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Bible Speaks

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Everything posted by Bible Speaks

  1. "Just as the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; remain in my love. 10 If you observe my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have observed the commandments of the Father and remain in his love." (John 15:9,10) ????? Love is a prominent theme throughout these chapters of John, containing Jesus’ parting counsel to his followers. In fact, various forms of the word “love” occur there 31 times. Jesus’ deep love for his Father, Jehovah, and for his disciples is nowhere made more apparent than in these chapters. Jesus’ love for Jehovah can be deduced from all the Gospel accounts of his life, but only John records that Jesus explicitly stated: “I love the Father.” (John 14:31) ????? Jesus also stated that Jehovah loves him and explained why. He said: “Just as the Father has loved me and I have loved you, remain in my love. If you observe my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have observed the commandments of the Father and remain in his love.” (John 15:9, 10) Yes, Jehovah loves his Son because of his implicit obedience. What a fine lesson for all followers of Jesus Christ! ????? Jesus’ profound love for his followers is underscored at the very beginning of John’s account of Jesus’ final meeting with the apostles. John related: “Now, because he knew before the festival of the passover that his hour had come for him to move out of this world to the Father, Jesus, having loved his own that were in the world, loved them to the end.” (John 13:1) ????? On that memorable evening, he gave them an unforgettable lesson in lovingly serving others. He washed their feet. This was something that each of them should have been willing to do for Jesus and for their brothers, but they held back. Jesus performed this humble task and then said to his disciples: “If I, although Lord and Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash the feet of one another. For I set the pattern for you, that, just as I did to you, you should do also.” (John 13:14, 15) True Christians should be willing and happy to serve their brothers.—Matthew 20:26, 27. - ?????
  2. "These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength." (2 Thess. 1:9) - ???? Appointed Executioners.        The Lord Jesus Christ is God’s  Chief Executioner of vengeance. The apostle Paul comforts Christians with the words: “It is righteous on God’s part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you, but, to you who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength.”—2Th 1:6-9. ???? The Bible indicates that a number of things, individuals, and organizations are to be everlastingly destroyed. Jesus referred to Judas as “the son of destruction.” (Joh 17:12) Judas’ deliberate betrayal of the Son of God made him subject to eternal destruction. The same is true of those who blaspheme the holy spirit. They are guilty of “everlasting sin” and are forgiven neither “in this system of things nor in that to come.” (Mr 3:28, 29; Mt 12:32; see BLASPHEMY.) Permanent destruction also awaits those who by choice “do not know God and those who do not obey the good news.” (2Th 1:8, 9) The composite apostate “man of lawlessness” is also termed “the son of destruction.” (2Th 2:3; see MAN OF LAWLESSNESS.) A judgment of eternal destruction has been determined for Satan, his demons, the symbolic “wild beast” and “false prophet,” and even death and Hades. (Mt 25:41; Re 20:10, 14, 15; 21:8) All of these are consigned to “the lake of fire,” that is, they are everlastingly destroyed. ???? LAKE OF FIRE This expression occurs only in the book of Revelation and is clearly symbolic. The Bible gives its own explanation and definition of the symbol by stating: “This means the second death, the lake of fire.”—Re 20:14; 21:8. ???? The symbolic quality of the lake of fire is further evident from the context of references to it in the book of Revelation. Death is said to be hurled into this lake of fire. (Re 19:20; 20:14) Death obviously cannot be literally burned. Moreover, the Devil, an invisible spirit creature, is thrown into the lake. Being spirit, he cannot be hurt by literal fire.—Re 20:10; compare Ex 3:2 and Jg 13:20. ???? Since the lake of fire represents “the second death” and since Revelation 20:14 says that both “death and Hades” are to be cast into it, it is evident that the lake cannot represent the death man has inherited from Adam (Ro 5:12), nor does it refer to Hades (Sheol). It must, therefore, be symbolic of another kind of death, one that is without reversal, for the record nowhere speaks of the “lake” as giving up those in it, as do Adamic death and Hades (Sheol). (Re 20:13) Thus, those not found written in “the book of life,” unrepentant opposers of God’s sovereignty, are hurled into the lake of fire, meaning eternal destruction, or the second death.—Re 20:15. ???? While the foregoing texts make evident the symbolic quality of the lake of fire, it has been used by some persons to support belief in a literal place of fire and torment. Revelation 20:10 has been appealed to, because it speaks of the Devil, the wild beast, and the false prophet as being “tormented day and night forever and ever” in the lake of fire. However, this cannot refer to actual conscious torment. Those thrown into the lake of fire undergo “the second death.” (Re 20:14) In death there is no consciousness and, hence, no feeling of pain or suffering.—Ec 9:5. ???? In the Scriptures fiery torment is associated with destruction and death. For example, in the Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Scriptures the word for torment (ba?sa·nos) is several times used with reference to punishment by death. (Eze 3:20; 32:24, 30) Similarly, concerning Babylon the Great, the book of Revelation says, “the kings of the earth . . . will weep and beat themselves in grief over her, when they look at the smoke from the burning of her, while they stand at a distance because of their fear of her torment [Gr., ba·sa·ni·smou?].” (Re 18:9, 10) As to the meaning of the torment, an angel later explains: “Thus with a swift pitch will Babylon the great city be hurled down, and she will never be found again.” (Re 18:21) So, fiery torment here is parallel with destruction, and in the case of Babylon the Great, it is everlasting destruction. ???? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200002669
  3. The Promise of a New World is Beyond Our Thinking Now, ??? Yet Soon This Will Be Reality! Pray To Thank Jehovah and His Son that These Times Hard To Deal With, Will Be Forgotten! Come God's Kingdom! "For look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be called to mind, Nor will they come up into the heart. 18 So exult and be joyful forever in what I am creating." (Isaiah 65:17) (Isaiah. 65:17) “For here I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. 18 But exult, YOU people, and be joyful forever in what I am creating."
  4. Are You Depressed? Loaded Down? Overwhelmed? Overcome with Sadness? Read about an Example in the Bible that will help you learn what Helped her Depression. When we feel loaded down, overwhelmed, or overcome with sadness, we do well to follow Hannah’s example and speak openly to the One whom the Bible calls the “Hearer of prayer.” (Psalm 65:2) If we do so in faith, we too may find that our sadness is replaced by “the peace of God that excels all thought.”—Philippians 4:6, 7 Hannah then uttered a prayer that God deemed worthy of inclusion in his inspired Word. As you read her words recorded at 1 Samuel 2:1-10, you will find the depth of her faith conveyed in every line. She praised Jehovah for his marvelous use of power—for his unmatched ability to humble the haughty, to bless the oppressed, and to end life or even to save it from death. She praised her Father for his unique holiness, his justice, and his faithfulness. With good reason, Hannah could say: “There is no rock like our God.” Jehovah is completely reliable, unchanging, and a refuge for all the oppressed and downtrodden who turn to him for help. Two Remarkable Prayers  HannahÂ’s two prayers, recorded at 1 Samuel 1:11 and 2:1-10, contain a number of outstanding features. Consider just a few: ? Hannah addressed the first of the two prayers to “Jehovah of armies.” She is the first person in the Bible record to be quoted as using that title. It occurs a total of 285 times in the Bible and refers to GodÂ’s command over a vast array of spirit sons. ? Note that Hannah uttered the second prayer, not when her son was born, but when she and Elkanah offered him up for GodÂ’s service at Shiloh. So HannahÂ’s great joy lay, not in silencing her rival, Peninnah, but in being blessed by Jehovah. ? When Hannah said, “My horn is indeed exalted in Jehovah,” she may have had in mind the ox, a powerful beast of burden that uses its horns mightily. Hannah was, in effect, saying: ‘Jehovah, you make me strong.’—1 Samuel 2:1. ? HannahÂ’s words about GodÂ’s “anointed one” are considered prophetic. The expression is the same one rendered “messiah,” and Hannah is the first person in the Bible record to use it to refer to a future anointed king.—1 Samuel 2:10. ? JesusÂ’ mother, Mary, about 1,000 years later, echoed some of HannahÂ’s expressions in her own words of praise to Jehovah.—Luke 1:46-55.
  5. A mature servant of Jehovah promotes unity within the congregation. It is our goal that God’s people be “harmoniously joined together” and that all members cooperate with one another. According to JehovahÂ’s Word, to achieve this unity, we need humility. A mature brother or sister has the humility to work for unity, even when facing the imperfections of others. How do you react when confronted with the imperfection of a brother or sister in the congregation? Or what if you personally are wronged by someone in the congregation? Is it your inclination, or even your pattern, to build a wall, so to speak, that separates you from the offender? Or do you try to construct a bridge across the gap between the two of you? A mature Christian wants to—yes, strives to—build bridges, not walls. Consider the example of Uwe. In the past, he tended to let the imperfections of fellow believers upset him. Then he decided to use the Bible and Insight on the Scriptures to study the life of David. Why David? Uwe explains: “David witnessed the unscriptural behavior of some fellow believers. For example, King Saul tried to kill him, some of the people wanted to stone him, and even DavidÂ’s own wife mocked him. But David never allowed the conduct of others to dampen his love for Jehovah. Also, David had a merciful heart, something I needed to cultivate. What I learned through my study changed my view of the imperfections of fellow believers. I no longer keep a chronicle of mistakes. Rather, I strive to contribute to the unity of the congregation.” Do you likewise have the goal of promoting unity in the congregation? - Bible Speaks - Lesson for today. (Eph 4:1-4 WT Study) https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2015681?q=build+a+wall&p=par#h=24
  6. Video Demonstration – On How Only the Blood of Christ Jesus Removes Our Sins ??????? Notice only through Christ’s Blood of redemption can we ever be clean! Nice illustration! Thank you - Bible Speaks Tap on Video Link mp4_____Enjoy! @miguelsaravia89 E9A56A37-F9D7-4FED-994B-0EAEB4F0DDCD.MP4
  7. Don’t Give Up Conventions and Special Times - We are Loved and Always Taken Care of! Give Praise to Jehovah! ????? Tap on Video Link mp4 _____Enjoy! Thank you miguelsaravia89 7883D4A1-2F1B-4550-A7D4-D3B4B8910CE3.MP4
  8. For family worship with our four year old we took him out to fly a kite and talk to him about how we can't see God but we can see the things he's made it just like we can't see the wind but we can see the kite flying in the Wind. The information is found in learn from the great teacher book page 24. Thank you ?
  9. ARE YOU READY FOR JEHOVAH'S DAY? - ???????? IT WILL TAKE A WHILE TO READ BUT WORTH IT! -----------------??? This is long but you won't regret reading it. It will make you stop and really think . ARE YOU PREPARED FOR JEHOVAH'S DAY? Imagine for a moment you are at home by yourself one afternoon. Your children are off at school or work and your husband or wife is also away for the day. They are off at work, shopping or running an errand. It's a beautiful day. But then the sky and everything around you suddenly turns black. You check the lights. The switch is up but itÂ’s still pitch black and it's still the early part of the day. Something's wrong! You reach for the phone to call your family to make sure they are safe but the phone doesn't work. You grab for your cell phone and it too doesn't work. You check and you have no running water, no electricity. Your all alone, its pitch black and there is nothing around you but dead silence. No sun, no wind, no sounds of birds chirping, nothing but still cold air. You sit thinking that the lights will come back on in a moment but they don't. So you sit there in the dark. For an hour, then 2, then 4 hours. What is now going through your mind? You wonder, "is it here...? The end?" Matthew chapter 24 referred to a time where the sun would be darkened and the moon would not give forth light. "Was it figurative, or is it... is it... literal and is it happening to me right now?" Your mind starts to wander and worry, "Where is my mate, where are my children? Are they alright? Are they safe? What are they doing right now?" Now let's jump into the lives of two more people in your area. They have experienced the same thing, complete darkness for hours. One man sits in the darkness of his home and he starts to think deeply. With the dead silence he starts to dwell on his life, his wife, his children, and he looks back at his spiritual record. He bows his head in shame and he starts to tremble in fear. "This is it!" he says to himself. "I knew there would come a time when this would happen. When Jehovah would draw the line! When he would save the faithful and he would destroy the wicked." Where is my wife he wonders? "Where are my children? Are they OK? Are they safe?" I always meant to talk to them about this. To prepare them for this, "the what if's?" What if a disaster were to hit? What if we were to lose contact with one another? What we should do to make sure we were safe both spiritually and physically? To make sure we had proper nourishment, both physical and spiritual! But I didn't. I never seemed to make the time to sit down with them and discuss these important matters. "Where are my dear brothers and sisters from the Kingdom Hall? Oh, I wonder how they are doing." You see, he hadn't been to a meeting for over 3 weeks. "I got so caught up in work, and things, and anxieties. My car! My home! I had time to Bowl. I had time to play ball with the guys. I had time for extended vacations. But I didn't make the time to put that plan together for my family on where we should meet, where we would all go if this were to happen. I don't have light. I don't have water, I have little food. I hope my family can make their way home. I hope someone can find me. I wish I would have made the time to plan better. I wish I would have provided more works to prove to Jehovah that I loved him." He bows his heads and starts to pray for the first time in many days. You see he often got so busy he forgot to do that too. Across town there is another person. What is she doing? She too, sits in the silence, and is looking back on her life and the life of her family. She remembers the faithful and discreet slave speaking about a time when something like this might happen. When Jehovah would draw the line. When it would be too late for a person to go back and change their life's patterns. When the decision would be made whether each person would be saved or they would lose out on eternal life based on their deeds and what came first in their lives. She goes to a closet where she and her family had placed many things in, many months earlier and she pulls out a lantern. She lights the lantern, sits back, opens up her Bible, and she starts to read and reminisce about what she and her family have done with "their" time over the years. She reflects on the words of 1 Thess. 5:6 where it was written "Let us not sleep on as the rest do, but let us stay awake and keep our senses." She is also reminded of the scriptures in Matthew 24 where Jesus warned his followers to "Keep on the Watch." and to "prove yourselves ready?" "Did I do that?" She asks herself. "Did we do it as a family?" She is able to nod her head yes in the faint light of the room. When the faithful slave continued to remind them to keep spiritually awake she and her family listened and followed closely to what was recommended. They read the daily text together and discussed it over dinner as a family. They didn't miss a day. They read the weekly Bible assignment as a family at the completion of their regular weekly family study. She smiles when she thinks of the words written at Hebrews 10:24, 25, where they were commanded to not forsake the gathering together with their spiritual family. Oh how she and her family loved their congregation. "We did just so" she reasons. "We made every meeting we could unless we were sick, we never missed a circuit assembly and NEVER missed even one day of a District Convention. How could we?" she says   out loud. She then starts to think deeply and does a self-evaluation about the fruitages of the spirit and what role they played in her life. Did she display them to a reasonable degree in the congregation? Within the family arrangement? And in the territory she was assigned to preach in? She reasons in her mind, "I know I displayed 'love' towards the friends and my family. I was active in the ministry and showed love toward those in the community. I started Bible studies! I brought some in the truth and even pioneered with my husband and children when I could buy out the time even though it was a challenge for us to do it as a family. I found so much joy in serving side by side with the faithful older sisters in the congregation." 'Kindness'..... I cared for those who got sick in the congregation. I even prepared meals for them!" In regards to the fruitage, peace "I remember that time I had that problem with that sister in the congregation but we were both quick to heed the council in Matthew where we were told to go and attempt to make peace with the other person. I remember having to read that scripture at Matt. 5: 23, 24 many times that day I got the courage to approach her to make peace with her. But I realized that Jehovah wouldn't accept my worship if it wasn't pure and it wouldn't have been pure if I had held on to that resentment I had against her." "And in regards to my husband, we both read Ephesians together many times when we couldn't find anything else nice to say to each. We'd pick up the Bible and read this out loud and it always broke the ice for us to make peace with one another." She turns to her Bible and reads the scripture. Read Eph. 4: 25-27, 32. "We have had troubles just like everyone else but we love each other and we have worked hard for each other for over 25 years now and I have to say our marriage is stronger than ever." At that moment she hears a noise at the front door. She lifts her lantern and walks towards the door. Tears run down her face as she sees her teenage son and daughter walk safely through the door. Minutes later her husband arrives home safely and joins them. They circle around each other in the dimly lit room and hold each other tightly as tears of joy run down their faces. You see, as a family they had planned on what they would do and where they would meet when this day came. And here they were, safely united together. In this closet where she went to earlier to grab the lantern there is also a first aid kit safely packed away in case any one of them got wounded. They had also placed plenty of water and food in that closet that would last them many days. How happy they were that they listened to the advice provided them by their Elders who followed so closely the direction they were given by the faithful and discreet slave. As a family they remained focused, united and active in the ministry. They were present at all the meetings. They always kept up with their family and personal study. They communicated openly and honestly with one another and displayed great love towards one another. They had a disaster plan that they worked on together. In this plan they knew exactly where they would meet and they knew exactly where the food was and how much there would be to sustain them. They headed to that closet that held their food supplies, grabbed a few things, and they ate a quiet meal together as a family in the dimly lit room. Before this meal they bowed their heads to Jehovah and the father began to provide an emotional prayer of thanks to Jehovah for all the direction that he had provided them throughout the years through the congregation meetings and assemblies they attended. And he prayed about how thankful they were for the spiritual family they had become through the hard work and efforts on the part of each family member. He thanked Jehovah for the fact that they had all made it home safely from the chilling events that they had all experienced that day. Each family member joined in with an "Amen," ate the meal and they waited patiently as a family to see what would happen next. Friends, which person are you most like? The one that always had the best intentions but he allowed things to get in the way of planning for his and his families safety and their secure future? Or are you the one that made sure that all family members were cared for spiritually, emotionally and physically? The one who listened intently and did "just so" when they were directed by the faithful and discreet slave and the local elders? (Silence) Friends, you don't have to answer that question right now. Look around you. It is still light. We can still see. Complete darkness hasn't hit yet. We still have time left to make adjustments in our lives although time is running out. Have some of you shortchanged yourself when it comes to personal study? Do you work late to try and provide a more comfortable lifestyle for your spouse and your family and yet you leave no time to sustain yourself spiritually? If you're single have you worked those long overtime hours to have that nicer car, home, or to take those nicer vacations? If so save your soul and make the necessary changes! Study GodÂ’s Word daily. Ponder on the things read, meditate on them. Be ever present at all the meetings! Encourage those around you by your attendance at every meeting and allow yourself to be encouraged by being here, listening to their heartfelt comments. Is there anyone here tonight that you have a strained relationship with? If so, correct it and make peace....tonight! Or call them tomorrow, but make peace! If you are at odds with your mate or your children, put down the sword, or those harsh words and make peace. Hold on to each other tightly. As family heads if it's not already part of your daily or weekly routine, make family worship part of your daily and weekly custom. Train your young ones to honor Jehovah by your example. Train your teenagers that the only safe place to put their future in is in the hands of our heavenly Father Jehovah. Save and protect your spouse and your children. We hand them off to Satan's world each day for 6-8 hours when they go off to school and work. Are we doing enough at home to combat what is thrown at them when they are away from the home? Hopefully we can say "yes". If not, make those adjustments. Become skilled communicators, teachers, and make sure your home is a safe haven for all family members. A place to worship Jehovah peacefully...as a united family! And when disaster strikes and it will do you have a plan in place? Where will you and your family come together? Will you have food to eat, water to drink, first aid supplies to assist those that might be hurt in both your family and here in the congregation? If you say "no" or "I'm not sure" to any of these questions correct them now, put them in place as soon as possible while you still have light and you can see. While you still have time and can still plan. The curtains are closing on this system and its getting ever darker. Jehovah's Day is coming as a thief and it will not delay! Which one of these roles played out tonight will you play? Based on what you are doing todayand what you will do moving forward will determine the outcome. Are you prepared for Jehovah's Day? ???????? Contributed –Â
  10. “Salvation Belongs to Jehovah” (Psalm 4:6, 7) . . ."Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Jehovah. You will certainly give a rejoicing in my heart." ????????? David continues: “There are many saying: ‘Who will show us good?Â’ Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Jehovah.” (Ps. 4:6) ‘The light of JehovahÂ’s faceÂ’ signifies divine favor. (Ps. 89:15) So when David prays: “Lift up the light of your face upon us,” he means ‘show us favor.Â’ Because we trust in Jehovah, we have his favor and great joy as we confidently do his will. ????????? Looking forward to God-given joys that surpass those of harvesttime, David sings to Jehovah: “You will certainly give a rejoicing in my heart greater than in the time when their grain and their new wine have abounded.” (Ps. 4:7) We can be certain of experiencing heartfelt joy if we have a full share in todayÂ’s spiritual harvest work. (Luke 10:2) With the ‘populous nationÂ’ of anointed ones taking the lead, we now rejoice as the number of ‘harvest workersÂ’ keeps growing. (Isa. 9:3) Are you having a truly satisfying part in this joyful harvest? ????????? Confidently Press On With Complete Trust in God - Bible Speaks We have so much to rejoice about!    ????? https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2011368?q=ps+4%3A6%2C7&p=par
  11. “This is Brogan! She and her mom made this model of the Ark for BroganÂ’s part on the Christian Life and  Ministry Meeting!  ItÂ’s got little replicas of the items inside.” Thank you Love it ?
  12. Never Get Thirsty at All! - See Why? ~ ??? “Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty at all, but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life.”—JOHN 4:14 Like ? water, which cleanses physically, Bible truth has power to carry out moral and spiritual cleansing. Thus, all who desire GodÂ’s favor must work to keep themselves morally and spiritually “spotless and unblemished.” (2 Peter 3:11, 14) How does GodÂ’s Word help them to do this? ??? Those interested in pleasing Jehovah God take in spiritual water through regular Bible study. When the knowledge they gain touches their mind and heart, it gives such ones a strong desire to do what the Bible directs: “Be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”—Romans 12:2. ??? Accurate knowledge of GodÂ’s will enables such individuals to identify stains and blemishes in their conduct and thinking. As they apply Bible principles in their life over a period of time, GodÂ’s Word, like water, will help them to be “washed clean” of even serious sin.—1 Corinthians 6:9-11 ??? An Invitation for All In the last book of the Bible, we find the description of “a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb.” (Revelation 22:1) ??? The stream represents GodÂ’s provisions that will eventually bring human life back to the perfect state that Adam and Eve enjoyed at the start of human history. ??? After describing that river, the account goes on to relate this invitation: “Let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take lifeÂ’s water free.” (Revelation 22:17) ??? Today, that invitation is being sounded earth wide. Each year, JehovahÂ’s Witnesses in more than 240 lands are spending almost two billion hours in helping people to take in life-giving knowledge of the Bible. ??? Do you thirst for the water of life? By taking in the crystal-clear water, that is to say, by learning about and making use of the provisions from our Creator, you too can be among those who are “safely treasuring up for themselves a fine foundation for the future, in order that they may get a firm hold on the real life.”—1 Timothy 6:19.  WORLDWIDE LANDS 240 PEAK PUBLISHERS 8,340,847 TOTAL HOURS SPENT IN THE FIELD MINISTRY 1,983,763,754 BIBLE STUDIES 10,115,264 2017 Yearbook https://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/2017-yearbook/worldwide-preaching-teaching/#?insight[search_id]=67c52b7d-85bb-4b09-9c61-f593b7c3cdd2&insight[search_result_index]=1 Read more at: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2008404?q=never+get+thirsty+at+all&p=par
  13. Move Toward the Light! ????? LIGHTHOUSES have saved an untold number of lives. To a weary traveler, though, a light seen in the distance does more than warn of dangerous reefs. It also announces that his destination is near. Paralleling that, Christians today are nearing the end of a long journey, one that has led them through a bedarkened, spiritually dangerous world. In the Bible, mankind in general—the masses alienated from God—are likened to “the sea that is being tossed, when it is unable to calm down, the waters of which keep tossing up seaweed and mire.” (Isaiah 57:20) God’s people are surrounded by such an environment. Yet, they have a bright prospect of salvation, which is for them a figurative, reliable light. (Micah 7:8) Thanks to Jehovah and his written Word, “light itself has flashed up for the righteous one, and rejoicing even for the ones upright in heart.”—Psalm 97:11. Some Christians, though, have allowed distractions to lure them away from Jehovah’s light so that their faith has been shipwrecked on what we might liken to treacherous rocks—materialism, immorality, or even apostasy. Yes, as in the first century, some today “have experienced shipwreck concerning their faith.” (1 Timothy 1:19; 2 Peter 2:13-15, 20-22) The new world might be likened to the home port for which we are heading. With it so close now, what a tragedy it would be for one to lose Jehovah’s favor! Avoid ‘Shipwreck of Your Faith’ In past centuries, a ship might navigate a wide sea safely only to be wrecked as it approached port. Often the most treacherous leg of the trip came as the ship neared land. Similarly, for many the most dangerous period in human history is “the last days” of this present system of things. The Bible accurately describes these as “hard to deal with,” especially for dedicated Christians.—2 Timothy 3:1-5. Why are these last days so difficult? Well, Satan knows that he has only “a short period of time” left in which to war against God’s people. Hence, he has escalated his vicious campaign to wreck their faith. (Revelation 12:12, 17) Yet, we are not without help and guidance. Jehovah continues to be a refuge for those who heed his counsel. (2 Samuel 22:31) He has furnished us with warning examples that expose Satan’s clever but malevolent designs. Let us now review two such examples involving the nation of Israel as they approached the Promised Land.—1 Corinthians 10:11; 2 Corinthians 2:11 Keep strong, we are all being tested and read more  at: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2007763?q=move+toward+the+light&p=par
  14. I had a cozy time with Edel an 97 faithful sister and friend.... ??????? She wasn't able to attend the convention so we enjoyed the movie together...She is such encouragement for me.... ??????? On the days of the meeting.. She doesn't schedule anything else coz she wants to save her strength for listening to meeting over her phone!!! Thank you ?
  15. Thank you ????? Song 149 "A Victory Song" Picture yourself on the shores of the Red Sea as Jehovah’s people sing his praises. Tap on Video Link mp4 ______Enjoy! 9D14CFCC-5FE3-4FF4-B2E1-298A93958D93.MP4
  16. Experiences of the life of Geoffrey Jackson, of the Governing Body. In 2009, brother Jackson attended the opening of a kingdom hall and there he was interviewed. A brother present at that meeting tells us some anecdote that does not appear in the publications. He married his first wife, Jenny, in 1974 at the age of 19 Unfortunately, his first wife, Jenny, was diagnosed with cancer in 1999 One day, in 2005, while he was at headquarters, he was given a letter to invite him to be a member of the body body, and he responded by saying that he did not think he was ready, but two weeks later responded to him and said he had been Appointed. They told him to keep it secret for 6 weeks and specifically not to say anything to his wife. He wondered why he could not tell his wife and told him that it was his first lesson to appreciate that she was just one of's families and that she would hear the news at the same time as everyone else, what he thought was Fitting. His wife could not attend breakfast most of the time because she was subjected to chemotherapy. Jackson had to encourage her to attend the morning of the announcement and even washed the dishes so that everything was ready for breakfast. However, no one has passed the ad to bro. Losch, the president and not read. Then Jackson had to go through the whole process again for his wife to attend the next day. Just before it was announced, I needed to get out of the breakfast room because I had a cough. At the time of the interview, Jackson was in the department department, his job was to write and edit. He declares that everything that is printed should be read by the members of the ruling body 2 OR 3 TIMES AND EACH PAGE SIGNED BEFORE PRINTING. He says that much of his work is reading him. He thought he was busy in the past, but it was nothing compared to being in the governing body. It explains how all the members of the ruling body get along so well even though their origins are probably the most diverse for a group of men. He says they speak so freely that they all lay "eggs in the face" at one time or another because they make suggestions that are not accepted. One of the most exciting things Jackson feels is the way the ruling body makes decisions. He says that even if a member writes a study article and sends it to the newsroom, it's not spiritual food. There are 90 different steps that must follow, check, correct, investigate and then, when it comes out, it's spiritual food. The same is true of the ruling body meetings. He's got one thing right, many times he's too conspicuous to come out on the other side. Jackson says that angels run the preaching job, but that every day they come out, a Jehovah's witness doesn't necessarily see that address, but every now and then something happens and one goes, wow, there must be angels involved. He says it's the same with the ruling body meetings. Before going to a meeting, they do a lot of research, prayers and careful consideration. A lot of things are mundane and they can go one way or another, but the number of times you've seen ' something kick ' and the discussion goes differently and the decision is something they didn't totally have in mind. He often finds himself out of the room and tells the other members of the body, 'wow, what happened there'. For Him, it can only be the Holy Spirit. He recounts one of his favorite stories about brother Barr (already deceased) says that while he was in a food, a brother approached Barr with a camera and told him that he was studying with a 90-Year-old man named Harry and he asked Barr to give him a message. Brother Barr looks at the camera and says "Harry, you'd better hurry". – Contributed TranslatedÂ
  17. All creatures great and small have love to show to others. ????? Is it such a lesson for us to learn? Jehovah teaches us love and it is a wonderful quality for us to show others, in fact it is a attribute we should show. What a wonderful thought one day to all have love in a world with love and peace forever! Amen ????? Jehovah Is the God of Love “God is love.”—1 JOHN 4:8, 16. THE Bible tells us that “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) But what does this really mean? Love is not just one of Jehovah’s many beautiful qualities. It is his main quality. He does not just have love. He is love. Love guides everything he does. How thankful we are that love motivated Jehovah to create the entire universe and all living things! ????? Jehovah has kind and tender feelings for his creation. His love for us gives us confidence that his purpose for mankind will come true in the best possible way. The result will be real happiness for those who obey him. For example, because of love, Jehovah “has set a day on which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed,” Jesus Christ. (Acts 17:31) ????? We are confident that this judgment will happen. For obedient humans, it will mean a wonderful future that will last forever. ????? Love by Prachit Punyapor / 500px
  18. Creation - How did God Make that? - What Does the Bible Teach? - It Tells Us More Than You Realize! ~ Definition: Creation, as explained in the Bible, means that Almighty God designed and brought into existence the universe, including other spirit persons and all the basic kinds of life upon the earth. In this modern, scientific world, is it reasonable to believe in creation? “The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building a spaceship to fly to the moon and can time the flight with the precision of a fraction of a second. These laws must have been set by somebody.” —Quoted from Wernher von Braun, who had much to do with sending American astronauts to the moon. Physical universe: If you found a precision timepiece, would you conclude that it was formed by a chance blowing together of some dust particles? Obviously, someone with intelligence made it. There is an even more magnificent “clock.” The planets in our solar system, also the stars in the entire universe, move at a rate that is more precise than most clocks designed and manufactured by man. The galaxy in which our solar system is located includes over 100 billion stars, and astronomers estimate that there are 100 billion of such galaxies in the universe. If a clock is evidence of intelligent design, how much more so is the far more vast and complicated universe! The Bible describes the Designer of it as “the true God, Jehovah, . . . the Creator of the heavens and the Grand One stretching them out.”—Isa. 42:5 Planet Earth: When crossing a barren desert, if you came to a beautiful house, well equipped in every way and stocked with food, would you believe that it got there by some chance explosion? No; you would realize that someone with considerable wisdom built it. Well, scientists have not yet found life on any of the planets of our solar system except the earth; available evidence indicates that the others are barren. This planet is, as the book The Earth says, “the wonder of the universe, a unique sphere.” (New York, 1963, Arthur Beiser, p. 10) It is at just the right distance from the sun for human life, and it moves at just the right speed to be held in orbit. The atmosphere, of a kind found only around the earth, is made up of just the right proportion of gases to sustain life. Marvelously, light from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and water and minerals from fertile soil combine to produce food for earth's inhabitants. Did it all come about as a result of some uncontrolled explosion in space? Science News admits: “It seems as if such particular and precise conditions could hardly have arisen at random.” (August 24 and 31, 1974, p. 124) The Bible's conclusion is reasonable when it states: “Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God.”—Heb. 3:4 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200271451
  19. Jehovah the Creator and Controller of the Seas! All in Wisdom He has made them for Our Benefit! ~ ??? (Ps 104:24,25) How many your works are, O Jehovah! You have made all of them in wisdom.The earth is full of what you have made. There is the sea, so great and wide,Teeming with countless living things, both small and great." "How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made. As for this sea so great and wide." Origin of Sea Life. The Genesis account reports that sea life and flying creatures were the first animal life on earth. It reads: “And God went on to say: ‘Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls and let flying creatures fly over the earth upon the face of the expanse of the heavens.’ And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God got to see that it was good. With that God blessed them, saying: ‘Be fruitful and become many and fill the waters in the sea basins, and let the flying creatures become many in the earth.’ And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a fifth day.”—Ge 1:20-23. The Bible repeatedly acknowledges Jehovah as the Creator of the seas, which were formed as distinct from the dry land on the third creative day. (Ge 1:9, 10, 13; Ne 9:6; Ac 4:24; 14:15; Re 14:7) It also comments on his ability to extend his power over the sea and to control it. (Job 26:12; Ps 65:7; 89:9; Jer 31:35) When his Son was on earth he was given authority by his Father to command the sea, with effectiveness. (Mt 8:23-27; Mr 4:36-41; Joh 6:17-20) God’s control of the seas is demonstrated by the way the coasts and the tides keep the sea within its set limits, barricaded, as it were, by doors. (Job 38:8-11; Ps 33:7; Pr 8:29; Jer 5:22) This accomplishment in connection with the sea, as well as its role in the earth’s water cycle (Ec 1:7; Am 5:8), makes the sea an example of Jehovah’s wonderful works. Poetically speaking, even the seas join in praising their Creator.—Ps 98:7 Psalm 96:11 "Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be joyful. Let the sea thunder and that which fills it." Read at: https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200275126
  20. What is Dynamic Energy? It tells us, Awe-Inspiring Power! Now How is that for a Creator who Calls them by Name! ????? Isaiah 40:26 26 “Lift up your eyes to heaven and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who brings out their army by number; He calls them all by name. Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power, Not one of them is missing." - Bible Speaks
  21. Interesting experience as an Orthodox Demon Exorcist, is a witness to the Lord. Here we see the answer to the question of why people of Babylon expel demons. Satan against Satan? Translation of the narrated experience in Ukrainian: I've been fond of the occult since childhood, and I got some "hits" pretty early. Already in my childhood I could remove any pain, stop the blood, etc. Later, I met Jehovah's witnesses and I was almost baptized, but the life arranged differently, and I separated from them for a long period of 18 years. Resume my mania about spiritualism, already at the age of about 34 years and demons gave me more power - I began to heal the most severe of the disease and deal with the exorcism (the expulsion of demons). It was said that I was one of the strongest in Ukraine. The official condition for demons was the presence of Orthodox Attributes (crosses, icons, incense), so I felt deeply verborizado and began to lead an active life in the church. I visited all services (not only on weekends), restored icons, di builders in church building, I was admitted to the holies, I almost became the head of the temple. I personally contacted the metropolitan of the uoc Vladimir and received blessings from him. I also took hesychasm - spiritual practice and Orthodox Ascetic, similar to. Actually, he lived like a monk, although he was not formally a monk or a priest. I prayed for several hours a day, I knew of memory many canons and achastas and did other things that very few people do today. By the way, these days you rarely see an exorcist father. Orthodoxy has almost ceased to be a religion, it is increasingly a business, and demons increasingly strengthen the common lay who are willing to work themselves. Possession by demons is not a myth or an evangelical metaphor, but a real phenomenon. This is a type of viral disease of humanity. For most people, demons can simply damage or throw problems, but in some cases they can fully enter a person, i.e. to control their awareness and actions. They can send diseases that can't be cured. A person cannot show signs of possession, and then no other person (except the exorcist) can determine it, or himself. If it manifests itself, it often looks like a mental illness. Most people who are in psychiatric hospitals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or violent insanity are actually possessed (although, of course, such diagnoses are real). Medicine will never admit it, but I know it because I quickly helped those people. Demons can also send physical diseases, and are treated with relative ease. The demon simply returns the victims to their original state and leaves (for a while, about this below). To treat common diseases is much more difficult and longer, but it is often also possible (although there are exceptions, for example, congenital diseases, well, Resurrect Demons who do not know how). Cure Deadly diseases the doctors couldn't face. In order to capture the "Contagion" of possession, it is not necessary to get carried away by the occult, as they sometimes think. For example, a person can inflict harm (only if he is a real wizard, and not one of those who have been divorced today, like flies). Demons are very fond of getting into people who are hard to sin. Once I could not expel a demon from a woman who left her husband and children, she lived with her lover and tried to deceive me even to me, betraying her lover for her husband. There are also more exotic cases. For example, one day a man with very strong possession was brought to me, he did not remember his name, he was ill with many sores that could not be diagnosed. They tried to treat him, even schizophrenia, but they did not heal (naturally) and were actually sent home to die. He quickly collected it from all the problems, and it turned out that he "picked up possession" when he was digging a grave and fell into an old grave. The Motives of demons in this case are obvious: to increase fear of the dead and belief in future life. People who listen to such stories are even more full of fear of the dead, and then it's useless to show them the Bible. The deception is working. However, over time, I realized one important thing: No exorcist has on the demons the power of Jesus and the apostles. Jesus could "send" to the demons (Sea. 9:25), the exorcist can't. First, he can expel the demon only temporarily. If a person does not change the sinful life form, the devil always returns. They took me to the same people several times. If a person really begins to lead a godly life, he observes all the canons of the church, the demon can leave it a little more time, for several years, but eventually he can return. But an even more important point: in some cases, the demon refuses in principle to release a person. The Demon could tell me before the session that there was no need to try, I would never leave this person. In this case, he had no power (as in the previous case with a woman). Finally, the devil never goes away, but he always torments his victim. People scream, tear their clothes, hair, in a word, terrible things happen. I saw things that could drive me crazy. It's always a concert for the public, and the public shouldn't be nervous. In The Bible, we will never read about such things. But in the end, there is a powerful effect, people are truly convinced that the church has great power. In fact, the demons just endure. Exorcism is not real help to people, but a contract between demons and the church for deceiving people and convincing them of the truth of Orthodoxy. The Exorcist is just an actor in this play, and the demons themselves decide whether to let them "expel" or not. These are the rules of the game. That's why over time I realized more and more that I wasn't doing what I needed. Even the healing didn't give me satisfaction, because I understood under what tone I was dancing. He had respect, prestige and even power over people. During the sessions, a person could be almost completely unconscious in my power. But there was something deeply wrong with me, as a kind Christian, to communicate and cooperate with the demons. I was more and more displeased to pray to Mary and the saints. He often remembered Jehovah. At some point, I realized I could no longer do it, I picked up all my icons, crosses, etc., in the yard and burned them, and a week later I was in a meeting of Jehovah's witnesses. It was dangerous, because the exorcist can't just stop practicing. If you quit, you end up in the cemetery or at the psychiatric hospital. Demons don't forgive treason. It's like a mob. I knew the Lord could protect me, but I didn't know exactly how. The first few months the demons asked me to come back and even promised such forces, which I didn't have before. I refused and told the Lord. Then they changed their tactics and for several months they created crazy psychological pressure. It was a big fight. I understood that Jehovah allowed this as a test and must be temporary. And it happened Jehovah differs from the exorcist in which he really handles demons and then forbids them to enter the person, and the exorcist simply arranges the circus. Among Jehovah's witnesses, there are no possessed, which cannot be said about the orthodox. You may be a parishioner, Monk, priest and even an exemplary and deeply religious bishop, nothing will help you. But when a person obeys the Lord, he controls access to him from demons. This is the only guarantee. You can throw him in trouble, threaten him, but you'll never get into him and control his life. I still help people get rid of the power of demons, but in a much more effective way. I suggest that you change your lives, abandon all your sins and, most importantly, engage and serve the only true God, Jehovah. Only he provides the only reliable protection. Everything else, it's much like a temporary solution, in the worst case, a waste of time and money. Without a true God, each one of us is vulnerable to the influence of demons, his life is like a lottery, walking on a rope. Believe me as an expert. Vitaly Perevyshko, Ukraine http://chivchalov.blogspot.com.es/2013/01/blog-post_23.html
  22. WHAT IS NEGLECT? ??? This word has the meaning of paying no attention to; disregarding; being remiss in care for or treatment of (someone or something); failure to carry out or perform (orders, duties, and so forth). The word can carry the connotation of willfulness or deliberateness in such failure, or merely of oversight through indifference or carelessness. The Greek word a·me·le?o (from a, “not,” and me?lo, “care for”) contains more definitely the idea of unconcern, not caring, and not so much the thought of unintentional oversight or the overlooking of something. After describing the severe punishment for disobedience to the Mosaic Law, the apostle Paul says: “How shall we escape if we have neglected [Gr., a·me·le?san·tes, “having been unconcerned (of)”] a salvation of such greatness in that it began to be spoken through our Lord . . . while God joined in bearing witness?” Here he indicates that it is not the matter of an oversight, but the lack of concern, a ‘drifting away’ (vs 1), disobedience to the word of God spoken through his only-begotten Son.—Heb 2:1-4, Int. Paul quotes Jehovah’s words concerning Israel wherein He spoke of the Law covenant, saying, “which covenant of mine they themselves broke, although I myself had husbandly ownership of them.” (Jer 31:32) In place of “although I myself had husbandly ownership of them,” the Septuagint reads: “and I stopped caring for them.” This doubtless explains why the quotation, at Hebrews 8:9, reads: “Because they did not continue in my covenant, so that I stopped caring [showed no concern] for them.” Jehovah was certainly not negligent in the sense of carelessness or oversight; rather, he showed great concern for his covenant people until they disregarded his word and rebelled against him. Only then and on that basis was it that he “stopped caring [Gr., e·me?le·sa] for them.” The disciple James states: “For the one that does not practice mercy will have his judgment without mercy. Mercy exults triumphantly over judgment.” (Jas 2:13) The context shows that he is developing the thoughts expressed earlier as to true worship, including the expression of mercy in caringfor those afflicted, and in not showing favoritism and discriminating against the poor in favor of the rich. (Jas 1:27; 2:1-9) His following words also indicate this, as they deal with the needs of brothers “in a naked state and lacking the food sufficient for the day.” (Jas 2:14-17) Hence, his words correspond to those of Jesus, that it is the merciful who will be shown mercy. Lesson for today. (Heb 13:1-3) SHOW LOVE ?? ITS HEALING TO YOU AND ALL PEOPLE https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200003210?q=caring&p=par
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