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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Don't feel bad if people remember you only when they need you...feel privileged that you are like a candle that comes to their mind when there is darkness. 

    2 "Go on carrying the burdens of one another, and in this way you will fulfill the law of the Christ."

    (Galatians 6:2)



  2. “Heavens of the heavens.” The expression “heavens of the heavens” is considered to refer to the highest heavens and would embrace the complete extent of the physical heavens, however vast, since the heavens extend out from the earth in all directions.—De 10:14; Ne 9:6.

    Solomon, the constructor of the temple at Jerusalem, stated that the “heavens, yes, the heaven of the heavens” cannot contain God. (1Ki 8:27) 

    As the Creator of the heavens, Jehovah’s position is far above them all, and “his name alone is unreachably high. His dignity is above earth and heaven.” (Ps 148:13) 

    Jehovah measures the physical heavens as easily as a man would measure an object by spreading his fingers so that the object lies between the tips of the thumb and the little finger. (Isa 40:12) 

    Solomon’s statement does not mean that God has no specific place of residence. Nor does it mean that he is omnipresent in the sense of being literally everywhere and in everything. This can be seen from the fact that Solomon also spoke of Jehovah as hearing “from the heavens, your established place of dwelling,” that is, the heavens of the spirit realm.—1Ki 8:30, 39.

    15 May you be blessed by Jehovah, The Maker of heaven and earth."

    16 As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah, But the earth he has given to the sons of men."

    (Psalm 115:15,16)



    When some people read about Jehovah’s impressive qualities, they feel afraid and think, ‘God isso powerful, so important, and so far away, why would he care about me?’ But is that how God wants us to feel? Not at all. 

    Jehovah wants to be close to us. The Bible says that God is “not far off from each one of us.” (Acts 17:27) God wants you to draw close to him, and he promises that “he will draw close to you.”—James 4:8.

    How can you feel close to God if you cannot see him? (John 1:18;4:24; 1 Timothy 1:17) 

    When you read about Jehovah in the Bible, you get to know him as a real Person. (Psalm 27:4; Romans 1:20) 

    As you learn more about Jehovah, you will love him more and more and you will feel closer to him.

    Imagine that. Jehovah, the Creator of the universe, wants you to be his friend!

    The Bible teaches that Jehovah is the loving Creator of the universe!

    “You created all things.”—Revelation 4:11
    What can the Bible teach us about God?
    * Revelation 15:3 He is the Almighty, the most powerful person in the universe.
    * Psalm 90:2 He has always existed.
    * Matthew 6:9 God is our Father. He wants us to have the best life possible.
    * Acts 17:27 God wants to be close to us.
    “Jehovah . . . is my name forever.”—Exodus 3:15
    Why is God’s name important?
    * Psalm 83:18 God tells us that his name is Jehovah. “God” and “Lord” are not names. They are titles, like “king” and “president.” Jehovah wants you to use his name.
    * Exodus 3:14 His name means “He Causes to Become.” Because Jehovah created all things, he can fulfill any promise he makes and can accomplish his purpose.
    “God is love.”—1 John 4:8
    What does God’s love mean for us?
    * Exodus 34:6; Psalm 37:28 He is merciful and compassionate. He loves truth and justice.
    * Psalm 86:5 He is forgiving.
    * 2 Peter 3:9 He is patient with us.
    * Revelation 15:4 He is loyal to us.
    “Throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.”—1 Peter 5:7
    How do you know that God really cares for you?
    * Psalm 37:9-11 He promises to end suffering and to repair all the damage done by bad people.
    * James 4:8 Jehovah wants you to be close to him.
    * John 17:3 The more you learn about God, the more you will love him.




  4. How Your Life Can Have 

    Greater Meaning


    AN ANCIENT proverb says: “Do not toil to gain riches. Cease from your own understanding. Have you caused your eyes to glance at it, when it is nothing? 


    For without fail it makes wings for itself like those of an eagle and flies away toward the heavens.” (Proverbs 23:4, 5)


    In other words, it is not wise to wear ourselves out trying to become rich, for wealth can fly away as on an eagle’s wings.


    As the Bible shows, material wealth can disappear quickly. It may vanish overnight because of a natural disaster, an economic slump, or other unforeseen occurrences.


    Moreover, even those who achieve material success are often disillusioned. Consider the case of John, whose work involved entertaining politicians, sports figures, and royalty. 


    “Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6, 7) 


    Instead of trying to carry our problems alone, we need to pray fervently, throwing our daily burdens on God. (Psalm 55:22) 


    Faith that he responds to such supplication through his Son, Jesus Christ, will increase as we grow spiritually and discern how God helps us.—John 14:6, 14; 2 Thessalonians 1:3.


    After we have built up our confidence in Jehovah God, the “Hearer of prayer,” we are better able to cope with trials, such as prolonged sickness, old age, or bereavement. (Psalm 65:2) 


    For a truly meaningful life, however, we must also take the future into account.

    Rejoice in the Hope Ahead


    The Bible promises “new heavens and a new earth,” a righteous, caring heavenly government ruling over an obedient human family. (2 Peter 3:13)




  5.  "Jehovah himself will fight for you, and you will keep silent.”

    14 :1 "Jehovah now said to Moses:

     2 “Tell the Israelites that they should turn back and encamp before Pi·ha·hiʹroth, between Migʹdol and the sea, within view of Baʹal-zeʹphon. You are to encamp facing it by the sea."

     3 "Then Pharʹaoh will say about the Israelites, ‘They are wandering in confusion in the land. The wilderness has closed in on them.’"

     4 "I will allow Pharʹaoh’s heart to become obstinate, and he will chase after them, and I will glorify myself by means of Pharʹaoh and all his army; and the Egyptians will certainly know that I am Jehovah.” So that is what they did."

    5 "Later it was reported to the king of Egypt that the people had run away. Immediately, Pharʹaoh and his servants had a change of heart regarding the people, and they said: “Why did we do this and release Israel from serving as slaves for us?”

     6 "So he made his war chariots ready, and he took his people with him."

     7 "He took 600 chosen chariots and all the other chariots of Egypt, with warriors on every one of them."

     8 "Thus Jehovah allowed the heart of Pharʹaoh king of Egypt to become obstinate, and he chased after the Israelites, while the Israelites were going out with confidence."

     9 "The Egyptians chased after them, and all the chariot horses of Pharʹaoh and his cavalrymen and his army were catching up with them while they were camping by the sea, by Pi·ha·hiʹroth, facing Baʹal-zeʹphon."

    10 "When Pharʹaoh got closer, the Israelites raised their eyes and saw the Egyptians pursuing them. The Israelites became terrified and began to cry out to Jehovah."

    11 "They said to Moses: “Is it because there are no burial places in Egypt that you have brought us here to die in the wilderness? What have you done to us by leading us out of Egypt?"

     12 "Is this not the very thing we told you in Egypt when we said, ‘Let us alone, so that we may serve the Egyptians’? For it is better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness.”

    13 "Then Moses said to the people: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah that he will perform for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you will never ever see again."

     14 "Jehovah himself will fight for you, and you will keep silent.”

    15 "Jehovah now said to Moses: “Why do you keep crying out to me? Tell the Israelites that they should break camp."

     16 "As for you, lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, so that the Israelites may go through the midst of the sea on dry ground."

    17 "As for me, I am allowing the hearts of the Egyptians to become obstinate, so that they will go in after them; thus I will glorify myself by means of Pharʹaoh and all his army, his war chariots, and his cavalrymen."

     18 "And the Egyptians will certainly know that I am Jehovah when I glorify myself by means of Pharʹaoh, his war chariots, and his cavalrymen.”

    19 "Then the angel of the true God who was going ahead of the camp of Israel departed and went to their rear, and the pillar of cloud that was in front of them moved to the rear and stood behind them."

     20 "So it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel. On the one side, it was a dark cloud. On the other side, it was lighting up the night. So the one camp did not come near the other camp all night long."

    21 "Moses now stretched out his hand over the sea; and Jehovah drove the sea back with a strong east wind all night long, turning the sea basin into dry ground, and the waters divided."

     22 "So the Israelites went through the midst of the sea on dry ground, while the waters formed a wall on their right hand and on their left."

    23 "The Egyptians pursued them, and all Pharʹaoh’s horses, his war chariots, and his cavalrymen began going after them into the midst of the sea."

     24 "During the morning watch, Jehovah looked at the camp of the Egyptians from within the pillar of fire and cloud, and he threw the camp of the Egyptians into confusion."

    25 "He kept taking wheels off their chariots so that they were driving them with difficulty, and the Egyptians were saying: “Let us flee from any contact with Israel, because Jehovah is fighting for them against the Egyptians.”

    26 "Then Jehovah said to Moses: “Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may come back over the Egyptians, their war chariots, and their cavalrymen.” 

    27 "Moses at once stretched out his hand over the sea, and as morning approached, the sea returned to its normal condition. As the Egyptians fled from it, Jehovah shook the Egyptians off into the midst of the sea."

     28 "The returning waters covered the war chariots and the cavalrymen and all of Pharʹaoh’s army who had gone into the sea after them. Not so much as one among them was allowed to survive."

    29 "But the Israelites walked on dry ground in the midst of the seabed, and the waters formed a wall on their right hand and on their left."

    30 "Thus Jehovah saved Israel on that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore."

    31 "Israel also saw the great power that Jehovah wielded against the Egyptians, and the people began to fear Jehovah and to put faith in Jehovah and in his servant Moses."
    (Exodus 14:1-31) NWT 


  6. Thank you John Lindsay Barltrop, we can't imagine His awesome power, yet all the nations will know Jehovah either in a good way or when he meets them in their destruction. 

    “I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.”—Ezekiel 38:18-23.



  7. I Will ‘Climb Up Just as a Stag Does’
    “Why did God let this happen? Why me?” How many times I asked those questions! I couldn’t bear the idea of spending my life in a wheelchair, unable to use my arms and legs.


    I Will ‘Climb Up Just as a Stag Does’ (August 2006) Francesco Abbatemarco’s patience and humility really made me think. Not only did he try to overcome his physical disability in order to serve Jehovah but he also worked hard to overcome his negative feelings as well. His experience has helped me to keep in mind that no matter what situations we face, we can serve Jehovah to the best of our ability. I was also encouraged to see how applying God’s Word helped him to make dramatic changes in his life.
    N. G., Cambodia 

    Francesco had so many obstacles to overcome. Yet, once he found the truth, he faced them eagerly and willingly. He is such a wonderful example of determination! I hope his story will motivate others the way it has me.
    M. D., South Africa 

    I loved this article so much! I wish I could tell Francesco Abbatemarco in person how much it encouraged me to make a greater effort to do more in my service to Jehovah.
    J. B., United States 

    Thank you, Francesco, for your wonderful example of zeal and endurance. I am sure that in the new system, you will leap up like a stag. Please know that you have brothers and sisters who really love you and who pray for you.
    S. G., Russia 


  8. “Let your roots grow down into Christ and draw up nourishment from him. See that you go on growing in the Lord, and become strong and vigorous in the truth.”
    (Colossians 2:7). NIV            

     6 "Therefore, just as you have accepted Christ Jesus the Lord, go on walking in union with him, 7 being rooted and built up in him and being stabilized in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving."
    (Colossians 2:6,7) NWT 


  9. Seek God as if your life depends on it...because it does. 

     9 "With you is the source of life; By your light we can see light.

    10 "Continue showing your loyal love to those who know you, And your righteousness, to the upright in heart."

    11 "Do not let the foot of the haughty tread on me, Or the hand of the wicked drive me away.

    12 "There the wrongdoers have fallen; They have been knocked down and cannot get up."
          (Psalm 36:9-12)


  10. 23 "And I will certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’"
    (Ezekiel 38:23)

    How reassuring it is to know that Jehovah will rescue his people from the attack of Gog of the land of Magog! Gog is the name given to “the ruler of this world,” Satan the Devil, after his ouster from heaven. The land of Magog refers to the vicinity of the earth, to which Satan and his demons are confined.—John 12:31; Revelation 12:7-12.


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