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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. BELARUS (BELARUS), another state of Russia, also joins the group of nations that ask to PROHIBIT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES.

    Petition to the Commissioner of Belarus for the religions and nationalities Leonid Gulyako demanding a State expert religious teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses came to the website change.org. This is reported by sekty.by. Its author pointed to someone Maxim Arsentiev.

    According to the petition, the Jehovah's Witnesses in Belarus did not pass a doctrinal examination by a religious expert, which is mandatory for state registration of religious organizations or associations.

    "Until the results of the examination with respect to the organization, demanding the suspension of the activities of all local religious organizations and the religious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Belarus, so that the prohibition of illegal recruitment activities and dissemination of religious literature, "- the authors affirm.

    However, they refer to the experience of Russia, where the activities of the SI were recently banned. "All of us, as citizens, can not allow the illegal propaganda work in the territory of our homeland obsessive followers of a religious organization, doctrine and ideology that has never been studied in detail are not recognized experts and scientists (not is specified - Krynica.info) for its danger to the physical and mental health of the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, as well as for their social life ", says the petition.

    He also reported that in the summer activists have already sent in the Office of the Commissioner for religions and letter of nationalities with the requirement to conduct the examination of the status of Jehovah's Witnesses in connection with the celebration of the Annual Congress of the territory of Belarus. Then the test was rejected, which indicates that there was no reason, since the organization of the congress of Jehovah's Witnesses was legal.

    Another attempt to ban the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses was commented on by Krynica.info by one of the believers, the blogger Anton Chivchalov.

    "Jehovah's Witnesses operate legally and officially in all countries of the European Union, and in the Republic of Belarus they registered in 1994. All these years they cooperate closely with the authorities of the country at all levels, for example, all literature The obligatory state censorship passes into the country The religious association of the SI in the Republic of Belarus pays all taxes and rights conscientiously Anyone can visit any event of the Jehovah's Witnesses and make sure that they are peaceful and respectful persons of the Both the Belarusian and the

    Russian experts know that, unfortunately, the authorities of the Russian Federation decided to follow the path of North Korea, Afghanistan and several other countries, where freedom of religion is severely restricted.

    The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has already been examined by the European Court of Human Rights. Belarus will not tread the same rake, but will continue to respect the rights and freedoms of its citizens, as is usual in Europe and, in general, in a civilized world, "said the source.



  2. WHEN TO SPEAK ~ ? ???

    (Proverbs 20:19)
    19 “A slanderer goes about revealing confidential talk;
    Do not associate with one who loves to gossip.“

    Speech is part of our daily life, but we do not need to talk all the time. In fact, the Bible says that there is “a time to be silent.” (Eccl. 3:7) 


    Maintaining silence when others are speaking can be a mark of respect. (Job 6:24) 


    Controlling our tongue to keep quiet about a confidential matter gives evidence of discretion and discernment. (Prov. 20:19) 


    Restraining our tongue when we are provoked is the course of wisdom.—Ps. 4:4. - Bible Speaks - 




  3. Should God Be Worshipped Through Images? ~ ???

    God’s View of Religious Images

    Religious icons and idols are representations, or symbols, of anything that serves as an object of devotion or veneration. They include crosses, statues, pictures, or any other likeness of things in heaven or on the earth.* Flags can also be objects of veneration.

    The use of such objects in worship goes back thousands of years. Hence, in 1513 B.C.E., when giving the fledgling nation of Israel the Ten Commandments, God clearly stated his view of religious images. He said: “You must not make for yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or that is on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth. You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them, because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion.”—Exodus 20:4, 5.

    Note God’s twofold prohibition: First, his people were not to make images for worship, and second, they were not to “bow down to them” or serve them. Why does our Creator forbid the making of images? One reason for not making images of God is that “no man has seen God at any time.” Jehovah is not made of physical matter but is a spirit and lives in the spirit realm. (John 1:18; 4:24) A reason for not making images of anything is that God insists on “exclusive devotion.” “To no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to graven images,” he says. (Isaiah 42:8) For this reason, it is also wrong to make an image as an aid to worship. When an Israelite leader named Aaron did so, Jehovah was deeply offended.—Exodus 32:4-10.
    Why Not Bow Down to Them?

    Regarding idols, the Bible says: “A mouth they have, but they cannot speak; eyes they have, but they cannot see; ears they have, but they cannot hear.” Then it adds this sobering warning: “Those making them will become just like them”—lifeless!—Psalm 115:4-8.

    Idol worship is also an act of injustice. Ask yourself, ‘How would I feel if I gave my child an expensive gift and he walked away and thanked a total stranger or even a lifeless object?’ That may help you to appreciate how our Creator and Life-Giver feels when others—including lifeless idols—receive the credit and worship that are due him.—Revelation 4:11.

    Think, too, how degrading it is for a human—made in God’s own image—to venerate an inanimate object! (Genesis 1:27) Concerning some who did just that, the prophet Isaiah wrote: “To the work of one’s hands they bow down, to that which one’s fingers have made. And earthling man bows down and man becomes low, and you [Jehovah God] cannot possibly pardon them.”—Isaiah 2:8, 9.




  4. Sad News in Honduras ~ 

    For about a week now in Honduras, Meetings, assemblies and preaching have been suspended  until further notice. 

    Curfew have been enforced due to the anger of the population following the recent presidential election.

    There have also been  damage and looting.
    Let us hope in Jehovah that our brothers and others will be well and soon return to their activities. 





    As a result of a 4-hour meeting on December 7,2017, the court, presided over by Judge Bogdanova, satisfied the prosecutor's request with the tacit agreement of the representative of Rosreestr to confiscate the bethel property. The property  is a  large complex of real estate in St. Petersburg , "The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania."
    The issue deals with 14 buildings of 33,000 square meters, located on ten hectares of improved land in the village of Solnechnoe in the Kurort district of St. Petersburg.The property is valued about 800 million rubies 
     This complex has been openly owned since 2000 by the "Watchtower Society," an association that has been active since 1884 serving the interests of Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the world.
    The Russian federation did not finance the construction of the complex. An abandoned Pioneers' camp was acquired on a commercial basis by Jehovah's Witnesses from a Russian enterprise. The ownership rights to the aforesaid complex, belonging to the "Watchtower Society," were officially registered by appropriate agencies of the Russian federation and for a space of 17 years nobody has challenged them. In these years, the "Watchtower Society," as owner of the real estate, transferred to the Russian budget tens of millions of rubles in the form of taxes.
    However, the Russian publication believes Russia will inevitably face lawsuit and pay for the confiscated Bethel property, and the total amount of the compensation may far exceed the property cost. Thus, reporters believe that Russia made a generous gift to Jehovah's Witnesses. He also believes Witnesses will go to not only European but also American courts, and a diplomatic scandal is guaranteed.
    It is shocking that even top Russian officials can lie in a brazen and unblushing way.
    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov claimed that Jehovah's witnesses do not obey Russian laws and teaches its members to do the same. He said : "As for Jehovah's Witnesses, in Russia all organizations that call their supporters to openly violate Russian laws are prohibited. This is exactly what the sect did. They were warned, but failed to hear and continued involving their members in anti-Constitutional activity. There are no questions here."
    This is one of the officials whom many Witnesses across the world sent their letters.
    A video showing  bethel family in russia leaves the beautiful branch office in due to the unjust decision the court rendered...



  6. 12 Reasons to Be Happy According to the Faithful and Discreet Slave: ~


    1. Ps 33:12 - we Love the Happy God

    2. We have our sins forgiven (Rom 4: 7)

    3. We are Loved by Jehovah and Jesus

    4. We are united with our world brotherhood

    5. We live in a Spiritual Paradise - in peace and well nourished

    6. Mat 5: 3 Awareness of our spiritual need 

    7. Eph 1:12. Our His Life has meaning: to serve for the praise of His glory.

    8. Rev. 1: 3. We read the Word of God (7 total "congratulations" in Rev)

    9. We serve in the Spiritual Temple (Rev. 7: Anointed and Great Crowd)

    10. Psalm 40: 4 - We trust in Jehovah (trust is ESSENTIAL)

    11. We practice giving (Ac 20:35)

    12. The promise of Eternal Life in Paradise - in Heaven or on Earth! ?????

    Contributed —

    Tap on Video Link mp4 _______Colorful! ?






  7. “For the days of my people will be like the days of a tree, and the work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full.”—Isa. 65:20-22.


    What does it mean that our days will be “like the days of a tree”?

    When you stand at the base of a massive tree, do you feel a sense of awe sweeping over you as you contemplate how long that living thing has been there—perhaps since long before your great-grandparents were born?


    It might occur to you that if you were to remain in your present imperfect state, such a tree would likely outlive you, still stretching out its long, peaceful existence even after you had become a mere memory.


    How kind of Jehovah to assure us that in the Paradise to come, our own days will be long and peaceful! (Ps. 37:11, 29)


    The day will come when even long-lived trees will seem to us as transient as the grass, coming and going while we continue living forever! - Bible Speaks




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  9. Amazing News
    Letter From Reichsführer SS Himmler, July 21, 1944.
    Himmler was a Nazi leader, responsible for the destruction of the Jews and other groups marked by the Nazis
    A letter written by him, where the witnesses of the Lord are mentioned in curious terms, from point 4. We offer a translation:
    Dear Kaltenbrunner!
    Many events and problems have recently led to subsequent considerations and the following ideas.

    Problems - Jehovah's witnesses, the question of cossacks and the related issue, as well as a common set of how we want to manage Russia and maintain peace in its territory when - which is certainly going to happen in the coming years - once again Conquer the great spaces and areas, ownership.

    1) I am convinced that Stalin and his successor, if he is a bolshevik, do not stray from the collective farm system. According to Reich [food and Agriculture] Bakke, Stalin, although i wish to withdraw from it, cannot do so because of purely material considerations: because of the lack of tractors, ploughs, dragged, and shooting animals. If Stalin and do not want to move away from the collective farms system, every independent peasant will naturally be their enemy. Reconciliation between them will not happen.

    2) before the east wall of Germany, which once we rise, we take samples of the military border of the austro-Hungarian Empire and the example of Russia seated cossacks and soldiers, to organize a new line forces cossack this defence. According to our code, the, completely independent existence and freedom will be awarded to the Ukrainian and Russian people alone on the cossack border. There will be full farm estates here with the condition of carrying 16 to 60 years of military service at the border, against the eastern attacks. The fact of owning land, as well as spilling blood constantly and constantly on both sides, engender enmity for years and decades without the chances of subsequent reconciliation.

    3) in the interior of the country, which will be the basis for German settlers, we want to enter the land of the association with small private possessions, as we did recently in Ukraine, as well as the purely german settlements.

    The most active and active elements will be constantly autodestruirán, as they will be dragged to the border, where we will use them for the service of the soldiers on our side.

    However, in order to achieve peaceful and unarmed coexistence of people in the rear, we must go further. Any idea of introducing national socialism there is crazy. But people should have a religion or a worldview. Maintaining and revitalizing the orthodox church is incorrect, as it will become a place for the organization of the national movement. At least it's so wrong to let the Catholic church go there, and there's nothing to say about it.

    4) we must support any form or type of religion or sect that has a peacekeeper effect. For all the peoples, the introduction of Buddhist education comes to mind here, for all others: the teachings of Jehovah's witnesses.

    As you should know, Jehovah's witnesses have the following extremely useful qualities for us:

    Except for military service and work for military purposes, i.?. to use it, as they say "destructive" activities, Jehovah's witnesses are extremely opposed to the Jews, against the Catholic Church and the Pope. They are very reasonable, not drinking or smoking, very diligent and very honest, keeping the word, they are excellent shepherds and farmers, is not obsessed with wealth and prosperity, since this prevents eternal life. In General, these are all ideal qualities. It can be concluded that the core of the Jehovah's convinced idealistic witnesses has enviable qualities like the.

    5) for this reason, I would like Jehovah's witnesses in our camps to be controlled by special commissions to see if they really are Jehovah's witnesses. So that those who had just surrendered to a Jehovah's witness just before the arrest or who were already in the camp for practical reasons were excluded. Therefore, we get rid of the cases of the use of Jehovah's witnesses and communists from the so-called dubious Jehovah's witnesses, which I have here and there, we find in field farms, for example, in fridolfing (Upper Bavaria). There is also the possibility of using true Jehovah's witnesses in concentration camps in all positions responsible for monetary affairs or other material matters, and especially good management. Because of this, we take the first step to seize the future of Jehovah's witnesses in German Russia and will obtain emissaries, the spread of the faith of Jehovah's witnesses, to placate the Russian people.

    Thanks, h. Himmler




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  11. Breaking News ~ Russia. ~ Jehovah’s Witnesses ~

    Presentation and answers to questions by Russia's Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, in the case of the safety problems of Christians, especially in the middle east, organized by Russia and Hungary "on the margins" of Council of ministers of the osce, Vienna, 7 December, 2017
    What is the osce?
    Organization for security and cooperation in Europe

    In an act of enormous hypocrisy, the Russian Foreign Minister, Mr. Lavrov, give a speech below we translate, advocating to protect the Christians in the middle east, to persecution. A journalist throws the next question to his face, and let us look at the impudence of his answer:

    Question: today in Russia and in the countries of the former Soviet Union there is harassment against a group of Christians, Jehovah's witnesses.
    For example, in Azerbaijan there are even "prisoners of conscience" who are arrested for their religious beliefs. These representatives of a small group of Christians are also being persecuted in Russia.
    The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation banned this organization. Do you think it is necessary to talk about the safety of Christians in the middle east and also to mention the persecution of this group in Russia and in the countries of the former Soviet Union?

    Sergei Lavrov's reply: with regard to Jehovah's witnesses, the activities of organizations calling for their supporters to openly violate Russian laws are banned in Russia. And this is what the cult was doing. They were warned, they did not hear them and involved their followers in unconstitutional activities. There are no more questions on this subject.




    Outer space.

    The physical “heavens” extend through earth’s atmosphere and beyond to the regions of outer space with their stellar bodies, “all the army of the heavens”—sun, moon, stars, and constellations. (De 4:19; Isa 13:10; 1Co 15:40, 41; Heb 11:12) The first verse of the Bible describes the creation of such starry heavens prior to the development of earth for human habitation. (Ge 1:1)

    These heavens show forth God’s glory, even as does the expanse of atmosphere, being the work of God’s “fingers.” (Ps 8:3; 19:1-6)

    The divinely appointed “statutes of the heavens” control all such celestial bodies.

    Astronomers, despite their modern equipment and advanced mathematical knowledge, are still unable to comprehend these statutes fully. (Job 38:33; Jer 33:25)

    Their findings, however, confirm the impossibility of man’s placing a measurement upon such heavens or of counting the stellar bodies. (Jer 31:37; 33:22.) Yet they are numbered and named by God.—Ps 147:4; Isa 40:26.








  13. Are You Proud? Or Ashamed?
    This kid got an A+ for this paper
    BY A 15 yr. OLD SCHOOL KID
    who got an A+ for this entry

    Since the Pledge of Allegiance
    And The Lord's Prayer
    Are not allowed in most
    Public schools anymore
    Because the word God is mentioned.....

    A kid in Arizona wrote the attached
    NEW School prayer:

    "New Pledge of Allegiance"
    Now I sit me down in school
    Where praying is against the rule
    For this great nation under God
    Finds mention of Him very odd.

    If scripture now the class recites,
    It violates the Bill of Rights.
    And anytime my head I bow
    Becomes a Federal matter now.

    Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
    That's no offense; it's a freedom scene..
    The law is specific, the law is precise.
    Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.

    For praying in a public hall
    Might offend someone with no faith at all..
    In silence alone we must meditate,
    God's name is prohibited by the state.

    We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
    And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks...
    They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.

    To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
    We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
    And the unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
    It's inappropriate to teach right from wrong,
    We're taught that such judgment's do not belong..
    We can get our condoms and birth controls,
    Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles ...

    But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
    No word of God must reach this crowd.
    It's scary here I must confess,
    When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
    So, Lord, this silent plea I make:

    Should I be shot; My soul please take!

    If you aren't ashamed to do this, Please pass this on..
    Jesus said, "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of
    you before my Father." 



  14. Rain Again? Blessing? ~ ??????

    Does There Exist a Father For the Rain? 

    Formation. Among the questions that Jehovah put to Job, emphasizing man’s limited understanding of the forces and laws of creation and the earth, was: “Does there exist a father for the rain?” (Job 38:28) 

    Though meteorologists have studied extensively the formation of rain, what have emerged are, as The World Book Encyclopedia says, “theories.” (1987, Vol. 16, pp. 123, 124) As warm air containing water vapor rises and cools, moisture condenses into tiny water droplets. 

    One theory holds that as the larger droplets fall through a cloud, they collide with smaller droplets and combine with them, until they become too heavy for the air to support. 

    Another theory proposes that ice crystals form in cloud tops where the temperature is below the freezing point and change to rain as they fall through warmer air.



  15. 12 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

    "The first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated on December 25th was in 336, during the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine (he was the first Christian Roman Emperor). A few years later, Pope Julius I officially declared that the birth of Jesus would be celebrated on the 25th December."


    It would be unlikely that Jesus and the early Christians would have had to refuse to celebrate Christmas, since Christmas was introduced about three hundred years after Jesus left the earth.  It might be correct to say they did not celebrate birthdays  or the Roman Saturnalia.  The idea of celebrating birthdays was something foreign to Jewish custom in Jesus day and would have been considered a pagan practice.   The apostasy started around the time of Roman Emperor Constantine, so those who started to celebrate Christmas were apostate Christians.



    @Melinda Mills

    Thank you for your support! Jehovah Bless!

    ? ??? ?

  16. Are You Looking? ~ What Do You See? - A New World for You and Me! ~

    ? ??? ?

    Soon the Dream will Come True! - Find Peace in Your Dreams Tonight! 

    A beautiful world, a world of peace, no pains, no sorrows, no pollution, no fear! Oh, look I see a rainbow! Yes, the clouds have cleared the storm has left. I smell the air it is refreshing! No pollution anymore! I hear the songs of birds and rejoicing in the air....I will fear no more. I hear children laughing and playing, I feel it is a time to dance and rejoice....I must look some more.....!

    (Psalms 37:9-11)
    9 "For evildoers themselves will be cut off, But those hoping in Jehovah are the ones that will possess the earth. 10 And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. 11 But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace."vs 22 "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it."

    (Isaiah 11:6-9) . . .And the wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well-fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them. 7 And the cow and the bear themselves will feed; together their young ones will lie down. And even the lion will eat straw just like the bull. 8 And the sucking child will certainly play upon the hole of the cobra; and upon the light aperture of a poisonous snake will a weaned child actually put his own hand. 9 They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea."

    (Isaiah 65:17-66:1) . . .“For here I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. 18 But exult, YOU people, and be joyful forever in what I am creating. For here I am creating Jerusalem a cause for joyfulness and her people a cause for exultation. 19 And I will be joyful in Jerusalem and exult in my people; and no more will there be heard in her the sound of weeping or the sound of a plaintive cry.” 20 “No more will there come to be a suckling a few days old from that place, neither an old man that does not fulfill his days; for one will die as a mere boy, although a hundred years of age; and as for the sinner, although a hundred years of age he will have evil called down upon him. 21 And they will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat [their] fruitage. 22 They will not build and someone else have occupancy; they will not plant and someone else do the eating. For like the days of a tree will the days of my people be; and the work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full. 23 They will not toil for nothing, nor will they bring to birth for disturbance; because they are the offspring made up of the blessed ones of Jehovah, and their descendants with them. 24 And it will actually occur that before they call out I myself shall answer; while they are yet speaking, I myself shall hear. 25 “The wolf and the lamb themselves will feed as one, and the lion will eat straw just like the bull; and as for the serpent, his food will be dust. They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,” Jehovah has said. 66 This is what Jehovah has said: “The heavens are my throne, and the earth is my footstool. . . ."

    I know You See it! ? ??? ?


  17. Appreciate Jehovah’s Loyalty and Forgiveness ~ ?????
    “You, O Jehovah, are good and ready to forgive; and the loving-kindness to all those calling upon you is abundant.”—PSALM 86:5.

    How forgiving is Jehovah? The Bible says that Jehovah forgives “in a large way.” This means that he forgives both completely and permanently. (Isaiah 55:7)

    How do we know that Jehovah forgives completely?

    Think about the promise at Acts 3:19. (Read.) The apostle Peter said that if a sinner truly repents, he feels sorry for his bad course. How can a person who has sinned be forgiven by Jehovah? Peter said that the sinner must “repent” and “turn around.” A person who truly repents decides that he is not going to repeat his sin. (2 Corinthians 7:10, 11)

    This person then turns around, that is, he stops doing what is wrong and does everything he can to please God. Then his sin can be “blotted out.” To blot out means to wipe out, or erase. So when Jehovah forgives, it is as if he erases our sins. Jehovah forgives completely.

    How do we know that Jehovah forgives our sins permanently? We learn how forgiving Jehovah is from something he said to Jeremiah in a prophecy about anointed Christians. (Read Jeremiah 31:34.)

    Jehovah said: “I shall forgive their error, and their sin I shall remember no more.” So once Jehovah forgives, he does not keep thinking about our sins so that he can accuse us or punish us again and again. He forgives our sins permanently. But what if you believe that your sins are too serious or too numerous for Jehovah to forgive?

    Please consider Jehovah’s invitation recorded at Isaiah 1:18: “‘Come, now, and let us set matters straight between us,’ says Jehovah. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be made as white as snow.’” Yes, even sins that seem as indelible as scarlet dye on a white garment are not beyond Jehovah’s forgiveness. Jehovah does not want you to keep suffering with a guilty conscience.  

    Lesson for today. (Psalms 103:12)



  18. 43 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    By the way .... there is NO WAY that Polar Bear is starving ... they usually die of parasite infection, respiratory infection, old age or rifle bullets.

    A Polar Bear can swim 60 MILES across open ocean to find food.

    There is NO WAY the "journalist" who made this report can know if this particular bear, or any individual Bear is starving ... or not.

    He may have been shot last week.

    He may be sick.

    He may be injured.

    He may not be hungry.

    Ad nauseum.


    @James Thomas Rook Jr.

    Pray for the Whole Earth! Soon with its Disasters; Earthquakes, Fires, Typoons, Wars, Killing, Perhaps the Earth will find extinction!! Pray, Pray, Pray! Worry about that mosquito in Paradise! ???

  19. A POINT OF NO RETURN? ? ???

    Is the earth headed for a point of no return? Some scientists feel that the effect of changes can be difficult to predict. Because of this, they are concerned that we might be approaching “tipping points” where sudden and unanticipated climate changes could bring disastrous results.

    A polar bear on a small mound of ice
    Consider, for example, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Some believe that with sustained global warming, there is a point where the melt of this ice sheet could be irreversible. This is because ice cover naturally reflects the sunÂ’s rays. But as the ice sheet thins and shrinks, the ocean below, which is less reflective, is eventually exposed. The dark ocean surface absorbs more heat, which in turn leads to greater melting. A self-feeding, runaway cycle could be created. The resulting rise in sea levels from the meltwater could spell disaster for hundreds of millions of people.

    Regarding the remarkable changes the Kingdom will bring, God declares: “Look! I am making all things new.” (Revelation 21:5) Does this mean that God will replace the earth with a new one? No, for there is really nothing inherently wrong with our planet. Rather, God will do away with those responsible for the planetary crisis, “those ruining the earth,” that is, the present-day human system with its governmental structure. This will be replaced by “a new heaven and a new earth”—a new heavenly government, God’s Kingdom, ruling over a new earthly society.—Revelation 21:1.

    To eliminate the ecological debt caused by man, God will rebalance the ecological budget, so to speak. Describing what God will do, the psalmist was inspired to write: “You care for the earth, making it abundantly fruitful and very rich.” With a regulated climate and, above all, God’s blessing, the earth will become a paradise yielding plenty of food.—Psalm 65:9-13.

    The creation account in Genesis concludes with the words: “God saw everything he had made, and look! it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31) Truly, the earth is far too precious to end up in environmental bankruptcy. We are comforted in knowing that our planet’s future rests safely in the hands of our loving Creator, Jehovah God. He promises: “The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.” (Psalm 37:29) May you be counted among “the righteous,” who will call earth their eternal home.


    #Repost @paulnicklen
    This week I posted a video of a starving bear. It was difficult to film, and even harder to watch, as evidenced by the reactions it elicited. The truth is hard, but photojournalism is more than pretty pictures. It can be a difficult job. Journalism exposes—raw and without bias—the world’s issues in the interest of transparency, honesty and, I believe, change for the better. At @Sea_Legacy, we want to break down the walls of apathy and move people to change. We went to the Canadian Arctic to document the effects of climate change. We found the good, the bad and the ugly, but mostly just beautiful animals and landscapes we want to protect. We will continue to share it all with you in the interest of creating positive and lasting change.

    Thank you for helping us in #TurningTheTide. @Sea_Legacy with @CristinaMittermeier.

    Tap on Video Link mp4 _______Enjoy!

     Thank Jehovah for the Polar Bears! 



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