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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. KAZAKHSTAN. Almaty chooses the best doctor of the year a JW! ~ ????

    In Almaty, the best doctor of the year was chosen according to the comments of the patients. The organizer was one of the online search services for doctors. Around 500 doctors participated in the competition.

    The ceremony took place on Monday January 15, 2018 the results of the largest number of positive patient votes, the main prize of "The best doctor 2017" received an endocrinologist Alexei Leonidovich Vakulenko.

    Among Alexey Vakulenko's patients there are not only adults, but also children over one year of age. Everyone talks about him as an attentive, professional and benevolent doctor.

    Alexey Vakulenko has been a Jehovah's Witness for more than 17 years. He explains: "I have noticed that many patients not only need medical attention, and human sympathy, the ability to listen and warm friendly support such a quality that is helping me to develop the study of the Bible, and I am glad that the application of biblical principles will help me do my job well and be a useful member of society. "



  2. “Once in a Blue Moon?” ~ Beautiful Pictures You DidnÂ’t See Yet? ~


    Despite the northern front range of #Colorado being partly cloudy this morning, the little of the #LunarEclipse i managed to see was incredible and totally worth the struggle to find an angle. I left my house around 5:15am with no idea where I would be heading, which generally speaking isnÂ’t the best plan but it somehow worked in my favor today. From Boulder, where I live, the view was pretty obstructed by clouds, forcing me to drive further northeast to get away from the mountains and clouds. The eclipse was a #SuperBlueBloodMoon and peaked around 6:30 am which was perfect, giving a fair amount of blue hour light to work with. I was lucky to get this photo here of #MountMeeker and ColoradoÂ’s northern most 14,000 foot mountain, #LongsPeak, shot with a 500mm lens. Swipe through the carousel to see a few other photos from this mornings mission ??

    #Repost @ladzinski




    “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul…where a forerunner has entered in our behalf, Jesus, who has become a high priest…forever.” (Heb 6:19,20)

    No “Real Hope” Without God. ~ 


    True hope, as spoken of in the Bible, is superior to mere desire, which may have no foundation or prospect of fulfillment. It is also better than mere expectation, because that which is expected is not always desirable. The Bible shows that the people of the world in general have no real, solidly based hope; mankind is going into death, and without knowledge of a provision from a higher source there is no hope in what lies ahead. Solomon expressed the futility of man’s situation without God’s intervention as “the greatest vanity! . . . Everything is vanity.” (Ec 12:8; 9:2, 3)

    The Source of Hope. 
    Jehovah God is the Source of true hope and the One able to fulfill all his promises and the hopes of those trusting in him. It is through his undeserved kindness that he has given mankind “comfort and good hope.” (2Th 2:16) 


  4. ??~? Is Your Love So Great You Would Die For Someone?~? ??

    God Loved Us So Much First ~ ????

    “Love can be known only from the actions it prompts. GodÂ’s love is seen in the gift of His Son, I John 4:9, 10. But obviously this is not the love of complacency, or affection, that is, it was not drawn out by any excellency in its objects, Rom. 5:8. It was an exercise of the Divine will in deliberate choice, made without assignable cause save that which lies in the nature of God Himself, cp. Deut. 7:7, 8.”


    A·ga?pe, therefore, carries the meaning of love guided, or governed, by principle. It may or may not include affection and fondness. That a·ga?pe may include affection and warmth is evident in many passages. At John 3:35, Jesus said: “The Father loves [a·ga·pai?] the Son.” At John 5:20, he said: “The Father has affection for [phi·lei?] the Son.” 


    Certainly God’s love for Jesus Christ is coupled with much affection. Also Jesus explained: “He that loves [a·ga·pon?] me will be loved [a·ga·pe·the?se·tai] by my Father, and I will love [a·ga·pe?so] him.” (John 14:21) 


    This love of the Father and of the Son is accompanied by tender affection for such loving persons. Jehovah’s worshipers must love him and his Son, as well as one another, in the same way.– (John 21:15-17) 




  5. Animals Sniffing Flowers Is 

    The Cutest Thing Ever.


    Why is it cute?

    They are "just" "animals"?

    Why should we "care?" Does God Care About Animals?


    After God’s creation of fish, birds, and land animals, God was pleased. The Bible says that he “got to see that it was good." God not only created them “instinctively wise” but also made provisions for them to flourish in their environment. 

    As a Bible writer aptly stated: “All of them—for you they keep waiting to give them their food in its season. What you give them they pick up. You open your hand—they get satisfied with good things.”—Proverbs 30:24; Psalm 104:24, 25, 27, 28


    Clearly, God is not insensitive to how animals are treated. His beloved Son, Jesus, even said that a single sparrow does not fall to the ground without his Father’s knowledge. (Matthew 10:29) 

    Now, yes we are grateful if he cares for the sparrows, then he would also care for us?

    Are you not grateful he cares for us? 

    Thank you Jehovah God for all creatures great and small, we are so blessed to have you as our Father in Heaven. 

    We are so grateful that your wisdom and loves shows through all of your creations! - Bible Speaks -












  6. Like Games? ~ ???? ~ This Bible Games Will Help You Remember! 

    “For our Family Worship evening, we devised a really fun memory game to help us remember the correct order of Bible names. 

    Using two boxes of wooden blocks from a dollar store, we wrote all the Bible names on them. 

    Then on the extra pieces we wrote special positive names or words (i.e. Jehovah, paradise, love, faith etc) as bonus pieces. 

    All the pieces are  Was placed mixed upside down on the table. Each player begins by choosing five pieces each. 

    Then take turns choosing a piece to try matching Bible books in a consecutive order, using the bonus pieces to fill the gaps. 

    If a piece is chosen that doesn’t match up (i.e. Genesis and Psalms) the block is shown to the other players, then placed back face down in the same place it came from. thank you 

    Pieces can also be traded with another player as long as it’s mutually beneficial. 

    We had so much fun playing this game that we lost track of time!”


  7. A warm comforting message from

    Jehovah ?

    One day you come home and find a

    parcel at the door, with an inscription

    that reads:

    With love from your creator, Jehovah.


    Impatiently you enter the house and

    open the parcel.


    Inside you find a

    mirror and a letter that reads as



    My beautiful Creation,

    I give you this mirror so that you can

    take a good look at yourself. What do

    you see? A tired face, little wrinkles, your

    big eyes which you can't keep open at

    the end of the day? Do you also see

    your heart, your deepest emotions and

    your sad or happy state of mind?

    Now that you've looked at yourself long

    enough, please clean the mirror and

    look again, now I want to show you how

    I see you.


    You are a creation of my own hands,

    you are PRECIOUS in my eyes. When my

    eyes roam the Earth, my heart leaps for

    joy when it sees your love toward me

    and your happiness when you've

    reached one of your goals.

    I also see the beauty of your smile, the

    honesty of your heart and the help you

    give others. I also see how you look for

    me every day, how you find me, talk to

    me and glorify me with your lips.


    However, I've also noticed something

    else - I can see that you're tired and I

    SEE AND FEEL the suffering of your

    mind, heart and body. I'm so aware

    that this system is causing you misery.


    I can see you are fed up and tired of

    fighting. I know you feel desperate at

    times and that your heart is sad. But I

    also see that you want to continue to

    stand firm and that both your heart and

    mind keep on fighting because you

    don't want to leave me. That's why you

    should know that I cry when you cry,

    and when you're happy, I'm happy, too.

    Please let me help you! Permit me to

    protect you like a father. I want to be a

    soothing balm for your heart and soul.


    I know you! You CAN make it. Please

    don't leave me. Our precious friendship

    and your great faith can help you

    overcome and cope with every trial in

    your life. I WILL give you the strength

    you require.


    Never, ever forget that I love you and

    will be holding your hand as you fight to

    finish this 'race'. Please keep going

    because I am longing to show you just how happy a perfect life will be.

    With love greater than you can even

    fathom, Jehovah Your Maker ~ ???


  8. Fibonacci spiral !! - Fibonacci numbers - The Fingerprint of God! Watch now! 


    A Fibonacci spiral approximates the golden spiral; unlike the "whirling rectangle diagram" based on the golden ratio, above, this one uses quarter-circle arcs inscribed in squares of integer Fibonacci-number side, shown for square sizes 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and 34.




    Approximate logarithmic spirals can occur in nature (for example, the arms of spiral galaxies). It is sometimes stated that spiral galaxies and nautilus shells get wider in the pattern of a golden spiral, and hence are related to both ? and the Fibonacci series. In truth, spiral galaxies and nautilus shells (and many mollusk shells) exhibit logarithmic spiral growth, but at a variety of angles usually distinctly different from that of the golden spiral. This pattern allows the organism to grow without changing shape. Approximate logarithmic spirals are common features in nature; golden spirals are one special case of these.


    Perfect Creation by Jehovah - “and it was just so......” Genesis in the Bible Quote - Bible Speaks - ?????


  9. “It is because of JehovahÂ’s loyal love that we have not come to our finish, For his mercies never end. They are new each morning; your faithfulness is abundant.”
    (Lam. 3:22,23.) ~ ???????

    Lamentations 3:22 

    Good News Translation (GNT)

    22 The Lord's unfailing love and mercy still continue,

    Good News Translation (GNT)

    Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society

    Lamentations 3:23 

    Good News Translation (GNT)

    23     Fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise.

    Good News Translation (GNT)

    Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society


  10. JEHOVAH GOD is pained when HE see the TORMENT that HIS people are going through. ~ ???

    - Bible Speaks -

    Psalm 56:8 

    Modern English Version (MEV)

    8 You take account of my wandering;
        put my tears in Your bottle;
        are they not in Your book?

    Modern English Version (MEV)

    The Holy Bible, Modern English Version. Copyright © 2014 by Military Bible Association. Published and distributed by Charisma House.


  11. Children ??Love Jehovah ~ Video 2 


    #Repost @friendsinwarwick
    Sound on ?Andy update: Lately he has been picking up the bible all on his own. Ever since I told him that he would receive Holy Spirit when he reads it, he’s been as he says “obsessed.” This boy is feeling like Superman these days. Ok, that works ??Tag someone who could use a cute video during their lunch break. Feel free to repost #jw #jwboy #superboy #jworg #friendsinwarwick #jwinsta #jwbrasil

    Tap on Video Link mp4 _______Enjoy! ???



  12. 3 hours ago, Kurt said:

    Bildresultat för glass of water photo

    A publisher went to an Elder and said...  I won't be attending the meeting anymore.. 

    He said, may I ask why??
    She said, I see people on their cell phones during the meeting, some are gossiping, some just ain't living right, they are all just hypocrites...

     The Elder paused for a monent, then he said, OK... But can I ask you to do something for me before you make your final decision?
    She said, what's that?

     He said, take a glass of water and walk around the block 2 times and don't let any water fall out the glass.

     She said, yes I can do that! 

    She came back and said it's done.

     He asked her 3 questions:

    1. Did you see anybody on their phone? 

    2. Did you see anybody gossiping? 

    3. Was anybody living wrong?

    She said, I didn't see anything because I was so focused on this glass, so the water wouldn't fall.

    He told her, when you come to the kingdom hall, you should be just that focused on Jehovah , so that YOU don't fall.


    He did not say follow Christians. 

    Don't let your relationship with God be determined by how others relate with God. Let it be determined by how you relate to God.


    As Jesus said:

    Jesus used a powerful illustration that shows the need for us to overlook the flaws we see in others. “Why . . . do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye,” he asked, “but do not consider the rafter in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3) A straw could be a small piece of grass. A rafter, on the other hand, is a bulky length of timber used to hold up the roof of a house. His point? “First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw from your brother’s eye.”—Matthew 7:5.

    Jesus introduced this illustration with a sobering warning. “Stop judging,” he said, “that you may not be judged; for with what judgment you are judging, you will be judged.” (Matthew 7:1, 2) If you would like God to overlook your faults—the rafter in your eye—it is in your best interests to overlook flaws in your mate.—Matthew 6:14, 15.


    The plight of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia is considered an asylum application. Representative of the Finnish Movement: "Some have been expelled from work and schools, their homes have been ruined and the meetings are blocked."
    The Finnish Immigration Service has also taken note of the Russian decision to ban the business. Most Jehovah's Witnesses are still waiting for their asylum decision.

    The plight of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia is reflected in Finland as a request for asylum.

    According to the Finnish Immigration Service, last year, "several dozen" members of the movement arrived in Finland as asylum seekers, while in previous years the cases were mostly isolated.

    The decision of the Russian Supreme Court last April to ban the movement as "extremist" is underlying. The result was the closure of the national headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in St. Petersburg, the official abolition of hundreds of local divisions and the confiscation of business ownership.

    The consequences of the decision of Veikko Leinonen, the spokesperson of the witnesses of the Finnish Jehovah's Witness, have also been suffered by the members of the movement. "Some have been expelled from work and schools, their houses are smashed and spiritual activities and meetings are blocked," says Leinonen.

    "It started last summer when the Jehovah's Witnesses started arriving to some extent in Finland, a big crowd here will hardly come, but I think there are still dozens."

    According to LEINONEN, a total of around a thousand Jehovah's Witnesses left Russia. However, most of them went to Finland: Ukraine, Poland and Germany.

    "One thousand is the number we mentioned, when the Finnish Immigration Service asked us what the total amount would be." Leinonen says that the witnesses of Finland Jehovah strive to demonstrate Russia arrivals family of faith and sisters in the hotel trade, but nothing organized apukampanjaa not in his opinion, has started.

    For example, Russian Jehovah's Witnesses remain in reception centers. Previously, it was alleged that Vasili Kalin, the Russian leader of the Jehovah's Witnesses, had also moved to Finland. However, the information has not been confirmed.

    THE FINLAND IMMIGRATION SERVICE remembers that, in this case, the requests are handled individually. "There is still much to be addressed in the applications currently submitted in 2017. There are individual Jehovah's Witnesses who have been positive in recent years, but also negative," says Esko Repo, Head of the Asylum Unit. However, Russia's actions have been observed in the Finnish Immigration Service. According to Revo, all asylum seekers are evaluating what would happen to him if he returned.

    "It is known that there have been violations," says Repo. "Toky, all the time, our country is also receiving information from Russia, about this change of law with respect to Jehovah's Witnesses and jurisprudence, in addition to what Jehovah's Witnesses have done in practice since those legislative changes. "RELIGIOUS movements faced difficulties in Russia in 2016.

    The new prohibitions of anti-terrorist laws contained articles that prohibited religious missions. The decision of the Supreme Court to prohibit the motion was continuous.

    Russia is basically religious freedom, but religions have to register in the country. Why did Russia especially raise Jehovah's Witnesses to a stewardship? Among other things, the New York Times quoted the Russian Ministry of Justice from the logic so that the denomination has shown "evidence of extremist activity that constitutes a threat to the rights of citizens, public order and the safety of society".



  14. I’m ? Looking for You! ~ I Give a “Hoot” ~ ???

    Western Siberian owls like this one photographed at the Monticello Center in Italy can be found from western Siberia and Bashkiria, to middle Ob river and West Altai mountains, north to the limits of the Taiga.


    They usually nest in mountainous forests, semi-deserts and rocky slopes. These birds are excellent hunters and tend to feed on large birds, and mammals like rabbits, deer fawn and hedgehogs. They also consume frogs, newts and crabs.
    The opportunity to photograph this animal was made possible through the support of @greenteenteam.


    To see a portrait of this beautiful bird, follow @JoelSartore!

    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______ ?

    Amazing Birds ? Thank you Jehovah! 



  15. A harlequin shrimp feeds on a starfish in Caño Island, Costa Rica. ~ ???

    These charismatic beauties stole my attention as I was diving to film humpback whales. Harlequins are interesting in that males and females will stay together after mating to hunt and raise a family, the Bonnie and Clyde of the underwater world.

    I was fortunate enough to spend a week with this female and her partner as they fed. ItÂ’s crazy how a 2inch shrimp can yoink your attention from a 50ft whale. That shows just how wonderful our oceans are. There is beauty everywhere you look...you just have to jump in. #wilduntamed #costarica #puravida

    Video by @filipe_deandrade 

    Thank you Jehovah God Amazing! ~




  16. Proverbs 12:10 

    Modern English Version (MEV)

    10 A righteous man regards the life of his animal, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.

    Modern English Version (MEV)

    The Holy Bible, Modern English Version. Copyright © 2014 by Military Bible Association. Published and distributed by Charisma House.



  17. "[Peer] into the perfect law that belongs to freedom."× (Jas. 1:25) ~ ???

    Thank you - Bible Speaks -

    James 1:25 

    New English Translation (NET Bible)

    25 But the one who peers into the perfect law of liberty and fixes his attention there, and does not become a forgetful listener but one who lives it out—he will be blessed in what he does. 

    New English Translation (NET)

    NET Bible® copyright ©1996-2006 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. http://netbible.com All rights reserved.



  18. "They Say An Elephant Never Forgets! My Love to You ~ ??????

    You will Never be Forgotten. Thank You    My Friends! 

    I love Elephants and wanted to make a picture on them! 

    Behavior ??????

    Elephants form deep family bonds and live in tight matriarchal family groups of related females called a herd. The herd is led by the oldest and often largest female in the herd, called a matriarch. Herds consist of 8-100 individuals depending on terrain and family size. When a calf is born, it is raised and protected by the whole matriarchal herd. Males leave the family unit between the ages of 12-15 and may lead solitary lives or live temporarily with other males.


    Elephants are extremely intelligent animals and have memories that span many years. It is this memory that serves matriarchs well during dry seasons when they need to guide their herds, sometimes for tens of miles, to watering holes that they remember from the past. They also display signs of grief, joy, anger and play.


    Recent discoveries have shown that elephants can communicate over long distances by producing a sub-sonic rumble that can travel over the ground faster than sound through air. Other elephants receive the messages through the sensitive skin on their feet and trunks. It is believed that this is how potential mates and social groups communicate. - Thank you Jehovah for these Elephants ?


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