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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. John 3:16

    16 Â“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”

    What God Has Done for You


    Many people are willing to credit God with the creation of the physical universe, nature, and humans themselves. Living organisms are so intricate and well made that there must surely be some great intelligence behind their existence. A good number of people thank God daily for the gift of life. They also recognize that they are completely dependent on God for all of life’s necessities—such as air, water, food, and the earth’s natural cycles—so that they can continue to live and enjoy what they do.

    We do well to thank God for all these things, for he truly is our Maker and Sustainer. (Psalm 104:10-28; 145:15, 16; Acts 4:24) 


    We can appreciate God’s love for us when we think about all that he is doing just to make life possible. The apostle Paul put it this way: “[God] gives to all people life and breath and all things. For by him we have life and move and exist.”—Acts 17:25, 28.


    God’s love, however, is expressed in more ways than just caring for us physically. He has also elevated and dignified us by giving us spiritual capacity and helping us to satisfy it. (Matthew 5:3) In this way, obedient mankind has the prospect of becoming part of God’s family, his “children.”—Romans 8:19-21.



  2. What is Babylon the Great? 


    It is the global system of religion that bears the earmarks of ancient Babylon. (Revelation, chapters 17, 18)              Consider some of the similarities:
    • The priests of ancient Babylon were deeply involved in the nation’s political affairs. That is true of much religion today.
    • Babylon’s priests often promoted the nation’s warfare. Modern-day religion has often been in the forefront of those blessing soldiers as the nations have gone to war.
    • The teachings and practices of ancient Babylon led the nation into gross immorality. When religious leaders today push the Bible’s standard of morality aside, immorality is rampant among both clergy and laity. Noteworthy also is the fact that because Babylon the Great prostitutes herself to the world and its political systems, Revelation depicts her as a harlot.
    • The Bible also says that Babylon the Great lives “in shameless luxury.” In ancient Babylon, the temple organization acquired extensive landholdings, and the priests became prominent in commercial activities. Today, in addition to places of worship, Babylon the Great has vast commercial holdings. Her teachings and her holidays bring great riches both to her and to others in the business world.
    • Use of images, magic, and sorcery were common in ancient Babylon, as they are in many places today. Death was viewed as a passage to another kind of life. Babylon was filled with temples and chapels in honor of its gods, but the Babylonians opposed worshipers of Jehovah. The same beliefs and practices identify Babylon the Great.


    In ancient times, Jehovah maneuvered powerful political and military nations to punish those who showed persistent disregard for him and his will. Thus Samaria was destroyed by the Assyrians in 740 B.C.E. Jerusalem was devastated by the Babylonians in 607 B.C.E. and by the Romans in 70 C.E. Babylon, in turn, was conquered by the Medes and the Persians in 539 B.C.E. For our day, the Bible forecasts that political governments, like a wild beast, will turn on “the harlot” and strip her naked, exposing her real character. They will completely destroy her.—Revelation 17:16.


    Will the world’s governments really do such a thing? The Bible states that ‘God will put it into their hearts.’ (Revelation 17:17) It will be sudden, surprising, shocking, not foreseeable or gradual.




  3. How Does the Sun, Earth and Seasons Last Forever? ~


    "From now on, the earth will never cease to have seed-sowing and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night.”


    (Gen 8:22)  Seasons, climate, and weather are all interlocked in a complex system that sustains life.


    Addressing Jehovah God, the psalmist aptly stated: “It was you that set up all the boundaries of the earth; summer and winter—you yourself formed them.”—Psalm 74:17 "You set up all the boundaries of the earth; You made summer and winter." (Psalm 74:17) Revised 2013


    The Christian apostle Paul and his companion Barnabas stated that God is the one “giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying you with food and filling your hearts with gladness.”—Acts 14:14-17.


    Paul made a fitting reference to Jehovah’s hand in all of this, saying: “For the ground receives a blessing from God when it drinks in the rain that frequently falls on it and then produces vegetation useful to those for whom it is cultivated."

    ”—Hebrews 6:7.


    A Satellite Crucial to Life 

    Down through the ages, the moon has inspired and amazed humans. Do you realize, though, that the moon influences the seasons? The moon’s presence helps to regulate the earth’s obliquity, that is, the degree of tilt of its spin axis. This plays “a vital role in producing conditions on Earth that can sustain life,” states science author Andrew Hill. If there were no large natural satellite to stabilize our planet’s axial tilt, temperatures would soar and would likely make life on earth impossible. Thus, a team of astronomers concluded: “One might consider the Moon to act as a potential climate regulator for the Earth.”— (Psalm 104:19) “He has made the moon to mark the appointed times; The sun well knows when to set.” (Ps. 104:19) 


    JehovahÂ’s works are wonderfully attested to by the motion of the earth, providing for day and night, seasons, and seedtime and harvest. We are confident that summer will follow winter. After all, it was God who promised the Blessing! - Bible Speaks


  4. NEW! NOW AVAILABLE –Watchtower January 2018, the first of the new magazine program.

    The first of our new public magazines. Excellent. Like the way the topic flows throughout the magazine.

    Many good points that you can use in the ministry and as follow-up recreational vehicles.

    The back page also has a new format and seems to be useful. And also the woman on the train on the first page, also looks towards the end of the magazine. All ties together.

    Finally here, a wonderful addition to our teaching tools I'm so excited to start getting acquainted with this! It's almost like having a new brochure published every two months

    It is interesting to see that the work of art throughout the magazine is very similar to the new poster designs of public testimony.

    The opening article explains that this magazine is the first of a series of special numbers of the Watchtower. I wonder if the article on the back page about whether the Bible can help us be the friend of God, is an indication of what will be the next Watchtower... we will see ???


  5. "I form light and create darkness, I Jehovah, am doing all these things." (Isaiah 48:7)

    ~ Where Does Your Light Come From?~


    Light from the sun is a combination of colors, with each color having a different wavelength. The color of an object is determined by the particular portion of the light reflected by its surface. Thus light furnishes the many hues that delight the eye of man. It is also essential for earthly life—plant, animal, and human—to continue.


    The Source of Light. Jehovah God is the Former of light and the Creator of darkness. (Isa 45:7) 


    It was on the first creative day that he said: “Let light come to be.” (Ge 1:3) Earlier he had created the heavens (including “the great lights”—the sun, moon, and stars; compare Ps 136:7-9) and the earth. (Ge 1:1) 


    So the bringing of light into existence with reference to the earth apparently involved gradually removing whatever had formerly obstructed the sun’s rays from reaching this planet. And the “division” between light and darkness must have come about through the rotation of the earth as it moved around the sun. 


    The Scriptures repeatedly associate light with its Creator. Stated the psalmist: “O Jehovah my God, you have proved very great. With dignity and splendor you have clothed yourself, enwrapping yourself with light as with a garment.” - Bible Speaks


  6. CAMEL ?  Use From Early Bible Times.

    The first Bible mention of the camel relates to Abraham’s temporary residence in Egypt, where he acquired a number of these beasts of burden. (Ge 12:16) When Abraham’s faithful servant was sent to Mesopotamia to procure a wife for Isaac, a train of ten camels, with all sorts of gifts, accompanied him. (Ge 24:10) It was to a camel caravan of Ishmaelites bound for Egypt that Joseph was sold by his half brothers.—Ge 37:25-28.


    Job is introduced as “the greatest of all the Orientals.” His material possessions included 3,000 camels, and following the test of his integrity, Jehovah blessed Job, so much so that he came to possess 6,000 camels and a vast quantity of other livestock.—Job 1:3; 42:12.


    In common with other livestock of Egypt, the camels suffered from the plagues God brought upon PharaohÂ’s domain. (Ex 9:3, 10, 25; 12:29) Whether any camels went with the Israelites on the trek through the wilderness is not indicated in the Bible record, but likely this was the case.


    The first reference to camels after Israel’s settling in the Promised Land is in connection with their use by invaders. When Midianite hordes and their ‘camels without number’ spread over the land and impoverished it, a critical situation faced God’s people Israel. (Jg 6:5; 7:12) At times, with Jehovah’s help, the Israelites defeated their enemies and captured vast numbers of camels, on one occasion 50,000.—1Ch 5:21; 2Ch 14:15.


    While outlawed from Saul’s court, David and his men warred against the Geshurites, the Girzites, and the Amalekites, striking down all the men and women but taking domestic animals, including camels, as booty. (1Sa 27:8, 9) During the reign of David, a special official, Obil, was in charge of his camels. (1Ch 27:30) The queen of Sheba brought gifts to King Solomon in a camel train, and Ben-hadad II of Syria sent presents to the prophet Elisha loaded upon 40 camels.—1Ki 10:1, 2; 2Ki 8:9.


    In foretelling the fall of Babylon, the prophet Isaiah alluded to the conquering armies under the symbol of “a war chariot of camels.” (Isa 21:7) According to the Greek historian Herodotus (I, 80), Cyrus did make use of the camel in his military campaigns. – Bible Speaks 




  7. If Babylon fell in one Night, can it be the same for this wicked world?


    Got this comment this morning from a sister. Thought it was a really good thought more than just a comment. She is right on as we spiral toward the end of this system.


    Just as Babylon fell in one night. a little history here. The work to divert the river took time but the final result in just hours.


    Thought this picture kinda hit the vortex on the head so to speak. Her comment. "Have you ever used a "funnel" to pour liquid in a container? Have you noticed how fast it goes down when the liquid gets to the very end? FAST doesn't it?


    Well, that's how fast this system is going down. When the great tribulation comes, it will really go down fast!!!




  8. No More Crying or Pain! 


    All Things Made New

    Song 14 (Sing to Jehovah)

    (Revelation 21:1-5) 

    1. “The signs of the times” prove God’s rule has begun.

    In glory enthroned sits JehovahÂ’s Son.

    The battle in heaven heÂ’s fought and won,

    And soon on the earth shall God’s will be done. (CHORUS) 

    Rejoice! For GodÂ’s tent is with men,

    And he himself resides with them.

    No more will there be pain or crying,

    No sorrowing nor any dying;

    For God has said: ‘I’m making all things new.’ These words faithful are and true. 

    2. Let all men the chaste New Jerusalem see,

    The bride of the Lamb shining radiantly.

    Adorned now with most precious gems is she,

    And only Jehovah her light will be. (CHORUS) 

    Rejoice! For GodÂ’s tent is with men,

    And he himself resides with them.

    No more will there be pain or crying,

    No sorrowing nor any dying;

    For God has said: ‘I’m making all things new.’ These words faithful are and true. 

    3. This city so fair will be all menÂ’s delight.

    Its gates will be open both day and night.

    All nations will walk in her glory bright;

    O servants of God, now reflect that light. (CHORUS) 

    Rejoice! For GodÂ’s tent is with men,

    And he himself resides with them.

    No more will there be pain or crying,

    No sorrowing nor any dying;

    For God has said: ‘I’m making all things new.’ These words faithful are and true. (See also Matt. 16:3; Rev. 12:7-9; 21:23-25.) Read this in the Bible at:



  9. ~? Is Your Love so Great You Would Die for Someone?~?

    God Loved Us So Much First~ “Love can be known only from the actions it prompts. GodÂ’s love is seen in the gift of His Son, I John 4:9, 10. But obviously this is not the love of complacency, or affection, that is, it was not drawn out by any excellency in its objects, Rom. 5:8.

    It was an exercise of the Divine will in deliberate choice, made without assignable cause save that which lies in the nature of God Himself, cp. Deut. 7:7, 8.”

    A·ga?pe, therefore, carries the meaning of love guided, or governed, by principle. It may or may not include affection and fondness. That a·ga?pe may include affection and warmth is evident in many passages.

    At John 3:35, Jesus said: “The Father loves [a·ga·pai?] the Son.” At John 5:20, he said: “The Father has affection for [phi·lei?] the Son.” Certainly God’s love for Jesus Christ is coupled with much affection. Also Jesus explained: “He that loves [a·ga·pon?] me will be loved [a·ga·pe·the?se·tai] by my Father, and I will love [a·ga·pe?so] him.” (Joh 14:21) 

    This love of the Father and of the Son is accompanied by tender affection for such loving persons. Jehovah’s worshipers must love him and his Son, as well as one another, in the same way.—John 21:15-17. - Bible Speaks


  10. 3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    It seems that every five years, JW organizational policies and Catholic organizational policies get closer and closer to adopting each other's means and methods of doing things.

    They used to ban eating meat on Fridays, we ban eating Turkey on Thanksgiving.

    They have pilgrimages to the Vatican, we have pilgrimages to Warwick, New York.

    They have thousands of huge buildings, and hundreds and hundreds of stone statues of all their saints ...

    .... we have Caleb and Sophia.

    So far, they are ahead of the game, but it's not really a  fair comparison ...

    ... they had a 1700 year head start.

    @James Thomas Rook Jr.

    Oh! The other non comparison? We have Jehovah God they don’t! Guess we’re winning! Soon Babylon the Great will fall and the Victory is Jehovah God’s! 


  11. Jesus' kindness to woman's flow of blood of 30 years

     A brothers personal notes taken from a talk given by brother William Malenfant of Brooklyn Bethel.

    Please read the account found in Mark 5:25-34 (New World Translation) before continuing.

     (Mark 5:25-34) 25 Now there was a woman subject to a flow of blood twelve years, 26 and she had been put to many pains by many physicians and had spent all her resources and had not been benefited but, rather, had got worse. 27 When she heard the things about Jesus, she came behind in the crowd and touched his outer garment; 28 for she kept saying: “If I touch just his outer garments I shall get well.” 29 And immediately her fountain of blood dried up, and she sensed in her body that she had been healed of the grievous sickness. 30 Immediately, also, Jesus recognized in himself that power had gone out of him, and he turned about in the crowd and began to say: “Who touched my outer garments?” 31 But his disciples began to say to him: “You see the crowd pressing in upon you, and do you say, ‘Who touched me?’” 32 However, he was looking around to see her that had done this. 33 But the woman, frightened and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth. 34 He said to her: “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be in good health from your grievous sickness.”

     Isn’t that a beautiful account? 

    Who healed her? 

    Jesus didnÂ’t know who touched him, remember?
    - 30 Immediately, also, Jesus recognized in himself that power had gone out of him, and he turned about in the crowd and began to say: “Who touched my outer garments?” 31 But his disciples began to say to him: “You see the crowd pressing in upon you, and do you say, ‘Who touched me?’” 

    Who could see that woman working her way up the crowd to get to Jesus? 

    Who could appreciate all the pain she’d been through, the suffering she had been through? 

    Who could appreciate the quality of her faith? 

    Who allowed power to flow out of Jesus into that woman, so she’d be healed? 

    It had to have been Jehovah. 

    You see, Jesus knew something had happened that the apostles didn’t know. That’s why they said: “Well, why do you say: “Who touched me?” 

    ‘THIS is new, something happened’, thought Jesus. He felt ‘power’ go out of him. He knew something remarkable had happened 

    What does that tell you about Jehovah? 

    Isn’t that remarkable? 

    Now another question… 

    What’s her name? 

    Me neither… 

    The Bible doesn’t say. It doesn’t say. “Nobody. She was just nobody.” Was she? 
    Jehovah knew her. He took care of her.

    Do you see the point? 

    So don’t ever get into the feeling that: “Well, I’m nobody. What does God care about me?” 

    He DOES care! 

    And sometimes we’ll say: “Well, I’m so imperfect…” Well of course you are. Who isn’t? We all are. 

    We’re getting life by underserved kindness, brothers and sisters. We’re not getting it because we’re so righteous and so good. We do our best. Yes. But life is coming by God’s underserved kindness. Jehovah sees all of us and the beauty of it is…HE KNOWS! He understands us. He knows that we make mistakes and sometimes we get down on ourselves and beat ourselves, for sure. 

    You know what brother Franz used to say about that? 

    “I remember once at an assembly, the Israelites were all waiting for Jehovah to clear away all the fog and the mist when the Egyptians were after them, you know? And the Israelites were going to cross the Red Sea. Jehovah said to them:
    “Stop praying and get going!”

    And what that means is: 

    Get up! Get going with your life! Serve Jehovah with rejoicing! 

    Don’t ever go through life lamenting and looking at things that have happened and “’Ooh this’, and ‘Oh my, that’”. 

    Jehovah knows… 

    Jesus paid the price that covers our past mistakes; it covers current mistakes and even in the future, as long as we’re genuine in serving God and doing our best…Jehovah forgives us. But we have to put forth the effort and have faith in the arrangement. And then we can serve Him with a good heart. 

    Now, back to that woman… 

    She didn’t have the right to touch Jesus. That’s true, isn’t it? Because she had a flow of blood. And in the Hebrew Scriptures it tells us a woman with a flow of blood was unclean. 

    Now think of it… 

    Here’s this woman, unclean, coming through a crowd, and is going to touch The Holy One of Israel. Jehovah God obviously knew about it, could see it. His own law that He inspired said a woman with a flow of blood was unclean, and yet, what happens? 

    Evidently, He pushes His own law aside, lets her touch Jesus…she becomes clean. He heals her. 

    Doesn’t that tell you something else about Jehovah? 

    He takes everything into account. He looks at the whole picture. He sees our whole life, our whole background. The things we battle with, our imperfections. And He still loves us. And He does what He can to help us. 

    That’s a wonderful thing! That should really move us to really want to serve Jehovah and love doing His will. 

    There’s a scripture in 1 John that says: “Jehovah is greater than our heart.” Well, what that means is that our heart sometimes focuses in just on small individual imperfections and problems we have. But Jehovah sees much more than our little heart. He sees the whole picture. He’s greater than our heart. And we’re grateful for that because, He does, indeed, love every one of us. 

    And so, when you get discouraged and blue…think about that woman. And think about the wonderful hope we have and the beautiful things that are in store for us and our great privilege of serving Jehovah God right to the end. And then we can rejoice and be happy in our service. – Bible Speaks 


  12. Natural Disasters—Evidence That God Is Cruel? ??????

    No He Soon Will Calm the Whole Earth! ?????

    Learn why this is Not so! 

    WHAT YOU MAY HEAR: “God rules the world, so he causes natural disasters; therefore, he must be cruel.” Mark 4:39 –

    39 “With that he got up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea: “Hush! Be quiet!” And the wind abated, and a great calm set in." Soon all wicked those who cause it, will be gone forever! Yes, His Son Jesus Christ as King of God's Kingdom, will soon say: "Hush! Be quiet! And the Calm Will set in!” 


      The New York City Office of Emergency Management recommends that households plan for evacuation by assembling a “go bag”—a durable, accessible, easy-to-transport bag containing important emergency items. The following may be included:*

    ? Copies of important documents in a waterproof container

    ? An extra set of car and house keys

    ? Credit or debit cards and cash

    ? Bottled water and nonperishable food

    ? Flashlight(s), AM/FM radio, cell phone (if you have one), extra batteries

    ? Medication for at least one week, a list of dosages, prescription slips, and doctorsÂ’ names and phone numbers. (Be sure to replace medications before their expiration date)

    ? First-aid kit

    ? Sturdy, comfortable shoes and rainwear

    ? Contact and meeting place information for your household, as well as a regional map

    ? Child-care supplies


    Although based on the official list, the above includes minor changes. Not every item listed may be suitable in your case or in your part of the world, and some items may have to be added. For example, seniors and the disabled have their own special needs.



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