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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Please read and mediate on    God's Words:                                                          Trust in Jehovah Completely in Times of Distress

    “God is for us a refuge and strength, a help that is readily to be found during distresses.”—PSALM 46:1.

    IT IS one thing to claim that we trust in God. It is quite another to show it by our actions.

    For example, the phrase “In God We Trust” has long appeared on U.S. paper currency and coins.

     In 1956, the U.S. Congress passed a law declaring that expression the national motto of the United States. Ironically, many people—not just in that land but throughout the world—put greater trust in money and material wealth than they do in God.—Luke 12:16-21.

    As true Christians, we must do more than simply say that we trust in Jehovah. Just as “faith without works is dead,” so too any claim that we trust in God is meaningless unless we back it up by our actions. (James 2:26)

    We learned that our trust in Jehovah is manifested when we turn to him in prayer, when we seek direction from his Word, and when we look to his organization for guidance. Read the rest of this article it will give you the strength you need. 


  2. Is it not a joy to read this weeks Watchtower and say to yourself; That was written just for me?

    Do You See the Need to Train Others?
    “I will give you good instruction.”—PROV. 4:2.

    You may ask, ‘How can I train my student to study the Bible regularly?’ A good start is by showing him how to prepare for the study you conduct with him. You might suggest that he read portions of the appendix of the What Does the Bible Really Teach? book and look up cited scriptures. Help him to prepare for the meetings with the goal of commenting. 

    Encourage him to read every issue of The Watchtower and Awake! If the Watchtower Library or Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY is available in his language, you can show him how to use it to answer Bible questions. As a result of such help, very likely your Bible student will soon be delighting in his personal study of God’s Word.

    Training others is vitally important because of increasing needs and opportunities to serve Jehovah. The examples of training provided by Jesus and Paul remain valid. Jehovah wants his modern-day servants to be well-trained for their theocratic assignments. God gives us the privilege of helping less experienced ones develop their ability to do the work needed in the congregation. As conditions deteriorate in the world and new opportunities to preach continue to arise, such training becomes both important and urgent.

    Of course, training people takes time and effort. But Jehovah and his beloved Son will support us and give us wisdom to provide such training. We will rejoice as we see those whom we assist go on ‘working hard and exerting themselves.’ (1 Tim. 4:10) 

    And may we ourselves continue to make spiritual progress in rendering sacred service to Jehovah.



  3. 18 "Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them in the day of Jehovah’s fury."

    Wisdom, Faith, Better Than Gold.

    Though gold has great value, it, like other material riches, is not able to give life to its possessors (Ps 49:6-8; Mt 16:26), and no amount of gold can buy the true wisdom that comes from Jehovah. (Job 28:12, 15-17, 28) 

    His laws, commandments, and discipline are far more desirable than much refined gold. (Ps 19:7-10; 119:72, 127; Pr 8:10) Gold is powerless to deliver in the day of Jehovah’s anger.—Zep 1:18.

    Men of a materialistic society ridicule faith in God and call it impractical. 

    Nonetheless, the apostle Peter points to faith’s unexcelled durability and permanent value. He states that the tested quality of one’s faith is of much greater value than gold, which can withstand fire yet can wear away and be destroyed by other means. 

    Christians have to endure various trials that are sometimes grievous, but this serves to bring out the quality of their faith. (1Pe 1:6, 7) True faith can stand up under any tests.





  4. 12 "And someone may overpower one alone, but two together can take a stand against him. And a threefold cord cannot quickly
    be torn apart."

    On 1/19/2017 at 11:09 AM, Bible Speaks said:

    23 "Then the man said:
    “This is at last bone of 
    my bones And flesh of 
    my flesh.
    This one will be called Woman,
    Because from man she was taken.”
     (Genesis 3:23) NWT 



    Adam and Eve lost Jehovah's favor and happiness. Obedience to his laws protect us. Look at what disobedience did for the human race? If Jehovah's laws are not obeyed how can He bless a marriage? Learn and apply Jehovah's counsel it will make you happy now and in a true blessed marriage he approves of. 


    Choose wisely! I have learned much and now look back and say to Jehovah "Thank you for taking care of me, even though I needed your hand through my 45 years of marriage. You don't marry a spiritual man, you don't have spiritual direction in it. Pray for discernment and wisdom my Sisters. Put Jehovah first, he will help you if you wait for a true spiritual man. 


  5.  3 "For the vision is yet for its appointed time, And it is rushing toward its end, and it will not lie.
    Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it! For it will without fail come true. It will not be late!
           (Hab.2:3) NWT 


  6. A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to the new world.

    6 ...."For the one who doubts is  like a wave of the sea driven by  the wind and blown about."
    (James 1:6) NWT  jw.org



    6 But let him keep asking in faith, not doubting at all...(James 1:6)

    Exercise Faith—Decide Wisely!

    What will help us to make wise decisions? We certainly need faith in God, not doubting his willingness and ability to help us to be wise. We also need faith in Jehovah’s Word and in his way of doing things, trusting God’s inspired counsel. (Read James 1:5-8.) 

    As we draw close to him and grow in love for his Word, we come to trust his judgment. Accordingly, we develop the habit of consulting God’s Word before making decisions. But how can we improve our decision-making skills? And does being willing to decide mean sticking to our choices no matter what?

    Jehovah does not coerce us into loving him and serving him. That is our choice. In line with the free will that he grants us, he respects our responsibility and right to ‘choose for ourselves’ whether we will serve him. (Josh. 24:15; Eccl. 5:4) 

    But he expects us to follow through on other decisions that we make based on his guidance. With faith in Jehovah’s way of doing things and the principles that he has kindly provided, we can make wise decisions and prove ourselves steady in all our ways.—Jas. 1:5-8; 4:8.


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