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Bible Speaks

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Everything posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Prove to Be a Real Follower of Christ “Every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit.”—MATT. 7:17 Accordingly, the prophet Malachi wrote: “You people will again certainly see the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him.” (Mal. 3:18) As you reflect on those words, ask yourself: ‘Do I blend in with the world, or do I stand out as different? Do I always strive to fit in with my secular associates, whether at school or at work, or do I remain firm for Bible principles, even speaking up when appropriate?Â’Â (Read 1 Peter 3:16.) Of course, we do not want to appear self-righteous, but we should stand out as different from those who do not love and serve Jehovah. If you see room for improvement, why not pray about the matter and seek spiritual strength through regular Bible study, prayer, and meeting attendance? The more GodÂ’s Word becomes a part of you, the more you will produce “fine fruit,” including “the fruit of lips which make public declaration to [GodÂ’s] name.”—Heb. 13:15 - Bible Speaks -
  2. LAST MINUTE The Oriol Court extends the preventive detention of Dennis Christensen On February 22, 2018, Judge Aleksey Rudnev, of the District Court of Zheleznodorozhniy in Oriol, decided to keep Dennis Christensen in preventive detention until August 1, 2018. Mr. Christensen is being prosecuted for organizing the activity of a religious organization that has been declared an extremist. In fact, he was arrested while attending a Christian religious meeting that was assaulted by the police in May 2017. The preliminary hearing began on February 19, the period during which the judge deferred the decision on motions that both parties presented. However, at the February 22 hearing, the judge denied all motions filed by Mr. Christensen's lawyers and decided to extend his preventive detention. The criminal trial will be on February 26 at 2:30 p.m. Jehovah's Witnesses around the world are concerned about Mr. Christensen's well-being and pray that his wife, Irina, can persevere with the support of her husband. He has already been in preventive prevention for nine months. On February 26, 2018, the start of the main hearings on the criminal case against Denis Christensen was scheduled. He is accused of continuing the activities of the Jehovah's Witness organization, which was liquidated by the court. In fact, Christensen has nothing to do with this organization. He only used the right that "everyone" is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, that is, the right to have religious beliefs and to act in accordance with them. NOTE FROM THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THIS GROUP: I feel a deep shame for the theatrical show that is giving the Russian justice, a simple puppet in the hands of the government and the Russian Orthodox sect. Thousands of Russians gave their lives in World War II to reign democracy and freedom of religion in their country. The current government, mamporrero of the Orthodox sect, has destroyed this registry of martyrs. Our brother Denis is being TORTURED in a demonic way for serving the Almighty Jehovah. Pray for him and others unjustly treated.
  3. Inspire Someone! Maybe Start With Yourself! The Earth ? Needs Love and Kindness Are We Not A New Earth ? Society? Your Inspiration For Today! ????? #Repost @educate_inspire_change This Beautiful Image Of A Rescued Gorilla Hugging Her Caretaker Just Won Wildlife Photo Of The Year #Gorilla #wildlife #rescue #photgrapher #pikin
  4. A Hug today from Friends just coming by. Can You imagine this? Soon Reality! Pretty Babies ? #Repost @miguelsaravia89 ? Tap on Video Link mp4 _______ ? BE2FC463-D14B-47B9-94C9-A39505F7786A.MP4
  5. "From among YOU yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves." —Acts 20:30. - Bible Speaks - Acts 20:30Â Good News Translation (GNT) 30Â The time will come when some men from your own group will tell lies to lead the believers away after them.Â
  6. Love Has No Barriers! - Man is the Only Barrier! #OurCreatorJehovahGod? A rare interaction between a Hawaiian monk seal and a green turtle at Olowalu beach, #Hawaii. Photo by @BJKvideoproduction #DiscoverOcean
  7. Cuteness from Jehovah God! - ? Your daily dose of cuteness. Photo by @PaulNicklen. A newborn Antarctic fur seal pup perches himself on top of a mound of tussock grass. The majority of Antarctic fur seals are born brown but approximately one in several thousand are born with white fur. Fur seals possess one of the highest degrees of sexual dimorphism of any mammalian species with males weighing up to five times greater than females. Â
  8. “The Flowers OF SPRING” ??????? ANYTHING That We May Need IS What Our Wonderful GOD Jehovah Can BECOME Right by Our Side He will Always Be OUR Life's Most COMFORTING ONE! JUST AS SURE AS NOTHING Can Stop GODS Holy Spirit From FLOWING IT is THAT Certain That Jehovah CAN Keep his People GROWING And GLOWING We Serve A GOD WHO When We are Confronted by this Worlds Barrage Of Storms and PAIN Can Bring into Our Lives The FLOWERS OF SPRING.....................:) WHAT FLOWERS Of SPRING into YOUR Life DID Jehovah GOD BRING? Tap on Video Link mp4 ____ ????? 818DEEEE-5464-4227-89B3-2B70A54A2A7D.MP4
  9. Mount Sinabung volcano erupts in Indonesia, killing 7 Jakarta, Indonesia (CNN)At least seven people have died and two more are critically injured after Indonesia's Mount Sinabung erupted on Saturday, the country's National Disaster Management Agency reported. Fast Facts: Volcanoes The seven victims were in Gembar village in the western province of North Sumatra when the eruption occurred at 4:48 p.m. local time (9:48 a.m. GMT). Search teams comprised of police, military, Indonesian Red Cross and volunteers continue to search for other victims. https://www.cnn.com/2016/05/22/asia/indonesia-mt-sinabung-volcano-erupts/index.html
  10. Jehovah Knows our tears and emotions with those tears. He is a God of Loyal Love and Mercy. Does this not “touch your heart?” “Do collect my tears in your skin bottle. Are they not recorded in your book?” –Psalms 56:8. - Bible Speaks-
  11. “Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.”—Matthew 24:37 Matthew 24:37 Good News Translation (GNT) 37 The coming of the Son of Man will be like what happened in the time of Noah. Good News Translation (GNT) Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society
  12. Public/sCart witnessing at Mt. Lassen National Park, California, USA. Photo shared by @mariajoan1983 Thank Jehovah!
  13. Patterson Bethelite from the Legal Department sharing a video with his Nigerian study in service. Are not Videos so easy to share? Discussing appropriately using JehovahÂ’s name. @obviouslogic Thank You!
  14. Showing one of the lessons of the Caleb videos, “Learn to share” -Pessene, Mozambique. Shared by @mutembinho Thank Jehovah!
  15. Real Love Shown By Him To Parents Not Celebrating Valentines Day and Why! Shared by @kj_padiosMy 6 yr old cousin Terence was given a homework assignment requiring him to make a valentine greeting for his mom and dad. Since he knew that it’s not good to do so, he made a thank you card instead, just like the one that SOFIA made. While writing his letter he is singing it in the tune of the “Be Appreciative” music video. Such a sweet kiddo! -Philippines ? ????
  16. ~ DO YOU SEE THE TIME ? CLOCK AND CALAMITY ON THE HORIZON? ~IT WILL COME! ~ LEARN NOW HOW TO GET AWAY SAFE! ~ (Ezekiel 7:5-7) “This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, ‘A calamity, a unique calamity, look! it is coming. 6 An end itself must come. The end must come; it must awaken for you. Look! It is coming. 7 The garland must come to you, O inhabiter of the land, the time must come, the day is near. There is confusion, and not the shouting of the mountains." (Ezekiel 7;24-27) 24 "And I will bring in the worst ones of the nations, and they will certainly take possession of their houses, and I will cause the pride of the strong ones to cease, and their sanctuaries must be profaned. 25 There will come anguish, and they will certainly seek peace but there will be none. 26 There will come adversity upon adversity, and there will occur report upon report, and people will actually seek a vision from a prophet, and the law itself will perish from a priest and counsel from elderly men. 27 The king himself will go into mourning; even a chieftain will clothe himself with desolation, and the very hands of the people of the land will get disturbed. According to their way I shall act toward them, and with their judgments I shall judge them; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’” - Bible Speaks - ?????????????
  17. TOUCANS ~ Heard Of Them? ~ Amazing Creatures From Jehovah! Toucans are members of the family Ramphastidae of near passerine birds from theNeotropics. The Ramphastidae family is most closely related to the American barbets. They are brightly marked and have large, often colorful bills. The family includes five genera and about forty different species. The name of this bird group is derived from the Tupi word tukana, via Portuguese. The family includes toucans,aracaris and toucanets; more distant relatives include various families of barbets and woodpeckers in the suborder Pici. How marvelous Jehovah your creations great and small! Thank you for your love and creations of these Toucans!
  18. "I will come against those living in security."—Ezek. 38:11. - Bible Speaks - Ezekiel 38:11 Good News Translation (GNT) 11 You will decide to invade a helpless country where the people live in peace and security in unwalled towns that have no defenses. Good News Translation (GNT) Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society
  19. ?????? ????????????? ?????????? ? ?????? ?????, ??????, ??? ??? ???? ????? ?????????? ? ????. ???????? ?????????????, «?????????????, ?????????? ?????? ??????? ??????????? ???????????« ????????? ?????? »« ???? », ?????????? ???????????? ? ??????????????? ???????? ???????? 26 ??????? 2017 ???? ? ?????? ????, ?????????? ? ??????????? ???????? ???? ???????????, ??? ?? ???????? ???????? ? ??????????? ????????????? ??????????? ??????????? ». ??? ?????????????? ?? ???????. ?????? ??????????????: ??? ????????????? ??????? ????? ????????? ? ??????? ??????? http://www.sova-center.ru/misuse/news/persecution/2018/02/d38892/
  20. ANOTHER WITNESS ARRESTED IN THE CITY OF OREL, RUSSIA, WHERE OUR BROTHER DANES CHRISTENSEN IS IN PRISON. According to the investigation, "the suspect, being a member of the local religious organization" Jehovah's Witnesses "Eagle", recognized as extremist and liquidated by a judicial decision on February 26, 2017 in the city of Orel, participated in the religious meetings of this organization, where he delivered a public speech, containing propaganda of the superiority of the prohibited organization. "The name of the suspect is not given. OPINION OF THE ADMINISTRATOR: WHO INFORMED THE POLICE OF THIS MEETING IN A PRIVATE ADDRESS? http://www.sova-center.ru/misuse/news/persecution/2018/02/d38892/
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