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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. 9 hours ago, David Mahlangu said:

    Just imagine if Noah didn't listen to Jehovah. it was going to be a game over. 

    David: Yes notice the outworking of Jehovah's promises! A "chosen one" to fulfill his promises to all mankind!

    1. [Heb., Noʹach, probably, Rest; Consolation]. Son of Lamech and tenth in line from Adam through Seth; born in 2970 B.C.E., 126 years after Adam’s death. When his father Lamech named Noah, he said: “This one will bring us comfort from our work and from the pain of our hands resulting from the ground which Jehovah has cursed.”—Ge 5:28-31.

    Jehovah Purposes to Destroy That World. Jehovah set a time limit for the existence of that ungodly world, saying: “My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.” (Ge 6:3) This was a divine judicial decree. About 20 years after that, Noah’s first son (probably Japheth) was born (2470 B.C.E.), and the record shows that another son, Shem, was born two years later. The time of Ham’s birth is not stated, but these three sons were grown and married when the divine instructions were given to Noah to build an ark. Consequently, it is likely that only 40 or 50 years then remained before the Deluge. (Ge 6:13-18) Now, brought into a covenant with Jehovah (Ge 6:18) and assisted by his family, Noah set to work as a builder and “a preacher of righteousness,” warning that wicked generation of impending destruction.—2Pe 2:5.

    Preservation Through the Flood. The people did not believe that God would act to destroy a world of wickedness. So it was because Noah possessed strong faith that he, in implicit obedience, did “according to all that God had commanded him. He did just so.” (Ge 6:22) It was because of his unswerving faith in Jehovah that the Christian writer of the book of Hebrews included him in that “so great a cloud of witnesses.” He wrote: “By faith Noah, after being given divine warning of things not yet beheld, showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household; and through this faith he condemned the world, and he became an heir of the righteousness that is according to faith.”—Heb 11:7; 12:1.

    May we have strong faith like Noah did and help many more to know Jehovah's promises are true and will succeed forever. Remember Jehovah knows all hearts even in our embryos.


  2. "Let my cry for help reach you."—Ps. 102:1.

    Daniel 9:17 "And now listen , O our God, to the prayer of your  servant  and to his entreaties , and cause your face to shine upon your sanctuary that is desolate , for your own sake , O Jehovah."

    1Peter 3:12  "For the eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous,  and his ears listen to their supplication."


  3. "Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near."—Heb. 10:24, 25. NWT



  4. "Walk by faith, not by sight." (2 Corinthians 5:7) 

    - People thought Jesus was a fool, preaching door-to-door warning about a destruction that hadn't come. 

    - People thought Noah was a fool, preaching door-to-door warning about a destruction that hadn't come. 

    - People thought Jeremiah was a fool, preaching and warning about a destruction that hadn't come. 

    - People think Jehovah's Witnesses are fools, preaching door-to-door warning about a destruction that hasn't come yet. 

    Let it be faith that motivates everything that you do.



  5. 27 "Jehovah is my light and my salvation.
    Whom should I fear?
    Jehovah is the stronghold of my life.
    Whom should I dread?

     2 When evil men attacked me to devour my flesh,
    My adversaries and my enemies were the ones who stumbled and fell.

     3 Though an army should set up camp against me,
    My heart will not fear.
    Though war should break out against me,
    Even then I will remain confident.

     4 One thing I have asked from Jehovah
    —It is what I will look for—
    That I may dwell in the house of Jehovah all the days of my life,
    To gaze upon the pleasantness of Jehovah
    And to look with appreciation upon his temple.

     5 For he will hide me in his shelter on the day of calamity;
    He will conceal me in the secret place of his tent;
    High on a rock he will place me.

     6 Now my head is high above my enemies who surround me;
    I will offer sacrifices at his tent with joyful shouting;
    I will sing praises to Jehovah."
    (Psalm 27:1-6) NWT

    What a joy and reminders that Jehovah is not far off let's praise him and thank him for all he has done for us! ??????




  6. Do You Highly Esteem Jehovah's Own Book?

    13 "Indeed, that is why we also thank God unceasingly, because when you received God’s word, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God, which is also at work in you believers."
    (1 Thess.2:13) NWT

    11 "Instruct me in your way, O Jehovah, Lead me in the path of uprightness because of my foes."
           (Psalm 27:11) NWT




  7. God Will Soon Bring About a World Free of Fear 

    “Shrewd is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself, but the inexperienced have passed along and must suffer the penalty.” (Proverbs 22:3) 

    We can take wise precautions, however, and by reducing our risks, we may reduce our anxieties.

    It makes sense to be aware of who is around you and to avoid dark places when possible. Maybe you can walk home using the best-lit streets possible, even if it means walking a little farther. The Bible also says: “Two are better than one . . . If somebody could overpower one alone, two together could make a stand against him.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9, 12) If you live in a dangerous area, can you arrange to walk home with someone?

    If you are harassed by someone who makes immoral suggestions, tells obscene jokes, or tries to touch you, it is best to reject him firmly. You may need to take your leave, as Joseph did when an immoral woman grabbed him. He “took to flight and went on outside.” (Genesis 39:12) If leaving is impossible, you could say: “Stop that!” or “Keep your hands to yourself!” or “I don’t appreciate that kind of talk.” If you can, avoid places where harassment is common.

    What can you do if you fear a violent husband? It may be wise to have an escape plan in case your husband’s conduct should suddenly threaten your health or life or that of your children.* The Bible relates how Jacob carefully prepared an escape plan to follow if his brother Esau became violent. As things turned out, the plan was not needed, but it was a wise precaution. (Genesis 32:6-8) 

    An escape plan may involve finding someone who would receive you in an emergency. You could discuss in advance with that person what your needs might be. Having important documents and other essentials handy might be advisable.

    Reporting your husband’s abuse to the authorities and seeking their protection may also be an option. The Bible teaches that all must face the consequences of their actions. (Galatians 6:7) 

    Of governmental authority, the Bible says: “It is God’s minister to you for your good. But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear.” (Romans 13:4) Assault is as much a crime at home as it is on the street. Stalking is also a crime in many countries.

    “In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, . . . having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness.” (2 Timothy 3:1-3) 

    What fearsome times those words describe! Jesus said: “When you see these things occurring, know that the kingdom of God is near.” (Luke 21:31) 

    In our time, we can expect a government by God to rule from heaven over all mankind. (Daniel 2:44) 

    Freedom From Fear!
    The Bible describes a future time of peace when wars will cease, evildoers will be no more, and the earth will be filled with people who love God. Peter, an apostle of Jesus, wrote about a future “day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men.” There will not be anyone evil to fear because “righteousness is to dwell” on earth. (2 Peter 3:7, 9, 13) 

    Imagine the relief of living among trustworthy people who truly love one another! This prospect helps us to see the present dangerous times in a different light. They will not continue indefinitely.—Psalm 37:9-11.

    For the benefit of those suffering anxiety, Jehovah’s prophet was told: “Say to those who are anxious at heart: ‘Be strong. Do not be afraid. Look! Your own God will come with vengeance itself, God even with a repayment. He himself will come and save you people.’” (Isaiah 35:4) 

    Thus, servants of the true God can look to the future with confidence. (Philippians 4:6, 7) 

    For people who have had to live in fear, it is most comforting to know that Jehovah has not abandoned his original purpose for the earth to be filled with people who know him and reflect his loving qualities.—Genesis 1:26-28; Isaiah 11:9.

    “Jehovah is my shepherd. . . . My soul he refreshes. He leads me in the tracks of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk in the valley of deep shadow, I fear nothing bad, for you are with me.” (Psalm 23:1-4) 




  8. Queen Esther:

    Around the earth we will share this message. Many prayers will be said and the Glory will be to Jehovah God, he has chosen his people for his name and it will give a grand witness to many about him and his people! Soon all these worldly governments will lick the dust! May Jehovah's Name be Glorified forever! 


    Bible Speaks.                          ♥❤ !!!♥•ƸӜƷ•♥!!! ❤♥.


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