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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Get on the right course! Listen, Obey and Be Blessed!  Only one direction to go in...

    "A fool" according to Proverbs:
    • A fool hates knowledge (1:22)

    • Takes no pleasure in   understanding (18:2)

    • Enjoys wicked schemes (10:23)

    • Proclaims folly (12:23)

    • Despises parents discipline (15:5)

    • Speaks perversity (19:1)

    • Is quick-tempered (12:16)

    • Gets himself in trouble with his proud speech (14:3)

    • Mocks sin (14:9).

    • Is deceitful (14:8)

    • Despises his mother (15:20).

    New World Translation
    Ecclesiastes 12:10
    10 "The congregator sought to find delightful words and to record accurate words of truth."


  2. 11 "But all those taking refuge in you will rejoice;

    IMG_7006.movTo time indefinite they  will cry out joyfully.
    And you will block approach to them,
    And those loving your name will exult in you.
    12 For you yourself will bless anyone righteous,O Jehovah;
    As with a large shield, with approval you will surround them."
    (Psalm 5:11,12) Rbi8


  3. “The word of God is alive and exerts power.”—HEB. 4:12.  The caption text reminds us that the word of God “exerts power.” Yes, God’s word exerts power to change lives. It is just as effective in helping us make needed changes after our baptism as it was prior to our taking that step. In his letter to the Hebrews, Paul also writes that the word of God “pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Heb. 4:12)  In other words, when we clearly understand God’s purpose for us, the way we respond to it reveals what we are deep inside. Is there sometimes a difference between what we appear to be (the “soul”) and who we really are (the “spirit”)? (Read Matthew 23:27, 28.) When Paul wrote that “the word of God is alive,” he was not referring specifically to God’s written Word, the Bible. The context shows that he was referring to God’s word of promise. Paul’s point was that God does not make a promise and then forget about it. Jehovah established this through the prophet Isaiah: “My word . . . will not return to me without results, but it will . . . have certain success in that for which I have sent it.” (Isa. 55:11)  Thus, there is no need for us to become impatient when things do not move ahead as quickly as we might wish. Jehovah ‘keeps working’ with a view to bringing his purpose to a successful conclusion.—John 5:17.


  4. “Have Love for the Whole Association of Brothers."

    Our main reason for being a part of our Christian brotherhood is our love for Jehovah. So we love to learn about him and to teach others about him. And we love the people whom Jehovah loves. When we help them in times of need, we do not expect God to thank us. Instead, we thank God because we view our Christian brotherhood as a precious gift from him. As the last days of this loveless world are winding down, may we continue to demonstrate love for the whole association of brothers!


  5. "From the rising of the sun to its setting
    That there is none besides me.
    I am Jehovah, and there is no one else.
     7 I form light and create darkness,
    I make peace and create calamity;
    I, Jehovah, am doing all these things.
     8 You heavens, rain down from above;
    Let the clouds pour down righteousness.
    Let the earth open up and be fruitful with salvation,
    And let it cause righteousness to spring up at the same time.
    I, Jehovah, have created it.”                                    (Isaiah 45:6-8)


  6. Fancy a Fungus?

    IN ANCIENT Egypt the Pharaohs prized mushrooms as delicacies. They became the preserve of the royal family. 

    The Romans called mushrooms food of the gods and served them only on special occasions. 

    The ancient Greeks held mushroom feasts and believed that mushrooms empowered their warriors for battle.

    Today, however, mushrooms are not just for the elite. People all over the world enjoy eating them! 

    What about you? If you fancy mushrooms, do you know what you are eating? Are mushrooms animals, vegetables, or something else? How are they grown? Are they nutritious? And if you see mushrooms in the wild, what should you do?

    Noel, a burly Australian, is a microbiologist and mushroom expert. He studied mushroom cultivation in several countries before returning to Australia to grow them commercially.

    “Mushrooms are fungi, a family of organisms that includes mildews and molds,” he explains.

    “Biologists formerly thought that fungi were plants, but we now know that they are very different from plants.

    “For example, fungi do not make their food through photosynthesis as do nearly all plants. They can grow in the dark.

    Their bodies secrete powerful enzymes that convert organic material into basic nutrients, which they absorb as food.

    This unique digestive process also distinguishes fungi from animals. Since fungi are neither plants nor animals, biologists now classify them in a realm of their own—the fungi kingdom.”

    “In the wild, mature mushrooms release millions of tiny spores that mix with other mushroom spores and germinate,” Noel continues. “If the . . . spores land in a cold, damp place with plenty of food, they can grow into new mushrooms. 

    Commercial mushroom growers aim to replicate this process using controlled conditions to improve crop yields and quality.”

    It can be very dangerous to gather mushrooms in the wild, however.

    The death cap mushroom (Amanita phalloides), among others, closely resembles edible varieties yet is deadly. So follow the rule: Never eat mushrooms from the wild unless a mushroom expert identifies them as safe to eat!

    Of course, commercially grown varieties are safe to consume. They are, in fact, delicious treats that were once reserved for royalty!


  7. Origin of the Universe:

    Gen. 1:1: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”                                

    Astronomer Robert Jastrow wrote: “Now we see how the astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world. The details differ, but the essential elements in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis are the same: the chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly and sharply at a definite moment in time, in a flash of light and energy.”—God and the Astronomers (New York, 1978), p. 14.                      




    People will no longer feel pain, grow old, or die.—Revelation 21:4

    “The lame will leap like the deer.”—Isaiah 35:6

    “The eyes of the blind will be opened.”—Isaiah 35:5

    The dead will be brought back to life.—John 5:28, 29

    No one will get sick.—Isaiah 33:24

    Everyone on earth will have plenty to eat.—Psalm 72:16.                          The Bible does more than that. It tells us what we need to know in order to be truly happy and enjoy life right now. Think for a moment about the things that make you worry. These may include money or family matters, bad health, or the death of someone you love. The Bible can help you to cope with these problems, and it can comfort you by answering such questions as these:

    Why do we suffer?

    How can we cope with our problems?

    Can our family be happy?

    What happens to us when we die?

    Will we ever see our dead loved ones again?

    Why can we be confident that God will do everything that he has promised? Go to JW.Org to learn these answers. 


  9. Bible Reading—Profitable and Pleasurable

    “You must . . . read in it day and night.”—JOSHUA 1:8.                         The Bible’s Author, Jehovah God has preserved it through centuries of virulent opposition from its enemies, both religious and secular. Since it is his will that “all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth,” he has seen to it that his Word is made available to all humankind. (1 Timothy 2:4) It is estimated that about 80 percent of earth’s inhabitants can be reached by the use of 100 languages. The text of the entire Bible is available in 370 languages, and parts of the Scriptures can be read in a further 1,860 languages and dialects. Jehovah wants his people to read his Word. He blesses his servants who give attention to his Word, yes, who read it daily.—Psalm 1:1, 2.                          

    Notice the reasons why Jehovah required all future kings of Israel to read the book of divine law daily: (1) “in order that he may learn to fear Jehovah his God so as to keep all the words of this law and these regulations by doing them”; (2) “that his heart may not exalt itself above his brothers”; (3) “that he may not turn aside from the commandment to the right or to the left.”              




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