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Bible Speaks

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Everything posted by Bible Speaks

  1. "God is not partial." (Acts 10:34) http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2014/2/4
  2. "But into all the earth their sound has gone out, And to the ends of the inhabited earth their message. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun." (Ps. 19:4) NWT jw.org
  3. “ Jesus spent the whole night in prayer to God.” (Luke 6:12) http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2013/11/12
  4. We Are the 'Blessed' of Jehovah! Stay strong, life is hard but believe that there's always a rainbow after every storm. "The blessing of Jehovah that makes one rich, And He adds no pain with it." (Prov. 10:22) Blessings promote “happiness, well-being, or prosperity.” Since Jehovah is the Giver of “every good gift and every perfect present,” every real, lasting blessing originates with our loving Creator. (James 1:17) He showers blessings upon all mankind, even upon those who do not know him. Jesus said of his Father: “He makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:45) However, Jehovah shows special concern for those who love him. (Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Job 1:1; 42:12) The psalmist wrote: “Jehovah himself will not hold back anything good from those walking in faultlessness.” (Psalm 84:11) Yes, those who serve Jehovah have rich, meaningful lives. They know that “the blessing of Jehovah—that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it.” The Bible also says: “Those being blessed by [Jehovah] will themselves possess the earth.” (Proverbs 10:22; Psalm 37:22, 29) What a blessing that will be! How can we receive Jehovah’s blessing? For one thing, we need to cultivate qualities that are pleasing to him. (Deuteronomy 30:16, 19, 20; Micah 6:8) Ask me for a Bible Study where you will learn How to receive these Blessings! jw.org
  5. 39 "The salvation of the righteous is from Jehovah; He is their fortress in the time of distress." (Psalms 37:39) IMG_5678.mov
  6. Year Texts for Jehovah's Witnesses back to 1914 Our yeartext for 2017: “Trust in Jehovah and do what is good.”—Psalm 37:3. 2016, “Let your brotherly love continue” (Heb 13:1): w16.01 7-11; yb16 2-3. 2015, “Give thanks to Jehovah, for he is good” (Ps 106:1): w15 1/15 8-12; yb15 2-3 2014 "Let your Kingdom come." (Matthew 6:10) 2013 "Be courageous and strong....Jehovah your God is with you." (Joshua 1:9) 2012 "Your word is truth." (John 17:17) 2011 “Take refuge in the name of Jehovah” (Zep 3:12) 2010 ‘Love endures all things. Love never fails’ (1Co 13:7, 2009 “Bear thorough witness to the good news” (Ac 20:24) 2008 “Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah” (Ex 14:13) 2007 “The great day of Jehovah is near” (Zep 1:14) 2006 “We must obey God as ruler rather than men” (Ac 5:29) 2005 “My help is from Jehovah” (Ps 121:2) 2004 “Keep on the watch ... Prove yourselves ready” (Mt 24:42, 44) 2003 “Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you” (Jas 4:8) 2002 “Come to me, ... and I will refresh you” (Mt 11:28) 2001 “Stand complete and with firm conviction in all the will of God” (Col 4:12) 2000 “We are not the sort that shrink back ... but the sort that have faith” (Heb 10:39) 1999 “Look! Now is the day of salvation” (2Co 6:2) 1998 “Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved” (Ro 10:13) 1997 “Teach me to do your will” (Ps 143:10) 1996 “Become doers of the word” (Jas 1:22) 1995 “Be harmoniously joined together in love” (Col 2:2) 1994 “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart” (Pr 3:5) 1993 “Instruct me, O Jehovah ... Unify my heart to fear your name” (Ps 86:11) 1992 “Rejoice in the hope. ... Persevere in prayer” (Ro 12:12) 1991 "Let anyone hearing say: 'Come!'" —Rev. 22:17 1990 “Be of good courage and say: ‘Jehovah is my helper.’” —Hebrews 13:6 1989 “Fear God and give him glory.”—Rev. 14:7. 1988 “Hope in Jehovah and keep his way” (Ps 37:34) 1987 “As for me and my household, we shall serve Jehovah.” —Joshua 24:15 1986 “Go . . . declare abroad the kingdom of God.”—Luke 9:60. 1985 “Fully accomplish your ministry.”—2 Tim. 4:5. 1984 “Speak the word of God fearlessly.”—Phil. 1:14. 1983 “Clothe yourselves with love . . . a perfect bond of union.”—Col. 3:14. 1982 “Become steadfast, unmovable, always having plenty to do in the work of the Lord.”—1 Cor. 15:58. 1981 “Your loyal ones will bless you. About the glory of your kingship they will talk.”—Ps. 145:10, 11. 1980 “And now, Jehovah, . . . grant your slaves to keep speaking your word with all boldness.”—Acts4:29. 1979 “My Father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit and prove yourselves my disciples.”—John 15:8. 1978 “They will not prevail against you, for ‘I [Jehovah] am with you . . . to deliver you.’”—Jer. 1:19. 1977 “You have need of endurance, in order that . . . you may receive the fulfillment of the promise.”—Heb. 10:36. 1976 “Awaiting these things, do your utmost to be found finally by him spotless and unblemished and in peace.”—2 Pet. 3:14. 1975 “I will say to Jehovah: ‘You are my refuge and my stronghold.’”—Ps. 91:2. 1974 “Although the fig tree itself may not blossom, . . . I will exult in Jehovah himself.”—Hab. 3:17, 18. 1973 “But we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever.”—Mic. 4:5. 1972 “Say among the nations: ‘Jehovah himself has become king.’”—Ps. 96:10. 1971 “You will be witnesses of me . . . to the most distant part of the earth.”—Acts 1:8. 1970 “Go therefore and make disciples . . .baptizing them.”—Matt. 28:19. 1969 “Lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near.” - Luke 21:28 1968 “Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first.” - Mark 13:10 1967 “Here I am! Send me.” - Isaiah 6:8 1966 “We shall not neglect the house of our God.” - Neh. 10:39 1965 “Do not become fearful of those who kill the body.” Matt 10:28 1964 “Filled with the holy spirit and ...speaking the word of God with boldness.” -Acts 4:31 1963 “Now we are not the sort that shrink back to destruction, but the sort that have faith to the preserving alive of the soul.”—Heb. 10:39 1962 “Be courageous and let your heart be strong. Yes, hope in Jehovah,” (Ps. 27:14) 1961 “In unity I shall set them, like a flock in the pen.”—Mic. 2:12. 1960 “Seek peace and pursue it. For Jehovah’s eyes are upon the righteous.” (1 Peter 3:11, 12) 1959 “Happy is the one that stays awake and keeps his outer garments.” (Rev 16:15) 1958 “As for me, in my integrity I shall walk.” (Psalm 26:11) 1957 “From day to day tell the good news of salvation by him,” Ps. 96.2 1956 “Prove me now here with, said Jehovah of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing.” (Malachi 3:10 AS) 1955 “He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: His heart is fixed, trusting in Jehovah.” (Ps. 112:7 ASV) 1954 “Every day will I bless you, and I will praise your name forever and ever” (Ps. 145:2, CB) 1953 “Worship Jehovah in holy array” (Ps 29:2, AS) 1952 “Say to the prisoners, Go forth.”—Isa. 49:9. 1951 “Praise Jah, you people, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king.” (Rev. 19:6, NW) 1950 “Preach the word” (2 Timothy 4:2) 1949 “I . . . will yet praise thee more and more. (Ps. 71:14) 1948 “I will sing praises unto the among the nations.” (Ps. 57:9, A.S.V.) 1947 “Oh praise Jehovah, all the nations”. (Ps. 117:1, Am. Stan. Ver.) 1946 “Be Glad, Ye Nations, with His People.” Romans 15:10, Rotherham. 1945 “Go therefore, and make disciples of all the nations.” (Matthew 28:19, Am. Stan. Ver.) 1944 “Teach me to do your will, For you are my God” (Psalm 143:10) 1943 “More than conquerors through him that loved us”. (Romans 8: 37) 1942 “Blameless in the day of our Lord” (1Cor. 1 : 1941 “Salvation unto our God . . . and unto the Lamb” (Rev. 7:10, A.R.V.) 1940 “My heart shall rejoice in the salvation.”--Ps. 13:5. 1939 “But they shall not prevail against them.” Jer 1:19 1938 ‘Fear not; for the battle is God’s’ -2 Chron. 20: 15 1937 “Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.” Obadiah 1 1936 “For Jehovah and for Gideon” -Judg. 7:18 (Again, same as 1935) 1935 “For Jehovah and for Gideon” -Judg. 7:18 1934 “In his name shall [the] nations hope.” -Matt. 12:21 1933 “The name of Jehovah is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it, and is safe.” Prov. 18: 10, 1932 “They shall know that I am Jehovah” Eze 6:10 1931 “The Lord preserve all them that love him ; but all the wicked will he destroy.” Ps. 145:20. 1930 “Sing unto the Lord a new song.” Isa 42:10 1929 “I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.” Psalm 104:33 1928 “Sing forth the honor of his name.” (Psalm 66: 2) 1927 “O Lord, how manifold are thy works !” Psalm 104:24 1926 “Blessed be the Lord out of Zion.”-- Psalm 135:21 1925 “Comfort all that mourn.” Isa 61:2 1924 “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” Matt 10:7 1923 “We all, with open face beholding as a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord. 2 Cor 3:18 1922 “Thanks be to God, who give us the victory through our lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Cor 15:57 1921 “I will triumph in the works of the hands.” Psalm 92:4 1920 “The Lord is my strength and song.” Psalm 118: 14 1919 “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; Lord, and righteousness which is of me, saith the Lord.” Isa 54:17 1918 “The end of all things is at hand: Be therefore sober and watch unto prayer; and above all things have fervent love among yourselves. (1 Peter 4:7,8) 1917 “The Lord bless them, and keep them; the Lord make his face shine upon them, and be gracious unto them; the Lord lift up his countenance upon them, and give them peace.”-Numbers 6:24-26 (Chosen by Brother Russell before his death) 1916 “Strong in faith.” Romans 4:20 1915 “Are you able to drink of My cup?” (Mt 20:22) 1914 "Let your Kingdom come." (Matthew 6:10)m WHAT YEAR WHERE YOU BAPTIZED? I was 1968.
  7. Bro Vic Olivar, Special Pioneer in Philippines. During his talk, its about understanding prophecies in the bible. He explain about what will happen Great Tribulation comes @arjonacarl thank you
  8. "When anyone replies to a matter before he hears the facts, it is foolish and humiliating."—Prov. 18:13. jw.org
  9. Who is the source of all light? The Source of Light. Jehovah God is the Former of light and the Creator of darkness. (Isa 45:7) Jehovah is “the Father of the celestial lights.” (Jas 1:17) Not only is he the “Giver of the sun for light by day, the statutes of the moon and the stars for light by night” (Jer 31:35) but he is also the Source of all spiritual enlightenment. (2Co 4:6) His law, judicial decisions, and word are a light to those allowing themselves to be guided by them. (Ps 43:3; 119:105; Pr 6:23; Isa 51:4) The psalmist declared: “By light from you we can see light.” (Ps 36:9) Now you "see" light give praise to Jehovah for his wonderful "lights." jw.org Picture "Light” by Mikko Lagerstedt
  10. Your welcome! What a blessing to see the growth of God's Word and understanding more and more as the days get clearer. “I Am With You” “Many will rove about, and the true knowledgewill become abundant.”—DAN. 12:4. What a blessed time to live in, however, we strengthen our faith now, the days are short. Agape, Bible Speaks ???
  11. "I heard the angel over the waters say: “You, the One who is and who was, the loyal One, are righteous, for you have issued these judgments. (Rev.16:5). 6 "For Jehovah himself gives wisdom; From his mouth come knowledge and discernment. 7 He treasures up practical wisdom for the upright; He is a shield for those walking in integrity. 8 He watches over the paths of justice, And he will guard the way of his loyal ones." (Proverbs 2:6-8) NWT jw.org
  12. How do you show love today? (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) . . Revised 2013 4."Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag, does not get puffed up, 5 does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. 6 It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails." “Have Love Among Yourselves” “I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.”—JOHN 13:34, 35 What It Means: Christ told his followers to love one another the way that he loved them. How did Jesus love them? His love transcended the national and gender bias prevalent in his day. (John 4:7-10) Love moved Jesus to sacrifice his time, energy, and personal comfort in order to help others. (Mark 6:30-34) Finally, Christ showed love in the greatest way possible. “I am the fine shepherd,” he said. “The fine shepherd surrenders his soul in behalf of the sheep.”—John 10:11 After Florida was hit by a string of four hurricanes in two months, the chairman of Florida’s Emergency Operations Committee checked to ensure that their supplies were being used properly. He said that no other group was as well organized as Jehovah’s Witnesses, and he offered to provide any supplies needed by the Witnesses. Earlier, in 1997, a relief team of Jehovah’s Witnesses with medicine, food, and clothing traveled to the Democratic Republic of Congo to assist their Christian brothers and others in need. Fellow Witnesses in Europe had donated supplies totaling a million dollars (U.S.). How do you show love today?
  13. Deciding not what to do is as important as deciding what to do... "Whatever it is that you do in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanking God the Father through him." (Colossians 3:17) NWT jw.org
  14. Make a habit of shutting down conversations that aim to tear down others 19 A slanderer goes about revealing confidential talk; Do not associate with one who loves to gossip." (Proverbs 20:19) NWT jw.org
  15. Looking forward to a new peaceful earth! 9 "He is bringing an end to wars throughout the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; He burns the military wagons with fire. 10 “Give in and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.” 11 Jehovah of armies is with us; The God of Jacob is a secure refuge for us." (Psalms 46:9-11). NWT jw.org
  16. Queen Esther: You are a Queen ? Loved it and cried! ??? Please watch, It's done well, Jehovah is said once I heard, yet tears flow as the truth is given. How many have died for upholding God's Words? How many more will die? The victory is Jehovah's Let the world learn his name, his power and glory forever, Amen. Never fear Jehovah is near for His people. Jesus words came to my mind: “Take Courage! I Have Conquered the World” JOHN 16:1-33 Keep strong in faith, we also will be tested for our faith. Jesus’ encouraging words to the apostles may have emboldened them to affirm: “By this we believe that you came from God.” That conviction will soon be tested. In fact, Jesus describes what is just ahead: “Look! The hour is coming, indeed, it has come, when each one of you will be scattered to his own house and you will leave me alone.” Yet he assures them: “I have said these things to you so that by means of me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but takecourage! I have conquered the world.” (John 16:30-33) No, Jesus is not abandoning them. He is sure that they too can be world conquerors, just as he is, by their faithfully accomplishing God’s will despite the attempts of Satan and his world to break their integrity. May you be a conqueror also and strengthen your faith now while we have the time. Bible Speaks ???
  17. “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 36:26 jw.org «Y le daré un corazón nuevo y un espíritu nuevo que pondré dentro de vosotros. Y quitar el corazón de piedra de tu carne y te daré un corazón de carne." Ezequiel 36:26 IMG_5532.mov
  18. Beauty is not in the face; Beauty is a light of the heart.... "Do not let your adornment be external—the braiding of hair and the wearing of gold ornaments or fine clothing— 4 but let it be the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible adornment of the quiet and mild spirit, which is of great value in the eyes of God." (1Peter 3;3,4)
  19. Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.... "For no man ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cherishes it, just as the Christ does the congregation." (Ephesians 5:29) NWT jw.org
  20. Sometimes the Hardest Part isn't letting go, but rather learning to start over. " a time to build up." (Ecc.3:3) NWT jw.org
  21. "And I saw, and look! a white horse, and the one seated on it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went out conquering and to complete his conquest." (Revelation 6:2) NWT jw.org
  22. 4 "The king then said to me: “What is it that you are seeking?” At once I prayed to the God of the heavens." 5 "I then said to the king: “If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor with you, send me to Judah, to the city where my forefathers are buried, so that I may rebuild it.” 20 "However, I replied: “The God of the heavens is the One who will grant us success, and we his servants will get up and build; but you have neither share nor claim nor memorial." ( Nehemiah 2:4,5,20.) NWT jw.org
  23. 16 "Your house and your kingdom will be secure forever before you; your throne will be firmly established forever.”’” (2 Samuel 7:16) NWT jw.org
  24. 20 The true God is for us a God who saves; And Jehovah the Sovereign Lord provides escape from death." (Psalms 68:20) NWT jw.org
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