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Bible Speaks

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  1. OSTRICH ~ How Much Do You Know About a Ostrich? ~ Test Here....? [Heb., bath hai·ya·?anah?; rena·nim? (plural)]. The first of these Hebrew names is understood to mean either “daughter of the greedy one” or “daughter of the barren ground,” terms that may aptly apply to the ostrich. The second name, regarded as indicating a “bird of piercing cries,” also fits the ostrich, whose cry is described as a “hoarse, mournful cry which has been likened to the roaring of a lion.”—The Smithsonian Series, 1944, Vol. 9, p. 105; compare Mic 1:8. The ostrich (Struthio camelus) is the largest living bird known, at times standing over 2 m (7 ft) high at the crown of the head and weighing as much as 140 kg (300 lb). The head is rather small and flat with very large eyes, the flexible neck is about 1 m (3 ft) long, and like the powerful legs, both head and neck are bare of feathers. The body plumage, however, is luxuriant, the long soft wing and tail plumes being much prized in ancient and modern times. The sleek black and white plumage of the male contrasts with the dull grayish-brown color of the female. The ostrich is unique among all birds in having but two toes on each foot, one of them equipped with a clawlike hoof that becomes a dangerous weapon when the bird is forced to defend itself. Its height and keen vision, however, usually enable it to spot its enemies from afar, and the huge bird then warily moves away. While the ostrich feeds mainly on vegetation, it is also carnivorous, including snakes, lizards, and even small birds in its indiscriminate diet. It is found among the list of ‘unclean’ birds prohibited by the Mosaic Law. (Le 11:13, 16; De 14:12, 15) Anciently known as the camel bird, the ostrich is able to endure for long periods without water and hence thrives in solitary wastelands. It is used in the Bible, along with jackals and similar creatures, as representative of desert life (Isa 43:20) and to depict the ruinous desolation that became the fate of Edom and Babylon. (Isa 13:21; 34:13; Jer 50:39) Job, rejected and detested, sitting among ashes, and mournfully crying out, considered himself like “a brother to jackals” and “a companion to the daughters of the ostrich.”—Job 30:29. Forgets Wisdom.’ The ostrich is said to “forget wisdom” and ‘not share in understanding.’ (Job 39:17) Modern observers have acknowledged this. The Arabs have a saying “more foolish than an ostrich.” (Soncino Books of the Bible, edited by A. Cohen, London, 1946, Job, p. 205) The ostrich tends to run in a large curve, which permits its pursuers, if sufficient in number, to surround it. But on a straight course the ostrich’s powerful legs enable it to ‘laugh at the horse and at its rider.’ (Job 39:18) When running, its strides lengthen out to cover as much as 3.5 m (11 ft) at a time, and its pace may reach as high as 70 km/hr (44 mph). The wings, useless for flight, nevertheless help to give balance to the bird’s heavy body as it runs. The ostrich has certain characteristics that are said to stagger scientists, who tend to class the ostrich as among the ‘lower or more primitive’ of living birds. It has a bladder collecting uric acid, an organ characteristic of mammals but not possessed by any other family of birds. It also possesses eyelashes that protect its eyes from the blowing sand. Thus, though low in intelligence, the powerful, speedy ostrich gives credit to the wisdom of its Creator. The Arabian ostrich (Struthio camelus syriacus), once abundant in Palestine and Arabia, is now extinct. Since 1973, a related African variety has been reintroduced into Israel. Video by: @robertclarkphoto A short video in honor of the National Bird Day, January 5th, while these certainly are not migratory birds, they are, to me, one if the most interesting of the #Avian family. #NationalBirdDay Enjoy the birds and Video ? Tap on Video Link mp4___________? A08B8688-B4B9-4E99-A539-5328C489296B.MP4
  2. Sing ??? to Jehovah in Dance ? and Song! - DonÂ’t Give Up Convention 2017 Tap on Video Link mp4 ______??? 9CE0D2CD-76F6-4AC3-888D-DD863FE20885.MP4
  3. Joshua 1:9American Standard Version (ASV) 9 “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not affrighted, neither be thou dismayed: for Jehovah thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” (ASV)
  4. British Boxing Champion, retired and serves as a Jehovah's Witness. http://www.boxingnewsonline.net/when-you-knock-out-vitali-klitschko-by-accident/
  5. PRESS ARTICLE DEDICATED TO A CONGREGATION OF THE UNITED STATES. THE ARTICLE SAYS: The congregation gets up and joins in a song. They take turns sharing thoughts and answering questions from "The Watchtower". They enthusiastically help visitors by helping them find the Scriptures, songs and passages of their journals. Members of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Utah County are few, but they live their faith devoutly. In fact, the congregation is small, but the Witnesses still spend time trying to spread their beliefs. The American Fork congregation is one of four listed by denomination in Utah County. Others are found in Provo, Orem and Spanish Fork. Jehovah's Witnesses honor Jehovah, whom they believe is the God of the Bible and the creator of all things. Because they "testify" or talk about Jehovah God and his Kingdom, they are known as Jehovah's Witnesses, according to the faith website. Of course, there is a need for help in the ministry, so church leaders send volunteers to American Fork to help the church grow. Peggy Wilkerson and her husband, Tom, are two of those volunteers. "At American Fork, we have a large territory and it continues to grow," said Peggy Wilkerson. "Then, we need help." According to Peggy Wilkerson, the Witnesses send time sheets from their ministry to their headquarters in Warwick, New York. Church leaders can see if they cover their area well enough or if they need more people to help. These people come from areas with larger concentrations of Jehovah's Witnesses, such as Colorado and California. The Wilkersons come from Wyoming. Before the Wilkersons came to Utah, they served in Mexico for a couple of years. Like all volunteers, they had to make the trip and stay on their own. Then, the Wilkersons made a big decision when Tom retired after years of working for the oil and natural gas industry. When I retired at the age of 62 and a half, I sold (our house), I packed everything we had and went to Mexico where the need was great, "he said. Unlike the Wilkersons, Tirzah Fellows has lived in Utah most of her life, but her father moved to Spanish Fork from Kansas before she was born. Before that, he was serving as an elder in Kansas and moved to Utah to help the church grow, like the Wilkersons. Err Fellows is used to the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints after all their years in Utah. She was the only Witness at her school in Utah, but she has appreciated it. "There is nothing that would change," said Fellows. "Just because of how I grew up and how I raise my daughter." Still, there are certain misconceptions that Fellows and other Witnesses should explain to their neighbors, schoolmates and co-workers. They do not celebrate parties, or salute the flag, or serve in the army or vote. "Tessa (daughter of Fellows) knows why we do not celebrate the holidays, she knows why we do not wave at the flag," Fellows said. "It's not just because I told her, there's a reasoning behind this." The fellows said their daughter is very proud to defend her faith in school and elsewhere. Fellows is the same way and refers to the Bible to explain why Jehovah's Witnesses do and do not do certain things. Costco Pharmacy, where Fellows works, is one of the places where you have the opportunity to explain your beliefs to your co-workers from time to time. She feels that she has a good understanding of the beliefs of Latter-day Saints, which has helped her choose her words wisely with LDS partners. She does not always bring out what is in the Bible to Latter-day Saints, but she loves when they ask questions. "It strengthens my faith by talking about that," said Fellows. However, he has realized that people ask less questions than in recent years about their beliefs. "The ergent used to be fascinated (about my faith)," Fellows said. "They would say, 'You're not a Mormon ?! Well, what does that mean?'" Despite all this, Fellows and Witnesses in American Fork continue to preach to their neighbors. It does not matter if it is one hour a week or 100, if you are doing your best. "We know that Jehovah sees what we do," said Peggy Wilkerson. "(The ministry) is not for our glory." According to Tom Wilkerson, Jehovah's Witnesses grow nationwide by some 250,000 people a year. There are currently 8.3 million members worldwide, and these members are counted only if they are active in their ministry. If they are not active for six months, then they are not counted as Jehovah's Witnesses. For Jehovah's Witnesses in Utah, a growth of up to 1 percent is a great victory. It is difficult to find people who are interested in joining, but as long as they find people interested in having a discussion (not in a discussion), they believe they are doing their part in the growth of their congregation. http://www.heraldextra.com/news/local/faith/jehovah-s-witness-actively-do-their-part-in-american-fork/article_2cb6023e-423d-504c-87f6-dc8c2303d783.html
  6. Who taught this Jack Fish ? how to protect itself? - A Master Creator Jehovah! - Amazing Photo! ~ ????? Photo by @daviddoubilet A small jack rides on a jellyfish seeking protection from predators in a night sea in the Verde Island Passage, Philippines. Eventually the juvenile fish will grow large enough to become predator instead of prey. We lower lights into the sea over very deep areas attracting creatures that come to feed on the plankton drawn to the lights. The sea is an alien world at night where we meet hunters and the hunted and some unusual larval creatures appearing from the depths below us.
  7. @the Sower of Seed Just as at the edge of the Red Sea, people feared Jehovah’s direction and Moses. We learn much from this account. May we focus on reality and the Truth and unfailing Love for Jehovah will see us through! Are we not like the three Hebrews already in the firery furnace? Satan thinks he’s got us! I say just try me! I’ve got the Universal Sovereign Jehovah God, His Son Our Lord Christ Jesus and myriads of Angels. We lack nothing but keep focused looking straight ahead! The Battle is Glorious and on the Horizon! Thank you for your support! Jehovah Bless! ???
  8. @Rosalie Barry We try to post encouragement and hope! Sometimes we are doubled! But that’s ok! Thank you ?
  9. 17 Until the day grows breezy and the shadows flee, Return quickly, O my dear one, Like the gazelle or the young stag  upon the mountains of separation. 3 “Upon my bed during the nights, I sought the one I love.I sought him, but I did not find him. 2 I will arise and roam the city; In the streets and in the public squares, Let me seek the one I love. I sought him, but I did not find him.  3 The watchmen making their rounds     in the city found me. ‘Have you seen the one I love?’ 4 Scarcely had I passed by them When I found the one I love.” – Song of Solomon -  ?????
  10. Jehovah Gives Us Unfailing Love Each Day! ~ Is That Not Amazing? ~ ? Psalm 143 1 Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my plea! Answer me because you are faithful and righteous. 8 Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. 10 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing.”
  11. @Queen Esther What a joy to see him again! I’m sure once you learned the Truth it made your belief in Jehovah God so much stronger! Their is nobody like Jehovah God. His Beloved Son, Christ Jesus loves us so much also. A wonderful King ? He will be at His Father’s Right Hand. Thank you for your support! Jehovah Bless! ???
  12. @Rosalie Barry The Truth book ? helped so many find the Truth. We know many more are listening to this message. What a joy to share our Happiness with them! Thank you so much for your experience, Many here are so encouraged by your comments. Jehovah Bless! ???
  13. ME MARRY YOU? NEVER! ~ ???? Our young sister of six years old told her father that she would like to marry the circuit overseer that visits their congregation at that time. The father met the C.O. at the meeting and told him what his daughter had said. The C.O. smiled at her then she smiled back at him. After some months the circuit overseer returned to the little sister's congregation. When our young sister saw him she frowned and refused to say a greeting to him. The C.O. noticed this and walk up to the young girl and said : Hello, you remember the promise you made? That you are going to marry me? Our little sister said : Me marry you? Never! I can't marry someone that comes to the meeting once or twice in a year. You are weak and won't make a good husband for me.” The circuit overseer laughed. Our little sister does not know that circuit overseer's only visit a congregation once in 6 months!!!! Share this to our brothers and sisters
  14. FROZEN IN TIME? ~ ????? Photography by @stephenwilkes. Thinking of the bitter cold of the last 10 days and watching the massive winter storm Grayson, the" bomb cyclone" pound the East Coast with heavy snow and strong winds. I photographed the Hudson River from the air and found this lone boat trapped by the frozen ice. The patterns created by the ice reminded me of a mosaic. Ice (in its most common form) floats on liquid water, which is an important feature in Earth's biosphere, but it also creates abstract beauty. Hoping everyone stays safe and warm. #GOESEast #BombCyclone #noreaster #blizzard2018
  15. 10 Reasons Your Children Should Own a Pet ~ ?????????????? 10 Reasons Your Children Should Own a Pet 1. Responsibility Children with pets develop a sense of responsibility and care for others early on in life. Pets need care and attention all the time. They depend on their humans to feed, entertain, and exercise them. Children who are active in raising their pets usually learn how to be empathetic and compassionate. Learning how to be responsible for another creature will allow the youngsters to better take care of themselves as well. It is important for pet owners to help their children take care of the pets, gradually releasing responsibility to them over time. When they are young, children can help their parents fill the water or food bowls. As they get older, the assistance can gradually increase. 2. Self-Confidence Along with responsibility for a pet comes the building of self-confidence. When children are successful at raising their pets, they feel good about themselves. In turn, their self-esteem increases and they carry a confident air about them. They are, in a sense, proud of their accomplishments. 3. Less Prone to Allergies and Asthma Multiple studies over the years have shown that children who grow up with pets are less prone to develop allergies and asthma. When exposed to pet dander and other allergens before the age of one, children tend to develop stronger immune systems. Results published inClinical and Experimental Allergy state that boys who grew up with indoor pets were half as likely to develop severe allergies later on in life. 4. Exercise and Play Pets, especially dogs, need exercise and play. The activities that children participate in with their pets are usually physical. This allows boys and girls to stay fit. In general, families spend more time outside when they have pets. The sunshine and fresh air are good for everyone. Learning about the need for exercise for pets to stay healthy helps children apply the same concepts to their own wellbeing. 5. Calm Pets tend to bring about a sense of calm for children. Some youngsters are more relaxed around their pets than other humans. Like adults, children turn to their pets when they are feeling sad, angry, or otherwise upset. Magically, pets will bring peace to the situation and provide their humans with unconditional love. 6. Relieve Stress Along the same lines of keeping children calm, dogs are also great to have around as stress relievers. Being around dogs can be extremely therapeutic for the entire family. Just cuddling with the family pooch can bring about a sense of safety and security for children, let alone the rest of the family. Often, people turn to their dogs for comfort. They make good sounding boards as they are good listeners and never talk back. They never try to give advice when it is not wanted. They are simply there as calming influences for people who are flustered and stressed out. Although cats are not as compassionate, as pets, they can still help relieve undue stress. There is something to be said when cats cuddle up. Their soft coats and purring can help their owners feels a sense of calm. There are gentle sides to cats – they just donÂ’t like to show it very often. 7. Improve Reading Skills Many children are more comfortable reading aloud to pets than they are other humans. Perhaps it is because pets do not judge – pets do not correct the children and make them reread. The bottom line to improving reading skills is to practice it repeatedly. The more children read, the better they get at it. At younger ages, it is best for children to read aloud so that they can hear themselves. When pets are used to help children read, they essentially support the improvement of fluency. The oral practice children experience when reading to their pets helps them become fluent readers, resulting in better comprehension of what they are reading. 8. Learn About Consequences Caring for pets can teach children a great deal about consequences. When pets are not cared for properly, the results are real and easy for children to grasp. If fish are not fed, they die. If dogs donÂ’t exercise, they get agitated. When cats are ignored, they will seek revenge and do something mean. If a gerbil or hamsterÂ’s cage does not get cleaned out, it will start to really smell bad. 9. Learn About Commitment Growing up with a pet is a huge commitment on the part of the human. Pets are not things children can just put on shelves when they get tired of taking care of them. They need to be fed, cleaned, exercised, played with, and otherwise loved every single day. Having a pet is a total commitment and cannot ever be treated as a part-time job. This teaches children to commit and follow through with the task. 10. Discipline When growing up with a pet, children learn a great deal about discipline. If they have a dog at home, they learn to train it and teach it how to listen. ItÂ’s been scientifically proven that having a dog helps children learn about discipline. Some would argue that cats discipline their owners naturally. There are many sound reasons why children benefit from owning pets. There are many life skills they learn as a result of caring for another being and committing to the responsibility. As an added bonus, children would be able to share their youths with automatic best friends. https://www.google.com/amp/s/womanitely.com/reasons-your-children-should-own-a-pet/amp-list/ HAPPY TIMES FOR YOUNG AND OLD! ????
  16. Just For YOU! ~ Only 73 Days Till Spring! ~ March 20, 2018 in USA ~ A Foregleem Of Tulips ? and a New Spring! Tap on Video Link mp4 _______??? Music ??? Included! 8118F060-137C-45A9-BB66-C72DA94927C4.MP4
  17. Take Care of Your Precious Inheritance! We Are Blessed! ~ ????????? "Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah,” the Bible says, “the fruitage of the belly is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man, so are the sons of youth.” (Psalm 127:3, 4) Children are a precious gift from God, and he wants them to thrive. God exhorts parents to give their children good direction in life, just as an archer carefully aims when firing his arrows. “Fathers,” GodÂ’s Word instructs, “do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah.” (Ephesians 6:4) Another way Jehovah has shown his love for children is by teaching parents to protect their children from predators. In ancient Israel, even “the little ones” were commanded to listen to the Law, which included identification of proper and improper sexual conduct. (Deuteronomy 31:12; Leviticus 18:6-24) God wants parents to do everything they can to protect their children from anyone who might exploit or abuse them. God shows his love right now by offering spiritual and emotional help for all who are exploited and abused. “The lost one I shall search for,” he promises, “and the dispersed one I shall bring back, and the broken one I shall bandage and the ailing one I shall strengthen.” (Ezekiel 34:16) Through his Word, his holy spirit, and the Christian congregation, Jehovah comforts children who are downtrodden and impoverished. What a joy to know that now, just as he will in the future, “the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort, . . . comforts us in all our tribulation.” (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4) - Bible Speaks
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