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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. The Ark is considered the greatest of all hidden treasures and its discovery would provide indisputable truth that the Old Testament is hard fact. Its recovery remains the goal of every modern archaeologist and adventurer. Its purpose was as a container for the ten commandments given on stone tablets by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. According to the book of Exodus, the Ark is made of shittim wood (similar to acacia) and gold-covered inside and out. It was topped by a mercy seat comprising two cherubs also made of gold. It was believed to have powers due to several events, including causing the death of a man, who attempted to steady the Ark as the oxen hauling it stumbled, bringing down the walls of Jericho in one battle, and showering misfortune on the Philistines after they captured it in another. There are several speculations around the final resting place of the Ark, and whilst it would take a shrewd operator to find it, it would need a brave or even foolhardy person to open it!




  2. God's Witnesses in Ancient Times

    Israelite parents witnessed by teaching their children about God's dealings with their forefathers 

    When to instructed to observe the Passover each the people were told:

     26 "And when your sons ask you, ‘What does this observance mean to you?’" 27 "you must say, ‘It is the sacrifice of the Passover to Jehovah, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt when he plagued the Egyptians, but he spared our houses.’” Then the people bowed low and prostrated themselves."
    ( Exodus 12:26,27) NWT

    Parents may also have explained to their children that when Moses first approached Egypt's ruler to ask permission for the Israelites to worship Jehovah in the wilderness:

    "But Pharʹaoh said: “Who is Jehovah, that I should obey his voice to send Israel away? I do not know Jehovah at all, and what is more, I will not send Israel away.”
    (Exodus 5:2) NWT jw.org


  3. The Bible was written over 1600 years.
    It's history & prophecy are   linked to seven world powers.
    Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medical-Persia, Greece, Rome, and Anglo- America.

    The Bible is trustworthy & reliable & inspired of God & its message is one of hope for the end to the suffering caused by human misrule. 

    16 "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,"

     17 "so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."
    (2 Timothy 3:16,17) NWT jw.org



  4. Pray to a Star or to the Creator Who Will Hear You? ?? ?? ??

    The vastness of the stellar creation adds infinite force and meaning to the Creator’s statement at Isaiah 40:26: “Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one of them is missing.” (Compare Ps 147:4.) 

    The reverent psalmist was led to say: “When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared, what is mortal man that you keep him in mind, and the son of earthling man that you take care of him?”—Ps 8:3, 4.

    The tremendous forces that determine the relative positions of certain stars according to physical laws are indicated by God’s questions to Job: “Can you tie fast the bonds of the Kimah constellation, or can you loosen the very cords of the Kesil constellation? Can you bring forth the Mazzaroth constellation in its appointed time? And as for the Ash constellation alongside its sons, can you conduct them? Have you come to know the statutes of the heavens, or could you put its authority in the earth?” (Job 38:31-33; 

    4 "He counts the number of the stars; He calls all of them by name."
      ( Psalms 147:4)

    The reverent psalmist was led to say: “When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared, what is mortal man that you keep him in mind, and the son of earthling man that you take care of him?”—Ps 8:3, 4. jw.org



  5. Life in New England - Winter Wonderland! ❄️?❄️☃️    

    10 "For just as the rain and the snow pour down from heaven
    And do not return there until they saturate the earth, making it produce and sprout,"
    Giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
    11 "So my word that goes out of my mouth will be. It will not return to me without results,
    But it will certainly accomplish whatever is my delight,
    And it will have sure success in what I send it to do." (Isaiah 55:10,11)                                                 I do Wonder!! ❄️?☃️      

    ╭╰ტ ტ ╯╮/¸✿
    ♥❤ !!!♥•ƸӜƷ•♥!!! ❤♥ 



  6. Who Made the Laws That Govern Our Universe?
    “HAVE you grasped the celestial laws?” (Job 38:33, The New Jerusalem Bible) 

    About a century after the writing of the Old Testament—the Hebrew portion of the Bible—was completed. At that time, the Greek philosopher Aristotle was teaching the leading scholars of his day about the physical heavens. Today, he is still ranked among the most influential scientists who ever lived. 

    Aristotle carefully worked out a model for the cosmos. He proposed a system in which the earth was at the center of a universe made of over 50 crystalline spheres, one nestled inside the other. The stars were affixed to the outermost sphere, the planets to spheres nearer the earth. Everything beyond earth was eternal, changeless. Those ideas may sound fanciful to us today, but they influenced men of science for some 2,000 years.

    1. Is the Universe Rigid?
    Aristotle reasoned that the celestial spheres were rigid. The one holding the stars in place, like the others, could neither shrink nor expand.
    Does the Bible offer a similar conjecture? No; it states nothing dogmatically on this point. However, note the interesting word picture that it presents: “There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth, the dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine gauze, who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell.”—Isaiah 40:22.*

    2. What Holds the Heavenly Bodies in Place?
    To Aristotle, the universe was packed full. He saw the earth and its atmosphere as composed of four elements—earth, water, air, and fire. The universe beyond was filled with crystalline spheres, all composed of an eternal substance he called ether. The heavenly bodies were attached to the invisible spheres. Aristotle’s idea long appealed to most men of science, for it seemed to fit a basic assumption: An object must rest on or be attached to something, or else it will fall.

    What about the Bible? It contains a record of the words of a faithful man named Job, who said about Jehovah: “He is . . . hanging the earth upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) Such a notion would surely have struck Aristotle as preposterous.

    3. Eternal or Subject to Decay?
    Aristotle believed that there was an enormous distinction between the heavens and the earth. The earth, he said, is subject to change, decay, and deterioration, whereas the ether of which the starry heavens are made is utterly changeless, eternal. Aristotle’s crystalline spheres and the heavenly bodies attached to them could never change, wear out, or die.

    Is that what the Bible teaches? Psalm 102:25-27 reads: “Long ago you laid the foundations of the earth itself, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They themselves will perish, but you yourself will keep standing; and just like a garment they will all of them wear out. Just like clothing you will replace them, and they will finish their turn. But you are the same, and your own years will not be completed.”

    Does the Bible teach that the earth or the starry heavens as a whole will one day come to an end or need replacing?’ 

    No, the Bible promises that they will last forever. (Psalm 104:5; 119:90) But that is not because such creations are eternal in themselves; rather, the God who created them promises to sustain them. (Psalm 148:4-6) 

    Who Should Get the Glory and the Honor? Without question, then, we have all the reasons in the universe to give Jehovah “the glory and the honor.”—Revelation 4:11. jw.org



  7. Doomsday Clock Inches Closer to Midnight – Now 2.5 Minutes

    Thu, 01/26/2017 - 10:29am34 Commentsby  Seth Augenstein - Senior Science Writer - 


    Photo: Bulletin of Atomic Scientists 

    The world has inched closer to global disaster, according to the latest update to the Doomsday Clock.

    The Clock was advanced 30 seconds forward this morning, to “two and a half minutes to midnight,” during the annual Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announcement at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

    The reason was continued nuclear proliferation and climate change, after it had remained at three minutes to midnight for two consecutive years.

    But one major factor is additional international political upheaval.

    “The political situation in the United States is of particular concern,” the Bulletin board said, at the press conference and in an op-ed. “Making matters worse, the United States now has a president who has promised to impede progress on both of those fronts (nuclear and climate).”

    They cited the ascendancy of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America just last week. Ever since last Friday, Trump has been constantly followed by an aide carrying the nuclear “football,” to launch global thermonuclear war within minutes.

    Trump, like past presidents, has not ruled out first use by the U.S.A.

    “I’d be the last one to use the nuclear weapons, because that’s sort of like the end of the ballgame,” Trump said at a town hall on the campaign trail last March.

    Russia, which interceded on behalf of Trump in the November election, has 1,800 missiles active capable of striking North America. Some 1,400 U.S. warheads are pointed in the opposite direction. 

    The Doomsday Clock was founded by a group of scientists at the height of the Cold War, in 1947. At that time, the Soviet Union was still two years away from testing its own atomic bomb, and the Clock was set at seven minutes to midnight. The clock has reflected the belief of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists whether humanity and the Earth are advancing toward global disaster.

    Two minutes to midnight was as close as the world has ever come to global catastrophe. The last time it was set there was 1953 – and it was a response to the first thermonuclear weapons, H-bombs tested by the United States in October 1952, and by the Soviet Union just nine months later. Even during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1963, the nuclear standoff in the Caribbean that nearly resulted in global war, the clock was still seven minutes away from the ultimate reckoning. The icy relations between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. reached another peak in 1984, amid breakdown in arms-reduction treaties.

    The farthest it drifted away from midnight – the metaphorical nuclear Armageddon – was 17 minutes, as the Soviet Union collapsed under its own weight in 1991.

    But the Doomsday Clock has gradually advanced over the last quarter-century. Continued tensions between the U.S. and Russia never really led to the dismantling of the huge WMD stockpiles – and nations like North Korea have gradually joined the nuclear club. In 1998 alone the clock jumped from 14 minutes to 9 minutes, based on the nuclear tests of both India and Pakistan months before. Terrorism and climate change have also contributed to the step-by-step advance of the Clock.

    The last advance was from 2014 to 2015, from four minutes to three minutes, as the Bulletin cited the dangers of unchecked climate change and aging nuclear arsenals that had not been reduced in years.

    The Clock was only updated at times of massive changes in the international scene for decades. But the announcement of its position has since become an annual January event. 



  8. Why Did Jesus Speak of Death As A Sleep?

    28 "Do not be amazed at this, for 
    the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice." (John 5:28) NWT

     5 "For the living know that 
    they will die, but the dead 
    know nothing at all,
    nor do they have any more 
    reward, because all memory 
    of them is forgotten."  (Ecclesiastes 9:5) NWT 




  9. 9 hours ago, The Librarian said:



    In St. Petersburg police service disrupted the Jehovah’s Witnesses



    Police officers have not submitted any documents and broke into a kingdom hall in st. Petersburg. Have accused the Jehovah’s witnesses of having committed a violation of their “religious cult illegal”. there was even children interviewed were copied data, check, and they had phones and tablets confiscated. Even the Bible was a cause of problem. About 14 inmates ended up being taken to the station. The cops opened the boxes of voluntary contributions where the money donated by the believers. Detailed searches were carried out even on the ceiling of the kingdom hall. Jehovah’s witnesses were forbidden to make phone calls at the time of the approach.


    The Librarian: Jehovah has control! Soon they will pay for their part of making His people reproached for showing love and helping others learn about our wonderful Creator, Jehovah God.




      The material heavens and earth are created.Genesis 1:1.

    • Earth formless and dark


      The earth is formless, desolate, and dark.Genesis 1:2.

    • Day 1: light; day and night


      Diffused light evidently penetrates the earth’s atmosphere. If there had been any observer on the surface of the earth, the sources of light would have been imperceptible to him. Yet, the difference between night and day became discernible.Genesis 1:3-5.

    • Day 2: expanse


      The earth is covered with water and a dense mantle of vapor. These two elements are separated, creating a gap between the watery surface and the canopy of vapor. The Bible describes this space as “an expanse between the waters,” and calls it “Heaven.”Genesis 1:6-8.

    • Day 3: dry land and vegetation


      Surface water subsides and dry ground appears. The atmosphere clears up to allow more sunlight to reach the ground. Some vegetation appears, with new species sprouting through the third and subsequent creative days.Genesis 1:9-13.

    • Day 4: heavenly luminaries


      The sun and moon become discernible from the earth’s surface.Genesis 1:14-19.

    • Day 5: fish and birds


      God creates underwater creatures and flying creatures in great numbers with the ability to procreate within their kinds.Genesis 1:20-23.

    • Day 6: land animals and humans


      Land animals are created, both large and small. The sixth day culminates with a masterpiece of God’s physical creation: the first human couple.Genesis 1:24-31.


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