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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. @John Lindsay Barltrop I appreciate all your wonderful pictures of the marvels of Jehovah's creations of the seas. He is truly a miracle worker and made for our enjoyment! One day perhaps we can have more insight in these creatures of the sea. All the glory go to Jehovah the Maker of the Heavens and Earth and all the Seas!  Agape,


    4 hours ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    After the doom and gloom, I thought that I had better put a couple of photographs of what I consider to be beautiful places on our magnificent earth, that our Creator, Jehovah has given us.......and, we know...........and will be eternally grateful, when God's Kingdom directs its full power to the earth and solves all righteous mankind's problems......


    A scene in the Austrian Alps


    Denali National Park, Alaska


    Torres del Paine, Chile

    PS. I love looking at scenic views like this...........BUT, a bit too cold for me in reality!!!

    @John Lindsay Barltrop:

    Links say access denied? 

  2. He said: “Come!” So Peter got out of the boat and walked over the waters and went toward Jesus.—Matt. 14:29. NWT

    The wind and waves surrounding Peter as he walked on the water might be compared to the trials and temptations we face in our life of dedication to God. Even when these are severe, we can stand firm with Jehovah’s support. 

    Recall that Peter did not sink because of a gust of wind or a big wave. Think back on the sequence of events: “Looking at the windstorm, he became afraid.” (Matt. 14:24-32) 

    Peter lost his focus on Jesus, and then his faith wavered. We could begin to sink if we were to begin “looking at the windstorm,” focusing on its power and doubting that Jehovah will support us. 

    We should take seriously the possibility that our faith could diminish, for the Bible refers to a weakening of faith or loss of faith as “the sin that easily entangles us.” (Heb. 12:1) 

    As Peter’s experience shows, our faith can quickly weaken if we focus on the wrong things. w15 9/15 3:1,6, 7

    Tap on picture for sounds ??



  3. “Wisdom is with the modest ones.”

    2 "When presumptuousness comes, dishonor will follow,
    But wisdom is with the modest ones." (Proverbs 11:2)

    WHEN Jehovah chose Saul to be king, Saul was modest. (1 Samuel 9:1, 2, 21; 10:20-24) But after he became king, he became presumptuous. 

    On one occasion, thousands of Philistines came to fight the Israelites. The prophet Samuel had told Saul that he would come and offer a sacrifice to Jehovah. 

    However, before Samuel arrived, the Israelites became afraid and many of them abandoned Saul. He became impatient, and instead of waiting for Samuel, he offered the sacrifice himself. Saul had no authority to do this, and Jehovah was not pleased.—1 Samuel 13:5-9.

    2 When Samuel arrived, he reproved Saul for disobeying Jehovah. But Saul did not think that he had done anything wrong. He tried to find excuses, and he even blamed others for his mistake. (1 Samuel 13:10-14) 

    From that time on, Saul did many other presumptuous things. So Jehovah rejected him from being king. (1 Samuel 15:22, 23) Saul’s life began well but ended very badly.—1 Samuel 31:1-6.

    We show respect for Jehovah by being modest,

    A modest person knows that Jehovah alone deserves all glory, because he is the Creator and the Most High in the universe. (Revelation 4:11) If we are modest, we will be happy with whatever we can do in Jehovah’s service. jw.org




    Definition: “Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld.” (Heb. 11:1) 

    True faith is not credulity, that is, a readiness to believe something without sound evidence or just because a person wants it to be so. Genuine faith requires basic or fundamental knowledge, acquaintance with evidence, as well as heartfelt appreciation of what that evidence indicates. 

    Thus, although it is impossible to have real faith without accurate knowledge, the Bible says that it is “with the heart” that one exercises faith.—Rom. 10:10.

    Why do many people not have faith?

    Faith is a fruit of God’s spirit, and God gladly gives his spirit to those who seek it. (Gal. 5:22; Luke 11:13) 

    So persons without faith are not seeking that spirit, or they are doing so for a wrong purpose or are resisting its operation in their lives. Many things influence this:
    Lack of accurate Bible knowledge: The Bible is a product of God’s spirit, being inspired by God. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17;2 Sam. 23:2) 

    Failure to study it hinders any development of true faith. Although church members may have Bibles, if they have been taught the ideas of men instead of the Word of God, they will lack real faith in God and his purpose.

    To solve life’s problems, they will be inclined to rely on their own ideas and those of other humans.—( Matthew 15:3-9.)

    Lives dominated by fleshly desires and viewpoints: Generally, persons who lack faith that has real substance have devoted themselves to the pursuit of other interests.

    Some may say that they believe the Bible but they may never have thoroughly studied it or may have failed to meditate appreciatively on what they read, on the reasons for it, and how it applies to everyday life. (Compare 1 Chronicles 28:9.) 

    In some cases, they failed to nourish the faith they had but, instead, allowed a desire for unrighteous things to dominate the inclination of their heart so that they drew away from God and his ways.—Heb. 3:12.

    How can a person acquire faith?
    Rom. 10:17: “Faith follows the thing heard.” (Compare Acts 17:11, 12; John 4:39-42; 2 Chronicles 9:5-8.

    A person must first find out what the Bible says, and he will strengthen his conviction if he examines it carefully so as to be convinced of its reliability.)

    Rom. 10:10: “With the heart one exercises faith.” (By meditating on godly things to build up appreciation for them, a person impresses them on his figurative heart.)

    Faith is strengthened when a person acts on God’s promises and then sees the evidence of God’s blessing on what he has done.—See Psalm 106:9-12.




    Tap screen for birds and waterfall ?

  5. “Let Marriage Be Honorable”
    “Rejoice with the wife of your youth.”—PROVERBS 5:18.


    Principle: “Each one of you must love his wife as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for her husband.”—Ephesians 5:33.

    Some questions to ask yourself

    * What are my mate’s good qualities, and how can I express appreciation for him or her?—Proverbs 14:1; 31:29; 1 Peter 3:1, 6; 4:8.

    * Do I honor my spouse by seeking to understand his or her thoughts and feelings?—Philippians 2:4.

    * Am I willing to overlook my spouse’s shortcomings?—Matthew 6:14, 15.

    * When was the last time I expressed my affection for my spouse?—Song of Solomon 2:9-14.

    * Toward what spiritual goals are we working?—Matthew 6:33, 34; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.

    * What initiative can I take to encourage my mate to read the Bible and consider the daily text together with me?

    4 "Let marriage be honorable among all, and let the marriage bed be without defilement, for God will judge sexually immoral people and adulterers." (Hebrews 13:4)

    What conduct dishonors marriage? (b) What question should we consider with our mate?

    A Christian wife some time ago noted: “I pray to Jehovah for strength to see me through.” Through what? She explained: “My husband strikes me with words. I may not have visible bruises, but his constant cutting remarks, such as ‘You’re a burden!’ and ‘You’re worthless!’ have scarred my heart.” This wife brings up a matter of grave concern—abusive speech within marriage.

    How sad it is when spouses in Christian households hurl cruel words at each other, causing emotional wounds that are not easily healed! Obviously, a marriage marked by hurtful speech is not honorable. 

    How is your marriage faring in this regard? One way to find out is by humbly asking your spouse, “What effect do my words have on you?” If your mate feels that time and again your words have caused emotional wounds, you must be willing to change the situation for the better.—Galatians 5:15; read Ephesians 4:31.

    God’s Word states: “By wisdom a house is built up, and by discernment it is made secure. By knowledge its rooms are filled with all sorts of precious and pleasant treasures.” (Proverbs 24:3, 4) 

    Consider how these words can be applied to marriage.

    How can we gradually strengthen our marriage? 

    Among the precious treasures filling a happy household are such qualities as true love, godly fear, and firm faith. (Proverbs 15:16, 17; 1 Peter 1:7) 

    They create a strong marriage. But did you note how the rooms in the above-quoted proverb are filled with precious treasures? “By knowledge.” Yes, when applied, Bible knowledge has the power to transform people’s thinking and to move them to rekindle their love for each other. (Romans 12:2; Philippians 1:9) 

    Hence, whenever you and your spouse sit down together and calmly consider a Bible passage, such as the daily text, or a Bible-based article in The Watchtower or Awake! pertaining to marriage, it is as if you were examining a lovely decoration that can beautify your house. When love for Jehovah moves you to apply in your marriage the counsel that you just examined, you are, as it were, bringing that decoration into the rooms of your house. As a result, some of the color and warmth that you once enjoyed in your marriage may return. 



  6. Jesus Christ had a deep respect for the Scriptures as the Word of God. He did not approve of those who watered down the Bible’s teachings by giving priority to man-made traditions. (Mark 7:9-13)

    Jesus said that our worship of God must be based on truth—the truth found in the Bible. (John 4:24; 17:17)

    Are you willing to compare the teachings of your church with what the Bible says? Click or tap the link to read or listen to the article The Most Useful Comparison You May Ever Make.___






  7. @Queen Esther When we become perfect that is wonderful! Satan is attacking families and marriage. Good words, love and care and communication are what the Bible teaches. We have the Owners manual, yes, I enjoyed this book. It is a national best seller. I am a open minded person and share and encourage as many as I can. There is nothing in this book against the Bible, I've been able to help others learn much. We can all decide when we need research on matters of happy communication, it's not something we learn easy. Personalities can be very different and our protection yes is God's Words. Thank you for your thoughts, I enjoy sharing and communicating and this book also helped me. Agape, ???

  8. "[God] made him head over all things to the congregation."—Eph. 1:22.

    Jehovah has appointed Jesus as Head of the Christian congregation. (Eph. 1:22, 23) As “the fine shepherd,” Jesus reflects his Father’s interests, purposes, and qualities. Jesus even ‘surrendered his soul in behalf of the sheep.’ (John 10:11, 15) 

    What a blessing Christ’s ransom sacrifice is for mankind! (Matt. 20:28) 

    Why, it is Jehovah’s purpose that “everyone exercising faith in [Jesus] might not be destroyed but have everlasting life”!—John 3:16.

     “My sheep listen to my voice,” said Jesus, “and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27) 

    Listening to the Fine Shepherd’s voice means following his guidance in all things. This includes cooperating with the spiritual undershepherds whom he has appointed. 

    Jesus indicated that his apostles and disciples were to continue the work that he had begun. They were to ‘teach’ and to ‘feed Jesus’ little sheep.’ (Matt. 28:20) 

    Jehovah and Jesus are perfect Shepherds. The human undershepherds to whom they entrust the care of the congregations are not. This reality may make it challenging for some to follow the elders’ lead. Such individuals may reason: ‘They are imperfect humans just like us. Why should we listen to their counsel?’ True, the elders are imperfect. However, we need to have a proper view of their shortcomings and weaknesses.

    Revelation 7:17 says: “The Lamb [Jesus] . . . will shepherd them, and will guide them to fountains of waters of life. And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes.” Perfect as a King ? and Ruler for mankind with no injustice!  jw.org


  9. “Be My Follower”—What Did Jesus Mean? - YOU will be Refreshed! 

    (Psalms 23:0-6)
    A melody of David.
    "Jehovah is my Shepherd.
    I will lack nothing.
    2 In grassy pastures he         makes me lie down;
    He leads me to well-watered resting-places.
    3 He refreshes me.
    He leads me in the paths of righteousness for the sake           of his name.
    4 Though I walk in the valley       of deep shadow,
    I fear no harm,
    For you are with me;
    Your rod and your staff         reassure me.
    5  You prepare a table for          me before my enemies.
    You refresh my head with oil;
    My cup is well-filled.
    6 Surely goodness and loyal love will pursue me all the days of my life,
    And I will dwell in the house of Jehovah for all my days."

    WHAT is the best invitation you have ever received? You might think of a time when you were invited to attend a special occasion, perhaps the wedding of two people very dear to you. Or you might recall the day you were invited to take on an important job. If such invitations have come your way, you were no doubt thrilled, even honored, to get them. 

    The truth is, though, that you have received a far better invitation. Each one of us has. And the way we choose to respond to that invitation affects us profoundly. It is the most important choice we will make in life.

    What is that invitation? It comes from Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of Almighty God, Jehovah, and it is recorded in the Bible. At Mark 10:21, we read Jesus’ words: “Come be my follower.” That is, in effect, Jesus’ invitation to each one of us. We do well to ask ourselves, ‘How will I respond?’ The answer might appear to be obvious. Who would refuse such a splendid invitation? Surprisingly, most people do refuse. Why?

    Jesus was “the fine shepherd” in another sense. He said: “I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” (John 10:14)

    The sheep know their shepherd as well. They recognize his voice, never mistaking it for that of any other shepherd. When there is a tone of alarm or urgency in his call, they respond quickly. Where he leads, they follow. And he knows just where to lead them. He knows where the grass is lush and green, where the streams are fresh and clear, where the pastures are safe. As he watches over them, the sheep sense that they are secure.—Psalm 23.

    Look into the mirror of Scripture and ask ourselves, ‘Am I truly following Jesus?’ (James 1:23-25) Perhaps you have long considered yourself to be a sheep guided by the Fine Shepherd. Would you not agree, though, that we can always find ways to improve? The Bible urges us: “Keep testing whether you are in the faith, keep proving what you yourselves are.” (2 Corinthians 13:5)              

    It is worth our every effort to make sure that we are indeed being guided by our loving Fine Shepherd, Jesus, whom Jehovah himself has appointed to lead us.

    Learn today HOW you can find these grassy pastures and be lead by this Fine Shepherd, Jesus. 
    Read more at:

    We also offer free Bible Studies to help you learn HOW to find this refreshment in a world full of woe. Ask me or anyone of Jehovah's Witnesses to help you.



  10. Jehovah the Creator and Controller of the Seas! All in Wisdom He has made them for Our Benefit! ~


    (Ps 104:24,25)
    "How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made. As for this sea so great and wide."

    Origin of Sea Life. The Genesis account reports that sea life and flying creatures were the first animal life on earth. It reads: “And God went on to say: ‘Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls and let flying creatures fly over the earth upon the face of the expanse of the heavens.’ And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God got to see that it was good."

    "With that God blessed them, saying: ‘Be fruitful and become many and fill the waters in the sea basins, and let the flying creatures become many in the earth.’ And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a fifth day.”—Ge 1:20-23.

    The Bible repeatedly acknowledges Jehovah as the Creator of the seas, which were formed as distinct from the dry land on the third creative day. (Ge 1:9, 10, 13; Ne 9:6; Ac 4:24; 14:15; Re 14:7) 

    It also comments on his ability to extend his power over the sea and to control it. (Job 26:12; Ps 65:7; 89:9; Jer 31:35) 

    When his Son was on earth he was given authority by his Father to command the sea, with effectiveness. (Mt 8:23-27; Mr 4:36-41; Joh 6:17-20) 

    God’s control of the seas is demonstrated by the way the coasts and the tides keep the sea within its set limits, barricaded, as it were, by doors. (Job 38:8-11; Ps 33:7; Pr 8:29; Jer 5:22) 

    This accomplishment in connection with the sea, as well as its role in the earth’s water cycle (Ec 1:7; Am 5:8), makes the sea an example of Jehovah’s wonderful works.

    Poetically speaking, even the seas join in praising their Creator.
    (Ps 98:7)
    "Let the sea thunder and all that fills it, The earth and those dwelling in it."

    Psalm 96:11
    "Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be joyful.
    Let the sea thunder and that which fills it."


  11. Are you in God's book of remembrance? If you die the dead will be remembered. The Holy Ones receive a different type of remembrance in Heaven with Christ. There is also a "book of life".

    Learn how you can be favored now to be in that book...

    (Daniel 12:1) 12 “And during that time Mi′cha·el will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book.

    (Revelation 3:5) He that conquers will thus be arrayed in white outer garments; and I will by no means blot out his name from the book of life, but I will make acknowledgment of his name before my Father and before his angels."

    (Revelation 21:27) But anything not sacred and anyone that carries on a disgusting thing and a lie will in no way enter into it; only those written in the Lamb’s scroll of life [will].'

    (Exodus 32:31, 32) . . .So Moses returned to Jehovah and said: “Ah, but this people has sinned with a great sin, in that they made a god of gold for themselves! 32 But now if you will pardon their sin,—and if not, wipe me out, please, from your book that you have written. . ."

    (Malachi 3:16) 16 At that time those in fear of Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking up(Philippians 4:3)

    3.Yes, I request you too, genuine yokefellow, keep assisting these [women] who have striven side by side with me in the good news along with Clement as well as the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of l. . .on his name."

    (Revelation 3:5) 5 "He that conquers will thus be arrayed in white outer garments; and I will by no means blot out his name from the book of life, but I will make acknowledgment of his name before my Father and before his angels." 

    (Revelation 20:14, 15) . . .. 15 Furthermore, whoever was not found written in the book of life was hurled into the lake of fire."



  12. @Queen Esther The motto of the story is this for success in a marriage: First Love one another, Communication is essential, and a three-fold cord with Jehovah most important! There also must be forgiveness openly between two, husband and wife.

    @Dr Ira Byock, MD states in his book; "The Four Things That Matter Most"

    Four simple phrases, "Please Forgive me," "I forgive you," "Thank you," "I Love you". If we practice these life-affirming words in our day-to-day lives it not only will improve our emotional well-being, bring more Love and respect between Husband and Wife. It gives us also wisdom to honor others, and what we really want from those who really matter to us. 

    Of course Jehovah will also Bless a three-fold cord with him that shows their Love and Devotion to Him and each other. 

    Hope this helps? ????

  13. How many of you love your husbands? ha ha ha.. Very Funny ? ????


    There was a group of women gathered at a seminar on how to live in a loving relationship with your husband.

    The women were asked, ‘How many of you love your husbands?’

    All the women raised their hands.

    Then they were asked, ‘When was the last time you told your husband you loved him?’

    Some women answered today, some yesterday, some didn’t remember..

    The women were then told to take their cell phones and send the following text to their respective husband: I love you, sweetheart.

    Then the women were told to exchange phones and read the responding text messages.

    Here are some of the replies:

    1. Eh, mother of my children, are you sick?

    2. What now? Did you crash the car again?

    3. I don’t understand what you mean?

    4. What did you do now? I won’t forgive you this time!!!

    5. ?!?

    6. Don’t beat about the bush, just tell me how much you need?

    7. Am I dreaming? ???????

    8. If you don’t tell me who this message is actually for, you will die today…!!!

    9. I asked you not to drink anymore!!

    and the best one

    10. Who is this?


  14. “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life."        (John 3:16) NWT

    What God Has Done for You
    “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”—John 3:16, King James Version.

    That is one of the best-known and most widely quoted texts in the entire Bible. It has been said that no other verse “so succinctly summarizes God’s relationship with humanity and the way of salvation.” For that reason, in some countries this scripture or simply the reference “John 3:16” is often displayed at public events, on car stickers, in graffiti, and elsewhere.

    In all likelihood, those who display the text feel convinced that God’s love guarantees their everlasting salvation. What about you? What does God’s love mean to you? And what do you think God has done that demonstrates his love for you?

    God’s love, however, is expressed in more ways than just caring for us physically. He has also elevated and dignified us by giving us spiritual capacity and helping us to satisfy it. (Matthew 5:3) In this way, obedient mankind has the prospect of becoming part of God’s family, his “children.”—Romans 8:19-21.

    As John 3:16 goes on to say, God showed his love for us by sending his Son, Jesus, to the earth to teach us about his God and Father and to die for us.

    Many, though, will admit that they do not truly understand why it was necessary for Jesus to die for mankind and how Jesus’ death is an expression of God’s love for us. Let us see how the Bible explains the reason for Jesus’ death and its value.

    The last part of John 3:16 expresses God’s promise to those who exercise faith in the ransom provision and live according to divine standards. God intends that such faithful ones “should not perish, but have everlasting life.” 

    If you pause to consider all that God has done for you and for mankind as a whole, it is clear that he has already done a great deal. We have life, intelligence, a measure of health, and the means necessary to support life. More than that, God’s gift of the ransom through Jesus, who died for us, can mean even greater blessings, as we learn from John 3:16.

    Everlasting life in peaceful, pleasant conditions, without the threat of illness, war, famine, or death, would surely open the door to endless happiness and blessings. Whether you will receive those blessings depends entirely on you. The question that remains really is, What are you doing for God? Learn how to please God at jw.org


  15. How Did God Give Us Knowledge? - Knowledge to Know and Understand His Words and Will? ~

    (1 John 5:20)
    "But we know that the Son of God has come, and he has given us insight so that we may gain the knowledge of the one who is true. And we are in union with the one who is true, by means of his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and life everlasting."

    He has given us insight that we may gain knowledge.
    Human brain: Modern computers are a product of intensive research and careful engineering. They did not “just happen.” 

    What about the human brain? Unlike the brain of any animal, the brain of a human infant triples in size during its first year.

    How it functions is still largely a mystery to scientists. In humans, there is the built-in capacity to learn complex languages, to appreciate beauty, to compose music, to contemplate the origin and meaning of life. 

    Said brain surgeon Robert White: “I am left with no choice but to acknowledge the existence of a Superior Intellect, responsible for the design and development of the incredible brain-mind relationship—something far beyond man's capacity to understand.” (The Reader's Digest, September 1978, p. 99)

    The development of this marvel begins from a tiny fertilized cell in the womb. With remarkable insight, the Bible writer David said to Jehovah: “I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware.”—Ps. 139:14.

    Living cell: A single living cell is sometimes referred to as being a “simple” form of life. 

    But a one-celled animal can catch food, digest it, get rid of wastes, build a house for itself and engage in sexual activity. 

    Each cell of the human body has been likened to a walled city, with a central government to maintain order, a power plant to generate energy, factories to produce proteins, a complex transportation system, and guards to regulate what is permitted to enter. And a single human body is made up of as many as 100 trillion cells. 

    How appropriate the words of Psalm 104:24: “How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made”! 


  16. Maintain Loyalty With a Unified Heart

    “I shall walk in your truth. Unify my heart to fear your name.”—(PS. 86:11)

    WHY do some Christians who remain faithful for years despite imprisonment or persecution later succumb to materialism? The answer has to do with our figurative heart—what we really are inside. 

    The 86th Psalm connects loyalty to a unified heart; that is, a complete heart, one that is not divided. “O do guard my soul, for I am loyal,” prayed the psalmist David. “Save your servant—you are my God—that is trusting in you.” David also prayed: “Instruct me, O Jehovah, about your way. I shall walk in your truth. Unify my heart to fear your name.”— (Ps. 86:2, 11)

    Unless we trust in Jehovah with all our heart, other concerns and affections will undermine our loyalty to the true God. Selfish desires are like land mines hidden under the road we walk on. 

    Even though we may have remained faithful to Jehovah under trying circumstances, we can fall victim to satanic traps or snares. 

    How vital it is that we cultivate heartfelt loyalty to Jehovah now, before tests or temptations come upon us! “More than all else that is to be guarded,” says the Bible, “safeguard your heart.” (Prov. 4:23)

    Each day, we are confronted with choices and decisions that test our loyalty. We too can prove ourselves faithful. Let us always remain loyal to Jehovah as we unify our heart, fully confident that he will continue to bless his loyal ones.

    (2 Samuel 22:26)
    26 "
    With someone loyal you will act in loyalty,
    With the faultless, mighty one you will deal faultlessly."




    Why is world peace soelusive?


    Only a government that can change people’s hearts will bring world peace 

    The Bible points to two main reasons. First, although humans have accomplished marvelous things, they are not created with the ability to direct their own steps. Second, human schemes have failed because “the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one,” Satan the Devil. Thus, human efforts have not been able to bring world peace.—Read Jeremiah 10:23; 1 John 5:19.

    Human self-interest and ambition have also made world peace elusive. Only a world government that can teach people to love what is right and care for one another will bring world peace.—Read Isaiah 32:17; 48:18, 22.

    Who will establish peace on earth?

    Almighty God has promised to establish a single government to rule over all mankind. It will replace human governments. (Daniel 2:44)

    God’s Son, Jesus, will rule as the Prince of Peace. He will eliminate evil from all the earth and will teach people the way of peace.—Read Isaiah 9:6, 7; 11:4, 9.

    Already, under Jesus’ direction, millions worldwide are using God’s Word, the Bible, to teach people how to be at peace with others. Soon, world peace will be a reality.—Read Isaiah 2:3, 4;54:13.




  18. Trust in Jehovah—The God of “Times and Seasons”
    “He is changing times and seasons, removing kings and setting up kings.”—DANIEL 2:21.

    Scientists still cannot explain what time really is. One encyclopedia says: “No one can say exactly what it is.” But Jehovah completely understands time. He is “the Creator of the heavens” and “the Former of the earth and the Maker of it.” 

    Jehovah can know what will happen in the future. The Bible says that he is “the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done.” (Isaiah 45:18;46:10) 

    We will now discuss two things that will strengthen our faith in Jehovah and in the Bible. They will prove that Jehovah is the Great Timekeeper, that is, he always fulfills his purpose at his chosen time. They are:

    (1) things that Jehovah created and (2) prophecies that were fulfilled.

    Since we know that Christ has become King and that we are living in “the time of the end,” what should we do? (Daniel 12:4) 

    Many people notice that problems in the world are getting worse, but they do not understand that this is exactly what the Bible prophesied about the last days. Some expect that these problems will get completely out of control. Others believe that humans will bring “peace and security.” (1 Thessalonians 5:3) 

    Do we believe that we are living very near the end of Satan’s world? If we do, we will use our time to serve Jehovah and help others to come to know him. (2 Timothy 3:1)

    We must buy out the opportune time, that is, make wise decisions about how we use our time.—Read Ephesians 5:15-17.

    Since there are many things in this world that can distract us, it is not easy to use our time wisely. Jesus warned: “Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.” How were the days of Noah? God had told Noah that the world of that timewould come to an end. Wicked humans would drown in a flood that would happen all over the earth. Noah was “a preacher of righteousness.” He faithfully preached God’s message to the people of his time. (Matthew 24:37; 2 Peter 2:5) But they were “eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage,” and “they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away.” That is why Jesus warned: “Prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.” (Matthew 24:38, 39, 44) 

    We must be like Noah, not like the people of his time. What will help us to be ready?

    While we wait for the coming of the Son of man, what must we remember about Jehovah that will help us to serve him?

    Even though the Son of man is coming at a time that we do not expect, we need to remember that Jehovah always fulfills his purpose at his chosen time. No matter what may happen in the world or what humans plan to do, Jehovah can decide when things will happen and what the results will be. (Read Daniel 2:21.) In fact, Proverbs 21:1 tells us: “A king’s heart is as streams of water in the hand of Jehovah. Everywhere that he delights to, he turns it.”

    Jehovah can control events to fulfill his purpose on time. The end result of many big changes in the world is that Bible prophecies have come true, especially prophecies about the preaching of the good news of God’s Kingdom.

    Few people expected that such big changes in government could happen so quickly. But as a result of these changes, the good news is now being preached in many countries where our work was banned in the past. 

    So let us make sure that we use our timewisely to continue serving Jehovah, the God of “times and seasons.” jw.org


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