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Bible Speaks

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  1. DO YOU LIVE IN FEAR? - WHAT CAN WE DO NOT TO BE IN FEAR? - ??????? - Jesus predicted that at “the conclusion of the system of things” a climate of fear would cover the earth. He said that there would be “fearful sights” and that men would “become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth.” (Lu 21:11, 26) While people in general would be affected in this way, servants of God should follow the principle expressed at Isaiah 8:12: “The object of their fear you men must not fear.” The apostle Paul explains: “For God gave us not a spirit of cowardice, but that of power and of love and of soundness of mind.”—2Ti 1:7. - PUT JEHOVAH GOD FIRST IN YOUR LIFE, LEARN GODLY FEAR. THIS CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE! - Bible Speaks The wise man, after making a careful study of mankind as well as manÂ’s occupations and calamitous experiences, said: “The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man.”—Ec 12:13. - FIND PEACE TODAY BY LEARNING OF GODS LAWS FOR SALVATION - Bible Speaks Luke 21:11Good News Translation (GNT) 11 There will be terrible earthquakes, famines, and plagues everywhere; there will be strange and terrifying things coming from the sky. Good News Translation (GNT) Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society Luke 21:11New International Version (NIV) 11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Tap on Video Link mp4 ___________ ??????? 1830095C-C9F8-4D54-A907-AD97A4CF9E14.MP4
  2. Children Love ?? Jehovah! Children singing song, "Love All Sorts of People." Shared by @allnez_mbaru Tap on Video Link mp4________????? 271D48FA-7ABD-4951-9F83-9A7A43E3CD35.MP4
  3. What Is The Value of a $20 Bill Crumbled Up? ~ Lessons For Us! ~ ????? Good story-> A well-known speaker started off his seminar holding up a $20.00 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" ? Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this." ? He proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill. He then asked, "Who still wants it...?" Still the hands were up in the air. "Well," he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. ? "Now, who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air. "My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. ? Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We may feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. ? Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who DO LOVE you. The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by WHO WE ARE. You are special-Don't EVER forget it." ????? If you do not pass this on, you may never know the lives it touches, the hurting hearts it speaks to, or the hope that it may bring. Count your blessings, not your problems. - Shared
  4. Prayer of God’s Servants - ????? #Repost @thatviolin_man ??? Today..#jw #thatviolin_man #jw_inspirational #jwfamily #jworg #violin #jwviolin #jwviolinist  _ {All Time favorites!} Tap on Video Link mp4 __________Enjoy! ????? 02644648-FA7C-4385-9D92-A9603898E201.MP4
  5. What Is YOUR ATTITUDE? ~ ? Lesson for today. (Prov 13:20) ATTITUDE makes a big difference in life. A nonchalant or a diligent attitude, a positive or a negative attitude, a belligerent or a cooperative attitude, a complaining or a grateful attitude can strongly influence how a person deals with situations and how other people react to him. With a good attitude, one can be happy even in quite difficult situations. For a person with a bad attitude, nothing seems right, even when—from an objective standpoint—life is good. Attitudes—good or bad—can be learned. In fact, they have to be learned. Another fine characteristic that Jesus manifested was a pattern of thought and action that was always positive. He never allowed the negative attitude of others to influence his own fine attitude toward serving God; neither should we. - Bible Speaks
  6. Just Look Around - How Many Pretty Things You See? - Only God Made These to Touch Our Hearts! - Are You Grateful? - ??????? (Ecclesiastes 3:11) Everything he has made pretty in its time. Even time indefinite he has put in their heart, that mankind may never find out the work that the [true] God has made from the start to the finish." God made everything pretty ~ ? (Genesis 1:31) After that God saw everything he had made and, look! [it was] very good. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a sixth day." (Ecclesiastes 7:29) See! This only I have found, that the [true] God made mankind upright, but they themselves have sought out many plans.” (Mark 7:37) Indeed, they were being astounded in a most extraordinary way and they said: “He has done all things well. He even makes the deaf hear and the speechless speak.” (Romans 1:20) For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable." Man's Heart ~ ?? (2 Peter 3:18) No, but go on growing in the undeserved kindness and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him [be] the glory both now and to the day of eternity." (Jude 25) to [the] only God our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, might and authority for all past eternity and now and into all eternity. Amen." God's Finished! ~ ? (Genesis 1:1) In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Job 11:7) Can you find out the deep things of God, Or can you find out to the very limit of the Almighty?" - Bible Speaks
  7. An Honorable Way to Sing to the Jehovah. Song 142 in the Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses from (Utrecht, Netherlands) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJkuj5Ee0tw
  8. Was Zechariah Deaf and Dumb? ~ No! ~ See Why! ~ ???????? (Luke 1:62) "Then they asked his father for signs what he wanted him to be called." Why did they have to ask him for signs? WAS IT DEAF IN ADDITION TO DUMB? Did Zechariah become mute and deaf? No. Only his speech was affected. Others asked "by signs" what he wanted to name the child, but not because Zechariah was deaf. He most likely heard what his wife had told him about naming his son. Perhaps others asked Zechariah about this by making a sign or a gesture. The fact that it was only necessary to restore his speech indicates that Zechariah's hearing had not been affected (Luke 1:13, 18-20, ???????? Zechariah, who had been mute since the angel's announcement, was often forced to use gestures, a kind of sign language, to express himself. For example, he "kept beckoning" to those in the temple. (Luke 1:21, 22) When you later ordered a tablet, you must have used signs or gestures. (Luke 1:63) It is possible, therefore, that those around him during his period of silence were also inclined to use gestures. - Bible Speaks Luke 1:62Good News Translation (GNT) 62 Then they made signs to his father, asking him what name he would like the boy to have. Good News Translation (GNT) Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society Luke 1:62New International Version (NIV) 62 Then they made signs to his father, to find out what he would like to name the child. New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
  9. Proverbs 11:2 Good News Translation (GNT) 2 People who are proud will soon be disgraced. It is wiser to be modest. Good News Translation (GNT) Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society Proverbs 11:2 New International Version (NIV) 2 When pride comes, then comes disgrace,     but with humility comes wisdom. New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Tap on Video Link mp4 __________?? 0D4A20E9-BAE7-4EF3-B530-D0C42CBA08ED.mp4
  10. “Lollipop Gorilla” ? the Master! - Protests His Family! - Lessons For Us in Our “Jungle!” Be Kind! - ???????? Tap on Video Link mp4 _________? A79607A4-FA97-4CAE-B9B0-F5F32CF99E5B.mp4
  11. A Woman's 'Work' is never done! ~ ??????????????????? ~ My Wife DOES NOT WORK !!! Conversation between a Husband (H) and a Psychologist (P): P : What do you do for a living Mr. Bandy? H : I work as an Accountant in a Bank. P : Your Wife ? H : She doesn't work. She's a Housewife only. P : Who makes breakfast for your family in the morning? H : My Wife, because she doesn't work. P : At what time does your wife wake up for making breakfast? H : She wakes up at around 5 am because she cleans the house first before making breakfast. P : How do your kids go to school? H : My wife takes them to school, because she doesn't work. P : After taking your kids to school, what does she do? H : She goes to the market, then goes back home for cooking and laundry. You know, she doesn't work. P : In the evening, after you go back home from office, what do you do? H : Take rest, because i'm tired due to all day works. P : What does your wife do then? H : She prepares meals, serving our kids, preparing meals for me and cleaning the dishes, cleaning the house then taking kids to bed. Whom do you think works more, from the story above??? The daily routines of your wives commence from early morning to late night. That is called 'DOESN'T WORK'??!! Yes, Being Housewives do not need Certificate of Study, even High Position, but their ROLE/PART is very important! Appreciate your wives. Because their sacrifices are uncountable. This should be a reminder and reflection for all of us to understand and appreciate each others roles. Now Women I See Why He Needs a Psychologist! ~ So Love ? Him, He Will Learn One Day So Keep Happy and Focused! ~ ???????????
  12. DO YOU HAVE ANY REGRETS? ????? WHAT CAN I DO NOW? (Psalm 86:5) For you, O Jehovah, are good and ready to forgive; And the loving-kindness to all those calling upon you is abundant." Have you done things that you now regret? Have you ever wasted valuable energy and time on the wrong pursuits? Did you act in some way that resulted in harm to others? Or it may be that you have unpleasant feelings of regret for some other reason. The question is, What can you do about it? ????? Many people worry! To worry continually means to plague oneself, vex oneself, persecute oneself. It causes great anxiety. Does worrying solve any problems? Not one! Imagine trying to move forward by rocking for hours in a rocking chair, expending all that energy but getting nowhere! ????? Instead of worrying, some positive action on your part may produce good results. You can apologize to the person you wronged, perhaps restoring good relations. You can avoid whatever led up to the wrong act, thereby preventing future problems. Then again, you may simply have to live through some situations of life. But worry is nothing but a form of paralysis that can leave one unable to serve God fully. And there is no reward for worry! ????? Some have the tendency to let past failings overwhelm them to the point that they feel that they are unworthy in God’s eyes. They may feel beyond the reach of God’s mercy because they strayed off course either so far or so often. The fact is, though, that no matter what they may have done in the past, they can repent, change, and ask for forgiveness. ????? (Acts 3:19) “Repent, therefore, and turn around so as to get YOUR sins blotted out, that seasons of refreshing may come from the person of Jehovah." Jehovah’s mercy and loving-kindness can be extended to them, even as it has been to so many others. ????? Jehovah will look kindly upon a humble, honest one and upon his heartfelt repentance. God did that for Job, who said: “I do repent [“feel regret,” ftn.] in dust and ashes.” (Job 42:6) We all must follow the divine formula for acquiring peace of mind: “He that is covering over his transgressions will not succeed, but he that is confessing and leaving them will be shown mercy.”
  13. "Listen to me, all of you, and understand the meaning."—Mark 7:14. - Bible Speaks Mark 7:14GODÂ’S WORD Translation (GW) 14 Then he called the crowd again and said to them, “Listen to me, all of you, and try to understand! GODÂ’S WORD Translation (GW) Copyright © 1995 by God's Word to the Nations. Used by permission of Baker Publishing Group
  14. Clothing and Appearance of John the Baptist - ????? (Matthew 3: 4) But this same John had his clothes of camel hair, and a leather belt around the loins; their food was also insect locusts and wild honey. John wore a garment woven with camel hair and cinched at the waist with a belt or leather band that could be used to carry small objects. The prophet Elijah used a similar garment (2Ki 1: 8.) The camel hair fabrics were rough and were generally worn by poor people. Rich people, on the other hand, wore linen or silk clothes (Mt 11: 7-9). John might never have had his hair cut because he was a Nazarite by birth. It is possible that, by their dress and appearance, people would immediately realize that he led a simple life and completely dedicated to doing the will of God.
  15. Times of Difficulty ask for Help and Strength to Endure! The End is not yet! ~ ? Prayer to Jehovah is Essential.... Like Micah, we have to live among selfish people. Many are “unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection.” (2 Tim. 3:2, 3) We find it distressing when workmates, schoolmates, and neighbors show a self-centered attitude. Some of GodÂ’s servants, though, have an even greater challenge. Jesus said that his followers would face family opposition, and he used words similar to those recorded at Micah 7:6 to describe the impact that his message would have. “I came to cause division,” said Jesus, “with a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a young wife against her mother-in-law. Indeed, a manÂ’s enemies will be persons of his own household.” (Matt. 10:35, 36) What a difficult thing it is to endure the ridicule and opposition of family members who do not share our faith! If we face such a trial, let us not cave in to family pressure. Instead, may we remain loyal and wait patiently for Jehovah to resolve matters. If we constantly ask for his help, he will give us the strength and wisdom needed in order to endure. - Bible Speaks
  16. @James Thomas Rook Jr. Awe you are a softie mostly! No worries ? got it! Just be good to me! Ha! Chuckle! ☺️?
  17. This is my wife Rachel and I. We have the privilege of serving on construction at the South Africa branch. We have just completed the new warehouse that many will have seen on JW Broadcasting. Very soon we will receive the new MAN press. Still lots of work to do! bestlifeever Feel free to share! @jamesrachelfrench Thank you
  18. Are You Soft Clay or Hard Clay? ~ ????????? “With your counsel you will lead me, and afterward you will take me even to glory.”—PS. 73:24. Isaiah 64:8 states: “O Jehovah, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are our Potter; and all of us are the work of your hand.” A potter has full authority to mold the clay into the type of vessel he wants to make. The clay has no control over the matter. So it is with man and God. The man cannot rightly dispute with God any more than the clay can with the potter whose hands are giving it a form.—Read Jeremiah 18:1-6. With ancient Israel, Jehovah demonstrated his ability to do what the potter does to clay. But there is a marked difference. A potter can make any sort of vessel he is capable of making from a lump of clay. Does Jehovah arbitrarily mold people or nations, making some good and others bad? The BibleÂ’s answer is no. Jehovah has given mankind a very precious gift—the gift of free will. He does not exercise his sovereign authority in a way that nullifies his gift. Humans must choose to be molded by the Creator, Jehovah.—Read Jeremiah 18:7-10. - Bible Speaks Isaiah 64:8Expanded Bible (EXB) 8 But Lord, you are our father.     We are like clay, and you are the potter;     your hands made us all. Expanded Bible (EXB) The Expanded Bible, Copyright © 2011 Thomas Nelson Inc. All rights reserved.
  19. ONLY JEHOVAH CAN SAVE THE TURTLES! ????????????? RISING TEMPERATURES CAUSE SEA TURTLES TO TURN FEMALE By Craig Welch PUBLISHED JANUARY 8, 2018 The turtle wranglers landed on Ingram Island thinking about sex and heat. Pacific green sea turtles spend years cruising this northern Australia feeding ground, fattening up on sea grasses before heading to nesting areas to mate and lay eggs. The scientists simply wanted to know: which of these reptiles were male and which were female? You can't always tell a sea turtle's sex by looking, so researchers kicked off a "turtle rodeo." They stood atop skiffs and raced toward swimming turtles and launched themselves like bull wrestlers onto the animals' carapaces. After gently steering each turtle to shore, they took DNA and blood samples, and made tiny incisions to inspect turtle gonads. Since the sex of a sea turtle is determined by the heat of sand incubating their eggs, scientists had suspected they might see slightly more females. Climate change, after all, has driven air and sea temperatures higher, which, in these creatures, favors female offspring. But instead, they found female sea turtles from the Pacific Ocean's largest and most important green sea turtle rookery now outnumber males by at least 116 to 1. "This is extreme—like capital letters extreme, exclamation point extreme," says turtle scientist Camryn Allen, with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Hawaii. "We're talking a handful of males to hundreds and hundreds of females. We were shocked." New research published in Current Biology Monday by Allen and her colleagues is just the latest to suggest that rising temperatures around the world can turn sea turtle populations female. But it is the most detailed look to date at just how significant this problem is already, and raises new questions about the risks globally for marine turtles, as well as for other temperature-dependent species—from alligators and iguanas to inland silversides, an important fish in many streams and estuaries. READ MORE: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/01/australia-green-sea-turtles-turning-female-climate-change-raine-island-sex-temperature/ ONLY JEHOVAH CAN SAVE THE TURTLES! ????????????? Thank you, @paulnicklen
  20. Why Birds Fly in V-Formation? ~ ??????? Researchers now have empirical evidence that birds such as geese and pelicans “fly in V-shaped formations to reduce drag and save energy on long migrations,” says The Daily Telegraph of London, in discussing a report from Nature magazine. Scientists from the National Centre of Scientific Research in Villiers en Bois, France, measured the heart rates of eight pelicans flying in V-formation and then compared these figures with their “wing beats and flight patterns.” The researchers found that the birdsÂ’ heart rates dropped when in formation and that they beat their wings less frequently than when flying solo, even though their speed was similar. “In birds flying in formation,” says Nature, “each wing moves in an upwash field that is generated by the wings of the other birds in the formation.” This strategy enables great white pelicans to conserve up to 20 percent more energy than when flying alone. MORAL OF THIS? - IF YOUR UNDER JEHOVAHS WINGS YOU HAVE NO FEAR, BUT HIS PROTECTIVE CARE! KEEP THE FORMATION! - ????? Psalm 91:4Good News Translation (GNT) 4 He will cover you with his wings;     you will be safe in his care;     his faithfulness will protect and defend you. Good News Translation (GNT) Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society
  21. “This is the heritage of JehovahÂ’s servants.”—ISAIAH 54:17, Byington. ????? Satan has tried to destroy the Bible, prevent people from knowing JehovahÂ’s name, and hide the truth. But Satan has failed Jehovah has made sure that we can know the truth today. And he keeps helping us to learn more about the truth. (2 John 1, 2) This is what we learn from Proverbs 4:18, which says: “The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.” Jesus said in a prayer to God: “Your word is truth.” (John 17:17) The Bible has “the truth of the good news,” which is all the facts that we believe as Christians. (Galatians 2:14) What are some of these facts? The truth about JehovahÂ’s name, his rulership, the ransom sacrifice of Jesus, the resurrection, and the Kingdom. We will now learn how God has protected the truth even though Satan has tried to hide it. True worship has actually never been in danger. Why? Because our Grand Instructor, Jehovah, has made sure that we have the Bible, that we know his name, and that we know the truth. (Isaiah 30:20, 21) When we worship God the way he wants us to, we have real joy. But we have to be careful to believe only what is true and to follow the guidance we receive from his holy spirit. ????? Stay Close to Jehovah and Be Blessed! Tap on Video Link mp4 _______Enjoy! AB2ED97B-2E2F-492B-A54C-B6AE7029B703.mp4
  22. "God is greater than our hearts and knows all things." (1 John 3:20) ????? "Jehovah Is “the Rewarder of Those Earnestly Seeking Him” “He that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” (HEBREWS 11:6) What is meant by the phrase “God is greater than our hearts”? At times, our heart may condemn us, especially when we become painfully aware of our imperfections and shortcomings. Or it may be that because of our background, we have an inordinate tendency to think negatively of ourselves, as if nothing we do could be acceptable to Jehovah. The apostle JohnÂ’s words assure us that Jehovah is greater than that! He sees past our mistakes and perceives our real potential. He also knows our motives and intentions. David wrote: “He himself well knows the formation of us, remembering that we are dust.” (Psalm 103:14) Yes, Jehovah knows us better than we know ourselves! - Bible Speaks ????? 1 John 3:20Good News Translation (GNT) 20 If our conscience condemns us, we know that God is greater than our conscience and that he knows everything. Good News Translation (GNT) Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society
  23. @e.collins This Brother does wonderful work and worked at Bethel quite a few years. It’s a joy to know him. Thank you for your support! ?????
  24. Your “Lion” is from the “Tribe of Judah!” - Our King! - Nothing will stop Him from His Devotion to JehovahÂ’s Justice! ~ ?????? JesusÂ’ courage, however, gives rise to a very different description. The Bible says of GodÂ’s Son: “Look! The Lion that is of the tribe of Judah.”—Revelation 5:5. The lion is often linked to courage. Have you ever stood face-to-face with an adult male lion? If you have, most likely you were safely separated from the beast, perhaps by the fence of his enclosure at a zoo. Still, such an experience can be daunting. As you look into the face of this huge and powerful creature and he gazes steadily back at you, you can hardly imagine the lion ever fleeing in fear from anything. The Bible speaks of “the lion, which is the mightiest among the beasts and which does not turn back from before anyone.” (Proverbs 30:30) Such is the courage of Christ. The power, grace, and majesty of a male lion on the Mara.  There was only one animal who I watched him bow his head to, and rightfully so: the lioness.  #Repost @paulnicklen #respect #lion #africa #bw #nature #naturelovers #gratitude. With @lnixpix @epixnix and @cristinamittermeier
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