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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. "Man has dominated man to his harm." —Eccl. 8:9. - Bible Speaks -

    Ecclesiastes 8:9 

    Good News Translation (GNT)

    The Wicked and the Righteous

    9 I saw all this when I thought about the things that are done in this world, a world where some people have power and others have to suffer under them. 

    Good News Translation (GNT)

    Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society

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    Российские прокуроры подтверждают в письменной форме, что любой гражданин в любой части страны имеет право читать и обсуждать Библию как по отдельности, так и по группам, а также предложение сделать это с другими людьми, и за это не несет никакой ответственности.

  3. Hundreds gather at church for blessing ceremony featuring AR-15s

    NEWFOUNDLAND, Pa. -- Hundreds of crown-wearing worshipers clutching AR-15 riflesdrank holy wine and exchanged or renewed wedding vows in a commitment ceremony at a Pennsylvania church on Wednesday, prompting a nearby school to cancel classes. With state police and a smattering of protesters standing watch outside the church, brides clad in white and grooms in dark suits brought dozens of unloaded AR-15s into World Peace and Unification Sanctuary for a religious event that doubled as an advertisement for the Second Amendment.



  4. Too many Satellites in Space? Is that called "space garbage" or "overload"?

    Confusion and air is in fact "polluted". Can that effect out brains and bodies? Yes of course! ????

    As we gear up for an era where space travel becomes more common thanks to the efforts of companies like Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic and Elon MuskÂ’s SpaceX, territory that was unchartered just a few decades ago could soon become commonplace.

    Even those of us with no interest in traveling to space have come to rely on The Final Frontier more so than ever before, thanks to an increasing number of services that rely on satellites orbiting the Earth. Cell phones and in-dash navigation systems rely on GPS satellites, Dish and DirecTV obviously use satellite feeds, and satellite communications systems offered by the likes of Inmarsat and Iridium continue to proliferate across various industries.

    Just how crowded is it getting up there above the EarthÂ’s atmosphere?

    The answer: Pretty crowded.

    Vala Afshar, chief marketing officer of network infrastructure company Extreme Networks, recently posted a fascinating image on Twitter. Simply put, the image shows every single satellite in space that is currently orbiting Earth, in one graphic.

    The picture speaks for itself:

    We need GodÂ’s Kingdom! Let it come! Matthew 6:10.



  5. What Kind of Peace you Want? True Peace or False Words of Peace? Only One can Bring Peace to the Earth. ???

    Right Now you can have Peace. Learn How....This IS the PATHWAY...the ONLY WAY ~

    Acquiring Peace. 

    Jehovah is the God of peace and the Source of peace, it being a fruit of his spirit. (Ga 5:22)

    For this reason true peace can be had only by those who are at peace with God. Serious transgressions put a strain on a person’s relationship with God and cause the individual to be disturbed. The psalmist said: “There is no peace in my bones on account of my sin.” (Ps 38:3)

    Those who desire to seek and pursue peace must therefore “turn away from what is bad, and do what is good.” (Ps 34:14) Without righteousness, there can be no peace. That is why the wicked cannot have peace. On the other hand, peace is the possession of those who are fully devoted to Jehovah, love his law and heed his commandments.—Isa 48:18.

    (1 Corinthians 14:33) 33 For God is [a God], not of disorder, but of peace.. . .

    (Psalm 29:11) . . .Jehovah himself will give strength indeed to his people. Jehovah himself will bless his people with peace.

    (Galatians 5:22, 23) 22 On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, 23 mildness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.

    (Isaiah 32:17) 17 And the work of the [true] righteousness must become peace; and the service of the [true] righteousness, quietness and security to time indefinite.

    (Isaiah 48:22) . . .There is no peace,” Jehovah has said, “for the wicked ones. . .

    (Psalm 119:165) 165 Abundant peace belongs to those loving your law, And for them there is no stumbling block. . .

    (Isaiah 48:18) . . . O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.”

    However, by means of Christ Jesus both peoples were given the opportunity to come into a peaceful relationship with God. Pointing forward to this was the angelic announcement made to shepherds at Jesus’ birth: “Upon earth peace among men of goodwill.”—Lu 2:14.

    - Bible Speaks -


  6. He Loved Us First ~ Show Your Love 
    JehovahÂ’s Witnesses meet together each year to observe the anniversary of the death of Jesus. You are invited to learn how this important event affects you.

    You Are Invited 
    On the night before he died, Jesus instructed his disciples to commemorate the sacrifice that he was about to make. He told them: “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.”—Luke 22:19

    Please join us for the annual observance of the death of Jesus Christ. This year it will be held on Saturday, March 31.
    At a Kingdom Hall nearest youÂ…





  7. Your Invitation from Ukraine! 

    Shared by @stasinho_97 Let's start the campaign this morning. The weather is cold. -3°C. But nothing will stop us. Vynogradiv Transcarpathia Ukraine..


    #jw #jworg #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwlove #jwforever #jwbrasil #jwbrazil  #jwgermany #jwusa  #jwbrotherhood #jwecuador #jwlanguage#jwgirl#jwboy#jwgirls#jwrussia #jwart#jwonly#jehovahswitnesses #testigosdejehova #bible#jwlibary#jhwh#jwitalia#jwinsta#instajw#jwphotographer


  8. Russia. 
    A former Jehovah's Witnesses Assembly Hall in Saint-Petersburg  have been officially transferred to the Almazov Medical Center adjacent to it. Instead of "Assembly hall of Jehovah's witnesses"the sign now reads  "Medical Education Institute."
    The Almazov Medical Center that captured Jehovah's Witnesses property in Saint-Petersburg organized and hosted the All-Russian Convention of Orthodox Physicians in 2015. I wonder if similar conventions will be held at the former Assembly Hall, especially since it's a perfect conference hall.

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  9. Our brother Dennis is depressed, the wife now cries a lot. 

    He did not steal, he did not fight, he did not rebel against the government. Mr. Christensen, a Danish citizen,Jehovah's witness, prisoner of conscience was arrested on May 25, 2017, during a raid by Federal Security Service (FSB), masked and armed officers for participating in a religious meeting in Russia".

    Dennis is depressed, the wife (Irina Christensen) now cries a lots as she has been without her husband for nine months. The wife is allowed to visit him twice a month.Dennis gets a lot of letters and drawings from the brothers.  His trail will continue on April 3,2018.
    Read more about his case:



  10. THIRSTY? ??? WATER is Essential to Life, Do you view it as a gift? If there was no water we would die...???

    Jehovah Our Creator can give and use water for our benefit and also at His disposal for destructive forces. He took care of His people in the Desert. In the future we may also be dependent on Him for WATER both physical and spiritual...Every drop of water is Life-giving...is that How you view it? NO FEAR HE ALSO HAS CONTROL OF WATER!! 
    How much freshwater is available?
    Total water
    97.5% Salt water
    2.5% Freshwater
    99% Locked up in glaciers and icebergs or underground
    1% Available to nearly seven billion humans and countless billions of other life forms - Consider the composition of a molecule of water, a substance essential to life. Because of their design, two atoms of hydrogen will combine in a unique way with a single atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water—billions of which are in each drop! What can we learn by examining a molecule of water and considering its behavior under different circumstances?                                             ~~ The Wonder of Water ~~
    Although individual drops of water seem very simple, water is an extremely complex substance. In fact, Dr. John Emsley, a science writer at Imperial College, in London, England, said that it is “one of the most investigated of all chemicals, but it is still the least understood.” New Scientist magazine stated: “Water is the most familiar liquid on Earth, but also one of the most mysterious.”
    Dr. Emsley explained that despite the simple structure of water, “nothing is as complex in its behaviour.” For example, he said: “H20 should be a gas, . . . but it is a liquid. Moreover, when it freezes . . . , its solid form, ice, floats instead of sinking,” as would ordinarily be expected. Regarding this unusual behavior, Dr. Paul E. Klopsteg, a past president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, observed:
    “This appears as a remarkable design for sustaining aquatic life such as fishes. Think what would happen if water, as it cools to the freezing point, didn’t behave as described. Ice would form and keep forming until it occupied an entire lake, snuffing out all or most marine life.” Dr. Klopsteg said that this unexpected behavior of water is “evidence of a great and purposeful mind at work in the universe.” According to New Scientist, researchers now think that they know the reason for this unusual behavior of water. They have developed the first theoretical model that accurately predicts the expansion of water. “The key to the mystery,” the researchers realized, “lay in the spacing of oxygen atoms within these structures.”
    Isn’t that remarkable? A molecule that appears so simple challenges human comprehension. And to think that water makes up most of the weight of our body! Do you too see in the marvels of this molecule, of only three atoms of two elements, “evidence of a great and purposeful mind at work”? Yet, a molecule of water is extremely small and much less complex than many other molecules.        ~~ The liquid that is a major constituent of all living matter. Jehovah is the Source of this liquid so essential to the life of man, animals, and vegetation on earth. ~~
    (Revelation 14:7) . . .“FEAR God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”   ~~ He provides it and can control it. ~~
    (Nehemiah 9:15) . . .And bread from heaven you gave them for their hunger, and waters out of the crag you brought forth to them for their thirst, and you went on to say to them to enter and possess the land that you had lifted your hand [in an oath] to give to them. (Exodus 14:21-31) 21 Moses now stretched his hand out over the sea; and Jehovah began making the sea go back by a strong east wind all night long and converting the sea basin into dry ground, and the waters were being split apart. 22 At length the sons of Israel went through the midst of the sea on dry land, while the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left. 23 And the Egyptians took up the pursuit, and all the horses of Phar?aoh, his war chariots and his cavalrymen began going in after them, into the midst of the sea. 24 And it came about during the morning watch that Jehovah began to look out upon the camp of the Egyptians from within the pillar of fire and cloud, and he went throwing the camp of the Egyptians into confusion.(Nehemiah 9:20) . . .And your good spirit you gave to make them prudent, and your manna you did not hold back from their mouth, and water you gave them for their thirst.  (Psalm 78:16) 16 And he went bringing forth streams out of a crag And causing waters to descend just like rivers. . .(Psalm 78:20) 20 Look! He struck a rock That waters might flow and torrents themselves might flood forth. “Is he able also to give bread itself, Or can he prepare sustenance for his people?. . .
    ing waters to descend just like rivers. . .   ~~ God furnished the Israelites with water, miraculously when necessary gave them a land having plenty of water and promised to bless their water supply as long as they obeyed him.~~ (Exodus 23:24, 25) . . .. 25 And YOU must serve Jehovah YOUR God, and he will certainly bless your bread and your water; and I shall indeed turn malady away from your midst. ~~ Because of the power of water as a destructive agent (causing drowning, washing away, or similar effects), it is often employed as a symbol of some destructive force. ~~      ~~ Life-giving water. Jehovah is “the source of living water.” Only from him and through his Son, Jesus Christ, the Chief Agent of life, can men receive everlasting life. ~~ God’s word of truth. God’s word of truth is likened to water that cleanses. The Christian congregation is clean in the sight of God, like a chaste bride for Christ, who cleansed it “with the bath of water by means of the word.” ~~ (Ephesians 5:25-27) . . .Christ also loved the congregation and delivered up himself for it, 26 that he might sanctify it, cleansing it with the bath of water by means of the word, 27 that he might present the congregation to himself in its splendor, not having a spot or a wrinkle or any of such things, but that it should be holy and without blemish. (John 4:13, 14) 13 In answer Jesus said to her: “Everyone drinking from this water will get thirsty again. 14 Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty at all, but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life.”



  11. How much can a Eagle ? See? Who Gives Them the Power to See? We are Weak on Our Own! Only Through Jehovah God Can We Regain Power Like Eagles! ? Can You See is This Now? ?

    The nictitating membrane is a transparent or translucent inner eyelid, which is present in vertebrates such as some species of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. 
    It functions to protect the eye from dust and hold moisture, which can be seen in this image of the nictitating membrane of a red-eye tree frog, Agalychnis callidryas. In this species, it has a pattern on the membrane in order to camouflage its brightly coloured eye.

    In diving animals, such as white bellied sea eagles, Halieeatus leucogaster, it serves somewhat like goggles to enable the animal to see underwater as it hones in on its prey item.
    #Repost @nathanrusli_wildlife

    Love the message from our study this week. Eagles don't fly long distances relying only on their energy. They use updrafts that lift them very high. Likewise, we cannot finish this race under our own power; we MUST ask for strength from Jehovah! 

    But those hoping in Jehovah will regain power. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary; They will walk and not tire out.” ~~~Isaiah 40:31
    Thank you, Jehovah!

    #nictitatingmembyyyyrane #membrane #eyelid #eye #redeye #treefrog #trees #frog #arboreal #eagles #goggles #biology #zoology #amphibians #animals #wildlife #wildlifephotography #macro #nature

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  12. Have a wonderful day and keep singing 

    praise to Jehovah God.


    Sing to Jehovah—New Songs 

    Song 149

    Grateful for the Ransom

    (Luke 22:20)


    Today, Jehovah God,

    we stand before your throne,

    For you showed the greatest love

    that could ever be shown.

    You gave the gift of your dear Son,

    that we might live.

    No greater sacrifice than this

    could you ever give. (CHORUS)

    He gave his life to set us free.

    His precious blood provides the key.

    With all our hearts,

    weÂ’ll go on thanking you eternally.

    It was a willing sacrifice

    that Jesus made.


    Out of love, his perfect life

    was the price that he paid.

    We had no hope until he came

    to save mankind.


    But now our hope is finding life,

    leaving death behind.



    He gave his life to set us free.

    His precious blood provides the key.

    With all our hearts,

    weÂ’ll go on thanking you eternally.

    - Bible Speaks -

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  13. “The Peace of God . . . Surpasses All Understanding”

    “The peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts.”—PHIL. 4:7.

    SONG 112

    Jehovah, God of Peace

     ? ??????

    (Philippians 4:9)

    1. Jehovah, God of love,

    You have promised us your peace.

    So we ask you for your spirit;

    May its fruitage yet increase.

    Our faith in your dear Son,

    Who is loyal, ever true,

    Gives us access to your friendship;

    We are now at peace with you.

    2. Your spirit aids our sight

    As your Word gives needed light.

    We are guided and protected

    In a world as dark as night.

    Until the time has come

    When all wars and terrors cease,

    May your spirit bless our efforts

    To maintain our godly peace.

    3. YouÂ’ve gathered those you love,

    Both in heaven and on earth,

    WeÂ’re united by your spirit

    To proclaim the KingdomÂ’s birth.

    Your righteous Kingdom rule

    Soon will bring an end to war.

    Then the meek ones will delight to

    Live in peace forevermore.

    (See also Ps. 4:8; Phil. 4:6, 7; 1 Thess. 5:23.) - Bible Speaks -

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    ? ??????



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