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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. 12 hours ago, Queen Esther said:

    @Bible Speaks  In  paradise  we  can  speak  with  Jehovah  again,  like  Adam & Eve :)  Then  I am  more  wise  than  now...   and  will  of  sure  ask  him  this  and  that :D  But  just  now  Its  too  early  and  my  questions  too  simple,  hahaha  ---  Jehovah  created  ALL  and  we  can  imagine  nothing....   I  can  wait,  no  problem !

    Queen Esther: I have always loved science and the wonders of wonder! I'd like one day to know more of Jehovah's wisdom and power. I'll be patient and wait! The Master Mathematician! Agape, Bible Speaks ?☄️??☄️?


  2. What Questions Would You Ask God? -Wonders of Creation Exalt Jehovah! - "God said to Job:" Long but worth reading!                  O.o :D :x

    (Job 38:4-7) . . .Where did you happen to be when I founded the earth? Tell [me], if you do know understanding. 5 Who set its measurements, in case you know, Or who stretched out upon it the measuring line? 6 Into what have its socket pedestals been sunk down, Or who laid its cornerstone, 7 When the morning stars joyfully cried out together, And all the sons of God began shouting in applause?"

    JEHOVAH GOD is more exalted than imperfect humans can imagine. His creative works on earth and in the heavens bring him praise and fill us with awe.—Psalm 19:1-4.

    As the Creator and Universal Sovereign, Jehovah certainly deserves to be heard when he speaks. But how amazed we would be if he were to speak to us mere humans here on earth! Suppose he spoke to you, perhaps through an angel. Surely you would pay attention. The upright man Job must have listened very attentively when God addressed him some 3,500 years ago. 

    What can we learn from God’s words to Job regarding the earth and the material heavens?
    Who Founded the Earth, and Who Controls the Sea?
    Out of a windstorm, God asks Job about the earth and the sea. (Job 38:1-11) 

    No human architect decided how big the earth should be and then helped to form it. Comparing the earth to a building, God asks Job: “Who laid its cornerstone?” Not man! God’s angelic sons looked on and rejoiced as Jehovah created this planet.

    The sea is an infant in relation to God, who figuratively clothes it with garments. It “began to go forth as when it burst out from the womb.” God confines the sea as if by bars and bolted doors, and tides are regulated by lunar and solar attractions.

    Says The World Book Encyclopedia: “The wind causes most ocean waves, from small ripples to giant hurricane waves more than 100 feet (30 meters) high. . . . After the wind stops, the waves continue to move over the ocean surface and can travel great distances from where they originated. They become smoother and longer. Finally, the waves reach the shoreline, where they break and form the surf.” The sea obeys God’s command: “This far you may come, and no farther; and here your proud waves are limited.”

    Who Makes the Dawn Ascend?
    God next asks Job about the effects of light and other matters. (Job 38:12-18) No human can command the succession of night and day. Morning light figuratively lays hold of the ends of the earth and shakes out the wicked. Sinners may perform unrighteous acts in “evening darkness.” (Job 24:15, 16) But dawn disperses many evildoers.
    In God’s hand, morning light is as a seal from which the earth gets a beautiful impression. Sunlight brings to view many colors, so that the globe seems to be arrayed in splendid garments. Job had nothing to do with this and had not walked about in the watery deep to take inventory of its treasures. Why, to this day researchers have only limited knowledge of oceanic life!

    Who Has Storehouses of Snow and Hail?
    No man has escorted either light or darkness to its home or has entered the storehouses of snow and hail that God keeps back for “the day of fight and war.” (Job 38:19-23) When Jehovah used hail against his foes at Gibeon, “there were more who died from the hailstones than those whom the sons of Israel killed with the sword.” (Joshua 10:11) He may use hailstones of undisclosed size to destroy wicked humans led by Gog, or Satan.—Ezekiel 38:18, 22.

    Egg-size hailstones killed 25 people and injured 200 others in central Henan Province, China, in July 2002. Regarding a hailstorm in 1545, Italian sculptor Benvenuto Cellini wrote: “We were one day distant from Lyons . . . when the heavens began to thunder with sharp rattling claps. . . . After the thunder the heavens made a noise so great and horrible that I thought the last day had come; so I reined in for a moment, while a shower of hail began to fall without a drop of water. . . . The hail now grew to the size of big lemons. . . . The storm raged for some while, but at last it stopped . . . We showed our scratches and bruises to each other; but about a mile farther on we came upon a scene of devastation which surpassed what we had suffered, and defies description. All the trees were stripped of their leaves and shattered; the beasts in the field lay dead; many of the herdsmen had also been killed; we observed large quantities of hailstones which could not have been grasped with two hands.”—Autobiography (Book II, 50), Harvard Classics, Volume 31, pages 352-3.

    What will happen when Jehovah opens his storehouses of snow and hail against his enemies? They cannot possibly survive when snow or hail is used to carry out his will.
    Whose Handiwork Are Rain, Dew, Frost, and Ice?
    Jehovah next asks Job about rain, dew, frost, and ice. (Job 38:24-30) God is the great Rainmaker, and even “the wilderness in which there is no earthling man” enjoys his blessing. Rain, ice, and frost have no human father or originator.

    The Nature Bulletin states: “The strangest and perhaps the most important property [of ice] is that water expands as it freezes . . . The blanket of ice that forms and floats on a pond in winter makes it possible for aquatic plants and animals (fish, etc.) to remain alive in the water underneath. If . . . water contracted and became denser as it solidified, ice would be heavier than water and sink to the bottom. More ice would form on the surface until the pond was frozen solid. . . . In the cooler parts of the world the rivers, ponds, lakes, and even the oceans would all be permanently frozen.”

    How thankful we can be that bodies of water do not freeze solid! And we certainly are grateful that as Jehovah’s handiwork, rain and dew invigorate the earth’s vegetation.
    Read the rest of the articles at:


  3. Do YOU Believe?
    4.."Jehovah God made earth and heaven." (Genesis 2:4) NWT

    Praise His Name Forever!

    It is impossible for us to mention all the great and praiseworthy deeds of our heavenly Father.

    But can anyone of upright heart refrain from joining the throng of Jehovah’s praisers? Of course not! Therefore, let all lovers of God joyfully cry out: “Praise Jah, you people! Praise Jehovah from the heavens, praise him in the heights. Praise him, all you his angels . . . , you young men and also you virgins, you old men together with boys. Let them praise the name of Jehovah, for his name alone is unreachably high. His dignity is above earth and heaven.” (Psalm 148:1, 2,12, 13)

    Yes, now and forever, let us praise Jehovah for his great deeds!

    How Would You Answer?




  4.            JEHOVAH                        offers protection especially to the righteous ones that actually seek him, as if we were running into a strong tower for shelter.


    10 "The name of Jehovah is a strong tower.

    Into it the righteous one runs and receives protection."

     ( Proverbs 18:10) NWT 




  5. Can anyone understand the layers of clouds,
    The thundering from his tent? 
    God is greater than we know... 26 God is greater than we can know;
    27 He draws up the drops of water;
    They condense into rain from his mist;
    28 Then the clouds pour it down;
    They shower down upon mankind.
    29 Can anyone understand the layers of clouds,
    The thundering from his tent?
    30 See how he spreads his lightning over it
    31 By these he sustains the peoples;
    He gives them food in abundance.
    32 With his hands he covers the lightning,
    And he directs it against its target.
    33 His thunder tells about him,
     2 Listen carefully to the rumbling of his voice
    And the thunder that comes from his mouth.
     3 He unleashes it under the entire heavens
    And sends his lightning to the ends of the earth."                                    5 God thunders with his voice in a wonderful way;
    He does great things that are beyond our understanding."
    (Job 36,37) NWT 



  6. 1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:



    The REAL question is why are 90% of ALL JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES ignorant of ALL of this.

    The answer is:  They GB thinks we are all wallets and small children, and their complicity in all of this would be exposed, and the financial empire .... AND THEIR JOBS .... would be forfeit.

    James Thomas Rook Jr.

    All who are true followers of Christ will be persecuted. some think not me? WHY? Because they are of no value to the truth, as those Satan attacks ARE persecuted some to death. Abuse is everywhere, I've been physically, emotionally and spiritually abused over 45 years. A man who goes forth with lies will be believed, why? Because there is not two Witnesses! So after almost being killed twice literally, I went to courts for nonsupport. I brought 6 years of taxes and the elders said can't look at those...Even when the court took over 65% of his assets because of his proof of negligence they never did anything to him, he's still in good standing. I was made to look like I was rebellious and liar. As if the Judge could not see the true reality? I am not angry at men, imperfect and ignorant as to the facts. What was being done in the past was illegal also. Every state has laws against abuse, ANY TYPE!! So why so much fear standing up in the congregation? We are supposed to set the example not present problems!! Well, one lesson I have learned, no man will dictate to me to be obedient to abuse or rebellion. I look to Jehovah to clean them out in his "perfect time." He will and already has one of them. The days are wicked, let go of the wicked people and liars, they will be gone forever. If any man or woman is perfect let him step forward. We know soon more will come, the apostasy. Let them be, the son of destruction. Either you love Jehovah or love men! Woman are supposed to be silent, yet, I have learned to speak in a dignified way even if they talk behind my back. Jehovah reads hearts and knows those who love him and worship him correctly. One day all falseness will be gone! Weigh on Jehovah all this! Was not Judas one of the 12 in the beginning? Then he became the traitor. We are only seconds away, don't let go. Remember judgement starts first with the house of God. Jehovah is just and will clean out it all soon, remember even those in the temple selling. As a woman my new motto is: I have no fear Jehovah is near. We just need to rely more on him! You'll see much more soon, the chaff will be cleaned and burned in the fire. Yes not all Witnesses are ignorant, walk on the Road of Holiness, try your best. They is no other road left! Isaiah 35:8-10. Agape ???

    1 Peter 4:17-19.

    17 For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start withthe house of God.+ Now if it startsfirst with us,+ what will theoutcome be for those who are not obedient to the good news of God?+18 “And if the righteous man is being saved with difficulty, what will happen to the ungodly man and thesinner?”+ 19 So, then, let those who are suffering in harmony with thewill of God keep on entrusting*themselves* to a faithful Creator while they are doing good.+


  7. While in Madrid, Spain alone it was a beautiful thing to meet and talk with our sisters. They truly are a worldwide army doing the true work. Photo shared by @jamacajosee


    Shared by @precus_en_boliviaOur service group in the morning at 8am taking a Banana-Break. 

    We had the service meeting at 5:45am and then headed out to small villages far away. 

    It is the only chance to get to speak to most of the people before they go off to work in their fields. 

    We are preaching in the Yungas Territory in Bolivia, 4 out of 6 in the photo are need-greaters.


    Seal Beach, California, USA. Thank you @pioneer_ll


  8. A Widespread Belief - THINK!! - WOULD A GOD OF LOVE TORTURE PEOPLE? -

    Learn from your own Bible the answer! 
    “I had nightmares of burning in hell! I dreamed of being thrown into a fiery place and would wake up screaming. Needless to say, I tried very hard not to sin.”—Arline.

    DO YOU believe that hell is a place of torment reserved for sinners? Many people do. For example, in 2005 a scholar at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland found that a third of the Scottish clergy believed that those separated from God would suffer “eternal mental anguish in hell.” A fifth believed that those in hell would suffer physical torment.

    In many countries, belief in hell is widespread. For instance, in the United States, a Gallup poll conducted in 2007 found that about 70 percent of those surveyed believe in hell. Even in predominantly secular countries, belief in hell lingers. A Gallup poll in 2004 found that in Canada, 42 percent of the people believed in hell. And in Great Britain, 32 percent were sure that hell exists.

    What the Clergy Teach
    Many of the clergy have backed off from teaching that hell is a place of literal fiery torment. Rather, they promote a definition similar to that expressed in a Catechism of the Catholic Church, published in 1994. “The chief punishment of hell,” states that reference, “is eternal separation from God.”

    Even so, belief that hell is a place of mental or physical suffering persists. Those who promote this doctrine claim that such a teaching is based on the Bible. R. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, asserts: “It’s simply a fact of Scripture.”

    Why Does It Matter What You Believe?
    If hell really is a place of torment, you certainly should fear it. However, if this teaching is not true, religious leaders who teach the doctrine create confusion and cause needless mental anguish to those who believe them. They also defame God.

    ROOTS IN PAGAN BELIEFS: The ancient Egyptians believed in a fiery hell. The Book Ȧm-Ṭuat, dated 1375 B.C.E., speaks of those who “shall be cast down headlong into the pits of fire; and . . . shall not escape therefrom, and . . . shall not be able to flee from the flames.” Greek philosopher Plutarch (c.46-120 C.E.) wrote of those in the world below: “[They] raised a cry of wailing as they underwent fearful torments and ignominious and excruciating chastisements.”
    SECTS OF JUDAISM ARE INFECTED: The historian Josephus (37-c.100 C.E.) reported that the Essenes, a Jewish sect, believed that “the souls are immortal, and continue forever.” He added: “This is like the opinion of the Greeks . . . They allot to bad souls a dark and tempestuous den, full of never-ceasing punishments.”


    INTRODUCED INTO “CHRISTIANITY”: In the second century C.E., the apocryphal book Apocalypse of Peter said of the wicked: “There is spread out for them unquenchable fire.” It also stated: “Ezrael, the angel of wrath, brings men and women with the half of their bodies burning and casts them into a place of darkness, the hell of men; and a spirit of wrath chastises them.” During the same time period, writer Theophilus of Antioch quotes the Greek prophetess Sibyl as foretelling the punishments of the wicked: “Upon you burning fire shall come, and ever ye shall daily burn in flames.” These are among the words that Theophilus says are “true, and useful, and just, and profitable to all men.”

    HELLFIRE USED TO JUSTIFY VIOLENCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES: Mary I, queen of England (1553-1558), known as “Bloody Mary” for burning nearly 300 Protestants at the stake, reportedly said: “As the souls of heretics are hereafter to be eternally burning in hell, there can be nothing more proper than for me to imitate the Divine vengeance by burning them on earth.”

    A RECENT DEFINITION: In recent years, some denominations have revised their teaching about hell. For example, the Doctrine Commission of the Church of England said in 1995: “Hell is not eternal torment, but it is the final and irrevocable choosing of that which is opposed to God so completely and so absolutely that the only end is total non-being.”

    What Really Happens at Death?
    Does a dead soul know or feel anything? God’s Word says: “The living know that they are to die, but the dead no longer know anything.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5, NAB) 

    Describing what happens to a man at death, the Bible states: “He returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.” (Psalm 146:4, KJ) If the dead “no longer know anything” and their “thoughts perish,” how could they sense any torment in hell?

    Jesus Christ likened death, not to some form of consciousness, but to sleep.* (John 11:11-14) Some may object, though, saying that Jesus did teach that hell was hot and that sinners would be cast into hellfire. Let us consider what Jesus actually did say about hell.
    READ more at www.jw.org


  9. What Is Materialism? - Can I have Riches Too? ~
    (Luke 12:21)
    "So it goes with the man that lays up treasure for himself but is not rich toward God.” 

    HUMANS are born with the capacity to be spiritually inclined and with a need to worship God. Still, man was created from material elements and has material needs and the capacity to enjoy material things. 

    Some Christians have an abundance of material riches. Is this in itself evidence of materialism and a lack of spirituality? By contrast, are those who are poor less likely to be materialistic and more likely to be spiritually inclined?

    Surely you would agree that materialism involves much more than simply having abundant wealth or possessions. Consider the following Bible examples of what materialism really is and how to avoid the dangers it poses to spirituality.

    Abundance of material possessions; also spiritual qualities, privileges of service, and divine approval.
    Throughout the Scriptures the emphasis is placed, not on the possession of material riches, but on a good standing with Jehovah God, a standing that is maintained by a person’s continuing to do the divine will by faith. Christ Jesus encouraged others to be “rich toward God” (Lu 12:21) and to store up “treasures in heaven.”

    (Matthew 6:20) Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal."

    (Luke 12:33) Sell the things belonging to YOU and give gifts of mercy. Make purses for yourselves that do not wear out, a never-failing treasure in the heavens, where a thief does not get near nor moth consumes."

    An individual’s record of fine works would be like riches deposited with the Creator in heaven, assuring lasting blessings for the one concerned.

    Luke 12:21-30
    "So it goes with the man that lays up treasure for himself but is not rich toward God.” 22 Then he said to his disciples: “On this account I say to YOU, Quit being anxious about YOUR souls as to what YOU will eat or about YOUR bodies as to what YOU will wear. 23 For the soul is worth more than food and the body than clothing. 24 Mark well that the ravens neither sow seed nor reap, and they have neither barn nor storehouse, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more worth are YOU than birds? 25 Who of YOU by being anxious can add a cubit to his life span? 26 If, therefore, YOU cannot do the least thing, why be anxious about the remaining things? 27 Mark well how the lilies grow; they neither toil nor spin; but I tell YOU, Not even Sol′o·mon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these. 28 If, now, God thus clothes the vegetation in the field that today exists and tomorrow is cast into an oven, how much rather will he clothe YOU, YOU with little faith! 29 So quit seeking what YOU might eat and what YOU might drink, and quit being in anxious suspense; 30 for all these are the things the nations of the world are eagerly pursuing, but YOUR Father knows YOU need these things. 31 Nevertheless, seek continually his kingdom, and these things will be added to YOU."



  10. Do You Listen to Strangers for Direction in Life? - You Must Beware of “the Voice of Strangers” - It Will Harm You! ~

    (Isaiah 30:21) And your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: “This is the way. Walk in it, YOU people,” in case YOU people should go to the right or in case YOU should go to the left."

    (Psalm 25:8) 8 Good and upright is Jehovah. That is why he instructs sinners in the way."

    (Deuteronomy 5:32) And YOU people must take care to do just as Jehovah YOUR God has commanded YOU. YOU must not turn to the right or to the left."

    (Joshua 1:7) “Only be courageous and very strong to take care to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn aside from it to the right or to the left, in order that you may act wisely everywhere you go."

    (Proverbs 4:27) Do not incline to the right hand or to the left. Remove your foot from what is bad."

    Understandably, the better we know Jehovah’s voice, or message, the better we can detect the voice of a stranger. The Bible points out how we develop such knowledge. It states: “Your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: ‘This is the way. Walk in it, you people.’” (Isaiah 30:21)

    That “word” behind us comes from the Word of God. Every time we read God’s Word, we hear, as it were, the voice of our Great Shepherd, Jehovah. 

    (Psalm 23:1) . . .Jehovah is my Shepherd. I shall lack nothing. . "

    Hence, the more we study the Bible, the more familiar we become with God’s voice. That intimate knowledge in turn enables us to detect instantly the voice of strangers.

    (Galatians 1:8) . . .However, even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to YOU as good news something beyond what we declared to YOU as good news, let him be accursed."

    What does knowing Jehovah’s voice further involve? Besides hearing, it involves obeying. Note again Isaiah 30:21. God’s Word declares: “This is the way.” 

    Yes, through a study of the Bible, we hear Jehovah’s directions. Next, he commands: “Walk in it.” Jehovah wants us to act on what we hear. Thus, by applying what we learn, we show that we have not simply heard Jehovah’s voice but also listened to it.

    (Deuteronomy 28:1-2) . . .“And it must occur that if you will without fail listen to the voice of Jehovah your God by being careful to do all his commandments that I am commanding you today, Jehovah your God also will certainly put you high above all other nations of the earth. 2 And all these blessings must come upon you and overtake you, because you keep listening to the voice of Jehovah your God"

    Obeying Jehovah’s voice also means obeying Jesus’ voice, for Jehovah himself told us to do so. 

    (Matthew 17:5) . . .While he was yet speaking, look! a bright cloud overshadowed them, and, look! a voice out of the cloud, saying: “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved; listen to him.” 

    What does Jesus, the Fine Shepherd, tell us to do? He teaches us to make disciples and to trust “the faithful and discreet slave.” 

    (Matthew 24:45) . . .Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?"

    (Matthew 28:18-20) . . .And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”

    Obeying his voice means our eternal life.

    (Acts 3:23) . . .Indeed, any soul that does not listen to that Prophet will be completely destroyed from among the people." www.jw.org


    Despite the strong wind


    these brothers live near the North Pole in the Russian frozen tundra 
    sisters take turns with males when feeding wood stove for heating without which it would be impossible to make the meeting


    Sulman, CHAJA, YACUTIA. They have reached 50 degrees below zero


  12. - Let Jehovah Guide you to Rest and Put Confidence in Him! - He Will Save Us from Harm!   

    1. "Jehovah is my Shepherd.
    I will lack nothing.                            

    2   In grassy pastures he makes me lie down;
    He leads me to well-watered resting-places.

    3   He refreshes me.
    He leads me in the paths of righteousness for the sake of his name.

    4   Though I walk in the valley of deep shadow, I fear no harm,
    For you are with me;
    Your rod and your staff reassure me.

    5   You prepare a table for me before my enemies.
    You refresh my head with oil;
    My cup is well-filled.

    6   Surely goodness and loyal love will pursue me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of Jehovah for all my days."
    (Ps. 23:1-6) NWT jw.org 



    "[Peer] into the perfect law that belongs to freedom."—Jas. 1:25

    To prepare his servants for that future freedom, Jehovah gave us what James called “the perfect law that belongs to freedom.” (Read James 1:25.) Other Bibles call it “the law that makes us free” (The New English Bible) and “the perfect law of freedom” (The New American Bible). 

    When people think of law, they usually think of being controlled, not of having freedom. Then, what is “the perfect law that belongs to freedom”? And how does that law make us free?

    “The perfect law” is different from the laws of many countries. It is made up of simple commandments and basic principles that are not too difficult to understand or to follow. (1 John 5:3) Jesus said: “My yoke is kindly and my load is light.” (Matthew 11:29, 30) Also, “the perfect law” has no need for a long list of rules. It is based on love and is written on the minds and hearts of people, not on tablets of stone.—Read Hebrews 8:6, 10.

    Those who obey God’s law of freedom choose to be controlled by God’s spirit, and the result is that they are set free and can have “life and peace.” (Romans 8:5, 6) 

    At James 1:25, we read that “he who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and who persists in it” will be “happy in his doing it.” The Greek word translated “peers” means to bend down to have a closer look at something. This takes effort. 

    So if we want the law of freedom to influence our mind and heart, we must make an effort to study the Bible carefully and regularly and to meditate deeply on what we read.—1 Timothy 4:15.

    At the same time, we must persist, or endure, in applying God’s Word. We must make the truth our way of life. Jesus said something similar to some who believed in him: “If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31, 32) 


  14. "I do not understand what I am doing. For I do not practice what I wish, but I do what I hate."—Rom. 7:15. NWT jw.org

    In his letter to the Romans, Paul wrote about a struggle he himself experienced—a conflict between his flesh and his mind. (Read Romans 7:21-23.

    Paul was not indulging in self-justification or self-pity, as though he were so heavily laden with sin that he could not help himself. After all, he was a mature, spirit-anointed Christian, chosen to be “an apostle to the nations.” (Rom. 1:1;11:13) Why, then, did Paul write about his personal struggle?

    Paul was honestly acknowledging that on his own, he was incapable of doing God’s will to the extent that he himself desired. The reason? “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” he said. (Rom. 3:23)

    As a descendant of Adam, Paul was subject to the effects of sin on the imperfect flesh. We can relate to him because all of us are imperfect and have to face similar struggles every day.

    Moreover, there are many distractions that could divert our attention and take us off ‘the cramped road leading into life.’ (Matt. 7:14)

    However, the situation was not hopeless for Paul, and it is not for us. 

    Paul wrote: “Who will rescue me?Thanks to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Rom. 7:24, 25) Then, he addressed those “in union with Christ Jesus”—anointed Christians. (Read Romans 8:1, 2.) 

    By means of his holy spirit, Jehovah adopts them as sons, calling them to be “joint heirs with Christ.” (Rom. 8:14-17)

    God’s spirit, coupled with their faith in Christ’s ransom sacrifice, enables them to come off victorious in the struggle that Paul described and thus “have no condemnation.” They are set free “from the law of sin and of death.”

    While Paul’s remarks were addressed to anointed Christians, what he said about God’s spirit and Christ’s ransom sacrifice can benefit all servants of Jehovah regardless of the hope they entertain.

    Although Paul was inspired to offer such counsel to anointed Christians, it is vital that all servants of God understand what he wrote and endeavor to benefit from it. 


  15. What It Means To Fix Our Things 
    On The Things Above? 

    Like Our First Century Brothers, We Encounter False Reasonings, Worldly Philosophies, & Materialistic Attitudes In Satan's System of Things .

     5 "For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ." (1 Cor. 10:5) NWT

    As imitators of Jesus, We Need To Be Vigilant In Guarding Such Attacks On Our Spirituality.


  16. Throw All Your Anxiety on Jehovah 

    What can we do when we are overwhelmed with feelings of anxiety?  Our loving Heavenly Father came to the aid of his servants of the past, & today he makes it possible for us to gain considerable relief from distress or anxiety. 

    The Bible urges us:

    6 "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time,"

    7 "while you throw all your anxiety
    on him, because he cares for you."
    (1 Peter 5:6,7) NWT 

    Consider ways that you can do-so by means of heart felt prayer, by reading God's Word and mediating on it, by tapping into Jehovah's Holy Spirit & by sharing your feelings with a trusted confidant. 


  17. LUKE
    A physician and faithful companion of the apostle Paul. He was the writer of the Gospel of Luke and of the Acts of Apostles. That Luke was well educated is apparent from his writings. Also, his background as a doctor is noticeable in his use of medical terms.—Lu 4:38; Ac 28:8.

    Luke did not speak of himself as an eyewitness of the events in the life of Christ that are recorded in his Gospel account. (Lu 1:2) So, he apparently became a believer sometime after Pentecost of 33 C.E.

    In the book of Acts, Luke is referred to in an indirect way by the use of the pronouns “we” and “us.” (Ac 16:10-17;20:5–21:18; 27:1–28:16) He was with Paul at Troas on the apostle’s second missionary tour and accompanied him from there to Philippi, where he may have remained until Paul’s return on his third missionary journey. 

    Luke accompanied Paul to Judea at the end of that missionary tour (Ac 21:7, 8, 15), and while the apostle was imprisoned for about two years at Caesarea, Luke probably wrote his Gospel account there (c. 56-58 C.E.). He accompanied Paul on his trip to Rome for trial. (Ac 27:1;28:16) Since the book of Acts covers events from 33 C.E. down through two years of Paul’s imprisonment in Rome but does not record the outcome of Paul’s appeal to Caesar, Luke likely completed the book of Acts there by about 61 C.E.

    Luke joined Paul in sending greetings to Christians at Colossae when Paul wrote to them from Rome (c. 60-61 C.E.), and the apostle identified him as “the beloved physician.” (Col 4:14) In writing to Philemon from Rome (c. 60-61 C.E.), Paul included greetings from Luke (Lucas, KJ), referring to him as one of his “fellow workers.” (Phm 24) That Luke stuck close to Paul and was with him shortly before the apostle’s martyrdom is evident from Paul’s remark, “Luke alone is with me.”—2Ti 4:11.

    Some hold that Luke was a Gentile, basing this mainly on Colossians 4:11, 14. Because Paul first mentioned “those circumcised” (Col 4:11) and later referred to Luke (Col 4:14), the implication is drawn that Luke was not of the circumcision and hence was not a Jew. But this is by no means conclusive. Romans 3:1, 2 states that God entrusted his inspired utterances to the Jews. Luke is one of those to whom such inspired utterances were entrusted.

    The Scriptures likewise furnish no basis for identifying Luke with the Lucius mentioned at Acts 13:1 or Paul’s ‘relative’ of the same name referred to at Romans 16:21.

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