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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Is this Elephant ? Smoking? No they feel just like other birds and animals the grounds contain ash or charcoal that helps the digestive system. How do they know that? A all-wise Creator Jehovah God! 

    Why does this elephant appear to be blowing out a cloud of smoke? @TheWCS scientists are scratching their heads. The video was captured by Vinay Kumar of @wcsindia. He and some colleagues were visiting camera traps that had been set up to study tigers and their prey in Nagarahole National Park when they stumbled on the elephant. “I believe the elephant may have been trying to ingest wood charcoal,” said Dr. Varun Goswami, an elephant biologist with WCS India. “She appeared to be picking up pieces from the forest floor, blowing away the ash that came along with it, and consuming the rest.” Charcoal has toxin-binding properties that may provide medicinal value. It can also serve as a laxative, thereby doubling its utility for animals that consume it after forest fires, lightning strikes, or controlled burns.
    #elephant #mystery #india #whatshappening #candid #caughtoncamera #wildlife #science #biology

    #Repost @thewcs
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    (Proverbs 18:11) The valuable things of the rich are his strong town, and they are like a protective wall in his imagination."

    The spirit of the world promotes “the desire of the eyes” by encouraging greed and materialism. (1 John 2:16) because everything in the world—the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of oneÂ’s means of life—does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world." It has nurtured in many a determination to be rich.

    (1 Timothy 6:9-10) However, those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin. 10 For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains."

    That spirit would have us believe that a stockpile of material things will provide lasting security. We should ask ourselves, ‘Has my life become focused on a quest for material comforts and pleasures?’

    By contrast, GodÂ’s spirit-inspired Word encourages us to have a balanced view of money and to work hard to provide material necessities for ourselves and our family. (1 Timothy 5:8)

    Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith."

    GodÂ’s spirit helps those who receive it to reflect JehovahÂ’s generous personality. Such ones are known as givers, not takers. They value people more highly than things and gladly share what they have when they can afford to do so.

    (Proverbs 3:27-28) Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do [it]. 28 Do not say to your fellowman: “Go, and come back and tomorrow I shall give,” when there is something with you." And they never allow the pursuit of money to take precedence over serving God.



  3. RARE VIDEO OF STEVE: Last night in parts of Canada, dogs started barking at the midnight sky. The canines were responding to a bright purple ribbon of light--also known as "STEVE." The apparition, which occurred during a G1-class geomagnetic storm, was so long-lasting that at least one onlooker had time to capture rare video of the phenomenon. This is a still frame from a video of STEVE captured on April 10th by Matthew Wheeler of Robson Valley BC Canada. .


    Romans 1:20. #OurCreatorJehovahGod?


  4.  Could You Fly Over Mountains and See This? Perhaps You Appreciate Our Creator Who Made This? He Speaks and ItÂ’s Created! His Voice is Great and Awe Inspiring!

    . CreatorJehovahGod?.
    . 20 “You mountains and all you hills, you fruit trees and all you cedars,” recounts Psalm 148:9. Majestic mountains are a testimony to Jehovah’s great power. (Psalm 65:6) But they also serve a practical purpose. A report from the Institute of Geography in Bern, Switzerland, says: “All the major rivers in the world have their headwaters in mountains. More than half of humanity relies on the fresh water that accumulates in mountains . . . These ‘water towers’ are crucial to the welfare of humankind.” Even the commonplace tree is a glory to its Maker. 

    Sunrise flight over a smoke filled Glacier National Park, Montana. Many parts of the Rocky Mountains had record low snow falls in 2018, recipe for a high fire season this year. This photo was taken in 2016 #onassignment for @natgeo on a story documenting climate change. @glaciernp
    Repost @ladzinski


  5. •Micah 7:7 —"But as for me, I will keep on the lookout for Jehovah. I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.•

    Psalms 18:1 —"I have affection for you, O Jehovah, my strength."

    •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org.

    •Learn More About The Bible & its Teachings FROM The BIBLE itself By Visiting JW.org


  6. Frozen Drop !! - The good and bad of Frozen Water!! ~
    Can things be frozen in time? -

    FOE AND WOE!! ~

    (Psalm 147:17) . . .He is throwing his ice like morsels. Before his cold who can stand? The Wonder of Water
    Although individual drops of water seem very simple, water is an extremely complex substance. In fact, Dr. John Emsley, a science writer at Imperial College, in London, England, said that it is “one of the most investigated of all chemicals, but it is still the least understood.” New Scientist magazine stated: “Water is the most familiar liquid on Earth, but also one of the most mysterious.”

    Dr. Emsley explained that despite the simple structure of water, “nothing is as complex in its behaviour.” For example, he said: “H20 should be a gas, . . . but it is a liquid. Moreover, when it freezes . . . , its solid form, ice, floats instead of sinking,” as would ordinarily be expected. Regarding this unusual behavior, Dr. Paul E. Klopsteg, a past president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, observed:
    “This appears as a remarkable design for sustaining aquatic life such as fishes. Think what would happen if water, as it cools to the freezing point, didn’t behave as described. Ice would form and keep forming until it occupied an entire lake, snuffing out all or most marine life.” Dr. Klopsteg said that this unexpected behavior of water is “evidence of a great and purposeful mind at work in the universe.”

    According to New Scientist, researchers now think that they know the reason for this unusual behavior of water. They have developed the first theoretical model that accurately predicts the expansion of water. “The key to the mystery,” the researchers realized, “lay in the spacing of oxygen atoms within these structures.”

    Isn’t that remarkable? A molecule that appears so simple challenges human comprehension. And to think that water makes up most of the weight of our body! Do you too see in the marvels of this molecule, of only three atoms of two elements, “evidence of a great and purposeful mind at work”? Yet, a molecule of water is extremely small and much less complex than many other molecules.

    “THE worst natural disaster in the nation’s history.” That is what The Toronto Star called this January’s ice storm that ravaged the Canadian provinces of Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick. In the United States, President Bill Clinton declared Maine and New Hampshire as well as sections of Vermont and upstate New York disaster areas.

    Some 35 deaths were attributed to the storm, which involved up to five days of freezing rain. Such rain usually lasts for only a few hours, but on this occasion a warm upper layer of air remained stationary over a cold air mass. So when the rain hit a surface, it instantly froze. This built up layers of ice two and three inches thick. Under the weight of the ice, many trees, power lines, utility poles, and transmission towers collapsed, often with frightening consequences.Ice accumulation brought down more than 74,000 miles [more than 120,000 kilometers] of power lines, enough to encircle the earth three times! In Canada, three to four million people were without power and heat, some for three weeks and longer.

    In Maine, where Governor Angus King declared a state of emergency, over 200,000 were without power. “This is the biggest disaster of this kind that has ever hit this state,” the governor said. New York Governor George Pataki proclaimed: “You have entire cities with zero power.”

    Along the south shore of the St. Lawrence River, some 30,000 wooden utility poles were destroyed during the storm. After 17 hours of freezing rain, Jim Kelly, who lives near that river in northern New York, wrote: “We can’t see out the windows anymore. It’s not just frost or vapor but solid ice. Noises are coming from every side of the house.”
    Kelly explained: “In the distance you can hear what sounds like gunfire. Bang! Silence. Bang! Silence. Bang, bang!” Later, he learned that the sounds had come from trees breaking and from the snapping of telephone poles.

    Ironically, the landscape took on a dazzling beauty, even as devastation was wreaked upon it. Fears were expressed that Ontario may have lost 20 million maple trees, impacting the maple syrup industry. One grower lamented: “The trees are just spikes heading towards the sky.”

    They Helped One Another
    True, some people in the area sought to profit from the misery of others during the time of rain and cold, but as in the first century, many showed “extraordinary human kindness.” (Acts 28:2) The Daily Sentinel of Rome, New York, told of Jehovah’s Witnesses who headed out to help people: “The men met at the Kingdom Hall in Watertown to get organized and from there were assigned to various members’ houses. But they wound up helping their neighbors up and down the street too.”

    The article said that these relief efforts were coordinated for people “across the region in Adams, Potsdam, Malone, Ogdensburg, Plattsburgh, Massena, Gouverneur, and Ellenburg.” Some volunteers provided heat to homes for a few hours by wiring up generators to run furnaces. Unhappily, temperatures had dropped to below zero in many areas following the storm.

    On one occasion the police saw Witnesses visiting homes and mistook them for thieves. When the Witnesses explained what they were doing, one of the policemen said that following the storm, his father, who lives in Montreal, had been helped by JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, even though his father is not a Witness himself. The son expressed his appreciation for the help given.

    WHAT LESSONS From It All?
    Many were shocked by the fragility of electrical power and by their dependence upon it. “I’ll tell you, when we build a new home,” one man said, “there’s going to be a wood stove, there’s going to be a generator . . . , and there’s going to be a gas stove.”

    Nearly six weeks after the storm, a commentator reflected: “It was a lot of ice, a lot of darkness, a lot of time to think, which is much easier to do with the television off.” Then, he noted: “We’ve been surprised by our vulnerability to the elements.”

    Bible students reflect on the Creator’s promise to restore earth to a global paradise after removing this system of things, even as he removed such a world once before. (Matthew 24:37-39; 2 Peter 2:5) Pointing to his potential arsenal, God inquires: “Have you entered into the storehouses of the snow, or do you see even the storehouses of the hail [including freezing rain], which I have kept back for the time of distress, for the day of fight and war?”—Job 38:22, 23.



    Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ• (Ephesians 6:12)Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•


    We have a fight and for some of us that struggle involves overcoming some of these obstacles:  

    Persecution, difficulties, challenges or personal problems, meet some difficult goals, old age, illness (sometimes chronic), fear, fear, heavy burdens, sins, suffering, physical or emotional pain, loneliness, depression, anxiety and anguish, distance, inherited personal imperfections, hunger, jail, beatings, difficult circumstances, abuse, poverty, pressure, some physical disability, negative feelings or uselessness, heavy family or personal responsibilities and many other things, therefore: "Do not give up!" and Fight the excellent fight of faith! and ask Jehovah in prayer right now to give you: • Effort • Proof • Faith. • Virtue.

    • Knowledge. • Stamina • Hope.

    • Self-control. • Wisdom. • Discernment.

    • Insight • Understanding • Patience.

    • Devotional devotion. • Peace of mind. • Joy.

    • His holy spirit. • His blessing. • Value.

    • Perseverance. • Joy. • Love. • Power.

    • Cheer up. • Comfort. • Help. • Strength.

    • Resistance. • Health. • Lifetime. • Capacity.

    • Experience  Whatever we need to continue in the struggle, let's ask Jehovah! and it does not matter if we have fallen, we have to get up! As many times as necessary, we will not stay on the ground. Or if you have sinned ask for help from Jehovah, and return to him, ask for help from the elders. Maybe you do not have strength, or you are about to give up tiredness, or maybe you feel alone ... Go ahead !, you are not alone, God is now with us and hear our cry for help. And he will come to our aid to help us in some way with his immense power, right now he holds the movement of millions of stars and planets or suns bigger than ours, so there will not be anything too small for one of his beloved servants ( as) that he does not want to hear. But: Do not give up! ... Never, never give up ... All the blessings of God that await us will be worthwhile ... but it's true, we have to move to the Kingdom of God through many tribulations ! ... (Editing by: Abel Romero Novella).

    Thank you Jehovah!

    Tap on Video Link mp4 _____ Enjoy! ?


  8. Encouragement to keep preaching.

    "Are you going to help me now?"  

    This experience was given by Bro. Splane of the Governing Body at an assembly on Oahu.  They said everyone at the assembly was tearing up. 

    In an eastern European country in 1989 there was a huge 8.9 earthquake. 30,000 people died in 4 minutes.  It happened in the morning and a man had just returned from taking his small son to school. After he made sure his wife was alright, he went straight back to the school to find his son.  When he got there he saw that the school was completely flattened, like a pancake.  Just rubble. 

    He stood there devastated, completely destroyed. 

    Then he remembered a promise he had made to his son some time back.  He had told him that as long as there was life and breath in his body, he would always be there for him. 

    So with that promise in his mind he went around to the northeast side of the rubble where his son's classroom had been and started digging through the debris. 

    Soon the neighbor came out and said, "Sir, I know you're distraught but you have to accept that your child is dead.  There's nothing you can do."  The man didn't stop digging; he just looked at the neighbor and said, "Are you going to help me now?" 

    Later, the fire chief came and told the man he had to stop, there was no one left alive and he was putting himself in danger. Again, the father simply asked, "Are you going to help me now?" 

    After many more hours of digging the chief of police came and told him he was putting other people in danger, and ordered him to go home and leave it to the professionals.  The man again said nothing but, "Are you going to help me now?" 

    Finally, after 38 hours of digging through concrete and twisted metal, the man moved a final boulder and found a small space where several children had been protected.  His son was among them.  The first thing he said to his father was, "Daddy, I told them not to be scared.  I told them you would come." 

    Br. Splane paused and then he said... "The faithful slave is engaged in a massive search and rescue mission.  It is an enormous task, and what they are asking from you and me is:  'Are you going to help me now?'" 

    Then he walked off the stage.



    ••••••••••••• (Psalm 37:29) ••••••••••••

    (The adoptive father of Jesus)  I am very excited because one of the righteous who has risen in paradise is: Joseph, the adoptive father of Jesus! and he has accepted my family's invitation to dine in my house, what a privilege, so all day with my family we have been fixing the house and preparing a typical and traditional dish of this place to receive you.

    There are so many of our houses to share but also so much to learn from him, from his culture, from the history of his family and most importantly from his way of worshiping Jehovah, that in our family worship we have prepared a sketch with some questions, I will review them: • How did it feel to see his name and his life written in a book inspired by God?

    • What did he feel when he received a message from an angel?

    • How was the true appearance of Jesus?

    • How was your voice ?.

    • How many sons and daughters did Joseph have with Maria?

    • How was it for him to train Jesus as a son and then as a carpenter, from a young age knowing his divine origin?

    • How skilled was Jesus as a carpenter?

    • How was your family environment ?, and if you miss something of that ?.

    • How do you feel now that you know that Jesus is a King in heaven and that also Mary and her children Simon and Judas rule with him?

    • How were MarY and Judas physically and how were their personalities?

    • What are his goals here now in the new world?

    • Why and how did Joseph die before Jesus began his ministry?

    • What do you think of paradise in the whole earth? Can I imagine it like this?

    • What relatives of yours have been resurrected? (Ring ... Ring ... Ring) ...

    The bell is ringing, I think Joseph  is here, and as I expected, someone from his family comes, ah, I forgot he wanted me to pray the food, because I want to benefit my family from their personal relationship with Jehovah. .. it will be exciting, Family and JosEPH arrived ... I will open the door! ... (Editing by: Abel Romero Novella).



  10. Proverbs 3:1–3.
        —"My son, do not forget my teaching, And may your heart observe my commandments, Because they will add many days And years of life and peace to you.Do not let loyal love and faithfulness leave you. Tie them around your neck; Write them on the tablet of your heart;

    •For Answers To Life's Hardest Questions Go To JW.org.
    •Learn More About The Bible & its Teachings FROM The BIBLE itself By Visiting JW.org


  11. “The Universe Declares GodÂ’s Glory “

    Psalm 19:1 answers by saying: “The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling.” David discerned that the stars and the planets that shone through “the expanse,” or atmosphere, gave irrefutable proof of the existence of a glorious God. He continues: “One day after another day causes speech to bubble forth, and one night after another night shows forth knowledge.” (Psalm 19:2) Day after day and night after night, the heavens display God’s wisdom and creative power. It is as if speech praising God were ‘bubbling forth’ from the heavens.

    However, it takes discernment to hear this witness. “There is no speech, and there are no words; no voice on their part is being heard.” Yet, the silent testimony of the heavens is powerful. “Into all the earth their measuring line has gone out, and to the extremity of the productive land their utterances.” (Psalm 19:3, 4) It is as if the heavens sent out ‘measuring lines’ to make sure that their silent witness filled every corner of the earth.

    Jehovah asked Job: “Can you tie fast the bonds of the Kimah constellation, or can you loosen the very cords of the Kesil constellation?” (Job 38:31) A constellation is a number of stars that appear to form a distinctive pattern. Although the stars could be huge distances from one another, their relative positions remain fixed from earth’s perspective. Because their positions are so precise, the stars are “helpful guides in navigation, to astronauts in spacecraft orientation, and for star identification.” (The Encyclopedia Americana) Yet, no one fully comprehends “the bonds” that hold the constellations together. Yes, scientists still cannot answer the question posed at Job 38:33: “Have you come to know the statutes of the heavens?”

    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ?



  12. ?????? / ?????? ?????????? ..
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    Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ• (From: Eduardo Diaz) Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•Õ•
       April 9, 2018.

       The lawyer Bogvadov who takes the case of Danish Dennis Christensen in Russia accused of "Religious Extremist", requested time in court on the day of the trial, to be able to review the material available for his case, since due to circumstances beyond his control only I had been able to examine 8 of the 12 available folders. Nor was Christensen familiar with the available evidence collected by investigators, such as photographs, and video recordings, as well as some objects seized as a result of the search. To this request, the public prosecutor Fomin was against to grant time to Christensen, because I consider it something intentional to leave the case. But shortly after some negotiations with the translator Uskov about the technical possibilities in the legal field, to allow the lawyer and the accused to become familiar with the available materials of the case. The Judge granted a partial motion to the defense. Giving Dennis Cristensen and his lawyer the opportunity to review and become familiar with the 12 folders but not with the available evidence. The trial will resume on Monday, April 23 at 10:30 a.m.

       At the end of the session, the audience was allowed to be composed of his wife and, in large part, by friends and brothers, who could confirm his love and affection as well as share words of encouragement and tell him how the whole brotherhood supports him, since he is in thousands of prayers all over the world, Dennis was grateful for such expressions of affection.


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