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Bible Speaks

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Posts posted by Bible Speaks

  1. 1 hour ago, Gone Fishing said:

    Agreed! The only thing I would add is let's CONTINUE TO love and build up each other and give Jehovah and Lord Christ Jesus Our Praise!

    You make it sound like we are not.....:(   Which I am sure you didn't mean to.......:)

    @Gone Fishing

    Keep up the hard work as times get worse. We need each other. Don't Give Up! Love is the key ? 

    Thank you for your support!


  2. The wheelchair ramp going up into the little church is a nice place for people to sit and read our Quichua literature.  

    In the past, 4-6 family members could be seen seated and calmly absorbed in reading brochures, books and magazines.  

    However, the church evidently was not pleased.  Beginning a few months ago, a diminuitive elderly lady comes out of the church on Thursdays when we are next door and tosses buckets of water on the ramp so no one can sit there.  

    That being the case, we now direct those who take and want to read our literature to public benches about forty feet behind our carts. And the water?  It keeps coming out in buckets but is excellent dust suppression for the city sidewalk!  Thursday after Thursday we continue to approach the bucket lady in a mild and kind manner but she just tells us to leave and runs back into her church.  We will continue to attempt to greet her politely each week and simply ignore her dust control methods.

     Thank you 


  3. Quichua language public preaching in front of a large bank in Alausi, Ecuador.  In the background, next door to the bank is a small Catholic Church with a cross on the door.  

    People that live in isolated Quichua speaking villages come to do banking and there is no room inside for their families so they stay outside and bored.  

    We place lots of Quichua and Spanish literature to help pass their time.  However, there is no place for them to sit down.  



  4. The girl daughter of Jehovah's witnesses to whom court ordered blood transfusion died. ???

    A few days ago, we published the order of a judge in the Dominican Republic who took custody of the parental authority and forced to put a blood transfusion on a baby, despite the refusal of the parents.

    The girl is dead.

    Who is responsible for this death now?

    Is the judge willing to give himself the punishment that he would have put to the parents if he had died without a transfusion?

    And what do the inept doctors say?

    When in the st century a doctor says he only has blood as therapy, he's an inept one.

    Who's responsible?



  5. They were disloyal—Delilah to the man who loved her, Judge Samson.


    "How loyal and righteous and unblamable we proved to be."—1 Thess. 2:10.

    Disloyalty and betrayal cause pain and suffering. Indeed, such acts are an ominous sign of the times! 


    Samson Triumphs in the Strength of Jehovah!

    VINDICTIVE captors bore out his eyes and consign him to hard labor. Then they bring him out of the prison house into a pagan temple to provide amusement for the crowd. They parade him before thousands of onlookers and make sport of him. The prisoner is neither a criminal nor a commander of an enemy army. He is a worshiper of Jehovah and has served as judge in Israel for 20 years.


    Samson was single-minded in the pursuit of his objective, his fight against the Philistines. His staying at the house of a prostitute at Gaza was for the purpose of fighting against God’s enemies. Samson needed a lodging place for the night in an enemy city, and it could be found in the house of a prostitute. Samsonhad no immoral purpose in mind. He left the woman’s house at midnight, grabbed the city gates and the two side posts, and carried them to the top of a mountain near Hebron, which was some 37 miles [60 km] away. This was done with divine approval and God-given strength.—Judges 16:1-3.


    The way the holy spirit operated in Samson’s case was unique because of the unusual circumstances. Faithful servants of God today can rely on the same spirit to empower them. Jesus assured his followers that Jehovah will “give holy spirit to those asking him.”—Luke 11:13.


    It came about that Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah. The five axis lords of the Philistines were so eager to eliminate Samson that they enlisted her help. They approached Delilah and said to her: “Fool him and see in what his great power is and with what we can prevail over him.” As a bribe, each of the five axis lords offered her “one thousand one hundred silver pieces.”—Judges 16:4, 5.


    If the silver pieces were shekels, the offer of 5,500 shekels was a huge bribe. Abraham paid 400 shekels for a burial place for his wife, and a slave sold for just 30. (Genesis 23:14-20; Exodus 21:32) The fact that the axis lords—rulers of five Philistine cities—appealed to Delilah’s greed and not to her ethnic loyalty suggests that she was perhaps an Israelite woman. In any case, Delilah accepted the offer.


    Three times Samson gave Delilah misleading answers to her inquiry, and three times she betrayed him by trying to deliver him to his enemies. But “it came about that because she pressured him with her words all the time and kept urging him, his soul got to be impatient to the point of dying.” Samson finally revealed the truth—his hair had never been cut. Were it to be cut, he would grow weak and become like all other men.—Judges 16:6-17.


    That was Samson’s downfall. Delilah maneuvered him into a situation to have his head shaved. Samson’s power, however, was not literally in his hair. His hair merely represented his special relationship with God as a Nazirite. When Samson allowed himself to get into a situation that affected his Naziriteship because of the shaving of his head, ‘Jehovah departed from him.’ Philistines now overpowered Samson, blinded him, and put him in prison.—Judges 16:18-21.


    “Sovereign Lord Jehovah,” prayed Samson, “remember me, please, and strengthen me, please, just this once, O you the true God, and let me avenge myself upon the Philistines with vengeance for one of my two eyes.” Then he braced himself against the two center columns of the building, and “he bent himself with power.” The result? “The house went falling upon the axis lords and upon all the people that were in it, so that the dead that he put to death in his own death came to be more than those he had put to death during his lifetime.”—Judges 16:22-30.

    For physical strength, Samson was without equal among men. His mighty acts were notable indeed. But most important, Jehovah’s Word counts Samson among those strong in faith.—Hebrews 11:32-34.



  6. Time for Paradise? ??????

    “Be Joyful Forever in What I Am Creating”


    Jehovah now expands on his promise to restore a repentant remnant after their return from exile in Babylon. Through Isaiah, Jehovah says: “Here I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart.” (Isaiah 65:17)


    “No more will there come to be a suckling a few days old from that place, neither an old man that does not fulfill his days; for one will die as a mere boy, although a hundred years of age; and as for the sinner, although a hundred years of age he will have evil called down upon him.” (Isaiah 65:20)


    How far-reaching will the promised peace and security be? Jehovah concludes this portion of the prophecy: “‘The wolf and the lamb themselves will feed as one, and the lion will eat straw just like the bull; and as for the serpent, his food will be dust. They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,’ Jehovah has said.” (Isaiah 65:25) When the faithful Jewish remnant return to their homeland, they will be under Jehovah’s care. A lionwill, in effect, eat straw like a bull, for the lion will do no harm to the Jews or their domestic animals. This promise is sure, for it concludes with the words, “Jehovah has said.” And his word always comes true!—Isaiah 55:10, 11.




  7. OCTOBER 10, 2017 GERMANY
    Germany Grants Highest Legal Status to Jehovah’s Witnesses ?

    After more than 26 years of legal proceedings, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany obtained the same legal status as that granted to major religions in the country. On January 27, 2017, North Rhine-Westphalia was the last state of the 16 German states to grant public law status to Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    The decision is significant for the Witnesses because even though they have been present in Germany for well over 100 years, their national headquarters and the thousands of congregations in the country were considered independent religious associations. Now that the Witnesses have finally been granted public law status in all German states, they are viewed as a single religious entity and enjoy the benefits that this status provides.

    The Long Struggle to Obtain Public Law Status

    In 1921, Jehovah’s Witnesses were first registered in Germany under private law. After the reunification of Germany in 1990, the Witnesses applied for public law status because of the benefits available to religious organizations that have it.
    In order for a religious association to be registered throughout the country as a public law corporation, the law requires that it first obtain public law status in the German state where it is based. It may then apply for this status in the 15 other German states. In 1990, the religious association Jehovas Zeugen in Deutschland (Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany) first applied to the state of Berlin, where it maintains its legal address. Although most religious organizations seeking public law status obtain it within a short period of time, perhaps within a year or two, the Berlin government refused to grant public law status to Jehovah’s Witnesses for many years.

    One reason the government cited was that the Witnesses refrain from voting in national elections. However, this argument is not valid, since the law does not require German citizens to vote; to do so is entirely voluntary.

    This issue eventually came before the courts. On March 24, 2005, the Higher Administrative Court in Berlin ruled that Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany must be acknowledged as a “corporation of public law.” Over a year later, the state of Berlin relented and granted public law status to Jehovah’s Witnesses, ending a 16-year legal struggle with the Berlin government.

    Next, the Witnesses applied for public law status in the remaining 15 German states. In 2009, 11 states granted public law status; another 3 states followed in subsequent years; and the last state, North Rhine-Westphalia, granted public law status to Jehovah’s Witnesses on January 27, 2017. The persistent efforts of Jehovah’s Witnesses to obtain the same legal status as that granted to major religions in Germany finally ended after 26 years of legal proceedings.

    The Benefits of Having Public Law Status
    The national headquarters and the more than 2,000 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany now function under a single corporate structure.

    In the past, because each association representing at least one congregation was viewed as an independent religious association, it was subject to state laws requiring the submission of annual reports and tax returns. Adjustments in an association’s structure resulting from an appointment of new elders, purchase of property, or the renaming or merging of congregations had to be reported to the government. In the past these reporting requirements required much effort and time on the part of congregation elders, but now they can focus more fully on the pastoral care of congregation members.

    The lack of public law status also required congregations to pay fees for the processing of reports. A longtime elder in one congregation commented: “Now we have greater freedom to use donated funds to support the public ministry of congregation members.”

    Without the superior legal status of public law, Jehovah’s Witnesses were not viewed as a mainstream religion, even though some 274,000 Witnesses and their associates were attending their meetings in Germany.

    Armin Pikl, an attorney for the national headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany, observed: “During the more than 26 years of legal efforts to obtain the status as a corporation of public law, the media published hundreds of untrue and defamatory statements about our religion, sometimes almost weekly. Now the flood of untrue and defamatory statements has subsided.” Werner Rudtke, a longtime Witness, stated: “Since a religious association that wants to become a public law corporation must be law-abiding in every way, many false allegations against the Witnesses can be refuted.” Another Witness, named Petra, mentioned the past challenges facing schoolchildren. She said: “This kind of recognition is very helpful for children in school. Until now it has been the tendency of teachers to discriminate against Witness students as a result of the false allegation that they belonged to a ‘sect’ rather than to a religion.”

    Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany are grateful that their sincere religious activity has been recognized by the government as qualifying for public law status. They hope that such recognition will alleviate some of their past challenges and will benefit them as individuals and as a religious community.



  8. Jehovah's Witnesses in South Ossetia were recognized as an extremist organization

    The authorities of South Ossetia became interested in the activities of the organization after reporting to the Prosecutor General's Office that at its meetings literature and extremist ideas are being propagated.

    TSHINVAL, Oct 11 - Sputnik, Diana Kozaeva. The Supreme Court of South Ossetia granted the suit of the Prosecutor General's Office about the ban on the activity of the religious association "Jehovah's Witnesses" and its recognition as extremist in the territory of the republic, Justice Minister Zalina Lalieva told Sputnik.

    Court of South Ossetia is considering a case on the prohibition of "Jehovah's Witnesses"

    Attorney General Uruzmag Dzhagaev sued the court in July this year, after both the investigative department of the Prosecutor General's Office received reports that literature and ideas of an extremist nature are distributed and promoted at Witness meetings. Members of the organization conducted searches, during which siloviki seized religious literature, which is included in the list of extremist materials.

    "The case was examined last week and within ten days it will come into force if it is not appealed against, and a register of such organizations will be maintained in the future, I believe that they will be collected in some way underground, but their activities will be monitored by the competent authorities" , - said Lalieva.

    The Supreme Court of Russia in April of this year recognized the international organization "Jehovah's Witnesses" as extremist and liquidated it.
    Читать далее: http://sputnik-ossetia.ru/South_Ossetia/20171011/5020816.html



  9. Breaking News! ??? - 2018

    In the new examination of the scriptures daily-2018, the reading hours of the Bible are included.

    The Bible reading time for 2018 takes us from Matthew with facts, this will allow us a more detailed study than before, in 2013 we covered Matthew to apocalypse.

    Most weeks are only 1 OR 2 chapters
    A whole year will be dedicated to learning about Jesus. How he imitated the Lord, his personality, his teachings, his interactions with human beings, his mercy, his humility, his earthly family, the support of the Lord for him during his ministry and in the last days or hours before his death... In fact, as John was inspired to write: John 21:25. In fact, there are many other things that

    Jesus did, that if they were ever written in any detail, I guess the world itself could not contain written scrolls.

    Looking into the future, that means we will have more time for the rest of the Greek Scriptures.

    So many things are contained in the letters of Paul and the others. And this year we can take a deeper study of the gospels and the facts.

    And with our new change in the ministry, this is gonna be big.

    It makes me think that the ruling body expects something big that happens in maybe the next 2 TO 3 years. (which is just my personal opinion) I think 2018 will be an interesting year... with all the changes, something in me detects big changes ahead in the near future


  10. Man arrested after an interruption in Jehovah's witness room in North Stonington, Connecticut, USA 

    A man from voluntown was hospitalized on Sunday after he interrupted a service in a hall of Jehovah's witnesses and tried to cut the wires into the sound system in the building.

    The State Police accused Paul Johnson, 34, of 116 Ekonk Hill Road, of first-degree criminal rape, violation of peace and threat after saying he walked through the front doors of the hall of the witness kingdom Jehovah on route 184 carrying wire cutters at approximately 11:30 am

    Witnesses told the police that Johnson, who was intoxicated, was "Belligerent, threatening and alarmed about 104 members present", according to an arrest report.

    Several members of the church stopped him from trying to cut the wires to the sound system with the wire cutters and called the police. No injuries reported.
    Johnson was arrested and later taken to William w hospital. Backus.


    2 days ago

    No one has any right to walk into a place of worship and destroy property. I don't care what religion it is or what church. Or home or other property as well. I also agree that people should not be allowed to enter a property based on their religious beliefs. 
    But let me pass on a true story that I am aware of. Also understand that I am NOT a part of this religious group. 
    Several years ago this religious group held a large meeting at Yankee Stadium. The place was packed with Jehovah Witnesses. I happened to know a few of the police officers who were working there at the time. You know what they told me ? "It was the First Time that Yankee Stadium was completely full and there was NOT any need for even ONE NYC Police Officer to be there". TRUE STORY. No incidents occurred the entire time that group was there. Hasn't been the same since.




  11. So after lots of thought, lots of prayers,  and encouragement from a dear friend,  I’ve decided to take the plunge and learn a language I’ve always wanted to learn: Japanese! 

    I know it won’t be easy but I’m really looking forward to all the new experiences that this will open up for me to do more in Jehovah’s service and to hopefully be a help to my brothers and sisters. 

    Can’t wait to meet you all in the Japanese field!


    Thank you



  12. 18 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

    There is that old proverb ... beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone.

    Usually because of the fact that if a Sister gives importance to such things, her thinking becomes more and more distorted, until it becomes a self-fufilling "prophesy".

    Ever notice that over time, people and their dogs begin to look alike?

    Same thing.

    It is an empathetic response feedback loop.

    You ARE what you THINK!


    @James Thomas Rook Jr.

    In Paradise you will say to me, wow perfection it is! Just thought you'd smile? Sent you a video of a woman like me. Enjoy! ??‍♀️ Oh, also finding me a younger man 13 years younger makes me younger already!

    Tap on Video Link mp4 ____Enjoy! 

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