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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. @Anna There is no One like Jehovah or His people! We are United! Not only will the world see this, but it will open more people interested in our work! Jehovah's Holy Spirit is a powerful force! "The nations will know that I am Jehovah!"(Ezekiel 39:7) Many others saying the same thing! 



  2. #StopJWBan

    Put everywhere! 


    If you want to help about 200,000 of Russian Jehovah's Witnesses avoid being jailed on false, unjust, and absurd grounds, please join our campaign to promote the hashtag #StopJWBan across Twitter and any other social media. This would be our version of the global letter-writing campaign to Mr. Putin. You can post a suitable video (like this one), a piece from Jehovah's Witnesses websites, or anything you want to share, adding this hashtag. The more people will do it, the more likely it will appear in top Twitter trends, and this will create a powerful information wave. Ask power Twitter users and/or bloggers that you know to do the same. Don't stand apart, help us spread the word!

    You may just click on this button to tweet instantly:


    #StopJWBan (Russian)



    Sign of the Kingdom Hall. Neighbors tied his sheep to the metal studs. The missionaries say that it is a nice decoration, sheep announcing the Fine Shepherd Jesus Christ and the Great Shepherd Jehovah God! 


    This is the brother Joseph, responsible for carrying literature that arrives to the country, to the Hall of the Kingdom with his motorbike.


    The soil of the Kingdom Hall is scrubbed with plenty of water.



    In the absence of appropriate premises, is decided to hold the Assembly of circuit in the same Kingdom Hall. Quickly the brothers and sisters begin cleaning.


    The lounge is crowded. Soon those living near the Hall, are at home to a Chair or ask simply borrowed a neighbor. Now are giving the discourse of baptism, their is two candidates


    All come to witness the baptism. The majority has never seen a real baptism. All expressed amazement and excitement


  4. 5 "Let my steps stay on your tracks
    So that my feet will not stumble."
    (Psalm 17:5)

    37 "You will make room large enough   for my steps under me;
    And my ankles will certainly not wobble."
    (2 Samuel 22:37)

    4 "When I call, answer me, O my righteous God.
    In the distress you must make         broad space for me.
    Show me favor and hear my prayer."
    (Psalm 4:1)

     8 "For you have rescued my soul     from death,
    My eye from tears, my foot from stumbling."
    (Psalm 116:8)

    10 "From such a great thing as death    he did rescue us and will rescue us;    and our hope is in him that he will     also rescue us further."
    (2 Cor.1:10)

    18 "When I said: “My foot will certainly move unsteadily,”
    Your own loving-kindness, O Jehovah, kept sustaining me."
    (Psalm 94:18)
    9 "I will walk before Jehovah in the lands of those living."
    (Psalm 116:9)


  5. 16 “However, happy are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear."
    (Matthew 13:16)

    11 "In reply he said: “To you it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the Kingdom of the heavens, but to them it is not granted." 

    12 "For whoever has, more will be given him, and he will be made to abound; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him."
    (Matthew 13:11,12) jw.org


  6. "The trumpeters and the singers were as one in causing one sound to be heard in praising and thanking Jehovah." — (2 Chron. 5:13)

    During Solomon’s reign, music was featured in pure worship in a large way. At the inauguration of the temple, there was a full-scale orchestra, with a brass section composed of 120 trumpets.

    (2 Chronicles 5:12) and the Levites that were singers belonging to all of them, namely, to A′saph, to He′man, to Je·du′thun and to their sons and to their brothers clothed in fine fabric with cymbals and with stringed instruments and harps, were standing to the east of the altar and along with them priests to [the number of] a hundred and twenty sounding the trumpets; soon as that joyful sound had gone up, “the house itself was filled with a cloud,” indicating Jehovah’s approval. 

    How thrilling, how awe-inspiring it must have been to hear the sound of all those trumpets along with thousands of singers blending as one! 

    Music was also used in worship by the early Christians. Of course, first-century worshippers met, not in tabernacles or in temples, but in private homes. Because of persecution and other factors, the conditions under which they met were often less than favorable. Still, those Christians did praise God in song.




    "Return evil for evil to no one. Take into consideration what is fine from the viewpoint of all men. 18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men. 19 Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath;  for it is written: “‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ says Jehovah.”  20 But “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals on his head.”  21 Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good." (Rom. 12:17-21)

    "Know this, my beloved brothers: Everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger, 20 for man’s anger does not bring about God’s righteousness. 21 Therefore, put away all filthiness and every trace of badness, and accept with mildness the implanting of the word that is able to save you." (James1:19-21)

     We are not always patient with those whom we love. “To the holy ones and faithful brothers in union with Christ at Colossae,” the apostle Paul wrote: “You husbands, keep on loving your wives and do not be bitterly angry with them. You fathers, do not be exasperating your children, so that they do not become downhearted.” (Col. 1:1, 2; 3:19, 21) Paul exhorted the Ephesians: “Let all malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech be taken away from you.” (Eph. 4:31) Cultivating long-suffering, mildness, and self-control—aspects of the fruitage of God’s spirit—will help us to stay calm even when under stress.—Gal. 5:22, 23

    Consider the example of Jesus. Imagine the immense stress that he was feeling at the last evening meal he had with his apostles. Jesus knew that within hours he would die a slow and painful death. The sanctification of his Father’s name and the salvation of the human family depended on his faithfulness. 

    Yet, at that very meal, there “arose a heated dispute among [the apostles] over which one of them seemed to be greatest.” Jesus did not scream at them or express bitterness toward them. Instead, he calmly reasoned with them. Jesus reminded them that they had stuck with him during trying times. Although Satan was demanding to sift them as wheat, Jesus expressed confidence that they would prove faithful. He even concluded a covenant with them.— (Luke 22:24-32)


  8. The Grandest Witness Ever! Thank you Jehovah! Your Name is truly Blessed throughout the whole earth ? 

    Written from the Heart! ?????.              Repost @jw_boys_girls
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    Jehovah's Witnesses in the News! Click moving picture. ?



  9. What do you teach your child? Cartoons? Games? Videos? Cellphones?

    Why is teaching the Bible as the most important book and most important part of their life to learn more about every day and every minute? Yes their lives are also involved. This is a letter to children below, let me know what you would choose for them?

    The world has too much to distract them from Jehovah God. Protect them from this by teaching them the Bible and set it as a focus in their lives everyday. In fact if you do this you will also see that your child will want to do the same. Now that is good teaching parents.
    (3 John 4) . . .No greater cause for thankfulness do I have than these things, that I should be hearing that my children go on walking in the truth. . ."

    A Letter From a Loving God

    TELL me, which book do you like best of all?— Some children would pick one that tells about animals. Others would choose a book with lots of pictures in it. It can be fun to read those books.

    But the best books in all the world are the ones that tell us the truth about God. One of those books is more precious than all the others. Do you know which one it is?— The Bible.

    Selecting Associates

    Love for Jehovah and appreciation for true worship can best flourish in our children if they are surrounded by people who are friends of God. Arranging for companions whom our children can beneficially talk to and play with may take effort.

    But doing so is worth it! Moreover, it is worthwhile to make opportunities for our children to meet Jehovah’s Witnesses who have taken up the full-time ministry as their career in life.

    Many who have chosen that course did so because of associating with zealous servants of God. A sister who became a missionary says: “My parents invited pioneers for a meal on numerous occasions. They were obviously so happy in their ministry that I wanted to serve God in the same way.”

    Of course, our children’s attitudes can be influenced both for good and for bad. The dangers of bad associations therefore challenge our skills as parents.

    It is an art to teach youngsters how to avoid socializing with those who neither love Jehovah nor know him. Shawn, quoted earlier, says: “We taught our youngsters to have friendly working relationships with schoolmates but to leave those relationships there—at school. Our children understood why they should not share in extracurricular activities or school sports events.”

    (1 Corinthians 15:33) 33 Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits. . .'

    (Proverbs 13:20) 20 He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.' 

  10. All Done ✅ Thank you Jehovah! Our voice is loud and clear who Our God Jehovah is! ?????? ? ? ?
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    The Grandest Witness Ever! Thank you Jehovah! Your Name is truly Blessed throughout the whole earth ? 


  11. #Repost @jw_boys_girls
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    #Jw_boys_girls #tj #jw #jwbrasil #jwonly #jwboy #jwgirl #jwfashion #jwmodel #jwfriends #jwstyle #jworg #jwfamily #jehovah #jehovahwitness


    #Repost @jw_boys_girls
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    #Repost @jw_boys_girls
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    #Repost @jw_boys_girls
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  12. Lesson for today. (Heb 13:16)  One of the best ways to be generous is to give of ourselves in word and deed. How can we do that? By using our time and energy to help and encourage others. (Gal. 6:10)

    To test how we are doing in this regard, we might ask ourselves: ‘Do others sense that I’m willing to give of myself and listen to their concerns? If someone asks for assistance with a project or an errand, do I say yes whenever possible? When was the last time that I gave sincere commendation to a family member or a fellow believer?’

    When we “practice giving,” we are sure to draw closer both to Jehovah and to our friends. Some people associate generosity with those who have a surplus of material things.

    However, when we read the Bible’s account concerning the widow who dropped into the treasury chest “two small coins of very little value,” we can appreciate that generosity is measured, not by quantity, but by the proper inclination of the heart.—Luke 21:1-4  

    Jehovah appreciates every gift, no matter how small, that stems from a heart motivated by love. And he richly blesses those who imitate his generosity by giving of their time, energy, or material resources in behalf of his Kingdom.

    After reviewing several studies on altruism, happiness, and health, researcher Stephen G. Post concluded that being altruistic and extending help to others are associated with greater longevity, an improved sense of well-being, and better physical and mental health, including a reduction in depression.

    Moreover, those who give generously according to their means do not suffer loss because of it. Says Proverbs 11:25: “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” (New International Version) In harmony with those words, people who are truly generous at heart—who do not give with a view to repayment—are appreciated and loved, especially by God.  


  13. “Keep your senses, be watchful,” Peter warns. “Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.” (1 Peter 5:8)

    Satan cannot win the war, so to speak, but he can make casualties of us as individuals if we let our guard down. 

    Satan knows that he can devour us if he can weaken our bond with Jehovah. How does Satan try to achieve this? By attacking us intensely, personally, and cunningly. Let us consider these main strategies of Satan.

    Intense attacks. The apostle John stated: “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19)

    Those words contain a warning for all true Christians. Since Satan has already devoured the entire ungodly world of mankind, he can now focus on and intensify his attacks on those who have so far eluded him—Jehovah’s people. (Micah 4:1; John 15:19; Revelation 12:12, 17) 

    He has great anger because he knows his time is short. So he has stepped up the pressure.

    Today, we face his final rampage of savagery and destruction. Hence, now more than ever, we need to “discern the times to know what [we] ought to do.”—1 Chronicles 12:32.

    Personal wrestling. The apostle Paul warned fellow Christians: “We have a wrestling . . . against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

    Why did Paul use the term “wrestling”? Because it conveys the idea of hand-to-hand combat and a struggle at close quarters.

    Thus, by using that term, Paul stressed that each of us has a personal fight with wicked spirits. Whether we live in a country where belief in wicked spirits is prevalent or not, we should never forget that when we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah, we stepped on the wrestling mat, as it were.

    At least from dedication onward, each Christian is locked in combat. No wonder that Paul saw the need to urge Christians in Ephesus three times to “stand firm”!—Ephesians 6:11, 13, 14.

    Cunning schemes. Paul exhorts Christians to stand firm against Satan’s “crafty acts.” (Ephesians 6:11, footnote) Note Paul’s use of the plural.

    Wicked spirits use not one but various cunning devices—and for good reason. In the course of time, some believers who have stood firm against one kind of trial have given in when faced with another.

    Hence, the Devil and the demons closely observe the behavior of each one of us to detect our weakest spot.

    Then they exploit any spiritual weakness we may have. Thankfully, though, we can recognize many of the Devil’s methods, for they are revealed in the Bible. (2 Corinthians 2:11) Such schemes as the lure of materialism, harmful association, and sexual immorality. 


    He seeks ways to confuse Christians to the point that some will think that “good is bad and bad is good.” (Isaiah 5:20) To do so, Satan often falls back on one of his time-tested methods—he raises questions to create doubts.

    Notice how Satan used that approach in the past. In Eden he asked Eve: “Is it really so that God said you must not eat from every tree of the garden?” In Job’s time, during a meeting of the angels in heaven, Satan raised the question: “Is it for nothing that Job has feared God?”

    And at the start of Jesus’ earthly ministry, Satan challenged Christ by saying: “If you are a son of God, tell these stones to become loaves of bread.” Imagine—in Jesus’ case,     Satan dared to mock the very words that Jehovah himself had spoken some six weeks earlier: “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved”!—Genesis 3:1; Job 1:9; Matthew 3:17; 4:3.

    Today, the Devil uses a similar scheme in an effort to create uncertainties>.



    In the Congregations The latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many congregations.

    They have been identified as:

    •Bin Sleepin;

    •Bin Arguin;


    •Bin Complainin;

    •Bin Missin.

    Their leader . . . Satan Bin Workin. He has trained these groups to destroy the Christian Congregation.

    The plan is to come into the congregation disguised as Christians and to work within it to discourage, disrupt, and destroy.

    However, there have been reports of a sixth group. A tiny cell known by the name of Bin Prayin is actually the only effective counter terrorist force.

    Unlike other terrorist cells, the Bin Prayin team does not blend in with whomever and whatever comes along. Bin Prayin does whatever it needs to uplift and encourage.

    We have noticed that the Bin Prayin group has different characteristics than the others.

    They have Bin Watchin, Bin Doin, Bin Listenin to their Master . . . Jesus Christ.You can spot them if you bin lookin and bin goin.

    You Best Keep On the Watch!

    "Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them." 



  15. 4 "For all the things that were written beforehand were written for our instruction, so that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope."

    5 Now may the God who supplies endurance and comfort grant you to have among yourselves the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had,

    6 so that unitedly you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." ( Romans 15:4) NWT 


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