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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Alcohol Dangers
    “Alcohol-related injury, disability, and deaths in younger age-groups in Europe have increased alarmingly in recent years,” reports Britain’s medical journal The Lancet. In Europe, where alcohol consumption is the world’s highest, alcohol kills 55,000 young people every year. When asked about their drinking habits, one third of the students polled in Britain, Denmark, Finland, Greenland, and Ireland admitted having been drunk at least three times during the previous month. 

    According to a study of 100,000 students aged 15 to 16 in 30 European countries, the greatest increases in alcohol consumption by youths occurred in Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, and the Slovak Republic. As reported in London’s Independent newspaper, Britain’s Royal College of Physicians warns that “advanced cirrhosis of the liver, traditionally found in hard-drinking men in their 40s and 50s, is now being diagnosed” in women in their early 20’s. The college “identified alcohol as one of Britain’s most expensive public health problems.”

    Intoxicating drinks in ancient Biblical lands included wine made from grapes (De 32:14) and alcoholic beverages prepared from grains. (Isa 1:22) Moderate use of wine and other strong drinks is acceptable to Jehovah, who provides “wine that makes the heart of mortal man rejoice.”—Ps 104:14, 15

    The drunkard’s personal experience is described as the writer continues: “And you will certainly become like one lying down in the heart of the sea [experiencing the confusion of one drowning, finally passing into unconsciousness], even like one lying down at the top of a mast [as the rocking of the ship is greatest at this point, the drunkard’s life is in danger from accident, stroke, a fight, and so forth]. ‘They have struck me, but I did not become sick; they have smitten me, but I did not know it [says the drunkard, as if talking to himself; he was insensible to what was actually going on and to the punishment that the experience has inflicted on him]. When shall I wake up? I shall seek it yet some more [he must now sleep off the effects of overindulgence, but he is enslaved by the drink and looks forward to drinking more when he is able].’” He will come to poverty, by spending excessive amounts for liquor and also by becoming unreliable and rendering himself unable to work.—Pr 23:20, 21,34, 35.

    Prohibited in the Christian Congregation. The drunkard is prone to boisterousness or rough, unrestrained noisiness and to ridiculous actions, bringing reproach. (Pr 20:1; Ps 107:27; Isa 19:14) 

    Consequently, the practice of drunkenness is not to be tolerated in the Christian congregation. God’s attitude toward drunkenness was revealed in his Law to Israel. A son who was stubborn and rebellious, who was a glutton and a drunkard, was to be stoned to death. (De 21:18-21) 

    Similarly, the Bible commands that unrepentant or habitual drunkards are to be expelled from the Christian congregation. (1Co 5:11-13) “The works of the flesh” include “drunken bouts, revelries,” which things the nations in general practice. A Christian, having been cleansed from such practices but thereafter returning to them and proving unrepentant, would be prevented from entering God’s Kingdom. (1Co 6:9-11) 

    He is to cease spending his time working out the will of the nations by engaging in their excesses with wine and their drinking matches. (1Pe 4:3) He must devote himself to producing the fruits of God’s spirit.—Ga 5:19-24.

    Moderation and soundness of mind are therefore among the requirements for Christian overseers (1Ti 3:1-3; Tit 1:7); ministerial servants (1Ti 3:8); aged men and women (Tit 2:2, 3); young men and women (Tit 2:4-8); children (especially those of overseers).—Tit 1:6.


  2. 11 hours ago, Queen Esther said:


     A blind brother and his seeing dog .....

    In England, one of our dear blind brothers had a blind dog, who led him faithfully, and brought him to the assembly meetings every week. He was used to leading his brother to the kingdom hall every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

    When our brother died, the dog was handed over to another blind man who was not a Jehovah's Witness. The dog puzzled the man fairly. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday the dog was quite excited and wanted to go out, and he always asked his owner to get up and go out with him. At last the man followed the dog, and, without his knowledge, he was taken to the Kingdom hall and led to a seat. The man did not know where he was, but he enjoyed his stay because of the nice welcome he had received. So he began to study the Bible with the witnesses!

    This experience shows not only that Jehovah can even use his animals to lead someone to the truth, but also the following: If a dog knows where he belongs every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, should we not know it all the more?

    Jehovah  also  using  animals  for  a  good  humans - heart ❤  wonderful


    Queen Esther:

    What a wonderful experience!

    We are not "blind", we "know" where we should be and when! Let's take advantage of this wonderful spiritual food to keep us strong now, so when persecution comes we can remember all these things and spiritual gems for our survival. Be Blessed, put Jehovah first in our lives. Agape, Bible Speaks 


  3. 10 "For every wild animal                        of the forest is mine,
    Even the beasts upon a              thousand mountains."                                                  (Psalm 50:10) NWT jw.org

    (Tap screen for snowstorm)



  4. Lesson for today. (Matt 5:44, 45)  

    Love your enemies. Jehovah has always taught us to love our enemies.

    In Jesus’ time, some taught that people should hate their enemies. But Jesus counseled: “Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:43-45)

    Paul gave similar counsel when he said: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.” (Romans 12:20; Proverbs 25:21)

    In ancient Israel, Jehovah gave his people laws instructing them to help their enemies and even their enemies’ animals. (Exodus 23:5) By applying that counsel, some people who once hated one another might have become good friends.

    As Christians, showing love for our enemies may change the way they feel about us. Some of them may even become servants of Jehovah. By working together in such a way, former enemies might become good friends.

    Because Christians show love, many of our enemies have softened their heart toward us. If we show love for our enemies—even rabid persecutors—how happy we will be if some of them embrace true Christianity!

    Our enemies are in a very precarious position. They are fighting against God. Thus, in harmony with Jesus’ command, rather than fear them, we pray for those persecuting us. (Matthew 5:44)

    We pray that if any are opposing God out of ignorance, as Saul of Tarsus was, Jehovah will graciously open their eyes to the truth. (2 Corinthians 4:4) Saul became the Christian apostle Paul and suffered greatly at the hands of the authorities of his day.

    Still, he kept reminding fellow believers “to be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers, to be ready for every good work, to speak injuriously of no one [no, not even of their most ardent persecutors], not to be belligerent, to be reasonable, exhibiting all mildness toward all men.” “If you love those loving you, what reward do you have?” asked Jesus. “Are not also the tax collectors doing the same thing? And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing?” (Matt. 5:46, 47)

    True Christians do not show partiality toward people of certain educational or ethnic backgrounds; nor do they extend love only to those who are able to reciprocate.

    Rather, they help the poor and the sick, the young and the old. In such ways, Christians can imitate Jehovah’s love and thus be perfect in a relative sense. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2010846?q=pray+for+enemies&p=par#h=6


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