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Bible Speaks

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  1. AZERBAIJAN COURT APOLOGISES FOR THE UNJUST IMPRISONMENT OF TWO JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES AND PAYS FOR DAMAGES. .... "The district court in Baku, Azerbaijan, awarded damages to Irina Zakharchenko and Valida Jabrayilova, two of Jehovah’s Witnesses, for their unjust 11-month imprisonment. Although the monetary compensation was little in comparison with the ill-treatment they suffered, the decision acknowledged that State authorities convicted them without grounds, caused them emotional and physical harm, and discredited their good reputation"...... https://www.jw.org/en/news/legal/by-region/azerbaijan/baku-court-compensation-for-two-jehovahs-witnesses/
  2. THIS EXPERIENCE WAS TOLD FIRST HAND BY AN AMERICAN SISTER.. I was married to a non-believing husband.But my husband did not oppose my faith . He allowed me to go to the meetings and go out in the ministry .He did not show real interest in the truth though. On a certain day, as I was preaching from house to house, I knocked on a door and when the owner came out, I offered him a watchtower. He however just punched one of my eyes, thus causing swelling... After preaching that day, i went back to the house. When my husband came, he saw my swollen eye and he asked me what happened. I did not want to tell him initially but my angry husband  threatened that if I don't tell him he will not allow me to go to preaching and meetings. He even said he would confiscate all my publications in the house.  In the face of fear that my husband would fulfill his threats, i told him who hurt me and gave him the address. My husband went to the address of the assailant who hurt me. When he rang the door bell,  the owner of the house of the house came out. My husband is very tall, muscular and an Ex-Soldier.So my husband said to him: " A couple of Jehovah's witnesses have arrived at your house today, and you hit one of them. He nodded in a low voice. My husband continued  " well, she is my wife". My husband took out a watchtower and showed it to the man. " this is what my wife was offering you. Well, read it.!!! and the next time I get back, you better know the  answer to all the questions I'll ask you. If you don't, I'll kill you ". My husband returned home  and told me  to explain to him in detail about the watchtower he had left with the man. So I explained to him in details about the watchtower. Days later, we went to visit the assilant.. He answered all the question perfectly. Now my husband takes out the "what does the bible really teach book.He said to the assilant: " now I want you to read this book. If when I return you don't have the  answer to every question i make  from this book, not only will I kill you but I will torture you before doing it. Days later my husband, we also visited him and he answered all the question perfectly.This made my husband to be interested in the truth.  because I have to explain it to him before  he goes to the aggressor house . In fact, both men (my husband and the aggressor) today are our brothers. Both are bethelites. Each time the experience is been said, they both just laugh over it Like and share if you like this nice experience..??????
  3. Crisis in Venezuela Flood. Venezuelans flee the country depressed. We hope our brothers are getting the help they need. The Press says: Lima, Peru - it'S 8 a.m. and the venezuelan refugee line outside the interpol office already extends to the end of the block. Most have just arrived in Lima without much more than the clothes they wear and here are requesting a certificate showing that they have no criminal record, a requirement for a work permit in Peru. "leaving was difficult, but staying would have been more difficult", said Andrea Sequiera, 29, while waiting at the end of the row with her husband Louis, age 31, and Fabian, 8 . "we know a lot of people who would like to leave Venezuela but can't pay the ticket". Although Venezuelans have fled for years of the "Socialist Revolution" launched by Hugo Chávez in 1999, in recent months the drip has become a flood as living conditions become more and more calamitous, from the Hyperinflation to acute shortages of food and medicine. One of the worst homicides in the world. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/12/14/flood-venezuelans-fleeing-their-depressed-country/941463001/
  4. Thank you - ?????- Song 72 "Making Know the Kingdom Truth" Full Video: https://youtu.be/k7zIH279Vh Tap on Video Link mp4 _____Enjoy! Â D3E6E241-CA20-473E-B3D4-F377C9623079.MP4
  5. https://www.jw.org/en/news/releases/by-region/united-states/wildfires-20171213/ Fires in California Update from JW.ORG ???
  6. We regret to report the sale sale of Greece The video we show is the one used by the selling company to promote the sale. We wish all the best to our Greek brothers.
  7. THE WAY OF HAPPINESS Physical Health and Resilience ~ ???? CHRONIC ILL HEALTH OR DISABILITY CAN HAVE A MAJOR IMPACT ON A PERSON’S LIFE. After becoming physically paralyzed, a once active and healthy man named Ulf said: “I became deeply depressed. My strength, courage, and power drained away . . . I felt ‘destroyed.’” ????? UlfÂ’s experience reminds us that none of us have complete control over our health. Still, we can take reasonable measures to reduce the risk of ill health. But what if our health deteriorates? Does that doom us to unhappiness? Not at all, as we shall see. First, though, let us consider some principles that promote good health. ????? BE “MODERATE IN HABITS.” (1 Timothy 3:2, 11) Habitually eating or drinking to excess is obviously bad for our health—not to mention our finances! “Do not be among those who drink too much wine, among those who gorge themselves on meat, for a drunkard and a glutton will come to poverty.”—Proverbs 23:20, 21. ????? DO NOT POLLUTE YOUR BODY. “Let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit.” (2 Corinthians 7:1) People defile their bodies when they chew or smoke tobacco or abuse alcohol or drugs. Smoking, for example, “leads to disease and disability and harms nearly every organ of the body,” says the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ????? VIEW YOUR BODY AND YOUR LIFE AS PRECIOUS GIFTS. “By [God] we have life and move and exist.” (Acts 17:28) Appreciating that fact moves us to avoid taking needless risks, whether we are at work, driving, or choosing our recreation. A momentary thrill is not worth a life of disability! ????? CONTROL NEGATIVE EMOTIONS. Your mind and body are closely linked. So try to avoid undue anxiety, unbridled anger, envy, and other harmful emotions. “Let go of anger and abandon rage,” says Psalm 37:8. We also read: “Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties.”—Matthew 6:34. ????? TRY TO FOCUS ON POSITIVE THOUGHTS. “A calm heart gives life to the body,” says Proverbs 14:30. The Bible also states: “A joyful heart is good medicine.” (Proverbs 17:22) That is a scientifically sound statement. “If you are happy,” said a doctor in Scotland, “you are likely in the future to have less in the way of physical illness than those who are unhappy.” ????? BUILD RESILIENCE. Like Ulf, mentioned earlier, we may have no choice but to endure a persistent trial. Still, we can choose how we endure. Some become overwhelmed with discouragement, which may only make matters worse. “If you become discouraged in the day of distress, your strength will be meager,” says Proverbs 24:10. ????? Others, perhaps after initial feelings of despair, bounce back. They adapt. They find ways to cope. That was the case with Ulf. He said that after much prayer and meditation on the BibleÂ’s positive message, he “started to see opportunities instead of obstacles.” Moreover, like many who undergo major trials, he learned valuable lessons in compassion and empathy, which moved him to share the BibleÂ’s comforting message with others. ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102018017?q=prov+17%3A22&p=par
  8. God’s Kingdom Government—A Reality Today! ~ ??????? “How can so many countries, with such diverse cultures at such different stages of development, agree? It has been said that only an attack from another planet will unify the human race.”—The Age, Australian newspaper. Is the United Nations the Answer to World Peace? ~ GodÂ’s Kingdom Government—A Reality Today! Many have put their hope for world peace in the United Nations organization. Is the UN a government that can bring true peace and security to the world? Without a doubt, there is no lack of political rhetoric that sounds inspiring and promising. For instance, in its “Millennium Declaration” of 2000, the United Nations General Assembly made this solemn resolve: “We will spare no effort to free our peoples from the scourge of war, whether within or between States, which has claimed more than 5 million lives in the past decade.” Such proclamations have won the UN praise and admiration from many quarters, as well as the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize. In thus honoring the UN, the Norwegian Nobel Committee stated that “the only negotiable route to global peace and cooperation goes by way of the United Nations.” Despite all of this, has the United Nations organization, established in 1945, proved to be a government that is able to bring genuine and lasting world peace? No, for self-interest and nationalistic aspirations of its member nations have frustrated many of its efforts. The publicÂ’s impression, in the words of one newspaper editor, is that the UN is no more than “a kind of barometer of global opinion” and that “its agenda is full of issues that have been debated for years with little if any progress towards solution.” The question remains: Will the nations of the world really be united someday? How does Jehovah God view such a reaction on the part of human rulers? “The very One sitting in the heavens will laugh; Jehovah himself will hold them in derision. At that time he will speak to them in his anger and in his hot displeasure he will disturb them.” Then, Jehovah will tell his Son, the anointed King of the Kingdom: “Ask of me, that I may give nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth as your own possession. You will break them with an iron scepter, as though a potterÂ’s vessel you will dash them to pieces.”—Psalm 2:4, 5, 8, 9 This final crushing of the opposing nations with an iron scepter will take place at Armageddon, or Har–Magedon. The last book of the Bible, Revelation, describes this climactic event as “the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” to which “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” are being gathered together. (Revelation 16:14, 16) Under demonic influence, the nations of the earth will finally be united with one objective—to war against God the Almighty. The time when humans will mass together to fight against GodÂ’s sovereignty is fast approaching. Ironically, their “unity” will bring them no personal benefits. Instead, their action will be a prelude to the long-awaited peace for all mankind. How so? In that final battle, GodÂ’s Kingdom “will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms [of the world], and it itself will stand to times indefinite.” (Daniel 2:44) GodÂ’s Kingdom, not any human organization, will be the government that will fulfill mankindÂ’s desire for world peace. (Psalm 2:1-12) Why have the nations been in tumult And the national groups themselves kept muttering an empty thing? 2 The kings of earth take their stand And high officials themselves have massed together as one Against Jehovah and against his anointed one, 3 [Saying:] “Let us tear their bands apart And cast their cords away from us!” 4 The very One sitting in the heavens will laugh; Jehovah himself will hold them in derision. 5 At that time he will speak to them in his anger And in his hot displeasure he will disturb them, 6 [Saying:] “I, even I, have installed my king Upon Zion, my holy mountain.” 7 Let me refer to the decree of Jehovah; He has said to me: “You are my son; I, today, I have become your father. 8 Ask of me, that I may give nations as your inheritance And the ends of the earth as your own possession. 9 You will break them with an iron scepter, As though a potterÂ’s vessel you will dash them to pieces.” 10 And now, O kings, exercise insight; Let yourselves be corrected, O judges of the earth. 11 Serve Jehovah with fear And be joyful with trembling. 12 Kiss the son, that He may not become incensed And YOU may not perish [from] the way, For his anger flares up easily. Happy are all those taking refuge in him." READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE AT: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2004561
  9. Was Life Created? - WHY DOES A TURTLE LIVE FOR 200 YEARS WHEN MAN DIES AT 70-80 YEARS? QUESTIONS YOU MIGHT WANT ANSWERED AND BELOW GET A FREE DOWNLOAD - YOU CAN READ WITH YOUR BIBLE! ~ ??? Among the many blessings that people will enjoy in the new system of God’s making is good health. Even death, which brings much sorrow to all of us, will be no more. The CreatorÂ’s promise is: “And [God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more. . . . Look! I am making all things new.” (Revelation 21:4, 5) ??? (Isaiah 25:8) He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. And the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for Jehovah himself has spoken [it]. With peace-loving neighbors, good health and satisfying activity to fill our lives, what a pleasure that will be! ??? When you reflect on the amazing senses manifest in the living world, does it not fill you with awe and wonder? Humble, informed people usually feel that way—which brings us back to the question of how we are made. ??? True, our senses often pale beside those of certain animals and insects. Nevertheless, we alone are moved by what we observe in nature. Why do we have such feelings? And why do we seek not just to understand living things but to comprehend their purpose and to learn our own place among them? - Bible Speaks - ??? READ THIS AND DOWNLOAD FREE ON: WAS LIFE CREATED? https://download-a.akamaihd.net/files/media_books/09/lc_E.pdf
  10. Who was Jonah? - What Can We Learn From Him? - He Learned From His Mistakes ~ ????? JONAH wished he could shut out the terrible sounds. It was not just the fierce wind, which was shrieking through the ship’s rigging; nor was it just the mountainous waves, which were thundering against the sides of the vessel, making her every timber creak and groan. ????? No, far worse to Jonah were the shouts of those mariners, the captain and his crew, as they struggled to keep the ship afloat. Jonah felt sure that those men were about to die—all because of him! When people think of the man Jonah, they often seem to focus on negative traits, such as his lapses into disobedience or even his hardheadedness. But there was far more to the man than that. ????? Remember, Jonah was selected to serve as a prophet of Jehovah God. Jehovah would not have picked him for such a weighty responsibility had he been unfaithful or unrighteous. ????? It may occasionally seem that God asks us to do what strikes us as difficult, even impossible. We may even find it daunting to preach the good news of God’s Kingdom, as Christians are required to do. (Matt. 24:14) ????? It is all too easy for us to forget the profound truth that Jesus uttered: “All things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27) If at times we lose sight of that truth, perhaps we can understand Jonah’s difficulty. What, though, were the consequences of Jonah’s flight? ????? Jehovah Disciplines His Wayward Prophet - Bible Speaks - ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1102013259?q=jonah&p=par#h=12
  11. They found the “Joy of Jehovah!” - New NWT BibleÂ’s - ???  #Repost @jw.liang.de.zun ??? Full of joy after receiving Indonesian NWT Revise Version at JW Special Convention 2017 #jwconvention #jwregionalconvention #jwregionalconvention2017 Tap on Video Link mp4 _______Enjoy!  747934DD-E0AF-4129-8DAD-2A050DA75B12.MP4
  12. Say “Hello” to Mr Snowman ?? HeÂ’s needs Good News! #Repost @jw_jehovas_witnesses ??? Shared by @michaelazlato New candidate for metropolitan service ? . . .@_jw_pictures_ . . . Â
  13. What is Armageddon? ~ ?????? ? To many, the word “Armageddon” evokes scenes of mass destruction—nuclear war, large-scale natural disasters, or even an “environmental Armageddon” jump-started by global warming. This word as used in the Bible refers to none of these. What, then, is the Biblical Armageddon? The term “Armageddon” (“Har–Magedon”) appears in the Bible book of Revelation. It refers to a unique war, “the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” in which “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” are mobilized for a final battle with God. Reference to such a war also appears in numerous other scriptures.—Revelation 16:14-16; Ezekiel 38:22, 23; Joel 3:12-14; Luke 21:34, 35; 2 Peter 3:11, 12. What does this war entail? In symbolic terms, the book of Revelation tells us: “The kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage the war with the one seated on the horse and with his army.” This “one seated on the horse” is GodÂ’s Son, Jesus Christ, who is appointed by God to lead legions of angelic warriors to victory over GodÂ’s enemies. (Revelation 19:11-16, 19-21) Jeremiah 25:33 reveals the magnitude of this destruction of the ungodly: “Those slain by Jehovah will certainly come to be in that day from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the earth.” Why is Armageddon necessary? The nations refuse to acknowledge GodÂ’s sovereignty, but they proclaim their own. (Psalm 24:1) Their defiance is described at Psalm 2:2: “The kings of earth take their stand and high officials themselves have massed together as one against Jehovah and against his anointed one.” In effect, these rebels are like stubborn squatters who not only claim property that is not theirs but also misuse and ruin it. The nations today are ruining the earth and polluting its environment. GodÂ’s Word foretold this deplorable situation, saying: “The nations became wrathful, and [GodÂ’s] own wrath came.” God would then “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (Revelation 11:18) Armageddon is the way sanctioned by God to resolve the issue of who has the right to rule over all humanity.—Psalm 83:18. When will Armageddon take place? GodÂ’s Son plainly stated: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew 24:36) Even so, in speaking about Armageddon, the Warrior-King Jesus Christ added this warning: “Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one that stays awake.” (Revelation 16:15) Thus, this global war is associated with ChristÂ’s presence, which Bible prophecies show is now here. Armageddon will destroy only the incorrigibly wicked, and there will be “a great crowd” of survivors. (Revelation 7:9-14) They will see these words come true: “Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.”—Psalm 37:10, 11. ?????? “The meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace” https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2011644?q=Armageddon&p=par Tap screen for Video Link mp4 ______Enjoy! A316E65F-3DA3-4B8C-8347-D38E0B39C097.mp4
  14. This is amazing and encouraging - lessons about Jobs wife ...? During a recent visit of the circuit overseer (in Louisiana), he gave a talk centered on being tired/weary. The brother mentioned Jeremiah and how, after being put in stocks for just one day, he was complaining and cursing the man that announced his birth, and wishing that he had died in his mother's womb. Why? He was tired. Then the CO asked, what comes to mind when you think of Job's wife. Most people think of her telling Job to “curse God and die.” (Job 2:9).The CO asked why she wasn't rebuked with the three so-called “comforters”? It was brought out that Job's wife was tired—probably more tired than we can imagine. Consider the following: When the messengers told Job that he had lost all his livestock, . . . .Job's wife lost hers too. When Job was told that he had lost all his land and material goods, . . . . Job's wife lost hers too. When the messengers told Job that he had lost all his children, . . . . Job's wife lost hers too. The 10 children that she carried for 9 months each, bonded with them as she breast-fed each and every one of them, watched them grow up and stand tall, only to lose them all at once violently. Then, to make matters worse, her husband mysteriously and suddenly developed huge boils all over his body that are open and oozing pus and stink. She watched as the man she loves, the father of her children, cracked a pottery jar to scratch himself in order to alleviate some of the pain, but to no avail. This man, who has been all that to her, is staying away because his breath is so bad that no one can stand it. And she can only sit by helpless, without any explanation for anything. Would we want to continue to see someone suffer or would we too want him to die? Most of us would want a loved one out of their misery. So when Job's wife said “curse God and die,” she wasn't being disloyal to Jehovah. She wanted her husband's misery to end. It was an act of love. She was tired! In the end, not only was she not reproved but she was blessed with everything that Job received: 10 more children, more wealth, and a healthy husband. The CO continued: “There are times when, due to our health problems—either physical or mental, or financial or whatever else—we are not doing all that we feel we should. Once I myself was in such a state. A young friend asked me if I considered Job a faithful man. Of course, I said, 'oh yes!' Then she lovingly pointed out, that at one time, all Job could do was sit in the dirt and scrape his sores. That was his act of worship, proving Satan a liar. He did not lose faith. So, next time you are being hard on yourself for circumstances beyond your control, remember the account of Job. We can, in spite of our circumstances, still give a reply even if we are just breathing and praying to Jehovah to get through the next minute. Whether it is physical or mental distress, or financial, we can be like Job, only able to scrape our sores and pray to get through this trial. Yet we are still doing what Jehovah has asked us to do: give a reply to the one who is taunting him!!! So we can see in our times of trials Jehovah doesnÂ’t see doubt but desperation. He knows his children are suffering, tired and feeling as if they can't take it any more. But he also knows our hearts. That we love him and want to do his will. And he will make sure that we succeed. And in the end just as Job and his wife. We will be blessed for our efforts of tiredness, depression and suffering that we were able to break through in order to do his will. — ContributedÂ
  15. Women are always trying to look nice! ????? It is a part of our female needs to be special and loved. Sometimes we are not as pretty as we would like! That is ok for it's all about the heart, whether we are loved by Jehovah or not. That is how people will be attracted to us, not by the new dress. It is only a temporary idea! Clothes fade and moths are hiding everywhere, if we look inside and dress as though Jehovah sees us then we will be happy, Just a thought I learned from my past ~ ????? “Charm may be false, and beauty may be fleeting, But the woman who fears Jehovah will be praised.”— (Proverbs 31:30) "Likewise, the women should adorn themselves in appropriate dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive clothing, 10 but in the way that is proper for women professing devotion to God, namely, through good works. — (1 Timothy 2:9, 10) - Bible Speaks
  16. Tears in a Skin Bottle? - Oh How Comforting to Know We Can Let Jehovah Carry Our Burdens! ~ ??? THE young man was a fugitive. Overwhelmed and distressed, eyes glistening with tears, he called upon the kindness and compassion of his God, Jehovah, begging him: “Do put my tears in your skin bottle.” (Psalm 56:8) That man was David, later to be king of Israel. But what was the skin bottle he referred to, and how can God put our tears in one? The skin bottle was familiar to David. It was a container used for holding water, oil, wine, or even butter. Nomads of the Sahara, such as the Tuareg, still use skin bottles, made out of the whole skin of a goat or a sheep. Such bottles can hold large quantities of water, depending on the size of the animal. Skin bottles have earned a reputation for keeping water cool, even in the intense heat of the desert sun. In the past, they were generally transported by donkeys or camels. These days, you might even see one attached to the front of an all-terrain vehicle! DavidÂ’s touching words about the skin bottle can also have meaning for us. How so? Well, the Bible explains that Satan controls this world and that he has “great anger” in our day. As a result, the earth is experiencing terrible woes. (Revelation 12:12) For that reason, there are many who, like David, are faced with emotional, mental, or physical suffering—especially those who are trying to please God. Does that describe you? With courage, “even weeping,” such faithful people never stop trying to live a life of integrity. (Psalm 126:6) They can be assured that their heavenly Father sees not only the trials they face but also the emotional impact of those trials. He truly understands the pain afflicting his servants, and he compassionately remembers their tears and sufferings, figuratively storing them up in his skin bottle. - Bible Speaks - ??? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2008731?q=Tears+in+a+Skin+Bottle&p=par
  17. DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE ??? PIE? (Hebrews 11:1) says: "Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld." ????? Take pie. I have a favorite pie, and when I walk into the room, and SMELL that aroma, I think..... "There's a PIE cooking!!" Now, I look around the kitchen and I see apple peelings, bits of crust dough lying around, flour on the counter...I KNOW there's pie, and what KIND of pie it is. ????? I've never seen it, but I know it's there. Then, there's a NOTE which says 'I know by now you've smelled the pie, and Yes, you may have some as soon as the timer rings.' Now I KNOW that the pie is there, it's cooking, it's apple and it's for me, and I know all this without having ever SEEN the pie . ????? The evidence of it's existence is all around me. And I KNOW I'll be eating pie soon. The same is true of faith. We have never seen Jehovah, but we've seen the EVIDENCE of Him in the natural world, in his people, in the accomplishments of his organization, in prayers being answered, prophesies being fulfilled, and more promised. ????? We KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's real and working for our good. Then there's 'the NOTE': the Bible, that puts into words the assurance of His love for us, and the promise of better things. We've never physically SEEN him or our future paradise, but we KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, that they are REAL, because of the enormous amount evidence all around us. We KNOW it. Now we just have to wait for the 'timer to ring'. ? - Bible Speaks ????? Â
  18. Be Determined to “Let Your Brotherly Love Continue”! ~ ??? “Let your brotherly love continue.”—HEBREWS 13:1. What is brotherly love? The original Greek word Paul used literally means “affection for a brother.” Brotherly love is a strong, warm feeling between family members or close friends. (John 11:36) We do not pretend to be brothers and sisters. We are brothers and sisters. (Matthew 23:8) Paul says: “In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. In showing honor to one another, take the lead.” (Romans 12:10) Those words show how strong our affection is for our brothers. This brotherly love, along with love based on Christian principles, helps GodÂ’s people to be close friends with one another and to be united. WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO CONTINUE TO SHOW BROTHERLY LOVE? The most important reason to show brotherly love is that Jehovah tells us to do so. We cannot really love Jehovah if we refuse to love our brothers. (1 John 4:7, 20, 21) Another reason is that we need one another, especially during difficult times. When Paul wrote his letter to the Hebrew Christians, he knew that soon some would have to leave their homes and personal things. Jesus had described how difficult that time would be. (Mark 13:14-18; Luke 21:21-23) So before that time came, those Christians would need to strengthen their love for one another.—Romans 12:9. HOW CAN WE LET OUR BROTHERLY LOVE CONTINUE? “Do not forget hospitality.” (Read Hebrews 13:2.) What does the word “hospitality” mean? The word Paul used literally means “kindness to strangers.” Perhaps that expression reminds us of Abraham and Lot. Those two men showed kindness to visitors they did not know. Eventually, Abraham and Lot learned that those strangers were actually angels. (Genesis 18:2-5; 19:1-3) These examples encouraged the Hebrew Christians to show brotherly love by being hospitable. “Keep in mind those in prison.” (Read Hebrews 13:3.) When Paul wrote this, he was referring to the brothers who were in prison for their faith. Paul commended the congregation because they had shown “sympathy for those in prison.” (Hebrews 10:34) Some brothers helped Paul during the four years he was in prison, but others lived far away. How could they help Paul? They could keep praying intensely for him.—Philippians 1:12-14; Hebrews 13:18, 19. “Let marriage be honorable among all.” (Read Hebrews 13:4.) We can also show brotherly love by being morally clean. (1 Timothy 5:1, 2) For example, if we were to commit sexual immorality with a brother or a sister, we would harm that person and that personÂ’s family. The trust we have among our brothers would be damaged. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8) Think, too, about how a wife would feel if she discovered that her husband watches pornography. Would she feel that her husband loves her and respects the marriage arrangement?—Matthew 5:28. Be “content with the present things.” (Read Hebrews 13:5.) Trust in Jehovah will help us to be content, that is, to be satisfied with what we have. How does this help us to show brotherly love? When we are content, we will remember that our Christian brothers and sisters are much more important than money or things. (1 Timothy 6:6-8) We will not complain about our brothers or about our situation in life. And we will not be jealous of others or greedy. Instead, when we are content, we will be generous.—1 Timothy 6:17-19. “Be of good courage.” (Read Hebrews 13:6.) Trust in Jehovah gives us the courage to endure difficult trials. This courage helps us to have a positive attitude. And when we are positive, we can show our brotherly love by encouraging and comforting our brothers and sisters. (1 Thessalonians 5:14, 15) Even during the great tribulation, we can be courageous, knowing that our deliverance is near.—Luke 21:25-28. “Remember those who are taking the lead.” (Read Hebrews 13:7, 17.) The elders in our congregation use their personal time to work hard for us. When we think about all that they do, our love and appreciation for them grows. We would never want them to lose their joy or become frustrated because of something we do. Instead, we want to obey willingly. This way we “give them extraordinary consideration in love because of their work.”—1 Thessalonians 5:13. SOME EXPRESSIONS EXPLAINED Brotherly love: A strong, warm feeling between family members or close friends. As JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, we do not pretend to be brothers and sisters. We are brothers and sisters https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/402016042?q=heb+13%3A1&p=par
  19. Practice makes Perfect! ~ ??? “Ever since I was little I loved putting feeling and emphasis on the Bible reading. Today I got the chance to see what it actually feels like to be in one of the recording studios at Patterson Bethel. It was a moment I will never forget!”
  20. We Are the 'Blessed' of Jehovah! ~ ??? Stay strong, life is hard but believe that there's always a rainbow after every storm. "The blessing of Jehovah that makes one rich, And He adds no pain with it." (Prov. 10:22) Blessings promote “happiness, well-being, or prosperity.” Since Jehovah is the Giver of “every good gift and every perfect present,” every real, lasting blessing originates with our loving Creator. (James 1:17) He showers blessings upon all mankind, even upon those who do not know him. Jesus said of his Father: “He makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:45) However, Jehovah shows special concern for those who love him. (Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Job 1:1; 42:12) The psalmist wrote: “Jehovah himself will not hold back anything good from those walking in faultlessness.” (Psalm 84:11) Yes, those who serve Jehovah have rich, meaningful lives. They know that “the blessing of Jehovah—that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it.” The Bible also says: “Those being blessed by [Jehovah] will themselves possess the earth.” (Proverbs 10:22; Psalm 37:22, 29) What a blessing that will be! How can we receive Jehovah’s blessing? For one thing, we need to cultivate qualities that are pleasing to him. (Deuteronomy 30:16, 19, 20; Micah 6:8) Ask me for a Bible Study where you will learn How to receive these Blessings! - Bible Speaks JW.ORG
  21. You Can Avoid a Spiritual Heart Attack ??? As with physical heart disease, one of the surest ways to prevent a heart attack spiritually speaking is to learn of its causes and then take steps to do something about them. ??? So let us consider some of the basic factors that contribute to problems of the heart—literal and figurative. ??? Diet. It is generally accepted that junk food, though appealing to the palate, offers little or no health benefits. ??? Similarly, mental junk food is readily available and tantalizing to the senses, but it is detrimental to oneÂ’s spiritual health. ??? Cleverly marketed in the media is a profusion of material that features illicit sex and drugs, violence, and the occult. ??? Feeding oneÂ’s mind on such a diet is deadly to the figurative heart. GodÂ’s Word warns: “Everything in the world—the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of oneÂ’s means of life—does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world. Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever.”—1 John 2:16, 17. ??? Healthful foods, like fruits and green vegetables, offer little appeal to a junk-food addict. Likewise, wholesome and solid spiritual food may have little appeal to a person who has become accustomed to feeding his mind and heart on worldly fare. For a time, he may subsist on the “milk” of GodÂ’s Word. (Hebrews 5:13) ??? In the long run, he does not develop the spiritual maturity needed to shoulder his basic spiritual responsibilities in the Christian congregation and ministry. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19; Hebrews 10:24, 25) ??? Some in that situation have allowed their spiritual strength to dwindle to such a point that they become inactive, or nonpracticing, Witnesses! Another danger is that outward appearance can be deceptive. Perfunctory performance of Christian duties may mask the growing frailty of a figurative heart that is weakened by secret indulgence in materialistic philosophies or entertainment that features immorality, violence, or the occult. ??? Such a faulty spiritual diet may appear to have little effect on oneÂ’s spirituality, but it could paralyze the figurative heart the way a poor diet can harden the arteries and damage the literal heart. ??? Jesus warned against allowing improper desires to enter oneÂ’s heart. He said: “Everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matthew 5:28) Yes, a poor spiritual diet can lead to a spiritual heart attack. Yet, there are further concerns. Lesson for today. (Luke 21:34) ??? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2001883?p=par&q=mind heart#p6
  22. Russia ~ The St. Petersburg Assembly Hall, Russia, has been confiscated and sealed. As you can see in the image, with a red entry, thousands of witnesses would gather there. On 14 December 2017, about 40 employees from various departments, including the ministry of emergency situations, seized and then sealed the large liturgical building near the underground station in st. Petersburg. The details are being clarified. This building with the "Assembly Hall of Jehovah's witnesses" sign was opened in September 1999, on avenue, 21. A Brief Architectural description of the building's design was published in a specialized magazine, as well as interviews With his architect heleniosom osmo ilmari. Â Â
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