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Bible Speaks

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Everything posted by Bible Speaks

  1. Stars are like the grains of sand, but He knows them all by Name. ?????                Number of Stars. In addressing man, God used the stars to denote a countless number, comparable to the grains of sand on the seashore. Since the stars clearly discernible to the unaided eye number only a few thousand, this comparison was viewed by many in the past as out of balance. Yet today the evidence shows that the number of stars does indeed compare to all the grains of sand in all the earth. "He counts the number of the stars; “He calls all of them by name." – Psalms 147:4. 12 "For this reason, from one man who was as good as dead, there were born children, as many as the stars of heaven in number and as innumerable as the sands by the seaside." – Hebrews 11:12. - Bible Speaks - Tap on Video Link mp4 _______??? 53021160-8A6D-4EDB-9084-3DC00BCCF0A1.mov
  2. Just Look Up and See the Stars You'll Knows w Who You Can Trust?******************************************** Who Can You Trust? Man? Pilots? The Plane? How many of us have flown in an airplane friends? When we fly from one place to another, we put our trust in the pilot to get us to our destination safely and in one piece. However sometimes we may encounter some turbulence in the skies,as long as we arrive safely, this is only a small price to pay. Likewise with today's thought, consider the following quote, "JEHOVAH PROMISES A SAFE LANDING, NOT A CALM PASSAGE". When we serve Jehovah, we often think that we will have total protection from the elements of this world. However Jehovah does not promise that at all, he simply promises us that if we do as he says, we will have "a safe landing" so to speak, he will provide the way out for us even if it isn't a "calm passage" on the way. Things will always be rough and hard in these last days of this system of things, however as today's thought says, Jehovah promises a safe landing, he will be with us all the way right down to the end of the system of things, things may get rough along the way, but Jehovah promises to be there with us all the way to help us have a safe arrival and landing right on into the new system of things. Do we have faith that he will do this for us brothers and sisters? Jehovah has never let us down before and he won't let us down now friends. "Jehovah has shown mercy to those who fear him. For he well knows how we are formed, Remembering that we are dust." (Ps 103:13,14) JW.Org
  3. Children ?? Love Jehovah! - #Repost @ayonopwa ???????? Our dear little sister from Japan, playing song 60, with great Enthusiasm.. ? Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ??? 415F3201-64FA-40AC-8925-157DFD80BE5C.MP4
  4. OPINION OF THE European Court of Justice ~ Data protection rules also apply to Jehovah's Witnesses Can Jehovah's Witnesses take notes of their home visits without the consent of the residents? This question of privacy will soon be decided by the European Court of Justice. Jehovah's Witnesses must comply with the privacy policies applicable in their home visits. This is the opinion of the General Counsel at the European Court of Justice (ECJ), Paolo Mengozzi, according to a report published Thursday in Luxembourg. As a result, exceptions, such as data collection for personal use only, may not apply. Interested parties could, inter alia, prohibit the storage of their data in the religious community of the Jehovah's Witnesses. The case before the European Court of Justice is a case in Finland. During their visits, Jehovah's Witnesses take notes on the name, address and date of the visit, but also on the content of the conversations, especially on religious convictions and family relationships. The Finnish Data Protection Supervisor believes that this is subject to the European data protection law. Central responsible for all data The Advocate General of the CJEU agreed with the opinion. The Jehovah's Witness community of faith is also responsible for the data collected by its members, even if the notes were not centrally collected. Among other things, the relevant EU data protection directive stipulates that data may not be stored more than necessary. The affected people must also give their consent. According to the opinion, the Community argued that "in the activity of proclamation in which a member can take notes, it is an individual religious practice". These notes are purely personal. Its preparation and any subsequent processing of the data was independent of the existence of the community. Members' records would not be sent to the community and would not have access to them. The opinion of the Attorney General is not binding, but in many cases the judges of the ECJ abstain. A trial should fall in a few months. https://www.golem.de/news/eugh-gutachten-datenschutzvorschriften-gelten-auch-fuer-zeugen-jehovas-1802-132541.html Â
  5. The Difference Between Winning and Losing is Most Often Not Quiting ~ 2 Thessalonians 3:11 Good News Translation (GNT) 11 We say this because we hear that there are some people among you who live lazy lives and who do nothing except meddle in other people's business. Good News Translation (GNT) Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society
  6. WHAT IS GODS PURPOSE FOR THE EARTH? WILL MAN DESTROY HIMSELF OR IS THERE A PURPOSE FOR US TODAY? ~ ??? Some Successes, Many Failures Would you like to know your future? The notion appeals to many. There are a lot of people who predict upcoming events—with varying results. Consider the following: SCIENTISTS utilize sophisticated equipment and vast amounts of money to forecast various matters, such as how pollution will eventually affect the earth and whether it will rain in your neighborhood tomorrow. PROFESSIONAL ANALYSTS predict trends in business and politics. Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest people in the world, has been dubbed an oracle for his successful business investments. Nate Silver, another analyst, has interpreted statistics to help him make predictions about everything from U.S. politics to Hollywood film awards. ANCIENT SOURCES have been interpreted as prophecies. Some people see modern-day fulfillment in the vague writings of 16th-century Michel de Notredame (Nostradamus). A Mayan calendar cycle that ended on December 21, 2012, was interpreted by some as a portent of cataclysmic events. RELIGIOUS LEADERS sometimes predict tragic worldwide events to warn mankind and gather followers. Doomsday prophet Harold Camping and his disciples widely advertised that the earth would be destroyed in 2011. Needless to say, the world is still here. PSYCHICS claim to have special abilities to predict the future. Edgar Cayce and Jeane Dixon both made some accurate predictions about 20th-century events. Each also uttered many failed predictions. For instance, Dixon foretold the outbreak of a World War III in 1958, and Cayce predicted that New York would slide into the ocean in the mid-1970Â’s. LEARN THE TRUTH OF THE FUTURE OF THIS EARTH AT JW.ORG Psalm 37:9-11 Good News Translation (GNT) 9 Those who trust in the Lord will possess the land,     but the wicked will be driven out. 10 Soon the wicked will disappear;     you may look for them, but you won't find them; 11 but the humble will possess the land     and enjoy prosperity and peace. Good News Translation (GNT) Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society Tap on Video Link mp4 _______ ??? 923C82C4-6EAE-41B7-BF0A-369ED71436E0.mp4
  7. Got Any Money? ~ Question Many Ministers Ask! ~ ??? You hear Pastor say all the time that God won't bless you until you pay your tithes, and you have individuals that truly believe this and don't realize that your pastor is lying on God[Jehovah] and also to "YOU." Matthew 5:45. The sun rises on both the wicked and the good the rain falls on both the righteous and unrighteous. See, God [Jehovah] was blessing you every single day before you ever step foot in spiritual Babylon and listening to the lies of your lying pastor. Come learn the truth regarding your financial responsibility to God under Christian law. Learn the Truth at jw.org
  8. Created Only by Jehovah God! - No Other Could Create This. - Have You Thanked Him Today By His Name? - By Speaking to Him By His Name He Will Hear You! - Imagine That? - ??????? Stunning shot of Kaieteur Falls - A very large waterfall which lays on the Potaro River, Kaieteur National Park in Guyana (not to be confuse with Ghana which is in Africa). Kaieteur Falls drop from a staggering height of 225 meters (more than 4 times the height of Niagara falls). These falls are not the tallest in the world but the joining of the water volume & the height of the drop – together these qualities makes it to be one of the most powerful waterfalls anywhere on the globe. Photo by : ©Wswaugh (pd) \ @endlessmotion #places Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ??????? 4FED1A74-FD44-4EC2-9168-5ECDA8F3057E.MP4
  9. "Just let your word Yes mean Yes, your No, No." (Matt. 5:37) - Bible Speaks - ? ? Matthew 5:37 Expanded Bible (EXB) 37 ·Say only yes if you mean yes, and no if you mean no [L?Let your word “yes” be “yes”; your “no” be “no”]. ·If you say more than yes or no, it [L?Anything more than this]is from the Evil One. Expanded Bible (EXB) The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thom
  10. Out in the ministry, defying intense dust and sun in Nsukka, Enugu, Nigeria. Photo shared by @jossyjay91 Thank you
  11. Amazing Whales ? of the Deep! - A Gift from Jehovah! - The big O ? How incredible is this?! O O O ~ From the Mouth of the ? Whale watching nature tourism is becoming a vehicle for transforming conservation and research into key economic forces. ??? As populations of whales around the world are starting to show signs of slow recovery from past whaling exploitation, the potential is also growing to observe whales from coastal communities. ??? Not only can whale watching help to raise awareness about marine conservation issues, but also it often provides a platform for scientific research, ultimately contributing to the conservation of the animals. Vid via @fathomlesslife #DiscoverOcean Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ? A6B340C1-65AD-4CFE-995C-962FB0F7808A.MP4
  12. "Do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with humility consider others superior to you."—Phil. 2:3. - Bible Speaks -  Philippians 2:3 Good News Translation (GNT) 3 Don't do anything from selfish ambition or from a cheap desire to boast, but be humble toward one another, always considering others better than yourselves. Good News Translation (GNT) Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society
  13. How do you show love today? (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) ~ 4."Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous. It does not brag, does not get puffed up, 5 does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. 6 It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails." “Have Love Among Yourselves” “I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.”—JOHN 13:34, 35 What It Means: Christ told his followers to love one another the way that he loved them. How did Jesus love them? His love transcended the national and gender bias prevalent in his day. (John 4:7-10) Love moved Jesus to sacrifice his time, energy, and personal comfort in order to help others. (Mark 6:30-34) Finally, Christ showed love in the greatest way possible. “I am the fine shepherd,” he said. “The fine shepherd surrenders his soul in behalf of the sheep.”—John 10:11 - Bible Speaks -
  14. To be encouraging means to speak or act so as to increase the confidence and hope of another. In fact, the English word “courage” is drawn from the French coeur meaning “heart.” To be encouraging therefore means to strengthen the heart. ????? By encouragement you can help others to endure, to persevere, to keep from being ‘dropoutsÂ’ from GodÂ’s service. You thereby help them to be better Christians. As has well been observed, “Correction does much, but encouragement does more. Encouragement after censure is as the sun after a shower.” ?????
  15. HISTORICAL DAY IN ESCANDINAVIA NEW VERSION OF THE TNM. OBSERVE THAT YOUR TITLE IS SIMPLY: "BIBLE" Historical day! More than 50,000 witnesses received the New World Translation in Scandinavia in Danish, Swedish and Norwegian. We are very happy! About 52,000 were linked to 'Herlufmagle Assembly Hall' in Denmark and listened to Brother Morris of the governing body.
  16. SCIENCE RED SEA: Archaeologists Discover Remains Of Egyptian Army From The Biblical Exodus The discovery of the remains of a large Egyptian army at the bottom of the Gulf of Suez, 1.5 km offshore from the modern city of Ras Gharib, has been announced this morning by Egypt’s Antiquities Ministry. The team of underwater archaeologists was in search of ancient shipwrecks and artifacts from the Stone and Bronze Age trade in the Red Sea when they came across a huge pile of human bones dated back to the 14th century BC. The team of underwater archaeologists was in search of ancient shipwrecks and artifacts from the Stone and Bronze Age trade in the Red Sea when they came across a huge pile of human bones dated back to the 14th century BC. Over 400 different skeletons have been discovered by the team of scientists lead by Professor Abdel Muhammad Gader from the Faculty of Archaeology at Cairo University. The discovery also includes hundreds of weapons and pieces of armor, the remains of two war chariots, dispersed over an area of nearly 200 square meters. According to the archaeologists, more than 5,000 other bodies could be scattered over a wider area, which implies that itÂ’s possibly a large army that had disappeared in this area. The image shows a superb blade from an Egyptian khopesh, which was a very important weapon at the time. As it was discovered near the relics of an ornately decorated war chariot, the team believes that it possibly belonged to a prince or nobleman. The numerous clues found at the site have led Professor Gader and his team to believe that the bodies are related to the well-known Exodus. Namely, the ancient soldiers appear to have died on land, because the researchers didnÂ’t find any traces of boats or ships in the area. Plus, the position of the bodies, along with the fact that they were stuck in clay and rock, indicates that the warriors had possibly died in a mudslide or a tidal wave. Also, the large number of bodies points toward a big-sized army. All of these facts support the biblical version of the Red Sea Crossing when the army of the Egyptian Pharaoh was destroyed by the returning waters that Moses had parted. The recent discovery confirms that during the reign of King Akhenaten, there truly was an Egyptian army of large size destroyed by the waters of the Red Sea. https://spiritegg.com/red-sea-archaeologists-discover-remains-egyptian-army-biblical-exodus/ Â
  17. You will see wonders in the skies. - Joel 2:30,31. - We Only Know When Jehovah Reveals It! - ?????
  18. Welcome New Brother! - ??? It's been a long road and life has had its ups and down but through it all me and my brother have had each other's backs...and this past weekend Drew was baptized...can't even describe how good it felt to be there for his special day and to embrace my newly baptized little brother!!!!! Photo shared by @cdthames
  19. Noah and his witnessing cart - notice the JW.ORG logo to the right of the Ark door. ??????????????????? #Noah#Cart Witnessing#trolley witnessing#JW.ORG Logo
  20. The Only Way to Eradicate Hate - With God's Spirit You Can Do It! ~ Will not be in God's New World to Come! ~ MATTHEW 6:10. ???? “There is no hate without fear. . . . We hate what we fear and so where hate is, fear is lurking.”—CYRIL CONNOLLY, LITERARY CRITIC AND EDITOR. JW.ORG
  21. "Moses . . . [chose] to be mistreated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin."—Heb. 11:24, 25. - Bible Speaks - Hebrews 11:24 Expanded Bible (EXB) 24 It was by faith that Moses, when he grew up, refused to be called the son of ·the king of EgyptÂ’s [L?PharaohÂ’s] daughter [Ex. 2:10]. Expanded Bible (EXB) The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thomas Nelson Inc. All rights reserved. Hebrews 11:25 Expanded Bible (EXB) 25 He chose to ·suffer [be mistreated/oppressed] with GodÂ’s people instead of enjoying ·sin for a short time [L?the temporary/fleeting pleasures of sin]. Expanded Bible (EXB) The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thomas Nelson Inc. All rights reserved.
  22. Can Man Create This? No Only Jehovah God! Praise His Name Forever! ~ ????? Horsetail Falls, Yosemite National Park ... Check out >>>> www.lovefunromance.com
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