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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. What Hope for the Poor? - ???

    Nobody likes to see pictures of starvation or little children in lands that are not cared for. Is this God's purpose for man and child and women? God does have a plan, it is because of man's injustice and greed most of this is happening. Read what God will do about it....

    PSALMS 35:10
    Let all my bones themselves say:
    “O Jehovah, who is there like you,
    Delivering the afflicted one from one stronger than he is,
    And the afflicted and poor one from the one robbing him?”

    PSALMS 113: 5-7
    Who is like Jehovah our God,
    Him who is making his dwelling on high?
    6 He is condescending to look on heaven and earth,
    7 Raising up the lowly one from the very dust;
    He exalts the poor one from the ash pit itself."

    GodÂ’s Interest in the Poor

    Mankind’s Creator, Jehovah God, is not pleased with this situation. Jehovah views the poor with compassion. We read in the Bible: “[God] is sure not to forget the outcry of the afflicted ones.” (Psalm 9:12) Jehovah is a God who cares about the poor.

    Regarding Jehovah, the Bible says: “To you the unfortunate one, the fatherless boy, commits himself. You yourself have become his helper.” (Psalm 10:14) Notice how this Bible verse refers to afflicted people as individuals.* Yes, God looks at each one and considers his or her needs. To him each person is precious and worthy of attention. Jehovah invites people from all economic levels to learn from him and enjoy his friendship.

    Bible principles are practical whether we are rich or poor

    But God’s purpose includes more than taking action against oppressors. He will give righthearted humans a way of life free of injustice. By means of a superior form of government, he will allow all humans to lead satisfying, joyful lives free of poverty. 

    The Bible prophetically states regarding the rule of Jesus Christ: “He will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper. He will feel sorry for the lowly one and the poor one, and the souls of the poor ones he will save. From oppression and from violence he will redeem their soul, and their blood will be precious in his eyes.” (Psalm 72:12-14)

    This beautiful future is open to you. But for you to meet God’s requirements for life in that new world, it is vital that you first learn and then do the will of the true God. Make wise decisions based on knowledge of God’s Word. Live in expectation of the wonderful future God holds out to all mankind. You will not be disappointed. God’s Word promises: “Not always will the poor one be forgotten, nor will the hope of the meek ones ever perish.” (Psalm 9:18)
    - Bible Speaks



  2. Who Is The Light Of The World ? ~

    ?? ?

    He whirls
    a Thunderbolt
    of 'Light'
    and it lands
    neither here
    nor there
    but everywhere...

    That is
    what it means
    to be

    'The Light of the World' YES, HE IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!

    (Job 37:1-5) . . .“Indeed at this my heart begins to tremble, And it leaps up from its place. 2 Listen attentively, YOU men, to the rumbling of his voice, And the growling that goes forth from his mouth. 3 Under the whole heavens he lets it loose, And his lightning is to the extremities of the earth. 4 After it a sound roars; He thunders with the sound of his superiority, And he does not hold them back when his voice is heard. 5 God thunders with his voice in a wonderful way, Doing great things that we cannot know." - Bible Speaks 


  3. “Let a rotten saying not proceed out of your mouth, but whatever saying is good for building up.” (EPHESIANS 4:29) ~ ? ?


    One important reason to guard our speech is that words have power. Proverbs 15:4 says: “The calmness of the tongue is a tree of life, but distortion in it means a breaking down in the spirit.”

    Even as water revives a thirsty tree, so the calm speech of a soothing tongue can refresh the spirit of those hearing it. 

    In contrast, the twisted words of a perverse tongue can crush the spirit of others. Indeed, the words we speak have the power to injure or to heal. (Proverbs 18:21)

    Vividly describing the power of words, another proverb says: “There exists the one speaking thoughtlessly as with the stabs of a sword.” (Proverbs 12:18) 

    Thoughtless words said in haste can cause deep emotional wounds and destroy relationships. Has your heart ever been pierced by the thrusts of a verbal sword? 

    On the positive side, the same proverb says: “The tongue of the wise ones is a healing.” Thoughtful words from one who manifests godly wisdom can mend an aching heart and restore relationships. Can you recall an occasion when you experienced the healing power of kind words? (Proverbs 16:24) 

    Recognizing that spoken words have power, we certainly want to use our speech to heal others, not to hurt them.

    No matter how hard we try, we cannot completely control our tongue. Here, then, is a second reason why we need to keep on guard respecting our speech: Sin and imperfection incline us toward misusing our tongue. Words are a product of our heart, and “the inclination of the heart of man is bad.” (Genesis 8:21; Luke 6:45) Bridling our tongue is therefore a real struggle. (James 3:2-4) 

    Although we cannot gain perfect control of our tongue, we can keep working at making improvement in how we use it. Just as a swimmer trying to swim upstream has to keep fighting the current, so we have to keep fighting the sinful tendency to misuse our tongue.

    A reason to guard our speech is that Jehovah holds us accountable for our words. The way we use our tongue affects not only our relationship with fellow humans but also our standing with Jehovah. James 1:26 says: “If any man seems to himself to be a formal worshiper and yet does not bridle his tongue, but goes on deceiving his own heart, this man’s form of worship is futile.”

    If our tongue is unbridled—spewing out hurtful, poisonous speech—all of our Christian works could be rendered worthless in God’s eyes. 
    (James 3:8-10)




  4. Work—A Blessing or a Curse? - ?

    Lesson for today. (Eccl 2:24)  We all know that work can be burdensome nowadays. Stress, hazards, boredom, disappointment, competition, deception, and injustice are just some of the “thorns and thistles” now associated with it. But work in itself is not a curse.

    At Ecclesiastes 3:13, the Bible calls work and its fruitage a gift from God. You can glorify God with your work. Quality and excellence in the workplace have always been praised. Quality is one of the keys to a Biblical view of work.

    God himself does his work with excellence. He has given us talents and abilities, and he wants us to use our skills to a good end. For example, during the construction of the tabernacle in ancient Israel, Jehovah filled people like Bezalel and Oholiab with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, enabling them to carry out specific artistic and practical tasks. (Exodus 31:1-11)

    This shows that God took a special interest in the function, craftsmanship, design, and other details of their work. This has profound implications for our perception of personal abilities and work habits. It helps us see them in a sense as gifts from God, which are not to be taken for granted.

    Thus, Christians are admonished to do their work as if God himself were reviewing their performance: “Whatever you are doing, work at it whole-souled as to Jehovah, and not to men.” (Colossians 3:23)

    God’s servants are commanded to do good work, thus making the Christian message more attractive to coworkers and others.—See the box “Applying Bible Principles in the Workplace.” In the light of this, we do well to ask ourselves what kind of quality and diligence we put into our work.

    Would God be pleased with our performance? Are we fully satisfied with the way we carry out our assigned tasks? If not, there is room for improvement.—Proverbs 10:4; 22:29.




  5. Jehovah’s Witnesses - Big Totals 2017


    Branches of Jehovah's witnesses: 90

    Number of countries: 240

    Total Congregations: 120,053

    Global Memorial Attendance : 20,175,477

    Participants in Memorial Emblems worldwide: 18,564

    Maximum Peak: 8,457,107

    Average Preachers every month: 8,248,982

    Percentage increase compared to 2016: 1.4 %

    Total number baptized: 284,212

    Average Pioneers each month: 1,249,946

    Average Publishers as auxiliary Pioners each month: 439,571

    Total hours spent in the field: 2,046,000,202

    Average Bible studies each month: 10,071,524

    During the 2017 service year, Jehovah's witnesses spent more than $ 202 million on the care of Pioneers, missionaries and special circuit supervisors in their field service assignments. Around the world, a total of 19,730 ministers ordered as staff of branch facilities. They are all members of the world order of full-time special servants of Jehovah's witnesses.

    * The 2017 year of service was from 1 September 2016 to 31 August 2017.


    Tap on Video Link mp4 _________Enjoy!


  6. 5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

    There is excellent competition for categories of 'shocking' and many involve large scale killings, torture and rape. 

    The ban on Witness activity in Russia does not yet rate on this scale and likely will not - though one never knows. It is head-and-shoulders the most important story as regards freedom of worship, but this is only one of many human rights.

    The list is compiled according to stories most publicized. To that extent, the Governing Body must be given much credit, for they did not allow this thing to be done in a corner.

    Still, there is another list on the HRW website of ten videos - of shocking blood and guts violence - the the Witness ban does not even appear on this one. There has to be gore galore to make a dent today in the world's greater consciousness.  The Witness ban, while it is the most spiritually shocking event, is not the most physically shocking, or even close. 


    True!  But to US it is! ??????

  7. ‘I feel amazingÂ’: B.C. man receives ‘bloodlessÂ’ double-lung transplant in Toronto - ?

    ‘I feel amazing’: B.C. man receives ‘bloodless’ double-lung transplant in Toronto - "I feel incredible": the British Columbia man receives a double lung transplant "bloodless" in Toronto
    Kory Bradshaw says he was in an intensive care unit in Toronto, where he has only a few months to live when he received the phone call from doctors to get a long-awaited double-lung transplant.

    Bradshaw, who has cystic fibrosis, did not hear anything for months after going through two false alarms since he was put on the waiting list for a transplant last May.

    "The third time is a charm," Bradshaw told Global News on Monday.
    He and his wife, Renee Bradshaw, arrived in Toronto from their home in Kelowna, BC, last January in hopes of receiving a faster transplant because of the better waiting times in the city.
    The average waiting time in BC is approximately two years, but in Toronto it is around six months.

    After receiving the transplant more than four months ago, Kory said he feels "incredible" now.

    "We can have a completely new life together, doing many things that people can take for granted, such as walking and holding hands," he said, adding that he still has to get used to being able to laugh properly.

    That new life together will also include a new modular home for them when they return to Kelowna at the end of the month.

    In a cruel twist of fate, while Kory was in the ICU at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto in June, they received a call that said their home in British Columbia was destroyed in a fire.

    "They think it was from a discarded cigarette that set fire to our cedar hedge, which spread into the shed to our house," Renee said previously.

    Friends and neighbors quickly joined to help them. Beth Shey, a neighbor they barely knew, started a page of GoFundMe to help them with living expenses while waiting for the transplant in Toronto.
    The couple said the new modular house should be delivered by the time they return and that it should be ready for transfer by the end of January.

    The transplant

    Kory underwent his transplant at the Toronto General Hospital, which performs about 150 lung transplants every year.

    But Kory's situation was unique. Since he and Renee are Jehovah's Witnesses, and because of their beliefs, a blood transfusion was not possible. The couple said they searched for years but no surgeon would agree to try a bloodless transplant until they found Dr. Shaf Keshavjee, who agreed to perform the procedure as long as the couple understood the risks.
    "If there was a sudden loss of blood during his operation, he would die," Keshavjee told Global News.

    Keshavjee called the operation a medical breakthrough and said the operation was carried out with almost no blood loss.

    "We did that for Kory, so we can do more transplants for everyone without transfusions, we've worked hard for that and we've improved the whole process for everyone," he said.
    Kory said he knew that surgery was a risk, but that it was one he was willing to take.

    "Toronto General has been absolutely amazing from beginning to end, from the care of the surgeons, the nurses, the whole world, the whole team, it's an incredible program they have."

    As for Renee, she said that she is simply happy to have recovered her husband.

    "We no longer think about things," he said, adding that the couple said they used to have to plan all day about how Kory felt.

    Before surgery, I could not move without an oxygen tank. But today, the couple can walk, shop, go out and do things that other couples would not normally think twice before doing. Kory and Renee even love going to the gym together.

    "We can have a normal life, which is something we've never had before," Renee said.




  8. California Burning” ~ ????????

    One of the largest wildfires in CaliforniaÂ’s history is still raging through the rugged coastal mountains near Santa Barbara.

    A few nights ago the hills looked like a scene from the apocalypse as the flames were encroaching upon homes on the outskirts of town.

    More than eight thousand firefighters from all over the American West are combating the blaze in an operation that is as massive as the fire itself. California is used to wildfires, but the ferocity and the magnitude of recent outbreaks is rattling people.

    Governor Jerry Brown calls these megafires part of the “New Normal,” as the state is adapting to the consequences of climate change. Our local firefighters are heroes when it comes to battling the flames, but they can only address the symptoms of a planet under pressure.

    We need a different and much bigger global force to address the root causes of the inferno that will impact all of us unless we act.

    (Hint: Pray for God’s Kingdom, Matthew 6:9,10). Is 

    Picture from  @FransLanting 


  9. 50 minutes ago, John Houston said:

    Will we have the seasons as we now know them? The ice,cold and snow? If what was at first was perfect would not Jehovah place things back in order as it was? The canopy that was used in the flood, no one gives any regard to it. It will have to be replaced, it had purpose, before then and Jehovah will have the earth, not as the blue marble we now know as seen from space, but as a covered canopied globe created at creation to have an earth filled with life, in a paradisiac condition worldwide. Temperatures for that paradise not likely with the conditions now, but Jehovah's kingdom will repair this planet and make sure those conditions are there. Canopy and all. The water is too much now, not what Jehovah had in the beginning, he will put the balance back as it was in the beginning. Yes, the seasons will go on, but these are imperfect things, used for benefit now under these conditions. But then in the new system things will be perfect as Jehovah created them and said they were good, with his stamp of approval.

    @John Houston

    Yes life in a New World ? as perfection will be interesting! Jehovah will satisfy the desire of every living thing.

    Psalms 145:16.

    Thank you for your support! Jehovah Bless!  



    The journey starts this week. 

    Jesus—The Way, the Truth, the Life

    In this book, read about every event in the life of Jesus recorded in the Bible.

    Know why he is the only one qualified to be the ? king of God's Kingdom. JW. ORG




  11. Open Your Heart, Open Your World to Receive it Back! ~ ????

    “THERE is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.” — (Acts 20:35)

    Every moment is the most important moment of your life.

    No future time is better than now to let down your guard and love.

    Everything you do right now ripples outward and affects everyone.

    Your posture can shine your heart, or transmit anxiety.

    Your breath can radiate love, or muddy the room in depression.

    Your glance can awaken joy. 

    Your words can inspire freedom.

    Your every act can open hearts and minds. 

    Opening from heart to all, you live as a gift to all.

    In every moment, you are either opening or closing.

    Right now, you are choosing to open and give fully, or you are waiting.


    “THERE is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.” (Acts 20:35) Those words of Jesus underscore this important truth: Unselfish love brings its own reward. Although there is much happiness in receiving love, there is even greater happiness in giving, or showing, love to others.


    No one knows this better than our heavenly Father does. Jehovah is the ultimate example of love. No one has shown love in greater ways or over a longer period of time than he has. Is it any wonder, then, that Jehovah is called “the happy God”....(1 Timothy 1:11) - Bible Speaks


  12. Song 88 - "Children Are a Trust From God" -


    ? ? ? ?


    (Psalm 127:3-5)

    1. When a man becomes a father

    And a woman has a child of her own,

    They share a trust, they must remember,

    That is not theirs, not theirs alone.

    The gift they share is from Jehovah;

    Of life and love he is the one true Source.

    To parents he gives sure direction

    That they may follow the wisest course.



    2. All the words God has commanded—

    They must always prove to be on your heart.

    These words youÂ’ll speak to sons and daughters;

    This is your trust, this is your part.

    To them youÂ’ll speak along your roadway,

    When you rise up and when you are at rest.

    In years to come, may they remember,

    May they be faithful, may they be blessed.



    A sacred trust you have been given;

    A precious life is in your hands.

    You can bestow the greatest favor;

    Instruct your child in GodÂ’s commands.


    (See also Deut. 6:6, 7; Eph. 6:4; 1 Tim. 4:16.)

    - Bible Speaks - 





  13. ‘Summer and Winter Will Never CeaseÂ’


    From the standpoint of an earthly observer, heavenly bodies serve as unmistakable indicators of seasons. When creating our solar system, God decreed: “Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens . . . , and they must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years.” (Genesis 1:14)

    In the course of a year, the earth reaches two points in its orbit where the sun appears directly overhead at noon at the equator. These occurrences are called equinoxes, and in many lands they mark the beginning of spring and of autumn. During equinoxes the periods of daylight and darkness are almost equal throughout the earth.


    The existence and onset of seasons does not involve astronomical movements only. Seasons, climate, and weather are all interlocked in a complex system that sustains life. Speaking to people living in Asia Minor—many of whom were very familiar with agriculture and food production—the Christian apostle Paul and his companion Barnabas stated that God is the one “giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling your hearts to the full with food and good cheer.”—Acts 14:14-17.


    Jehovah’s works are wonderfully attested to by the motion of the earth, providing for day and night, seasons, and seedtime and harvest. We are confident that summer will follow winter. After all, it was God who promised: “For all the days the earth continues, seed sowing and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, will never cease.”—Genesis 8:22. - Bible Speaks-


    https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2004522?q=seasons&p=par -

    Skiing into Paradise (by Jørn Allan Pedersen)



  14.  WHY PRAY FOR OTHERS? ~ ??????

    We undoubtedly pray for ourselves, but our prayers ought to include others—even Christians we do not know by name.

    Though the apostle Paul may not have known all the believers in Colossae, he wrote: “We thank God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ always when we pray for you, since we heard of your faith in connection with Christ Jesus and the love you have for all the holy ones.” 

    Prayers of that kind say much about us and how we view our brothers and sisters in the faith. Praying for others may change our attitude toward them. If we are not particularly fond of a person but we pray for him, how can we be unloving toward that person? 

    Prayers of this kind are upbuilding and promote unity with our brothers. Moreover, such prayers indicate that we have Christlike love. (John 13:34, 35)

    That quality is part of the fruitage of GodÂ’s spirit. Do we individually prayfor holy spirit, asking Jehovah to help us display its fruitage of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self-control?

    If so, our words and deeds will show that we are walking and living by spirit. Our prayers to God reveal our motives, interests, and desires. Jehovah knows what we are inside. 

    He knows how we feel about our meetings, our ministry, and our spiritual brothers and sisters. Jehovah is aware of what we think of Christ’s “brothers.” He knows whether we really desire what we pray for or we are merely repeating a set of words. “When praying,” said Jesus, “do not say the same things over and over again, just as the people of the nations do, for they [wrongly] imagine they will get a hearing for their use of many words.”

    Our expressions in prayer also reveal how much we rely on God. How comforting it is to draw close to Jehovah in prayer with the conviction that he is ‘on our side’ during any test of our faith!—Read Psalm 118:5-9. - Bible Speaks  -

    Lesson for today. (James 5:13-16)



  15. Beautiful Sunflower SeaStar Jehovah made! ?? - His Creations Are Amazing! - Are they not? - Jehovah will save the Oceans and all life! - ?

    The Splendor of Jehovah’s Creation

    “The Abounding Wealth of the Seas”


    ? Photograph by @paulnicklen // A sunflower seastar (Pycnopodia helianthoides) works stealthily across the ocean floor in search of food. They can grow up to 3 feet in diameter and travel at rip roaring speeds of 3 feet a minute as they seek out sea urchins. Water temperatures off the coast of the US and Canada have warmed by several degrees and tragically, this starfish species was the hardest hit from an aptly named disease called “starfish wasting disease”. I took this image several years ago when this species was everywhere. Now, they have all but vanished from this coast.  #climatechange #warmingoceans


  16. What a wonderful God Jehovah is to provide raindrops!
    Don't you agree? ???

    "He draws up the drops of water;
    They condense into rain from his mist;
    28 Then the clouds pour it down;
    They shower down upon mankind."
    (Job 36:27,28)

    It can take “a million or more cloud drops” to make one small raindrop. No one seems to have a totally satisfying answer as to what transforms these minute floating cloud droplets into the one billion tons or so of water that falls to the earth every minute of every day. Do the tiny cloud droplets simply merge to form larger raindrops? Sometimes they do. This likely accounts for raindrop formation in places such as the Tropics. But it does not begin to explain “the puzzle of raindrop formation” in places such as the Atlantic Coast of Ireland.

    Here the tiny cloud droplets do not simply coalesce. By mechanisms not completely understood, they form tiny ice crystals. These group together to become “one of nature’s finest masterpieces”—the snowflake.

    As snowflakes grow larger and heavier, they overcome rising air currents and begin to fall to earth. If it is cold enough, they fall as snow—billions of them in an average snow shower.

    But if they fall through a layer of warm air, the snowflakes melt and become raindrops. Snow is thus not frozen rain. Rather, most rain, in temperate regions at least, begins as snow, which then melts as it falls to earth.

    So after a journey that might well have been thousands of miles long, involving complicated processes not yet fully understood, the rain returns. Granted, it may interfere from time to time with your personal plans and pursuits. But this remarkable arrangement results in our having a never-ending water supply.

    Yes, rain is truly a blessing. So maybe the next time you feel rain against your face, you will be a little more inclined to appreciate this gift from God. - Bible Speaks


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