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Bible Speaks

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Everything posted by Bible Speaks

  1. You see more cleavage in a bathing suit, correct? Modesty is what we should have everyday! My 2 cents! ???
  2. James: I understand you having humor! We need to "smile" admist a wicked world. All my life I was raised very strict on Jehovah and his ways. This grounds me to many of the worlds ways. Much today is only meant to break our integrity to Jehovah and his Government under Christ. I pray for so many having problems and attacks by Satan and his enemies. Yes life will be better soon! Thank you for responding and I know you are a respected member. I will just leave you with some encouragement from an article I read on the end of this wicked world if you don't mind me? --------------------------------------- Jesus states in his prophecy about the conclusion of this system of things: “There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and its agitation. People will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” (Luke 21:25-27. Will the fulfillment of this prophecy include frightening signs and events in the literal heavens? We will have to wait and see. But whatever the case, the signs will cause terror and panic in the hearts of God’s enemies. he resulting war of Armageddon will lead to the magnifying of Jehovah’s holy name. (Rev. 16:16) At that time, all goatlike ones “will depart into everlasting cutting-off.” The earth will finally be cleansed of all wickedness, and the great crowd will pass through the final part of the great tribulation. With these exciting events ahead of us, what should each of us now be doing? The apostle Peter was inspired to write: “Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, consider what sort of people you ought to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, as you await and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah . . . Therefore, beloved ones, since you are awaiting these things, do your utmost to be found finally by him spotless and unblemished and in peace.” (2 Pet. 3:11, 12, 14) Let us, then, be resolved to remain spiritually clean, supporting the King of Peace. Thank you, James Thomas ???
  3. James: Perhaps you have a wrong conception of this site and post? We love one another and are grateful for pictures around the world that encourage us and help others to learn more about Jehovah God. No matter who is President, Jesus Christ is King. Some of "the Bride" are still on earth. We know that. So we know that administration will be true and bring blessings to all mankind. Are you not grateful for that administration? No human government can bring peace and happiness to humankind. If a picture shows one of this "Bride", no worries you may never see this person again if indeed he dies and goes to heaven to rule with Christ. We respect and men and women of all "sorts". Gratitude is humbling and so is love and respect for others. If this picture upset you, just scroll by? It might be your personal opinion but not of the majority. May you find peace and joy in this New Government by Christ as God's King Designate. Bible Speaks ???
  4. Blind Boy: Some people enjoy photos, some do not have iPads or iPhones to upload videos like they want. A picture says a thousand words. Be joyful in any encouragement you receive these days. The end is soon. So love, kindness and understanding to others. Both ways will work this site goes all around the world, I am joyful and thank Jehovah for any encouragement or picture or video that we can share. We are a united people, be happy and show love for others. Your name might change right? Bible Speaks ???
  5. Michael: I also raised four children. I had to set a good example, my husband was not a spiritual man and didn't study with the children. I could not usurp his position before God as the head of the house. I tried my best to teach them by example and I see now they are grown it was very good for them. I was raised as a Witness and loved to teach and help people. I taught my children to love others too. Even that quality of Jehovah is one of his greatest attributes. If there is Love that is the laws fulfillment. So children mimic what they see. I was not a perfect parent, but love I learned from my Father, Jehovah, if that's all a child learns that will complete them. My four children are grown, one at Bethel, one an Elder, one a MS servant, one a full time pioneer, her husband an Elder. I would say, love Jehovah, love your children, set a good example, if as a man you direct them to grow and mature in a Godly way, then you will have success. If you can't do much, love is the laws fulfillment and that in itself will be the nurturing direction and you will be blessed. That was my experience from a 45 year marriage. Thank you, Bible Speaks ???
  6. What is important in your life? What Highway are YOU on? Hopefully the Highway of Holiness? (Isaiah 35:9-10) 35:8 "And a highway will be there, Yes, a way called the Way of Holiness. The unclean one will not travel on it. It is reserved for the one walking on the way; No one foolish will stray onto it. 9 No lion will be there, And no vicious wild beasts will come on it. They will not be found there; Only the repurchased ones will walk there. 10 Those redeemed by Jehovah will return and come to Zion with a joyful cry. Unending joy will crown their heads. Exultation and rejoicing will be theirs, And grief and sighing will flee away." NWT jw.org
  7. 8 “Remember, please, the word that you commanded your servant Moses: ‘If you act unfaithfully, I will scatter you among the peoples. 9 But if you return to me and observe my commandments and obey them, though your dispersed people should be at the end of the heavens, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place that I have chosen to have my name reside.’" (Neh.1:8,9) 68 "And Jehovah will certainly bring you back to Egypt by ship, by the way that I told you, ‘You will never see it again, and there you will have to sell yourselves to your enemies as male and female slaves, but there will be no buyer.” (Deut.68:28) NWT jw.org Tap screen for sound ? IMG_7323.MOV
  8. 16 "There are six things that Jehovah hates; Yes, seven things that he detests: 17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart plotting wicked schemes, and feet that run quickly to evil, 19 A false witness who lies with every breath, And anyone sowing contentions among brothers." (Proverbs 6:17-19) NWT jw.org
  9. 17 "Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, coming down from the Father of the celestial lights, who does not vary or change like the shifting shadows." (James 1:17) NWT jw.org
  10. Have Faith in God’s Prophetic Word! “We have the prophetic word made more sure.”—2 Peter 1:19. "In the days of those kings,” said the prophecy, “the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite.” (Daniel 2:44) When “the appointed times of the nations” ended in 1914, God established the heavenly Kingdom under Christ. (Luke 21:24;Revelation 12:1-5) By divine power the Messianic Kingdom “stone” was then cut out of the “mountain” of God’s universal sovereignty. At Armageddon that stone will strike the image and grind it to powder. As a governmental mountain affecting “the whole earth,” the Messianic Kingdom will stand forever.—Daniel 2:35, 45; Revelation 16:14, 16. What are the prospects of loyal supporters of the anointed? They too have faith in God’s prophetic word, and their hope rests on entering the earthly Paradise. (Luke 23:39-43) There they will drink from a life-sustaining “river of water of life” and will find healing from “the leaves of the trees” planted alongside it. (Revelation 22:1, 2) If you have such a wonderful hope, may you continue to demonstrate deep love for Jehovah and faith in his prophetic word. May you be among those who experience the unbounded joy of everlasting life in the Paradise earth. The meek will inhabit the earth, and “they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” (Psalm 37:11)
  11. Psalm 97:10 10 "O you who love Jehovah, hate what is bad. He is guarding the lives of his loyal ones; He rescues them from the hand of the wicked." Jehovah is the rightful Sovereign, worthy of worship and praise. “You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth,” we read at Psalm 83:18. Several psalms praise Jehovah for his works of creation, such as the starry heavens, the wonders of life on earth, and the marvels of the human body. (Psalms 8, 19, 139, 148) Others glorify Jehovah as the God who acts to save and protect those loyal to him. (Psalms 18,138) Psalm 97. Still others exalt him as the God of justice, who brings relief to the oppressed and punishment to the wicked.—Psalms 11,68, 146. Jehovah brings help and comfort to those who love him. Perhaps the most famous psalm is the 23rd, in which David describes Jehovah as a loving Shepherd, who guides, protects, and cares for his sheep. Psalm 65:2 reminds God’s worshippers that Jehovah is the “Hearer of prayer.” Many who have fallen into serious wrongdoing have found great comfort in Psalms 39 and 51, where David puts his repentance over grave errors into heartfelt words and expresses his faith in Jehovah’s forgiveness. Psalm 55:22 contains an exhortation to trust in Jehovah and to put all personal burdens on Him.
  12. Preserve the Positive Spirit of the Congregation 10 "Now I urge you, brothers, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you should all speak in agreement and that there should be no divisions among you, but that you may be completely united in the same mind and in the same line of thought." Each congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses today shows a certain spirit, or general attitude. Some congregations are known for being kind and loving. Others show great zeal in supporting the preaching work and the full-time ministry. When all of us work hard to have a good attitude, we help the congregation to remain united and to keep its good spirit. But when individuals have a bad attitude, this may influence those in the congregation to do less in God’s service, lose zeal for the ministry, and even tolerate serious sin. (1 Corinthians 5:1; Revelation 3:15, 16) What spirit does your congregation show? How can you help to encourage a good spirit in the congregation? ENCOURAGE A GOOD SPIRIT IN THE CONGREGATION When we are hospitable to our brothers and sisters, we also encourage love in the congregation. In the final chapter of his letter to the Hebrews, Paul wrote: “Let your brotherly love continue. Do not forget hospitality.” (Hebrews 13:1, 2) Friendship and confidentiality also strengthen the love among our brothers and sisters BE ENTHUSIASTIC IN THE MINISTRY If we want the congregation to have a good spirit, we should have zeal, or enthusiasm, for the field service. DO NOT COMPLAIN OR HIDE SERIOUS SIN ENCOURAGE “THE ONENESS OF THE SPIRIT” When we obey the instruction that Jehovah’s organization gives us from the Bible and follow the direction of the elders, we show that we are “earnestly endeavoring to observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace.”—Ephesians 4:3. SOME EXPRESSIONS EXPLAINED • Spirit of the congregation: attitude of the congregation • Oneness of the spirit: unity • Zeal for the ministry: enthusiasm for field service • Murmuring: to make a habit of complaining jw.org
  13. ARchiv@L: Not following directions though? We must respect guidelines. I shared it, then people complained so I took it down. I know Jehovah will give us everything at the right time. Agape, Bible Speaks ???
  14. 17 "For Jehovah your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the God great, mighty, and awe-inspiring, who treats none with partiality and does not accept a bribe." (Deuteronomy 10:17) NWT jw.org
  15. 8 "Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love." (1 John 4:8) NWT jw.org
  16. “In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, even Jehovah himself would take me up.” (Psalm 27:10) NWT jw.org IMG_7072.MP4
  17. "I will wait all the days of my compulsory serviceUntil my relief comes. You will call, and I will answer you. You will long for the work of your hands."(Job 14:14,15). jw.org
  18. It that a Witness site? Some people are upset it's not on jw.org? Is it legit? Thank you,
  19. The Ark is considered the greatest of all hidden treasures and its discovery would provide indisputable truth that the Old Testament is hard fact. Its recovery remains the goal of every modern archaeologist and adventurer. Its purpose was as a container for the ten commandments given on stone tablets by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. According to the book of Exodus, the Ark is made of shittim wood (similar to acacia) and gold-covered inside and out. It was topped by a mercy seat comprising two cherubs also made of gold. It was believed to have powers due to several events, including causing the death of a man, who attempted to steady the Ark as the oxen hauling it stumbled, bringing down the walls of Jericho in one battle, and showering misfortune on the Philistines after they captured it in another. There are several speculations around the final resting place of the Ark, and whilst it would take a shrewd operator to find it, it would need a brave or even foolhardy person to open it!
  20. God's Witnesses in Ancient Times Israelite parents witnessed by teaching their children about God's dealings with their forefathers When to instructed to observe the Passover each the people were told: 26 "And when your sons ask you, ‘What does this observance mean to you?’" 27 "you must say, ‘It is the sacrifice of the Passover to Jehovah, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt when he plagued the Egyptians, but he spared our houses.’” Then the people bowed low and prostrated themselves." ( Exodus 12:26,27) NWT Parents may also have explained to their children that when Moses first approached Egypt's ruler to ask permission for the Israelites to worship Jehovah in the wilderness: "But Pharʹaoh said: “Who is Jehovah, that I should obey his voice to send Israel away? I do not know Jehovah at all, and what is more, I will not send Israel away.” (Exodus 5:2) NWT jw.org
  21. The Bible was written over 1600 years. It's history & prophecy are linked to seven world powers. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medical-Persia, Greece, Rome, and Anglo- America. The Bible is trustworthy & reliable & inspired of God & its message is one of hope for the end to the suffering caused by human misrule. 16 "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness," 17 "so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16,17) NWT jw.org https://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/view-bible-tract/how-do-you-view-the-bible/#?insight[search_id]=02748435-f773-4159-bbf0-8925c08f73b0&insight[search_result_index]=6
  22. 3 "From far away Jehovah appeared to me and said: “I have loved you with an everlasting love. That is why I have drawn you to me with loyal love." (Jeremiah 31:3) NWT jw.org
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