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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. "As the clay in the hand of the potter, so you are in my hand, O house of Israel."—Jer. 18:6. ~ ??????

    ??Let Jehovah Mold Your Thinking and Conduct

    ??A potter molds a clay vessel

    ??Respond favorably to Jehovah’s molding 18:1-11

    ??Jehovah shapes our spiritual qualities  through counsel or discipline

    ??We need to be malleable and obedient

    ??Jehovah never forces us to do things against our will

    ??A potter may change his mind about what to do with a vessel


    ??Because Jehovah has given us free will, we can choose either to accept his molding or to reject it

    ??Jehovah adjusts his dealings with people according to the way they respond to his direction

    ??As an example of being molded by the Great Potter, a Christian brother walks away from two elders but later returns to talk with them

    ??In what ways do I need Jehovah to mold me?



    ??Broken pieces of clay beside a clay pot

    ??Clay was a common material in Bible times. When moist, clay is soft and pliable, and it will maintain the impressions made on it. But clay, even when baked hard, is not a strong material. -




  2. 15 minutes ago, Darlene said:

    Wow wow this is the best things for me today it shows just how our love for one another is. I have never met the ones who take time to put this information together but I know you are my brothers and sisters and your love is shown on this loving gift  to me and others I am a pioneer for 38 years and you dear brothers and sister help me to keep my joy and served Jehovah to the fullest way possible thank you so,much 

    agap'e Sister Hamilton


    Love you cause you serve Jehovah! Keep the Faith! 



  3. Give Comfort to Those Who Grieve ~


    “Jehovah has anointed me . . . to comfort all the mourning ones.”—(ISAIAH 61:1, 2)

    JEHOVAH, the God of all real comfort, teaches us to be concerned when others experience calamity. He teaches us to “speak consolingly to the depressed souls” and to comfort all who mourn. 

    Jesus Christ read and applied to himself the prophetic commission: “The spirit of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah is upon me, for the reason that Jehovah has anointed me to tell good news to the meek ones. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, . . . to comfort all the mourning ones.” (Isaiah 61:1, 2)

    When we seek to comfort others, words of sympathy are certainly in order. We endeavor to convey to the grieving person by word and tone of voice that we deeply care about his situation.

    This is not accomplished by the use of hollow platitudes. The Bible tells us that “through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.” (Romans 15:4) 

    In view of this, we can explain at a suitable time what GodÂ’s Kingdom is, and we can show from the Bible how it will solve present problems. Then we can reason on why it is a dependable hope. In this way, we will impart comfort.

    Show them comfort only God Jehovah can give and His Son Christ now Ruling will comfort us all forever. - Bible Speaks -



  4. Our Brother suffers from a very serious   bleeding tumor (suspected cancer). ?
    The authorities have also denied him the medical attention he urgently needs. ?
    Please put him in your prayers. ? ?????


    The Supreme Court of Kazakhstan rejected Teymur AkhmedovÂ’s appeal of his unjust conviction....... .He was convicted for merely sharing his personal religious beliefs with others.

    Mr. Akhmedov has been detained since the time of his arrest on January 18, 2017.He was convicted by a district court in May and sentenced to a five-year prison term..... He is the first of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses in Kazakhstan to be criminally convicted for his religious activity since the nationÂ’s independence in 1991.

    In considering his appeal, the Supreme Court ignored the recent decision of the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, which found Kazakhstan guilty of unjustly detaining Mr. Akhmedov and violating his religious freedom. Despite his poor health, Mr. Akhmedov maintains his strong faith and full trust in Jehovah.(Romans 8:35-39)Mr. Akhmedov is grateful for the efforts put in by brothers and sisters to obtain his early release, although thus far they have been unsuccessful, and he is thankful that his fellow believers worldwide continue to pray for his release.

    Mr. Akhmedov is 61 years old, married and the father of three sons, and in poor health.He suffers from a very serious   bleeding tumor (suspected cancer). ?
    The authorities have also denied him the medical attention he urgently needs. ?
    Please keep him in your prayers..  ? 





  5. Do You Text Message in Bad Weather the Good News?


    Text Messaging in Bad Weather ???
    Greg and Alma moved to the island of Catanduanes in the Philippines to serve where there is a greater need for Kingdom proclaimers. Some of the terrain there is mountainous, so Greg and Alma have to walk 12 miles (19 km) to reach some of their territories. At other times, they paddle a boat for up to two hours to preach on other islands. During the rainy season, they find it very difficult to make such journeys. Rather than just staying at home and not doing any preaching, they decided to take advantage of promotional rates offered by their mobile phone company that allows them to send unlimited text messages at minimal cost.

    Greg says that he starts the message by stating his name. Then he adds, “I want to share a message with you from the Bible.” One of the scriptures he has found to be effective is John 17:3. After quoting it, he asks two questions: Who is the true God? and Who is Jesus Christ? He then invites the person to reply. If the person answers, Greg shares an additional scripture, such as Psalm 83:18. If the person keeps responding to his text messages, he asks if he can continue the conversation over the telephone. Greg and Alma say that many do respond.

    One woman whom Greg and Alma contacted had several questions about the Bible, thus many text messages went back and forth. This texting eventually led to a Bible study. The woman shared what she was learning with her nephew and a workmate. As a result, all three were eventually baptized.



  6. JEHOVAH - Why will all the Earth know God's Name? 

    (Psalms 83:18)
    18 That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth." 

    (Je·ho?vah) [the causative form, the imperfect state, of the Heb. verb ha·wah? (become); meaning “He Causes to Become”].

    The personal name of God. (Isa 42:8; 54:5) 

    Though Scripturally designated by such descriptive titles as “God,” “Sovereign Lord,” “Creator,” “Father,” “the Almighty,” and “the Most High,” his personality and attributes—who and what he is—are fully summed up and expressed only in this personal name. 
    (Ps 83:18)

    The oldest Hebrew manuscripts present the name in the form of four consonants, commonly called the Tetragrammaton (from Greek te·tra-, meaning “four,” and gram?ma, “letter”). These four letters (written from right to left) are ???? and may be transliterated into English as YHWH (or, JHVH).

    When did the Jews in general actually stop pronouncing the personal name of God?

    So, at least in written form, there is no sound evidence of any disappearance or disuse of the divine name in the B.C.E. period. In the first century C.E., there first appears some evidence of a superstitious attitude toward the name. Josephus, a Jewish historian from a priestly family, when recounting God’s revelation to Moses at the site of the burning bush, says: “Then God revealed to him His name, which ere then had not come to men’s ears, and of which I am forbidden to speak.” (Jewish Antiquities, II, 276 [xii, 4]) 

    JosephusÂ’ statement, however, besides being inaccurate as to knowledge of the divine name prior to Moses, is vague and does not clearly reveal just what the general attitude current in the first century was as to pronouncing or using the divine name.

    Used by Jesus and his disciples. Thus, in the days of Jesus and his disciples the divine name very definitely appeared in copies of the Scriptures, both in Hebrew manuscripts and in Greek manuscripts. Did Jesus and his disciples use the divine name in speech and in writing? In view of Jesus’ condemnation of Pharisaic traditions (Mt 15:1-9), it would be highly unreasonable to conclude that Jesus and his disciples let Pharisaic ideas (such as are recorded in the Mishnah) govern them in this matter. 

    Jesus’ own name means “Jehovah Is Salvation.” He stated: “I have come in the name of my Father” (Joh 5:43); he taught his followers to pray: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified” (Mt 6:9); his works, he said, were done “in the name of my Father” (Joh 10:25); and, in prayer on the night of his death, he said he had made his Father’s name manifest to his disciples and asked, “Holy Father, watch over them on account of your own name” (Joh 17:6, 11, 12, 26). In view of all of this, when Jesus quoted the Hebrew Scriptures or read from them he certainly used the divine name, Jehovah. 

    So if Jesus taught you to pray to God using His Name and that it would be sanctified, we all must use that Name. Yes! If you would like to learn more about Jehovah, Jehovah's Witnesses would like to offer you a free home Bible study so you can learn more about Jehovah God. Contact me or one of Jehovah's Witnesses today! ~ It is a free Bible read it nowk it has Jehovah's name through out.



  7. Draw close to God.—Jas. 4:8.


    The closer we draw to Jehovah, the greater our motivation is to love him ‘with our whole heart, our whole soul, our whole mind, and our whole strength.’ (Mark 12:30) 

    Surely, we are eager to obey God and become imitators of him. (Eph. 5:1) 

    Maintaining a regular Family Worship evening, then, is a key ingredient to help all the members of our family “keep ready” spiritually as we await the foretold “great tribulation.” (Matt. 24:21; Luke 12:40) 

    It is vital to survival. The Family Worship arrangement also has another objective—that of helping family members draw closer to one another. 

    Spending time together discussing spiritual matters every week has a marked effect on how family members feel toward one another. 

    What closeness marriage mates experience when they hear each other express joy over a spiritual gem they discover together! (Eccl. 4:12) 

    Parents and children who worship together are likely to become united in love, the “perfect bond of union.”—Col. 3:14. - Bible Speaks - 

    w11 5/15 2:14, 15

    Read the rest of this article at:



  8. "There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow." (Ps. 72:16) 


    Since grain is not ordinarily produced on mountaintops, these words emphasize how productive the earthwill become. Just think! No more food shortages, no one undernourished, nobody starving! All will thenenjoy “abanquet of well-oiled dishes.” (Isa. 25:6-8; 35:1, 2) 

    To whom will credit go for all these blessings? Primarily to the Eternal King   and Universal Ruler, Jehovah God. 

    (Psalm 72:17- 19) states: “Let his name [that of the King Jesus Christ] prove to be to time indefinite; before the sun let his name have increase, and by means of him let them bless themselves; let all nations pronounce him happy. Blessed be Jehovah God, Israel’s God, who alone is doing wonderful works. And blessed be his glorious name to time indefinite, and let his glory fill the whole earth. Amen and Amen.”

    - Bible Speaks


  9. Signs of the time of the end....prophecies being fulfilled today! - The King is ready to Conquer! (Revelation 6:1-8) 


    1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice as of thunder: “Come!”

    2 And I saw, and, look! a white horse; and the one seated upon it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went forth conquering and to complete his conquest. 

    3 And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say: “Come!”

    4 And another came forth, a fiery-colored horse; and to the one seated upon it there was granted to take peace away from the earth so that they should slaughter one another; and a great sword was given him. 

    5 And when he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say: “Come!” And I saw, and, look! a black horse; and the one seated upon it had a pair of scales in his hand. 

    6 And I heard a voice as if in the midst of the four living creatures say: “A quart of wheat for a de·nar´i·us, and three quarts of barley for a de·nar´i·us; and do not harm the olive oil and the wine.”

    7 And when he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say: “Come!”

    8 And I saw, and, look! a pale horse; and the one seated upon it had the name Death. And Ha´des was closely following him. And authority was given them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with a long sword and with food shortage and with deadly plague and by the wild beasts of the earth."

    Read more at: jw.org


  10. "The one keeping his lips in check is acting discreetly." (Prov. 10:19) ~ ???

    Good communication does not mean saying everything you are thinking and feeling at any given moment, especially if you are upset. The Scriptures show that uncontrolled expression of anger is a mark of weakness, not of strength. (Prov. 25:28; 29:11) 

    Moses—“ by far the meekest” of all men then alive—once let the rebelliousness of the nation of Israel cause him to lose his temper and fail to give glory to God. Moses very clearly communicated how he felt, but Jehovah was not pleased. After 40 years of leading the Israelites, Moses did not have the privilege of taking them into the Promised Land. (Num. 12:3; 20:10, 12; Ps. 106:32) 

    The Scriptures commend the exercising of restraint and discretion when we speak. (Prov. 17:27) Yet, discretion does not mean never expressing oneself. It means speaking “with graciousness,” using the tongue to heal rather than to hurt." (Prov. 12:18; 18:21; Col. 4:6) - Bible Speaks - jw.org


  11. Does Anxiety Indicate a Lack of Faith?


    Jesus’ said in the Sermon the Mount, in which he said: “Stop being anxious.” (Matthew 6:25)

    God Understands Our Imperfections

    The Bible does not teach that lack of faith is the cause of all anxiety. 
    Living as we do during “critical times hard to deal with,” it is virtually impossible not to experience anxiety to some degree. (2 Timothy 3:1) 

    Faithful Christians cope with daily anxieties that are triggered by poor health, old age, economic pressures, family strife, crime, and other problems. Even in ancient times, GodÂ’s servants faced fears and worries.

    Persistent anxiety, however, can wear us down and lead to loss of trust in God. The apostle Paul referred to lack of faith as “the sin that easily entangles us.” (Hebrews 12:1)

    God Knows Our Needs
    The Scriptures help us to make a distinction between general anxiety and the sin of lack of faith. 

    Daily feelings of anxiety or even a momentary lapse of faith because of human weakness should not be confused with the complete lack of trust in God that springs from a wicked, unresponsive heart. 

    Christians, therefore, need not be plagued by guilt just because they periodically experience anxiety.

    Nevertheless, caution is necessary so that anxiety does not grow out of proportion and dominate our lives. Hence, the wisdom of Jesus’ words when he said: “Never be anxious and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or, ‘What are we to drink?’ or, ‘What are we to put on?’” This he followed with the comforting words: “For your heavenly Father knows you need all these things. 

    Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.”—(Matthew 6:25-33)

    How to help others with a disorder:


  12. Can your Faith move Mountains? ~


    “If I have all the faith so as to transplant mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. (1 Cor.13:2)

    How to Invest Your Time Wisely

    Strategy 1: Be Organized

    Prioritize. “Make sure of the more important things,” the Bible advises. (Philippians 1:10) Prepare a to-do list of things that are important or urgent or both, keeping in mind that what is important—buying food for dinner, for example—may not necessarily be urgent. And what may seem urgent—catching the start of your favorite TV program—may not be important.*

    Think ahead. “If an iron tool is dull and one does not sharpen its edge, he will need to exert much effort,” says Ecclesiastes 10:10, adding: “But wisdom helps to achieve success.” The lesson? Sharpen your ax, as it were, by planning ahead so that you can make the most effective use of your time. Set aside or eliminate nonessential tasks, which do little more than consume time and energy. If you find that you have time on your hands because you have caught up on your work, why not move on to a job that is scheduled for later? By thinking ahead, you increase your productivity, like a wise workman who sharpens his ax.

    Simplify your life. Learn to say no to things that are unimportant or that do little more than consume time. Too many activities and appointments can add needless stress and can rob you of joy.

    Strategy 2: Avoid Time Stealers

    Procrastination and indecision. “The one who watches the wind will not sow seed, and the one who looks at the clouds will not reap.” (Ecclesiastes 11:4) The lesson? Procrastination is a thief of both time and productivity. A farmer who waits until conditions are perfect may never sow seed or reap his harvest. Similarly, we could allow life’s uncertainties to make us indecisive. Or we may feel that we have to wait until we have every scrap of relevant information before making a decision. To be sure, important decisions warrant research and deliberation. “The shrewd one ponders each step,” says Proverbs 14:15. But the reality is that many decisions involve some uncertainties.—Ecclesiastes 11:6.

    Perfectionism. “The wisdom from above [or from God] is . . . reasonable,” says James 3:17. Of course, high standards are commendable! Sometimes, though, we might set standards so high that we invite disappointment and even failure. A person learning another language, for example, must be prepared to make mistakes, aware that he will learn from these. A perfectionist, however, would likely shudder at the thought of saying something incorrectly—an attitude that would impede his progress. How much better to be modest in our expectations! “Wisdom is with the modest ones,” says Proverbs 11:2. Moreover, the modest and humble do not take themselves too seriously and can usually laugh at themselves.

    Strategy 3: Be Balanced and Realistic

    Balance work and recreation. “Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind.” (Ecclesiastes 4:6) Workaholics often deprive themselves of the fruitage of their “two handfuls of hard work.” They simply have no time or energy left. The lazy, on the other hand, opt for “two handfuls” of rest and squander precious time. The Bible encourages a balanced view: Work hard and enjoy the rewards. Such rejoicing is “the gift of God.”—Ecclesiastes 5:19.

    Do not scrimp on sleep. “I will lie down and sleep in peace,” said a Bible writer. (Psalm 4:8) Most adults need about eight hours of sleep a night to gain the full physical, emotional, and cognitive benefits. Concerning the latter, sleep is a sound investment of time because it aids in concentration and consolidates memories, thus fostering learning. Sleep deprivation, however, impedes learning and contributes to accidents, errors, and irritability.

    Set realistic goals. “Better to enjoy what the eyes see than to wander after one’s desires.” (Ecclesiastes 6:9) The point? A wise person does not let mere desires take the reins of his life, especially desires that may be unrealistic or impossible to satisfy. Hence, he is not seduced by clever advertising or easy credit. Instead, he learns to be content with what he can actually attain—“what [his] eyes see.”

    Strategy 4: Be Guided by Good Values

    Consider your values. Your values enable you to gauge what is good, important, and worthwhile. If your life were an arrow, your values would aim that arrow. Good values, therefore, help you to set sound priorities in life and to make the very best use of your time hour by hour and day by day. Where can you find such values? Many people look to the Bible, recognizing its superior wisdom.—Proverbs 2:6, 7.

    Make love your foremost value. Love “is a perfect bond of union,” says Colossians 3:14. We cannot be truly happy and emotionally secure without love, especially within the family. People who disregard that fact, perhaps giving priority to the pursuit of riches or a career, actually invest in unhappiness. Yes, for good reason the Bible makes love the preeminent value, mentioning it hundreds of times.—1 Corinthians 13:1-3; 1 John 4:8.





  13. You Are Blessed! - Show YOU are Grateful! "You are the blessed of Jehovah." (Genesis 26:29) ~ ?????

    Jehovah Blessing Humans. “The blessing of Jehovah—that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it.” (Pr 10:22) Jehovah blesses those whom he approves by protecting, prospering, guiding, giving success, and supplying their needs, with a beneficial outcome for them. 

    Occasions for Expressing Blessing. In prayer, one praises and thanks God, blessing him, and, in turn, speaks on behalf of those united in faith and those seeking God, blessing them. Saying or asking a blessing upon food before a meal is usually done in prayer. In such prayer thanks and praise are given to Jehovah for his spiritual and material provisions, asking that Jehovah will direct the nourishment to be used for the benefit of those partaking and that the food will strengthen them to serve him. 

    Yes, YOU are Blessed! Be Grateful Today for YOU are the Blessing! Show that to God Jehovah How Grateful YOU are and Show that to Others! ~ Bible Speaks 



  14. 3 minutes ago, Joan Kennedy said:

    It is beautiful but we had about 3” starting late yesterday afternoon, resulting in the cancellation of our weekend meeting. Too many hills and inexperienced drivers. Where I live, we know how to drive in rain but not snow. 

    @Joan Kennedy

    It hasn’t stopped snowing yet! Very dangerous roads. Yesterday KH was very slippery and not sanded. Last year not much ice. This year...time for a trip to paradise!  ?????

    Thank you for your thoughts. ?

  15. Catch those Snowflakes before they are gone! - Sweet Picture! - Thank you Jehovah for these Seals!  - ??? 

    Who doesn’t like catching snowflakes on their tongue? Oh the sweetness of life! A happy and healthy Weddell Seal near Orne Harbour and Spigot Peak on the Antarctic Peninsula. 

    My daughter @lilliana_libecki and I are embracing the power and beauty from/in Antarctica and will be sharing some joy along the way here 
     photo @mikelibecki


  16. Children Love ?? Jehovah! 

    Andy UPDATE: Today I was able to take my nephew to the mtg. He has not attended a meeting in over a year.

    During the Watchtower (with no prompting from me), he raised his hands three times and was able to comment once. He was well behaved throughout.

    However, this is what impressed me most: an older sister approaches us and he says “good morning ma’am”, after that conversation, he asks me “Titi, can I go talk to other people?” I said “sure” and fully expected him to go find some little boys to play with.

    When I look over to see where he went, I noticed that he made a bee line to the speaker who gave the public talk, stretches out his hand and says “Hello, that was a good speech”, and proceeds to introduce himself.

    My jaw dropped. In his conversation with the brother he mentioned that “Jehovah saved me and my family from the hurricane.”

    That was news to me! You would never know from his behavior today that he hasnÂ’t been to the hall or studied formally recently.

    I rewarded him with little boy coffee aka hot chocolate, which according to him, “hit the spot.” Little does Andy know that I came to encourage him, but I’m the one that’s having my faith built up. Please tag someone who could use a little good news 

    Repost @friendsinwarwick


  17. Who Created this? - Can Any man make this? - No! Of course not! - Only Jehovah God! - ?????

    “To whom can you liken me to make me his equal?” says the Holy One.
    26 “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see.
    Who has created these things?
    It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name.
    Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power,
    Not one of them is missing.—Isaiah 40:25, 26.   

    Glowing wisps of outpouring gas, lit up by a central star nearing the end of its life, looks like a colorful holiday ornament in space.

    This image, captured by our Hubble Space Telescope (@NASAHubble), shows the vivid blue and red hues of a planetary nebula that is located about 11,000 light-years from Earth. 

    When a star ages and the red giant phase of its life comes to an end, it starts to eject layers of gas from its surface leaving behind a hot and compact white dwarf. Sometimes this ejection results in elegantly symmetric patterns of glowing gas, but this planetary nebula is much less structured. 

    Planetary nebulae are one of the main ways in which elements heavier than hydrogen and helium are dispersed into space after their creation in the hearts of stars. Eventually some of this out-flung material may form new stars and planets. 
    In this iamge, the vivid blue and red hues come from material including ionized oxygen and hydrogen glowing under the action of the fierce ultraviolet radiation from the still hot central star. 
    Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA 


  18. Jehovah God Will Save the Earth ? and the Penguins ? His Promise!

    Purpose. Like all other created things, the earth was brought into existence because of Jehovah’s will (“pleasure,” KJ). (Re 4:11) It was created to remain forever. (Ps 78:69; 104:5; 119:90; Ec 1:4)

    God speaks of himself as a God of purpose and declares that his purposes are certain to come to fruition. (Isa 46:10; 55:11)

    He made his purpose for the earth very clear when he said to the first human pair: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.” (Ge 1:28)

    There were no flaws in earth or the things on it. Having created all necessary things, Jehovah saw that they were “very good” and “proceeded to rest” or desist from other earthly creative works.—Ge 1:31–2:2.

    ManÂ’s habitation on earth is also permanent. When God gave man the law regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, he implied that man could live on earth forever. (Ge 2:17)

    We are assured by Jehovah’s own words that “all the days the earth continues, seed sowing and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, will never cease” (Ge 8:22) and that he will never destroy all flesh again by a flood. (Ge 9:12-16)

    Jehovah says that he did not make the earth for nothing but, rather, that he has given it to men as a home and that death will eventually be done away with. God’s purpose, therefore, is for the earth to be the habitation of man in perfection and happiness with eternal life.—Ps 37:11; 115:16; Isa 45:18; Re 21:3, 4.

    That this is the purpose of Jehovah God. 

    Photo by @BrianSkerry. ??

    Polar Love: A mother gentoo penguin and her chick admire one another within their nesting site in Antarctica. The third largest of all penguin species, gentoo penguin parents are especially nurturing. Both parents help to build their circular nests of stones, moss and grass from the surrounding area. 
    Hatchlings will stay in the nest for up to a month, while the parents alternate foraging duties and caring for the chick.

    According to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Gentoo Penguins are ‘near threatened,’ with numbers declining as a result of natural predation and ice melt caused by global warming. Spending time with these animals was hypnotic, I didn’t want to leave!


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