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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Two close friends are walking side by side in a beautiful valley, with tears in their eyes. Struggling to find the right words to describe this moment, they continue walking in silence and in awe. The sun is shining down on them like never before and the mountains are teeming with gorgeous waterfalls and trees. They go up on a rolling hill and flashbacks begin to run through their heads: Their trials, their endurance - Their life in the old system. Stunned by the scene surrounding them, they come to a halt when they reach the top and they witness so many animals roaming together, free at last. A little girl is walking down the road with a cute little monkey on her shoulder and the roar of a silverback gorilla from a nearby forest greets their ears, astonishing them. The smells of nature reaches their nose and not too far away from them, their friends and loved ones are gathering in a park, in the most beautiful nature scenery they have ever seen in their lives. They remain silent but you can hear them sniffling, with tears racing down their cheeks. Finally they embrace in a tearful hug and with so much emotion they exclaim the words they had been yearning to say for so long: "Remember when we used to talk about this! We made it home." To everyone who reads this: Don't give up, I hope we run into each other in paradise someday. I hope we laugh and cry and say that we finally made it after enduring for so long. I hope we have the most amazing bonfires and we share our own stories of what we went through in this system. I hope we hang out in a tree house by the ocean and we watch the dolphins and whales leap out of the water under the twinkling stars. I hope we meet Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, Esther and we have the most thrilling, conversations with them! I hope we witness the long awaited resurrection and we cry so many happy tears until we run out of tears. And I hope.. We build a lasting bond, serving the true God for millions of years and all of eternity. Until then, let's continue to endure - And if we do - I hope to see you on the other side. We are almost home!
    Repost from my friend @memo8616

    Click on link post below.


  2. "I know my sheep and my sheep know me."— (John 10:14)

    Nothing about his sheep escapes the notice of our Exemplar. (1 Pet. 2:21)        And the sheep fully know the shepherd and trust his leadership.

    To exercise his headship in imitation of Christ, a husband must learn to think of himself as a shepherd and of those under his care as sheep. He should strive to have an intimate knowledge of his family. 

    Can a husband really have such knowledge? Yes, if he communicates well with all members of his family, listens to their concerns, takes the lead in family activities, and is conscientious about making good decisions involving such matters as family worship, meeting attendance, field service, recreation, and entertainment. 

    When a Christian husband takes the lead with knowledge not only of God’s Word but also of those entrusted to him, it is more likely that his family members will have confidence in his headship and that he will have the satisfaction of seeing them remain united in true worship.    jw.org


  3. May you remember these words - the Good News is still being preached throughout the Earth! - (Matthew 24:14) . . .And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."

    This refers to the good news of the Kingdom of God and of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. It is called in the Bible “the good news of the kingdom” (Mt 4:23), “the good news of God” (Ro 15:16), “the good news about Jesus Christ” (Mr 1:1), “the good news of the undeserved kindness of God” (Ac 20:24), “the good news of peace” (Eph 6:15), and the “everlasting good news” (Re 14:6).

    Enemies. The good news has been bitterly fought, and the source of the enmity is identified by the apostle: “If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.” (2Co 4:3, 4)

    The earliest enemies of the good news were the religious leaders of the Jews. Their enmity, however, resulted in good to the Gentiles, or people of the nations, in that it opened up the opportunity for Gentiles to be fellow partakers of “the promise in union with Christ Jesus through the good news.”—Ro 11:25, 28; Eph 3:5,6.

    Enemies of the good news caused the Christians much suffering and required the apostles to put up a hard fight before rulers in defending and legally establishing the good news so that it might spread with the greatest possible freeness.—Php 1:7, 16In the Revelation given to the apostle John about 96 C.E.

    John saw an “angel flying in midheaven” who had “everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, saying in a loud voice: ‘Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived.’” (Re 14:6, 7) These inspired statements indicate that in the “last days” there would be an unparalleled proclamation of the good news of the Kingdom. jw.org

    This photo 1940 shown preaching God's Kingdom!



  4. "Like a shepherd he will care for his flock. With his arm he will gather together the lambs, and in his bosom he will carry them". - (Isaiah 40:11)

    Figurative and Illustrative. Jehovah is a Shepherd who lovingly cares for his sheep, that is, his people. (Ps 23:1-6; 80:1; Jer 31:10; Eze 34:11-16; 1Pe 2:25)              

    His Son Jesus Christ is “the great shepherd” (Heb 13:20) and “the chief shepherd,” under whose direction the overseers in Christian congregations shepherd the flock of God, willingly, unselfishly, and eagerly. (1Pe 5:2-4)        

    Jesus referred to himself as “the fine shepherd,” one who really has compassion for “the sheep” and demonstrated this by surrendering his soul in their behalf. (Joh 10:11; see Mt 9:36.) But as foretold, the striking of “the fine shepherd” caused the flock to scatter.Zec 13:7; Mt 26:31.



    >In modern times, how has "the true knowledge" become known?

    >How have those embracing the truth become "many"?

    >In what ways has accurate knowledge been made "abundant"?

    (Daniel 12:4) “And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant."

    (Matthew 28:19-20)                               "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”                        

    (John 16:7) "Nevertheless, I am telling YOU the truth, It is for YOUR benefit I am going away. For if I do not go away, the helper will by no means come to YOU; but if I do go my way, I will send him to YOU."                                            

     (John 16:13) However, when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, he will guide YOU into all the truth, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak, and he will declare to YOU the things coming."

    (Isaiah 60:22) The little one himself will become a thousand, and the small one a mighty nation. I myself, Jehovah, shall speed it up in its own time.”          

    (Matthew 10:8) Cure sick people, raise up dead persons, make lepers clean, expel demons. YOU received free, give free."  

    (Isaiah 11:9) They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea."



  6. "Have I not commanded you? Be courageous and strong. Do not be struck with terror or fear, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) NWT

    JEHOVAH’S service brings us joy.        But we still have problems like    everyone else.  And we may suffer for doing what is right. (1 Corinthians 10:13; 1 Peter 3:14; 5:8, 9) 

    To endure these trials successfully, we 
    need faith and courage.

    Courage is the strength to speak and act without fear when we are in difficult and dangerous situations.                      To have courage is to be confident and brave, even willing to suffer for what we believe.—Mark 6:49, 50; 2 Timothy 1:7.  

    * To be courageous: To have the strength to do God’s will in difficult and dangerous situations



  7.  8 "For this is what Jehovah of armies says, who after being glorified has sent me to the   nations that were plundering you:
     ‘Whoever touches you touches the pupil of my eye."
    (Zechariah 2:8) NWT

     21 "for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again."
    (Matthew 24:21) NWT





  8. 9 hours ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    After the doom and gloom, I thought that I had better put a couple of photographs of what I consider to be beautiful places on our magnificent earth, that our Creator, Jehovah has given us.......and, we know...........and will be eternally grateful, when God's Kingdom directs its full power to the earth and solves all righteous mankind's problems......


    A scene in the Austrian Alps


    Denali National Park, Alaska


    Torres del Paine, Chile

    PS. I love looking at scenic views like this...........BUT, a bit too cold for me in reality!!!

    @John Lindsay Barltrop:

    Links say access denied? 



  9. This morning public witnessing :-)
    (Because of Copyright  reasons
    ONLY ME ).
    Cart-Trolley-Witnessing is  not allowed here in Muensterdonia  and in Hamburg.
    Interesting is:
    Since we are not allowed
    to Trolley-witnessing,
    we give away about 30 % more 
    printed issues  to really interested people
    The main-reason is: 
    The posters are held  more higher
    and can be seen from afar.
    So many  more come closer to watch,
    what is happening there beneath that display in our hands ?


  10. 20 "Jehovah guards all those who love him, But all the wicked he will annihilate."
      (Psalms 145:20) NWT

           Jehovah Is Great in Loyal Love
    “Jehovah is . . . great in loving-kindness.”—PSALM 145:8.

    Jehovah shows love for his true worshipers in a precious, lasting way. Such love is denoted by a Hebrew word translated “loving-kindness,” or “loyal love.” 

    King David of ancient Israel deeply appreciated God’s loving-kindness. Because of his personal experience and his meditation on God’s dealings with others, David could confidently sing: “Jehovah is . . . great in loving-kindness [or, “loyal love”].”—Psalm 145:8.

    Does Jehovah take note when his loyal ones praise him? Yes, he pays attention to what they say. In a prophecy relating to true worship in our day, Malachi wrote: “At that time those in fear of Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name.” (Malachi 3:16) 

    It pleases Jehovah very much when his loyal ones speak well of him, and he remembers them.

    Many trials and calamities befall Jehovah God’s loyal ones because of their own imperfection and because they live in a world that is lying in the power of Satan, “the wicked one.” (1 John 5:19; Psalm 34:19) 

    Christians experience persecution. Some suffer from chronic illness or because of bereavement. At times, the mistakes of Jehovah’s loyal ones may cause them to ‘bow down’ in discouragement. 

    Whatever trial befalls them, however, Jehovah is always ready to give comfort and spiritual strength to each one of them. The King Jesus Christ has the same loving interest in his loyal subjects.—Psalm 72:12-14.

    Tap screen for sound ? 



  11. "With humility consider others superior to you."—Phil. 2:3.

    Imitate Jesus’ Humility and Tenderness
    “Christ suffered for you, leaving a model for you to follow his steps closely.”—1 PET. 2:21.

    WE TEND to imitate those whose personality and ways we admire. Of all the humans who have walked the earth, no one is more worthy of imitation than Jesus Christ. Why is that? Jesus himself once said: “Whoever has seen me has seen the Father also.” (John 14:9) 

    Jesus reflects his Father’s personality so perfectly that observing the Son is like seeing the Father. Therefore, as we imitate Jesus, we draw closer to Jehovah, the greatest Personage in the universe. What a reward for imitating the qualities and ways of his Son!

    How, though, can we know what Jesus is like? Thankfully, we have an inspired written portrait of Jesus. Jehovah provided that record, as found in the Christian Greek Scriptures, because he wants us to become acquainted with his Son so that we can imitate him. (Read 1 Peter 2:21.) 

    In the Bible, the example Jesus left is compared to “steps,” or footprints. In effect, Jehovah is telling us to walk behind Jesus and match our steps to his. 

    Of course, Jesus left a perfect example for us, and we are far from perfect. But Jehovah does not expect us to follow Jesus’ steps perfectly. 

    Rather, the Father expects us to imitate his Son to the best of our ability as imperfect humans.




  12. "See, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" – John 1:29

    We learned how humble and meek Jesus was. He was rightly called “the Lamb.” (John 1:29)

    Jesus’ courage, however, gives rise to a very different description. The Bible says of God’s Son: “Look! The Lion that is of the tribe of Judah.”—Revelation 5:5. NWT


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