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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. "You must not follow after the crowd for evil ends." (Ex. 23:2)

    "You must not follow after the crowd to do evil, and you must not pervert justice by giving testimony to go along with the crowd." 

    In taking a long journey, what would you do if you felt unsure about which way to go? You might feel tempted to follow other travelers—especially if you saw a great many making the same choice. Such a course is risky. After all, those travelers may not be heading toward your destination, or they too may be lost. 

    In this connection, consider a principle that underlies one of the laws given to ancient Israel. Those who served as judges or as witnesses in judicial matters were warned of the danger of ‘following after the crowd.’ Without doubt, it is all too easy for imperfect humans to bow to peer pressure, perverting justice. However, is the principle about not following the crowd restricted to judicial matters? Not at all. In truth, the pressure to “follow after the crowd” can affect us at almost any time. It may arise suddenly, and it can be very difficult to resist. - Bible Speaks -



  2. A subtle change of understanding
    We just received the video about Joel's book on broadcasting. And I have noticed a remarkable, but very little point of understanding. Let's see

    Joel's book says:
    (Joel 1:4) what the caterpillar left, the lobster ate it; and what left the lobster, the lobster crawling, without wings, ate it; and what the lobster crawling, without wings, has left , the cockroach ate it.

    For many years, even since Rutherford, the understanding of the slave has been the following:
    Watchtower 1998
    How vividly describes this prophecy to the current symbolic locust army! Today, the army of locusts of the Lord also march forward. There are no "Wall" of opposition. Instead of compromising their integrity to God, they are willing to die, like the thousands of witnesses who 'fell between the shells' for refusing to acclaim Hitler during the Nazi regime in Germany.
    The current army of locusts gives a comprehensive testimony in "the city" of Christianity (Joel 2:9). It does it in the whole world. It still overcomes all obstacles, enters millions of homes, tackles people on the streets, talks to them on the phone and gets in touch with them for every possible means by declaring the message of the Lord. Indeed, he has distributed billions of biblical publications, and will distribute many more in his incessant ministry, which is made publicly and home at home (Acts 20:20, 21).
    Watchtower 2008
    The Prophet Joel Illustrated the work of evangelize of Christians with a devastating insect infestation that included locusts (Joel 1:4). Advancing as an army, locusts overcome obstacles, enter houses and devour everything they find in their path (read Joel 2:2, 7-9). This is a very graphic description of the persistent and comprehensive preaching that the people of God do today.

    But by watching the video about Joel's book, we noticed two things:
    First, he makes a meticulous description of the locusts, but not a word of his modern application.
    Second, about the 1:50th minute, with the image of the locusts on the screen, it is said: "look at how bad it is to those who oppose God". and nothing more.

    It is a clear sign that the previous interpretation is no longer maintained.




  3. Learn to Hsve the Joy of “JEHOVAH”! 

    J~ust when I was feeling downhearted and felt like I would lose my senses; my 

    E~ternal and heavenly father interceded in my life and talked to me through 

    H~is word the bible; and I learned that he is always with me and always will be! 

    O~nce in a while it might take him a bit longer to answer my prayers; but I 

    V~alue that time of wait, itÂ’s for my own sake that he is doing it; I know

    A~nd appreciate this privilege that we have to have a close relationship with our 

    H~eavenly father..he is an awesome GOD and his name is Jehovah!!” - Bible Speaks


  4. 'I will keep my faithful servant As the apple of my eye. Never fear you are forgotten; I am still your strength and shield.'


    Song 33 

    Fear Them Not! (Matthew 10:28) 

    1. Ever onward, O my people,

    Let the Kingdom tidings go.

    Tremble not before our foe.

    Let all lovers of truth know

    That my reigning Son, Christ Jesus,

    To the earth has cast the foe,

    Soon to bind the Devil, Satan,

    Letting all his victims go. (CHORUS)

    Fear them not, O my beloved,

    Though their boasting threats may fly.

    I will keep my faithful servant

    As the apple of my eye. 

    2. Even though your foes are many,

    Though they threaten and revile,

    Though they flatter and they smile,

    To mislead and to beguile.

    Fear them not, my faithful warriors,

    Nor their persecutionÂ’s heat,

    For I will preserve the faithful

    Till the victÂ’ry is complete. (CHORUS)

    Fear them not, O my beloved,

    Though their boasting threats may fly.

    I will keep my faithful servant

    As the apple of my eye. 

    3. Never fear you are forgotten;

    I am still your strength and shield.

    Though you die upon the field,

    Even death to me will yield.

    Fear them not who kill the body

    But cannot destroy the soul.

    To the end may you be faithful;

    I will bring you to your goal! (CHORUS)

    Fear them not, O my beloved,

    Though their boasting threats may fly.

    I will keep my faithful servant

    As the apple of my eye.

    (See also Deut. 32:10; Neh. 4:14; Ps. 59:1; 83:2, 3.)




  5. Forgive One Another Freely! ???

    "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Just as Jehovah freely forgave you, you must also do the same."–(Col 3:13) 

    “Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely.”– (Col 3:13)

    Why must we be willing to forgive?
    How did Jesus illustrate the need to          be forgiving?
    What blessings do we receive because      of freely forgiving one another?

    JEHOVAHÂ’S written Word enables us to learn how he views sin and how he reacts when we commit sins. His Word also reveals much about forgiveness. In the preceding article, we focused on how the attitudes of David and Manasseh elicited JehovahÂ’s forgiveness. Their contrite, heartfelt sorrow over what they had done led them to confession, rejection of their wicked acts, and genuine repentance. In turn, Jehovah restored them to his favor.

    We live in a lawless, violent, and selfish world. So why should a Christian want to cultivate a forgiving attitude? And if you suffer an affront or an injustice, what can help you to keep your emotions under control, react as Jehovah would want you to, and be willing to forgive?




  6. Coming to Know Jehovah’s Ways - Pray for Help and Direction!


    “Make me know . . . your ways, that I may know you.”—EXODUS 33:13

    What Jehovah Expects of His People
    What Jehovah expected of his people was disclosed orally at Mount Sinai. Moses later received two tablets containing the Ten Commandments in written form. Upon descending from the mountain, he saw the Israelites worshiping the molten calf and angrily threw down the tablets, shattering them. Jehovah again inscribed the Ten Commandments on stone tablets that Moses had carved out. (Exodus 32:19; 34:1) 

    These commandments had not changed since they were first given. Moses was to act in harmony with them. God also impressed upon Moses the sort of person that He is, thus showing Moses how to conduct himself as JehovahÂ’s representative. Christians are not under the Mosaic Law, but what Jehovah told Moses embodies many basic principles that have not changed and that continue to apply to all who worship Jehovah. (Romans 6:14; 13:8-10) Let us consider a few of these.

    Give Jehovah exclusive devotion. The nation of Israel was present when Jehovah declared that he requires exclusive devotion. (Exodus 20:2-5) The Israelites had seen abundant evidence that Jehovah is the true God. (Deuteronomy 4:33-35) Jehovah made it clear that regardless of what other nations were doing, he would not tolerate any form of idolatry or spiritism among his people. Their devotion to him was to be no mere formality. All of them were to love Jehovah with their whole heart, their whole soul, and all their vital force. (Deuteronomy 6:5, 6) This would involve their speech, their conduct—indeed, every aspect of their lives. (Leviticus 20:27; 24:15, 16; 26:1) 

    Strictly obey Jehovah’s commandments. The people of Israel needed to be reminded that when they entered into a covenant relationship with Jehovah, they vowed to obey him strictly. They enjoyed much personal freedom, but in matters on which Jehovah had given them commandments, they had to be strictly obedient. Doing so would give evidence of their love for God and would benefit them and their offspring because all of Jehovah’s requirements were for their good.—Exodus 19:5-8; Deuteronomy 5:27-33; 11:22, 23.

    Give priority to spiritual matters. The nation of Israel was not to allow caring for physical needs to crowd out attention given to spiritual activities. The Israelites’ lives were not to be devoted solely to mundane pursuits. Jehovah set aside time each week that he designated as sacred, time used exclusively for activity related to worship of the true God. (Exodus 35:1-3; Numbers 15:32-36) 



  7. "Do not forget to do good and to share what you have with others, for God is well pleased with such sacrifices." (Heb. 13:16) 


    "Do not forget the doing of good and the sharing of things with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased."—(Heb. 13:16)


    When you dedicated yourself to Jehovah, you made that decision without reservation, did you not? In effect, you said that in every aspect of your life, you would put Jehovah first. (Heb. 10:7) 


    Doubtless you have seen that when you seek Jehovah’s will in a matter and strive to work in harmony with it, the results are excellent. (Isa. 48:17, 18) It is important that we avoid any associations or involvements that would defile us from God’s point of view. (Isa. 2:4; Rev. 18:4) We also cannot allow our eyes to keep looking at that which is unclean or immoral or let our minds fantasize about such things. (Col. 3:5, 6) 


    Being good and doing good to others as a matter of course is something that Jehovah views as an acceptable sacrifice to him. It is a distinguishing mark of true Christians.—John 13:34, 35; Col. 1:10. 


  8. On 10/30/2017 at 2:09 PM, J.R. Ewing said:

    My response was geared to “Srecko” sarcasm, but since you “like” what you wrote, IÂ’m sure thatÂ’s good enough for you! Carry on!!B|



    @J.R. Ewing

    My message was Bible based. I ignore ignorance! Allow all opinions of others. Truth is the “only” answer. Thank you! 

  9. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."—Rom. 3:23. 


    Before a person can develop lifesaving faith, he must acknowledge that he is a sinner. The idea of being such would not be strange for those who grow up believing in God and having some familiarity with the Bible. (Eccl. 7:20) 


    In some lands, however, the average person is not raised thinking that he (or she) was born a sinner, that he inherited sin. 


    Granted, he probably realizes that he makes mistakes, has undesirable traits, and may have done some bad things. And he observes that others are in a similar situation. 


    Still, given his background, he does not really understand why he and others are like that. In fact, in some languages, if you say that a person is a sinner, others may think that you are saying that he is a criminal or at least a person who broke some rules. 


    Obviously, a person growing up in such an environment may not readily think of himself as a sinner in the sense that Paul meant. 



  10. What Does Jehovah’s Forgiveness Mean for You? ????????
    "Jehovah, a God merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love and truth, showing loyal love to thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin." (Exodus 34:6,7) 

    “Jehovah [is] a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger . . . , pardoning error and transgression and sin.”— Ex34:6, 7) 

    People can receive God’s forgiveness only if they have already forgiven those who have sinned against them. (Mark 11:25) Stressing this point, Jesus added: “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; whereas if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” (Matt. 6:14, 15) Yes, God grants forgiveness only to those who freely forgive others. And one way to keep on doing good is to comply with Paul’s counsel: “Even as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also.”—Col. 3:13.
    Be forgiving Jehovah forgave you! 

    How refreshing to know that our God is “ready to forgive”! Despite the mistakes we may have made, we should never conclude that we are beyond the reach of Jehovah’s mercy. 

    If we truly repent, take steps to right the wrong, and earnestly pray for forgiveness on the basis of Jesus’ shed blood, we can have full confidence that Jehovah will forgive us. (1 John 1:9) 

    Let us imitate his forgiveness in our dealings with one another. After all, if Jehovah, who does not sin, can so lovingly forgive us, should not we sinful humans do our best to forgive one another?

    Learn more on forgiveness at:


  11. The Truth About Halloween - ???

    1. “Halloween,” explains the Encyclopedia of American Folklore, “is integrally related to the prospect of contact with spiritual forces, many of which threaten or frighten.” (See the box “Halloween Time Line.”) Likewise, many celebrations like Halloween have pagan origins and are deeply rooted in ancestor worship. Even today, people around the world use these days to make contact with supposed spirits of the dead.

    2. Although Halloween has been viewed mainly as an American holiday, each year people in more and more countries have been adopting it. Many newcomers to the celebration, however, are unaware of the pagan origins of Halloween symbols, decorations, and customs, most of which are related to supernatural beings and occult forces.—See the box “Where Did It Come From?”

    3. Thousands of Wiccans, who follow ancient Celtic rituals, still call Halloween by the ancient name Samhain and consider it to be the most sacred night of the year. “Christians ‘don’t realize it, but they’re celebrating our holiday with us. . . . We like it,’” stated the newspaper USA Today when quoting a professed witch.

    4. Celebrations like Halloween are in conflict with Bible teachings. The Bible warns: “There must never be anyone among you who . . . practices divination, who is soothsayer, augur or sorcerer, who uses charms, consults ghosts or spirits, or calls up the dead.”—Deuteronomy 18:10, 11, The Jerusalem Bible; see also Leviticus 19:31; Galatians 5:19-21

    Halloween has generally been regarded as an American holiday. Yet this celebration has become popular in many parts of the world. Additionally, there are other festivities that are like Halloween in that they celebrate the existence and activity of spirit creatures. Shown here are some of the popular holidays like Halloween around the globe.

    North America - Day of the Dead
    South America - Kawsasqanchis
    Europe - Day of the Dead and variations of Halloween
    Africa - Dance of the Hooded Egunguns
    Asia - Bon Festival



  12. More Durable Than Pure ? Gold - What Could That Be? - It is Forever Durable than Gold or Silver? - You Can Have it Too! 

    GOLD is much sought after for its beauty and durability. Much of its desirability lies in the fact that it remains bright and untarnished seemingly indefinitely.

    This is because gold is resistant to attacks by water, oxygen, sulfur, and almost everything else. Many gold artifacts discovered in sunken vessels and elsewhere still retain their luster after hundreds of years.

    Interestingly, however, the Bible states that there is something that is more durable and “of much greater value than gold that perishes despite its being proved by fire.” (1 Peter 1:7) 

    Gold “proved,” or refined, by fire and other processes can attain 99.9 percent purity. Yet, even refined gold perishes, or dissolves, when exposed to aqua regia (royal water), a mixture of three parts hydrochloric acid and one part nitric acid. Thus, the Bible is scientifically correct in stating that ‘gold perishes.’

    By contrast, true Christian faith ‘preserves alive the soul.’ (Hebrews 10:39) Men can kill a person who has strong faith, as they did with Jesus Christ. But possessors of genuine faith are given this promise: “Prove yourself faithful even to death, and I will give you the crown of life.” (Revelation 2:10) 

    Those who die in faith remain in God’s memory, and he will resurrect them. (John 5:28, 29) 

    No amount of gold can accomplish that. In this respect, faith is truly of much greater value than gold. 

    For faith to have such excelling value, however, it must also be proved, or tested. In fact, it is ‘the tested quality of faith’ that Peter said is of greater value than gold. 

    Jehovah’s Witnesses would be happy to help you to study the Bible in order for you to develop and maintain strong faith in the true God, Jehovah, and in his Son, Jesus Christ. This, according to Jesus, “means everlasting life.”—John 17:3.

    "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3).



  13. How Did God Give Us Knowledge? -

    ??? Knowledge to Know and Understand His Words and Will? = ??

    “He has given us insight so that we may gain the knowledge of the one who is true. And we are in union with the one who is true, by means of his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and life everlasting." (1 John 5:20) 

    (1 John 5:20)
    'He has given us intellectual capacity that we may gain knowledge."

    Human brain: Modern computers are a product of intensive research and careful engineering. They did not “just happen.” 

    What about the human brain? Unlike the brain of any animal, the brain of a human infant triples in size during its first year. 

    How it functions is still largely a mystery to scientists. In humans, there is the built-in capacity to learn complex languages, to appreciate beauty, to compose music, to contemplate the origin and meaning of life. 

    Said brain surgeon Robert White: “I am left with no choice but to acknowledge the existence of a Superior Intellect, responsible for the design and development of the incredible brain-mind relationship—something far beyond man's capacity to understand.” (The Reader's Digest, September 1978, p. 99)

    The development of this marvel begins from a tiny fertilized cell in the womb. With remarkable insight, the Bible writer David said to Jehovah: “I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware.”—Ps. 139:14.

    Living cell: A single living cell is sometimes referred to as being a “simple” form of life. 

    But a one-celled animal can catch food, digest it, get rid of wastes, build a house for itself and engage in sexual activity. 

    Each cell of the human body has been likened to a walled city, with a central government to maintain order, a power plant to generate energy, factories to produce proteins, a complex transportation system, and guards to regulate what is permitted to enter. And a single human body is made up of as many as 100 trillion cells. 

    How appropriate the words of Psalm 104:24: “How many your works are, O Jehovah! All of them in wisdom you have made”! 


  14. May you ALWAYS be strong and SPEAK OUT! ???

    During a convention in the south of France, a very nice story was shared on stage.
    Update: "Apparently told at Marignane assembly hall at the regional convention this summer."
    There was an interview of 2 sisters and 2 brothers.
    ? The brother doing the talk asked the first sister :
    "So, what problem do you cope with in your service?"
    "I... don't like to preach in stores", she answered, then she continued:
    "One day, I entered a shoe store and simply let the magazines on the counter, saying to the saleswoman 'it's for you', then I quickly left the shop".
    ? The sister gave the microphone to the sister on her left, who said :
    "I'm this woman. I read the magazines and understood that it was the truth I was looking for. I was just working in the store but I thought to myself, if I could find what I was looking for with these, maybe other can do so too. I went to see my boss and gave him the magazines, telling him that he may found them interesting".
    ? Then, the sister gave the microphone to the brother on her left :
    "I'm the boss. and I too found what I was looking for indeed. And I told myself I could not keep this for myself. I usually go to a park everyday to eat my lunch. I let the magazines on a bench, thinking that if these magazines were good for me, they could be good for the one who would find them later."
    ? Then the brother gave the microphone to the brother on his left.
    "I was homeless... I was brought up in the Truth, but one day, I decided to do my own experience, freely, and I left everything. So, I was in the park, and I found the magazines on the bench. I understood that Jehovah was remembering me and that I had to go back to him."
    ? Finally, the brother gave the microphone to the first sister who doesn't like to preach in stores, she concluded :
    "This brother who was homeless... is my son."

    from Collen Mugovera Cape Town .

    Helderberg congregation


  15. Brother Lett, from the Governing Body, has been in the GHANA BRANCH, on Friday he had a dedication to the renewed Bethel, a new translation office and a new educational center. There is a special link with several nearby lands, such as Liberia and Nigeria, and there were also representatives of from Germany (Central Europe branch), which prints literature for these countries.



  16. The New World—Will You Be There? - It is Soon to Come! ???

    "I have concluded that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good during their life, also that everyone should eat and drink and find enjoyment for all his hard work. It is the gift of God." (Eccl 3:12,13) Revised

    “There is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good during one’s life; and also that every man should eat and indeed drink and see good for all his hard work. It is the gift of God.”
    (Eccl 3:12, 13)

    MANY people think of Almighty God as severe, stern. Yet, the above text is a truth that you will find in his inspired Word. It accords with his being “the happy God” and with his placing our first parents in an earthly paradise. (1 Timothy 1:11; Genesis 2:7-9) When seeking insight into the future that God promises for his people, we should not be surprised to learn of conditions that will bring us lasting enjoyment.

    In the preceding article, we examined three of the four instances where the Bible foretells “new heavens and a new earth.” (Isaiah 65:17)


  17. Jehovah Deserves Our United Praise


    “Praise Jah, you people!”—PS. 111:1.

    “[Jehovah’s] activity is dignity and splendor themselves, and his righteousness is standing forever. A memorial he has made for his wonderful works. Jehovah is gracious and merciful.” (Ps. 111:3, 4)


    Do you not agree that Jehovah’s activity throughout history, including things done during your lifetime, is a memorial to his “dignity and splendor”?


    Notice that the psalmist also stresses Jehovah’s beautiful qualities, such as righteousness, graciousness, and mercy. You know that the works of sinful mankind are seldom based on righteousness. Often they are an expression of greed, envy, and haughtiness. That is evident from the fiendish weapons men produce for the wars they foment and for economic gain. 


    These bring untold misery and horror to millions of innocent victims. Also, many human works have been accomplished at the expense of the oppressed poor. An example that many might cite is the use of slaves to build the pyramids. Those mainly served as burial places for the proud Pharaohs. Moreover, many of mankind’s present-day works not only are oppressive but are “ruining the earth.” (Revelation 11:18) 


    How different it is with Jehovah’s works, which are always based on what is right! His works include the merciful provision for the salvation of sinful mankind. In providing the ransom, God was ‘exhibiting his own righteousness.’ (Rom. 3:25, 26) 

    Tap on Beautiful Video Link mp4 _____Enjoy! ?????

  18. Speak What “Is Good for Building Up”

    ?? ?

    Must YOU Gossip? 

    "Make it your aim to live quietly and to mind your own business."
    (1Thess 4:11) Revised

    ?? ?

    “Let a rotten saying not proceed out of your mouth, but whatever saying is good for building up.”—EPHESIANS 4:29

    Harmful gossip, slander. Gossip is idle talk about people and their lives. Is all gossip bad? Not if we mean innocent conversation in which we might share positive or helpful news, such as who just got baptized or who needs a word of encouragement. First-century Christians had a keen interest in one another’s welfare and shared appropriate information about fellow believers. (Ephesians 6:21, 22; Colossians 4:8, 9) 

    ?? ?

    Gossip, however, can be harmful if it distorts the facts or reveals private matters. Even more serious, it can lead to slander, which is always damaging. Slander is “the utterance of false charges . . . which defame and damage another’s reputation.” The Pharisees, for example, resorted to malicious slander in an attempt to discredit Jesus. (Matthew 9:32-34; 12:22-24) Slander often causes contention.—Proverbs 26:20

    ?? ?

    Jehovah does not view lightly those who use the gift of speech to defame others or to cause divisions. He hates those causing “contentions among brothers.” (Proverbs 6:16-19) The Greek word rendered “slanderer” is di·a?bo·los, which is also used as a title of Satan. He is the “Devil,” the evil slanderer of God. (Revelation 12:9, 10) 

    ?? ?

    Surely we want to avoid speech that would cause us to become, in effect, a devil. There is no room in the congregation for slanderous speech that stirs up such works of the flesh as “contentions” and “divisions.” (Galatians 5:19-21) Hence, before repeating some news about someone, ask yourself: ‘Is it true? Would it be kind to repeat this? Is it necessary or advisable to share this information?’—1 Thessalonians 4:11

    ?? ?

    To be sure, speech is a precious gift from God. Our love for Jehovah should move us to use, not misuse, this gift. Let us remember that the words we speak to others have power—the power to build up or to tear down. Let us, then, strive to use this gift as the Giver intended—“for building up.” Our speech will thus be a blessing to those around us and will help us to remain in God’s love.


  19. God's Promises are True, just look up in a rainy day after a storm?


    What He Promises comes true!

    "The rainbow will occur in the cloud, and I will certainly see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of every kind on the earth.Ô 
    (Gen 9:16) 


    The first Biblical reference to a rainbow is in the account of the covenant God made with Noah and his offspring after the Flood survivors came out of the ark. (Ge 9:8-17; Isa 54:9, 10) 


    This splendid sight of itself would have been reassuring and an indication of peace to Noah and his family.


    Now are you still reassured when you see a Rainbow today that God keeps His Word?


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