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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. ?????????????

    The bulla is imprinted with the symbol of a winged sun and an inscription in an ancient Hebrew script, saying: "Belonging to Hezekiah [son of] Ahaz king of Judah".

    Another comment from my other site: Interesting!

    He was the King of Judea but he also an Assyrian vassal King under Pagan rule and this could be a Seal used by the Assyrians in addressing the Papyrus to King Hezekiah hence the symbol appearing on it.

    Quite possibly this is what happened.
    Hezekiah’s Mistake and Repentance. The Scripture record states that “according to the benefit rendered him Hezekiah made no return, for his heart became haughty and there came to be indignation against him and against Judah and Jerusalem.” (2Ch 32:25) The Bible does not say whether or not this haughtiness was connected with his unwise act in showing the entire treasure of his house and all his dominion to the messengers of the Babylonian king Berodach-baladan (Merodach-baladan) who were sent to Hezekiah after he recovered from his illness. Hezekiah may have displayed all this wealth to impress the king of Babylon as a possible ally against the king of Assyria. This, of course, could tend to excite the greed of the Babylonians. The prophet Isaiah was against any alliance with or dependence on GodÂ’s age-old enemy Babylon. When Isaiah heard how Hezekiah had treated the Babylonian messengers, he uttered the inspired prophecy from Jehovah that the Babylonians in time would carry away everything to Babylon, including some of HezekiahÂ’s descendants. Hezekiah, however, humbled himself and God kindly allowed that the calamity would not come in his days.—2Ki 20:12-19; 2Ch 32:26, 31; Isa 39:1-8.

    Another comment from my other site: Interesting!

    He was the King of Judea but he also an Assyrian vassal King under Pagan rule and this could be a Seal used by the Assyrians in addressing the Papyrus to King Hezekiah hence the symbol appearing on it.


  2. Israeli archaeologists say they have found a 2,700-year-old piece of clay inscribed with a biblical king’s seal.

    It is thought the oval bulla, which is 13mm (0.5in) wide, was once attached to a papyrus document signed by Hezekiah, one of the kings of Judah.
    It was found by a team from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at the site of an ancient dump, beside the wall that surrounds JerusalemÂ’s Old City.
    It is believed to have been thrown out with the rubbish from a royal building.
    The bulla is imprinted with the symbol of a winged sun and an inscription in an ancient Hebrew script, saying: “Belonging to Hezekiah [son of] Ahaz king of Judah”.

    Hezekiah, who ruled from 727-698BC, is described favourably in the Bible, as well as in the chronicles of the Assyrian kings, who ruled during his time.
    Although he was an Assyrian vassal, he successfully maintained the independent standing of the Judean Kingdom and its capital Jerusalem, which he enhanced economically, religiously, and diplomatically.

    “He trusted in the Lord God of Israel; so that after him was none like him among all the kings of Judah, nor any that were before him,” says one verse in the second Book of Kings in the Bible.

    The bulla was found in 2009, but was put into storage after an initial inspection failed to establish its origin. Only recently did an archaeologist discern what the inscription said.

    Eilat Mazar of the Hebrew University of JerusalemÂ’s Institute of Archaeology said the bulla sealed a document written on a papyrus rolled and tied with thin cords, which left their mark on the back.

    “This is the first time that a seal impression of an Israelite or Judean king has ever come to light in a scientific archaeological excavation,” she added.




  3. Important article
    The rise of bloodless medicine: how we treat those who cannot receive blood products for religious reasons or others
    To Carlton D. Mill, Joseph J. Shatzel and Thomas G. Deloughery

    The Discovery of the characterization of blood and the subsequent ability to infused blood safely has revolutionized medicine and has allowed people to survive lethal bleeding complications related to surgery, traumatic and non-traumatic injuries and even pregnancy.

    While the transfusion has been beneficial to many patients, there are persons who, for religious or other reasons, reject blood products. This, in addition to the growing knowledge of certain risks associated with transfusion, has led to innovative approaches to the handling of blood loss.

    As a result, among the health institutions, there is an increasing number of "Non-blood medicine" programmes that focus primarily on the best way to pay attention to patients who reject blood-derived products, the most common of which They're Jehovah's witnesses. Our group of medicine recently published our own best practices in several areas relevant to the care of these patients, including and intraoperative management, acute blood loss, trauma, pregnancy and malignancy.

    Focus on non-blood

    One of the central principles of medicine without bloodshed is to establish the individual beliefs of a person before he enters a situation related to blood loss, more commonly the surgery. However, establishing what a person is willing or unwilling to accept can be difficult. In Modern medical practice, human blood components (including red blood cells, platelets and coagulation proteins) are separated using laboratory techniques in what is known as "fractions" of blood, either of which can be transfused Of a particular patient needs

    While there may be general rules regarding transfusion within a given religion, individual members may accept different fractions of blood depending on their own specific beliefs. However, some patients may have little or no knowledge of the blood fractions or the transfusion alternatives available to them. For this reason, patients in our institution can meet with a member of our medical program and an associate member of the religious community (as a representative of Jehovah's witnesses of the local hospital liaison committee) to help analyze the Transfusion. And their alternatives in detail and to help make decisions about acceptable treatments that align with the objectives of that patient.

    We and others have suggested that this meeting be conducted in private with the patient only to avoid any coercion from third parties, including family members (patients may also opt to receive transfusions in private). This information on patient preferences can be used to facilitate discussions with surgical equipment, anesthesiology and in order to create a strategy for surgery and post-operative care.

    Medical optimisation is also critical. Before surgery, we examine all patients to detect anemia and treat any underlying iron or vitamin deficiency that could be contributing to the decrease in the production of blood cells. If the patient is ready, we can also provide a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO) to help increase red blood cell levels, a treatment that is currently approved by the FDA for anaemic patients undergoing certain types of high-risk elective surgery. During surgery, a number of medical, surgical and anesthetic techniques may be implemented which relate to the reduction of bleeding.

    What to do during the acute blood loss?

    However, it remains particularly challenging when significant acute blood loss occurs, including bleeding that emerges after the operation, as well as traumatic and non-traumatic injuries. As the bleeding progresses, it decreases hemoglobin (a vital protein in red blood cells transporting oxygen to body tissues) and increases the risk of mortality.

    Although the minimum haemoglobin required to maintain life is unclear, a Jehovah's witness study that rejected blood products after surgery showed that some patients were able to survive with the least amount of hemoglobin of 2.1-3.0 GRAMS PER DECILITER, which It's about 15-25 % normal. This suggests that even in the context of deep blood loss, transfusions are not the only option for survival.

    In Case of acute bleeding, medical care providers must simultaneously search for what blood products they want and do not want to receive a patient (if not known or documented), provide resuscitation (such as intravenous fluids or other medicines to improve blood pressure) , reduce the additional blood loss (including the reduction of blood thinners and investigate the source of bleeding through surgery, images or endoscopy) and reverse any deterioration of the underlying coagulation (such as those related to the use of anticoagulants).

    If a patient is willing, we can also provide other products to help stop bleeding, including medicines that inhibit the breakdown of the clot (such as acid, which is particularly beneficial in trauma-related bleeding) as well as derived coagulation factors Of the laboratory (as recombinant factor viia, which is produced from modified hamster cells containing the human coagulation gene, factor vii). Although it has not yet been approved by the FDA, our center also has experience in the use of "Oxygen-based oxygen transporters", which is an artificial blood substitute using hemoglobin derived from bovine animals to help transport the oxygen by the Body.

    Pregnancy is another common area where non-blood drugs can provide benefits. Post-partum haemorrhage occurs in about 11 per cent of pregnancies worldwide, and is the main cause of maternal death worldwide, with studies showing that the risk of bleeding mortality is significantly higher for witnesses From Jehovah. Given the increased risk of complications, adequate prenatal preparation is essential at the beginning of pregnancy (generally under the care of an obstetrician familiar with high-risk pregnancies) to help ensure safe birth. This preparation includes appropriate advice, treatment of underlying anaemia and active collaboration with anesthesiologist and haematological.

    If a post-partum haemorrhage occurs, it can be treated with intravenous fluids, medicines, repair of lacerations and manoeuvres such as uterine massage. If these measures do not control bleeding, invasive procedures or surgeries may be performed, including hysterectomy as a measure of last resort. Of particular interest, the recently completed woman study, which is a clinical trial of more than 20,000 women with postpartum haemorrhage, found that acid significantly reduces mortality, particularly if it is administered within 3 hours of the start of Bleeding.

    Although not associated with the obvious loss of blood, cancer patients can also benefit significantly from drugs without bloodshed. Modern chemotherapy can have impressive healing rates in some cancers if it is aggressively treated. However, this often results in side effects related to chemotherapy, as well as severe anaemia and low platelets, of which patients may require significant transfusions to survive their treatment.

    This poses a challenge to those who can potentially be cured but who reject blood products, because modifications to chemotherapy (such as dose reduction), although more tolerable, can compromise the ability to achieve healing; handling these Patients are extremely complex and should be considered on a case-by-Case basis. In patients for whom the purpose of treatment is not curative (i.e. a "palliative" Strategy), we recommend adjusting chemotherapy in such a way that it does not require transfusions. Notably, small studies and reports of patients with cancer of Jehovah's witnesses have reported a favourable response to treatment when they are supplemented by aggressive support measures and tolerance to the court of significant anaemia.

    While patients who reject blood products may present significant ethical and medical challenges for health care providers, the risks of harm and death can be significantly reduced with careful and extensive planning. Ideally, this takes place long before an early event related to blood loss or anaemia, including elective surgery, pregnancy and cancer treatment. With progress in our understanding of anaemia and the advent of new medicines, surgical techniques and support support measures (including early detection and careful handling of anaemia), these patients can be successfully treated in a "No-spill" way Of blood ". although some of these novel treatments only have limited data to support their use, these interventions should still be considered if the bleeding threatening life persists despite other measures.

    This study, treatment of individuals who cannot receive blood products for religious or other reasons, was recently published by Carlton D. Mill, Joseph J. Shatzel, Thomas G. Deloughery in the American Journal of hematology.




  4. Faithful to the End! – ?????

    This is our little sister Helen Gotthold, a German Jehovah's witness who was arrested many times for serving Jehovah during the Nazi ban.

    Helen was convicted, condemned to death and beheaded on December 18,1944 in Berlin.

    What was her crime? Serving Jehovah faithfully..(Matthew 16:25)



  5. How Can You Keep a Balanced View of Money? – ???


     Be Content With Necessities

    A contented person is a happy person. This is a universal truth. A Greek proverb says: “Nothing will content him who is not content with a little.” And the Japanese say: “He is poor who does not feel content.” The Bible also speaks in glowing terms of contentment. We read: “To be sure, it is a means of great gain, this godly devotion along with self-sufficiency. For we have brought nothing into the world, and neither can we carry anything out. So, having sustenance and covering, we shall be content with these things.”


    Of course, being content with what we have may require “a big change in attitude.” A young woman named Susanne recently realized that she needed to make such a change. She said: “I made up my mind that since I couldn’t have everything I wanted, I must learn to want what I have. Now I am happy and content.”


    Contentment really does lead to happiness. Professor Argir Hadjihristev, a Bulgarian expert on the subject of aging, says: “The basic evil is, first of all, not being content with the little that a person has.” Referring to the health benefits of being content, he adds: “The person who doesn’t try to live better than his neighbor, who doesn’t always try to have more and more, lives without competition and therefore without stress. And that is good for the nerves.” 

    Lesson for today. (1 Tim 6:6-8)




  6. “But after you have suffered a little while, the God of all undeserved kindness,will himself finish your training. He will make you firm, he will make you strong.”– (1 Pet 5:8) – ???

    We are likened to “earthen vessels”—fragile pots made of clay. (2 Cor. 4:7) 

    We are weak because of inherited sin and imperfection. (Rom. 5:12) Left to ourselves, we are vulnerable to Satan’s attacks. But as Christians, we are not without help. 

    Despite our weaknesses, we are precious in God’s eyes. (Isa. 43:4) 

    Moreover, Jehovah gives holy spirit to those asking him. (Luke 11:13) His spirit can give us “power beyond what is normal,” enabling us to cope with any adversity Satan inflicts on us. (2 Cor. 4:7; Phil. 4:13)

    If we take our stand against the Devil, “solid in the faith,” God will make us firm and strong. (1 Pet. 5:8-10) 

    Hence, we need not fear Satan the Devil. Even with helpful friends around you in the congregation, you may still find it difficult to cope with daily challenges. What you have to contend with may at times leave you feeling lost, as if you were in a long tunnel of problems. 

    That is especially a time for you to turn to Jehovah, asking for his holy spirit. “When I am weak,” wrote the apostle Paul, “then I am powerful.” (Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-10; 12:10.) Paul knew that God’s spirit can make up for human weaknesses, regardless of their nature. Thus, God’s active force can strengthen you whenever you feel weak and in need of help. 

    Paul wrote that he could “take pleasure in weaknesses.” It was when he was weak that he felt holy spirit operating on him. You can experience the same feeling! (Rom. 15:13) - Bible Speaks


  7. Armageddon—A Happy Beginning! 


    THE word “Armageddon” has its origin in the Hebrew expression “Har–Magedon,” or “Mountain of Megiddo.” It is found at Revelation 16:16, which states: “They gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Magedon.” Who are assembled to Armageddon, and why?

    Just two verses earlier, at Revelation 16:14, we read: “The kings of the entire inhabited earth” are gathered together “to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.” Armageddon cannot be just a conflict among earthly nations, since Revelation 16:14 states that “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” form a united front at “the war of the great day of God the Almighty.”

    In his inspired prophecy, Jeremiah stated that “those slain by Jehovah” will be scattered “from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the earth.” (Jeremiah 25:33)

    Thus, Armageddon is not a human war confined to a particular location in the Middle East. It is JehovahÂ’s war, and it is global. What about the claim that Armageddon will be a holocaust involving weapons of mass destruction or a collision with a celestial body?

    Would a loving God allow such a horrific end to humankind and their home, the earth?

    No. He expressly states that he did not create the earth “simply for nothing” but “formed it even to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18; Psalm 96:10)

    At Armageddon, Jehovah will not ruin our globe in a cataclysmic conflagration. Rather, he will “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”—Revelation 11:18.

    Since Armageddon is “the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” there is nothing that humans can do to postpone it. Jehovah has set an “appointed time” for that war to start. “It will not be late.”—Habakkuk 2:3. - Bible Speaks -


    Tap on Video Link mp4 ______Enjoy!

    Video is LOUD! Perhaps Armageddonwill be Also?



  8. A Way of Life!


    True worshippers of the first century took up “The Way,” a term used at Acts 9:2 to refer to the new life course that early Christians followed. Today, those who want to experience joy in worshipping God must do the same. They need to allow Bible truths to affect their thinking and their daily conduct.


    The apostle Paul thus urged people of Ephesus: “Put away the old personality which conforms to your former course of conduct.” Yet, more is needed, as Paul continued: “Put on the new personality which was created according to God’s will in true righteousness and loyalty.”—Ephesians 4:22-24.


    As we respond to that counsel, making changes in our life in harmony with God’s will, we gain access to a source of great satisfaction and joy. What is that? Paul wrote to Christians in Colossae that they needed to make adjustments in their lives “in order to walk worthily of Jehovah to the end of fully pleasing him.” (Colossians 1:10) Surely, knowing that the true God is pleased with our life is reason for joy! Furthermore, God makes it possible to please him “fully.” How so? Through forgiveness.


    Each of us sins; each of us needs to receive God’s forgiveness. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,” stated Paul, as recorded at 1 Timothy 1:15. When Jesus sacrificed his life for us, he made it possible for us to receive forgiveness of our sins. Hence, a true worshipper feels relief, for a heavy load of guilt is lifted from his heart. He can have a clean conscience and can rejoice in the confidence that as long as he earnestly does God’s will, he will have forgiveness of his sins. -


    Bible Speaks



    Are You Making Good Use of JW.ORG Contact Cards?


    One of Jehovah’s Witnesses gives a person a jw.org contact card

    In view of the approaching great tribulation, our preaching work is urgent. (Pr 24:11, 12, 20) To help people, we can use contact cards to direct their attention to GodÂ’s Word and to our website.


    The card contains a code that leads to the video Why Study the Bible? and an invitation to request more information or a Bible study. Some people are not inclined to accept literature but are willing to visit our website. Do not hesitate to give them a contact card. However, do not leave contact cards with those who show no interest.


    As you go about your daily activities, you could generate someone’s interest simply by saying: “I have something I would like to give you. This card directs you to a website that has free information and videos on a variety of subjects.” (John 4:7) Because the contact cards are small, you can likely keep a few with you to share with others at every opportunity.


    when witnessing informally
    when witnessing in business territory
    when someone listens to our message but is not inclined to accept literature





  10. Refrain from grieving the Holy Spirit!


    "He who is sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life from the spirit." (Gal. 6:8) 

    By means of his holy spirit, God furthers the love, joy, and unity of his people. (Ps. 133: 1-3) 

    Therefore, we should refrain from grieving the spirit because of engaging in harmful gossip or by saying things that would undermine respect for those who are spirit-appointed shepherds.

    (Acts 20:28; Jude Instead, we ought to promote unity and respect for one another in the congregation. Surely, we should not encourage cliques by forming exclusive groups among God’s people. Paul wrote: “I exhort you, brothers, . . . that you should all speak in agreement, and that there should not be divisions among you, but that you may be fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought.” (1 Cor. 1:10) 

    Jehovah is willing and able to help us avoid grieving his spirit. Let us continue to pray for holy spirit and be determined not to grieve it. - Bible Speaks - 




  11. "I do you no wrong." — Matt. 20:13 

    ???? ? ? ???????

    In the illustration of the workers in the vineyard, Jesus describes a householder who pays the same amount of money to all his workers, whether they worked the whole day or just one hour. (Matt. 20:8-16) 

    Does that seem fair? Actually, the householder treated all the workers as those having a right to a living. Even though the situation could be viewed as abuyer’s market, with no shortage of workers, he did not take advantage of them by offering less than what was fair. 

    All his workers returned home with enough to feed their families. Taking these points into consideration may change our view of his actions. His decision was a loving one and not an arbitrary abuse of authority. 

    What lesson can we learn? That considering just some of the facts can cause us to jump to the wrong conclusion. Indeed, this parable highlights the superiority of GodÂ’s righteousness, which is not based on legal regulations and human merit alone. - Bible Speaks




    "The minding of the flesh means death, but the minding of the spirit means life and peace."—Rom. 8:6

    How can we pursue “the minding of the spirit”? By regularly setting our minds on the things of the spirit and allowing a spiritual inclination and attitude to develop in us. As we do this, we have a mind-set that is “under subjection to the law of God” and is “in harmony with” his thoughts. (Rom. 8:7, 

    When we are faced with a temptation, we will be moved to make the correct choice—one that is in accord with the spirit. Therefore, it is vital to set our minds on the things of the spirit. We do this by ‘bracing up our minds for activity,’ building our life around a spiritual routine that includes regular prayer, Bible reading and study, meeting attendance, and the Christian ministry. (1 Pet. 1:13) 

    Rather than allowing the things of the flesh to distract us, let us set our minds on the things of the spirit. Doing so will bring us blessings, for the minding of the spirit means life and peace.—Gal. 6:7, 8. - Bible Speaks



  13. WHAT IS GENTLENESS? – ?????

    A mildness of disposition or manner, thus the opposite of roughness or harshness. Gentleness is closely related to humility and meekness.Gentleness is a requisite for a servant of God, particularly one in a responsible position of oversight.


    The apostle Paul stated that “a slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be gentle [Gr., e?pi·on] toward all.” The gentle person is not loud, noisy, or immoderate. Moses, the man of the true God, though not in every instance manifesting the proper disposition, “was by far the meekest of all the men who were upon the surface of the ground.” His speech on one occasion was said to be like “gentle rains upon grass.”


    At 1 Thessalonians 2:7 Paul described himself and his companions as becoming “gentle in the midst of you [the Thessalonians], as when a nursing mother cherishes her own children.” This was because they had real love for those as well as concern for their spiritual growth.


    Not Weakness. Gentleness does not denote weakness. It requires strength of disposition to be gentle with others and to pacify them or to spare their feelings, especially when one is under provocation.


    At 2 Samuel 18:5 David, a man of war, because of fatherly love, commanded Joab to deal gently with his rebellious son Absalom. The Hebrew word here (?at) has reference to a going softly or a gentle motion.


    The apostle Paul, although gentle, was not a weakling, as testified to by his ability to speak very strongly when the need arose, for example, when he wrote his first and second letters to the Christian congregation in Corinth.


    A Unifying Force.

    It is pleasant and conducive to peace when one speaks and acts with gentleness. Such a person is approachable, not forbidding, and his manner tends toward the spiritual upbuilding of others. Harshness, roughness, boisterousness, and vulgarity are divisive and drive others away .  But gentlenessattracts and unifies.


    Jehovah is spoken of as collecting together his lambs and as carrying them in his bosom (referring to the voluminous folds of the upper part of the garment, in which lambs were sometimes carried by shepherds). -

    Lesson for today. (2 Tim 2:24)


    Bible Speaks


  14. Do not be getting drunk with wine, in which there is debauchery, but keep getting filled with spirit.—Eph. 5:18. - ???

    Misuse of alcohol can lead to other serious sins. Thus, the apostle Paul wrote the words found in today’s text. He also admonished the aged women in the congregation not to be “enslaved to a lot of wine.” (Titus 2:3) 

    If you choose to drink alcoholic beverages, you would do well to ask yourself: ‘Do I share Jesus’ attitude toward heavy drinking? (Luke 21:34) 

    If I need to counsel others on this matter, do I have freeness of speech? Do I drink to escape worries or to ease stress? How much alcohol do I consume each week? How do I react when someone implies that I might be drinking too much? 

    Do I become defensive or even resentful?Â’ Allowing ourselves to become enslaved to a lot of wine can affect our ability to reason things out properly and to make wise decisions. Followers of Christ strive to safeguard their thinking ability.

    (Proverbs 3:21-22) “My son, may they not get away from your eyes. Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability, 22 and they will prove to be life to your soul and charm to your throat." - Bible Speaks 


    Learn more at:



  15. Walk that path to integrity, it is lighted up for you to receive Blessings! 


    "Judge me, O Jehovah, for I have walked in my integrity; In Jehovah I have trusted without wavering."
    (Ps 26:1) 

    What does integrity keeping include in the case of imperfect humans?

    Since all men are imperfect and unable to measure up perfectly to God’s standards, it is evident that their integrity does not mean perfection of action or of speech. Rather, the Scriptures show it means wholeness or completeness of heart devotion. David, through weakness, committed several serious wrongs, but he, nevertheless, ‘walked with integrity of heart’ (1Ki 9:4), for he accepted reproof and corrected his way. He thereby proved that his heart still retained genuine love for Jehovah God. (Ps 26:1-3, 6, 8, 11)

    As David later told his son Solomon: “Know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul; for all hearts Jehovah is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts he is discerning.” Solomon’s heart, however, did not “prove to be complete with Jehovah his God like the heart of David his father.”—1Ch 28:9; 1Ki 11:4.

    Integrity is therefore not restricted to any one aspect of human conduct; it does not apply just to matters obviously “religious.” For God’s servant it is a way of life in which the individual ‘walks,’ constantly searching to know Jehovah’s will. (Ps 119:1-3)

    David shepherded the nation of Israel “according to the integrity of his heart,” both in matters directly relating to Jehovah’s worship and in his conduct of governmental affairs. He also desired that those around him and those acting as his ministers likewise be persons of integrity, “walking in a faultless way.” (Ps 78:72; 101:2-7) One ‘proves himself faultless’ before God over a period of time, as did Noah, Abraham, and others.—Ge 6:9; 17:1; 2Sa 22:24.

    Integrity requires uncompromising loyalty to God and adherence to righteousness, not merely under favorable conditions or circumstances, but under all conditions and at all times. After stressing that only the integrity-keeper, “speaking the truth in his heart,” is acceptable to Jehovah, the psalmist says of such a one that “he has sworn to what is bad for himself, and yet he does not alter,” that is, even if something he has solemnly agreed to turns out to be apparently against his personal interests, he still stays true to his agreement. (Ps 15:1-5; contrast Ro 1:31; 1Ti 1:10.) Integrity, then, is most evident when the individual’s devotion is under test and he is pressured to abandon his righteous course. Though made a laughingstock by opposers (Job 12:4; compare Jer 20:7) or made the object of their bitter speech (Ps 64:3, 4), hatred, and violent persecution (Pr 29:10; Am 5:10), whether in sickness or in distressful adversity, a person must ‘hold fast his integrity’ as did Job, no matter what the cost.—Job 2:3.

    Such an integrity-keeping course is possible, not by the individual’s personal moral strength, but only through deep faith and trust in Jehovah and His saving power. (Ps 25:21) God’s promise is that he will be a “shield” and “stronghold,” guarding the way of those walking in integrity. (Pr 2:6-8; 10:29; Ps 41:12) Their constant concern for gaining Jehovah’s approval brings stability to their lives, enabling them to follow a straight course to their goal. (Ps 26:1-3; Pr 11:5; 28:18)

    Though, as Job perplexedly observed, the blameless may suffer because of the rule of the wicked and may die along with the wicked, Jehovah assures that he is aware of the life of the faultless person and guarantees that such a personÂ’s inheritance will continue, his future will be peaceful, and he will come into the possession of good. (Job 9:20-22; Ps 37:18, 19, 37; 84:11; Pr 28:10)

    As in JobÂ’s case, it is being a man of integrity, rather than oneÂ’s wealth, that makes one a person of genuine worth, meriting respect. (Pr 19:1; 28:6) Children privileged to have such a person for a parent are to be counted happy (Pr 20:7), receiving a splendid legacy in their fatherÂ’s life example, enjoying a share in his good name and the respect he gained.





    (Zephaniah 2:2,3)
    2 "Before [the] statute gives birth to [anything], [before the] day has passed by just like chaff, before there comes upon YOU people the burning anger of Jehovah, before there comes upon YOU the day of Jehovah’s anger, 3 seek Jehovah, all YOU meek ones of the earth, who have practiced His own judicial decision. Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably YOU may be concealed in the day of JehovahÂ’s anger."

    BIRTH TO ANYTHING ~ ??????
    (2 Peter 3:9) . . .Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance."

    (2 Chronicles 36:16) But they were continually making jest at the messengers of the [true] God and despising his words and mocking at his prophets, until the rage of Jehovah came up against his people, until there was no healing."

    (Jeremiah 23:20) The anger of Jehovah will not turn back until he will have carried out and until he will have made the ideas of his heart come true. In the final part of the days YOU people will give YOUR consideration to it with understanding."

    (Lamentations 4:11) Jehovah has accomplished his rage. He has poured out his burning anger. And he sets a fire ablaze in Zion, which eats up her foundations."

    JEHOVAH'S ANGER ~ ??????????
    (2 Kings 23:26) Nevertheless, Jehovah did not turn back from the great burning of his anger, with which his anger burned against Judah over all the offensive things with which Ma·nas?seh had made them offend."
    (Nahum 1:6) In the face of his denunciation who can stand? And who can rise up against the heat of his anger? His own rage will certainly be poured out like fire, and the very rocks will actually be pulled down because of him."

    (Malachi 4:1) “For, look! the day is coming that is burning like the furnace, and all the presumptuous ones and all those doing wickedness must become as stubble. And the day that is coming will certainly devour them,” Jehovah of armies has said, “so that it will not leave to them either root or bough."

    OF THE EARTH ~ ???
    (Psalm 25:9) He will cause the meek ones to walk in [his] judicial decision, And he will teach the meek ones his way.

    (Psalm 76:9) When God rose up to judgment, To save all the meek of the earth. Se?lah."

    (Matthew 5:5) “Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth."

    (Matthew 6:33) “Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [other] things will be added to YOU."

    (Romans 1:17) for in it God’s righteousness is being revealed by reason of faith and toward faith, just as it is written: “But the righteous one—by means of faith he will live.”

    (Romans 10:3) for, because of not knowing the righteousness of God but seeking to establish their own they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God."

    (Ephesians 4:24) and should put on the new personality which was created according to GodÂ’s will in true righteousness and loyalty."

    SEEK MEEKNESS ~ ?????
    (Psalm 25:9) He will cause the meek ones to walk in [his] judicial decision, And he will teach the meek ones his way."
    (Proverbs 22:4) The result of humility [and] the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life."

    (Psalm 37:11) But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace."

    (Joel 2:14) Who is there knowing whether he will turn back and actually feel regret and let remain after it a blessing, a grain offering and a drink offering for Jehovah YOUR God?"

    (Amos 5:15) Hate what is bad, and love what is good, and give justice a place in the gate. It may be that Jehovah the God of armies will show favor to the remaining ones of Joseph."

    (Jonah 3:9) Who is there knowing whether the [true] God may turn back and actually feel regret and turn back from his burning anger, so that we may not perish?”

    DAY OF HIS ANGER ~ ??????????
    (Genesis 7:16) And those going in, male and female of every sort of flesh, went in, just as God had commanded him. After that Jehovah shut the door behind him."

    (Psalm 31:20) You will conceal them in the secret place of your person From the banding together of men. You will hide them in your booth from the quarreling of tongues."

    (Isaiah 26:20) “Go, my people, enter into your interior rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for but a moment until the denunciation passes over." 

    For more information go to this site:


  17. Keep In Expectation! – ?????

    You wake up to get ready for work or school and you take a deep breath. Another long day lies ahead, another day of enduring in this system. Your routine stays the same: You rarely miss a meeting and you go out on the ministry constantly. You do everything you can for Jehovah and nothing distracts you from that. But the trials continue to pile up. Temptations are everywhere and the challenges of work or school are taxing on your mind and body. But you continue to rely on Jehovah everyday of your life.

    Time passes and things just keep getting harder and harder. Health problems continue to afflict us, tragic events happen unexpectedly. And if that's not painful enough, the death of a loved one breaks our heart and shatters it to pieces.

    Sometimes it seems like there is no way out. Some days are just too much to bear. You give way to tears and you cry to Jehovah in silence some nights. But you refuse to give up!

    You are convinced that nothing can separate us from God's love. More time passes and you keep enduring every day, holding steadfast in the truth. You rely on Jehovah's guidance more than ever and you give it your all to praise Him publicly.

    Then finally one day.. After coming home from work or school, your phone beeps and you receive the most astonishing text message of your life: "URGENT. Check the news!!!" Your heart starts beating a little faster.

    You rush to find the remote. Could this be it? Could this be the moment that we have all been waiting for? With hands shaking and palms sweating you turn on the television and in big bold letters you see this plastered across the screen: 


    Jehovah day is about to begin!!! With tears of relief streaming down your face, you pray to Jehovah and you ask him for strength and guidance to help you deal with the earthshaking events that are about to take place worldwide. Aren't you glad you stayed spiritually alert all this time? So keep in expectation, we are on the verge of witnessing the most earth shattering events of our lives! 

    "Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them" (1 Thessalonians 5:3)

    "Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it! For it will without fail come true. It will not be late!" (Habakkuk 2:3)

    — Contributed 

    JW.ORG ??


  18. ??????
    ????????????? ??? ????????????? ??????? ? ??????? ???????? ??????
    ????: ?????? ?????????????? ?????????? ????, ??. ?????????
    6 ??????? 2017 ???? ????????????? ????????? ??? ?????????? ????????? ?? ??????? ?????????? ???? ?. ??????, ??????????? «?????????????? ?????????» ??????? ? ??????? ????????????? ????? (!) «????????? ??????? - ??????? ?????? ???? ??????? »(PDF, Epub). ??????, ????????? ?? 141 ?????? ? ??????? ???????? ????????????? ?????????? ?????? ? ???????????? ??????? ???? ?????? ?????????, ???? ???????????? 21 ???????? 2017 ????.

    ???????? ???????? 6 ??????? 2017 ???? ? 10:00 ? ????????? ? ?????-??????????, ????. ????, 6.




  19. Russia

    The Court of Appeal shall review the decision to prohibit the of the New World Bible Translation.

    Photo: the building of the Leningrad Regional Court, st. Petersburg

    December 6, 2017, the Leningrad Regional Court will consider an appeal against the decision of the City Court of Vyborg, which recognized "extremist materials" the Bible since the publication of the name (! ) "Sacred Scripture - Translation of the New World Translation" (PDF, Epub).

    The complaint, which consists of 141 points and which clearly demonstrates the lack of foundation and the illegality of the decision of the court of first instance, was submitted on 21 September 2017.

    The hearing will begin on 6 December 2017 at 10:00 and take place in St. Petersburg, neb. River, 6.




  20.  Fine Art – ????????? –   Destruction of SennacheribÂ’s Army  Gustave Dore  Etching

    Metropolitan Museum of Art

    The account at Isaiah 37:36 is vividly illustrated in this work of art: "And the angel of Jehovah went out and struck down 185,000 men in the camp of the As·syr?i·ans. When people rose up early in the morning, they saw all the dead bodies."

    The artist used this black and white etching to create an excellent tonal contrasts using sillouette as part of the powerful and effective design.

    Thank you


    #Repost @edsalazarfineart


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