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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Lesson for today.

    (John 9:31)  "We know that God does not listen to sinners,  but if anyone is God-fearing and does his will, he listens to this one." 

    Clearly, those who show contempt for God’s laws or pray with improper motives cannot expect to be heard by God. Those who disregard God’s Word and law, shedding blood and practicing other wickedness, do not receive a favorable hearing from God; their prayers are “detestable” to him. (Pr 15:29; 28:9; Isa 1:15; Mic 3:4) The very prayer of such ones can “become a sin.” (Ps 109:3-7) King Saul, by his presumptuous, rebellious course, lost God’s favor, and “although Saul would inquire of Jehovah, Jehovah never answered him, either by dreams or by the Urim or by the prophets.” (1Sa 28:6)

    Jesus said that hypocritical persons who sought to draw attention to their piety by praying received their “reward in full”—from men, but not from God. (Mt 6:5)

    The pious-appearing Pharisees made long prayers, boasted of their superior morality, yet were condemned by God for their hypocritical course. (Mr 12:40; Lu 18:10-14)

    Though they drew near with their mouths, their hearts were far from God and his Word of truth. Finally, when we pray about something, we must do everything we can to work at what we are praying for.

    For example, if we pray to Jehovah for our daily needs, then we can’t be lazy and expect Jehovah to give us everything even though we are able to work for it.

    We must work hard and accept whatever job we are able to do. (Matthew 6:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:10)

    Or if we pray to Jehovah for help to stop doing something wrong, we must avoid any situation that could tempt us. God does not accept all prayers.

    How, then, can we pray with the assurance that our prayers will be accepted?

    Faithful people to whom God listened in former times approached him in sincerity and with the right heart attitude.

    They showed faith and backed this up with fine works. We can be assured that Jehovah will listen to those who approach him in like manner today.  

    The prayers of those who profess to serve Jehovah but at the same time practice works that conflict with his laws become like an offensive odor to him. (Proverbs 15:8)

    Let us, then, continue to keep all aspects of our lives clean so that our prayers are like sweet-smelling incense to God. Jehovah delights in the prayers of those who follow his righteous paths.




  2. Lesson for today. (Heb 5:14)  

    "It is necessary for us to pay more than the usual attention to the things heard by us,” wrote Paul, “that we may never drift away.”

    (Heb. 2:1) Such drifting away from the faith can happen before we realize it. We can avoid having this experience by paying “more than the usual attention” during our consideration of spiritual truths.

    Therefore, each of us needs to ask: ‘Am I still considering just elementary things? Could I merely be going through the motions and floating along, as it were, without my heart being fully involved with the truth? How can I make genuine spiritual progress?’

    Pressing on to maturity calls for our putting forth effort in at least two areas. We must get well-acquainted with the Word of God. And we need to learn obedience. “Everyone that partakes of milk is unacquainted with the word of righteousness,” wrote Paul, “for he is a babe.” (Heb. 5:13)

    To attain maturity, we must become well-acquainted with God’s word, his message to us.

    Since this message is contained in his Word, the Bible, we should be good students of the Scriptures and the publications of “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Matt. 24:45-47)

    Absorbing God’s thinking in this way can help us to train our perceptive powers. Consider the example of a Christian named Orchid. She says: “The reminder that has had the biggest effect on my life is the one about regular Bible reading. It took me about two years to finish the whole Bible, but it seemed that I was meeting my Creator for the first time. I learned about his ways, his likes and his dislikes, the degree of his power, and the depth of his wisdom. Reading the Bible daily has sustained me through some of the darkest moments of my life.”

    Becoming acquainted with the Bible involves more than being familiar with what it says. Individuals must acquaint themselves with the message by allowing it to guide them in making wise decisions in their lives.

    To become acquainted with the Word of God means to know what it says and to put that knowledge into practice.

    Pressing on to maturity requires that we do our utmost to obey Jehovah. Are we obedient to Jehovah in these matters even under adversity

    Our obedience is an indication that we have progressed toward maturity. Our attaining maturity requires that we train our perceptive powers. We do this by putting forth effort to get better acquainted with God’s Word and by learning obedience.  



  3. On 1/29/2017 at 9:48 PM, Queen Esther said:

    YES....  you  are  right,  dear  sister  Martha ! :)  I  full  agree  with  your  comment...

    Perhaps it could be used in countries that are under persecution and do not allow the Bible to be used? At least the size would in fact allow it to be "carried" in? You know, technology maybe has a reason? Perhaps one day, if we are persecuted we can also be able to learn how to use this type of Bible? Advancements for the future we never know? Jehovah will always protect his words. Man will never destroy it or stop us from gaining knowledge or its Truth!  Are we not fighters for God's Word of Truth? 

    Agape to all,


  4. Jehovah knows the problems we face, he understands the pain of mind and heart, that was a result of hardships. 

    Our Heavenly Father will never "forget your work and the love you showed for His name."

    "O Jehovah, you have searched through me, and you know me."
    (Psalms 139:1) NWT

    10 "For God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name by ministering and continuing to minister to the holy ones." (Hebrews 6:10) NWT 



     8 "The wicked walk around unrestrained Because the sons of men promote depravity."
     (Psalms 12:8) NWT

    3 "For this is the will of God, that you should be holy and abstain from sexual immorality."

     4 "Each one of you should know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, 

    5 "not with greedy, uncontrolled sexual passion like the nations have that do not know God."
    (1 Thess. 4:3-5) NWT 



  6. "I am the fine shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me."

    Jesus referred to himself as “the fine shepherd,” one who really has compassion for “the sheep” and demonstrated this by surrendering his soul in their behalf. (Joh 10:11; see Mt 9:36.)

    But as foretold, the striking of “the fine shepherd” caused the flock to scatter.Zec 13:7; Mt 26:31. NWT



  7.  WILL YOU BE WITH ME IN PARADISE? ??⛰?               

    Bible the translators appropriately used the term “paradise” (pa·raʹdei·sos) with reference to the garden of Eden, because it evidently was an enclosed park. 

    After the account in Genesis, Bible texts that tell about paradise refer to (1) the garden of Eden itself, or 

    (2) the earth as a whole when it will be transformed in the future to a condition like that of Eden, or 

    (3) flourishing spiritual conditions among God’s servants on earth, or 

    (4) provisions in heaven that remind one of Eden.

    Genesis 2:8 states: “Jehovah God planted a garden [“park,” Mo; “paradise,” Dy; pa·raʹdei·son, LXX] in Eden, toward the east, and there he put the man [Adam] whom he had formed.” There was an abundance of varied and fascinating plant and animal life. 

    Jehovah blessed the first human pair and said to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.” (Gen. 1:28) 

    God’s original purpose for all the earth to be a paradise populated by those who appreciatively obey his laws will not go unfulfilled. (Isa. 45:18;55:10, 11) 

    That is why Jesus said: “Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.” That is also why he taught his disciples to pray: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.” (Matt. 5:5; 6:9, 10) 

    In harmony with that, Ephesians 1:9-11 explains God’s purpose “to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth.” Hebrews 2:5refers to “the inhabited earth to come.” Revelation 5:10 mentions those who, as joint heirs with Christ, are to “rule as kings over the earth.” Revelation 21:1-5 and 22:1, 2 add delightful descriptions of conditions that will exist in the “new earth” and that remind one of the original Paradise in Eden with its tree of life.—Gen. 2:9.

    Additionally, Jesus used the Greek expression pa·raʹdei·sos when referring to the future earthly Paradise. “He said to him [an evildoer who was being impaled alongside Jesus and who expressed faith in Jesus’ coming kingship]: ‘Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise.’”—Luke 23:43.




  8. 6 hours ago, Ma Ai said:

    Dear Bible Speaks, Thank you for this list. My hubby and I were baptized together at the same time in 1978. What a wondrous special journey it has been. Magazines were 15¢ back then. 2 color magazines became 4 color. No smartphones or tablets or home computers. No CDs or DVDs. So much has changed, and Jehovah's celestial chariot moves faster, ahead of all. Glorious!

    Ma Ai: The Blessings of Jehovah do make us rich! Those faithful to Him truly see the wonderful things he's already done for us soon we will behold the greatest things of a wonderful New World where will all will reside in peace and harmony! Keep strong, hold fast to His hand, the time is short! Momentous times now and ahead will deepen our Love for Him and His Son Christ Jesus as His appointed King! May you find peace and share with all to the glory of His name forever! Agape, Bible Speaks ???

  9. Jehovah inspired the Apostle Peter to link the holiness emphasized in the book of Leviticus with the need to be Holy in our conduct as Christians. 

     14 "As obedient children, stop being molded by the desires you formerly had in your ignorance, 

    15 "but like the Holy One who called you, become holy yourselves in all your conduct,

     16 "for it is written: “You must be holy, because I am holy.”

    (1 Peter 1:14-16) NWT

    45 "For I am Jehovah, who is leading you up out of the land of Egypt to prove myself God to you, and you must be holy, because I am holy."
    (Leviticus 11:45) NWT 



  10. ‘Strengthen Yourself by Jehovah’

    David’s fear of Jehovah did more than just restrain him from doing wrong. It strengthened him to act decisively and wisely under difficult circumstances. For a year and four months, David and his men took refuge from Saul at Ziklag in the Philistine countryside. (1 Samuel 27:5-7) 

    Once while the men were away, marauding Amalekites burned the city and carried off all the men’s wives, children, and flocks. Upon returning and seeing what had happened, 
    David and his men wept. Grief quickly turned tobitterness, and David’s men spoke of stoning him. Though distressed, David did not despair. (Proverbs 24:10) 


    His fear of God moved him to turn to Jehovah, and he “took to strengthening himself by Jehovah.” With God’s help, David and his men overtook the Amalekites and recovered everything.—1 Samuel 30:1-20.

    A Precious Heritage “Come, you sons, listen to me,” wrote David. “The fear of Jehovah is what I shall teach you.” (Psalm 34:11) 
    As a father, David was intent on passing on to his children a precious heritage—the genuine, balanced, wholesome fear of Jehovah. 


    By words and by deeds, David portrayed Jehovah, not as a demanding and fearsome God, ready to pounce on any infraction of His laws, but as a loving, caring, and forgiving Father of His earthly children. “Missteps who can keep track of?” asked David. asset.gifThen, indicating his confidence that Jehovah is not constantly scrutinizing our errors, he added: “Hold me clear of unnoticed things!” David was sure that if he put forth his best effort, his words and thoughts could be acceptable to Jehovah.—Psalm 19:12, 14, Byington. jw.org


  11. 5 minutes ago, Gloria Medina said:

    Gracias por esa relación. Me bautice en 1967, hace 50 años. Se dice fácil pero no lo es. Jehova siempre ha estado presente en mi vida. :)IMG_5431.JPG

    ¡Que Jehová bendiga a Gloria! Nosotros debemos estar cerca de él, los días son cortos y se enfrentará más ataques de Satanás. ¡Mantenga fuerte y en la fe! Biblia habla de ágape, Bible Speaks ???

  12. 17 minutes ago, Karlie Menyweather said:

    Thank you so much for the list of year texts. We were baptised 31/12/83.  Jehovah is such a loving Father. I was a very vicious DNC till 2 little girls aged 12 and 10, with 3 scriptures answers my question I had asked the clergy for years. This shows how important it is to train our young ones to know their Bible. 

    Karlie: Jehovah gives us the strength and courage to do impossible, I had a man that did not teach the children, I taught by example not to disrespect his headship. Today I am blessed with four children who love Jehovah, one at Wallkill Bethel, one a Elder, one a MS Servant, my daughter a Pioneer and her husband an Elder. We can't make them choose Jehovah, just do what you can, plant that seed, and ask Jehovah to help its growth! May Jehovah Bless you, Bible Speaks ???


    THE apostle Peter and some other disciples are struggling to row their boat across the Sea of Galilee during a nighttime windstorm. 

    Suddenly, they see Jesus walking on the sea. Peter calls out to Jesus, asking if he could walk across the water to his Master. When Jesus tells him to come, Peter gets out of the boat and miraculously walks toward Jesus on the choppy surface. 

    Moments later, though, Peter starts to sink. Why? He looked at the windstorm and became afraid. Peter cries out to Jesus, who quickly catches hold of him and says: “You with little faith, why did you give way to doubt?”—Matt. 14:24-32.

    When Peter climbed out of the boat to walk on the water, he did so in faith. Jesus had called him, and Peter trusted that God’s power would support him just as it was supporting Jesus. 

    Similarly, when we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah and got baptized, we did so because of our faith. Jesus called us to be his followers, to walk in his footsteps. We had to exercise faith in both Jesus and God, trusting that they would support us in various ways.—John 14:1; read 1 Peter 2:21.

    Faith is truly a precious possession. Just as Peter’s faith enabled him to walk on water, our faith enables us to do things that from a human standpoint may seem impossible. (Matt. 21:21, 22) 

    For instance, many of us have changed our attitudes and practices so drastically that we are almost unrecognizable to those who knew us before. Jehovah supported our efforts because we took these steps based on our faith in him. (Read Colossians 3:5-10.) 

    Once our faith moved us to dedicate ourselves to Jehovah, we became his friends, something we could never have done in our own power.—Eph. 2:8.

    Our faith continues to empower us. In faith we are able to resist the attacks of our superhuman adversary, the Devil. (Eph. 6:16) 

    In addition, trust in Jehovah helps us to minimize our anxiety during challenging times. Jehovah says that when our faith moves us to put Kingdom interests first, he will provide for our material needs. (Matt. 6:30-34) 

    More than that, because of our faith, we will receive a gift no human could ever obtain by his own efforts—everlasting life.—John 3:16.



  14. “You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you.”

    Jesus’ Baptism in Water.             The baptism of Jesus himself as performed by John must of necessity have had a meaning and purpose quite different from John’s baptism, as Jesus “committed no sin, nor was deception found in his mouth.” (1Pe 2:22) 

    So he could not submit to an act symbolizing repentance. Undoubtedly it was for this reason that John objected to baptizing Jesus. But Jesus said: “Let it be, this time, for in that way it is suitable for us to carry out all that is righteous.”—Mt 3:13-15.

    Luke states that Jesus was praying at the time of his baptism. (Lu 3:21) Further, the writer of the letter to the Hebrews says that when Jesus Christ came “into the world” (that is, not when he was born and could not read and say these words, but when he presented himself for baptism and began his ministry) he was saying, in accord with Psalm 40:6-8 (LXX): “Sacrifice and offering you did not want, but you prepared a body for me. . . . Look! I am come (in the roll of the book it is written about me) to do your will, O God.” (Heb 10:5-9) 

    Jesus was by birth a member of the Jewish nation, which nation was in a national covenant with God, namely, the Law covenant. (Ex 19:5-8; Ga 4:4) 

    Jesus, by reason of this fact, was therefore already in a covenant relationship with Jehovah God when he thus presented himself to John for baptism. Jesus was there doing something more than what was required of him under the Law. He was presenting himself to his Father Jehovah to do his Father’s “will” with reference to the offering of his own “prepared” body and with regard to doing away with animal sacrifices that were offered according to the Law. 

    The apostle Paul comments: “By the said ‘will’ we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all time.” (Heb 10:10) The Father’s will for Jesus also involved activity in connection with the Kingdom, and for this service too Jesus presented himself. (Lu 4:43;17:20, 21) 

    Jehovah accepted and acknowledged this presentation of his Son, anointing him with holy spirit and saying: “You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you.”—Mr 1:9-11; Lu 3:21-23; Mt 3:13-17.



  15.  22 "One of the presiding officers of the synagogue, named Jaʹi·rus, now came, and on catching sight of him, he fell at his feet."

     23 "He pleaded with him many times, saying: “My little daughter is extremely ill. Please come and put your hands on her so that she may get well and live.” 

    24 "At that Jesus went with him, and a large crowd was following him and pressing against him."



  16. 6 hours ago, Penny Corbin said:

    Oh my goodness, thank you! I have never seen this list; how awesome! Thank you so much for the share!  :D:) (my own baptism...1971)

    Penny: Is it not a joy to see the growth in Jehovah's Organization and grow with it! I was born in the Truth, but got baptized at 13. I have a long heritage in the Truth! We value everything we have and more! Thank you Jehovah!


    Bible Speaks 


  17. “Become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

    While every sin is an offense in God’s sight, he mercifully takes into consideration our failings because of inherited human imperfection. Indeed, the psalmist acknowledged: “If errors were what you watch, O Jah, O Jehovah, who could stand? For there is the true forgiveness with you, in order that you may be feared.” (Psalm 130:3, 4) 

    So, what should we do when we err and sin against others, perhaps unintentionally? Recall that the model prayer that Jesus taught his followers to pray includes this request: “Forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone that is in debt to us.” (Luke 11:4) Yes, God will grant us forgiveness if we come to him and ask for it in Jesus’ name.—John 14:13, 14.

    Note that Jesus included the condition that we also forgivethose “in debt to us.” The apostle Paul reminded his fellow believers: “Become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32) 

    When we forgiveothers their faults, we will have good reason to expect God to forgive us ours.

    God will overlook our shortcomings and grant us forgiveness if we come to him and ask for it in Jesus’ name.

    The foremost reason to confess a sin is to gain an approved standing with God.



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