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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Jehovah is with you wherever you go

    9 "Have I not commanded you? Be courageous and strong. Do not be struck with terror or fear, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) 

    JEHOVAH’S service brings us joy. Yet, we do face hardships common to mankind, and we may “suffer for the sake of righteousness.” (1 Pet. 3:14;5:8, 9; 1 Cor. 10:13) To cope with such trials successfully, we need faith and courage.

    Courage has been defined as “spiritual, emotional, and moral fortitude to speak and act without fear in the face of obstacles and dangers."

    To have the courage needed to do God’s will, we must study and apply his Word. 

    Jesus, early Christians courageously rendered worship only to Jehovah. (Matt. 4:8-10)

    They refused to burn incense in honor of the Roman emperor. (See picture.) “Very few of the Christians recanted,” wrote Daniel P. Mannix, “although an altar with a fire burning on it was generally kept in the arena for their convenience.

    All a prisoner had to do was scatter a pinch of incense on the flame and he was given a Certificate of Sacrifice and turned free. It was also carefully explained to him that he was not worshiping the emperor; merely acknowledging the divine character of the emperor as head of the Roman state. Still, almost no Christians availed themselves of the chance to escape.”—Those About to Die.

    Modern Christians held in Nazi concentration camps with possible death facing them were given repeated opportunities to gain their freedom by signing a declaration renouncing Jehovah. But few signed.

    Risking death during a genocide in Rwanda in recent times, Tutsi and Hutu Witnesses protected one another. Such trials call for courage and faith.

    It is challenging to pursue a godly course in the face of trials that beset us in this evil and troubled world.

    However, we are not alone. God is with us. So is his Son, the Head of the congregation. We also have over 8,340,982 fellow Witnesses of Jehovah worldwide. With them, let us keep on exercising faith and declaring the good news. jw.org 





    Satan wants you to turn back on Jehovah 

    Each day that you remain loyal to Jehovah is another day you have helped to furnish a reply to Satan's taunts 

    13 "But the one who has endured
    to the end will be saved."

    11 "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, So that I can make a reply to him who taunts me."
     (Proverbs 27:11) NWT


  3. Jehovah asked Job on his creation wonders, like the snow? Where does it come from? Where are his storehouses of snow and hail for war? Do you know?                                              

    38 Then Jehovah answered Job out of the windstorm:                      

    2 “Who is this who is obscuring my counsel And speaking without knowledge?

    3 Brace yourself, please, like a man; I will question you, and you inform me."

    4 Where were you when I founded the earth?"
    Tell me, if you think you understand?"

    22 "Have you entered the storehouses of the snow,
    Or have you seen the storehouses of the hail,".             

    23 Which I have reserved for the time of distress,
    For the day of battle and war?"

    (Job 38:1-4,22,23) jw.org





    A Sacred Secret that should interest us and why

    SECRETS They intrigue, fascinate Humans who have difficulty keeping them confidential 

    AS SOVEREIGN RULER & CREATOR, Jehovah rightfully keeps some things secret from mankind until it is his due time to reveal them.


    "It is the glory of God to keep a matter secret,

    And the glory of kings is to search through a matter."

    (Proverbs 25:2) NWT




  5. How Complete Does 
    Jehovah Forgive?

    Have full confidence in the God who carries away the sins of those who seek his forgiveness on the basis of their faith in Jesus Ransom Sacrifice 

    28 "Just as the Son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister
    and to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many.”
    ( Matthew 20:28) NWT 


  6. 5 hours ago, Arauna said:

    Searcing for the truth!  I went to several churches to search for the truth and attended lectures by theologians at university. I was not impressed. I was reading the bible - a lot. I found scriptures which refuted the trinity and asked a professor about it. He gave me a book to read..  which did not answer my questions..  I then met a little old lady at the library and my life changed forever!

    Arauna: Wonderful! Jehovah found you too! ??❤️

  7. :/ 

    My 2 cents? It's a protester crying for peace when there is none! Many have ran to the streets to demonstrate or rebell in malls or protest anything in the last days of this wicked world. White and black blame each other. Respect is nowhere, as we see Satan stirs up the many to be mislead and will continue his control. 

    As a consequence of Satan’s activities, the condition foretold by the prophet Isaiah now applies to all mankind except for those who serve Jehovah: “Look! darkness itself will cover the earth, and thick gloom the national groups.”—Isaiah 60:2.

    In dense darkness it is impossible to see anything. One easily becomes lost or disoriented. Similarly, those in spiritual darkness lack perception and soon become disoriented in a spiritual sense. They can lose the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, good from bad. The prophet Isaiah spoke of those in such darkness when he wrote: “Woe to those who are saying that good is bad and bad is good, those who are putting darkness for light and light for darkness, those who are putting bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20) Those who dwell in spiritual darkness are being influenced by the god of the darkness, Satan the Devil, and consequently they are alienated from the source of light and life.—Ephesians 4:17-19.

    No hope, no solution! Yet they still look to men and governments. Hoping it will change. Anxiety? For some, they will die for the cause of their rebellion! Yet we know the "father of the lie" petitions them on in rebellion instead of wanting them to look to God for answers. 

    My 2 cents? It's a protester crying for peace when there is none! Many have ran to the streets to demonstrate or rebell in malls or protest anything in the last days of this wicked world. White and black blame each other. Respect is nowhere, as we see Satan stirs up the many to be mislead and will continue his control. 

    As a consequence of Satan’s activities, the condition foretold by the prophet Isaiah now applies to all mankind except for those who serve Jehovah: “Look! darkness itself will cover the earth, and thick gloom the national groups.”—Isaiah 60:2.

    In dense darkness it is impossible to see anything. One easily becomes lost or disoriented. Similarly, those in spiritual darkness lack perception and soon become disoriented in a spiritual sense. They can lose the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, good from bad. The prophet Isaiah spoke of those in such darkness when he wrote: “Woe to those who are saying that good is bad and bad is good, those who are putting darkness for light and light for darkness, those who are putting bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20) Those who dwell in spiritual darkness are being influenced by the god of the darkness, Satan the Devil, and consequently they are alienated from the source of light and life.—Ephesians 4:17-19.

    No hope, no solution! Yet they still look to men and governments. Hoping it will change. Anxiety? For some, they will die for the cause of their rebellion! Yet we know the "father of the lie" petitions them on in rebellion instead of wanting them to look to God for answers. 


    Love, patience, peace, courage, faith, motivation, forgiveness, etc pick one.

    We all fall short of God's requirements, we need to wise not in our own eyes but in Jehovah's eyes. 

    Having chosen the path of life, the individual should recognize Jehovah’s keen interest in him. 

    Proverbs reminds us that Jehovah’s eyes “are in every place, keeping watch upon the bad ones and the good ones.” (Pr 15:3) “For the ways of man are in front of the eyes of Jehovah, and he is contemplating all his tracks.” (5:21) 

    Not only what he appears to be outwardly but also his heart is examined by Jehovah. (17:3) “Jehovah is making an estimate of hearts” (21:2), and He weighs the true value of the thinking, motivation, and inmost desires of the person.

    One ‘taking refuge’ in Jehovah’s name (understanding and acknowledging that name for all that it represents) will find it to be like a strong tower, a place to which, in ancient times, people fled for safety from the enemy.—Pr 18:10;29:25.

    Humility before Jehovah brings “riches and glory and life.” (Pr 22:4) Mercy and truth are what he desires; these are more valuable than sacrifice. 

    Those who turn from bad, who fear Jehovah, and who serve him in this manner will not receive his adverse judgment. (Pr 16:6; compare 1Sa 15:22.) 

    By knowing Jehovah’s ways, one can follow “the entire course of what is good.”—Pr 2:9.

    Proverbs goes deep, into the heart as affecting thinking and motivation, into the spirit or mental inclination, and into the soul as comprising every fiber of one’s being and personality. (Heb 4:12) 

    Even though a man may think he is right, or may justify himself in his actions, ‘all the ways of a man being pure in his own eyes,’ Proverbs 16:2 reminds us that “Jehovah is making an estimate of spirits” and so knows what one’s disposition is. 

    Might or power is highly prized in the world, but “he that is slow to anger is better than a mighty man, and he that is controlling his spirit than the one capturing a city.”—Pr 16:32.

    Wisdom, along with understanding, is the prime thing (4:5-8; 16:16)

    Essentials for gaining wisdom (2:1-9;13:20)

    Benefits that come from wisdom, such as security, protection, honor, and a longer, happier life (2:10-21; 3:13-26,35; 9:10-12; 24:3-6, 13, 14)

    Wisdom personified was Jehovah’s coworker (8:22-31)

    The bitter consequences for failing to act wisely (1:24-32; 2:22; 6:12-15)


    Trust in Jehovah (3:5, 6; 16:20; 18:10;29:25)

    Fear him and shun badness (3:7; 10:27;14:26, 27; 16:6; 19:23)

    Honor him, supporting true worship (3:9, 10)

    Accept his discipline as an expression of love (3:11, 12)

    Show appreciation for his word (3:1-4;30:5, 6)

    Find out what Jehovah hates and act in harmony with this knowledge (6:16-19;11:20; 12:22; 16:5; 17:15; 28:9)

    If we please Jehovah, he will care for us, protect us, and hear our prayers (10:3,9, 30; 15:29; 16:3)


    Respond properly to discipline, reproof, counsel (13:18; 15:10; 19:20; 27:5, 6)

    Be a true friend (17:17; 18:24; 19:4;27:9, 10)

    Be discreet in accepting hospitality (23:1-3, 6-8; 25:17)

    Materialism is vain (11:28; 23:4, 5;28:20, 22)

    Hard work brings blessings (12:11;28:19)

    Cultivate honest business practices (11:1; 16:11; 20:10, 23)

    Beware of going surety for others, especially for strangers (6:1-5; 11:15;22:26, 27)

    Shun unwholesome speech; be sure your speech is upbuilding (10:18-21, 31, 32; 11:13; 12:17-19; 15:1, 2, 4, 28;16:24; 18:8)

    Flattery is treacherous (28:23; 29:5)

    Avoid quarrels (3:30; 17:14; 20:3; 26:17)

    Shun bad associations (1:10-19; 4:14-19; 22:24, 25)

    Learn to deal wisely with ridiculers as well as with foolish ones (9:7, 8; 19:25;22:10; 26:4, 5)

    Avoid the pitfalls of strong drink (20:1;23:29-35; 31:4-7)

    Do not envy the wicked (3:31-34; 23:17, 18; 24:19, 20)





  9. Do you feel like a butterfly? Elusive? Or have Nervousness and Excitement may make you run the other way when speaking to others? 

    1• butterflies, (used with a pluralverb) Informal. a queasy feeling,as from nervousness, excitement, etc.

    What do you need to do?
    Be yourself—conversational, sincere, and unaffected.

    Why is it important?
    If you are nervous, stiff, or awkward in your speech because of being self-conscious, others may be distracted from what you say.

    EXPRESSING yourself in a natural manner helps you win   the confidence of others. 

    Naturalness should not be confused with carelessness. Poor grammar, wrong pronunciation, and muffled speech are not appropriate. Slang should also be avoided. We always want to manifest appropriate dignity, both in our speech and in our bearing. 

    Someone who manifests such naturalness is neither overly formal nor overly concerned about impressing others.

    When you approach a house or step up to someone in a public place with a view to giving a witness, do you feel nervous? 

    Most of us do, but for some the feeling is more persistent than for others. 

    Tension may cause the voice to sound somewhat strained or shaky, or nervousness may manifest itself in awkward movements of the hands or     the head.

    If you get nervous before engaging in the ministry, what can help? Careful preparation and fervent prayer to Jehovah. (Acts 4:29) 

    Think about Jehovah’s great mercy in inviting people to enjoy perfect health and eternal life in Paradise. 

    Think about those whom you are endeavoring to help and their need to hear the good news.

    When giving a witness, if you act and speak as you do every day, this will put your listeners at ease. 

    They may even be more receptive to the Scriptural thoughts that you want to share with them. Rather than giving them a formal discourse, converse with them. Be friendly. Show an interest!


    •  Speak in your everyday manner. Focus your thoughts, not on yourself, but on Jehovah and on the need for people to learn about him.

    • When preparing a talk, give principal attention to ideas, not precise wording.

    • When delivering a talk and when speaking in everyday conversation, avoid careless speech habits as well as the tendency to use speech qualities in a manner that draws attention to yourself.

    • Prepare well for public reading. Read with feeling and a keen awareness of meaning.

    • Don't be an Elusive butterfly, move forward, display love and strength to speak the Words of Truth. Open your heart and your love for others, pray for help if doubting or have fear. We have the God of the Universe behind us, Christ and the Holy Spirit, we can't fail. Muster up courage. Replant your garden, you will grow into a wonderful person and you will find many more blessings from Jehovah! 

    “Remember this, that you people may muster up courage. Lay it to heart, you transgressors. Remember the first things of a long time ago, that I am the Divine One and there is no other God, nor anyone like me.” (Isaiah 46:8, 9) NWT  jw.org

    "I see you and so do others and Jehovah!" You are beautiful what you've become and you have much more joy and happiness helping yourself and others."          ???????



  10. 19 hours ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    Why not!!................I think that is a terrific idea???

    John: Now that my children are grown, it's time to see the world! Love visiting the Brothers and Sisters all over the world! 

    Agape, Bible Speaks ???

  11. Enhance Your Ability to Select    the Right Words Selecting the proper words involves mental effort and good judgement 

    Even Wise King Solomon "pondered and made a through search" in order to find  accurate words of truth. 

    Do you find it's often a challenge to come up with "delightful words?"

    If so you may need to enlarge your vocabulary. 

    One way to do this is to take a note of how words are used in the Bible & even in our Christian publications.

    9 "Not only had the congregator become wise but he continually taught the people what he knew,
    and he pondered and made a thorough search in order to compile many proverbs."

     10 "The congregator sought to find delightful words and to record accurate words of truth."
    (Ecclesiastes 12:9,10) NWT  jw.org


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