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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. 12 Things You Didn’t Know About JehovahÂ’s Witnesses.


    1. Charles Taze Russell was among the JehovahÂ’s WitnessesÂ’ first leaders and first editor of The Watchtower, the groupÂ’s publication of Bible analyses.


    2. In the Old Testament, Jehovah is the Hebrew God. He is, the “one Jehovah.” 3. Jesus was God’s first creation.


    4. While on Earth Jesus was just a man, but in heaven Jesus was/is the Archangel Michael.


    5. Jehovah and Jesus are two distinct beings and are not equal.


    6. The Holy Spirit is a force that Jehovah used to carry out His will.


    7. Jesus was not crucified on a cross, he was simply hung on stake or pole. They believe the cross is a pagan symbol and no pagan symbols should be worshipped because such symbols are condemned in the Bible.


    8. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe when Armageddon comes, “God will destroy all elements of corrupt human society and remove the wicked. Survivors of this system’s end are “the living” who will be judged.” 9. Only 144,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses will ultimately attain heaven and will rule over earth alongside Jesus Christ. The rest will live on an earthly paradise.


    10. JehovahÂ’s Witnesses go door-to-door in an effort to reach people with their message, as was done in the Bible.


    11. Megadeth’s Dave Mustaine was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness. Damon Wayans, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and many other famous people are members.


    12. Prince even did the JW message-groove door-to-door. 




  2. “Jesus assured us that the dead in GodÂ’s memory will rise. (John 5:28, 29; 11:23)

    Proving that Jehovah is capable of resurrecting the dead, Jesus once said that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob “are all living to him.” (Luke 20:37, 38)

    Meanwhile, we have ample reason to say, as did Paul: “I have hope toward God . . . that there is going to be a resurrection.”—Acts 24:15.”

    - Bible Speaks - 

    #Repost @theworldofjamesbrowne


    There was a special strength in the woman's heart as she reflected upon her late husband. Love boundless beyond this world she thought as she penned a love letter from the heart". ~JB


    I had this image in mind for some time and when I finally saw it clearly, this is what I saw. It's about losing your soul mate and the heart aching moments and memories that come with it. The longing to be one again. I believe that true love never dies it just changes as do the seasons and sometimes it ends physically but it's memories live on in our hearts. This illustration is not meant to be hopeless, but rather the opposite, hopeful. There is a reason for love and it is why we were made. ~Artist's note #loveneverdies #oneness #truelove


  3. Who Do You Trust? King David Trusted Jehovah, Do You?

    (Psalm 11:1) . . .In Jehovah I have taken refuge. How dare YOU men say to my soul: “Flee as a bird to YOUR mountain!”

    (2 Chronicles 14:11) And A?sa began to call to Jehovah his God and say: “O Jehovah, as to helping, it does not matter with you whether there are many or [those with] no power. Help us, O Jehovah our God, for upon you we do lean, and in your name we have come against this crowd. O Jehovah, you are our God. Do not let mortal man retain strength against you.”

    (Psalm 7:1) O Jehovah my God, in you I have taken refuge. Save me from all those persecuting me and deliver me."

    (Psalm 56:11) In God I have put my trust. I shall not be afraid. What can earthling man do to me?" - Bible Speaks -


  4. "In Jehovah the God of Israel he trusted." (2 Ki. 18:5)

    King Sennacherib of Assyria sent his representatives—including Rabshakeh—to Jerusalem along with a heavy military force. King Hezekiah of Judah went to the house of Jehovah and began praying: “O Jehovah our God, save us, please, out of his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you, O Jehovah, are God alone.” (2 Ki. 19:14-19) 

    Hezekiah acted in harmony with his prayer. Even before going up to the temple to pray, he instructed the people not to respond to Rabshakeh’s taunts. Hezekiah also sent a delegation to Isaiah the prophet, seeking his advice. (2 Ki. 18:36; 19:1, 2) 

    Hezekiah took steps that he could rightly take. He did not try to seek support from Egypt or from neighboring nations. Rather than lean upon his own understanding, Hezekiah trusted in Jehovah. After Jehovah’s angel struck down 185,000 of Sennacherib’s men, Sennacherib “pulled away” and returned to Nineveh.– (2 Ki. 19:35,36) - Bible Speaks -



  5. "Pay attention to wisdom with your ear, that you may incline your heart to discernment." (Prov. 2:2)

    "By making your ear attentive to wisdom, And inclining your heart to discernment." (Prov. 2:2)

    At the start of Solomon’s kingship, God appeared to him in a dream and invited him to make a request. Aware of his limited experience, Solomon requested wisdom. (1 Ki. 3:5-9) 

    Pleased that the king asked for wisdom rather than for riches and glory, God gave Solomon “a wise and understanding heart”—as well as prosperity. (1 Ki. 3:10-14) 

    We personally do not expect to receive wisdom miraculously. Solomon said that “Jehovah himself gives wisdom,” but he wrote that we should strive to gain that godly quality. He used expressions such as “call out for,” “keep seeking for,” and “keep searching for” wisdom. (Prov. 2:1-6) 

    Clearly, we can gain wisdom. It would be good to ask: ‘Am I taking to heart Solomon’s example of treasuring divine wisdom? Do the choices I make indicate that I am treasuring and seeking divine wisdom?’ - Bible Speaks- 



  6. Jehovah Cared for His Servants in the Past

    Servants of God know that Jehovah rewards his faithful ones by supplying their needs and by giving them strength to cope with difficult conditions. Such confidence in God’s ability to provide is, in fact, an essential part of their faith. The apostle Paul wrote: “He that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.”—Hebrews 11:6.

    Jehovah has always cared for his faithful servants. During a three-and-a-half-year drought, Jehovah provided food for the prophet Elijah. Initially, God commanded ravens to bring Elijah bread and meat. (1 Kings 17:2-6) Later, Jehovah miraculously sustained the flour and oil supply of a widow who provided food for Elijah. (1 Kings 17:8-16) During the same famine, despite intense religious persecution brought upon them by wicked Queen Jezebel, Jehovah also saw to it that his prophets were provided with bread and water.—1 Kings 18:13.

    Later, when the king of Babylon laid siege to apostate Jerusalem, people had to “eat bread by weight and in anxious care.” (Ezekiel 4:16) The situation became so desperate that some women ate the flesh of their own children. (Lamentations 2:20) Yet, even though the prophet Jeremiah was in custody because of his preaching, Jehovah saw to it that “there was a giving of a round loaf of bread to [Jeremiah] daily from the street of the bakers, until all the bread was exhausted from the city.”—Jeremiah 37:21.

    Did Jehovah forget Jeremiah when the supply of bread became exhausted? Apparently not, for when the city fell to the Babylonians, Jeremiah was given ‘a food allowance and a present and let go.’—Jeremiah 40:5, 6; see also Psalm 37:25. - Bible Speaks -


  7. Moonjellies Created by Jehovah God! Amazing! ~


    It’s hard to believe this glowing jellyfish is real! We discovered this never before seen species in the Marianas Trench this week while on a mission to the deepest part of the ocean. The Marianas Trench National Monument protects this area and many of the creatures that live in it. ?: 
    Via @waittfoundation , @pewenvironment

    Tap in Video Link mp4 _____ ?



  8. Would you support a Bonafide murderer?


    Get out of her my people- Revelation 18:4.


    I was returning some items to GNC when I saw two ladies complaining about there modern-day Pharisees and scribes robbing them of their money with the collection plate. 

    I politely explained to the ladies that true Servants of God[Jehovah] are no Peddlers of his words (2 Corinthians 2:17) it is given and received out of love for free like Christ Jesus instructed his original followers

    (Matthew 10:6-12) but there's a more important reason why Jehovah wants his people on Earth to completely separate themselves from spiritual Babylon the Harlot/Prostitute because she is blood guilty. And her Wicked activities of murder of his servants and most importantly his only begotten son Christ Jesus will not go unpunished. And Father Jehovah God lovingly don't want us to share in her fate which is death. And if you continue to support a bonafide murderer you going to miss out on something way more valuable then pocket change.(Read Psalm 37:11.)

    The two ladies was shock that their Pastor didn't reveal this to them. And decided to pursue the truth is what they was telling me when I left GNC.


    Learn the truth@jw.org - Thank you EW


    Brothers from Russia report an escalation of police violence against Jehovah’s Witnesses 
    (online translation but can be understood)

    Massive searches and criminal cases against believers in Kemerovo and Belgorod - in reference to the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
    At least 16 houses of civilians in Belgorod and 12 houses in Kemerovo were subjected to intrusions and searches of law enforcement agencies. Dozens of people were arrested, some remain in custody for two days. It is suspected that citizens continue the activities of the organization "Center for management of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia". Therefore, this criminal prosecution is a direct consequence of the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of April 20, 2017 to recognize this organization as "extremist".

    On the night of 7 February 2018 in Belgorod, large groups of law enforcement officers, composed of police officers, the Investigation Department of the Ministry of the Interior and the armed fighters of the SOBR, simultaneously invaded several private houses of local residents. . In some cases, the citizens were thrown to the ground, placed against the wall, then all were taken by force to the police, in the houses they registered. A group of deaf people were also taken to the police, who met for friendly communication. In total, the police department on the street. Prince Trubetskoi, 60, was handed over to dozens of people. In the management of citizens, the passport data, the fingerprints, the downloaded citations are collected. The last one left at 9 in the morning of the following day.

    In Kemerovo, on January 23, 2018, fanatics were searched in the homes of civilians. The case, instituted on January 19, 2018 in part 2 of art. 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is carried out by the investigator of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for especially important cases, Colonel Justice Oksana Rybalkina. She asked the court to make records in the homes of citizens, arguing that, according to her, at least 14 local residents continue to profess the religion of the Jehovah's Witnesses. The judge of the central district court of the city of Kemerovo, Irina Ivanova, at one time satisfied at least 12 of his motions. As a result, a search was carried out in 12 houses of peaceful believers, which continued even during the night. In some cases, SOBR officers armed with masks opened their doors by force, burst in and placed the civilians against the wall with their arms raised or falling to the ground. Sometimes, the apartment was invaded by more than 10 people, including police officers, Rosgvardia and the Investigation Committee. Citizens were denied the opportunity to make a phone call or to invite a lawyer; the refusal was accompanied by an explanation by Stanislav Shlagov, a high-ranking police officer in particularly important cases: "We are not in the United States." Citizens, including women and the elderly, experience a state close to shock. Many have aggravated chronic diseases. Telephones, tablets, computers, personal belongings and information media are confiscated. It is reported that the witnesses who were present during the searches were familiar with the police and actively helped them, in some cases with their advice.

     Supreme Court, which prohibits the activities of a religious organization "Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia", will not be removed the constitutional right faithful to practice their religion freely. However, Judge Ivanov, for example, by allowing searches of investigative conduct Rybalkina did not bring any evidence that they are citizens continue to participate in the activities of the organization liquidated by a court, and not only to exercise their inalienable constitutional right to the freedom of religion. In the Kemerovo Regional Court, 11 appeals have already been filed against judicial decisions to authorize the production of records.

    It is noteworthy that the Russian Ministry of Justice, who asked about the liquidation of the legal person of Jehovah's Witnesses, insists that the constitutional rights of believers their claim could not be affected.




  10. “This is a before picture when I was incarcerated in the California department of corrections, and after I became one of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses.never in 1 million years did I ever think that I would get off of parole, and I got off parole on Thursday.” @sept22.jw -

    Thanks to @sept22.jw for allowing me to share his wonderful experience:



  11. Bible Emergency numbers: ?

    ??When in sorrow, call John 14

    ??When men fail you, call Psalm 27

    ??When you have sinned, call Psalm 51

    ??When you worry, call Matthew 6:19-34 In danger, Psalm 91

    ??When God seems far away, call Psalm 139

    ??When your faith needs stirring, call Hebrews 11

    ??When you are lonely and fearful, call Psalm 23

    ??When you grow bitter and critical, call 1 Cor 13

    ??You feel down and out, call Romans 8:31-39

    ??You want peace and rest, Matthew 11:25-30

    ??When the world seems bigger than God, call Psalm 90

    ??When you want Christian assurance, call Romans 8:1-30

    ??When you leave home for labor or travel, call Psalm 121

    ??When your prayers grow narrow or selfish, call Psalm 67

    ??When you want courage for a task, call Joshua 1

    When you think of investments/ returns, call Mark 10

    ??How to get along with fellowmen, Romans 12

    ??For great invention/ opportunity, Isaiah 55

    ??For Paul's secret to happiness, Col 3:12-17

    ??For idea of Chrisitanity,call 2 Cor 5:15-19

    ??Depressed. Psalm 27

    ??To be fruitful, John 15

    ??If your pocketbook is empty, call Psalm 37

    ??Losing confidence in people, 1 Cor 13

    ??If people seem unkind,call John 15

    ??If discouraged about your work, Psalm 126

    ??If you find the world growing small and you great, call Psalm 19. 

    Please send these emergency numbers to all your contacts cos u don't know who may be in need of them!!! - Bible Speaks -


  12. Newborn baby girl at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford is first in Western U.S. to undergo bloodless open-heart surgery

    Lola Garcia of Hemet, California is the smallest infant in North America to undergo such a procedure without a blood transfusion





  13. Jack in the pulpit - Don’t think Jehovah Chose this name? - Cute anyhow!


    Arisaema triphyllum (jack-in-the-pulpit, bog onion, brown dragon, Indian turnip, American wake robin,[2] or wild turnip) is a herbaceous perennial plant growing from a corm.

    It is a highly variable species typically growing 30–65 centimetres (12–26 in) in height with three-parted leaves and flowers contained in a spadix that is covered by a hood.

    It is native to eastern North America, occurring in moist woodlands and thickets from Nova Scotia west to Minnesota, and south to southern Florida and Texas.



  14. Why did Jesus hesitate to heal this woman's daughter?

    On one occasion, Jesus and his apostles were in the vicinity of Tyre and Sidon. While there, they met a Greek woman who begged Jesus to heal her daughter. At first, Jesus ignored the woman. But when she kept on insisting.

    Why did Jesus at first refuse to help this woman? Was Jesus testing her to see how she would react, giving her an opportunity to display her faith? His tone of voice, although not revealed in the written text, did not discourage her. His use of the term “little dogs” softened the comparison. 

    So perhaps Jesus was acting like a parent who intends to grant a child’s request but withholds any outward sign of that intent in order to test out the child’s seriousness. 

    Whatever the case, once the woman expressed her faith, Jesus willingly granted her request. ( Mark 7:28-30)

    27 "But he said to her: “First let the children be satisfied, for it is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to the little dogs.” 28 But she replied to him: “Yes, sir, and yet even the little dogs underneath the table eat of the crumbs of the little children.” 29 At that he said to her: “Because you said this, go; the demon has gone out of your daughter.” 30 So she went away to her home and found the young child lying on the bed, and the demon was gone.”– (Mark 7:27-30) - Bible Speaks -


  15. “God Took Him” Is there a Book of Enoch? No, why?

    Enoch was apparently in mortal danger when “God took him.” (Genesis 5:24) Jehovah did not allow his faithful prophet to suffer at the hands of rabid enemies. According to the apostle Paul, “Enoch was transferred so as not to see death.” (Hebrews 11:5) Many say that Enoch did not die—that God took him to heaven, where he kept on living. However, Jesus plainly stated: “No man has ascended into heaven but he that descended from heaven, the Son of man.” Jesus was the “forerunner” of all who ascend to heaven.—John 3:13; Hebrews 6:19, 20

    So, what happened to Enoch? His being “transferred so as not to see death” may mean that God put him in a prophetic trance and then terminated his life while he was in that state. Under such circumstances, Enoch would not experience the pangs of death. Then “he was nowhere to be found,” apparently because Jehovah disposed of his body, even as he disposed of Moses’ body. (Deuteronomy 34:5, 6)

    Enoch lived 365 years—not nearly as long as most of his contemporaries. But the important thing for lovers of Jehovah is that they serve him faithfully to the end of their days. We know that Enoch did that because “before his transference he had the witness that he had pleased God well.” The Scriptures do not disclose how Jehovah communicated this to Enoch. Nevertheless, before Enoch died, he was given assurance of God’s approval, and we can be certain that Jehovah will remember him in the resurrection.

    Does the Bible Quote From the Book of Enoch?

    The Book of Enoch is an apocryphal and pseudepigraphic text. It is falsely ascribed to Enoch. Produced probably sometime during the second and first centuries B.C.E., it is a collection of extravagant and unhistorical Jewish myths, evidently the product of exegetical elaborations on the brief Genesis reference to Enoch. This alone is sufficient for lovers of GodÂ’s inspired Word to dismiss it.

    In the Bible, only the book of Jude contains Enoch’s prophetic words: “Look! Jehovah came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds that they did in an ungodly way, and concerning all the shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke against him.” (Jude 14, 15) Many scholars contend that Enoch’s prophecy against his ungodly contemporaries is quoted directly from the Book of Enoch. Is it possible that Jude used an unreliable apocryphal book as his source?

    How Jude knew of EnochÂ’s prophecy is not revealed in the Scriptures. He may simply have quoted a common source, a reliable tradition handed down from remote antiquity. Paul evidently did something similar when he named Jannes and Jambres as the otherwise anonymous magicians of PharaohÂ’s court who opposed Moses. If the writer of the Book of Enoch had access to an ancient source of this kind, why should we deny it to Jude?*
    (Exodus 7:11, 22; 2 Timothy 3:8)

    How Jude received the information about Enoch’s message to the ungodly is a minor matter. Its reliability is attested to by the fact that Jude wrote under divine inspiration. (2 Timothy 3:16) God’s holy spirit guarded him from stating anything that was not true. 


  16. "Neither let us practice fornication, as some of them committed fornication, only to fall."—1 Cor. 10:8. - Bible Speaks - 

    1 Corinthians 10:8 

    Good News Translation (GNT)

    8 We must not be guilty of sexual immorality, as some of them were—and in one day twenty-three thousand of them fell dead. 

    Good News Translation (GNT)

    Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society



    My dear brothers, we are going to help our people who are having a bad time, especially in matters of medicine.

    Last year's experience taught us several things. We already have an old man from Ciudad Bolivar who offers to receive medicines and who is in charge of distributing them to the needy. We will give the information of this brother in private to those who send me a message that they want to send help.

    Small packages by Mail came very well to the brother who received them last year. Any cleaning product can be put into the package and if they ask to specify the contents of the package, we will put on the TOILET ARTICLE, although they also carry medicines. It was also good to send through door-door system agencies, which does not pass through customs.

    It is evident that we can not send all the medicines for all diseases, so we will limit ourselves to the most urgent ones, such as hypertension or painkillers such as Buscopan or Aspirin.

    The brother tells us;

    "good idea to help us, if you need hypertensive, antibiotics, here in Bolivar we have a strong outbreak of malaria and facial treatment is not obtained, it is also needed for depression and for mental problems such as clonazepam rivotril sertralina, there is a sister You need more Buscopan Plus for pain, we appreciate the help you can give us "

    Many brothers and sisters are already asking for information like this sister: "Hello brother Jose I would like to send to the brothers of Venezuela clothes for children and coats If you have the address where you can send please give it to me and also if you know of some means of doing it other than the mail Thank you brother I live in California "

    Brothers and sisters, this is a drop in the ocean of the needs of our people in a country where humanitarian aid is impeded. DO NOT SEND MONEY, that   does not arrive.

    If there are any responsible brothers such as elders or ministers who offer to receive this help, they should tell me urgently and everything will be done in private.





  18. What is the Image of Daniel Mean? What Does it Mean Today? Hint: It is Now being crushed out of existence!

    Read Daniel 2:44. “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom+ that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever.”

    Tap on 2 Video Links mp4 _______





  19. Think of the following examples on how Jehovah ? provided.  Thank you Melisio

    ?LEAH was hated... GIDEON was afraidÂ…

    ?JOSEPH was abusedÂ…

    ?NAOMI was a widowÂ…

    ?RAHAB was a prostituteÂ…

    ?MOSES couldnÂ’t talkÂ…

    ?ABRAHAM was oldÂ…

    ?ISAIAH preached nakedÂ…

    ?JONAH ran from GodÂ…

    ?JOB went bankruptÂ…

    ?SAMSON had a weakness for womenÂ…

    ?DAVID had an affair and was a murderÂ…

    ?PAUL had poor eyesightÂ…

    ?PETER denied ChristÂ…

    ?MARTHA worried about everythingÂ…

    ?ZACCHEUS was too smallÂ…

    ?TIMOTHY had an ulcerÂ…

    ?LAZARUS was DEAD!!!


    ?TIMOTHY were too youngÂ…

    ?The SAMARITAN WOMAN was divorcedÂ… (more than once)Â…

    ?The DISCIPLES fell asleep while prayingÂ… (more than once)Â…

    ?Oh, also ELISHA was bald!

    ?And of course, JESUS was never    married!!!

    ?Jehovah will provide - ???

    Now that’s a Dozen Roses ? How About That? 


  20. "But as for me, I will walk in my integrity. Rescue me and show me favor." (Ps 26:11) 

    In ancient times, objects were often weighed on a beam scale. It usually consisted of a horizontal beam, or bar, that pivoted on a peg at its center. A pan hung from each end of the bar. The object being weighed was put in one pan and a weight in the other. God’s people were to use honest scales and weights. (Prov. 11:1) 

    When the godly man Job was suffering under satanic attack, he said: “[Jehovah] will weigh me in accurate scales and God will get to know my integrity.” (Job 31:6) "Let God weigh me with accurate scales; Then he will recognize my integrity." (Job 31:6) 

    In that regard, Job mentioned a number of situations that could put an integrity keeper to the test. But Job actually passed the test successfully, as implied by his words recorded in Job chapter 31. 

    We are not suffering exactly as Job did. However, we must be faithful to God in matters large and small if we are to bolster our position as integrity keepers and supporters of his sovereignty. (Luke 16:10)

    Read more at:



  21. McDonalds Meets Religion? ~ You Never Know?

    Waiting at the neighborhood McDonalds on my wife to the restroom. Didn't know the older folks sit around there getting there round Table discussion on about religion and other things.

    Sitting there listening to their conversation and one of the older ladies looked at me and immediately said are you Jehovah's?...LOL (they know  even with  street clothes on) yes ma'am I am a JW and then she started to ask me does we believe in the Holy Ghost.

    I replied by saying no it's actually called the Holy Spirit and that is Jehovah God active Force to get things done. And how you can actually understand that the Holy Ghost is not a person is by the activities of Satan, Satan had a confrontation with Jehovah God and his son Christ Jesus in the Bible. But the bible never talks about Satan having a confrontation with the Holy Ghost. She smiled and said thank you for the info. After all is is the “Golden Arches!” ~ Chuckle ?????


    LoveUall - Thank you Brother Eric


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