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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Welcome! We know You’ll Love all of GodÂ’s People! .

    We finished the memorial. I invited my grandmother, she is not a witnesses, to this ceremony. She accepted my request and came to our kingdom hall even if she has a bad condition. Thank Jehovah for giving us a great opportunity!

    My mother, she is a pioneer, my grandmother and me. ItÂ’s a 3 generations from Japan! #jw #jwjapan


    Repost @worldwide_witnesses




  2. 30 "Then I was beside him as a master worker.
    I was the one he was especially fond of day by 
    day; I rejoiced before him all the time."

    31 "I rejoiced over his habitable earth, And 
    I was especially fond of the sons of men."

    32 "And now, my sons, listen to me;
    Yes, happy are those who keep my ways."

    33 "Listen to discipline and become wise,
    And never neglect it."

    34 "Happy is the man who listens to me
    By coming early to my doors day by day,
    By waiting next to my doorposts;"

    35 "For the one finding me will find life,
    And he receives approval from Jehovah."

    (Proverbs 8:30-35)


  3. 2 "You, O Beth?le·hem Eph?ra·thah, The one too little to be among the thousands of Judah, From you will come out for me the          one to be ruler in Israel, Whose origin is from ancient times, from the days of long ago."

    (Micah 5:2)




  4. God's Promises are True, just look up in a rainy day after a storm? What He Promises comes true! "The rainbow will occur in the cloud, and I will certainly see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of every kind on the earth.” (Gen 9:16) Rev.

    The first Biblical reference to a rainbow is in the account of the covenant God made with Noah and his offspring after the Flood survivors came out of the ark. (Ge 9:8-17; Isa 54:9, 10) 
    This splendid sight of itself would have been reassuring and an indication of peace to Noah and his family.

    Now are you still reassured when you see a Rainbow today that God keeps His Word?


  5. ????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ? ?????????
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  6. Hundreds of Russians asked for asylum in Finland
    Hundreds of Russians asked for asylum in Finland, of which around a hundred - "Jehovah's Witnesses". The mass emigration of believers is related to the fact that in July of last year the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the religious organization as "extremist" and banned its activities.

    Most of all "Jehovah's Witnesses" came to the center for the reception of refugees in Joutseno in the city of Lappeenranta, Yle writes. They created a special parish group for Russian asylum seekers. "The number of Russians has grown since last year, in particular, the number of religious refugees seeking refuge in Finland has increased," cites the publication of the director of the reception center Joutseno Jari Käykkönen. Now, 250 Russian asylum seekers live in Joutseno, about a third of them are Jehovah's Witnesses. According to Jehovah's Witnesses themselves, more than 100 adherents to the movement came from Russia.

    According to the Immigration Service, 72 Russian asylum seekers arrived in Finland in the first two months of 2018. The Russians became the second largest group of asylum seekers after the Iraqis. The number of refugees from Russia increased last year to 411 people.

    The director of the press service of "Jehovah's Witnesses" in Finland, Veikko Leinonen, doubts that the flow of believing refugees from Russia will increase, although the situation in Russia is complicated. "A large flow is not expected if the aggravation of the situation does not lead to violence." Jehovah's Witnesses "will go underground, as they did in Soviet times," said Leinonen.

    Prohibition of "Jehovah's Witnesses"

    In April last year, the Supreme Court in the suit of the Ministry of Justice has recognized "extremist organization" Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia "(shortly before dozens" witnesses "brochures and books were considered" extremist "). In July, the presidium of the court upheld this decision, banning the activities of some 400 legal entities of "Jehovah's Witnesses" and about 175,000 followers of the movement, the representatives of the management center said. Russia's Ministry of Justice included the movement in the list of organizations banned by extremism.According to the law, now believers can not preach, print and distribute religious literature, gather to pray in houses of prayer.Any activity of a forbidden organization threatens to its members with criminal prosecution.

    Human rights defenders are actively campaigning against the persecution of "Jehovah's Witnesses". The signs by which the organization was recognized as "extremist" were also criticized by some religious scholars and lawyers. In addition, the European Union called on Russia to provide freedom of conscience and assembly for supporters of the doctrine.




  7. Proverbs 31:28

    28 “Her children rise up and declare her happy; Her husband rises up and praises her.”

    Learn From the Great Teacher can help many more parents to teach children so as to protect this precious heritage. Our children deserve all the time, attention, and effort we can give them. 

    They are young for such a short time. Take advantage of every opportunity to be with them and to help them. You will never regret it. They will come to love you. Always remember, your children are God’s gift to you. What a precious inheritance they are! (Psalm 127:3-5) So treat them as such, as though you are answerable to God for how you rear them because the fact is, you are. 

    Psalm 127:3-5

     3 Look! Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah;

    The fruit of the womb is a reward.

     4 Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man,

    So are the sons of oneÂ’s youth.

     5 Happy is the man who fills his quiver with them.

    They will not be put to shame,

    For they will speak with enemies in the city gate.”

    Tap on Video Link mp4 _____Rejoice! 



  8. Don’t Give Up! We Are So Close! Thank you Jehovah for Your Reminders and Orders. We Beg For Your Mercy and Your Loyal Love to Continue Forever! Your Beloved Son Taught Us the Way! Thank You for Your King YouÂ’ve Appointed for Us!

    Isaiah .

    “And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)

    Just hatched and already figthing for his life ??Bumped into this little fellow while walking up the beach to go for a surf this morning in Tamarindo . He got smashed in the waves close to shore but he finally managed to get out as the tide was right. I did follow him out just to make sure ??. 

    ? Video & words by @timmckenna -

    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ???


  9. Trapped schoolchildren called their parents from burning Russian mall — to say goodbye

    MOSCOW —

    With anger, sadness, and confusion, Russians struggled to come to grips Monday with a shocking failure of fire safety that allowed a blaze to storm through a crowded shopping center in the Siberian city of Kemerovo, killing 64 people.

    An entire class of schoolchildren apparently died in SundayÂ’s fire, some having had the chance to make desperate, futile phone calls to parents or relatives before succumbing to the smoke and flames.

    Russian social networks were flooded with grief, and a measure of anger over the response. Officials said fire exits were blocked and an alarm had been turned off. The disastrous blaze joins a long list of accidents, fires and sinkings in Russia marked by apparent negligence beforehand and inept or insufficient response by emergency services. Russian prosecutors can be quick to assign criminal blame in such cases — and rapidly went to work in Kemerovo — but subsequent promises to step up safety measures often prove to be halfhearted.

    “We are burning, perhaps this is goodbye,” a 13-year-old named Maria posted on her social media account, according to the ­Rossiya-24 television channel. Hers was one of about 30 goodbyes posted by children who would not log into their accounts again.

    “There are no accurate lists,” the television reporter said, “but the parents are holding on to the hope that the names of their children will be moved from the list of the dead to those missing.”

    The fire broke out Sunday afternoon, the first day of a week-long school break. A class from a school in the small town of Treshchevsky had traveled to Kemerovo to see a movie at the Winter Cherry mall, eat ice cream and jump on a trampoline. On Monday, parents of the students visited hospitals hoping to find their children. The director of the school, Pavel Orynsky, broke down while describing the students on camera.

    A woman named Yevgenia told the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda that her niece Vika called her at 4:11 — right after the fire broke out — from the movie theater where so many of the children from Treshchevsky found themselves trapped.

    “She told me that everything was on fire, that all the doors were blocked,” Yevgenia said, struggling to overcome her tears.

    Vika told Yevgenia over the phone that she couldn’t breathe. “I told her: Vika, take off all your clothes, take them to your nose and breathe through them.”

    “Please tell Mom that I loved her,” Vika replied, “Please tell everyone that I loved them.”

    That was the last Yevgenia heard from her niece.

    [Young Russians are Vladi­mir Putin’s biggest fans]

    In other corners of the Russian media, anger toward emergency services for their handling of the disaster found a platform.

    An interview with Alexander Lillevyali published by Meduza, an independent outlet, recounted his attempts to save his daughters from the burning theater while first responders geared up and struggled to commit to a single course of action.

    “They took three minutes — three f---ing minutes! — to put on their masks,” Lillevyali said, with tears in his eyes.

    The firefighters initially followed him to the staircase leading to the theater, he said, but they were redirected by a man who told them of another fire. He then begged them to give him a mask so he could return to the theater and save the girls himself.

    “They told me: Can’t do it. Everything has to be according to regulations,” Lillevyali recalled. “My girls were left to burn because of the g-----m regulations.”

    Emergency services officials put the death toll at 64 on Monday, but local media reports suggest that many more may still be missing.

    As of Monday evening, authorities said 23 of the dead had been identified. Fifty-two people required medical attention, and at least 12 of them were hospitalized. One is an 11-year-old boy who jumped out a fourth-floor window to escape the blaze.

    Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said the boy was in serious condition and on a respirator, with several broken bones and emotionally traumatized.

    “He lost his parents and a younger sister in this tragedy,” Skvortsova said.

    Videos posted on social media showed others jumping from fourth-floor windows. One showed men attempting to break out of a locked stairwell as flames encroached. Another video, apparently taken from a security camera, showed that mall patrons on the fourth floor had little time to react. The inferno erupted and spread through the children’s play area in a matter of seconds.

    Family and friends shared photos of children believed to have been at the mall when the fire broke out.

    Russia’s Investigative Committee opened a criminal investigation on Monday and detained several people involved in the mall’s operation for questioning. Committee spokeswoman Svetlana Petrenko said authorities were looking into several “serious violations” of fire safety codes.

    Petrenko said that fire exits were blocked and that a private security guard turned off the fire alarm after receiving notice of the fire. The security firm denied the allegations in comments given to the RBC news agency.

    The cause of the fire has not been determined, but the Kemerovo regionÂ’s vice governor, Vladimir Chernov, said the working theory is that a child may have used a cigarette lighter to ignite a foam ball in the childrenÂ’s play area on the fourth floor.

    The fire’s epicenter has been identified as the play area — near the theater where many children were trapped.

    Eyewitness accounts suggest that the fire alarm did not sound, leaving those in the theater initially unaware of the emergency.

    According to the Kommersant newspaper, almost 300 firefighters and more than 60 firetrucks arrived to battle the blaze. It took authorities 19 hours to extinguish the flames, which covered an area of 16,000 square feet. The roof over this section collapsed.

    The head of RussiaÂ’s Emergency Situations Ministry, Vladimir Puchkov, described thick clouds of smoke and limited visibility as temperatures within the mall reached nearly 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit. The fire raged for hours before firefighters could reach the fourth floor.

    In addition to theaters and the childrenÂ’s play area, that floor featured a large petting zoo. All of the animals are reported to have died.

    Smaller fires reignited Monday afternoon, and temperatures within parts of the mall were still almost 400 degrees, Puchkov told reporters.

    Today's WorldView newsletter

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    Late Monday, attention began to shift toward RussiaÂ’s abysmal fire safety record, with legislators and other officials promising swift amendments to fire safety codes and stricter code enforcement, as they typically have in the wake of past disasters.

    Chernov said authorities would conduct safety checks at other shopping centers in the region.

    The blaze in Kemerovo is just one of several major fire disasters in Russia in the past 15 years. In 2003, a fire in a student dorm at a Moscow university killed 44 and injured 156. In a 2007 nursing home fire in Krasnodar, 63 people died, and a 2009 nightclub fire in Perm killed 153. In 2015, a fire at a mall in Kazan killed 19 people and injured 61.



  10. ???? ?????? ??????????? ???:

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    I could not help remembering it. Once, together with a group of volunteers, he was looking for a private home, which could be bought and converted into a kingdom hall. At the briefings, we were repeatedly told about the importance of fire safety requirements. For example, we could not consider buying a house around which you can not provide the required 10-meter fire clearance. They told us: "You will be persuaded that these demands are absurd, nobody cares about them, nobody observes them, there are no churches". And this is so, nobody observes them. But we are nobody. We are Christians, which means that we value the gift of the life of God, and we also observe the laws "not only out of fear of punishment but also of conscience" (Rm 13, 5).

    In Europe, my co-religionists carry out joint exercises with firemen, they even have their own fire fighting services. Many resources are spent not only on the meticulous implementation of safety standards, but also on the training of people so that everyone knows exactly how to act in an independent situation. In an incident in Frankfurt in 2014, witnesses in record time evacuated 88 people from a smoke-filled building (most people die from smoke in fires). No one was hurt, and the fire department representative said: "I can not believe how you can evacuate such a large building in a city like Frankfurt so fast." His people are extremely disciplined, and his Emergency Response Team has worked in a Excellent ".

    And in Russia, the only organization for which fire safety is equal to the commandment of God, is now forbidden. In Russia, they are not necessary. And this explains a lot.


  12. Jehovah God Created this Beautiful Mountian Lion - Thank Him for His Wonderful Creatures!

     A female mountain lion stalks along a crevice late last night near Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. I haven't seen this cat before and assume sheÂ’s new to the area. Camera traps are great - not just for taking photos of animals that are hard to see but also to monitor movements of different species and different individuals. 

    photo by @chamiltonjames / Charlie Hamilton James -


  13. What’s is in a Name? ~ Why Do YOU Have a Name?

    In the Hebrew language, GodÂ’s name is written ????. These four letters, which are read from right to left, are commonly called the Tetragrammaton. Many names of people and places mentioned in the Bible contain an abbreviated form of the divine name. Is it possible that these proper names can provide some clues as to how GodÂ’s name was pronounced?

    According to George Buchanan, professor emeritus at Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., the answer is yes. Professor Buchanan explains: “In ancient times, parents often named their children after their deities. That means that they would have pronounced their children’s names the way the deity’s name was pronounced. The Tetragrammaton was used in people’s names, and they always used the middle vowel.”

    Consider a few examples of proper names found in the Bible that include a shortened form of God’s name. Jonathan, which appears as Yoh·na·than? or Yehoh·na·than? in the Hebrew Bible, means “Yaho or Yahowah has given,” says Professor Buchanan. The prophet Elijah’s name is ?E·li·yah? or ?E·li·ya?hu in Hebrew. According to Professor Buchanan, the name means: “My God is Yahoo or Yahoo-wah.” Similarly, the Hebrew name for Jehoshaphat is Yehoh-sha·phat?, meaning “Yaho has judged.”

    A two-syllable pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton as “Yahweh” would not allow for the o vowel sound to exist as part of God’s name. But in the dozens of Biblical names that incorporate the divine name, this middle vowel sound appears in both the original and the shortened forms, as in Jehonathan and Jonathan. Thus, Professor Buchanan says regarding the divine name: “In no case is the vowel oo or oh omitted. The word was sometimes abbreviated as ‘Ya,’ but never as ‘Ya-weh.’ . . . When the Tetragrammaton was pronounced in one syllable it was ‘Yah’ or ‘Yo.’ When it was pronounced in three syllables it would have been ‘Yahowah’ or ‘Yahoowah.’ If it was ever abbreviated to two syllables it would have been ‘Yaho.’”—Biblical Archaeology Review.

    These comments help us understand the statement made by 19th-century Hebrew scholar Gesenius in his Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament Scriptures: “Those who consider that ??????? [Ye-ho-wah] was the actual pronunciation [of God’s name] are not altogether without ground on which to defend their opinion. In this way can the abbreviated syllables ????? [Ye-ho] and ??? [Yo], with which many proper names begin, be more satisfactorily explained.”

    Nevertheless, in the introduction to his recent translation of The Five Books of Moses, Everett Fox points out: “Both old and new attempts to recover the ‘correct’ pronunciation of the Hebrew name [of God] have not succeeded; neither the sometimes-heard ‘Jehovah’ nor the standard scholarly ‘Yahweh’ can be conclusively proven.”

    No doubt the scholarly debate will continue. Jews stopped pronouncing the name of the true God before the Masoretes developed the system of vowel pointing. Thus, there is no definitive way to prove which vowels accompanied the consonants YHWH (????). Yet, the very names of Biblical figures—the correct pronunciation of which was never lost—provide a tangible clue to the ancient pronunciation of God’s name. On this account, at least some scholars agree that the pronunciation “Jehovah” is not so “monstrous” after all.


    Tap on Video Link mp4 ________Enjoy! ?



  14. Christ's record of perfect integrity also upheld the rightfulness and righteousness of  Jehovah's Universal Sovereignty. 


    9 "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.

    Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem.

    Look! Your king is coming to you.

    He is righteous, bringing salvation,

    Humble and riding on a donkey,

    On a colt,the foal of a female donkey."

    (Zechariah 9:9)


    Memorial Bible reading: (Daytime events: Nisan 9) John 12:12-19; Mark 11:1-11



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