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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. #Repost @jw.liang.de.zun
    FREE FOR SHARE #ToRussiaWithLove #stopjwban #LetterWritingCampaign #GodsKingdom #JehovahGod #JesusChrist #jwhappy #stopjwban 


    #Repost @iyke41
    Jehovah God the Lord of the whole earth will fight your battle brothers! You hold your peace! Our prayers to you incessantly ??#GodsKingdom #JehovahGod #JesusChrist #jwhappy #stopjwban

    MOVIE IS GRAPHIC CAUTION! Tap for movie ? 



  2. @@Queen Esther Ha! Wanted you to Smile! Love ❤️ you! Yes, Jehovah has perfect timing! We listen, obey, be Blessed! 

    We know yes! Many need strength! I do, pray for Holy Spirit to keep us strong and that we can talk together all around the world! That truly is a Blessing!

    So is jw.org! Wow so wonderful to share with others and share our Faith with Love ❤️ and Kindness! It truly is Jehovah's instrumental way to teach! Please rest, pray and give all your worries to Jehovah! He loves us so much! ?????


  3.  19 "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: “‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ says Jehovah.” (Romans 12:19) NWT 

    “Return Evil for Evil to No One”

    We refrain from returning evil for evil not 
    only because it is the right course but also because it is the loving course. Note how the apostle Paul next considers the motive of love. In the book of Romans, Paul uses the word “love” (a·gaʹpe in Greek) several times when referring to God’s love and that of Christ. (Romans 5:5, 8;8:35, 39) 

    However, in chapter 12, Paul uses a·gaʹpe in a different way—in speaking about love shown to fellow humans. After noting that spiritual gifts vary and are present among some believers, Paul mentions a quality that should be cultivated by all Christians. He states: “Let your love be without hypocrisy.” (Romans 12:4-9) 

    Showing love to others is a basic mark of true Christians. (Mark 12:28-31) Paul exhorts us to make sure that the love we show as Christians is sincere.

    One particular manifestation of love is mentioned by Paul again and again. He states: “Keep on blessing those who persecute; be blessing and do not be cursing.” “Return evil for evil to no one.” “Do not avenge yourselves, beloved.” “Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good.” (Romans 12:14, 17-19, 21) 

    Paul’s words leave no doubt about how we should treat nonbelievers, even those who oppose us.

    A Christian who tries to take revenge is presumptuous. He claims for himself a role that belongs to God. (Matthew 7:1) 

    Moreover, by taking matters into his own hands, he shows a lack of faith in Jehovah’s assurance: “I will repay.” In contrast, true Christians trust that Jehovah will “cause justice to be done for his chosen ones.” (Luke 18:7, 8; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-8) 

    “Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good.” (Romans 12:21) 



  4. @ThePraeceptor Jehovah is using his channel the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Are we not happy to follow their direction under Christ Jesus? People speak with no authority. Gossip is not Jehovah's way!   So we must stand up for pure worship around the earth, United, together and proclaim it loud! Jehovah's Name will be known and magnified forever, have no fear Jehovah is near. If we didn't support this #StopJWBan, then it shows the world and Jehovah we are not United! This will be the greatest Blessing ever! If a few are in prison, it may also be the only way to release them and stand up for all those facing the same sentences. Jehovah's Blessing is on His People! Agape, 

    Bible Speaks ???

  5. Where Would I Be?
    By @jehovah_knows_

    Where would I be if I weren’t in the truth?
    Out on a ledge, or up on some roof,
    Or under a bridge drinking one hundred proof,
    And trying to find change in a telephone booth,
    That’s where I’d be if I weren’t in the truth!

    Where would I be without the faithful slave,
    Either in prison, or dead in my grave,
    Or astray on the road that Satan does pave,
    Living in some old deep, dark, smelly cave,
    That’s where I’d be without the faithful slave.

    Where would I be without Jesus, the son?
    Falling apart, and coming undone,
    Telling myself that I’m just having fun,
    Doing everything bad that is under the sun,
    That’s where I’d be without Jesus, the son.

    Where would I be without Jehovah God?
    Pushing up daisy’s, beneath the sod,
    With nobody caring when o’er me they trod,
    With a tombstone that reads, “Here lies some clod”.
    That’s where I’d be without Jehovah God!

    Now some of this may seem a bit tongue in cheek,
    A little bit droll, rhymes a bit weak,
    The fact is I really would be up a creek,
    Jehovah knows that my future was bleak,
    If I don’t laugh I’ll cry when of these things I speak.


  6. How Does Satan Attack Us? 
    How Can We Fight Back? 

    "Among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who     is the image of God, might not shine through." (2 Cor.4:4)

    To Resist Satan's Machinations we need to take full advantage of the spiritual provisions. These provisions  include; Christian meetings, family worship and "gifts in men."

    Sadly some, they feel comfortable in Satan's world . 



  7. How Does Satan Attack Us? 
    How Can We Fight Back? 

    "Among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who     is the image of God, might not shine through." (2 Cor.4:4)

    To Resist Satan's Machinations we need to take full advantage of the spiritual provisions. These provisions  include; Christian meetings, family worship and "gifts in men."

    Sadly some, they feel comfortable in Satan's world . 


  8. How Does Satan Attack Us? 
    How Can We Fight Back? 

    "Among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who     is the image of God, might not shine through." (2 Cor.4:4)

    To Resist Satan's Machinations we need to take full advantage of the spiritual provisions. These provisions  include; Christian meetings, family worship and "gifts in men."

    Sadly some, they feel comfortable in Satan's world . 


  9. How Does Satan Attack Us? 
    How Can We Fight Back? 

    "Among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who     is the image of God, might not shine through." (2 Cor.4:4)

    To Resist Satan's Machinations we need to take full advantage of the spiritual provisions. These provisions  include; Christian meetings, family worship and "gifts in men."

    Sadly some, they feel comfortable in Satan's world . 


  10. How Does Satan Attack Us? 
    How Can We Fight Back? 

    "Among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who     is the image of God, might not shine through." (2 Cor.4:4)

    To Resist Satan's Machinations we need to take full advantage of the spiritual provisions. These provisions  include; Christian meetings, family worship and "gifts in men."

    Sadly some, they feel comfortable in Satan's world . 



  11. 38 minutes ago, bruceq said:

    Yes Jehovah always uses the small ones ie Gideon and his 300 men. David vs. Goliath .....

    LISTEN, OBEY, BE BLESSED! We have the most powerful force in all the Universe, Our Father Jehovah God! If one angel can destroy 185,000, His myriads of angels and Christ as King ? ready to March on command, we will see things many of the prophets yearned to see! Rejoice! The King marched forward! 



    53 minutes ago, bruceq said:

    Yes Jehovah always uses the small ones ie Gideon and his 300 men. David vs. Goliath .....

    LISTEN, OBEY, BE BLESSED! We have the most powerful force in all the Universe, Our Father Jehovah God! If one angel can destroy 185,000, His myriads of angels and Christ as King ? ready to March on command, we will see things many of the prophets yearned to see! Rejoice! The King marched forward! 


  12. @bruceq Agreed, we know this is the LOUDEST PROCLAMATION to the world about Jehovah! We are United and Love Our God Jehovah! The world will see His Name vindicated throughout the whole earth! No other religion has His Name upon them! Maybe the forcefulness of "only" 175,000 Witnesses is a "small group." However our Love for each other and our God Jehovah makes us over 8,220,000 strong! 6 Officials written letters by those 8,220,000 to me is over 49,320,000 letters!! The GREATEST CAMPAIGN EVER! Don't give up, pray for the Vindication of Jehovah's Name! Yes, soon all His enemies will be shown the Truth survives. Keep announcing Jehovah's Kingdom, the Memorial which is probably why the persecution is so much worse right now. Too will try to stop us from gathering the rightly disposed to the Memorial! Keep busy, Jehovah has Loyal Love for us all. Never ever give up! Thank you for your comment. Jehovah Bless all that stay by His side forever!                                 Bible Speaks ?????

  13. @Queen Esther Who contacted you? Could be apostate? Yet, I called Bethel yesterday in Patterson NY. I had this picture up, but only a few believed me? I'm praying and we know Jehovah will take care of it! Just write and let them go forward to the destinations. He said yesterday that it was mentioned at morning worship. Had others tell me the same but no directions on jw.org. So we must focus on the Memorial and send our letters and pray for Jehovah to take over as he will. No fear, Jehovah is near, my motto. Yet, scriptually based. 



  14. 16 minutes ago, Queen Esther said:

    We had to stop our postings online about our Brothers in Russia !!!!  All Bethels want that... I got a message and a call.  Only praying is now useful❤️

    @Queen Esther Is it on website? People don't understand with no link or message from Society? Praying yes of course! ?

    31 minutes ago, Queen Esther said:

    We had to stop our postings online about our Brothers in Russia !!!!  All Bethels want that... I got a message and a call.  Only praying is now useful❤️

    @Queen Esther Is it on website? People don't understand with no link or message from Society? Praying yes of course! ?



    3 "Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort,"

    4 "who comforts us in all our trials so that we may be able to comfort others
    in any sort of trial with the comfort that we receive from God."
    (2 Cor.1:3,4) NWT

    MANY things in life—suffering, disappointment, loneliness—can bring sadness, even despair. At such times you may wonder, ‘Where can I turn for help?’ The words of the apostle Paul found at 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4 point to an unfailing source of comfort—Jehovah God.

    In verse 3, God is called “the Father of tender mercies.” What does that mean? The Greek word rendered “tender mercies” can convey the idea of feeling compassion for the sufferings of others. 

    One Bible reference work says that this term may be rendered “feels pity” or “cares very much.” God’s “tender mercies” move him to act. Knowing this aspect of God’s personality makes us want to draw close to him, does it not?

    You may ask, ‘How does God comfort us and give us the courage to bear our pain?’ He does so mainly through his Word, the Bible, and through the gift of prayer. Paul tells us that God lovingly gives us His Word so that “through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.” 

    Additionally, through heartfelt prayers, we can come to experience “the peace of God that excels all thought.”—Romans 15:4; Philippians 4:7.


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