Babylon the Great also helped them in recruiting youths for the battlefields. Moreover, she played an important part in keeping people in subjection.


    6 hours ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    "Simple question are easter eggs pagan?"

    Simple answer...........Is the pope a catholic

    @John Lindsay BarltropHitler was Catholic also, Raised in a Catholic school. He's another subject.... Read on the blog news how the Holocaust Museum is concerned about Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia! 

  5. Just my two cents in all this discussion; all. These nations need is the war of Armageddon! That will be the Blast of all time...they have murdered so many the Bible Speaks of this blood as high as the bridles of horses. That's just what is only left for these nations. Not bowing to true leadership from God's Kingdom they'll only their end and it is well deserved. 

    18 And still another angel emerged from the altar, and he had authority over the fire. And he called out with a loud voice to the one who had the sharp sickle, saying: “Put your sharp sickle in and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for its grapes have become ripe.”+

    19 The angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth, and he hurled it into the great winepress of God’s anger.+

    20 The winepress was trodden outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress as high up as the bridles of the horses for a distance of 1,600 stadia.*

    Revelation 14:14-20. When “the harvest of the earth,” that is, the harvest of those who will be saved, is completed, it will be time for the angel to hurl “into the great winepress of the anger of God” the gathering of “the vine of the earth.” That vine—Satan’s corrupt visible system of governments over mankind with its “clusters” of evil fruitage—will then be destroyed forever. We should be determined not to be influenced by the vine of the earth.


  6. @John Lindsay Barltrop Did I read on Russia that material was put in KH's by the Russian Orthodox Church? In the statement that means she's in hot water too?! It might mean soooon to get rid of Babylon the Great? What a "swift pitch" that would be? Politics and Church is ready to disagree some more of course. But think a minute, who puts in the thoughts to destroy Babylon the Great? I know you know. It could be instantly! Think on that one? Good night from USA. 


  7. @AllenSmith Interesting! Mystical I did read in my links also. Do you have the link where this is from? Thank you for your research. People really don't understand what all this means. Through the ages and different countries we still see how false ideas even continued to be taught. Are we not happy to know the Truth of God's Word? One day, all these false teachings will be gone! Let God's Kingdom come!


  8. “Observe Intently” Jehovah’s Handiwork: Jesus encouraged us to “observe intently the birds of heaven” and to “take a lesson from the lilies of the field.” (Matt. 6:26, 28)

    Doing so can deepen our faith, instill confidence in the Creator, and build appreciation for Jehovah’s wisdom, saving power, and love.

    Rather than be unduly distracted by the works of this world, make the time and effort to observe the wonders of Jehovah’s creation, and reflect on what it tells us about our God.—Ps. 19:1.

    19 "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; The skies above proclaim the work of his hands." ( Psalms 19:1) NWT

    Kaieteur Falls is the world's largest single drop waterfall by the volume of water flowing over it. Located on the Potaro River in the Kaieteur National Park, it sits in a section of the Amazon rainforest included in the Potaro-Siparuni region of Guyana and claimed by Venezuela as Guayana Esequiba. It is 226 metres (741 ft) high when measured from its plunge over a sandstone and conglomerate cliff to the first break. It then flows over a series of steep cascades that, when included in the measurements, bring the total height to 251 metres (822 ft). While many falls have greater height, few have the combination of height and water volume, and Kaieteur is among the most powerful waterfalls in the world with an average flow rate of 663 cubic metres per second (23,400 cubic feet per second).

    Kaieteur Falls is about four times higher than Niagara Falls, on the border between Canadaand the United States, and about twice the height of Victoria Falls, on the border of Zambiaand Zimbabwe in Africa. It is a single drop waterfall.

    Upriver from the falls, the Potaro Plateaustretches out to the distant escarpment of the Pakaraima Mountains. The Potaro River empties into the Essequibo River which is one of the longest and widest rivers in South America and the longest river in Guyana.

    Follow @nature for more.

    Kaieteur Falls is a very large waterfall which lays on the  Potaro River,  Kaieteur National Park in Guyana (not to be confuse with Ghana which is in Africa). Kaieteur Falls drop from a staggering height of 225 meters (more than 4 times the height of Niagara  falls). These falls are not the tallest in the world but the joining of  the water volume & the height of the drop – together these qualities makes it to be one of the most  powerful waterfalls anywhere on the globe.

    Photo by ©Wswaugh #nature 3 pictures 1 GIF, 1 photo, 1 moving picture IMG_1637.mov



  9. Isaiah 60:22 Says:

    The little one will become a thousand

    And the small one a mighty nation.

    I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in it own time.

    This Bible promise have fulfill in Jehovah's Orpanization.    HOW?

    Just 7 brothers started Jehovah's Witnesses, but today, let us see how many they are now.

    2016 Grand Totals of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    * Branches of Jehovah's Witnesses: 89.

    * Number of Lands Reporting: 240.

    * Total Congregation: 119,485.

    * Worlwide Memorial Attendance: 20,085,142.

    * Memorial Partakers Worldwide: 18,013.

    * Peak of Publishers in Kingdom Service: 8,340,847.

    * Average Publishers Preaching Each Month: 8,132,358.

    * Percentage of Increase Over 2015: 1.8.

    * Total Number Baptized: 264,535.

    * Average Auxiliary Pioneer Publishers Each Month: 459,393.

    * Average Pioneer Publishers Each Month: 1,157,017.

    * Total Hours Spent in Field: 1,983,763,754.

    * Average Bible Studies Each Month: 10,115,264.

    * Special Pioneers, Missionaries, and Circuit overseers Worldwide: 19,818.

    After looking at all this increase, we can be sure that, Jehovah is really working hard to speed up the work of his people.

    Since we know this;

    May all of us, young or old, keep on "having plenty to do in the work of the Lord!"

    Thank You.

    In the photo, Me and some of my fellow friends of Jehovah in Australia, Nigeria, Philippines, and USA.

    From your fellow friend of Jehovah, Brother Kingsley.

    #preachingwork #LoyalLove #Prayforoneanother? #prayforrussia #GodsKingdom #peace #JehovahGod #JesusChrist #GodsKingdom #LoveOneAnother?


  10. Heavenly halo lights up the Arctic -


    Now you need to read the rest of the story! ~
    (James 1:17) . . .Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the [celestial] lights, and with him there is not a variation of the turning of the shadow."

    Atmospheric optics turn sunlight into a celestial display as seen from Summit Station in Greenland on Oct. 14. Ed Stockard, one of the workers at the federally funded research station, says the display includes a halo, sun dogs, an upper tangent arc and more. "My eyelashes froze together, and my cheeks were getting nipped pretty good," Stockard writes.

    By Alan Boyles
    Is this heaven? No, it's Greenland — lit up by a dazzling display of refracted sunlight.

    These pictures are from Ed Stockard, who's part of the team at Summit Station on the peak of the Greenland ice cap. The research facility, which is funded by the National Science Foundation, serves as an observation post for the complex interactions between the atmosphere and one of the world's biggest reservoirs of ice.

    The station is also an observation post for sky phenomena ranging from the northern lights to sun halos. And judging by his Flickr photo gallery, Stockard is getting an eyeful this season.

    But there's more than meets the eye: Over at the Atmospheric Optics website, Les Cowley points out 11 separate optical phenomena that are on display. The combination of halos, arcs, sun dogs and a sun pillar has earned Stockard's Arctic scene a place as the Optics Picture of the Day.

    You don't have to live in the Arctic to see the sun's weird effects. In midnorthern latitudes, this time of year brings misty days, and even some days when ice crystals hang in the air. That's prime time for halos, sun bows and moon bows, fog bows and more.

    Cowley's website guides you through all the magic that the air can provide — and for still more examples of that magic at work, click on the links below.






  11. Does your love for others and yourself reach beyond miracles?

    Love is a true quality of God and His image.

    We are made in God's image. Display it more to others? Now that is the miracle.

    God Jehovah shows His miracles every day to us! 

    Branch out your love? He is to us in so many ways, His Son was the greatest miracle of all!

    His creation reminds us all around us...nothing is without us being in awe!

    Love is a Tree from which grow Miracles.

    Every Branch is an Inspiration.

    Every Leaf is Beauty at its most Profound.

    Life is a Tree of Love and those who Embrace the Natural Beauty of its Spirit will Blossom into Bliss...

    #happy #LiveForever #LoveofJehovah #LoyalLove #loveallpeople #paradise #peace #peaceofmind #GodsKingdom #JehovahGod #JesusChrist



    Promoted as a celebration of Christ’s resurrection, Easter is actually rooted in false religion. The name Easter itself has been linked to Eostre, or Ostara, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of the dawn and of spring. And how did eggs and rabbits come to be associated with Easter? Eggs “have been prominent as symbols of new life and resurrection,” says the Encyclopædia Britannica, while the hare and the rabbit have long served as symbols of fertility. Easter, therefore, is really a fertility rite thinly disguised as a celebration of Christ’s resurrection.*

    Would Jehovah condone the use of a filthy fertility rite to commemorate his Son’s resurrection? Never! (2 Corinthians 6:17, 18) In fact, the Scriptures neither command nor authorize the commemorating of Jesus’ resurrection in the first place. To do so in the name of Easter, therefore, is to be doubly disloyal.


    Yes, Easter is not a Christian Holiday as you see, what does the Christ have to do with colored eggs? I have a funny picture but maybe you'd wouldn't like it? It just shows us there is no Christ in Easter. 


    21 minutes ago, The Librarian said:

    See also.... a simple previous question posed:


    @The Librarian The picture gives it away with being red and crosses on them? Have you read anywhere these are used in Greek Orthodox Churches?  ??

  13. @JW Insider I was away today Assembly time. Some I had already erased. I got this 3 years ago read it and deleted some. I will only use quotations from links for information. I think this person, woman was also a different tongue. Some words didn't make sense. I should have just used the picture and quote from wol.jw.org my mistake, sorry I read and reread, never saw what you saw. Thank you ???

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